00000001 0.00000000 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_DeviceName=Google Pixel 2 XL - Internal shared storage_ItemID=DeviceConfig.xml , Range: < -1, -1> 00000002 0.00027110 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00000003 0.00053940 [8248] MM5 [8060](R) PostponeComputerSleep: Enabled = 1 00000004 0.00098270 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) PostponeComputerSleep: SetThreadExecutionState result = $80000000 00000005 0.00124270 [8248] MM5 [8060](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00000006 0.00151110 [8248] MM5 [8060](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00000007 0.00228040 [8248] MM5 [8060](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 00000008 0.00741830 [8248] MM5 [8060](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00000009 0.00813550 [8248] UPnP Server: Creating HTTP entity 00000010 0.10049710 [8248] UPnP: _UploadRequest: Header: --wp5yVBKJl-hhpwqLT3GMfaT0tRuv4s5pFx 00000011 0.10049710 [8248] Content-Disposition: form-data; name="SettingsUpload:DeviceID:710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482" 00000012 0.10049710 [8248] 00000013 0.10049710 [8248] com.ventismedia.android.mediamonkey.player.tracklist.track.RemoteTrack:Google Pixel 2 XL - Internal shared storage1\Music\%R\%L\%02T $Left(%A,20) - %S\Music\Classical\%C\%L\%02T $Left(%A,20) - %S\Music\Audiobooks\%L - %A\%02T %S\Music\Podcasts\%ZU\%ZP %S\Video\Podcasts\%ZU\%ZP %S\Video\%S - %Y\Video\Music Video\%R - %L\%02T %S\Video\TV\%ZV\%02ZY %S1\Playlists\10001101albumart010\Video\\Music\\Video\\Music\ 00000014 0.10049710 [8248] --wp5yVBKJl-hhpwqLT3GMfaT0tRuv4s5pFx-- 00000015 0.10080010 [8248] MM5 [4932](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00000016 0.17460939 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_DeviceName=Google Pixel 2 XL - Internal shared storage_ItemID=DeviceConfig.xml , Range: < -1, -1> 00000017 0.17487150 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00000018 0.17518321 [8248] MM5 [10348](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00000019 0.17544959 [8248] GetSyncSettingsForDevice: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00000020 0.17569120 [8248] MM5 [10348](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00000021 0.18097480 [8248] MM5 [10348](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00000022 0.18181010 [8248] UPnP Server: Creating HTTP entity 00000023 0.25344399 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00000024 0.26133409 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) _BrowseRequest started 00000025 0.26164129 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00000026 0.26196459 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00000027 0.26229221 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00000028 0.26877329 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DeviceTracks WHERE IDDevice=677 00000029 0.29203030 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing whole Collections 00000030 0.29274970 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing locations 00000031 0.29351130 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing albums 00000032 0.29422131 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing artists 00000033 0.29492661 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing Genres 00000034 0.29554859 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing Ratings 00000035 0.29615900 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing podcasts 00000036 0.29708871 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=1 00000037 0.29823479 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing whole Collections 00000038 0.29890239 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing locations 00000039 0.29964569 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing albums 00000040 0.30036831 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing artists 00000041 0.30120149 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing Genres 00000042 0.30209079 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing Ratings 00000043 0.30264291 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing podcasts 00000044 0.30332571 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB lock took 15 ms : SELECT Podcasts.Id, SynchPodcast.MaskPath FROM Podcasts INNER JOIN SynchPodcast ON (Podcasts.ID=SynchPodcast.IDPodcast AND SynchPodcast.IDDevice=677 AND SynchPodcast.FilterID=2) 00000045 0.30563569 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) TDeviceSynchronization.AddSongsToList: Candidtes count = 0 00000046 0.30646089 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM SynchCollection WHERE SynchCollection.IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=3 00000047 0.30709511 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM SynchLocation WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=3 00000048 0.30768111 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Albums.ID, Albums.Album, Albums.Artist, SynchAlbum.MaskPath, SynchAlbum.PersonType, SynchAlbum.IDArtist FROM Albums INNER JOIN SynchAlbum ON (Albums.ID=SynchAlbum.IDAlbum AND SynchAlbum.IDDevice=677 AND SynchAlbum.FilterID=3) 00000049 0.30848399 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.Id, Artists.Artist, SynchArtist.MaskPath, SynchArtist.PersonType, SynchArtist.ArtistNodeType FROM Artists INNER JOIN SynchArtist ON (Artists.ID=SynchArtist.IDArtist AND SynchArtist.IDDevice=677 AND SynchArtist.FilterID=3) WHERE SynchArtist.PartialCheck<>1 OR SynchArtist.PartialCheck is null 00000050 0.30924451 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB open SQL: SELECT IDGenre FROM SynchGenre WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=3 00000051 0.30991730 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Rating FROM SynchRating WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=3 00000052 0.31053269 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Podcasts.Id, SynchPodcast.MaskPath FROM Podcasts INNER JOIN SynchPodcast ON (Podcasts.ID=SynchPodcast.IDPodcast AND SynchPodcast.IDDevice=677 AND SynchPodcast.FilterID=3) 00000053 0.31221631 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) TDeviceSynchronization.AddSongsToList: Candidtes count = 0 00000054 0.31267881 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM SynchCollection WHERE SynchCollection.IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=4 00000055 0.31326479 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM SynchLocation WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=4 00000056 0.31381121 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Albums.ID, Albums.Album, Albums.Artist, SynchAlbum.MaskPath, SynchAlbum.PersonType, SynchAlbum.IDArtist FROM Albums INNER JOIN SynchAlbum ON (Albums.ID=SynchAlbum.IDAlbum AND SynchAlbum.IDDevice=677 AND SynchAlbum.FilterID=4) 00000057 0.31440800 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.Id, Artists.Artist, SynchArtist.MaskPath, SynchArtist.PersonType, SynchArtist.ArtistNodeType FROM Artists INNER JOIN SynchArtist ON (Artists.ID=SynchArtist.IDArtist AND SynchArtist.IDDevice=677 AND SynchArtist.FilterID=4) WHERE SynchArtist.PartialCheck<>1 OR SynchArtist.PartialCheck is null 00000058 0.31502780 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB open SQL: SELECT IDGenre FROM SynchGenre WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=4 00000059 0.31564230 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Rating FROM SynchRating WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=4 00000060 0.31635040 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Podcasts.Id, SynchPodcast.MaskPath FROM Podcasts INNER JOIN SynchPodcast ON (Podcasts.ID=SynchPodcast.IDPodcast AND SynchPodcast.IDDevice=677 AND SynchPodcast.FilterID=4) 00000061 0.31775650 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) TDeviceSynchronization.AddSongsToList: Candidtes count = 0 00000062 0.31829950 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM SynchCollection WHERE SynchCollection.IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=5 00000063 0.31907901 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM SynchLocation WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=5 00000064 0.31975520 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Albums.ID, Albums.Album, Albums.Artist, SynchAlbum.MaskPath, SynchAlbum.PersonType, SynchAlbum.IDArtist FROM Albums INNER JOIN SynchAlbum ON (Albums.ID=SynchAlbum.IDAlbum AND SynchAlbum.IDDevice=677 AND SynchAlbum.FilterID=5) 00000065 0.32058311 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.Id, Artists.Artist, SynchArtist.MaskPath, SynchArtist.PersonType, SynchArtist.ArtistNodeType FROM Artists INNER JOIN SynchArtist ON (Artists.ID=SynchArtist.IDArtist AND SynchArtist.IDDevice=677 AND SynchArtist.FilterID=5) WHERE SynchArtist.PartialCheck<>1 OR SynchArtist.PartialCheck is null 00000066 0.41166449 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00000067 0.41240141 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 16ms for 155 00000068 0.41312820 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) TDeviceSynchronization.AddSongsToList: Candidtes count = 155 00000069 0.41429871 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Im Tachane , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Hebrew Music from Ami\36 Im Tachane.mp3 00000070 0.41546449 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ki Nicham , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Rabbi's Sons\Greatest Hits\10 The Rabbi's Sons - Ki Nicham.flac 00000071 0.41643640 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Shma Israel , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Hebrew Music from Ami\21 Shma Israel.mp3 00000072 0.41760299 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Kevodo , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Shlomo Katz\Live in Melbourne 2\11 Shlomo Katz - Kevodo.flac 00000073 0.41876680 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Eliyahu Hanavi , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Moshav Band\The Best Of - Higher and Higher\7 - The Moshav Band - Eliyahu Hanavi.flac 00000074 0.41994900 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ut Ut , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Project X\The Ultimate Wedding Experienc\6 - Project X - Ut Ut.mp3 00000075 0.42155060 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Shuvi El Beti (Dj Yoav Remix) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Idan Raichel\Unknown\00 - Idan Raichel - Shuvi El Beti (Dj Yoav Remix).mp3 00000076 0.42288619 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ha'Malach , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\D'veykus\D'veykus IV\2 - D'veykus - Ha'Malach.mp3 00000077 0.42435059 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ki Va Moed , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Inasense\Inasense\00 - Inasense - Ki Va Moed.mp3 00000078 0.42560881 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Yalili , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Hebrew Music from Ami\24 Yalili.mp3 00000079 0.42649141 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Beiolkim Official Music Video , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Berry Weber - Beiolkim Official Music Video.m4a 00000080 0.42747471 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ma'aminim , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Mordechai ben David\Ma'aminim B'nei Ma'aminim\MBD-Ma'aminim.mp3 00000081 0.42834699 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Invei Hagefen , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Hebrew Music from Ami\03 Invei Hagefen.mp3 00000082 0.42916641 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Mechake - ???? , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\???? ???? ???? - ???? -Idan Rafael Haviv.m4a 00000083 0.43002501 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file ????? , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Adar - Halaila (Official Music Video) ??? - ?????.m4a 00000084 0.43085751 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file MahRabu , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Maccabeats\Maccabeats\01 Maccabeats - MahRabu.flac 00000085 0.43174741 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Mi Shemamin , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Hebrew Music from Ami\32 Mi Shemamin.mp3 00000086 0.43257821 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ma Ma Ma , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Hebrew Music from Ami\10 Ma Ma Ma.m4a 00000087 0.43345091 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\????? ????????\-6 - .mp3 00000088 0.43452200 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Yerushalaim , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Hebrew Music from Ami\37 Yerushalaim.mp3 00000089 0.43553120 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hinach Yafah (Thou Art Beautiful) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Idan Raichel\The Idan Raichel Project\4 - Idan Raichel - Hinach Yafah (Thou Art Beautiful).mp3 00000090 0.43660811 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Bo'ee (Come With Me) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Idan Raichel\The Idan Raichel Project\1 - Idan Raichel - Bo'ee (Come With Me).mp3 00000091 0.43811861 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ani Ma'amin , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\D'veykus\D'veykus IV\10 - D'veykus - Ani Ma'amin.mp3 00000092 0.44005790 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Dveykus Medley , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Neginah\Chupah Songs\7 - Neginah - Dveykus Medley.mp3 00000093 0.44194400 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file ??? ???? , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\??? ???? I ????? ???? ITZIK DADYA Rabi Nachman.m4a 00000094 0.44345641 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hineh , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Shlomo and Eitan Katz\Biglal\06 Shlomo and Eitan Katz - Hineh.flac 00000095 0.44473261 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Old City Chuppa Niggun , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Shlomo Katz\Live in Melbourne 2\04 Shlomo Katz - Old City Chuppa Niggun.flac 00000096 0.44573489 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Mimcha ad Elai , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\????? ????????\- - (1).mp3 00000097 0.44675240 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Kavei , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Rabbi's Sons\Greatest Hits\09 The Rabbi's Sons - Kavei.flac 00000098 0.45158851 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ba Li , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Ultras ft Matan Agami – Ba Li.m4a 00000099 0.45263651 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file One Day , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Maccabeats\Maccabeats\12 Maccabeats - One Day.flac 00000100 0.45359099 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Kol Dodi , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Shlomo and Eitan Katz\Biglal\05 Shlomo and Eitan Katz - Kol Dodi.flac 00000101 0.45492411 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file ???? ???? , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\????? ?????\????? ??? – ???? 10 – ??? ???? ???? ???????\1 - ??? ?????? - ???? ????.mp3 00000102 0.45587891 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Yhei Shlama , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Yehei Shlomah by the chevra.m4a 00000103 0.45689350 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Im Telech (If You Go) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Idan Raichel\The Idan Raichel Project\7 - Idan Raichel - Im Telech (If You Go).mp3 00000104 0.45786399 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Krakower Niggun , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Jewish Soul Guitar Vol 2\12 KRAKOVS NIGGUN.mp3 00000105 0.46316689 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Od Yishama , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Shlomo Katz\Malei Olam\06 Shlomo Katz - Od Yishama.flac 00000106 0.46378759 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Im Eshkachech , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Yaacov Schwekey - Im Eshkachech.m4a 00000107 0.46435449 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ma'agalim , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\jane-bordeaux-ma-agalim.mp3 00000108 0.46531141 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Heart is Open (acoustic version) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Moshav Band\The Best Of - Higher and Higher\18 - The Moshav Band - Heart is Open (acoustic version).flac 00000109 0.46627799 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file ???? , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\jane-bordeaux-einav.mp3 00000110 0.46928060 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rabbi Akiva , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Rabbi's Sons\Greatest Hits\12 The Rabbi's Sons - Rabbi Akiva.flac 00000111 0.47049019 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Matanot Ktanot - ????? ????? , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\????? ????????\- - (1).mp3 00000112 0.47147870 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Et Rikod , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Hebrew Music from Ami\09 Et Rikod.mp3 00000113 0.48129109 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Bo'i V'Shalom , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\D'veykus\D'veykus IV\7 - D'veykus - Bo'i V'Shalom.mp3 00000114 0.48229951 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Higher and Higher , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Moshav Band\The Best Of - Higher and Higher\1 - The Moshav Band - Higher and Higher.flac 00000115 0.51103812 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file ??? ????? , Path: \\\puzzle\Music\????? ?????\????? ??? – ???? 10 – ??? ???? ???? ???????\20 - ????? ???? - ??? ?????.mp3 00000116 0.51203728 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Shnaim , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Shlomo Artzi Ve Rita\Unknown\00 - Shlomo Artzi Ve Rita - Shnaim.mp3 00000117 0.51294178 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file ?? ???? ????? , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\???? ??? - ?? ???? ????? Itay Levy.m4a 00000118 0.51377487 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Future , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Project X\The Ultimate Wedding Experienc\4 - Project X - The Future.mp3 00000119 0.51465142 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Geshem Yored , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\fastmp3-org-jane-bordeaux-geshem-yored-23868833.mp3 00000120 0.51547861 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Miracle , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Maccabeats\Out of the Box\09 Maccabeats - Miracle.flac 00000121 0.51635569 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Tov Lehodos , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Rabbi's Sons\Greatest Hits\02 The Rabbi's Sons - Tov Lehodos.flac 00000122 0.51719230 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Harachaman , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Rabbi's Sons\Greatest Hits\03 The Rabbi's Sons - Harachaman.flac 00000123 0.51801169 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Boee Veshalom , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Neginah\Chupah Songs 1\2 - Neginah - Boee Veshalom.mp3 00000124 0.51893997 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Emigrant , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\4_Chanukah_CDs___Jewish_Music.3920203.TPB\4_CDs - Chanukah_and_More_Jewish_Music\Festival of Light\03 - The Emigrant [Flairck].mp3 00000125 0.52081788 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file ??? ?? ??? , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\??? ??? - ??? ?? ???.m4a 00000126 0.52207011 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file ???? ????? , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Eigth day - ???? ?????.m4a 00000127 0.52312332 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Shema Koleinu , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\D'veykus\D'veykus IV\5 - D'veykus - Shema Koleinu.mp3 00000128 0.52407283 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Niggun Nevo , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Shlomo Katz\Live in Melbourne 1\13 Shlomo Katz - Niggun Nevo.flac 00000129 0.52599877 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hazor'im , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Shlomo Katz\Live in Melbourne 1\11 Shlomo Katz - Hazor'im.flac 00000130 0.52688563 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Strong World , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\fastmp3-org-ivri-lider-and-idan-raichel.mp3 00000131 0.52793962 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Celebrate , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\8th Day - Celebrate (Official Music Video).m4a 00000132 0.52888900 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Bo'i Beshalom , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Jewish Soul Guitar Vol 2\09 BOI BESHALOM.mp3 00000133 0.52987540 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file ????? , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Idan Raichel Project - ??????? ?? ???? ????? - ?????.m4a 00000134 0.53097701 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Traditional Medely II , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Neginah\Chupah Songs\10 - Neginah - Traditional Medely II.mp3 00000135 0.54508853 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Mai Nahar - River Waters , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\IDAN RAICHEL Mai Nahar (River Waters).m4a 00000136 0.56099021 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ani Ba , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Shlomo Artzi & Yehuda Poliker - Ani Ba\Shlomo Artzi & Yehuda Poliker\00 - Shlomo Artzi & Yehuda Poliker - Ani Ba - Ani Ba.mp3 00000137 0.56342649 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file ?????? ??????? , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\??? ??? - ?????? ???????.m4a 00000138 0.57909572 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file ??? ????? , Path: \\\puzzle\Music\לי×ור נרקיס\גדלנו יחד – דיסק 10 – הגל החדש ברוק הישר×לי\20 - ×ביתר בנ××™ - מתי נתנשק.mp3 00000139 0.58021992 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file LeGabay , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Hebrew Music from Ami\03 LeGabay.m4a 00000140 0.58139253 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Im Ein Li Mi Li , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Hebrew Music from Ami\26 Im Ein Li Mi Li.mp3 00000141 0.58227527 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Esa Einai , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Jewish Soul Guitar Vol 1\06 Esa Einai.mp3 00000142 0.58312219 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Milim yafot miele , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Idan Raichel\Unknown\00 - Idan Raichel - Milim yafot miele.mp3 00000143 0.58391011 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Yafe Lach Lehiyot Meusheret - ??? ?? ????? ?????? , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\???? ???? - ??? ?? ????? ??????.m4a 00000144 0.58476412 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file ??? ??????? , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\???? ??? - ??? ??????? (????) - Sarit Hadad.m4a 00000145 0.58573049 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Niggun Neshama , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Shlomo Katz\Live in Melbourne 2\12 Shlomo Katz - Niggun Neshama.flac 00000146 0.58691633 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Idan Rafael Haviv , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\???? ???? ???? - ????? ?? ????? - Idan Rafael Haviv.m4a 00000147 0.58861732 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Kol Dodi , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Shlomo Katz\Live in Melbourne 2\01 Shlomo Katz - Kol Dodi.flac 00000148 0.58962482 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Shiru L'melech , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Jewish Soul Guitar Vol 1\07 Shiru L'melech.mp3 00000149 0.59048951 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rachem , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\D'veykus\D'veykus V\00 - D'veykus - Rachem.mp3 00000150 0.59229040 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB open SQL: SELECT LastContentHash, LastModified FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist = 286 00000151 0.61280501 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB lock took 15 ms : UPDATE Playlists SET LastContentHash = '123GYTF6Z7FCMFY2', LastModified = '2018-12-23 09:26:29' WHERE IDPlaylist = 286 00000152 0.61320519 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) UpdateLastModifiedForAutoPlaylist finished, idPlaylist = 286 Oldhash = D172921JA41CS4NR Newhash = 123GYTF6Z7FCMFY2 00000153 0.61365330 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB open SQL: SELECT IdPlaylist FROM Playlists WHERE ParentPlaylist=289 00000154 0.61594230 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE (Songs.Rating<0) AND Songs.Year>=20130000 AND NOT Songs.ID IN (SELECT ArtistsSongs.IDSong FROM ArtistsSongs WHERE ArtistsSongs.PersonType = 1 AND ArtistsSongs.IDArtist IN (SELECT Artists.ID FROM Artists WHERE Artists.ID in (2238,2421,2415))) AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) ORDER BY random(*) 00000155 0.70581269 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB lock took 78 ms : SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE (Songs.Rating<0) AND Songs.Year>=20130000 AND NOT Songs.ID IN (SELECT ArtistsSongs.IDSong FROM ArtistsSongs WHERE ArtistsSongs.PersonType = 1 AND ArtistsSongs.IDArtist IN (SELECT Artists.ID FROM Artists WHERE Artists.ID in (2238,2421,2415))) AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) ORDER BY random(*) 00000156 0.71009511 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00000157 0.71044183 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 16ms for 195 00000158 0.71106488 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) TDeviceSynchronization.AddSongsToList: Candidtes count = 195 00000159 0.71203142 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Dip , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\080. Tyga & Nicki Minaj - Dip.mp3 00000160 0.71301931 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Classic , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\50 - MKTO - MKTO - Classic.mp3 00000161 0.72231990 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Love Is an Open Door , Path: \\\Qdownload\Disney's Frozen Deluxe Soundtrack (2013) (flac)\Disc 1\04 - Kristen Bell and Santino Fontana - Love Is an Open Door.flac 00000162 0.72391802 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file I'm a Mess , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\078. Bebe Rexha - I'm a Mess.mp3 00000163 0.72507823 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Broken Homes (feat. Nafe Smallz, M Huncho & Gunna) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\38. The Plug, Nafe Smallz, M Huncho feat. Gunna - Broken Homes.mp3 00000164 0.72644329 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Cheerleader (Felix Jaehn Remix) [Radio Edit] , Path: C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Omi\Me 4 U\01 Cheerleader (Felix Jaehn Remix) [.m4a 00000165 0.72768289 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Baby (feat. Marina and The Diamonds & Luis Fonsi) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\32. Clean Bandit - Baby (feat. Marina and The Diamonds & Luis Fonsi).mp3 00000166 0.72856879 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Boom Clap , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\34 - Charli XCX - The Fault In Our Stars - Boom Clap.mp3 00000167 0.72948200 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Happier , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\003. Marshmello & Bastille - Happier.mp3 00000168 0.73032582 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Lucid Dreams , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\010. Juice Wrld - Lucid Dreams.mp3 00000169 0.73122001 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Leave a Light On , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\36. Tom Walker - Leave a Light On.mp3 00000170 0.73899031 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Guitar , Path: \\\puzzle\Mobile tones\Alarms\guitar_2013.mp3 00000171 0.74023592 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Jana Studio - interview with Bertie on Heroditus , Path: C:\Users\Russell\Music\Podcasts\Storynory - Stories For Kids\Jana’s Studio - Interview with Bertie.mp3 00000172 0.74124187 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas To You) (1999 Digital Remaster) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\039. Nat King Cole - The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas To You).mp3 00000173 0.74233818 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Blue Tacoma , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\089. Russell Dickerson - Blue Tacoma.mp3 00000174 0.74334061 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Cold As Ice , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\25. Cold As Ice - Foreigner.mp3 00000175 0.74437040 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Baby Shark , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\35. Pinkfong - Baby Shark.mp3 00000176 0.74546272 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file ZEZE (feat. Travis Scott & Offset) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\10. Kodak Black, Offset, Travis Scott - ZEZE.mp3 00000177 0.74650723 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file ocean eyes , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\096. Billie Eilish - ocean eyes.mp3 00000178 0.75339431 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Reindeer(s) Remix (Outtake) , Path: \\\Qdownload\Disney's Frozen Deluxe Soundtrack (2013) (flac)\Disc 2\09 - Robert Lopez - Reindeer(s) Remix (Outtake).flac 00000179 0.75382388 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Better , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\18. Khalid - Better.mp3 00000180 0.75478882 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Name that tune - hebrew , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\HA Trivia\Quiz\HA-trivia_hebrew_quiz.mp3 00000181 0.75609070 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Woman Like Me (feat. Nicki Minaj) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\02. Little Mix - Woman Like Me (feat. Nicki Minaj).mp3 00000182 0.75721991 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Studio , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\96 - ScHoolboy Q - Oxymoron - Studio.mp3 00000183 0.75846392 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Cindy Incidentally , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\51. Cindy Incidentally - Faces.mp3 00000184 0.75949383 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file KIKA (Feat. Tory Lanez) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\059. 6ix9ine - KIKA (Feat. Tory Lanez).mp3 00000185 0.76075548 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file New Flame , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\77 - Chris Brown - X - New Flame.mp3 00000186 0.76175427 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ring (feat. Kehlani) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\047. Cardi B & Kehlani - Ring (feat. Kehlani).mp3 00000187 0.76260310 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Fine China , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\064. Future & Juice Wrld - Fine China.mp3 00000188 0.76366472 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file All I Want for Christmas Is You , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\014. Mariah Carey - All I Want for Christmas Is You.mp3 00000189 0.76465589 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Good Girl , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\081. Dustin Lynch - Good Girl.mp3 00000190 0.76566070 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Jesus Was A Cross Maker , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\67. Jesus Was A Cross Maker - Judee Sill.mp3 00000191 0.76727390 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Sat By The Ocean , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE - DISCOGRAPHY (1997-13) [CHANNEL NEO]\[2013] ...Like Clockwork\02 - I Sat By The Ocean.mp3 00000192 0.76827919 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Lost In Japan (Remix) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\056. Shawn Mendes & ZEDD - Lost In Japan (Remix).mp3 00000193 0.76923031 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Taste , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\035. Tyga & Offset - Taste.mp3 00000194 0.77143902 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Journey , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\66. Journey - Duncan Browne.mp3 00000195 0.77251011 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Be Alright , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\065. Dean Lewis - Be Alright.mp3 00000196 0.77345020 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Everybody Dance (Edit Version) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\30. Everybody Dance (Edit Version) - Chic.mp3 00000197 0.77453172 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Smile (Living My Best Life) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\068. Lil Duval & Snoop Dogg & Ball Greezy - Smile (Living My Best Life).mp3 00000198 0.77532232 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Without Me , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\06. Halsey - Without Me.mp3 00000199 0.77612072 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Bailando , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\38 - Enrique Iglesias - Sex And Love - Bailando.mp3 00000200 0.77705997 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Hear You Knocking , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\54. I Hear You Knocking - Dave Edmunds.mp3 00000201 0.77795261 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Wake up in the Sky (You Wont) (Tribute to Gucci Mane & Bruno Mars & Kodak Black) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\015. Gucci Mane - Wake up in the Sky (Bruno Mars & Kodak Black).mp3 00000202 0.77890950 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file WAKA (Feat. A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\071. 6ix9ine - WAKA (Feat. A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie).mp3 00000203 0.77999419 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Work (feat. Drake) , Path: C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Rihanna\ANTI (Deluxe)\04 Work (feat. Drake).m4a 00000204 0.78099138 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Girl Like You , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\094. Jason Aldean - Girl Like You.mp3 00000205 0.78248769 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file lovely , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\083. Billie Eilish & Khalid - lovely.mp3 00000206 0.78352052 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file She Got the Best of Me , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\042. Luke Combs - She Got the Best of Me.mp3 00000207 0.78461277 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Greatest Show , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\39. Panic! At the Disco - The Greatest Show.mp3 00000208 0.78594249 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Drip Too Hard , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\008. Lil Baby & Gunna - Drip Too Hard.mp3 00000209 0.79532778 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Let It Go (Demi Lovato Version) , Path: \\\Qdownload\Disney's Frozen Deluxe Soundtrack (2013) (flac)\Disc 1\10 - Demi Lovato - Let It Go (Demi Lovato Version).flac 00000210 0.79624403 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Backin' It Up (feat. Cardi B) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\076. Pardison Fontaine & Cardi B - Backin' It Up (feat. Cardi B).mp3 00000211 0.79706609 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file BRACKETS , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\30. J. Cole - BRACKETS.mp3 00000212 0.79794788 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file If You Could Read My Mind , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\23. If You Could Read My Mind - Gordon Lightfoot.mp3 00000213 0.79880673 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Magic , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\27. Magic - Pilot.mp3 00000214 0.79956388 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Mama , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\058. 6ix9ine feat. Nicki Minaj & Kanye West - MAMA.mp3 00000215 0.80041671 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Consequences (orchestra) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\077. Camila Cabello - Consequences (orchestra).mp3 00000216 0.80120760 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file STOOPID , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\061. 6IX9INE & Bobby Shmurda - STOOPID.mp3 00000217 0.80201018 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Shonanat Yacov , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\purim songs\Shoshanas Yaakov - Lev Aryeh 2015 (NEW) Purim Music Video - Catwalk.m4a 00000218 0.80284488 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Bang Bang , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\63. Bang Bang - BA Robertson.mp3 00000219 0.80362117 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Up & Up , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Coldplay- A Had Full Of Drams (2015)...Freak37\11. Up&Up.mp3 00000220 0.80487400 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file 10 Freaky Girls , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\070. Metro Boomin & 21 Savage - 10 Freaky Girls.mp3 00000221 0.80584311 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sweet but Psycho , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\13. Ava Max - Sweet but Psycho.mp3 00000222 0.80699909 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file SICKO MODE , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\001. Travis Scott - SICKO MODE.mp3 00000223 0.80812907 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Are You Ready for a Glorious Sunset? (Rebroadcast) , Path: C:\Users\Russell\Music\Podcasts\Freakonomics Radio\Are You Ready for a Glorious Sunset (Rebroadcast).mp3 00000224 0.80917782 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Taki Taki , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\19. DJ Snake - Taki Taki.mp3 00000225 0.81012189 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Noticed , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\099. Lil Mosey - Noticed.mp3 00000226 0.81113261 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file One Dance (feat. Wizkid & Kyla) , Path: C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Drake\Views\12 One Dance (feat. Wizkid & Kyla).m4a 00000227 0.81224817 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Promises , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\23. Calvin Harris & Sam Smith - Promises.mp3 00000228 0.81423038 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file BAD! , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\054. Xxxtentacion - BAD!.mp3 00000229 0.81537813 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Shotgun , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\27. George Ezra - Shotgun.mp3 00000230 1.12040019 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB lock took 203 ms : SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.Year>=20120000 AND Songs.Rating>=46 AND NOT Songs.ID IN (SELECT IDSong FROM GenresSongs WHERE GenresSongs.IDGenre IN ( SELECT Genres.IDGenre FROM Genres WHERE Genres.IDGenre in (43,9))) AND Songs.TrackType in (0) AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) ORDER BY random(*) 00000231 1.14020073 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00000232 1.14065289 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 15ms for 430 00000233 1.14168608 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) TDeviceSynchronization.AddSongsToList: Candidtes count = 430 00000234 1.14277196 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Dusk Till Dawn , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2017 11 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (11.11.2017) [Mga Zone Music]\72. ZAYN - Dusk Till Dawn (feat. Sia).mp3 00000235 1.14377642 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file She's Gone , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\14. She's Gone - Hall & Oates.mp3 00000236 1.14608181 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Love Lies , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\59. Khalid & Normani - Love Lies.mp3 00000237 1.14732122 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Perfect Duet (with Beyoncé) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\11. Ed Sheeran - Perfect Duet (with Beyoncé).mp3 00000238 1.14875400 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Werewolves Of London , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\65. Werewolves Of London - Warren Zevon.mp3 00000239 1.14978862 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Knew You Were Trouble , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2012 Top100\015 - Taylor Swift - I Knew You Were Trouble.mp3 00000240 1.15063381 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file House Party , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2015 08 Hot 100\HOT 100 Singles\28. Sam Hunt - House Party.mp3 00000241 1.15203321 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Lay It All On Me , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\US Billboard Top 100 Single Charts (14th November 2015)\62. Rudimental feat. Ed Sheeran - Lay It All On Me.mp3 00000242 1.15303230 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Take a Walk , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2012 Top100\091 - Passion Pit - Take a Walk.mp3 00000243 1.15609765 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais Vocal Down Mix) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\045 - Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais Vocal Down Mix) - Lana Del Rey.mp3 00000244 1.15734017 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Hills , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2015 08 Hot 100\HOT 100 Singles\05. The Weeknd - The Hills.mp3 00000245 1.15846765 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file H.O.L.Y. , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\017. Florida Georgia Line - H.O.L.Y..mp3 00000246 1.15988874 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file I'd Really Love To See You Tonight , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\20. I'd Really Love To See You Tonight - England Dan & John Ford Coley.mp3 00000247 1.16129124 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hall Of Fame , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\085 - Hall Of Fame - The Script ft. Will.I.Am.mp3 00000248 1.16237044 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file West Coast , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Lana Del Rey - Discography - 2008-2014\?lbums\2014 - Ultraviolence\05 West Coast.m4a 00000249 1.16333103 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file All in My Head (Flex) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Fifth Harmony - All In My Head (Flex).mp3 00000250 1.16437876 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rude , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\07 - Magic! - Don't Kill The Magic - Rude.mp3 00000251 1.16559994 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Unforgettable , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2017 11 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (11.11.2017) [Mga Zone Music]\49. Thomas Rhett - Unforgettable.mp3 00000252 1.16724539 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Lost Boy , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Ruth B - Lost Boy.mp3 00000253 1.16839385 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Black Magic , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2015 08 Hot 100\HOT 100 Singles\99. Little Mix - Black Magic.mp3 00000254 1.16936564 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Don't Like It, I Love It (Feat.Robin Thicke & Verdine White) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2015 08 Hot 100\HOT 100 Singles\50. Flo Rida - I Don't Like It, I Love It (Feat.Robin Thicke & Verdine White).mp3 00000255 1.17020559 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file 22 , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\071 - 22 - Taylor Swift.mp3 00000256 1.17202580 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Get Lucky , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\014 - Get Lucky - Daft Punk ft. Pharell Williams.mp3 00000257 1.17298424 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file All About That Bass , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\08 - Meghan Trainor - Title - All About That Bass.mp3 00000258 1.17401803 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2012 Top100\025 - Taylor Swift - We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together.mp3 00000259 1.17523003 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ho Hey , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\012 - Ho Hey - The Lumineers.mp3 00000260 1.17625511 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Want Crazy , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\072 - I Want Crazy - Hunter Hayes.mp3 00000261 1.17734373 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file New Rules , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\33. Dua Lipa - New Rules.mp3 00000262 1.17851591 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Listen To The Music (Edited Version) [Clean] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\03. Listen To The Music (Edited Version) [Clean] - The Doobie Brothers.mp3 00000263 1.17941415 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Setting the World on Fire , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Kenny Chesney - Setting The World On Fire.mp3 00000264 1.18046498 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Adventure Of A Lifetime , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Coldplay- A Had Full Of Drams (2015)...Freak37\05. Adventure Of A Lifetime.mp3 00000265 1.18145359 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Help me! , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Dao Dezi\Enigmatic Hits\7 - Dao Dezi - An tri breuer (Love Dalace mix).mp3 00000266 1.18271637 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Blue Jeans (Remastered) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Lana Del Rey - Discography - 2008-2014\?lbums\2012 - Born to Die (iTunes Special Version)\03 Blue Jeans (Remastered).m4a 00000267 1.18381464 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Never Forget You , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Zara Larsson & MNEK - Never Forget You.mp3 00000268 1.18487954 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Emperor's New Clothes , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\US Billboard Top 100 Single Charts (14th November 2015)\68. Panic! At The Disco - Emperor's New Clothes.mp3 00000269 1.18594050 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Cry , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2012 Top100\006 - Flo Rida - I Cry.mp3 00000270 1.18696725 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Never Be the Same , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\13. Camila Cabello - Never Be the Same.mp3 00000271 1.18798375 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Strip That Down , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2017 11 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (11.11.2017) [Mga Zone Music]\23. Liam Payne - Strip That Down (feat. Quavo).mp3 00000272 1.18902099 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Fancy , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\04 - Iggy Azalea - The New Classic - Fancy.mp3 00000273 1.19001305 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Te Boté (feat. Darell, Ozuna & Nicky Jam) [Remix] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\74 - Casper Magico - Boté (feat. Darell, Ozuna & Nicky Jam) [Remix].mp3 00000274 1.19098365 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Don’t Wake Me Up , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2012 Top100\028 - Chris Brown - Don't Wake Me Up.mp3 00000275 1.19192553 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file She's Kinda Hot , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2015 08 Hot 100\HOT 100 Singles\41. 5 Seconds of Summer - She's Kinda Hot.mp3 00000276 1.19305825 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Let Her Go (acoustic) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\19 - Passenger - All The Little Lights - Let Her Go.mp3 00000277 1.19429684 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Young and Beautiful (Cedric Gervais Remix Radio Edit) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Lana Del Rey - Discography - 2008-2014\Singles\2013 - Young and Beautiful [Lana Del Rey vs. Cedric Gervais] - Single\01 Young and Beautiful (Cedric Gervais Remix Radio Edit).m4a 00000278 1.19527733 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Born to Die , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Lana Del Rey - Discography - 2008-2014\?lbums\2012 - Born to Die (iTunes Special Version)\01 Born to Die.m4a 00000279 1.19620907 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file This Is How We Roll , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\49 - Florida Georgia Line - Here's To The Good Times This Is How We Roll - This Is How We Roll.mp3 00000280 1.19708014 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ride , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Twenty One Pilots - Ride.mp3 00000281 1.19802308 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Not A Bad Thing , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\45 - Justin Timberlake - The 20_20 Experience 2 Of 2 - Not A Bad Thing.mp3 00000282 1.19886506 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Daylight , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\035 - Daylight - Maroon 5.mp3 00000283 1.19976199 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Feel No Ways , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\091. Drake - Feel No Ways.mp3 00000284 1.20063055 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Used To Love You , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\US Billboard Top 100 Single Charts (14th November 2015)\84. Gwen Stefani - Used To Love You.mp3 00000285 1.20150948 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Shake It Off , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\13 - Taylor Swift - 1989 - Shake It Off.mp3 00000286 1.20238090 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Earned It (Fifty Shades Of Grey) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2015 08 Hot 100\HOT 100 Singles\34. The Weeknd - Earned It (Fifty Shades Of Grey).mp3 00000287 1.20328832 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Fun (Feat.Chris Brown) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2015 08 Hot 100\HOT 100 Singles\74. Pitbull - Fun (Feat.Chris Brown).mp3 00000288 1.20475721 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hey Willy , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Hollies-1993 - The Very Best Of The Hollies\23 - Hey Willy.mp3 00000289 1.20612252 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Silence , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2017 11 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (11.11.2017) [Mga Zone Music]\47. Marshmello - Silence (feat. Khalid).mp3 00000290 1.20711040 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ingenue , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Death Cab For Cutie - Kintsugi (2015)\10 - Ingenue.mp3 00000291 1.20808303 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Whatever It Takes , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\26. Imagine Dragons - Whatever It Takes.mp3 00000292 1.20914769 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Talking Body , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2015 08 Hot 100\HOT 100 Singles\44. Tove Lo - Talking Body.mp3 00000293 1.21016526 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file It Ain't Me , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Hot 100 June 17 2017 (Top 60)\13 Kygo & Selena Gomez - It Ain't Me.mp3 00000294 1.21128464 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Am I Wrong , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\14 - Nico & Vinz - Black Star Elephant - Am I Wrong.mp3 00000295 1.21238577 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Still Into You , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\100 - Still Into You - Paramore.mp3 00000296 1.21362424 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Middle , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\07. Zedd, Maren Morris & Grey - The Middle.mp3 00000297 1.21496010 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file No Room In Frame , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Death Cab For Cutie - Kintsugi (2015)\01 - No Room In Frame.mp3 00000298 1.21591794 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Love Runs Out , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\67 - OneRepublic - Native - Love Runs Out.mp3 00000299 1.21706164 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hide Away , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Daya - Hide Away.mp3 00000300 1.21906316 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Lights Down Low (Ft. Gnash) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2017 11 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (11.11.2017) [Mga Zone Music]\90. MAX - Lights Down Low (Ft. Gnash).mp3 00000301 1.22031653 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file FourFiveSeconds , Path: C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Rihanna\FourFiveSeconds - Single\01 FourFiveSeconds.m4a 00000302 1.22283471 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Problem , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\09 - Ariana Grande - My Everything - Problem.mp3 00000303 1.22387111 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file No Lie , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Sean_Paul_-_No_Lie_ft._Dua_Lipa.m4a 00000304 1.22705555 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Dangerous Woman , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Ariana Grande - Dangerous Woman.mp3 00000305 1.22787988 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Perfect , Path: C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\One Direction\Made In The A.M. (Deluxe Edition)\03 Perfect.m4a 00000306 1.22885609 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file iSpy (feat. Lil Yachty) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Hot 100 June 17 2017 (Top 60)\16 KYLE - iSpy (feat. Lil Yachty).mp3 00000307 1.22980583 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Despacito (feat. Justin Bieber) [Remix] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Hot 100 June 17 2017 (Top 60)\01 Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee- Despacito (Remix) (feat. Justin Bieber).mp3 00000308 1.23079848 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rockabye (feat. Sean Paul & Anne-Marie) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Hot 100 June 17 2017 (Top 60)\43 Clean Bandit - Rockabye (feat. Sean Paul & Anne-marie).mp3 00000309 1.23195601 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Delicate , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\52. Taylor Swift - Delicate.mp3 00000310 1.23364019 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Don't Let Me Down (feat. Daya) , Path: C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\The Chainsmokers\Don't Let Me Down (feat. Daya) - Single\01 Don't Let Me Down (feat. Daya).m4a 00000311 1.23470151 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Can’t Remember to Forget You , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\85 - Shakira - Shakira. - Can't Remember To Forget You.mp3 00000312 1.23570359 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Be the One , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Dua_Lipa_-_Be_The_One.m4a 00000313 1.23676312 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file When I Was Your Man , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2012 Top100\069 - Bruno Mars - When I Was Your Man.mp3 00000314 1.23926544 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Never Enough , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Sam_Roberts_Band-Lo_Fantasy-(Deluxe_Edition)-2CD-2014-C4\109-sam_roberts_band-never_enough.mp3 00000315 1.24031508 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Look What You Made Me Do , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2017 11 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (11.11.2017) [Mga Zone Music]\25. Taylor Swift - Look What You Made Me Do.mp3 00000316 1.24144065 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Just What I Needed , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\48. Just What I Needed - The Cars.mp3 00000317 1.24242282 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file High By The Beach [EXPLICIT] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2015 08 Hot 100\HOT 100 Singles\51. Lana Del Rey - High By The Beach [EXPLICIT].mp3 00000318 1.24400151 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hello , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\US Billboard Top 100 Single Charts (14th November 2015)\01. Adele - Hello.mp3 00000319 1.24511433 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Will Wait , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\052 - I Will Wait - Mumford & Sons.mp3 00000320 1.24604344 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Beauty And A Beat , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\042 - Beauty And A Beat - Justin Bieber ft. Nicki Minaj.mp3 00000321 1.24700832 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Bang Bang , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\27 - Jessie J - Sweet Talker - Bang Bang.mp3 00000322 1.24794197 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sorry , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\US Billboard Top 100 Single Charts (14th November 2015)\02. Justin Bieber - Sorry.mp3 00000323 1.24926984 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file That’s What I Like , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2017 11 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (11.11.2017) [Mga Zone Music]\32. Bruno Mars - Thats What I Like.mp3 00000324 1.25033557 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Me And My Broken Heart , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\70 - Rixton - Me And My Broken Heart - Me And My Broken Heart.mp3 00000325 1.25153112 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hands To Myself , Path: C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Selena Gomez\Revival (Deluxe)\03 Hands To Myself.m4a 00000326 1.25268078 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Let Me Go , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2017 11 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (11.11.2017) [Mga Zone Music]\73. Hailee Steinfeld & Alesso - Let Me Go (feat. Florida Georgia Line & watt).mp3 00000327 1.25370407 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Diamonds , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\027 - Diamonds - Rihanna.mp3 00000328 1.25593197 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Stay With Me , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\10 - Sam Smith - In The Lonely Hour - Stay With Me.mp3 00000329 1.25690353 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Friends , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2017 11 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (11.11.2017) [Mga Zone Music]\94. Justin Bieber - Friends (feat. Bloodpop).mp3 00000330 1.25972235 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Come Wake Me Up , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2012 Top100\093 - Rascal Flatts - Come Wake Me Up.mp3 00000331 1.26099467 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Supernatural Thing , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\40. Supernatural Thing - Ben E. King.mp3 00000332 1.26239216 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Army Of One , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Coldplay- A Had Full Of Drams (2015)...Freak37\08. Army Of One.mp3 00000333 1.26336658 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file American , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Lana Del Rey - Discography - 2008-2014\EPs\2013 - Paradise [Mastered for iTunes]\02 American.m4a 00000334 1.26450324 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Feel Again , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2012 Top100\037 - One Republic - Feel Again.mp3 00000335 1.26547480 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Pray For Me , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\27. The Weeknd & Kendrick Lamar - Pray For Me.mp3 00000336 1.26648676 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Feel This Moment , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\036 - Feel This Moment - Pitbull ft. Christina Agruilera.mp3 00000337 1.26792181 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Habits (Stay High) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\32 - Tove Lo - Queen Of The Clouds - Habits (Stay High).mp3 00000338 1.26903617 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Begin Again , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2012 Top100\078 - Taylor Swift - Begin Again.mp3 00000339 1.27010107 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Mexican (Edit) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\41. The Mexican (Edit) - Babe Ruth.mp3 00000340 1.27188468 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hold On, We’re Going Home , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\55 - Drake - Nothing Was The Same - Hold On, We're Going Home.mp3 00000341 1.27323174 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Toothbrush , Path: C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\DNCE\SWAAY - EP\03 Toothbrush.m4a 00000342 1.27426648 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file All The Stars , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\44. Kendrick Lamar feat. SZA - All The Stars.mp3 00000343 1.27523398 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Drag Me Down , Path: C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\One Direction\Drag Me Down - Single\01 Drag Me Down.m4a 00000344 1.27622724 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Scared to Be Lonely , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Martin_Garrix_Dua_Lipa_-_Scared_To_Be_Lonely.m4a 00000345 1.27725673 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Wanted , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Trevor Guthrie - Wanted.m4a 00000346 1.27814627 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Cold Water , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Major Lazer - Cold Water.mp3 00000347 1.27909255 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Cheap Thrills , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Sia - Cheap Thrills.mp3 00000348 1.28003776 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file John Cougar, John Deere, John 3:16 , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2015 08 Hot 100\HOT 100 Singles\49. Keith Urban - John Cougar, John Deere, John 3_16.mp3 00000349 1.28121722 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Brave , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\74 - Sara Bareilles - The Blessed Unrest - Brave.mp3 00000350 1.28237116 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Cat's In The Cradle , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\15. Cat's In The Cradle - Harry Chapin.mp3 00000351 1.28341377 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file See You Again , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\US Billboard Top 100 Single Charts (14th November 2015)\30. Wiz Khalifa feat. Charlie Puth - See You Again.mp3 00000352 1.28473425 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file My House , Path: C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Flo Rida\My House\02 My House.m4a 00000353 1.28577030 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file We Are Family , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\05. We Are Family - Sister Sledge.mp3 00000354 1.28696156 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Representin , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2012 Top100\100 - Ludacris feat. Kelly Rowland - Representin.mp3 00000355 1.28820062 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Adam Sandler Chanukah Song 2012 , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Adam Sandler Chanukah Song_2012.m4a 00000356 1.28937364 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Break Free , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\37 - Ariana Grande - My Everything - Break Free.mp3 00000357 1.29036784 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file …Ready for It? , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2017 11 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (11.11.2017) [Mga Zone Music]\46. Taylor Swift - .. Ready For It.mp3 00000358 1.29125178 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file El Dorado , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Death Cab For Cutie - Kintsugi (2015)\09 - El Dorado.mp3 00000359 1.29237092 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Every 1's A Winner , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\29. Every 1's A Winner - Hot Chocolate.mp3 00000360 1.29414308 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Timber , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\11 - Pitbull - Global Warming Meltdown - Timber.mp3 00000361 1.29519415 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Little Things , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2012 Top100\053 - One Direction - Little Things.mp3 00000362 1.29649246 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Stay , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Hot 100 June 17 2017 (Top 60)\07 Zedd & Alessia Cara - Stay.mp3 00000363 1.29750645 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Black Night , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\62. Black Night - Deep Purple.mp3 00000364 1.29853439 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Gorgeous , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2017 11 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (11.11.2017) [Mga Zone Music]\13. Taylor Swift - Gorgeous.mp3 00000365 1.29983723 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Love Myself , Path: C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Hailee Steinfeld\Haiz - EP\01 Love Myself.m4a 00000366 1.30090129 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Don’t Let Me Down , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\The Chainsmokers - Don't Let Me Down.mp3 00000367 1.30194175 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Do It Again (Feat.Chris Brown & Tyga) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2015 08 Hot 100\HOT 100 Singles\78. Pia Mia - Do It Again (Feat.Chris Brown & Tyga).mp3 00000368 1.30304146 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Hot 100 June 17 2017 (Top 60)\22 Shawn Mendes - There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back.mp3 00000369 1.30401886 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Burn , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\39 - Ellie Goulding - Halcyon Days - Burn.mp3 00000370 1.30530238 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Come With Me Now , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\88 - Kongos - Lunatic - Come With Me Now.mp3 00000371 1.30632114 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file How Long , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2017 11 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (11.11.2017) [Mga Zone Music]\52. Charlie Puth - How Long.mp3 00000372 1.30745256 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Golden Hour , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Sam_Roberts_Band-Lo_Fantasy-(Deluxe_Edition)-2CD-2014-C4\111-sam_roberts_band-golden_hour.mp3 00000373 1.30836225 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Die Young , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\057 - Die Young - Kesha.mp3 00000374 1.30934834 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Prince , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\70. The Prince - Madness.mp3 00000375 1.31031203 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Evil Has Landed , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Queens of the Stone Age - Villains (2017) [CD FLAC]\08. The Evil Has Landed.flac 00000376 1.31142676 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Furthest Thing , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Drake - Hotline Bling.mp3 00000377 1.31244361 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file American Country Love Song , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\083. Jake Owen - American Country Love Song.mp3 00000378 1.31349719 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Paris , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Hot 100 June 17 2017 (Top 60)\46 Chainsmokers - Paris.mp3 00000379 1.31435740 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Let Me Love You , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\DJ Snake - Let Me Love You.mp3 00000380 1.31519306 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file What Do You Mean? , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Justin Bieber - What Do You Mean!.mp3 00000381 1.31598628 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Beautiful Now (Feat.Jon Bellion) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2015 08 Hot 100\HOT 100 Singles\70. Zedd - Beautiful Now (Feat.Jon Bellion).mp3 00000382 1.31679451 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hype , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\069. Drake - Hype.mp3 00000383 1.31765366 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Renegades , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\US Billboard Top 100 Single Charts (14th November 2015)\20. X Ambassadors - Renegades.mp3 00000384 1.31856585 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Mirrors , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\006 - Mirrors - Justin Timberlake.mp3 00000385 1.31935883 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Im Yours , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Big Band\Jason Mraz - Im Yours.m4a 00000386 1.32019556 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Passionfruit , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Hot 100 June 17 2017 (Top 60)\27 Drake - Passionfruit.mp3 00000387 1.32106078 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Low Life , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\026. Future feat. The Weeknd - Low Life.mp3 00000388 1.71086156 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB lock took 235 ms : SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.Rating>=66 AND NOT Songs.ID IN (SELECT IDSong FROM GenresSongs WHERE GenresSongs.IDGenre IN ( SELECT Genres.IDGenre FROM Genres WHERE Genres.IDGenre in (12,61,13,20,27,43,98,64,9,120,90,84,82))) AND Songs.LastTimePlayed<43427.2083333333 AND Songs.TrackType in (0) AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) ORDER BY random(*) 00000389 1.71139836 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00000390 1.73228323 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy skipping (maxResults) 00000391 1.73253298 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy adding 500 00000392 1.73379362 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Media sync: Filled playlist tracks count = : 500 00000393 1.73499274 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Digging Your Scene (Bonus Track) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Ivy-Long Distance\Long Distance (Limited Edition) - 13 - Digging Your Scene (Bonus Track).mp3 00000394 1.73593426 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Peaceful, Easy Feeling , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Eagles\Their Greatest Hits (1971-1975)\9 - The Eagles - Peaceful, Easy Feeling.ogg 00000395 1.73677838 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Do It Again , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Steely Dan\Remastered- The Best of Steely Dan Then and Now\9 - Steely Dan - Do It Again.mp3 00000396 1.73783255 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Wanna Be Adored , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Stone Roses\The Very Best of the Stone Roses\1 - The Stone Roses - I Wanna Be Adored.MP3 00000397 1.73879838 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Do Ya , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Electric Light Orchestra\Light Years- The Very Best of Electric Light Orchestra\34 - Electric Light Orchestra - Do Ya.mp3 00000398 1.73965323 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Woke Up this Morning , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00000399 1.74047363 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Solsbury Hill , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Peter Gabriel\Hit\1 - Peter Gabriel - Solsbury Hill.mpc 00000400 1.74138677 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Homeward Bound (Live) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\Simon & Garfunkel - Greatest Hits\08 Simon & Garfunkel - Homeward Bound (Live).mp3 00000401 1.74221599 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file All I Need , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Air\Moon Safari\3 - Air - All I Need.mp3 00000402 1.74300623 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Femme d'Argent , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Air\Moon Safari\1 - Air - Femme d'Argent.mp3 00000403 1.74400425 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file All My Love , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin Box Set (CD4)\14 - Led Zeppelin - All My Love.mp3 00000404 1.74485981 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sunday Bloody Sunday , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\U2\Under a Blood Red Sky\5 - U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday.mp3 00000405 1.75630438 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Let's Go Crazy [September 1984] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\087) Prince - Let's Go Crazy [September 1984].mp3 00000406 1.76529479 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Sound Of Sunshine Going Down , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Michael Franti and Spearhead - The Sound Of Sunshine (2010)\11 - The Sound Of Sunshine Going Down.mp3 00000407 1.76666403 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Fly Me to the Moon , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Julie London\Unknown\00 - Julie London - Fly Me to the Moon.mp3 00000408 1.76774001 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Not Fade Away , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Rolling Stones\Forty Licks\9 - The Rolling Stones - Not Fade Away.mp3 00000409 1.76876879 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Night Fever , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Bee Gees\Tales From the Brothers Gibb\52 - The Bee Gees - Night Fever.mp3 00000410 1.77008760 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file La Noyee , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Amelie\05 - La Noyee.mp3 00000411 1.77258158 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Walk, Don't Run , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Ventures\Walk Don't Run & Walk Don't Run Vol. 2\6 - The Ventures - Walk, Don't Run.mp3 00000412 1.77381277 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Why Worry1 , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Dire Straits\Brothers In Arms\5 - Dire Straits - Why Worry.ape 00000413 1.78147984 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hard Road , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Sam Roberts - Discography 2001 - 2008 [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\Sam Roberts - We Were Born In A Flame 2003\01. Hard Road - Sam Roberts.flac 00000414 1.78271246 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Scarborough Fair / Canticle , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\CD 3 Parsley, sage, Rosmary And Thyme (1967)\24 - Simon And Garfunkel - Scarborough Fair _ Canticle - Collected Works CD2 (1990).mp3 00000415 1.78382123 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Anji , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\CD 2 Sounds Of Silence (1966)\18 - Simon And Garfunkel - Anji - Collected Works CD1 (1990).mp3 00000416 1.78468835 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Slippery People , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Talking Heads\Speaking in Tongues\4 - Talking Heads - Slippery People.mp3 00000417 1.78558564 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hey Hey What Can I Do , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin Box Set (CD1)\14 - Led Zeppelin - Hey Hey What Can I Do.mp3 00000418 1.78653836 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Who Do You Love [Live][*] , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Yardbirds\Five Live Yardbirds [Expanded]\15 - The Yardbirds - Who Do You Love [Live][-].mp3 00000419 1.78753078 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ternuras , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Gipsy Kings\Este Mundo\11 - The Gipsy Kings - Ternuras.mp3 00000420 1.78900921 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Take The Long Way Home , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Supertramp\Breakfast In America\6 - Supertramp - Take The Long Way Home.mp3 00000421 1.79002082 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Le Vent Nous Portera , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Noir Désir - Le Vent Nous Portera.m4a 00000422 1.79104042 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Valley Of Sound , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Heather Nova\Siren\5 - Heather Nova - Valley Of Sound.mp3 00000423 1.79232526 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Lonestar , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Norah Jones\Come Away With Me\8 - Norah Jones - Lonestar.mp3 00000424 1.79341257 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Echoes , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Stevie's stuff\Pink Floyd - 6 - Pink Floyd - Echoes.mp3 00000425 1.80062163 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Power Of Love , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Billboards Top Hits (1980 - 1989)\Billboard Top Hits 1985\04 - Huey Lewis & The News - The Power Of Love.mp3 00000426 1.80130720 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file The doors - People Are Strange , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The doors\The Best Of The Doors CD1\4 - The doors - People Are Strange.mp3 00000427 1.80226839 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Blood Of Me , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Heather Nova\Siren\2 - Heather Nova - Blood Of Me.mp3 00000428 1.80329037 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ride Across The River , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Dire Straits\Brothers In Arms\6 - Dire Straits - Ride Across The River.ape 00000429 1.80489814 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Another Brick In The Wall: Part II [April 1980] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\012) Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall Part II [April 1980].mp3 00000430 1.80751562 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Only Time (remix) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Enya\A Day Without Rain\3 - Enya - Only Time (remix).mp3 00000431 1.80851674 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file You Really Got Me , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Kinks\The Ultimate Collection\1 - The Kinks - You Really Got Me.mp3 00000432 1.88001478 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Love Don't Wait , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Michael Franti and Spearhead - The Sound Of Sunshine (2010)\07 - Love Don't Wait.mp3 00000433 1.88103282 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Boxer , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\CD 6 Live At Central Park (1981)\74 - Simon And Garfunkel - The Boxer.mp3 00000434 1.88199902 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Let It Be , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\The Beatles (1970) - Let It Be - 06 - Let It Be.mp3 00000435 1.88333201 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Terms of Endearment , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Michael Gore\Terms of Endearment Soundtrack\9 - Michael Gore - Terms of Endearment.mp3 00000436 1.88445318 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file 40 ft , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Franz Ferdinand\Franz Ferdinand\11 - Franz Ferdinand - 40 ft.mp3 00000437 1.88543856 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Exodus , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Bob Marley & The Wailers\Exodus\5 - Bob Marley & The Wailers - Exodus.mp3 00000438 1.88664556 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Free Fallin' , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers\Greatest Hits\15 - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - Free Fallin'.mp3 00000439 1.88832963 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Place To Be , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Nick Drake\Pink Moon\2 - Nick Drake - Place To Be.mp3 00000440 1.88952005 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\The Beatles (1968) - With Album 1 - 04 - Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da.mp3 00000441 1.89058006 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Gift Shop , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Tragically Hip\Trouble At The Henhouse\1 - The Tragically Hip - Gift Shop.m4a 00000442 1.89329076 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file What Difference Does It Make , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Smiths\Best ... I\03 The Smiths - What Difference Does It Make.flac 00000443 1.89430594 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file We Can Work It Out , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\The Beatles (1973) - 1962 1966 Red Album CD2 - 03 - We Can Work It Out.mp3 00000444 1.90338421 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file ???? ???? , Path: \\\puzzle\Music\××ž× ×™× ×©×•× ×™×\גדלנו יחד – דיסק 10 – הגל החדש ברוק הישר×לי\1 - רמי פורטיס - ×—×œ×•× ×›×—×•×œ.mp3 00000445 1.90446937 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Cheers (Drink to That) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2011 Year end Top Hot 100 Songs Charts (Best Singles)\077 Cheers (Drink To That).mp3 00000446 1.91473663 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Way I Am (Live on WERS) , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Ingrid Michaelson\Be OK\08 The Way I Am (Live on WERS).m4a 00000447 1.91573882 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Don't Leave Me Now , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Supertramp\Famous Last Words\9 - Supertramp - Don't Leave Me Now.mp3 00000448 1.92517745 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Addicted to Love , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Billboards Top Hits (1980 - 1989)\Billboard Top Hits 1986\04 - Robert Palmer - Addicted to Love.mp3 00000449 1.92639780 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Police\Message In A Box (Disc 2)\17 - Police - De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da.flac 00000450 1.92781937 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Get Back , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\The Beatles (1970) - Let It Be - 12 - Get Back.mp3 00000451 1.92900336 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file We Never Change , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Coldplay\Parachutes\9 - Coldplay - We Never Change.mp3 00000452 1.92990994 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file It's Only Rock N Roll , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Rolling Stones\Forty Licks- Best of (Limited Edition)\39 - The Rolling Stones - It's Only Rock N Roll.mp3 00000453 1.93077719 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file J'Y Suis Jamais Alle , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Amelie\01 - J'Y Suis Jamais Alle.mp3 00000454 1.93161643 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Man's Too Strong , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Dire Straits\Brothers In Arms\7 - Dire Straits - The Man's Too Strong.ape 00000455 1.93245363 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Breakdown , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers\Anthology - Through The Years\1 - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - Breakdown.mp3 00000456 1.93322277 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Live To Tell , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Madonna\The Immaculate Collection\08 - Madonna - Live To Tell.mp3 00000457 1.93407321 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Songbird (Previously Unissued Outtake) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Fleetwood Mac\Rumours\206 - Fleetwood Mac - Songbird (Previously Unissued Outtake).mp3 00000458 1.94191146 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Walk Don't Run , Path: \\\puzzle\Music\Walk Don't Run\Walk Don't Run\00 - Walk Don't Run - Walk Don't Run.mp3 00000459 1.94277918 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sally Cinnamon , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Stone Roses\The Very Best of the Stone Roses\8 - The Stone Roses - Sally Cinnamon.MP3 00000460 1.94371140 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file It's A Long Road , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Supertramp\Surely\2 - Supertramp - It's A Long Road.mp3 00000461 1.94463956 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Long, Long, Long , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\The Beatles (1968) - With Album 2 - 06 - Long, Long, Long.mp3 00000462 1.94551337 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file A Lack of Color , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Death Cab For Cutie\Transatlanticism\11 - Death Cab for Cutie - A Lack of Color.mp3 00000463 1.95308924 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Careless Whisper , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Wham! - Make it Big (1984) [EAC-FLAC] [RePoPo]\08.- Wham! - Careless Whisper.flac 00000464 1.95412481 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file A Hazy Shade Of Winter , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\Simon e gartfunkel - Old Friends\CD2\A Hazy Shade Of Winter.mp3 00000465 1.95509923 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Son Of A Preacher Man , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Various\Pulp Fiction\07. Various - Dusty Springfield - Son Of A Preacher Man.flac 00000466 1.95603919 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file All The Things I Wasn't , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Grapes of Wrath\Seems Like Fate- 1984-1992\12 - The Grapes of Wrath - All The Things I Wasn't.mp3 00000467 1.95694399 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file When The Levee Breaks , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin Box Set (Disc III)\6 - Led Zeppelin - When The Levee Breaks.mp3 00000468 1.95779645 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sister Christian , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Night Ranger\Unknown\00 - Night Ranger - Sister Christian.mp3 00000469 1.95867515 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Help! , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\The Beatles (1973) - 1962 1966 Red Album CD2 - 01 - Help!.mp3 00000470 1.95951116 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Twist And Shout , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\Please Please Me\The Beatles - 14 - Twist And Shout.mp3 00000471 1.96033382 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Black Magic Woman , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Santana\Santana's Greatest Hits\2 - Santana - Black Magic Woman.ogg 00000472 1.96669984 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file With or Without You , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Billboards Top Hits (1980 - 1989)\Billboard Top Hits 1987\01 - U2 - With or Without You.mp3 00000473 1.96794844 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file You Can't Always Get What you Want , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Rolling Stones\Forty Licks\6 - The Rolling Stones - You Can't Always Get What you Want.mp3 00000474 1.97707236 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Last Crusade , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Sam Roberts - Collider 2011 [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\01. The Last Crusade - Sam Roberts.flac 00000475 1.97795355 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Photograph , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Blue Rodeo\Five Days In July\05 Blue Rodeo - Photograph.flac 00000476 1.97879040 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Woman King , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Iron & Wine\Woman King\1 - Iron & Wine - Woman King.mp3 00000477 1.97966576 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Eleanor Rigby , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Beatles\Revolver\2 - The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby.mp3 00000478 1.98061204 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Only the Good Die Young , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Billy Joel\The Stranger\6 - Billy Joel - Only the Good Die Young.mp3 00000479 1.98150682 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Broken , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Jack Johnson\Sing-A-Longs And Lullabies For The Film Curious George\2 - Jack Johnson - Broken.mp3 00000480 1.98854017 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Tractor Beam Blues , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Sam Roberts - Collider 2011 [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\13. Tractor Beam Blues - Sam Roberts.flac 00000481 1.99022901 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hello Goodbye , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\The Beatles (1967) - Magical Mystery Tour - 07 - Hello Goodbye.mp3 00000482 1.99126518 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Meu Destino (My Destiny) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Thievery Corporation\The Richest Man in Babylon\8 - Thievery Corporation - Meu Destino (My Destiny).mp3 00000483 1.99220359 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rock And Roll Music , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\The Beatles (1964) - Beatles For Sale - 04 - Rock And Roll Music.mp3 00000484 1.99319875 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file I'm Only Sleeping , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Beatles\Revolver\3 - The Beatles - I'm Only Sleeping.mp3 00000485 1.99447918 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file What I Like About You , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Romantics\Unknown\00 - The Romantics - What I Like About You.mp3 00000486 2.00252390 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Magic Man , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Heart - These Dreams (Greatest Hits) [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\08. Heart - Magic Man.flac 00000487 2.01249957 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file New Orleans Is Sinking1 , Path: \\\puzzle\Music\The Tragically Hoop\Up To Here1\30 - The Tragically Hip1 - New Orleans Is Sinking1.m4a 00000488 2.02309632 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Help Yourself , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Sad Brad Smith - Love Is Not What You Need\06. Sad Brad Smith - Help Yourself.mp3 00000489 2.02424169 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Misunderstanding , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Grapes of Wrath\Seems Like Fate- 1984-1992\1 - The Grapes of Wrath - Misunderstanding.mp3 00000490 2.02516270 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file No Rain , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\26 Blind Melon - No Rain.mp3 00000491 2.02617526 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Goodbye Sadness , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Astrud Gilberto\Astrud Gilberto - Goodbye Sadness.mp3 00000492 2.02724195 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file What A Feeling , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Heather Nova\Siren\4 - Heather Nova - What A Feeling.mp3 00000493 2.02836728 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sundown , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Gordon Lightfoot\Unknown\11 - Gordon Lightfoot - Sundown.mp3 00000494 2.02932429 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Where the Streets Have No Name , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\U2\The Joshua Tree\1 - U2 - Where the Streets Have No Name.mp3 00000495 2.03961205 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Call Me , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Billboards Top Hits (1980 - 1989)\Billboard Top Hits 1980\01 - Blondie - Call Me.mp3 00000496 2.04080677 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Thank You , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin Box Set (CD1)\6 - Led Zeppelin - Thank You.mp3 00000497 2.04186130 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file White Shadows , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Coldplay\X & Y\3 - Coldplay - White Shadows.mp3 00000498 2.04292512 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Twist Of Fate , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Olivia Newton-John\Unknown\00 - Olivia Newton-John - Twist Of Fate.mp3 00000499 2.04481792 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Lazy Days , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Enya\A Day Without Rain\11 - Enya - Lazy Days.mp3 00000500 2.04581189 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Greasy Heart , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Jefferson Airplane\The best of Jefferson Airpla\14 - Jefferson Airplane - Greasy Heart.mp3 00000501 2.04678249 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Weight of my Words (Four Tet Remix - Instrumental) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Kings of Convenience - Versus (2001)\kings of convenience - versus - 12 - the weight of my words (four tet remix - instrumental).mp3 00000502 2.04774213 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file She Loves You , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\The Beatles (1973) - 1962 1966 Red Album CD1 - 04 - She Loves You.mp3 00000503 2.04885674 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Cry , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\10cc\Very Best Of\17 - 10CC - Cry.mp3 00000504 2.04979110 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Lullaby (Feat. Matt Costa) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Jack Johnson\Sing-A-Longs And Lullabies For The Film Curious George\10 - Jack Johnson - Lullaby (Feat. Matt Costa).mp3 00000505 2.05073977 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Good Shepherd , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Jefferson Airplane\The Essential Jefferson Airpla\4 - Jefferson Airplane - Good Shepherd.Mp3 00000506 2.05168366 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file MLK , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\U2\The Unforgettable Fire\10 - U2 - MLK.mp3 00000507 2.05259967 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Cold Cold Heart , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Norah Jones\Come Away With Me\3 - Norah Jones - Cold Cold Heart.mp3 00000508 2.05356789 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Yoshvim Ba Bet-Cafe , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\TeaPacks\Unknown\6 - TeaPacks - Yoshvim Ba Bet-Cafe.mp3 00000509 2.05468583 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file 11_I Feel Love (Medley With Marc Almond) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Bronski Beat - The Age Of Consent\Bronski Beat - 11_I Feel Love (Medley With Marc Almond)-[GON].mp3 00000510 2.05568838 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file (Bonus) A Little Less Conversation (JXL Radio Edit Remix) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Elvis Presley\30 #1 Hits\31 - Elvis Presley - (Bonus) A Little Less Conversation (JXL Radio Edit Remix).mp3 00000511 2.06185484 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Say Hey (I Love You) , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Michael Franti & Spearhead - All Rebel Rockers (2008)\06 Say Hey (I Love You).mp3 00000512 2.07182360 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Let It In , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Sam Roberts - Collider 2011 [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\03. Let It In - Sam Roberts.flac 00000513 2.07347155 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Tacoma Trailer , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Future\9 - Leonard Cohen - Tacoma Trailer.ape 00000514 2.07460356 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Strong Enough , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Sheryl Crow\Very Best of Sheryl Crow\7 - Sheryl Crow - Strong Enough.mp3 00000515 2.07593536 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Let Me Roll It , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Grapes of Wrath\Seems Like Fate- 1984-1992\14 - The Grapes of Wrath - Let Me Roll It.mp3 00000516 2.07695842 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Light My Fire , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The doors\The Best Of The Doors CD1\2 - The doors - Light My Fire.mp3 00000517 2.07807088 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Yesterday Once More , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Carpenters\Singles 1969-73\7 - Carpenters - Yesterday Once More.mp3 00000518 2.07906389 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Devil With the Green Eyes , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Matthew Sweet\Altered Beast\2 - Matthew Sweet - Devil With the Green Eyes.mp3 00000519 2.08012271 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\The Beatles (1973) - 1962 1966 Red Album CD2 - 06 - Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown).mp3 00000520 2.08142614 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file 5 Years Old , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Loudon Wainwright III\One Man Guy - The Best of 1982-1986\7 - Loudon Wainwright III - 5 Years Old.mp3 00000521 2.08255315 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file All Along The Watchtower , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Dave Matthews Band\Listener Supported\20 - Dave Matthews Band - All Along The Watchtower.ogg 00000522 2.08352518 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Just One Look , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Hollies-1993 - The Very Best Of The Hollies\03 - Just One Look.mp3 00000523 2.08477640 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file A Little Less Conversation , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Elvis Presley\Ocean's Eleven\12 - Elvis Presley - A Little Less Conversation.mp3 00000524 2.08584523 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Precious , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Depeche Mode\Playing the Angel\5 - Depeche Mode - Precious.mp3 00000525 2.08706713 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Nobody's Got The Gun , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Mark Knopfler\Golden Heart\12 - Mark Knopfler - Nobody's Got The Gun.mp3 00000526 2.08827519 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file 65 Elvis Vs JXL A Little Less Conversation , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2000-2010 Top 100\65 Elvis Vs JXL A Little Less Conversation.mp3 00000527 2.08916044 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Being Around , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Lemonheads\Come On Feel The Lemonheads\12 Being Around.mp3 00000528 2.09009290 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Lady Madonna , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\The Beatles (1973) - 1967 1970 Blue Album CD1 - 12 - Lady Madonna.mp3 00000529 2.09111714 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Mari Mac , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Great Big Sea\Road Rage\16 - Great Big Sea - Mari Mac.mp3 00000530 2.09239435 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file You Don't Know Where Your Interest Lies , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\Simon & Garfunkel - Live From New York City 1967\Simon & Garfunkel - Live From New York City, 1967 - 05 - You Don't Know Where Your Interest Lies.mp3 00000531 2.09342957 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file 06_Smalltown Boy , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Bronski Beat - The Age Of Consent\Bronski Beat - 06_Smalltown Boy-[GON].mp3 00000532 2.09453130 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Lift Me Up (Mylo Mix) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Moby Go-The Very Best of Moby\CD 2\Moby - Lift Me Up (Mylo Mix) - 08.mp3 00000533 2.09547710 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file I See Fire , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Ed Sheeran - I See Fire (Music Video).m4a 00000534 2.09657669 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Biko , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Peter Gabriel\Hit\12 - Peter Gabriel - Biko.mpc 00000535 2.10634089 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Walk Like An Egyptian , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Billboards Top Hits (1980 - 1989)\Billboard Top Hits 1986\01 - Bangles - Walk Like An Egyptian.mp3 00000536 2.10795021 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Heaven's Gonna Burn Your Eyes , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Thievery Corporation\The Richest Man in Babylon\1 - Thievery Corporation - Heaven's Gonna Burn Your Eyes.mp3 00000537 2.10908508 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Into Your Arms (Acoustic) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Lemonheads\The Best Of The Lemonheads\16 - Lemonheads - Into Your Arms (Acoustic).mp3 00000538 2.11004949 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Burnin' for You , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Blue Öyster Cult\Fire of Unknown Origin\02 Burnin' for You.m4a 00000539 2.11739731 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Cecilia , Path: \\\puzzle\Music\Simon and Garfunkel\Unknown\00 - Simon and Garfunkel - Cecilia.mp3 00000540 2.11853051 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Orinoco Flow (Sail Away) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Enya\Paint the Sky with Stars- The Best of Enya\1 - Enya - Orinoco Flow (Sail Away).mp3 00000541 2.12842631 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Kiss on my List , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Billboards Top Hits (1980 - 1989)\Billboard Top Hits 1981\03 - Hall & Oates - Kiss on my List.mp3 00000542 2.12935328 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file November was white, December was grey , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Say Hi November was white, December Was Grey.m4a 00000543 2.13020110 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rhythm Of Love , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Stevie stuff\Scorpions - 08 - Scorpions - Rhythm Of Love.mp3 00000544 2.13108730 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Clocks , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Coldplay\A Rush Of Blood To The Head\5 - Coldplay - Clocks.mp3 00000545 2.13250232 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file 01 - Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part I-V) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Stevie's stuff\Pink Floyd - 01 - Pink Floyd - 01 - Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part I-V).mp3 00000546 2.13321686 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Thinking About You , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Ivy - In The Clear [2005]\02 - Thinking About You.mp3 00000547 2.13461828 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Magnificent , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\U2 - No Line On The Horizon[2009][CD+SkidVid_XviD+Cov]\02 U2 - Magnificent.mp3 00000548 2.13563609 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hasn't Hit Me Yet , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Blue Rodeo\Five Days In July\02 Blue Rodeo - Hasn't Hit Me Yet.flac 00000549 2.13664269 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Same Old Love , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Selena Gomez - Same Old Love.mp3 00000550 2.13943481 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Somewhere They Can't Find Me , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\Simon e gartfunkel - Old Friends\CD1\Somewhere They Can't Find Me.mp3 00000551 2.14050651 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Don't Want To Spoil The Party , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\The Beatles (1964) - Beatles For Sale - 12 - I Don't Want To Spoil The Party.mp3 00000552 2.14419556 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Little Bribes , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Death Cab For Cutie\The Open Door EP\1 - Death Cab For Cutie - Little Bribes.mp3 00000553 2.14619255 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rivers Of Babylon , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Boney M\Boney M Gold\01 Rivers Of Babylon.m4a 00000554 2.14749908 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Star Baby , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Guess Who\The Greatest of the Guess Who\9 - The Guess Who - Star Baby.flac 00000555 2.15016007 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file La Valse Des Monstres , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Amelie\20 - La Valse Des Monstres.mp3 00000556 2.15968394 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Do You Feel Loved , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\U2\Pop\2 - U2 - Do You Feel Loved.mp3 00000557 2.16196728 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rain , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Cult\Pure Cult- The Singles 1984-1995\8 - The Cult - Rain.mp3 00000558 2.16666651 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Shout [August 1985] , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Stevie stuff\Tears For Fears - 00 - Tears For Fears - Shout [August 1985].mp3 00000559 2.16804409 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file I'll Cry Instead , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\The Beatles (1964) - A Hard Day's Night - 09 - I'll Cry Instead.mp3 00000560 2.16911674 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Universal Soldier , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Donovan\Unknown\00 - Donovan - Universal Soldier.mp3 00000561 2.17133236 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file All My Days , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Alexi_Murdoch\Alexi Murdoch\Alexi Murdoch- All My Days.mp3 00000562 2.17271471 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Life in a Northern Town , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Dream Academy\Dream Academy\32 - The Dream Academy - Life in a Northern Town.mp3 00000563 2.17369819 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Stayin' Alive , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Bee Gees\Tales From the Brothers Gibb\51 - The Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive.mp3 00000564 2.17469263 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Cecilia , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\Simon & Garfunkel - Greatest Hits\14 Simon & Garfunkel - Cecilia.mp3 00000565 2.17568922 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Stuck Here In The Middle With You , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Stealers Wheel\Pure 70s\9 - Stealers Wheel - Stuck Here In The Middle With You.mp3 00000566 2.17658901 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Too much heaven , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Bee Gees\Their Greatest Hits\6 - The Bee Gees - Too much heaven.mp3 00000567 2.18780565 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Crystal , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\New Order - Retro (Limited 5CD version - 2002) (H3LIUM)\Disk 1 - Retro Pop - 07 Crystal.mp3 00000568 2.18846846 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Could You Be Loved (remix) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Bob Marley & The Wailers\Legend (CD2)\20 - Bob Marley & The Wailers - Could You Be Loved (remix).mp3 00000569 2.18950462 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Well Respected Man , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Kinks\Live at Kelvin Hall\11 - Kinks - Well Respected Man.mp3 00000570 2.19117284 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Maybe baby , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Buddy Holly & the Crickets\Still Rockin'\1 - Buddy Holly & the Crickets - Maybe baby.mp3 00000571 2.19217682 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Drink the water , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Jack Johnson\Brushfire Fairytales\9 - Jack Johnson - Drink the water.mp3 00000572 2.19308281 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Bob Dylan\Greatest Hits Volume 2\05 - Bob Dylan - A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall.mp3 00000573 2.19384718 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Blackbird , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Various Artists\I Am Sam\2 - Sarah McLachlan - Blackbird.mp3 00000574 2.20046759 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Don't Think Twice, It's All Right , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Peter Paul and Mary Chronology\03-In the Wind 1963\03-09-Don't Think Twice, It's All Right.mp3 00000575 2.21149111 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Billboards Top Hits (1980 - 1989)\Billboard Top Hits 1984\04 - Wham! - Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go.mp3 00000576 2.21253562 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Money , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Flying Lizards\Unknown\00 - Flying Lizards - Money.mp3 00000577 2.21342516 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Isolate , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Moby - Wait For Me [2009] [160 MP3] [Bubanee]\16 isolate.mp3 00000578 2.21432805 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Songbird , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Fleetwood Mac\Rumours\106 - Fleetwood Mac - Songbird.mp3 00000579 2.21528625 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file That'll Be The Day , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Buddy Holly\Unknown\00 - Buddy Holly - That'll Be The Day.mp3 00000580 2.22220445 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Thriller , Path: \\\puzzle\Music\Michael Jackson\Thriller\4 - Michael Jackson - Thriller.mp3 00000581 2.22294521 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Drivers Seat , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Sniff N The Tears\Unknown\8 - Sniff N The Tears - Drivers Seat.mp3 00000582 2.22399449 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Behind Blue Eyes , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Who\The Who- The Ultimate Collection\22 - The Who - Behind Blue Eyes.mp3 00000583 2.22553635 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Mr. Roboto , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Styx\Classics Vol. 15\07 Mr. Roboto.m4a 00000584 2.22659230 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Take Me Home Tonight , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Eddie Money\Can't Hold Back\1 - Eddie Money - Take Me Home Tonight.mp3 00000585 2.22761989 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Two Hearts Beat as One , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\U2\War\7 - U2 - Two Hearts Beat as One.mp3 00000586 2.22868705 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Wrong Band , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Tori Amos\Under the Pink\6 - Tori Amos - The Wrong Band.mp3 00000587 2.22978354 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Will Follow You into the Dark , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Death Cab For Cutie\Plans\5 - Death Cab for Cutie - I Will Follow You into the Dark.mp3 00000588 2.23074698 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Free Fallin' , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers\Anthology - Through The Years\25 - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - Free Fallin'.mp3 00000589 2.23969960 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file You Are the Girl , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\The Cars - Complete Greatest Hits (2002)\20 You Are the Girl.mp3 00000590 2.24067211 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Caribbean Blue , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Enya\A Box of Dreams - Oceans\2 - Enya - Caribbean Blue.mp3 00000591 2.24196959 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Oh Yoko! , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\John Lennon\Imagine\10 - John Lennon - Oh Yoko!.mp3 00000592 2.24295974 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Who Do You Love? , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\George Thoroughgood\Joe Dirt Soundtrack\7 - George Thoroughgood - Who Do You Love.mp3 00000593 2.24454498 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file All She Wants To Do Is Dance , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Eagles\Selected Works- 1972-1999\11 - The Eagles - All She Wants To Do Is Dance.mp3 00000594 2.24622655 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Be With You , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Stevie stuff\The Bangles - 11 - The Bangles - Be With You.mp3 00000595 2.24724412 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hold on Tight , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Electric Light Orchestra\Light Years- The Very Best of Electric Light Orchestra\32 - Electric Light Orchestra - Hold on Tight.mp3 00000596 2.24821949 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Walk Don´t Run ´64 , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Ventures\Collection by Jimmy (@192)\20 - The Ventures - Walk Don´t Run ´64.mp3 00000597 2.24942684 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sugar Sugar , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Archies\Unknown\00 - The Archies - Sugar Sugar.mp3 00000598 2.25567770 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file All I Want Is You , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Michael Franti & Spearhead - All Rebel Rockers (2008)\05 All I Want Is You.mp3 00000599 2.25661898 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file 10_I Feel Love , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Bronski Beat - The Age Of Consent\Bronski Beat - 10_I Feel Love-[GON].mp3 00000600 2.25780916 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sheila Take A Bow , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Smiths\Best ... I\11 The Smiths - Sheila Take A Bow.flac 00000601 2.25897551 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file The One I Love , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\R.E.M\Eponymous\10 - R.E.M. - The One I Love.ogg 00000602 2.26684690 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Talking in Your Sleep , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Billboards Top Hits (1980 - 1989)\Billboard Top Hits 1984\08 - The Romantics - Talking in Your Sleep.mp3 00000603 2.26783204 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hard Sun , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Eddie Vedder\Into the Wild\7 - Eddie Vedder - Hard Sun.mp3 00000604 2.26871514 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Undertow , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Ivy-Long Distance\Long Distance (Limited Edition) - 01 - Undertow.mp3 00000605 2.26972866 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Two Tribes , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Frankie Goes to Hollywood\Unknown\00 - Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Two Tribes.mp3 00000606 2.27092457 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Dream Away (Stasium Re-mix) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Northern Pikes FLAC Pack (6 Albums) [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\Hits & Assorted Secrets (Greatest Hits)\09. The Northern Pikes - Dream Away (Stasium Re-mix).flac 00000607 2.27206540 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file A Hard Day's Night , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\The Beatles (1964) - A Hard Day's Night - 01 - A Hard Day's Night.mp3 00000608 2.27338052 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Oh Well , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Billy Burnette\Memphis in Manhattan\15. Billy Burnette - Oh Well.flac 00000609 2.27439499 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Cinnamon Girl , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Neil Young & Crazy Horse\Everybody Knows this is Nowhere\1 - Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Cinnamon Girl.mp3 00000610 2.27530956 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Top Of The World , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Carpenters\Singles 1969-73\2 - Carpenters - Top Of The World.mp3 00000611 2.27657080 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hello , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Uzi Hitman Israel Gorion\Pil Pilon\13. Barvazim.mp3 00000612 2.27774262 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Try Not to Breathe , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\R.E.M\Automatic for the People\2 - R.E.M. - Try Not to Breathe.mp3 00000613 2.27874207 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file At The Hop , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Rock'n Roll Hit Party\04 At The Hop.m4a 00000614 2.27998400 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Everyday Is A Winding Road , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Sheryl Crow\Very Best of Sheryl Crow\5 - Sheryl Crow - Everyday Is A Winding Road.mp3 00000615 2.28095078 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Ballad Of John And Yoko , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\The Beatles (1973) - 1967 1970 Blue Album CD2 - 06 - The Ballad Of John And Yoko.mp3 00000616 2.28177285 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ray of Light , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Madonna\Ray of Light\3 - Madonna - Ray of Light.mp3 00000617 2.28261566 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Lion's Mane , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Iron & Wine\The Creek Drank The Cradle\1 - Iron & Wine - Lion's Mane.mp3 00000618 2.28345633 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Round & Round , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\New Order\Best of\11 - New Order - Round & Round.mp3 00000619 2.29113722 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Me and julio down by the schoolyard , Path: \\\puzzle\Music\Simon and Garfunkel\Unknown\00 - Simon and Garfunkel - Me and julio down by the schoolyard.mp3 00000620 2.29246449 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file A Taste Of Honey , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\Please Please Me\The Beatles - 12 - A Taste Of Honey.mp3 00000621 2.30254579 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Blue Monday , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\[2005] Singles - New Order 315mb @ 320kbs [only1joe]\Blue Monday.mp3 00000622 2.30398726 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Peace Of Mind , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Boston\Boston\2 - Boston - Peace Of Mind.mp3 00000623 2.30535913 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Love , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Cult\Pure Cult- The Singles 1984-1995\12 - The Cult - Love.mp3 00000624 2.30646491 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file April Come She Will , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00000625 2.30757451 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Don't Think Twice It's All Right , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Peter, Paul And Mary\The Best of Peter, Paul & Mary\11 - Peter, Paul And Mary - Don't Think Twice, It's All Right.mp3 00000626 2.30849671 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Doolin' Dalton , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Eagles\Selected Works- 1972-1999\4 - The Eagles - Doolin' Dalton.mp3 00000627 2.31629395 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Bizarre Love Triangle , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\[2005] Singles - New Order 315mb @ 320kbs [only1joe]\Bizarre Love Triangle.mp3 00000628 2.31722093 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file If I Needed Someone , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\The Beatles (1965) - Rubber Soul - 13 - If I Needed Someone.mp3 00000629 2.31813312 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hey Soul Sister , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA-Billboard-Top-100-Of-2010\003 - Train - Hey Soul Sister.mp3 00000630 2.32525611 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Jessie's Girl , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Billboards Top Hits (1980 - 1989)\Billboard Top Hits 1981\04 - Rick Springfield - Jessie's Girl.mp3 00000631 2.32632422 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file How You Remind Me-Nickelback , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Stevie's stuff\Nickleback - 01 - Nickleback - How You Remind Me-Nickelback .mp3 00000632 2.54839969 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file All I Have to Do Is Dream , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Everly Brothers - All I Have To Do Is Dream.mp3 00000633 2.54930520 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Be Bop a Lula , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Gene Vincent - Be Bop A Lula.mp3 00000634 2.55016470 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file He Will Break Your Heart , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Jerry Butler - He Will Break Your Heart.mp3 00000635 2.55103755 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Splish Splash , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Bobby Darin - Splish Splash.mp3 00000636 2.55195308 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Boy From New York City , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Ad Libs - The Boy From New York City.mp3 00000637 2.55283856 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Five O'Clock World , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Vogues - Five O'Clock World.mp3 00000638 2.55368829 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Baby I Need Your Loving , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Four Tops - Baby I Need Your Loving.mp3 00000639 2.55502534 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hang On Sloopy , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\McCoys - Hang on sloopy.mp3 00000640 2.55631590 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Happy Together , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Turtles - Happy Together.mp3 00000641 2.55711508 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file I’m Into Something Good , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Herman's Hermits - I'm Into Something Good.mp3 00000642 2.55800033 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Keep A-Knockin' , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Little Richard - Keep A Knockin'.mp3 00000643 2.55907726 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file I’m a Believer , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Monkees - I'm A Believer.mp3 00000644 2.56088662 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Remember (Walkin’ in the Sand) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Shangri-Las - Remember (Walkin' In The Sand).mp3 00000645 2.56191015 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Liar, Liar , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Castaways - Liar, Liar.mp3 00000646 2.56291318 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Good Golly Miss Molly , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Little Richard - Good Golly Miss Molly.mp3 00000647 2.56394553 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Loco-Motion , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Little Eva - The Loco Motion.mp3 00000648 2.56527209 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Louie Louie , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Kingsmen - Louie Louie.mp3 00000649 2.56623554 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Manish Boy , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Muddy Waters - Mannish Boy.mp3 00000650 2.56718874 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Money (That’s What I Want) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Barrett Strong - Money (That's What I Want).mp3 00000651 2.56834865 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file My Boyfriend’s Back , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Angels - My Boyfriends Back.mp3 00000652 2.56934476 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Working in the Coal Mine , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Lee Dorsey - Working In The Coalmine.mp3 00000653 2.57024813 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Pretty Woman , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Roy Orbison - Pretty Woman.mp3 00000654 2.57145238 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file One Fine Day , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Chiffons - One Fine Day.mp3 00000655 2.57273412 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Peggy Sue , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Buddy Holly - Peggy Sue.mp3 00000656 2.57369924 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Be My Baby Baby , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Ronettes - Be My Baby.mp3 00000657 2.57486725 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file I’m in Love Again , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Fats Domino - I'm In Love Again.mp3 00000658 2.57581186 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rockin’ Robin , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Bobby Day - Rockin Robin.MP3 00000659 2.57672596 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Wanderer , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Dion - The Wanderer.mp3 00000660 2.57766438 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Under the Boardwalk , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Drifters - Under The Boardwalk.mp3 00000661 2.57890940 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Shakin’ All Over , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Johnny Kidd & The Pirates - Shakin' All Over.mp3 00000662 2.57993317 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Shout, Parts 1 & 2 , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Isley Brothers - Shout (Parts 1 And 2).mp3 00000663 2.58123755 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Help Me, Rhonda , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Beach Boys - Help Me, Rhonda.mp3 00000664 2.58229876 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Surfin’ U.S.A. , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Beach Boys - Surfin' U.S.A..mp3 00000665 2.58339930 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Why Do Fools Fall in Love , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers - Why Do Fools Fall In Love.mp3 00000666 2.58433437 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Oh My Love , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Drifters - There Goes My Baby.mp3 00000667 2.58531404 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Blueberry Hill , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Fats Domino - Blueberry Hill.mp3 00000668 2.58619356 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Twist , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Chubby Checker - The Twist.mp3 00000669 2.58708692 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Wake Up Little Susie , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Everly Brothers - Wake Up little Susie.mp3 00000670 2.58860087 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file What A Wonderful World , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Louis Armstrong - What a Wonderful World.mp3 00000671 2.59043193 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Whole Lot of Shakin' Going On , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Jerry Lee Lewis - Whole Lotta Shakin' Going On.mp3 00000672 2.59154081 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Wonderful World , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Sam Cooke - (What A) Wonderful World.mp3 00000673 2.59259629 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Build Me Up Buttercup , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Foundations - Build Me Up Buttercup.mp3 00000674 2.59370923 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Daydream Believer , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Monkees - Daydream Believer.mp3 00000675 2.59469271 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Do Wah Diddy , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Manfred Mann - Do Wah Diddy.mp3 00000676 2.59581065 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hawaii Five-0 , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Ventures - Hawaii Five-0.mp3 00000677 2.59692717 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file In The Still Of The Night , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Five Satins - In The Still Of The Night.mp3 00000678 2.59804130 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Love Potion # 9 , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Searchers - Love Potion # 9.mp3 00000679 2.59904480 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Money (That's What I Want) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Kingsmen - Money (That's What I Want).mp3 00000680 2.60012770 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rhythm Of The Rain , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Cascades - Rhythm Of The Rain.mp3 00000681 2.60103631 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sheila , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Tommy Roe - Sheila.mp3 00000682 2.60193110 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sleep Walk , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Santo & Johnny - Sleep Walk.mp3 00000683 2.60279202 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Banana Boat Song , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Harry Belafonte - The Banana Boat Song.mp3 00000684 2.60363483 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file These Boots Are Made For Walki , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Nancy Sinatra - These Boots Are Made For Walking.mp3 00000685 2.60548615 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Tobacco Road , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Nashville Teens - Tobacco Road.mp3 00000686 2.60636401 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Walk, Don't Run , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Ventures - Walk, Don't Run.mp3 00000687 2.60728168 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Wooly Bully , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Sam The Sham & The Pharaohs - Wooly Bully.mp3 00000688 2.60813642 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file (You've Got) The Magic Touch , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Platters - (You've Got) The Magic Touch.mp3 00000689 2.60897970 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hey, Hey, We're The Monkeys , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Monkees - Hey, Hey, We're The Monkeys.mp3 00000690 2.60982275 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Last Train To Clarksville , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Monkees - Last Train To Clarksville.mp3 00000691 2.61069846 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Only The Lonely , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Roy Orbison - Only The Lonely.mp3 00000692 2.61156559 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Great Pretender , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Platters - The Great Pretender.mp3 00000693 2.61256433 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Righteous Brothers - You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'.mp3 00000694 2.61348271 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Blue Suede Shoes , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Carl Perkins - Blue Suede Shoes.mp3 00000695 2.61436009 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Let's Dance , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Chris Montez - Let's Dance.mp3 00000696 2.61534238 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Unchained Melody , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody.mp3 00000697 2.62025142 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Walk Like A Man , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons - Walk Like A Man.mp3 00000698 2.62476611 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Crying , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Roy Orbison - Crying.mp3 00000699 2.62700629 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Dream Baby , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Roy Orbison - Dream Baby.mp3 00000700 2.62945676 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Mister Sandman , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Chordettes - Mister Sandman.mp3 00000701 2.64428639 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file California Girls , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Beach Boys - California Girls.mp3 00000702 2.65093231 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file In the summertime , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Mungo Jerry - In The Summertime.mp3 00000703 2.65169930 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Runaround Sue , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Dion - Runaround Sue.mp3 00000704 2.65624166 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Soldier Boy , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Shirelles - Soldier Boy.mp3 00000705 2.65767288 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file My Girl , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Temptations - My Girl.mp3 00000706 2.66077113 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Oh Happy Day , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Edwin Hawkins Singers - Oh Happy Day.mp3 00000707 2.66228032 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Na Na, Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Steam - Na Na, Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye.mp3 00000708 2.66459751 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file These Eyes , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Guess Who - These Eyes.mp3 00000709 2.66555929 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file When A Man Loves A Woman , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Percy Sledge - When A Man Loves A Woman.mp3 00000710 2.66678882 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Papa's Got A Brand New Bag , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\James Brown - Papa's Got A Brand New Bag.mp3 00000711 2.66811705 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Heard It Through The Grapevine , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Marvin Gaye - I Heard It Through The Grapevine.mp3 00000712 2.67021132 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Fought The Law , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Bobby Fuller Four - I Fought The Law.mp3 00000713 2.67355013 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Soul Man , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Sam & Dave - Soul Man.mp3 00000714 2.67453790 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Reach Out I'll Be There , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Four Tops - Reach Out I'll Be There.mp3 00000715 2.67539835 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Walk Away Renee , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Left Banke - Walk Away Renee.mp3 00000716 2.67636323 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Wild Thing , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Troggs - Wild Thing.mp3 00000717 2.67726326 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Good Lovin' , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Young Rascals - Good Lovin'.mp3 00000718 2.67835927 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Can't Help Myself , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Four Tops - I Can't Help Myself.mp3 00000719 2.67907381 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB open SQL: SELECT IdPlaylist FROM Playlists WHERE ParentPlaylist=467 00000720 2.68142724 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE (Songs.Year>=19800000 and Songs.Year<=20000000) AND ((Songs.SongPath like '%100 Greatest%') OR (Songs.SongPath like '%Top 100%')) AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) 00000721 2.68374705 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00000722 2.77708411 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00000723 2.77751780 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 94ms for 175 00000724 2.77822995 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) TDeviceSynchronization.AddSongsToList: Candidtes count = 175 00000725 2.77919555 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Another One Bites The Dust [October 1980] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\008) Queen - Another One Bites The Dust [October 1980].mp3 00000726 2.78015590 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Cars [June 1980] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\023) Gary Numan - Cars [June 1980].mp3 00000727 2.78106451 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rock With You [February 1980] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\038) Michael Jackson - Rock With You [February 1980].mp3 00000728 2.78193617 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Funkytown [May 1980] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\048) Lipps Inc. - Funky Town [May 1980].mp3 00000729 2.78290582 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Crazy Little Thing Called Love [March 1980] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\095) Queen - Crazy Little Thing Called Love [March 1980].mp3 00000730 2.78393674 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Physical [December 1981] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\016) Olivia Newton John - Physical [December 1981].mp3 00000731 2.78570962 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Just The Two Of Us [May 1981] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\073) Grover Washington Jr. - Just The Two Of Us [May 1981].mp3 00000732 2.78667831 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Start Me Up [October 1981] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\091) The Rolling Stones - Start Me Up [October 1981].mp3 00000733 2.78928828 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Love Rock 'N Roll [April 1982] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\011) Joan Jett - I Love Rock 'N Roll [April 1982].mp3 00000734 2.79051042 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Tainted Love [July 1982] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\026) Soft Cell - Tainted Love [July 1982].mp3 00000735 2.79152751 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Ran [October 1982] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\055) A Flock of Seagulls - I Ran [October 1982].mp3 00000736 2.79247332 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Who Can It Be Now? [October 1982] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\090) Men At Work - Who Can It Be Now [October 1982].mp3 00000737 2.79386139 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Beat It [May 1983] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\005) Michael Jackson - Beat It [May 1983].mp3 00000738 2.79481959 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Total Eclipse of The Heart [October 1983] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\029) Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse Of The Heart [October 1983].mp3 00000739 2.79566073 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sweet Dreams [August 1983] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\032) Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams [August 1983].mp3 00000740 2.79688406 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Our House [July 1983] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\040) Madness - Our House [July 1983].mp3 00000741 2.79794359 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Safety Dance [September 1983] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\050) Men Without Hats - The Safety Dance [September 1983].mp3 00000742 2.79883790 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rockit [November 1983] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\060) Herbie Hancock - Rockit [November 1983].mp3 00000743 2.79974556 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Maneater , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\009) Hall & Oates - Maneater [December 1982].mp3 00000744 2.80075717 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Every Breath You Take [July 1983] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\017) The Police - Every Breath You Take [July 1983].mp3 00000745 2.80182052 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Jump [February 1984] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\014) Van Halen - Jump [February 1984].mp3 00000746 2.80338812 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Karma Chameleon [February 1984] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\022) Culture Club - Karma Chameleon [February 1984].mp3 00000747 2.80485439 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ghostbusters [August 1984] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\042) Ray Parker Jr. - Ghostbusters [August 1984].mp3 00000748 2.80601406 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Girls Just Wanna Have Fun [March 1984] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\051) Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun [March 1984].mp3 00000749 2.80725360 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rock You Like A Hurricane [May 1984] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\063) Scorpions - Rock You Like A Hurricane [May 1984].mp3 00000750 2.80836558 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file 99 Red/Luftballoons [March 1984] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\069) Nena - 99 Luftballoons [March 1984].mp3 00000751 2.80949092 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Like A Virgin [January 1985] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\013) Madonna - Like A Virgin [January 1985].mp3 00000752 2.81036592 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Power of Love [August 1985] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\033) Huey Lewis & The News - The Power of Love [August 1985].mp3 00000753 2.81128287 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Want To Know What Love Is [February 1985] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\049) Foreigner - I Want To Know What Love Is [February 1985].mp3 00000754 2.81216526 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Can't Fight This Feeling [March 1985] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\064) REO Speedwagon - Can't Fight This Feeling [March 1985].mp3 00000755 2.81305361 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sussudio [July 1985] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\076) Phil Collins - Sussudio [July 1985].mp3 00000756 2.81395912 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rock Me Amadeus [April 1986] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\035) Falco - Rock Me Amadeus [April 1986].mp3 00000757 2.81523752 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Take My Breath Away [September 1986] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\074) Berlin - Take My Breath Away [September 1986].mp3 00000758 2.81631184 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Everybody Have Fun Tonight [December 1986] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\081) Wang Chung - Everybody Have Fun Tonight [December 1986].mp3 00000759 2.81714725 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file If You Leave [May 1986] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\096) OMD - If You Leave [May 1986].mp3 00000760 2.81800890 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Synchronize: Adding file Addicted To Love [May 1986] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\099) Robert Palmer - Addicted To Love [May 1986].mp3 00000761 2.96632481 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\Unknown\Unknown\01 OMI - Cheerleader (Felix Jaehn Remix).mp3 will be deleted 00000762 2.96896839 [8248] Using old path \Music\The Crickets\The “Chirping” Crickets\05 Buddy Holly and the - Maybe Baby.mp3 00000763 2.97206640 [8248] Using old path \Music\Clovers\The Original Love Potion Number Nine\00 The Clovers - Love Potion No. 9.mp3 00000764 2.97320724 [8248] Using old path \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Unknown - Unknown_2.mp3 00000765 2.97612071 [8248] Using old path \Music\????? ?????\????? ??? – ???? 10 – ??? ???? ???? ???????\20 ????? ???? - ??? ?????_2.mp3 00000766 2.97651410 [8248] Using old path \Music\????? ?????\????? ??? – ???? 10 – ??? ???? ???? ???????\20 ????? ???? - ??? ?????_1.mp3 00000767 2.97951961 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) Sync-list prepared, has 1603 songs in total 00000768 2.98054433 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) DB open SQL: SELECT ParentPlaylist FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist=0 00000769 2.98273325 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) DB open SQL: SELECT null FROM SynchCollection WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=0 00000770 2.98380804 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00000771 2.98442006 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.playlistContainer, Title: Good stuff 3.5+ 00000772 2.98500752 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.playlistContainer, Title: New Pop 3+ 00000773 2.98564029 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.playlistContainer, Title: Unrated - recent 00000774 3.17877483 [8248] UPnP: _UploadRequest: Header: --XOVkaJ9IKlf5N86lk1D1eWvt6rPenqJ6-2-jYn 00000775 3.17877483 [8248] Content-Disposition: form-data; name="SyncedContentUpload:DeviceID:710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482" 00000776 3.17877483 [8248] 00000777 3.17877483 [8248] 26664,16451,23498,23954,26033,26097,25988,26103,26059,14829,28683,15291,13842,21320,20404,26109,26201,1658,15843,15277,26108,20780,20387,4405,15847,28696,21077,26039,15233,26034,16071,20443,20741,24834,20812,15240,15436,15851,15133,16429,15312,5865,5893,4845,6302,13124,5845,3150,15288,26229,13723,13808,15850,15503,5833,15477,5283,11674,24795,21319,23924,20802,24862,28698,26155,26180,23939,15334,21327,15264,26343,15253,26128,26052,26121,26170,27036,15317,15396,13813,13745,20813,21297,25979,20821,6782,20393,20394,13845,28684,26044,15844,15306,15425,26379,14852,27037,15120,15171,7376,26002,26040,15309,4080,4411,3156,4944,15260,15169,71,24820,15300,15263,6525,26264,3158,25960,26154,7305,15265,15391,16447,15740,26129,24809,15327,26366,2008,20438,25205,20478,15311,12778,21310,26332,13839,26036,20810,25981,24873,20652,26011,20435,16359,15682,15326,15392,16418,20423,25209,28687,20410,21314,21330,26212,13804,13760,15314,25204,20420,6001,20477,15714,15285,15230,23715,26326,13780,26112,13792,20440,15227,26089,13806,25951,26175,24842,13833,21283,23925,13798,20402,13828,15404,26082,15278,13746,16350,25222,5246,13681,20439,13695,26027,13864,25211,26113,23980,4942,15360,26299,18514,16540,6996,5823,14859,15399,6794,15725,28692,4396,15469,6796,25918,26346,26630,25996,14857,15397,2879,15229,26107,13704,23911,16437,13807,15331,26647,13759,24815,26188,16439,21946,23502,5993,25215,24802,7608,24002,24814,24836,15400,28673,20401,26202,13678,13826,16547,26178,24872,13785,15749,13679,6872,23979,24791,16425,13130,13832,15335,26076,26189,13714,13715,23921,23959,25995,9491,26327,4113,16363,24743,3151,15258,2039,13856,16555,25217,26088,26193,15226,26187,2041,20816,20824,15465,16435,23914,26633,26199,5838,5875,26064,13821,6788,20487,21340,15657,26133,3167,15411,26141,15286,19977,26090,20451,15377,6779,4086,5837,3148,26110,13783,28699,15281,13817,15345,15456,15280,15659,7282,15354,23960,2044,2049,13122,21286,20454,23946,15845,16415,26156,13673,15376,25994,28706,26060,26125,16407,26086,13682,25220,24806,24867,13799,26153,16354,13843,1825,13823,26337,23978,26351,21285,1696,26091,26041,26055,20801,15420,15494,20818,4391,15504,4089,24103,16552,24826,26152,26094,14860,20457,24843,15454,21298,21295,13861,26074,13818,26159,11485,26071,15375,26006,26231,6808,13778,26290,26517,5835,5883,2047,26077,24797,5888,5842,2048,4096,26100,13126,16398,26629,21452,16442,11484,24799,5836,5878,4414,20884,4742,15308,26203,26092,15719,26173,20444,2045,15455,15245,21897,23981,20482,24958,26004,26304,26045,15717,26139,15495,26367,21932,16406,23998,26213,25208,26320,26135,13836,13720,14854,13741,15665,15351,13782,14823,26143,26078,23933,20470,28675,26160,26114,21917,24849,15364,25199,26171,26010,15293,13822,20481,16372,15473,16539,479,13734,4738,21076,5229,26093,15255,26085,25191,15356,16458,25997,15296,24954,20794,4094,13123,15514,3152,20822,15500,15567,4084,20449,16553,4092,16463,434,15854,13777,26144,21082,21080,21083,26161,25984,26194,25902,13576,26056,26127,26183,25198,26126,26206,24803,13128,20469,15744,15303,24956,5889,5877,26214,27039,4853,25904,14851,28688,24792,4784,16426,15271,25998,15423,14724,26084,5895,15170,26021,26150,5881,25190,20405,20417,16347,25195,4749,26142,27035,13672,26115,20823,24847,1892,26061,21328,13,21309,25999,23917,25212,24801,26080,15341,16441,7293,15238,24817,26116,15234,24794,15976,24001,2050,3160,2046,3161,4394,13732,26046,25983,15267,15475,7281,26157,13764,26069,21081,21950,26174,15677,13767,25982,13753,8193,26003,20403,3383,13781,26008,1674,4210,21325,25993,24822,21302,26009,13786,15232,26017,26016,24821,7149,24855,21294,27038,21324,2253,13794,26042,20427,15687,25958,20433,26145,6783,5998,15239,25989,25987,26070,28669,3162,21287,13120,15319,26331,15367,26195,3154,509,26047,11675,26504,4397,15489,5846,28693,26057,1 00000778 3.17914724 [8248] MM5 [10372](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00000779 3.17965674 [8248] MM5 [10372](R) DB exec SQL: DELETE FROM DeviceTracks WHERE IDDevice = 677 AND IDTrack NOT IN (26664,16451,23498,23954,26033,26097,25988,26103,26059,14829,28683,15291,13842,21320,20404,26109,26201,1658,15843,15277,26108,20780,20387,4405,15847,28696,21077,26039,15233,26034,16071,20443,20741,24834,20812,15240,15436,15851,15133,16429,15312,5865,5893,4845,6302,13124,5845,3150,15288,26229,13723,13808,15850,15503,5833,15477,5283,11674,24795,21319,23924,20802,24862,28698,26155,26180,23939,15334,21327,15264,26343,15253,26128,26052,26121,26170,27036,15317,15396,13813,13745,20813,21297,25979,20821,6782,20393,20394,13845,28684,26044,15844,15306,15425,26379,14852,27037,15120,15171,7376,26002,26040,15309,4080,4411,3156,4944,15260,15169,71,24820,15300,15263,6525,26264,3158,25960,26154,7305,15265,15391,16447,15740,26129,24809,15327,26366,2008,20438,25205,20478,15311,12778,21310,26332,13839,26036,20810,25981,24873,20652,26011,20435,16359,15682,15326,15392,16418,20423,25209,28687,20410,21314,21330,26212,13804,13760,15314,25204,20420,6001,20477,15714,15285,15230,23715,26326,13780,26112,13792,20440,15227,26089,13806,25951,26175,24842,13833,21283,23925,13798,20402,13828,15404,26082,15278,13746,16350,25222,5246,13681,20439,13695,26027,13864,25211,26113,23980,4942,15360,26299,18514,16540,6996,5823,14859,15399,6794,15725,28692,4396,15469,6796,25918,26346,26630,25996,14857,15397,2879,15229,26107,13704,23911,16437,13807,15331,26647,13759,24815,26188,16439,21946,23502,5993,25215,24802,7608,24002,24814,24836,15400,28673,20401,26202,13678,13826,16547,26178,24872,13785,15749,13679,6872,23979,24791,16425,13130,13832,15335,26076,26189,13714,13715,23921,23959,25995,9491,26327,4113,16363,24743,3151,15258,2039,13856,16555,25217,26088,26193,15226,26187,2041,20816,20824,15465,16435,23914,26633,26199,5838,5875,26064,13821,6788,20487,21340,15657,26133,3167,15411,26141,15286,19977,26090,20451,15377,6779,4086,5837,3148,26110,13783,28699,15281,13817,15345,15456,15280,15659,7282,15354,23960,2044,2049,13122,21286,20454,23946,15845,16415,26156,13673,15376,25994,28706,26060,26125,16407,26086,13682,25220,24806,24867,13799,26153,16354,13843,1825,13823,26337,23978,26351,21285,1696,26091,26041,26055,20801,15420,15494,20818,4391,15504,4089,24103,16552,24826,26152,26094,14860,20457,24843,15454,21298,21295,13861,26074,13818,26159,11485,26071,15375,26006,26231,6808,13778,26290,26517,5835,5883,2047,26077,24797,5888,5842,2048,4096,26100,13126,16398,26629,21452,16442,11484,24799,5836,5878,4414,20884,4742,15308,26203,26092,15719,26173,20444,2045,15455,15245,21897,23981,20482,24958,26004,26304,26045,15717,26139,15495,26367,21932,16406,23998,26213,25208,26320,26135,13836,13720,14854,13741,15665,15351,13782,14823,26143,26078,23933,20470,28675,26160,26114,21917,24849,15364,25199,26171,26010,15293,13822,20481,16372,15473,16539,479,13734,4738,21076,5229,26093,15255,26085,25191,15356,16458,25997,15296,24954,20794,4094,13123,15514,3152,20822,15500,15567,4084,20449,16553,4092,16463,434,15854,13777,26144,21082,21080,21083,26161,25984,26194,25902,13576,26056,26127,26183,25198,26126,26206,24803,13128,20469,15744,15303,24956,5889,5877,26214,27039,4853,25904,14851,28688,24792,4784,16426,15271,25998,15423,14724,26084,5895,15170,26021,26150,5881,25190,20405,20417,16347,25195,4749,26142,27035,13672,26115,20823,24847,1892,26061,21328,13,21309,25999,23917,25212,24801,26080,15341,16441,7293,15238,24817,26116,15234,24794,15976,24001,2050,3160,2046,3161,4394,13732,26046,25983,15267,15475,7281,26157,13764,26069,21081,21950,26174,15677,13767,25982,13753,8193,26003,20403,3383,13781,26008,1674,4210,21325,25993,24822,21302,26009,13786,15232,26017,26016,24821,7149,24855,21294,27038,21324,2253,13794,26042,20427,15687,25958,20433,26145,6783,5998,15239,25989,25987,26070,28669,3162,21287,13120,15319,26331,15367,26195,3154,509,26047,11675,26504,4397,15489,5846,28693,26057,15295,15340,4093,20406,23955,15282,24869,20472,26013,13728,26122,26105,3495,26176,23945,21290,15658,26117,25992,20467,6654,26208,13784,21289,26048,26087,20128,15235,6321,1738,13871,25219,7796,15250,20480,23931,16550,13752,8017,15353,2617 00000780 3.24768114 [8248] MM5 [10372](R) DB lock took 63 ms : DELETE FROM DeviceTracks WHERE IDDevice = 677 AND IDTrack NOT IN (26664,16451,23498,23954,26033,26097,25988,26103,26059,14829,28683,15291,13842,21320,20404,26109,26201,1658,15843,15277,26108,20780,20387,4405,15847,28696,21077,26039,15233,26034,16071,20443,20741,24834,20812,15240,15436,15851,15133,16429,15312,5865,5893,4845,6302,13124,5845,3150,15288,26229,13723,13808,15850,15503,5833,15477,5283,11674,24795,21319,23924,20802,24862,28698,26155,26180,23939,15334,21327,15264,26343,15253,26128,26052,26121,26170,27036,15317,15396,13813,13745,20813,21297,25979,20821,6782,20393,20394,13845,28684,26044,15844,15306,15425,26379,14852,27037,15120,15171,7376,26002,26040,15309,4080,4411,3156,4944,15260,15169,71,24820,15300,15263,6525,26264,3158,25960,26154,7305,15265,15391,16447,15740,26129,24809,15327,26366,2008,20438,25205,20478,15311,12778,21310,26332,13839,26036,20810,25981,24873,20652,26011,20435,16359,15682,15326,15392,16418,20423,25209,28687,20410,21314,21330,26212,13804,13760,15314,25204,20420,6001,20477,15714,15285,15230,23715,26326,13780,26112,13792,20440,15227,26089,13806,25951,26175,24842,13833,21283,23925,13798,20402,13828,15404,26082,15278,13746,16350,25222,5246,13681,20439,13695,26027,13864,25211,26113,23980,4942,15360,26299,18514,16540,6996,5823,14859,15399,6794,15725,28692,4396,15469,6796,25918,26346,26630,25996,14857,15397,2879,15229,26107,13704,23911,16437,13807,15331,26647,13759,24815,26188,16439,21946,23502,5993,25215,24802,7608,24002,24814,24836,15400,28673,20401,26202,13678,13826,16547,26178,24872,13785,15749,13679,6872,23979,24791,16425,13130,13832,15335,26076,26189,13714,13715,23921,23959,25995,9491,26327,4113,16363,24743,3151,15258,2039,13856,16555,25217,26088,26193,15226,26187,2041,20816,20824,15465,16435,23914,26633,26199,5838,5875,26064,13821,6788,20487,21340,15657,26133,3167,15411,26141,15286,19977,26090,20451,15377,6779,4086,5837,3148,26110,13783,28699,15281,13817,15345,15456,15280,15659,7282,15354,23960,2044,2049,13122,21286,20454,23946,15845,16415,26156,13673,15376,25994,28706,26060,26125,16407,26086,13682,25220,24806,24867,13799,26153,16354,13843,1825,13823,26337,23978,26351,21285,1696,26091,26041,26055,20801,15420,15494,20818,4391,15504,4089,24103,16552,24826,26152,26094,14860,20457,24843,15454,21298,21295,13861,26074,13818,26159,11485,26071,15375,26006,26231,6808,13778,26290,26517,5835,5883,2047,26077,24797,5888,5842,2048,4096,26100,13126,16398,26629,21452,16442,11484,24799,5836,5878,4414,20884,4742,15308,26203,26092,15719,26173,20444,2045,15455,15245,21897,23981,20482,24958,26004,26304,26045,15717,26139,15495,26367,21932,16406,23998,26213,25208,26320,26135,13836,13720,14854,13741,15665,15351,13782,14823,26143,26078,23933,20470,28675,26160,26114,21917,24849,15364,25199,26171,26010,15293,13822,20481,16372,15473,16539,479,13734,4738,21076,5229,26093,15255,26085,25191,15356,16458,25997,15296,24954,20794,4094,13123,15514,3152,20822,15500,15567,4084,20449,16553,4092,16463,434,15854,13777,26144,21082,21080,21083,26161,25984,26194,25902,13576,26056,26127,26183,25198,26126,26206,24803,13128,20469,15744,15303,24956,5889,5877,26214,27039,4853,25904,14851,28688,24792,4784,16426,15271,25998,15423,14724,26084,5895,15170,26021,26150,5881,25190,20405,20417,16347,25195,4749,26142,27035,13672,26115,20823,24847,1892,26061,21328,13,21309,25999,23917,25212,24801,26080,15341,16441,7293,15238,24817,26116,15234,24794,15976,24001,2050,3160,2046,3161,4394,13732,26046,25983,15267,15475,7281,26157,13764,26069,21081,21950,26174,15677,13767,25982,13753,8193,26003,20403,3383,13781,26008,1674,4210,21325,25993,24822,21302,26009,13786,15232,26017,26016,24821,7149,24855,21294,27038,21324,2253,13794,26042,20427,15687,25958,20433,26145,6783,5998,15239,25989,25987,26070,28669,3162,21287,13120,15319,26331,15367,26195,3154,509,26047,11675,26504,4397,15489,5846,28693,26057,15295,15340,4093,20406,23955,15282,24869,20472,26013,13728,26122,26105,3495,26176,23945,21290,15658,26117,25992,20467,6654,26208,13784,21289,26048,26087,20128,15235,6321,1738,13871,25219,7796,15250,20480,23931,16550,13752,8017,15 00000781 3.26877952 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00000782 3.26889706 [8248] UPnP Server: Directory to browse: SyncDelete:DeviceID:710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482, Start: 0, Count: 500, Sort: 00000783 3.27704597 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) _BrowseRequest started 00000784 3.27717209 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00000785 3.27730417 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00000786 3.27753806 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00000787 3.27766681 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00000788 3.27780628 [8248] GetDeviceLibraryIDForDevice: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00000789 3.27792430 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00000790 3.27804661 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00000791 3.28530788 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) 9480 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00000792 3.28797269 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) DB lock took 16 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00000793 3.29870129 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00000794 3.29929566 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item, Title: Astair 00000795 3.29984689 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item, Title: Stg. Peppers lonely hearts club band 00000796 3.30033803 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item, Title: I've Just Seen A Face 00000797 3.30080628 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item, Title: Stories for Boys 00000798 3.30128050 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item, Title: No Myth 00000799 3.30174208 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item, Title: Just Another Guy 00000800 3.30220723 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item, Title: Blue Orchid 00000801 3.30267310 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item, Title: And Your Bird Can Sing.... 00000802 3.30316734 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item, Title: I Want To Hold You Hand 00000803 5.61102915 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00000804 7.35417461 [8248] UPnP: _UploadRequest: Header: --l66Bj8LFV082fZcgsILn5NEReSkyWZDj 00000805 7.35417461 [8248] Content-Disposition: form-data; name="SyncedContentUpload:DeviceID:710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482" 00000806 7.35417461 [8248] 00000807 7.35417461 [8248] 26664,16451,23498,23954,26033,26097,25988,26103,26059,14829,28683,15291,13842,21320,20404,26109,26201,1658,15843,15277,26108,20780,20387,4405,15847,28696,21077,26039,15233,26034,16071,20443,20741,24834,20812,15240,15436,15851,15133,16429,15312,5865,5893,4845,13124,5845,3150,15288,26229,13723,13808,15850,15503,5833,15477,5283,24795,21319,23924,20802,24862,28698,26155,26180,23939,15334,21327,15264,26343,15253,26128,26052,26121,26170,27036,15317,15396,13813,13745,20813,21297,25979,20821,6782,20393,20394,13845,28684,26044,15844,15306,15425,26379,14852,27037,15120,15171,26002,26040,15309,4080,4411,3156,4944,15260,15169,71,24820,15300,15263,26264,3158,25960,26154,7305,15265,15391,16447,15740,26129,24809,15327,26366,2008,20438,25205,20478,15311,12778,21310,26332,13839,26036,20810,25981,24873,20652,26011,20435,16359,15682,15326,15392,16418,20423,25209,28687,20410,21314,21330,26212,13804,13760,15314,25204,20420,6001,20477,15714,15285,15230,23715,26326,13780,26112,13792,20440,15227,26089,13806,25951,26175,24842,13833,21283,23925,13798,20402,13828,15404,26082,15278,13746,16350,25222,13681,20439,13695,26027,13864,25211,26113,23980,4942,15360,26299,18514,16540,6996,5823,14859,15399,6794,15725,28692,4396,15469,6796,25918,26346,26630,25996,14857,15397,2879,15229,26107,13704,23911,16437,13807,15331,26647,13759,24815,26188,16439,21946,23502,25215,24802,7608,24002,24814,24836,15400,28673,20401,26202,13678,13826,16547,26178,24872,13785,15749,13679,23979,24791,16425,13130,13832,15335,26076,26189,13714,13715,23921,23959,25995,9491,26327,16363,24743,3151,15258,2039,13856,16555,25217,26088,26193,15226,26187,2041,20816,20824,15465,16435,23914,26633,26199,5838,5875,26064,13821,6788,20487,21340,15657,26133,3167,15411,26141,15286,19977,26090,20451,15377,6779,4086,5837,3148,26110,13783,28699,15281,13817,15345,15456,15280,15659,7282,15354,23960,2044,2049,13122,21286,20454,23946,15845,16415,26156,13673,15376,25994,28706,26060,26125,16407,26086,13682,25220,24806,24867,13799,26153,16354,13843,13823,26337,23978,26351,21285,26091,26041,26055,20801,15420,15494,20818,4391,15504,4089,24103,16552,24826,26152,26094,14860,20457,24843,15454,21298,21295,13861,26074,13818,26159,11485,26071,15375,26006,26231,13778,26290,26517,5835,5883,2047,26077,24797,5888,5842,2048,4096,26100,13126,16398,26629,21452,16442,11484,24799,5836,5878,4414,20884,4742,15308,26203,26092,15719,26173,20444,2045,15455,15245,21897,23981,20482,24958,26004,26304,26045,15717,26139,15495,26367,21932,16406,23998,26213,25208,26320,26135,13836,13720,14854,13741,15665,15351,13782,14823,26143,26078,23933,20470,28675,26160,26114,21917,24849,15364,25199,26171,26010,15293,13822,20481,16372,15473,16539,479,13734,4738,21076,5229,26093,15255,26085,25191,15356,16458,25997,15296,24954,20794,4094,13123,15514,3152,20822,15500,15567,4084,20449,16553,4092,16463,434,15854,13777,26144,21082,21080,21083,26161,25984,26194,25902,13576,26056,26127,26183,25198,26126,26206,24803,13128,20469,15744,15303,24956,5889,5877,26214,27039,25904,14851,28688,24792,4784,16426,15271,25998,15423,14724,26084,5895,15170,26021,26150,5881,25190,20405,20417,16347,25195,4749,26142,27035,13672,26115,20823,24847,26061,21328,13,21309,25999,23917,25212,24801,26080,15341,16441,7293,15238,24817,26116,15234,24794,15976,24001,2050,3160,2046,3161,4394,13732,26046,25983,15267,15475,7281,26157,13764,26069,21081,21950,26174,15677,13767,25982,13753,26003,20403,3383,13781,26008,1674,4210,21325,25993,24822,21302,26009,13786,15232,26017,26016,24821,7149,24855,21294,27038,21324,2253,13794,26042,20427,15687,25958,20433,26145,6783,5998,15239,25989,25987,26070,28669,3162,21287,13120,15319,26331,15367,26195,3154,509,26047,26504,4397,15489,5846,28693,26057,15295,15340,4093,20406,23955,15282,24869,20472,26013,13728,26122,26105,26176,23945,21 00000808 7.35477209 [8248] MM5 [2916](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00000809 7.37916899 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00000810 7.39254951 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) _BrowseRequest started 00000811 7.39301205 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00000812 7.39355421 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00000813 7.39399195 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00000814 7.39471340 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 00000815 7.40815496 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) TSyncProcess.GetSyncList, served 753 tracks from 1603 00000816 7.41295290 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) 9480 DB prepare SQL: SELECT NULL FROM Covers WHERE Covers.IDSong = ? 00000817 7.41364861 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Cry, ID: 20554, LastModified: 2018-05-27 18:27:04, Targetpath: \Music\10CC\Very Best Of\17 10CC - Cry.m4a, TrackType: 0 00000818 7.41441298 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Momentum, ID: 20660, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\Aimee Mann\Magnolia- Music from the Motion Picture\02 Aimee Mann - Momentum.mp3, TrackType: 0 00000819 7.41506624 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: All I Need, ID: 20681, LastModified: 2017-03-31 05:22:17, Targetpath: \Music\Air\Moon Safari\03 Air - All I Need.m4a, TrackType: 0 00000820 7.41572380 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Hand In My Pocket, ID: 21519, LastModified: 2017-10-26 14:22:17, Targetpath: \Music\Alanis Morissette\Jagged Little Pill\04 Alanis Morissette - Hand In My Pocket.mp3, TrackType: 0 00000821 7.41642237 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Slow Revolution, ID: 20758, LastModified: 2017-03-19 13:51:22, Targetpath: \Music\Alexi Murdoch\Towards The Sun\04 Alexi Murdoch - Slow Revolution.mp3, TrackType: 0 00000822 7.41709518 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Man in the Box, ID: 25887, LastModified: 2018-06-20 15:19:06, Targetpath: \Music\Alice in Chains\Facelift\11 Alice in Chains - Man in the Box.mp3, TrackType: 0 00000823 7.41779375 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Afternoons in Utopia, ID: 2542, LastModified: 2018-11-12 21:52:51, Targetpath: \Music\Alphaville\Afternoons in Utopia\05 Alphaville - Afternoons in Utopia.mp3, TrackType: 0 00000824 7.41851187 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: thank u, next, ID: 28667, LastModified: 2018-12-23 05:55:45, Targetpath: \Music\Ariana Grande\U.K Single Charts\00 Ariana Grande - thank u, next.m4a, TrackType: 0 00000825 7.41917419 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Loser, ID: 25906, LastModified: 2018-06-20 15:22:05, Targetpath: \Music\Beck\Mellow Gold\28 Beck - Loser.mp3, TrackType: 0 00000826 7.41981268 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Good, ID: 25923, LastModified: 2018-06-20 15:42:07, Targetpath: \Music\Better Than Ezra\Deluxe\62 Better Than Ezra - Good.mp3, TrackType: 0 00000827 7.42047977 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Oh Well, ID: 2766, LastModified: 2017-07-24 21:50:42, Targetpath: \Music\Billy Burnette\Memphis in Manhattan\04 Billy Burnette - Oh Well.m4a, TrackType: 0 00000828 7.42118073 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Only the Good Die Young, ID: 2778, LastModified: 2018-12-05 21:52:09, Targetpath: \Music\Billy Joel\The Stranger\06 Billy Joel - Only the Good Die Young.mp3, TrackType: 0 00000829 7.42184401 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Hasn't Hit Me Yet, ID: 157, LastModified: 2015-10-14 22:40:04, Targetpath: \Music\Blue Rodeo\Five Days In July\02 Blue Rodeo - Hasn't Hit Me Yet.m4a, TrackType: 0 00000830 7.42266560 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Head Over Heels, ID: 163, LastModified: 2017-08-10 17:17:29, Targetpath: \Music\Blue Rodeo\Five Days In July\08 Blue Rodeo - Head Over Heels.m4a, TrackType: 0 00000831 7.42332172 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall, ID: 2835, LastModified: 2017-08-21 18:01:41, Targetpath: \Music\Bob Dylan\Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Volume 2\05 Bob Dylan - A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall.mp3, TrackType: 0 00000832 7.42397594 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Jamming, ID: 2880, LastModified: 2018-07-26 16:43:25, Targetpath: \Music\Bob Marley & The Wailers\Exodus\06 Bob Marley & The Wai - Jamming.m4a, TrackType: 0 00000833 7.42462873 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Could You Be Loved (remix), ID: 2893, LastModified: 2017-09-15 20:55:22, Targetpath: \Music\Bob Marley & The Wailers\Legend (CD2)\20 Bob Marley & The Wai - Could You Be Loved (remix).m4a, TrackType: 0 00000834 7.42523670 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Rasputin, ID: 185, LastModified: 2017-09-15 20:55:22, Targetpath: \Music\Boney M\Boney M Gold\05 Boney M. - Rasputin.m4a, TrackType: 0 00000835 7.42587614 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Peace Of Mind, ID: 2906, LastModified: 2017-09-15 20:55:22, Targetpath: \Music\Boston\Boston\02 Boston - Peace Of Mind.mp3, TrackType: 0 00000836 7.42654419 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: 01_Why, ID: 14824, LastModified: 2017-12-29 04:35:26, Targetpath: \Music\Bronski Beat\The Age Of Consent\01 Bronski Beat - 01_Why.mp3, TrackType: 0 00000837 7.42718697 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: 11_I Feel Love (Medley With Marc Almond), ID: 14834, LastModified: 2016-05-05 21:31:40, Targetpath: \Music\Bronski Beat\The Age Of Consent\11 Bronski Beat - 11_I Feel Love (Medley With Marc Almond).mp3, TrackType: 0 00000838 7.42783117 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Ain't Gonna Cry, ID: 2943, LastModified: 2016-05-16 16:41:10, Targetpath: \Music\Bryan Adams\Reckless\10 Bryan Adams - Ain't Gonna Cry.m4a, TrackType: 0 00000839 7.42829514 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Maybe baby, ID: 2957, LastModified: 2018-12-05 21:52:09, Targetpath: \Music\Buddy Holly & the Crickets\Still Rockin'\01 Buddy Holly & the Cr - Maybe baby.mp3, TrackType: 0 00000840 7.42892075 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: That'll Be The Day, ID: 2956, LastModified: 2015-08-16 21:48:21, Targetpath: \Music\Buddy Holly\Unknown\00 Buddy Holly - That'll Be The Day.mp3, TrackType: 0 00000841 7.42962503 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Machinehead, ID: 25957, LastModified: 2018-06-20 15:42:51, Targetpath: \Music\Bush\Sixteen Stone\79 Bush - Machinehead.mp3, TrackType: 0 00000842 7.43038464 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Top Of The World, ID: 2974, LastModified: 2016-04-28 22:24:00, Targetpath: \Music\Carpenters\Singles 1969-73\02 Carpenters - Top Of The World.mp3, TrackType: 0 00000843 7.43104219 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: My Artificial Sweetener, ID: 3007, LastModified: 2017-09-26 20:15:15, Targetpath: \Music\Chalk Circle\Mending Wall\02 Chalk Circle - My Artificial Sweetener.mp3, TrackType: 0 00000844 7.43168306 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Baby Did A Bad Bad Thing, ID: 3026, LastModified: 2017-11-14 22:48:15, Targetpath: \Music\Chris Isaak\Forever Blue\01 Chris Isaak - Baby Did A Bad Bad Thing.mp3, TrackType: 0 00000845 7.43234015 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Clocks, ID: 3067, LastModified: 2018-12-05 21:52:08, Targetpath: \Music\Coldplay\A Rush Of Blood To The Head\05 Coldplay - Clocks.m4a, TrackType: 0 00000846 7.43306160 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: White Shadows, ID: 3091, LastModified: 2016-03-03 15:22:36, Targetpath: \Music\Coldplay\X & Y\03 Coldplay - White Shadows.m4a, TrackType: 0 00000847 7.43371058 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: The Hardest Part, ID: 3086, LastModified: 2015-12-28 20:10:57, Targetpath: \Music\Coldplay\X & Y\10 Coldplay - The Hardest Part.m4a, TrackType: 0 00000848 7.43438387 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Better Now, ID: 3098, LastModified: 2016-04-28 22:24:00, Targetpath: \Music\Collective Soul\Youth\01 Collective Soul - Better Now.m4a, TrackType: 0 00000849 7.43504095 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Teach Your Children, ID: 3141, LastModified: 2018-06-28 03:59:41, Targetpath: \Music\Crosby Stills Nash & Young\Deja Vu\02 Crosby Stills Nash & - Teach Your Children.mp3, TrackType: 0 00000850 7.43568945 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: I Will Follow You into the Dark, ID: 3253, LastModified: 2018-10-15 21:15:03, Targetpath: \Music\Death Cab for Cutie\Plans\05 Death Cab for Cutie - I Will Follow You into the Dark.mp3, TrackType: 0 00000851 7.43635511 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: We Looked Like Giants, ID: 3264, LastModified: 2018-10-15 21:24:07, Targetpath: \Music\Death Cab for Cutie\Transatlanticism\10 Death Cab for Cutie - We Looked Like Giants.mp3, TrackType: 0 00000852 7.43700790 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: I Feel Loved, ID: 3323, LastModified: 2014-10-07 15:53:45, Targetpath: \Music\Depeche Mode\Exciter\09 Depeche Mode - I Feel Loved.mp3, TrackType: 0 00000853 7.43770552 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: John The Revelator, ID: 3351, LastModified: 2015-01-16 15:51:07, Targetpath: \Music\Depeche Mode\Playing the Angel\02 Depeche Mode - John The Revelator.m4a, TrackType: 0 00000854 7.43833923 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: I Wonder Why, ID: 3375, LastModified: 2016-05-15 04:28:08, Targetpath: \Music\Dion and the Belmonts\Unknown\00 Dion and the Belmont - I Wonder Why.mp3, TrackType: 0 00000855 7.43903589 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: The Man's Too Strong, ID: 3384, LastModified: 2018-06-14 20:42:19, Targetpath: \Music\Dire Straits\Brothers in Arms\07 Dire Straits - The Man's Too Strong.m4a, TrackType: 0 00000856 7.43966389 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Landslide (real album version-not live), ID: 3401, LastModified: 2015-01-09 17:42:04, Targetpath: \Music\Dixie Chicks\Home\02 Dixie Chicks - Landslide (real album version-not live).mp3, TrackType: 0 00000857 7.44029617 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Universal Soldier, ID: 3452, LastModified: 2017-08-13 16:59:47, Targetpath: \Music\Donovan\Unknown\00 Donovan - Universal Soldier.mp3, TrackType: 0 00000858 7.44091463 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: I See Fire, ID: 14579, LastModified: 2016-06-02 14:04:23, Targetpath: \Music\Ed Sheeran\Billboard\00 Ed Sheeran - I See Fire.m4a, TrackType: 0 00000859 7.44161129 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Hard Sun, ID: 3494, LastModified: 2017-08-21 18:01:41, Targetpath: \Music\Eddie Vedder\Into the Wild\07 Eddie Vedder - Hard Sun.m4a, TrackType: 0 00000860 7.44228697 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Secret Messages, ID: 3516, LastModified: 2017-08-31 06:28:44, Targetpath: \Music\Electric Light Orchestra\Light Years- The Very Best of Electric Light Orchestra\15 Electric Light Orche - Secret Messages.mp3, TrackType: 0 00000861 7.44295979 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Hold on Tight, ID: 3535, LastModified: 2017-07-24 21:50:54, Targetpath: \Music\Electric Light Orchestra\Light Years- The Very Best of Electric Light Orchestra\32 Electric Light Orche - Hold on Tight.mp3, TrackType: 0 00000862 7.44359779 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Summertiime, ID: 21135, LastModified: 2017-07-05 12:57:27, Targetpath: \Music\Ella Fitzgerald\Unknown\00 Ella Fitzgerald - Summertiime.m4a, TrackType: 0 00000863 7.44435453 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Candle in the Wind, ID: 3555, LastModified: 2017-03-31 05:22:17, Targetpath: \Music\Elton John\My Shared Folder\00 Elton John - Candle in the Wind.mp3, TrackType: 0 00000864 7.44500256 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: (Bonus) A Little Less Conversation (JXL Radio Edit Remix), ID: 3586, LastModified: 2018-11-12 21:52:51, Targetpath: \Music\Elvis Presley\30 #1 Hits\31 Elvis Presley - (Bonus) A Little Less Conversation (JXL Radio Edit Remix).m4a, TrackType: 0 00000865 7.44565439 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Only Time (remix), ID: 3655, LastModified: 2017-09-26 20:15:16, Targetpath: \Music\Enya\A Day Without Rain\03 Enya - Only Time (remix).m4a, TrackType: 0 00000866 7.44632387 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Orinoco Flow (Sail Away), ID: 3677, LastModified: 2018-07-26 16:43:26, Targetpath: \Music\Enya\Paint the Sky with Stars- The Best of Enya\01 Enya - Orinoco Flow (Sail Away).mp3, TrackType: 0 00000867 7.44696569 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Book of Days, ID: 3686, LastModified: 2018-12-05 21:52:09, Targetpath: \Music\Enya\Shepherd Moons\03 Enya - Book of Days.mp3, TrackType: 0 00000868 7.44789362 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) DB open SQL: SELECT null FROM SynchPlaylist WHERE SynchPlaylist.IDDevice=677 00000869 7.45274973 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00000870 7.45327663 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Cry 00000871 7.45382738 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Cryin' 00000872 7.45436716 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Momentum 00000873 7.45494175 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Femme d'Argent 00000874 7.45554876 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: All I Need 00000875 7.45611668 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Talisman 00000876 7.45663023 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Hand In My Pocket 00000877 7.45715189 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Precious Illusions 00000878 7.45768881 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Slow Revolution 00000879 7.45825529 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Rooster 00000880 7.45875359 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Man in the Box 00000881 7.45926380 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Nutshell 00000882 7.45976973 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Afternoons in Utopia 00000883 7.46039820 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Say Hello 00000884 7.46093273 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: thank u, next 00000885 7.46147585 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Goodbye Sadness 00000886 7.46199131 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Loser 00000887 7.46249437 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Where It’s At 00000888 7.46299362 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Good 00000889 7.46356583 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: My Love Will Not Change 00000890 7.46410704 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Oh Well 00000891 7.46461439 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Stranger 00000892 7.46512079 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Only the Good Die Young 00000893 7.46562386 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Burnin' for You 00000894 7.46619844 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Hasn't Hit Me Yet 00000895 7.46672583 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Photograph 00000896 7.46724892 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Head Over Heels 00000897 7.46775532 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Song 2 00000898 7.46825457 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall 00000899 7.46876478 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Changing of the Guards 00000900 7.46927357 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Jamming 00000901 7.46978092 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Satisfy My Soul 00000902 7.47030401 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Could You Be Loved (remix) 00000903 7.47086477 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Rivers Of Babylon 00000904 7.47137499 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Rasputin 00000905 7.47186899 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Green Onions 00000906 7.47238731 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Peace Of Mind 00000907 7.47300625 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Let Her Go [Passenger] 00000908 7.47350788 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: 01_Why 00000909 7.47407055 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: 10_I Feel Love 00000910 7.47463417 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: 11_I Feel Love (Medley With Marc Almond) 00000911 7.47516727 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: She's Only Happy When She's Dancin' 00000912 7.47569180 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Ain't Gonna Cry 00000913 7.47620058 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Maybe baby 00000914 7.47670889 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Not Fade Away 00000915 7.47735977 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: That'll Be The Day 00000916 7.47791672 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Glycerine 00000917 7.47852945 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Machinehead 00000918 7.47906256 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: This Is What You Came For (feat. Rihanna) 00000919 7.47960234 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Top Of The World 00000920 7.48012161 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Yesterday Once More 00000921 7.48062658 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: My Artificial Sweetener 00000922 7.48113823 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Spaceman Came Travelling 00000923 7.48164797 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Baby Did A Bad Bad Thing 00000924 7.48215342 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Somebody's Crying 00000925 7.48265457 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Clocks 00000926 7.48320341 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: We Never Change 00000927 7.48371506 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: White Shadows 00000928 7.48423052 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: A Message 00000929 7.48472404 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Hardest Part 00000930 7.48523521 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The World I Know 00000931 7.48572969 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Better Now 00000932 7.48625422 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Mr. Jones 00000933 7.48676252 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Teach Your Children 00000934 7.48727179 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Woodstock 00000935 7.48783016 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Will Follow You into the Dark 00000936 7.48845053 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Little Bribes 00000937 7.48899746 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: We Looked Like Giants 00000938 7.48953533 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: A Lack of Color 00000939 7.49005938 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Feel Loved 00000940 7.49056864 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Love In Itself 00000941 7.49108648 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: John The Revelator 00000942 7.49159527 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Precious 00000943 7.49233580 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Wonder Why 00000944 7.49284554 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Why Worry1 00000945 7.49335432 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Man's Too Strong 00000946 7.49386072 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Counting Blue Cars 00000947 7.49443102 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Landslide (real album version-not live) 00000948 7.49493456 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Jersey Thursday 00000949 7.49544859 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Universal Soldier 00000950 7.49596024 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Drift Away 00000951 7.49646664 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I See Fire 00000952 7.49696875 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Take Me Home Tonight 00000953 7.49747181 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Hard Sun 00000954 7.49798489 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Rock & Roll Is King 00000955 7.49851370 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Secret Messages 00000956 7.49913836 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Calling America 00000957 7.49972582 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Hold on Tight 00000958 7.50027752 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Do Ya 00000959 7.50080729 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Summertiime 00000960 7.50132179 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: On My Mind 00000961 7.50182581 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Candle in the Wind 00000962 7.50232458 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Empty Garden (Hey Hey Johnny) 00000963 7.50283289 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: (Bonus) A Little Less Conversation (JXL Radio Edit Remix) 00000964 7.50337029 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: A Little Less Conversation 00000965 7.50388718 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Only Time (remix) 00000966 7.50439978 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Lazy Days 00000967 7.50490141 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Orinoco Flow (Sail Away) 00000968 7.50540781 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Caribbean Blue 00000969 7.50590801 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Book of Days 00000970 8.05387878 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Moonlight Desires 00000971 8.05635262 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Ain't If Funky Now 00000972 8.05695057 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Mari Mac 00000973 8.05747128 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Ordinary Day 00000974 8.05798912 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) 00000975 8.05851078 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: November Rain 00000976 8.05911064 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Torn [Natalie Imbruglia] 00000977 8.05973625 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Flagpole Sitta 00000978 8.06040764 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Magic Man 00000979 8.06102085 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Blood Of Me 00000980 8.06154919 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: What A Feeling 00000981 8.06226921 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Valley Of Sound 00000982 8.06336498 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Not Only Human 00000983 8.06394577 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Dovid Melech 00000984 8.06447983 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Way I Am (Live on WERS) 00000985 8.06504345 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Devil Inside 00000986 8.06572437 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Disappear 00000987 8.06624031 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Upward Over the Mountain 00000988 8.06677723 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: On Your Wings 00000989 8.06728840 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Passing Afternoon 00000990 8.06784630 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Lion's Mane 00000991 8.06838131 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: An Angry Blade 00000992 8.06894016 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Woman King 00000993 8.06946564 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Jezebel 00000994 8.06997395 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Thinking About You 00000995 8.07047272 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Feel So Free 00000996 8.07258415 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Undertow 00000997 8.07334042 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Digging Your Scene (Bonus Track) 00000998 8.07390690 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Drink the water 00000999 8.07444000 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Broken 00001000 8.07497883 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Lullaby (Feat. Matt Costa) 00001001 8.07552433 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Questions 00001002 8.07606602 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Been Caught Stealing 00001003 8.07659817 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Greasy Heart 00001004 8.07713890 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Good Shepherd 00001005 8.07771397 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Bungle in the Jungle 00001006 8.07837582 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Wondering Aloud 00001007 8.07901001 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Purple Haze 00001008 8.07965469 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Oh Yoko! 00001009 8.08025837 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Home of the Blues 00001010 8.08085155 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Secret Agent Man 00001011 8.08143139 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: A Taste Of Honey 00001012 8.08201218 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Besame Mucho 00001013 8.08266354 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Fly Me to the Moon 00001014 8.08325481 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Failure 00001015 8.08386993 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Leaning Against the Wall (Bamboo Soul Remix) 00001016 8.08442116 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Weight of my Words (Four Tet Remix - Instrumental) 00001017 8.08499718 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Thank You 00001018 8.08554363 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Ramble On 00001019 8.08607006 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Hey Hey What Can I Do 00001020 8.08658791 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Rock And Roll 00001021 8.08710384 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: All My Love 00001022 8.08901215 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: When The Levee Breaks 00001023 8.08968925 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Shonanat Yacov 00001024 8.09030056 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Big Gay Heart 00001025 8.09090805 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Into Your Arms (Acoustic) 00001026 8.09151554 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Fly Away 00001027 8.09211922 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: First We Take Manhattan 00001028 8.09277153 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I'm Your Man 00001029 8.09341431 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Suzanne 00001030 8.09405708 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Suzanne 00001031 8.09473419 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Tacoma Trailer 00001032 8.09537220 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: My Own Worst Enemy 00001033 8.09609222 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Strip 00001034 8.09670925 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Lightning Crashes 00001035 8.09732342 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Alone 00001036 8.09808922 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: All Over You 00001037 8.09915638 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Battle Flag 00001038 8.10028458 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Bound for the Floor 00001039 8.10094261 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Eat Out 00001040 8.10160542 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: 5 Years Old 00001041 8.10222435 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: How Old Are You? 00001042 8.10288334 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Synchronicity 00001043 8.10350037 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Ray of Light 00001044 8.10647488 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Live To Tell 00001045 8.10714722 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Rescue Me 00001046 8.10793209 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sex and Candy 00001047 8.10855675 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) 00001048 8.10925293 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Happier (feat. Bastille) 00001049 8.48464203 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00001050 8.49314308 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) _BrowseRequest started 00001051 8.49340630 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00001052 8.49372768 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00001053 8.49398708 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001054 8.49435806 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 00001055 8.50342369 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) TSyncProcess.GetSyncList, served 753 tracks from 1603 00001056 8.50465488 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Devil With the Green Eyes, ID: 4818, LastModified: 2018-07-26 16:43:37, Targetpath: \Music\Matthew Sweet\Altered Beast\02 Matthew Sweet - Devil With the Green Eyes.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001057 8.50540829 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Enter Sandman, ID: 25894, LastModified: 2018-07-03 18:52:01, Targetpath: \Music\Metallica\Metallica\14 Metallica - Enter Sandman.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001058 8.50609398 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Say Hey (I Love You), ID: 12746, LastModified: 2017-11-29 14:48:59, Targetpath: \Music\Michael Franti & Spearhead\All Rebel Rockers\06 Michael Franti & Spe - Say Hey (I Love You).m4a, TrackType: 0 00001059 8.50679874 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: The Sound Of Sunshine Going Down, ID: 11341, LastModified: 2018-05-27 18:27:42, Targetpath: \Music\Michael Franti & Spearhead\The Sound of Sunshine\11 Michael Franti & Spe - The Sound Of Sunshine Going Down.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001060 8.50749016 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Billie Jean, ID: 976, LastModified: 2017-12-28 22:36:06, Targetpath: \Music\Michael Jackson\Thriller\00 Michael Jackson - Billie Jean.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001061 8.50814533 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Blue Sky Mine, ID: 1485, LastModified: 2015-01-09 17:42:04, Targetpath: \Music\Midnight Oil\20,000 Watt R.S.L.- Greatest Hits\07 Midnight Oil - Blue Sky Mine.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001062 8.50883961 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Classic, ID: 15276, LastModified: 2018-06-24 05:04:37, Targetpath: \Music\MKTO\MKTO\50 MKTO - Classic.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001063 8.50963211 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Wait For Me, ID: 19923, LastModified: 2017-07-03 15:17:55, Targetpath: \Music\Moby\Wait For Me\12 Moby - Wait For Me.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001064 8.51031017 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: One Night in Bangkok, ID: 4922, LastModified: 2018-06-24 05:11:37, Targetpath: \Music\Murray Head\Unknown\00 Murray Head - One Night in Bangkok.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001065 8.51099777 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Round & Round, ID: 4990, LastModified: 2018-08-15 20:51:22, Targetpath: \Music\New Order\Best of\11 New Order - Round & Round.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001066 8.51186275 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Pink Moon, ID: 5017, LastModified: 2017-11-10 01:51:12, Targetpath: \Music\Nick Drake\Pink Moon\01 Nick Drake - Pink Moon.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001067 8.51262569 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Mayfair, ID: 5038, LastModified: 2014-09-04 15:19:47, Targetpath: \Music\Nick Drake\Time of No Reply\06 Nick Drake - Mayfair.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001068 8.51339245 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: How You Remind Me-Nickelback , ID: 1531, LastModified: 2017-07-24 21:50:54, Targetpath: \Music\Nickelback\Unknown\01 Nickelback - How You Remind Me-Nickelback .mp3, TrackType: 0 00001069 8.51410866 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Closer, ID: 25881, LastModified: 2018-06-14 13:41:15, Targetpath: \Music\Nine Inch Nails\The Downward Spiral\04 Nine Inch Nails - Closer.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001070 8.51486683 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: We’re in This Together, ID: 25925, LastModified: 2018-05-29 22:15:08, Targetpath: \Music\Nine Inch Nails\The Fragile\59 Nine Inch Nails - We’re in This Together.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001071 8.51559544 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Cold Cold Heart, ID: 5062, LastModified: 2015-05-27 22:14:30, Targetpath: \Music\Norah Jones\Come Away With Me\03 Norah Jones - Cold Cold Heart.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001072 8.51631641 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: I've Got To See You Again, ID: 5068, LastModified: 2017-07-13 18:58:24, Targetpath: \Music\Norah Jones\Come Away With Me\09 Norah Jones - I've Got To See You Again.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001073 8.51715183 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Humble Me, ID: 5081, LastModified: 2017-07-24 21:50:40, Targetpath: \Music\Norah Jones\Feels Like Home\09 Norah Jones - Humble Me.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001074 8.51796246 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Wonderwall, ID: 25903, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:03, Targetpath: \Music\Oasis\(What’s the Story) Morning Glory\25 Oasis - Wonderwall.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001075 8.51863670 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Come Out and Play (Keep ’em Separated), ID: 25967, LastModified: 2018-10-18 22:32:09, Targetpath: \Music\Offspring\Smash\89 The Offspring - Come Out and Play (Keep ’em Separated).mp3, TrackType: 0 00001076 8.51928997 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Cheerleader (Felix Jaehn remix), ID: 15326, LastModified: 2018-12-20 01:47:13, Targetpath: \Music\OMI\Cheerleader (Felix Jaehn remix)\01 OMI - Cheerleader (Felix Jaehn remix).m4a, TrackType: 0 00001077 8.52006435 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Raise Your Glass, ID: 13584, LastModified: 2018-06-21 18:10:20, Targetpath: \Music\P!nk\Raise Your Glass\17 P!nk - Raise Your Glass.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001078 8.52108097 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Ain't It Fun, ID: 15273, LastModified: 2018-06-24 05:04:43, Targetpath: \Music\Paramore\Paramore\47 Paramore - Ain't It Fun.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001079 8.52209187 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Useless Desires, ID: 5128, LastModified: 2018-12-05 21:52:08, Targetpath: \Music\Patty Griffin\Impossible Dream\05 Patty Griffin - Useless Desires.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001080 8.52306366 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Alive, ID: 25886, LastModified: 2018-06-14 13:41:17, Targetpath: \Music\Pearl Jam\Ten\05 Pearl Jam - Alive.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001081 8.52390575 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Black, ID: 25938, LastModified: 2018-05-29 22:15:14, Targetpath: \Music\Pearl Jam\Ten\54 Pearl Jam - Black.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001082 8.52475071 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Biko, ID: 5202, LastModified: 2015-03-02 05:07:39, Targetpath: \Music\Peter Gabriel\Hit\12 Peter Gabriel - Biko.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001083 8.52554131 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Don't Think Twice It's All Right, ID: 5230, LastModified: 2018-08-15 20:51:26, Targetpath: \Music\Peter Paul & Mary\The Best of Peter, Paul & Mary\11 Peter Paul & Mary - Don't Think Twice It's All Right.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001084 8.52644634 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: In the Air Tonight, ID: 5239, LastModified: 2017-12-29 04:35:26, Targetpath: \Music\Phil Collins\Platinum Collection\01 Phil Collins - In the Air Tonight.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001085 8.52721596 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: See Emily Play, ID: 1060, LastModified: 2017-09-15 20:55:22, Targetpath: \Music\Pink Floyd\Echoes\02 Pink Floyd - See Emily Play.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001086 8.52814007 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Echoes, ID: 1616, LastModified: 2017-08-13 16:59:47, Targetpath: \Music\Pink Floyd\Meddle\06 Pink Floyd - Echoes.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001087 8.52906609 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Any Colour You Like, ID: 1600, LastModified: 2018-06-15 17:17:06, Targetpath: \Music\Pink Floyd\Pulse (Live)\19 Pink Floyd - Any Colour You Like.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001088 8.52989674 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: 01 - Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part I-V), ID: 1558, LastModified: 2018-12-05 21:52:08, Targetpath: \Music\Pink Floyd\Wish You Were Here\01 Pink Floyd - 01 - Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part I-V).mp3, TrackType: 0 00001089 8.53065968 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Sunflower (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse), ID: 28674, LastModified: 2018-12-23 05:55:46, Targetpath: \Music\Post Malone & Swae Lee\U.K Single Charts\00 Post Malone & Swae L - Sunflower (Spider-Man- Into the Spider-Verse).m4a, TrackType: 0 00001090 8.53154945 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Purple Rain [November 1984], ID: 26284, LastModified: 2018-06-15 15:39:02, Targetpath: \Music\Prince\Purple Rain\00 Prince - Purple Rain [November 1984].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001091 8.53241634 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Firestarter, ID: 25953, LastModified: 2018-09-07 16:54:44, Targetpath: \Music\Prodigy\The Fat of the Land\75 The Prodigy - Firestarter.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001092 8.53335476 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: We Will Rock You, ID: 5556, LastModified: 2018-07-26 16:43:26, Targetpath: \Music\Queen\Queen - Greatest Hits Vol.1-UK Version\10 Queen - We Will Rock You.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001093 8.53414822 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: The Vampyre Of Time And Memory, ID: 23491, LastModified: 2017-11-12 20:49:05, Targetpath: \Music\Queens Of The Stone Age\_..Like Clockwork\03 Queens Of The Stone - The Vampyre Of Time And Memory.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001094 8.53492737 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Kalopsia, ID: 23494, LastModified: 2017-11-12 20:49:05, Targetpath: \Music\Queens Of The Stone Age\_..Like Clockwork\06 Queens Of The Stone - Kalopsia.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001095 8.53567886 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Drive, ID: 5589, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\R.E.M\Automatic For The People\01 R.E.M. - Drive.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001096 8.53671932 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Find the River, ID: 5592, LastModified: 2018-05-28 00:40:52, Targetpath: \Music\R.E.M\Automatic For The People\12 R.E.M. - Find the River.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001097 8.53760815 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Fall On Me, ID: 5611, LastModified: 2017-02-23 17:02:06, Targetpath: \Music\R.E.M\Eponymous\09 R.E.M. - Fall On Me.ogg, TrackType: 0 00001098 8.53836441 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Party Preparations, ID: 5629, LastModified: 2017-07-24 21:50:54, Targetpath: \Music\Rachel Portman\Chocolat - Soundtrack\11 Rachel Portman - Party Preparations.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001099 8.53910542 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Karma Police, ID: 25961, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:34, Targetpath: \Music\Radiohead\OK Computer\83 Radiohead - Karma Police.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001100 8.53991222 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: High and Dry, ID: 25936, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:26, Targetpath: \Music\Radiohead\The Bends\58 Radiohead - High and Dry.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001101 8.54063988 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Wake Up, ID: 25927, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:24, Targetpath: \Music\Rage Against the Machine\Rage Against the Machine\49 Rage Against the Mac - Wake Up.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001102 8.54138279 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Du hast, ID: 25966, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:37, Targetpath: \Music\Rammstein\Sehnsucht\88 Rammstein - Du hast.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001103 8.54214096 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Give It Away, ID: 25915, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:16, Targetpath: \Music\Red Hot Chili Peppers\Blood Sugar Sex Magik\37 Red Hot Chili Pepper - Give It Away.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001104 8.54374790 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Dosed, ID: 5653, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\Red Hot Chili Peppers\By the Way\04 Red Hot Chili Pepper - Dosed.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001105 8.54457569 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Soul to Squeeze, ID: 26509, LastModified: 2018-10-18 22:32:06, Targetpath: \Music\Red Hot Chili Peppers\Soul to Squeeze\55 Red Hot Chili Pepper - Soul to Squeeze.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001106 8.54547024 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) DB open SQL: SELECT null FROM SynchCollection WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=0 00001107 8.54631615 [8248] TMediaContentBrowser.AddItemList, Count: 1, SearchWord: 00001108 8.54892445 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Push 00001109 8.54959965 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Devil With the Green Eyes 00001110 8.55023861 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Nothing Else Matters 00001111 8.55101395 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Enter Sandman 00001112 8.55173016 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: All I Want Is You 00001113 8.55234718 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Say Hey (I Love You) 00001114 8.55490589 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Love Don't Wait 00001115 8.55717659 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Sound Of Sunshine Going Down 00001116 8.55786228 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Terms of Endearment 00001117 8.55852890 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Billie Jean 00001118 8.55915165 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Thriller 00001119 8.56241226 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Blue Sky Mine 00001120 8.56316471 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Back & Forth 00001121 8.56387997 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Classic 00001122 8.56464958 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Lift Me Up (Mylo Mix) 00001123 8.56534004 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Wait For Me 00001124 8.56595993 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Isolate 00001125 8.56656265 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: One Night in Bangkok 00001126 8.56721020 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Cinnamon Girl 00001127 8.56784725 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Round & Round 00001128 8.56852531 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Crystal 00001129 8.56913280 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Pink Moon 00001130 8.56973457 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Place To Be 00001131 8.57031250 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Mayfair 00001132 8.57137489 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Been Smoking Too Long 00001133 8.57312489 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: How You Remind Me-Nickelback 00001134 8.57421589 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sister Christian 00001135 8.57478142 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Closer 00001136 8.57535934 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Hurt 00001137 8.57603168 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: We’re in This Together 00001138 8.57670593 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: All Apologies 00001139 8.57733154 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Cold Cold Heart 00001140 8.57795238 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Lonestar 00001141 8.57858562 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I've Got To See You Again 00001142 8.57917404 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sunrise 00001143 8.57977390 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Humble Me 00001144 8.58053303 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Twister 00001145 8.58113098 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Wonderwall 00001146 8.58173656 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Self Esteem 00001147 8.58233833 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Come Out and Play (Keep ’em Separated) 00001148 8.58294106 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Twist Of Fate 00001149 8.58360672 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Cheerleader (Felix Jaehn remix) 00001150 8.58421803 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Cheerleader (Felix Jaehn Remix) [Radio Edit] 00001151 8.58485794 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Raise Your Glass 00001152 8.58546925 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: A Million Dreams 00001153 8.58605766 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Ain't It Fun 00001154 8.58683586 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Useless Desires 00001155 8.58745670 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Me and Julio Down By the Schoolyard 00001156 8.58981800 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Alive 00001157 8.59049416 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Jeremy 00001158 8.59111691 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Black 00001159 8.59194374 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Solsbury Hill 00001160 8.59264755 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Biko 00001161 8.59315205 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Don't Think Twice, It's All Right 00001162 8.59368324 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Don't Think Twice It's All Right 00001163 8.59419441 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Air of the Night [Live] 00001164 8.59470272 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: In the Air Tonight 00001165 8.59520149 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: 02 - See Emily Play 00001166 8.59572124 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: See Emily Play 00001167 8.59621906 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: 04 - Another Brick In The Wall (Part2) 00001168 8.59674454 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Echoes 00001169 8.59724045 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Childhood's End 00001170 8.59783459 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Any Colour You Like 00001171 8.59835911 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Money 00001172 8.59886360 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: 01 - Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part I-V) 00001173 8.59939003 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Baby Shark 00001174 8.59989643 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sunflower (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse) 00001175 8.60042763 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Standing Outside a Broken Phone Booth With Money in My Hand 00001176 8.60094929 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Purple Rain [November 1984] 00001177 8.60143471 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: When Doves Cry [July 1984] 00001178 8.60191345 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Firestarter 00001179 8.60241222 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Smack My Bitch Up 00001180 8.60290527 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: We Will Rock You 00001181 8.60394478 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Sat By The Ocean 00001182 8.60512066 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Vampyre Of Time And Memory 00001183 8.60584927 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: My God Is The Sun 00001184 8.60651875 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Kalopsia 00001185 8.60733414 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Locked Away (feat. Adam Levine) 00001186 8.60791111 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Drive 00001187 8.60906029 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Try Not to Breathe 00001188 8.60974789 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Find the River 00001189 8.61039066 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/ogg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Can't Get There From Here 00001190 8.61099720 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/ogg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Fall On Me 00001191 8.61165142 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/ogg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The One I Love 00001192 8.61234188 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Party Preparations 00001193 8.61300755 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Paranoid Android 00001194 8.61364174 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Karma Police 00001195 8.61437321 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Creep 00001196 8.61502934 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: High and Dry 00001197 8.61564827 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Bulls on Parade (live) 00001198 8.61630917 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Wake Up 00001199 8.61693478 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Guerrilla Radio 00001200 8.61756325 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Du hast 00001201 8.61813641 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Under the Bridge 00001202 8.61872864 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Give It Away 00001203 8.61943531 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: By The Way 00001204 8.62122917 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Dosed 00001205 8.62293625 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Scar Tissue 00001206 8.62360954 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Soul to Squeeze 00001207 8.62425041 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Work (feat. Drake) 00001208 9.21826744 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00001209 9.21844769 [8248] UPnP Server: Directory to browse: SyncList:DeviceID:710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482, Start: 300, Count: 100, Sort: 00001210 9.22855186 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) _BrowseRequest started 00001211 9.22904778 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00001212 9.22960949 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00001213 9.23010254 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001214 9.23311806 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 00001215 9.24410152 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) TSyncProcess.GetSyncList, served 753 tracks from 1603 00001216 9.24518681 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Cheers (Drink to That), ID: 13644, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\Rihanna\Loud\77 Rihanna - Cheers (Drink to That).m4a, TrackType: 0 00001217 9.24594116 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Donna, ID: 5673, LastModified: 2016-04-28 22:24:00, Targetpath: \Music\Ritchie Valens\Ritchie Valens Story\11 Ritchie Valens - Donna.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001218 9.24665356 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Tall Cool One, ID: 5679, LastModified: 2017-07-03 15:17:55, Targetpath: \Music\Robert Plant\Now And Zen\03 Robert Plant - Tall Cool One.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001219 9.24738789 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: The Last Crusade, ID: 11351, LastModified: 2017-11-14 22:48:15, Targetpath: \Music\Sam Roberts Band\Collider\01 Sam Roberts Band - The Last Crusade.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001220 9.24815083 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Twist The Knife, ID: 11352, LastModified: 2018-07-26 16:43:26, Targetpath: \Music\Sam Roberts Band\Collider\09 Sam Roberts Band - Twist The Knife.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001221 9.24891186 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Hard Road, ID: 12335, LastModified: 2018-12-05 21:52:08, Targetpath: \Music\Sam Roberts Band\We Were Born in a Flame\01 Sam Roberts Band - Hard Road.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001222 9.24964333 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Oye Como Va, ID: 5742, LastModified: 2016-07-07 16:14:04, Targetpath: \Music\Santana\Santana's Greatest Hits\03 Santana - Oye Como Va.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001223 9.25040913 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Rock You Like A Hurricane [May 1984], ID: 26280, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:12, Targetpath: \Music\Scorpions\Love at First Sting\00 Scorpions - Rock You Like A Hurricane [May 1984].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001224 9.25113678 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Rhythm Of Love, ID: 1190, LastModified: 2017-11-14 22:48:15, Targetpath: \Music\Scorpions\The Best of Rockers 'n' Ballads\08 Scorpions - Rhythm Of Love.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001225 9.25185871 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Mo Bamba, ID: 28703, LastModified: 2018-12-23 05:55:48, Targetpath: \Music\Sheck Wes\U.K Single Charts\00 Sheck Wes - Mo Bamba.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001226 9.25259686 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Everyday Is A Winding Road, ID: 5813, LastModified: 2017-08-31 06:28:44, Targetpath: \Music\Sheryl Crow\Very Best of Sheryl Crow\05 Sheryl Crow - Everyday Is A Winding Road.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001227 9.25331593 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Moshav Band - Uv'neh Otah, ID: 1220, LastModified: 2018-01-07 23:09:03, Targetpath: \Music\Shlomo Carlebach\Unknown\01 Shlomo Carlebach - Moshav Band - Uv'neh Otah.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001228 9.25602150 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Peggy-O, ID: 663, LastModified: 2017-08-15 22:49:12, Targetpath: \Music\Simon & Garfunkel\Collected Works remastered '92- Wednesday Morning, 3AM\08 Simon & Garfunkel - Peggy-O.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001229 9.25689316 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Homeward Bound (Live), ID: 736, LastModified: 2014-11-14 17:29:11, Targetpath: \Music\Simon & Garfunkel\Greatest Hits\08 Simon & Garfunkel - Homeward Bound (Live).m4a, TrackType: 0 00001230 9.25759411 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: You Don't Know Where Your Interest Lies, ID: 746, LastModified: 2015-05-27 22:14:30, Targetpath: \Music\Simon & Garfunkel\Live From New York City, 1967\05 Simon & Garfunkel - You Don't Know Where Your Interest Lies.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001231 9.25867748 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Slip Slidin' Away, ID: 720, LastModified: 2017-08-10 17:17:29, Targetpath: \Music\Simon & Garfunkel\The Concert In Central Park\11 Paul Simon; Art Garf - Slip Slidin' Away.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001232 9.25952148 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Mrs. Robinson (From The Motion, ID: 697, LastModified: 2017-08-10 17:17:29, Targetpath: \Music\Simon And Garfunkel\Collected Works remastered '92- Bookends\22 Simon And Garfunkel - Mrs. Robinson (From The Motion.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001233 9.26028347 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: A Poem On The Underground Wall, ID: 688, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\Simon And Garfunkel\Collected Works remastered '92- Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, & Thyme\34 Simon And Garfunkel - A Poem On The Underground Wall.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001234 9.26095390 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Anji, ID: 673, LastModified: 2017-06-25 04:00:28, Targetpath: \Music\Simon And Garfunkel\Collected Works remastered '92- The Sounds of Silence\18 Simon And Garfunkel - Anji.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001235 9.26163006 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: See the lights, ID: 5906, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\Simple Minds\Real Life\02 Simple Minds - See the lights.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001236 9.26234245 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Drivers seat, ID: 5920, LastModified: 2017-07-24 21:51:08, Targetpath: \Music\Sniff'n the tears\Pop Classics- The long version\32 Sniff'n the tears - Drivers seat.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001237 9.26300335 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Pretty Noose, ID: 25970, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:38, Targetpath: \Music\Soundgarden\Down on the Upside\92 Soundgarden - Pretty Noose.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001238 9.26363564 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Stuck Here In The Middle With You, ID: 5937, LastModified: 2018-12-05 21:52:08, Targetpath: \Music\Stealers Wheel\Pure 70s\09 Stealers Wheel - Stuck Here In The Middle With You.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001239 9.26429367 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Born To Be Wild, ID: 5954, LastModified: 2018-09-12 02:09:34, Targetpath: \Music\Steppenwolf\Unknown\00 Steppenwolf - Born To Be Wild.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001240 9.26495361 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Jet Airliner, ID: 5962, LastModified: 2017-09-15 20:55:22, Targetpath: \Music\Steve Miller Band\Unknown\00 Steve Miller Band - Jet Airliner.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001241 9.26571369 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Plush, ID: 25880, LastModified: 2018-06-15 17:58:17, Targetpath: \Music\Stone Temple Pilots\Core\16 Stone Temple Pilots - Plush.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001242 9.26641273 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Jana Studio - interview with Bertie on Heroditus, ID: 25468, LastModified: 2018-07-26 16:43:16, Targetpath: \Music\Storynory\Unknown\00 Storynory - Jana Studio - interview with Bertie on Heroditus.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001243 9.26712036 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Mr. Roboto, ID: 1641, LastModified: 2018-08-15 20:51:26, Targetpath: \Music\Styx\Classics Vol. 15\07 Styx - Mr. Roboto.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001244 9.26775360 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: School, ID: 6137, LastModified: 2018-08-15 20:51:22, Targetpath: \Music\Supertramp\Crime Of The Century\01 Supertramp - School.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001245 9.26839733 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Don't Leave Me Now, ID: 6169, LastModified: 2015-07-21 15:08:36, Targetpath: \Music\Supertramp\Famous Last Words\09 Supertramp - Don't Leave Me Now.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001246 9.26903152 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: It's A Long Road, ID: 6198, LastModified: 2018-09-27 20:59:27, Targetpath: \Music\Supertramp\Surely\02 Supertramp - It's A Long Road.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001247 9.26967621 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Slippery People, ID: 6230, LastModified: 2017-11-29 14:48:59, Targetpath: \Music\Talking Heads\Speaking in Tongues\04 Talking Heads - Slippery People.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001248 9.27032471 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Shout [August 1985], ID: 1269, LastModified: 2017-05-25 17:31:59, Targetpath: \Music\Tears For Fears\Songs from the Big Chair\00 Tears For Fears - Shout [August 1985].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001249 9.27108192 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: If I Die Young (Pop mix), ID: 13602, LastModified: 2018-06-20 17:31:42, Targetpath: \Music\The Band Perry\The Band Perry\35 The Band Perry - If I Die Young (Pop mix).m4a, TrackType: 0 00001250 9.27184677 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Eternal Flame, ID: 6269, LastModified: 2015-12-28 20:11:03, Targetpath: \Music\The Bangles\Eternal Flame\04 The Bangles - Eternal Flame.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001251 9.27256489 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Help!, ID: 1834, LastModified: 2018-09-26 23:27:58, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\1962 1966 Red Album CD2\01 The Beatles - Help!.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001252 9.27322292 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown), ID: 1839, LastModified: 2018-12-05 21:52:08, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\1962 1966 Red Album CD2\06 The Beatles - Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown).mp3, TrackType: 0 00001253 9.27386570 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Hey Jude, ID: 1859, LastModified: 2018-09-26 23:54:07, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\1967 1970 Blue Album CD1\13 The Beatles - Hey Jude.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001254 9.27451229 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: The Ballad Of John And Yoko, ID: 1866, LastModified: 2018-09-27 19:29:31, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\1967 1970 Blue Album CD2\06 The Beatles - The Ballad Of John And Yoko.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001255 9.27516174 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: I'll Cry Instead, ID: 1666, LastModified: 2018-09-27 19:42:42, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\A Hard Day's Night\09 The Beatles - I'll Cry Instead.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001256 9.27579975 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Oh! Darling, ID: 14476, LastModified: 2018-09-27 20:03:11, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\Abbey Road\04 The Beatles - Oh! Darling.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001257 9.27653885 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: I Don't Want To Spoil The Party, ID: 1682, LastModified: 2018-10-15 22:09:15, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\Beatles For Sale\12 The Beatles - I Don't Want To Spoil The Party.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001258 9.27719688 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Two Of Us, ID: 1808, LastModified: 2018-10-16 00:22:33, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\Let It Be\01 The Beatles - Two Of Us.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001259 9.27783394 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Get Back, ID: 1819, LastModified: 2018-10-24 21:49:37, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\Let It Be\12 The Beatles - Get Back.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001260 9.27848148 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Twist And Shout, ID: 1884, LastModified: 2018-10-24 23:06:00, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\Please Please Me\14 The Beatles - Twist And Shout.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001261 9.27912998 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: I'm Only Sleeping, ID: 6296, LastModified: 2018-10-24 23:13:22, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\Revolver\03 The Beatles - I'm Only Sleeping.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001262 9.27986526 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Norwegian Wood, ID: 1700, LastModified: 2018-10-24 23:43:09, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\Rubber Soul\02 The Beatles - Norwegian Wood.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001263 9.28073883 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: If I Needed Someone, ID: 1711, LastModified: 2018-10-25 00:10:30, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\Rubber Soul\13 The Beatles - If I Needed Someone.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001264 9.28148365 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: When I'm sixty-four, ID: 1746, LastModified: 2018-10-25 16:30:52, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\Sgt. Pepper's\09 The Beatles - When I'm sixty-four.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001265 9.28224564 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Hello Goodbye, ID: 1733, LastModified: 2018-10-24 22:17:49, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\The Magical Mystery Tour\07 The Beatles - Hello Goodbye.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001266 9.28327560 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) DB open SQL: SELECT null FROM SynchPlaylist WHERE SynchPlaylist.IDDevice=677 00001267 9.28632641 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00001268 9.28704643 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Work (feat. Drake) 00001269 9.28777885 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Cheers (Drink to That) 00001270 9.28853893 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Let You Love Me 00001271 9.28921986 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Donna 00001272 9.28988361 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Simply Irresistable 00001273 9.29064465 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Tall Cool One 00001274 9.29123974 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Big Log (full version) 00001275 9.29187775 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Last Crusade 00001276 9.29249954 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Let It In 00001277 9.29310226 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Twist The Knife 00001278 9.29391193 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Tractor Beam Blues 00001279 9.29450226 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Hard Road 00001280 9.29512691 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Black Magic Woman 00001281 9.29574203 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Oye Como Va 00001282 9.29635239 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Studio 00001283 9.29694843 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Rock You Like A Hurricane [May 1984] 00001284 9.29775715 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Holiday 00001285 9.29843426 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Rhythm Of Love 00001286 9.29907322 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Can't Remember To Forget You (feat. Rihanna) 00001287 9.29969597 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Mo Bamba 00001288 9.30036449 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Soak Up Teh Sun 00001289 9.30097961 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Everyday Is A Winding Road 00001290 9.30158234 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Strong Enough 00001291 9.30217838 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Moshav Band - Uv'neh Otah 00001292 9.30274391 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: A Hazy Shade Of Winter 00001293 9.30337620 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Peggy-O 00001294 9.30402374 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Scarborough Fair/Canticle 00001295 9.30477047 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Homeward Bound (Live) 00001296 9.30542469 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Cecilia 00001297 9.30602741 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: You Don't Know Where Your Interest Lies 00001298 9.30664921 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Somewhere They Can't Find Me 00001299 9.30725479 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Slip Slidin' Away 00001300 9.30785847 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Boxer 00001301 9.30845451 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Mrs. Robinson (From The Motion 00001302 9.30914688 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Scarborough Fair / Canticle 00001303 9.30977631 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: A Poem On The Underground Wall 00001304 9.31044388 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Somewhere They Can't Find Me 00001305 9.31112957 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Anji 00001306 9.31203651 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: April Come She Will 00001307 9.31289387 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: See the lights 00001308 9.31420422 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Drivers Seat 00001309 9.31507397 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Drivers seat 00001310 9.31581402 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Runaway Train 00001311 9.31657410 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Pretty Noose 00001312 9.31729317 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Two Princes 00001313 9.75093842 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00001314 9.75912476 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) _BrowseRequest started 00001315 9.75938225 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00001316 9.75971508 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00001317 9.76394367 [8248] GetDeviceLibraryIDForDevice: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001318 9.76418686 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00001319 9.77329922 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) TSyncProcess.GetSyncList, served 753 tracks from 1603 00001320 9.77434921 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Back In The U.S.S.R, ID: 1751, LastModified: 2018-10-25 17:13:38, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\With Album 1\01 The Beatles - Back In The U.S.S.R.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001321 9.77519512 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, ID: 1754, LastModified: 2018-10-25 17:22:42, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\With Album 1\04 The Beatles - Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001322 9.77591610 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Revolution 1, ID: 1774, LastModified: 2018-10-25 18:16:43, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\With Album 2\07 The Beatles - Revolution 1.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001323 9.77662563 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Night Fever, ID: 6322, LastModified: 2016-09-23 18:54:26, Targetpath: \Music\The Bee Gees\Tales From the Brothers Gibb\52 The Bee Gees - Night Fever.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001324 9.77727413 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Too much heaven, ID: 6358, LastModified: 2017-07-24 21:51:08, Targetpath: \Music\The Bee Gees\Their Greatest Hits\06 The Bee Gees - Too much heaven.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001325 9.77814865 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Eight Miles High, ID: 6387, LastModified: 2015-12-28 20:10:58, Targetpath: \Music\The Byrds\The Essential Byrds\13 The Byrds - Eight Miles High.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001326 9.77889729 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: My Back Pages, ID: 6406, LastModified: 2018-07-26 16:43:17, Targetpath: \Music\The Byrds\The Essential Byrds\21 The Byrds - My Back Pages.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001327 9.77974129 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Blackened Blue Eyes, ID: 6434, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:17, Targetpath: \Music\The Charlatans\Forever, The Singles\17 The Charlatans - Blackened Blue Eyes.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001328 9.78071213 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Rain, ID: 6470, LastModified: 2015-03-02 05:07:39, Targetpath: \Music\The Cult\Pure Cult- The Singles 1984-1995\08 The Cult - Rain.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001329 9.78174877 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: All Along The Watchtower, ID: 3190, LastModified: 2018-07-26 16:43:37, Targetpath: \Music\The Dave Matthews Band\Listener Supported\20 Dave Matthews Band - All Along The Watchtower.ogg, TrackType: 0 00001330 9.78263664 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: The doors - People Are Strange, ID: 6530, LastModified: 2018-12-05 21:52:08, Targetpath: \Music\The doors\The Best Of The Doors CD1\04 The doors - The doors - People Are Strange.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001331 9.78340435 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Love Her Madly, ID: 6541, LastModified: 2018-12-05 21:52:08, Targetpath: \Music\The doors\The Best Of The Doors CD2\06 The doors - Love Her Madly.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001332 9.78428364 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Doolin' Dalton, ID: 6573, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:17, Targetpath: \Music\The Eagles\Selected Works- 1972-1999\04 The Eagles - Doolin' Dalton.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001333 9.78517723 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Witchy Woman, ID: 6599, LastModified: 2018-08-15 20:51:22, Targetpath: \Music\The Eagles\Their Greatest Hits (1971-1975)\02 The Eagles - Witchy Woman.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001334 9.78632641 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: When I was Younger, ID: 6608, LastModified: 2017-12-29 04:35:27, Targetpath: \Music\The Faces\Sountrack\00 The Faces - When I was Younger.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001335 9.78726387 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Ternuras, ID: 6622, LastModified: 2018-11-12 21:52:51, Targetpath: \Music\The Gipsy Kings\Este Mundo\11 The Gipsy Kings - Ternuras.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001336 9.78906727 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Misunderstanding, ID: 6623, LastModified: 2015-07-21 15:08:40, Targetpath: \Music\The Grapes of Wrath\Seems Like Fate- 1984-1992\01 The Grapes of Wrath - Misunderstanding.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001337 9.78988552 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Stay, ID: 6639, LastModified: 2018-12-05 21:52:02, Targetpath: \Music\The Grapes of Wrath\Seems Like Fate- 1984-1992\06 The Grapes of Wrath - Stay.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001338 9.79063320 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: What Was Going Through My Head, ID: 6627, LastModified: 2015-02-05 15:31:13, Targetpath: \Music\The Grapes of Wrath\Seems Like Fate- 1984-1992\13 The Grapes of Wrath - What Was Going Through My Head.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001339 9.79136658 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Laughing, ID: 6647, LastModified: 2017-07-13 18:58:22, Targetpath: \Music\The Guess Who\The Greatest of the Guess Who\02 The Guess Who - Laughing.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001340 9.79213905 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Bus Stop, ID: 19956, LastModified: 2017-02-27 16:54:07, Targetpath: \Music\The Hollies\Bus Stop - Don't Run and Hide\02 The Hollies - Bus Stop.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001341 9.79319954 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Searchin', ID: 19963, LastModified: 2017-11-12 20:49:17, Targetpath: \Music\The Hollies\Stay With the Hollies\09 The Hollies - Searchin'.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001342 9.79393578 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: You Really Got Me, ID: 6716, LastModified: 2017-08-10 17:17:29, Targetpath: \Music\The Kinks\The Ultimate Collection\01 The Kinks - You Really Got Me.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001343 9.79480743 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: (Sittin' Here) Lovin' You, ID: 1980, LastModified: 2015-07-30 17:29:17, Targetpath: \Music\The Lovin' Spoonful\Greatest Hits\15 The Lovin' Spoonful - (Sittin' Here) Lovin' You.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001344 9.79573154 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Hello, ID: 2155, LastModified: 2017-06-25 12:13:04, Targetpath: \Music\The Monitors\Bigger and Better\13 The Monitors - Hello.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001345 9.79652500 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Dream Away (Stasium Re-mix), ID: 6825, LastModified: 2018-11-27 18:49:01, Targetpath: \Music\The Northern Pikes\Hits And Assorted Secrets 1984-1993\09 The Northern Pikes - Dream Away (Stasium Re-mix).m4a, TrackType: 0 00001346 9.79790306 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Dream Away, ID: 6862, LastModified: 2017-10-27 19:11:56, Targetpath: \Music\The Northern Pikes\Snow In June\01 The Northern Pikes - Dream Away.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001347 9.79865742 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da, ID: 5498, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\The Police\Message In A Box (Disc 2)\17 The Police - De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001348 9.79941940 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: It's Only Rock N Roll, ID: 6983, LastModified: 2015-11-12 15:32:12, Targetpath: \Music\The Rolling Stones\Forty Licks- Best of (Limited Edition)\39 The Rolling Stones - It's Only Rock N Roll.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001349 9.80015659 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Not Fade Away, ID: 6965, LastModified: 2015-08-16 21:48:21, Targetpath: \Music\The Rolling Stones\Forty Licks\09 The Rolling Stones - Not Fade Away.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001350 9.80090046 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: What I Like About You, ID: 5688, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\The Romantics\Unknown\00 The Romantics - What I Like About You.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001351 9.80163097 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: A Letter From St Paul, ID: 7054, LastModified: 2017-08-10 17:17:29, Targetpath: \Music\The Silencers\A Letter From St Paul\05 The Silencers - A Letter From St Paul.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001352 9.80235863 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: 1979, ID: 25934, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:26, Targetpath: \Music\The Smashing Pumpkins\Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness\56 The Smashing Pumpkin - 1979.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001353 9.80289555 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Bullet With Butterfly Wings, ID: 25930, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:28, Targetpath: \Music\The Smashing Pumpkins\Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness\66 The Smashing Pumpkin - Bullet With Butterfly Wings.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001354 9.80367565 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: What Difference Does It Make, ID: 2061, LastModified: 2017-11-29 14:48:59, Targetpath: \Music\The Smiths\Best ... I\03 The Smiths - What Difference Does It Make.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001355 9.80599976 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: How Soon Is Now?, ID: 2066, LastModified: 2018-12-05 21:52:02, Targetpath: \Music\The Smiths\Best ... I\08 The Smiths - How Soon Is Now.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001356 9.80679989 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: I Wanna Be Adored, ID: 7136, LastModified: 2018-05-08 14:17:58, Targetpath: \Music\The Stone Roses\The Very Best of the Stone Roses\01 The Stone Roses - I Wanna Be Adored.MP3, TrackType: 0 00001357 9.80772209 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: 38 Years Old, ID: 7245, LastModified: 2016-04-28 22:24:00, Targetpath: \Music\The Tragically Hip\Up To Here\04 The Tragically Hip - 38 Years Old.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001358 9.80859375 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Walk Don´t Run, ID: 7274, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\The Ventures\Collection by Jimmy (@192)\01 The Ventures - Walk Don´t Run.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001359 9.80933571 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Wipe Out, ID: 8112, LastModified: 2017-07-24 21:50:54, Targetpath: \Music\The Ventures\Greatest Hits\21 The Ventures - Wipe Out.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001360 9.81010628 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Walk, Don't Run, ID: 7359, LastModified: 2017-09-26 20:15:15, Targetpath: \Music\The Ventures\Walk Don't Run & Walk Don't Run Vol. 2\06 The Ventures - Walk, Don't Run.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001361 9.81085873 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Magic Bus, ID: 7393, LastModified: 2018-06-28 03:59:41, Targetpath: \Music\The Who\The Who- The Ultimate Collection\13 The Who - Magic Bus.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001362 9.81162357 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Behind Blue Eyes, ID: 7403, LastModified: 2015-07-21 15:08:36, Targetpath: \Music\The Who\The Who- The Ultimate Collection\22 The Who - Behind Blue Eyes.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001363 9.81235886 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Heaven's Gonna Burn Your Eyes, ID: 7540, LastModified: 2017-08-13 16:59:47, Targetpath: \Music\Thievery Corporation\The Richest Man in Babylon\01 Thievery Corporation - Heaven's Gonna Burn Your Eyes.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001364 9.81311512 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Semi-Charmed Life, ID: 25911, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:15, Targetpath: \Music\Third Eye Blind\Third Eye Blind\33 Third Eye Blind - Semi-Charmed Life.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001365 9.81386757 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Breakdown, ID: 7593, LastModified: 2016-12-16 20:23:16, Targetpath: \Music\Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers\Anthology - Through The Years\01 Tom Petty & The Hear - Breakdown.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001366 9.81462765 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Learning To Fly, ID: 7612, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers\Anthology - Through The Years\29 Tom Petty & The Hear - Learning To Fly.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001367 9.81538105 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Leave a Light On, ID: 28702, LastModified: 2018-12-23 05:55:48, Targetpath: \Music\Tom Walker\U.K Single Charts\00 Tom Walker - Leave a Light On.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001368 9.81627178 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Sober, ID: 26506, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:24, Targetpath: \Music\Tool\Undertow\45 Tool - Sober.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001369 9.81704426 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Baby Can I Hold You, ID: 7753, LastModified: 2015-03-02 05:07:39, Targetpath: \Music\Tracy Chapman\Collection\03 Tracy Chapman - Baby Can I Hold You.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001370 9.81790447 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: One, ID: 25879, LastModified: 2018-06-14 13:41:14, Targetpath: \Music\U2\Achtung Baby\02 U2 - One.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001371 9.87719631 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Disarm 00001372 9.87784481 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: What Difference Does It Make 00001373 9.87842655 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before 00001374 9.87896919 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: How Soon Is Now? 00001375 9.87949276 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sheila Take A Bow 00001376 9.88038445 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Wanna Be Adored 00001377 9.88092518 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Gift Shop 00001378 9.88146400 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: 38 Years Old 00001379 9.88199329 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: New Orleans Is Sinking1 00001380 9.88253403 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Walk Don´t Run 00001381 9.88302517 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Walk Don´t Run ´64 00001382 9.88354397 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Wipe Out 00001383 9.88412476 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Walk, Don´t Run 00001384 9.88469601 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Walk, Don't Run 00001385 9.88525009 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Freshmen 00001386 9.88576126 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Magic Bus 00001387 9.88627338 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Baba O'Riley 00001388 9.88678265 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Behind Blue Eyes 00001389 9.88729000 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Who Do You Love [Live][*] 00001390 9.88914680 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Heaven's Gonna Burn Your Eyes 00001391 9.88972378 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Meu Destino (My Destiny) 00001392 9.89026356 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Semiâ€Charmed Life 00001393 9.89078426 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: How’s It Going to Be 00001394 9.89130020 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Breakdown 00001395 9.89186573 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Runnin' Down A Dream 00001396 9.89240265 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Learning To Fly 00001397 9.89292336 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Free Fallin' 00001398 9.89344788 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Leave a Light On 00001399 9.89397717 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Forty Six & 2 00001400 9.89447880 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sober 00001401 9.89500999 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Wrong Band 00001402 9.89552116 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Baby Can I Hold You 00001403 9.89620781 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Magnificent 00001404 9.89697456 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: One 00001405 10.92902946 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00001406 10.93693256 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) _BrowseRequest started 00001407 10.93705273 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001408 10.93737316 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001409 10.93774033 [8248] GetDeviceLibraryIDForDevice: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001410 10.93807220 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00001411 10.94854450 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) TSyncProcess.GetSyncList, served 753 tracks from 1603 00001412 10.94970417 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Mysterious Ways, ID: 25954, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:32, Targetpath: \Music\U2\Achtung Baby\76 U2 - Mysterious Ways.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001413 10.95056152 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: All Because Of You, ID: 7821, LastModified: 2017-07-24 21:50:40, Targetpath: \Music\U2\How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb\06 U2 - All Because Of You.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001414 10.95150185 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Do You Feel Loved, ID: 7840, LastModified: 2015-12-28 20:11:08, Targetpath: \Music\U2\Pop\02 U2 - Do You Feel Loved.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001415 10.95222759 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Where the Streets Have No Name, ID: 7904, LastModified: 2018-05-02 23:42:26, Targetpath: \Music\U2\The Joshua Tree\01 U2 - Where the Streets Have No Name.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001416 10.95288086 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: In God's Country, ID: 7912, LastModified: 2018-05-02 23:54:44, Targetpath: \Music\U2\The Joshua Tree\07 U2 - In God's Country.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001417 10.95353794 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: A Sort of Homecoming, ID: 7915, LastModified: 2018-12-05 21:52:02, Targetpath: \Music\U2\The Unforgettable Fire\01 U2 - A Sort of Homecoming.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001418 10.95420837 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Sunday Bloody Sunday, ID: 7929, LastModified: 2018-01-07 23:09:04, Targetpath: \Music\U2\Under a Blood Red Sky\05 U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001419 10.95506763 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: 99 Red/Luftballoons [March 1984], ID: 26286, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:12, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\99 Luftballons\99 Nena - 99 Red-Luftballoons [March 1984].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001420 10.95588207 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Tenderness [February 1985], ID: 26317, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:15, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\All The Rage\00 General Public - Tenderness [February 1985].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001421 10.95655727 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Call Me [March 1980], ID: 26220, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:08, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\'American Gigolo' Soundtrack\00 Blondie - Call Me [March 1980].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001422 10.95753479 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Sweet Child O' Mine [September 1988], ID: 26296, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:13, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Appetite for Destruction\00 Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine [September 1988].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001423 10.95838642 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: The Power of Love [August 1985], ID: 26250, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:10, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\'Back To The Future' Soundtrack\00 Huey Lewis & The New - The Power of Love [August 1985].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001424 10.95913506 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) DB lock took 16 ms : SELECT NULL FROM Covers WHERE Covers.IDSong = ? 00001425 10.95968628 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Believe Me, ID: 15315, LastModified: 2018-06-24 05:04:40, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Believe Me\89 Lil Wayne - Believe Me.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001426 10.96041012 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Casanova [October 1987], ID: 26311, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:14, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Big Throwdown\00 LeVert - Casanova [October 1987].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001427 10.96138763 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Who Can It Be Now? [October 1982], ID: 26307, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:14, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Business As Usual\00 Men At Work - Who Can It Be Now [October 1982].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001428 10.96237946 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Got My Mind Set On You [January 1988], ID: 26300, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:13, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Cloud Nine\00 George Harrison - Got My Mind Set On You [January 1988].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001429 10.96313477 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Hit Me With Your Best Shot [December 1980], ID: 26263, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:11, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Crimes of Passion\00 Pat Benatar - Hit Me With Your Best Shot [December 1980].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001430 10.96385384 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Let My Love Open The Door [August 1980], ID: 26242, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:10, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Empty Glass\00 Pete Townshend - Let My Love Open The Door [August 1980].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001431 10.96472168 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Faith [December 1987], ID: 26262, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:11, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Faith\00 George Michael - Faith [December 1987].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001432 10.96548557 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Total Eclipse of The Heart [October 1983], ID: 26246, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:10, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Faster Than the Speed of Night\00 Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of The Heart [October 1983].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001433 10.96625423 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Maniac [September 1983], ID: 26247, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:10, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\'Flashdance' Soundtrack\00 Michael Sembello - Maniac [September 1983].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001434 10.96708298 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Start Me Up [October 1981], ID: 26660, LastModified: 2018-07-03 18:53:51, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Forty Licks\00 The Rolling Stones - Start Me Up [October 1981].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001435 10.96786594 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Whip It [November 1980], ID: 26237, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:09, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Freedom of Choice\00 Devo - Whip It [November 1980].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001436 10.96871758 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Rockit [November 1983], ID: 26277, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:12, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Future Shock\00 Herbie Hancock - Rockit [November 1983].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001437 10.96999645 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Maneater, ID: 26512, LastModified: 2018-06-15 01:39:30, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Greatest Hits Rock 'n Soul Part One\10 Daryl Hall and John - Maneater.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001438 10.97085476 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Name that tune - hebrew, ID: 24176, LastModified: 2018-01-14 22:27:12, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\HA Trivia Night\01 Rusty - Name that tune - hebrew.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001439 10.97177219 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Do You Really Want To Hurt Me? [March 1983], ID: 26275, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:12, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Kissing to Be Clever\00 Culture Club - Do You Really Want To Hurt Me [March 1983].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001440 10.97246552 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Red Red Wine [October 1988], ID: 26288, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:12, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Labour of Love\00 UB40 - Red Red Wine [October 1988].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001441 10.97315216 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Lean On Me [March 1987], ID: 26279, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:12, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Life, Love & Pain\00 Club Nouveau - Lean On Me [March 1987].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001442 10.97383881 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Elul Nigun (Live), ID: 15452, LastModified: 2015-09-06 12:14:28, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Live In Jerusalem\03 Eitan Katz - Elul Nigun (Live).m4a, TrackType: 0 00001443 10.97453117 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Every Breath You Take [July 1983], ID: 26656, LastModified: 2018-07-03 18:53:45, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Message In A Box\00 The Police - Every Breath You Take [July 1983].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001444 10.97519112 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Bette Davis Eyes [June 1981], ID: 26224, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:08, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Mistaken Identity\00 Kim Carnes - Bette Davis Eyes [June 1981].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001445 10.97583580 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: One More Night [April 1985], ID: 26271, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:11, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\No Jacket Required\00 Phil Collins - One More Night [April 1985].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001446 10.97649002 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Tainted Love [July 1982], ID: 26243, LastModified: 2018-06-15 17:33:37, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Non-Stop Erotic Cabaret\00 Soft Cell - Tainted Love [July 1982].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001447 10.97714520 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Dude Looks Like A Lady [September 1987], ID: 26314, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:14, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Permanent Vacation\00 Aerosmith - Dude Looks Like A Lady [September 1987].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001448 10.97778893 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: If You Leave [May 1986], ID: 26313, LastModified: 2018-06-15 17:08:56, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\'Pretty In Pink' Soundtrack\00 OMD - If You Leave [May 1986].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001449 10.97844791 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Another One Bites The Dust [October 1980], ID: 26225, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:08, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Queen - Greatest Hits\00 Queen - Another One Bites The Dust [October 1980].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001450 10.97910595 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Our House [July 1983], ID: 26257, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:11, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Radio Waves of the 80's\00 Madness - Our House [July 1983].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001451 10.97976208 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Hungry Like The Wolf [March 1983], ID: 26245, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:10, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Rio\00 Duran Duran - Hungry Like The Wolf [March 1983].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001452 10.98042774 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun [March 1984], ID: 26268, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:11, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\She's So Unusual\00 Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun [March 1984].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001453 10.98109818 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Blue Monday, ID: 11614, LastModified: 2017-09-26 20:15:16, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Singles [Disc 01]\05 New Order - Blue Monday.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001454 10.98177242 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Get Outta My Dreams [April 1988], ID: 26301, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:13, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Tear Down These Walls\00 Billy Ocean - Get Outta My Dreams [April 1988].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001455 10.98242283 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Need You Tonight [January 1988], ID: 26292, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:13, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\The Greatest Hits\00 INXS - Need You Tonight [January 1988].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001456 10.98307514 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Cars [June 1980], ID: 26240, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:10, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\The Pleasure Principle\00 Gary Numan - Cars [June 1980].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001457 10.98372746 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Celebration [February 1981], ID: 26241, LastModified: 2018-06-15 16:35:35, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\The Very Best of Kool & The Gang\00 Kool & The Gang - Celebration [February 1981].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001458 10.98463917 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Billie Jean [March 1983], ID: 26218, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:08, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Thriller\00 Michael Jackson - Billie Jean [March 1983].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001459 10.98543549 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: 867-5309/Jenny [May 1982], ID: 26253, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:10, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Tommy Tutone 2\00 Tommy Tutone - 867-5309-Jenny [May 1982].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001460 10.98618126 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Papa Don't Preach [August 1986], ID: 26310, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:14, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\True Blue\00 Madonna - Papa Don't Preach [August 1986].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001461 10.98695660 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Eastside, ID: 28695, LastModified: 2018-12-23 05:55:47, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\U.K Single Charts\00 benny blanco, Halsey - Eastside.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001462 10.98780251 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) DB open SQL: SELECT null FROM SynchCollection WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=0 00001463 10.98863697 [8248] TMediaContentBrowser.AddItemList, Count: 1, SearchWord: 00001464 10.99147797 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Until The End Of The World 00001465 10.99212265 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Mysterious Ways 00001466 10.99273300 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me 00001467 10.99333477 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: All Because Of You 00001468 10.99395084 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Fall Down 00001469 10.99456882 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Do You Feel Loved 00001470 10.99533081 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Discotheque (Hexidecimal Mix) 00001471 10.99598598 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Where the Streets Have No Name 00001472 10.99660587 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For 00001473 10.99721622 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: In God's Country 00001474 10.99847794 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Mothers of the Disappeared 00001475 10.99915981 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: A Sort of Homecoming 00001476 10.99983883 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: MLK 00001477 11.00038528 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sunday Bloody Sunday 00001478 11.00091267 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Owner Of A Lonely Heart [January 1984] 00001479 11.00155449 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: 99 Red/Luftballoons [March 1984] 00001480 11.00210190 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Want To Know What Love Is [February 1985] 00001481 11.00261116 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Tenderness [February 1985] 00001482 11.00311470 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Jack & Diane [October 1982] 00001483 11.00360680 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Call Me [March 1980] 00001484 11.00425243 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: You Keep Me Hangin' On [June 1987] 00001485 11.00475597 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sweet Child O' Mine [September 1988] 00001486 11.00525665 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Welcome To The Jungle [December 1988] 00001487 11.00574207 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Power of Love [August 1985] 00001488 11.00632477 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Bad [October 1987] 00001489 11.00681591 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Smooth Criminal [January 1989] 00001490 11.00730419 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Believe Me 00001491 11.00778294 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Safety Dance [September 1983] 00001492 11.00834274 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Casanova [October 1987] 00001493 11.00892353 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Just Died In Your Arms [May 1987] 00001494 11.00941563 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Who Can It Be Now? [October 1982] 00001495 11.00991535 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Mr. Roboto [April 1983] 00001496 11.01040554 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Got My Mind Set On You [January 1988] 00001497 11.01091003 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Karma Chameleon [February 1984] 00001498 11.01145840 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Hit Me With Your Best Shot [December 1980] 00001499 11.01194668 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Funkytown [May 1980] 00001500 11.01242924 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Let My Love Open The Door [August 1980] 00001501 11.01292515 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Endless Love [September 1981] 00001502 11.01359558 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Faith [December 1987] 00001503 11.01419926 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Rock Me Amadeus [April 1986] 00001504 11.01478767 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Total Eclipse of The Heart [October 1983] 00001505 11.01720810 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Flashdance...What A Feeling [June 1983] 00001506 11.01809788 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Maniac [September 1983] 00001507 11.01872063 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Footloose [April 1984] 00001508 11.01932335 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Start Me Up [October 1981] 00001509 11.01996708 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Are You Ready for a Glorious Sunset? (Rebroadcast) 00001510 11.02058125 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Whip It [November 1980] 00001511 11.02416420 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Centerfold [February 1982] 00001512 11.02504063 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Rockit [November 1983] 00001513 11.02573395 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Ghostbusters [August 1984] 00001514 11.02651882 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Maneater 00001515 11.02712917 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Walk Like An Egyptian [December 1986] 00001516 11.02768326 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Name that tune - hebrew 00001517 11.02833080 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Love Rock 'N Roll [April 1982] 00001518 11.02901554 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Do You Really Want To Hurt Me? [March 1983] 00001519 11.02965641 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: We Built This City [November 1985] 00001520 11.03034306 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Red Red Wine [October 1988] 00001521 11.03110218 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Ladies Night [January 1980] 00001522 11.03181171 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Lean On Me [March 1987] 00001523 11.03249073 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Like A Virgin [January 1985] 00001524 11.03314114 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Elul Nigun (Live) 00001525 11.03395176 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Toy Soldiers [July 1989] 00001526 11.03563595 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Every Breath You Take [July 1983] 00001527 11.03693962 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sexual Healing [January 1983] 00001528 11.04066277 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Bette Davis Eyes [June 1981] 00001529 11.04144764 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Bette Davis Eyes [June 1981] 00001530 11.04549026 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Everybody Have Fun Tonight [December 1986] 00001531 11.04625416 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: One More Night [April 1985] 00001532 11.04688454 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sussudio [July 1985] 00001533 11.04751778 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Tainted Love [July 1982] 00001534 11.04905891 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Rock With You [February 1980] 00001535 11.04986954 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Dude Looks Like A Lady [September 1987] 00001536 11.05066299 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Physical [December 1981] 00001537 11.05151367 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: If You Leave [May 1986] 00001538 11.05224323 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Come On Eileen [April 1983] 00001539 11.05321026 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Another One Bites The Dust [October 1980] 00001540 11.05572128 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Crazy Little Thing Called Love [March 1980] 00001541 11.05666733 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Our House [July 1983] 00001542 11.05890846 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Walk This Way [September 1986] 00001543 11.06037903 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Hungry Like The Wolf [March 1983] 00001544 11.06117916 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Addicted To Love [May 1986] 00001545 11.06262493 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun [March 1984] 00001546 11.06385612 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Time After Time [June 1984] 00001547 11.06444836 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Blue Monday 00001548 11.06513119 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Bizarre Love Triangle 00001549 11.06590557 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Get Outta My Dreams [April 1988] 00001550 11.06656837 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Take On Me [October 1985] 00001551 11.06963921 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Need You Tonight [January 1988] 00001552 11.07135391 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: With Or Without You [May 1987] 00001553 11.07280445 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Cars [June 1980] 00001554 11.07357502 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: She Drives Me Crazy [April 1989] 00001555 11.07425785 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Celebration [February 1981] 00001556 11.07484245 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Beat It [May 1983] 00001557 11.07543564 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Billie Jean [March 1983] 00001558 11.07606888 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Thriller [February 1984] 00001559 11.07664680 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: 867-5309/Jenny [May 1982] 00001560 11.07733727 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Take My Breath Away [September 1986] 00001561 11.07789040 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Papa Don't Preach [August 1986] 00001562 11.07842541 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sweet but Psycho 00001563 11.07903385 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Eastside 00001564 11.07967949 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Promises 00001565 11.49099731 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Space Cadet, ID: 28654, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:29, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Metro Boomin & Gunna - Space Cadet.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001566 11.49167347 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas To You) (1999 Digital Remaster), ID: 28603, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:29, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Nat King Cole; Ralph - The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas To You) (1999 Digital Remaster).m4a, TrackType: 0 00001567 11.49231243 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Le Vent Nous Portera, ID: 21048, LastModified: 2018-08-15 20:51:22, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Noir Désir - Le Vent Nous Portera.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001568 11.49308300 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Backin' It Up (feat. Cardi B), ID: 28640, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:30, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Pardison Fontaine & - Backin' It Up (feat. Cardi B).m4a, TrackType: 0 00001569 11.49376106 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Blue Tacoma, ID: 28652, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:30, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Russell Dickerson - Blue Tacoma.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001570 11.49439812 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Lost In Japan (Remix), ID: 28620, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:30, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Shawn Mendes & ZEDD - Lost In Japan (Remix).m4a, TrackType: 0 00001571 11.49503803 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Me and julio down by the schoolyard, ID: 18103, LastModified: 2017-08-24 20:57:09, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Simon and Garfunkel - Me and julio down by the schoolyard.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001572 11.49568367 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Sixteen, ID: 28651, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:30, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Thomas Rhett - Sixteen.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001573 11.49632168 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: SICKO MODE, ID: 28566, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:31, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Travis Scott - SICKO MODE.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001574 11.49702072 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Dip, ID: 28644, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:31, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Tyga & Nicki Minaj - Dip.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001575 11.49765778 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: 65 Elvis Vs JXL A Little Less Conversation, ID: 13533, LastModified: 2018-06-20 15:53:41, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Unknown - 65 Elvis Vs JXL A Little Less Conversation.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001576 11.49830151 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Theme from New Yo, ID: 1340, LastModified: 2018-06-24 05:11:36, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Unknown - Theme from New Yo.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001577 11.49892998 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Last Christmas, ID: 28607, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:31, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Wham! - Last Christmas.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001578 11.49956417 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: That's On Me, ID: 28631, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:31, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Yella Beezy - That's On Me.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001579 11.50020504 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: 1400 / 999 Freestyle, ID: 28636, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:31, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\14 Trippie Redd & Juice - 1400 - 999 Freestyle.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001580 11.50075912 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) DB open SQL: SELECT null FROM SynchCollection WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=0 00001581 11.50146389 [8248] TMediaContentBrowser.AddItemList, Count: 1, SearchWord: 00001582 11.50380707 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Polaroid 00001583 11.50473499 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Broken Homes (feat. Nafe Smallz, M Huncho & Gunna) 00001584 11.50567722 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Ran [October 1982] 00001585 11.50620174 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Youngblood 00001586 11.50675297 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: BEBE (feat. Anuel Aa) 00001587 11.50727558 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: KIKA (Feat. Tory Lanez) 00001588 11.50784969 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Tic Toc (Feat. Lil Baby) 00001589 11.50837803 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: WAKA (Feat. A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie) 00001590 11.50889587 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: STOOPID 00001591 11.50938892 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: FEFE 00001592 11.50991917 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Mama 00001593 11.51041698 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year 00001594 11.51091194 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Ella Quiere Beber (Remix) ft. Romeo Santos 00001595 11.51140499 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: breathin 00001596 11.51189423 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: God is a woman 00001597 11.51237297 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: MIA (feat. Drake) 00001598 11.51285839 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Beautiful (feat. Camila Cabello) 00001599 11.51334763 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I'm a Mess 00001600 11.51384926 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Eastside 00001601 11.51432991 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: come out and play 00001602 11.51483631 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: ocean eyes 00001603 11.51539803 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: lovely 00001604 11.51588154 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Jingle Bells Rock (Remastered) 00001605 11.51636696 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree (Single Version) 00001606 11.51686192 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: A Holly Jolly Christmas 00001607 11.51733875 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Consequences (orchestra) 00001608 11.51783085 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Money 00001609 11.51830292 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Like It 00001610 11.51878643 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Ring (feat. Kehlani) 00001611 11.51926899 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Hangin' On 00001612 11.51974583 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Speechless 00001613 11.52021980 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Best Part (feat. H.E.R.) 00001614 11.52078438 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Be Alright 00001615 11.52133560 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Burning Man 00001616 11.52208519 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: In My Feelings 00001617 11.52258873 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Nonstop 00001618 11.52306271 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Good Girl 00001619 11.52353954 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Boo'd Up 00001620 11.52402210 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Trip 00001621 11.52449703 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Wake up in the Sky (You Wont) (Tribute to Gucci Mane & Bruno Mars & Kodak Black) 00001622 11.52500343 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Leave Me Alone 00001623 11.52560616 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: No Stylist 00001624 11.52609253 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Fine China 00001625 11.52658081 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Natural 00001626 11.52707577 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Thunder 00001627 11.52756310 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: You 00001628 11.52803993 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Girl Like You 00001629 11.52851772 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Best Shot 00001630 11.52900124 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Armed And Dangerous 00001631 11.52947521 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Lucid Dreams 00001632 11.53006649 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Lose It 00001633 11.53057671 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Love It 00001634 11.53108406 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Last Shot 00001635 11.53157997 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: You Say 00001636 11.53207016 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Close Friends 00001637 11.53255749 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Yes Indeed 00001638 11.53306675 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Drip Too Hard 00001639 11.53358746 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Never Recover 00001640 11.53408146 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Smile (Living My Best Life) 00001641 11.53457832 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Noticed 00001642 11.53507710 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Falling Down (Bonus Track) 00001643 11.53556347 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Uproar 00001644 11.53630161 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: broken 00001645 11.53681946 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: She Got the Best of Me 00001646 11.53736973 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Rich 00001647 11.53800011 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: All I Want for Christmas Is You 00001648 11.53865051 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Girls Like You 00001649 11.53923512 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Happier 00001650 11.53993607 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Dangerous (feat. Jeremih and PnB Rock) 00001651 11.54046822 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Don't Come Out The House 00001652 11.54122925 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Space Cadet 00001653 11.54192924 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Drunk Me 00001654 11.54251480 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas To You) (1999 Digital Remaster) 00001655 11.54313564 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Lie 00001656 11.54368305 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Le Vent Nous Portera 00001657 11.54418755 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: High Hopes 00001658 11.54490185 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Backin' It Up (feat. Cardi B) 00001659 11.54679298 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Better Now 00001660 11.54738903 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Blue Tacoma 00001661 11.54797459 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Same Old Love 00001662 11.54872799 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Lost In Japan (Remix) 00001663 11.55126286 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Cecilia 00001664 11.55229950 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Me and julio down by the schoolyard 00001665 11.55290318 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: This Feeling 00001666 11.55348015 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sixteen 00001667 11.55424500 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: TAlk tO Me 00001668 11.55511856 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: SICKO MODE 00001669 11.55561352 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Topanga 00001670 11.55610371 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Dip 00001671 11.55660343 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Taste 00001672 11.55709076 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: 65 Elvis Vs JXL A Little Less Conversation 00001673 11.55758667 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Eurovision 2015 Israel – Golden Boy ×ירוויזיון 2015 ישר×ל 00001674 11.55809307 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Theme from New Yo 00001675 11.55858040 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Neh na na na 00001676 11.55906105 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Last Christmas 00001677 11.55956364 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: BAD! 00001678 11.56006813 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: That's On Me 00001679 11.56055927 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: 10 Freaky Girls 00001680 11.56105709 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: 1400 / 999 Freestyle 00001681 11.56154633 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Help Yourself 00001682 11.98281193 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00001683 11.99281693 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) _BrowseRequest started 00001684 11.99316120 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00001685 11.99354649 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00001686 11.99385738 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001687 11.99424362 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 00001688 12.00388241 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) TSyncProcess.GetSyncList, served 753 tracks from 1603 00001689 12.00528526 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Can't Fight This Feeling [March 1985], ID: 26281, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:12, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Wheels Are Turnin'\00 REO Speedwagon - Can't Fight This Feeling [March 1985].mp3, TrackType: 0 00001690 12.00605392 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: You Really Got A Hold On Me, ID: 1653, LastModified: 2018-10-18 19:08:35, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\With The Beatles\10 The Beatles - You Really Got A Hold On Me.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001691 12.00661945 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Blackbird, ID: 8090, LastModified: 2015-11-10 23:03:38, Targetpath: \Music\Various Artists\I Am Sam\02 Sarah McLachlan - Blackbird.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001692 12.00734711 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: The Greatest Show, ID: 28705, LastModified: 2018-12-23 05:55:48, Targetpath: \Music\Various Artists\U.K Single Charts\00 Panic! At the Disco - The Greatest Show.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001693 12.00807476 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Dance With Me, ID: 26338, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:22, Targetpath: \Music\Various\70 Hits of the 70s\21 Orleans - Dance With Me.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001694 12.00899792 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Cold As Ice, ID: 26342, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:22, Targetpath: \Music\Various\70 Hits of the 70s\25 Foreigner - Cold As Ice.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001695 12.00968075 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: December, 1963 (Oh What A Night!), ID: 26345, LastModified: 2018-07-26 16:43:17, Targetpath: \Music\Various\70 Hits of the 70s\28 Frankie Valli & The - December, 1963 (Oh What A Night!).m4a, TrackType: 0 00001696 12.01040363 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Ghetto Child, ID: 26356, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:22, Targetpath: \Music\Various\70 Hits of the 70s\39 Spinners - Ghetto Child.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001697 12.01147366 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Midnight At The Oasis, ID: 26361, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:22, Targetpath: \Music\Various\70 Hits of the 70s\44 Maria Muldaur - Midnight At The Oasis.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001698 12.01220036 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Cindy Incidentally, ID: 26368, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:22, Targetpath: \Music\Various\70 Hits of the 70s\51 Faces - Cindy Incidentally.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001699 12.01359940 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Doctor Doctor (Edit), ID: 26372, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:22, Targetpath: \Music\Various\70 Hits of the 70s\55 UFO - Doctor Doctor (Edit).m4a, TrackType: 0 00001700 12.01479340 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: No More Heroes (Radio Edit), ID: 26375, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:22, Targetpath: \Music\Various\70 Hits of the 70s\58 The Stranglers - No More Heroes (Radio Edit).m4a, TrackType: 0 00001701 12.01576042 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Brass In Pocket, ID: 26381, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:22, Targetpath: \Music\Various\70 Hits of the 70s\64 Pretenders - Brass In Pocket.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001702 12.01662827 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Jesus Was A Cross Maker, ID: 26384, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:22, Targetpath: \Music\Various\70 Hits of the 70s\67 Judee Sill - Jesus Was A Cross Maker.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001703 12.01744270 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Hey Soul Sister, ID: 13874, LastModified: 2018-06-24 05:11:36, Targetpath: \Music\Various\Billboard Top 100 of 2010\01 Train - Hey Soul Sister.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001704 12.01823711 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Power Of Love, ID: 11478, LastModified: 2015-08-16 21:49:10, Targetpath: \Music\Various\Billboard Top Hits 1985\04 Huey Lewis & The New - Power Of Love.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001705 12.01896763 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Walk Like An Egyptian, ID: 11470, LastModified: 2015-08-16 21:48:21, Targetpath: \Music\Various\Billboard Top Hits 1986\01 Bangles - Walk Like An Egyptian.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001706 12.01970291 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Odessa Medley, ID: 8002, LastModified: 2017-11-10 01:51:12, Targetpath: \Music\various\Everything is Illuminated - OST\01 Paul Cantelon - Odessa Medley.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001707 12.02044201 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Son Of A Preacher Man, ID: 2177, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\Various\Pulp Fiction\07 Dusty Springfield - Son Of A Preacher Man.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001708 12.02126884 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: At The Hop, ID: 651, LastModified: 2018-05-27 18:27:19, Targetpath: \Music\Various\Rock'n Roll Hit Party\04 Danny & The Juniors - At The Hop.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001709 12.02213097 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Woke Up this Morning, ID: 4682, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:12, Targetpath: \Music\Various\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 Alabama 3 - Woke Up this Morning.mp3, TrackType: 0 00001710 12.02282524 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Formation, ID: 16434, LastModified: 2016-06-20 16:23:00, Targetpath: \Music\Various\US Billboard Top 100 Single Charts (25.06.16)\88 Beyonce - Formation.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001711 12.02348614 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Faded, ID: 16438, LastModified: 2016-06-20 16:23:00, Targetpath: \Music\Various\US Billboard Top 100 Single Charts (25.06.16)\92 Alan Walker - Faded.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001712 12.02414608 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: J'Y Suis Jamais Alle, ID: 47, LastModified: 2017-08-10 17:17:29, Targetpath: \Music\Yann Tiersen\Amelie\01 Yann Tiersen - J'Y Suis Jamais Alle.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001713 12.02483368 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Pas Si Simple, ID: 56, LastModified: 2015-09-07 01:54:39, Targetpath: \Music\Yann Tiersen\Amelie\10 Yann Tiersen - Pas Si Simple.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001714 12.02576351 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: La Valse D'Amelie (Piano Version), ID: 65, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\Yann Tiersen\Amelie\19 Yann Tiersen - La Valse D'Amelie (Piano Version).m4a, TrackType: 0 00001715 12.02645111 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Ruin My Life, ID: 28681, LastModified: 2018-12-23 05:55:46, Targetpath: \Music\Zara Larsson\U.K Single Charts\00 Zara Larsson - Ruin My Life.m4a, TrackType: 0 00001716 12.02707577 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) DB open SQL: SELECT null FROM SynchPlaylist WHERE SynchPlaylist.IDDevice=677 00001717 12.02907753 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00001718 12.02957726 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Walking On Sunshine [June 1985] 00001719 12.03009319 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Can't Fight This Feeling [March 1985] 00001720 12.03061771 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Roll Over Beethoven 00001721 12.03112793 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: You Really Got A Hold On Me 00001722 12.03163338 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Blackbird 00001723 12.03216457 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Rewrite The Stars 00001724 12.03278255 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Greatest Show 00001725 12.03336525 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Disco Inferno (Single Edit) 00001726 12.03390121 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Dance With Me 00001727 12.03448200 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: If You Could Read My Mind 00001728 12.03499126 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Cold As Ice 00001729 12.03549957 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Magic 00001730 12.03601074 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: December, 1963 (Oh What A Night!) 00001731 12.03653812 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Everybody Dance (Edit Version) 00001732 12.03704357 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Ghetto Child 00001733 12.03760719 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I'm Gonna Run Away From You 00001734 12.03811073 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Midnight At The Oasis 00001735 12.03869629 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Breezin' 00001736 12.03919506 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Cindy Incidentally 00001737 12.03969955 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Hear You Knocking 00001738 12.04019642 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Doctor Doctor (Edit) 00001739 12.04070854 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Elected 00001740 12.04120350 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: No More Heroes (Radio Edit) 00001741 12.04170418 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Bang Bang 00001742 12.04220200 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Brass In Pocket 00001743 12.04270840 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Journey 00001744 12.04319954 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Jesus Was A Cross Maker 00001745 12.04420376 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Call Me 00001746 12.04488564 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Hey Soul Sister 00001747 12.04553509 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go 00001748 12.04614830 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Power Of Love 00001749 12.04697704 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Heat Is On 00001750 12.04756546 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Walk Like An Egyptian 00001751 12.04825974 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: With or Without You 00001752 12.04889011 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Odessa Medley 00001753 12.04961967 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Everytime We Say Goodbye 00001754 12.05025196 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Son Of A Preacher Man 00001755 12.05109787 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Addicted to Love 00001756 12.05191326 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: At The Hop 00001757 12.05267525 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: April Come She Will 00001758 12.05388641 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Woke Up this Morning 00001759 12.05575943 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Might Not 00001760 12.05644989 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Formation 00001761 12.05706024 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Ophelia 00001762 12.06106091 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Faded 00001763 12.06175518 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Arms Around You (feat. Maluma & Swae Lee) 00001764 12.06245804 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: J'Y Suis Jamais Alle 00001765 12.06301117 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: La Noyee 00001766 12.06363773 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Pas Si Simple 00001767 12.06423855 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sur Le Fil 00001768 12.06476307 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: La Valse D'Amelie (Piano Version) 00001769 12.06529140 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: La Valse Des Monstres 00001770 12.06583405 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Ruin My Life 00001771 12.06661034 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.storageFolder, Title: Playlists 00001772 12.32325554 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=20554.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001773 12.32351780 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001774 12.32382679 [8248] MM5 [2348](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001775 12.32411766 [8248] MM5 [2348](R) 2348 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001776 12.43703079 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=20681.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001777 12.43920994 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001778 12.43960571 [8248] MM5 [9724](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001779 12.43994999 [8248] MM5 [9724](R) 9724 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001780 12.44660282 [8248] MM5 [11528](R) WA Decode, Waiting for init. 00001781 12.44843769 [8248] MM5 [9724](R) 9724 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00001782 12.44986725 [8248] MM5 [9724](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00001783 12.48386765 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=20683.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001784 12.48400307 [8248] MM5 [12096](R) _BrowseRequest started 00001785 12.48423004 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001786 12.48443031 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00001787 12.48483467 [8248] MM5 [12096](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00001788 12.48558521 [8248] MM5 [12096](R) 12096 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00001789 12.48708344 [8248] MM5 [12096](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00001790 12.49419117 [8248] MM5 [6260](R) WA Decode, decoder started. 00001791 12.52609634 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28667.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001792 12.52636528 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001793 12.52667713 [8248] MM5 [7876](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001794 12.52696896 [8248] MM5 [7876](R) 7876 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001795 12.52875710 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\01. Ariana Grande - thank u, next.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.M4A 00001796 12.54248047 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Redirecting winamp message 1024(36831232, 9800) 00001797 12.54355145 [5516] in_mfaudio: Calling MFCreateSourceResolver 00001798 12.54400063 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Redirecting winamp message 1024(36831232, 9800) 00001799 12.54467487 [5516] in_mfaudio: Stream openned, creating IMFByteStream 00001800 12.54510403 [5516] SAStream: Seek(0, 0) 00001801 12.56073475 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=2764.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001802 12.56120396 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001803 12.56161785 [8248] MM5 [10136](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001804 12.56202793 [8248] MM5 [10136](R) 10136 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001805 12.57036304 [5516] SAStream: Seek(0, 0) 00001806 12.57462120 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\Billy Burnette\Memphis in Manhattan\13. Billy Burnette - My Love Will Not Change.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\2764.M4A 00001807 12.58124924 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11796480, 0) 00001808 12.58177948 [5516] SAStream: Seek(0, 0) 00001809 12.58424187 [8248] MM5 [11528](R) WA Decode, decoder started. 00001810 12.62614632 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Redirecting winamp message 1024(34013184, 9800) 00001811 12.62668324 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=2766.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001812 12.62698841 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001813 12.62733650 [8248] MM5 [6060](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001814 12.62762928 [8248] MM5 [6060](R) 6060 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001815 12.62934113 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\Billy Burnette\Memphis in Manhattan\15. Billy Burnette - Oh Well.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\2766.M4A 00001816 12.64785004 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Redirecting winamp message 1024(34013184, 9801) 00001817 12.64936638 [10608] in_mfaudio: Opening SA stream 00001818 12.65008450 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Redirecting winamp message 1024(34013184, 9801) 00001819 12.65047550 [10608] in_mfaudio: Calling CreateObjectFromByteStream 00001820 12.65082932 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 0 00001821 12.65451050 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 0 00001822 12.66518021 [10608] SAStream: Seek(6029312, 0) 00001823 12.66584206 [10608] SAStream: Seek(0, 0) 00001824 12.67882919 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=180.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001825 12.67903328 [8248] MM5 [10180](R) _BrowseRequest started 00001826 12.67919445 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001827 12.67935562 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00001828 12.67956924 [8248] MM5 [10180](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001829 12.67973328 [8248] MM5 [10180](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00001830 12.67998219 [8248] MM5 [10180](R) 10180 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001831 12.68057728 [8248] MM5 [10180](R) 10180 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00001832 12.68173695 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Blue Öyster Cult\Fire of Unknown Origin\02 Burnin' for You.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\180.M4A 00001833 12.68219566 [8248] MM5 [10180](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00001834 12.70807362 [5516] in_mfaudio: Media source created 00001835 12.70832253 [5516] in_mfaudio: Releasing pSource 00001836 12.70856190 [5516] in_mfaudio: Releasing pAttributes 00001837 12.73385239 [5516] in_mfaudio: Detected native type - SampleRate=44100, Channels=2, BPS=16 00001838 12.74313164 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=157.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001839 12.74326515 [8248] MM5 [7040](R) _BrowseRequest started 00001840 12.74339199 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001841 12.74352169 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00001842 12.74370384 [8248] MM5 [7040](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001843 12.74383163 [8248] MM5 [7040](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00001844 12.74402428 [8248] MM5 [7040](R) 7040 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001845 12.74462223 [8248] MM5 [7040](R) 7040 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00001846 12.74574852 [8248] MM5 [7040](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00001847 12.75938892 [10608] in_mfaudio: Media source created 00001848 12.75970268 [10608] in_mfaudio: Releasing pSource 00001849 12.76032925 [10608] in_mfaudio: Releasing pAttributes 00001850 12.78951645 [10608] in_mfaudio: Detected native type - SampleRate=44100, Channels=2, BPS=16 00001851 12.79824448 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=160.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001852 12.79850864 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001853 12.79882622 [8248] MM5 [9140](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001854 12.79924583 [8248] MM5 [9140](R) 9140 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001855 12.81896973 [8248] MM5 [9140](R) 9140 DB query prepare finished, took 15. 00001856 12.91534042 [8248] MM5 [6260](R) WA Decode, Initialized. 00001857 12.91570759 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=2880.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001858 12.91599083 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001859 12.91631603 [8248] MM5 [12068](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001860 12.91660976 [8248] MM5 [12068](R) 12068 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001861 12.91886425 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\Bob Marley & The Wailers\Exodus\6 - Bob Marley & The Wailers - Jamming.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\2880.M4A 00001862 12.95113277 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=2885.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001863 12.95126915 [8248] MM5 [876](R) _BrowseRequest started 00001864 12.95139408 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001865 12.95152092 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00001866 12.95170212 [8248] MM5 [876](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001867 12.95193005 [8248] MM5 [876](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00001868 12.95209885 [8248] MM5 [876](R) 876 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001869 12.95264435 [8248] MM5 [876](R) 876 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00001870 12.95382595 [8248] MM5 [876](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00001871 13.01299477 [8248] MM5 [11528](R) WA Decode, Initialized. 00001872 13.01314831 [8248] MM5 [11528](R) Decoder: CreateDecoder() finished successfuly 00001873 13.01937771 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=2893.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001874 13.01954842 [8248] MM5 [2488](R) _BrowseRequest started 00001875 13.01972675 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001876 13.01993084 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00001877 13.02018738 [8248] MM5 [2488](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001878 13.02034664 [8248] MM5 [2488](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00001879 13.02055359 [8248] MM5 [2488](R) 2488 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001880 13.02264977 [8248] MM5 [2488](R) 2488 DB query prepare finished, took 16. 00001881 13.02450180 [8248] MM5 [2488](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00001882 13.07577324 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=181.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001883 13.07610512 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001884 13.07647133 [8248] MM5 [2672](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001885 13.07683563 [8248] MM5 [2672](R) 2672 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001886 13.08105564 [8248] MM5 [2672](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00001887 13.13596153 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=185.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001888 13.13655281 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001889 13.13709164 [8248] MM5 [9672](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001890 13.21885967 [8248] MM5 [9672](R) 9672 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001891 13.22179985 [8248] MM5 [9672](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00001892 13.31646156 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=2944.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001893 13.31679821 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001894 13.31716442 [8248] MM5 [1264](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001895 13.31750679 [8248] MM5 [1264](R) 1264 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001896 13.31924343 [8248] MM5 [1264](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00001897 13.40228939 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=2943.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001898 13.40255642 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001899 13.42477798 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00001900 13.42509079 [8248] MM5 [5152](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00001901 13.42586040 [8248] MM5 [5152](R) 5152 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00001902 13.42738247 [8248] MM5 [5152](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00001903 13.47779560 [5516] SAStream: Seek(131072, 0) 00001904 13.47810841 [5516] SAStream: Seek(196608, 0) 00001905 13.47836494 [5516] SAStream: Seek(262144, 0) 00001906 13.49108505 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25189.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001907 13.49180984 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001908 13.49211693 [8248] MM5 [4588](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001909 13.49240685 [8248] MM5 [4588](R) 4588 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001910 13.49431992 [8248] MM5 [4588](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00001911 13.58353901 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=3067.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001912 13.58388519 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001913 13.58424282 [8248] MM5 [5820](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001914 13.58461761 [8248] MM5 [5820](R) 5820 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001915 13.61461163 [8248] MM5 [5820](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00001916 13.67788315 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=3091.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001917 13.67814255 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001918 13.67855549 [8248] MM5 [2588](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001919 13.67884827 [8248] MM5 [2588](R) 2588 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001920 13.68062401 [8248] MM5 [2588](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00001921 13.72942066 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=3096.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001922 13.72969723 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001923 13.73000622 [8248] MM5 [8784](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001924 13.73029804 [8248] MM5 [8784](R) 8784 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001925 13.76620293 [8248] MM5 [8784](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00001926 13.81641579 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=3086.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001927 13.81667995 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001928 13.81698513 [8248] MM5 [2088](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001929 13.81728458 [8248] MM5 [2088](R) 2088 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001930 13.81903076 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\Coldplay\X & Y\10 - Coldplay - The Hardest Part.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\3086.M4A 00001931 13.85112000 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 131072 00001932 13.85145760 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 196608 00001933 13.85166836 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 262144 00001934 13.87944984 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=3098.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001935 13.87971878 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001936 13.88002396 [8248] MM5 [2940](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001937 13.88037586 [8248] MM5 [2940](R) 2940 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001938 13.88966560 [5516] SAStream: Seek(196608, 0) 00001939 13.88990593 [5516] SAStream: Seek(262144, 0) 00001940 13.89011192 [5516] SAStream: Seek(327680, 0) 00001941 13.89098740 [8248] MM5 [2940](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00001942 13.93465900 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=3340.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001943 13.93492508 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001944 13.93527317 [8248] MM5 [8696](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001945 13.93560028 [8248] MM5 [8696](R) 8696 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001946 13.93744469 [8248] MM5 [8696](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00001947 14.01786900 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=3351.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001948 14.01812649 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001949 14.01852608 [8248] MM5 [4808](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001950 14.01881123 [8248] MM5 [4808](R) 4808 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001951 14.02062225 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\Depeche Mode\Playing the Angel\2 - Depeche Mode - John The Revelator.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\3351.M4A 00001952 14.08264637 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=3354.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001953 14.08541584 [8248] MM5 [8648](R) _BrowseRequest started 00001954 14.08568001 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00001955 14.08599854 [8248] MM5 [8648](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00001956 14.08672142 [8248] MM5 [8648](R) 8648 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00001957 14.12699509 [8248] MM5 [8648](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00001958 14.25613308 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=3382.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001959 14.25632191 [8248] MM5 [7288](R) _BrowseRequest started 00001960 14.25648499 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001961 14.25664997 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00001962 14.25703716 [8248] MM5 [7288](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001963 14.25728321 [8248] MM5 [7288](R) 7288 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001964 14.25917721 [8248] MM5 [7288](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00001965 14.39481258 [5516] SAStream: Seek(262144, 0) 00001966 14.39516354 [5516] SAStream: Seek(327680, 0) 00001967 14.39542198 [5516] SAStream: Seek(393216, 0) 00001968 14.40463066 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=3384.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001969 14.40496826 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001970 14.40532303 [8248] MM5 [9404](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001971 14.40565968 [8248] MM5 [9404](R) 9404 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001972 14.45446110 [8248] MM5 [9404](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00001973 14.54126549 [10608] SAStream: Seek(196608, 0) 00001974 14.54155827 [10608] SAStream: Seek(262144, 0) 00001975 14.54183006 [10608] SAStream: Seek(327680, 0) 00001976 14.55533791 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=3494.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001977 14.55560207 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001978 14.55596352 [8248] MM5 [10868](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001979 14.55628014 [8248] MM5 [10868](R) 10868 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001980 14.55821419 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\Eddie Vedder\Into the Wild\7 - Eddie Vedder - Hard Sun.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\3494.M4A 00001981 14.61498547 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=21135.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001982 14.61524963 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001983 14.61555862 [8248] MM5 [1036](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001984 14.61588669 [8248] MM5 [1036](R) 1036 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001985 14.63713264 [8248] MM5 [1036](R) DB lock took 15 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001986 14.70987797 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=20466.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001987 14.71015358 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001988 14.71046352 [8248] MM5 [10892](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001989 14.71076202 [8248] MM5 [10892](R) 10892 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001990 14.71257401 [8248] MM5 [10892](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00001991 14.78294277 [5516] SAStream: Seek(327680, 0) 00001992 14.78324127 [5516] SAStream: Seek(393216, 0) 00001993 14.78350067 [5516] SAStream: Seek(458752, 0) 00001994 14.79679680 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=3586.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001995 14.79714680 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00001996 14.79750729 [8248] MM5 [10560](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00001997 14.79787636 [8248] MM5 [10560](R) 10560 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00001998 14.91181946 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=3655.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00001999 14.91208363 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002000 14.91240025 [8248] MM5 [2668](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002001 14.91269302 [8248] MM5 [2668](R) 2668 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002002 14.91451550 [8248] MM5 [2668](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002003 14.98990440 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=3819.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002004 14.99016762 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002005 14.99047661 [8248] MM5 [3756](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002006 14.99080944 [8248] MM5 [3756](R) 3756 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002007 15.01297283 [8248] MM5 [3756](R) DB lock took 15 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002008 15.03952026 [10608] SAStream: Seek(262144, 0) 00002009 15.03985596 [10608] SAStream: Seek(327680, 0) 00002010 15.04011536 [10608] SAStream: Seek(393216, 0) 00002011 15.09035206 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=3795.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002012 15.09062386 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002013 15.09092999 [8248] MM5 [7844](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002014 15.09122276 [8248] MM5 [7844](R) 7844 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002015 15.09297752 [8248] MM5 [7844](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002016 15.17534447 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=3807.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002017 15.17571163 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002018 15.17607975 [8248] MM5 [10680](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002019 15.17637730 [8248] MM5 [10680](R) 10680 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002020 15.17821598 [8248] MM5 [10680](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002021 15.28055382 [5516] SAStream: Seek(393216, 0) 00002022 15.28086853 [5516] SAStream: Seek(458752, 0) 00002023 15.28112602 [5516] SAStream: Seek(524288, 0) 00002024 15.30594254 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=3818.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002025 15.30626583 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002026 15.30663967 [8248] MM5 [9532](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002027 15.30697441 [8248] MM5 [9532](R) 9532 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002028 15.35467339 [8248] MM5 [9532](R) 9532 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00002029 15.43875313 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=3832.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002030 15.43895531 [8248] MM5 [10368](R) _BrowseRequest started 00002031 15.43920803 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00002032 15.43959045 [8248] MM5 [10368](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00002033 15.44031811 [8248] MM5 [10368](R) 10368 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00002034 15.44196129 [8248] MM5 [10368](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002035 15.49707794 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11911.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002036 15.49734688 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002037 15.49765778 [8248] MM5 [8656](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002038 15.49794674 [8248] MM5 [8656](R) 8656 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002039 15.52054214 [10608] SAStream: Seek(327680, 0) 00002040 15.52091312 [10608] SAStream: Seek(393216, 0) 00002041 15.52117634 [10608] SAStream: Seek(458752, 0) 00002042 15.59116459 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\Heart - These Dreams (Greatest Hits) [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\08. Heart - Magic Man.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11911.M4A 00002043 15.63480949 [5516] SAStream: Seek(458752, 0) 00002044 15.63502407 [5516] SAStream: Seek(524288, 0) 00002045 15.63523865 [5516] SAStream: Seek(589824, 0) 00002046 15.68261242 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=4046.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002047 15.68287182 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002048 15.68317795 [8248] MM5 [5744](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002049 15.68356323 [8248] MM5 [5744](R) 5744 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002050 15.68533134 [8248] MM5 [5744](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002051 15.73207855 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=4048.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002052 15.73250866 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002053 15.73286915 [8248] MM5 [7368](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002054 15.73315811 [8248] MM5 [7368](R) 7368 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002055 15.73495197 [8248] MM5 [7368](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002056 15.78359032 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=4049.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002057 15.78392315 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002058 15.78430843 [8248] MM5 [488](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002059 15.78464603 [8248] MM5 [488](R) 488 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002060 15.88503075 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=4045.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002061 15.88530922 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002062 15.88562584 [8248] MM5 [12160](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002063 15.88593006 [8248] MM5 [12160](R) 12160 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002064 15.88782692 [8248] MM5 [12160](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002065 15.92316151 [10608] SAStream: Seek(393216, 0) 00002066 15.92337894 [10608] SAStream: Seek(458752, 0) 00002067 15.92358208 [10608] SAStream: Seek(524288, 0) 00002068 15.94542599 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=12691.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002069 15.94575882 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002070 15.94613266 [8248] MM5 [9680](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002071 15.94646740 [8248] MM5 [9680](R) 9680 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002072 15.98412037 [8248] MM5 [9680](R) 9680 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00002073 16.02392387 [5516] SAStream: Seek(524288, 0) 00002074 16.02426720 [5516] SAStream: Seek(589824, 0) 00002075 16.02454948 [5516] SAStream: Seek(655360, 0) 00002076 16.06045151 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\Ingrid Michaelson\Be OK\08 The Way I Am (Live on WERS).m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\12691.M4A 00002077 16.10913658 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=4110.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002078 16.10941696 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002079 16.10972404 [8248] MM5 [3964](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002080 16.11001778 [8248] MM5 [3964](R) 3964 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002081 16.11177444 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\INXS\INXS - Greatest Hits\7 - INXS - Devil Inside.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\4110.M4A 00002082 16.15791130 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=4117.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002083 16.15819931 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002084 16.15850830 [8248] MM5 [8628](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002085 16.15879822 [8248] MM5 [8628](R) 8628 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002086 16.16570473 [8248] MM5 [8628](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002087 16.21256256 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=4120.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002088 16.21282578 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002089 16.21314812 [8248] MM5 [10832](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002090 16.21343613 [8248] MM5 [10832](R) 10832 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002091 16.21548271 [8248] MM5 [10832](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002092 16.25826263 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=4180.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002093 16.25852394 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002094 16.25883293 [8248] MM5 [2652](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002095 16.25915718 [8248] MM5 [2652](R) 2652 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002096 16.29352951 [8248] MM5 [2652](R) DB lock took 32 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002097 16.29482460 [8248] MM5 [2652](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002098 16.31068802 [10608] SAStream: Seek(458752, 0) 00002099 16.31092262 [10608] SAStream: Seek(524288, 0) 00002100 16.31232071 [10608] SAStream: Seek(589824, 0) 00002101 16.41168404 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=4188.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002102 16.41202736 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002103 16.41233826 [8248] MM5 [8304](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002104 16.41263390 [8248] MM5 [8304](R) 8304 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002105 16.41453934 [8248] MM5 [8304](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002106 16.45619583 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 589824 00002107 16.45647430 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 655360 00002108 16.46196556 [5516] SAStream: Seek(720896, 0) 00002109 16.48299789 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=4236.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002110 16.48326492 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002111 16.48357391 [8248] MM5 [5312](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002112 16.48387146 [8248] MM5 [5312](R) 5312 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002113 16.50241470 [8248] MM5 [5312](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002114 16.55303955 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=4259.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002115 16.55329895 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002116 16.55360603 [8248] MM5 [11384](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002117 16.55397987 [8248] MM5 [11384](R) 11384 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002118 16.55681038 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\Jack Johnson\Sing-A-Longs And Lullabies For The Film Curious George\2 - Jack Johnson - Broken.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\4259.M4A 00002119 16.61878586 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=4315.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002120 16.61920357 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002121 16.61952400 [8248] MM5 [12200](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002122 16.61985397 [8248] MM5 [12200](R) 12200 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002123 16.65818977 [8248] MM5 [12200](R) 12200 DB query prepare finished, took 31. 00002124 16.65978241 [8248] MM5 [12200](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002125 16.71546555 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=4341.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002126 16.71575928 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002127 16.71608543 [8248] MM5 [8320](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002128 16.71640396 [8248] MM5 [8320](R) 8320 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002129 16.71820831 [8248] MM5 [8320](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002130 16.76786804 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=4415.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002131 16.76812744 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002132 16.76843834 [8248] MM5 [6708](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002133 16.76881218 [8248] MM5 [6708](R) 6708 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002134 16.80293655 [8248] MM5 [6708](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002135 16.86427498 [5516] SAStream: Seek(655360, 0) 00002136 16.86457825 [5516] SAStream: Seek(720896, 0) 00002137 16.86483383 [5516] SAStream: Seek(786432, 0) 00002138 16.87528229 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=21151.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002139 16.87559128 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002140 16.87592888 [8248] MM5 [3196](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002141 16.87622452 [8248] MM5 [3196](R) 3196 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002142 16.87695122 [10608] SAStream: Seek(524288, 0) 00002143 16.87724876 [10608] SAStream: Seek(589824, 0) 00002144 16.87750053 [10608] SAStream: Seek(655360, 0) 00002145 16.91252708 [8248] MM5 [3196](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002146 16.96567917 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=21152.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002147 16.96601295 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002148 16.96636391 [8248] MM5 [7816](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002149 16.96672249 [8248] MM5 [7816](R) 7816 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002150 17.00275040 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Big Band\Julie London - Besame Mucho.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\21152.M4A 00002151 17.09748077 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=4589.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002152 17.09782982 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002153 17.09819412 [8248] MM5 [10860](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002154 17.09856415 [8248] MM5 [10860](R) 10860 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002155 17.09963417 [8248] MM5 [10860](R) DB lock took 15 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002156 17.14439583 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=4579.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002157 17.14467049 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002158 17.14497566 [8248] MM5 [11192](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002159 17.14526367 [8248] MM5 [11192](R) 11192 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002160 17.15468597 [8248] MM5 [11192](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002161 17.20228004 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=4583.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002162 17.20254898 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002163 17.20285606 [8248] MM5 [2292](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002164 17.20314407 [8248] MM5 [2292](R) 2292 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002165 17.20507622 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin Box Set (CD1)\14 - Led Zeppelin - Hey Hey What Can I Do.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\4583.M4A 00002166 17.24417877 [5516] SAStream: Seek(720896, 0) 00002167 17.24456406 [5516] SAStream: Seek(786432, 0) 00002168 17.24477196 [5516] SAStream: Seek(851968, 0) 00002169 17.25409698 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=4597.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002170 17.25435257 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002171 17.25465584 [8248] MM5 [10888](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002172 17.25494576 [8248] MM5 [10888](R) 10888 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002173 17.26273346 [8248] MM5 [10888](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002174 17.29741669 [10608] SAStream: Seek(589824, 0) 00002175 17.29771614 [10608] SAStream: Seek(655360, 0) 00002176 17.29797745 [10608] SAStream: Seek(720896, 0) 00002177 17.30361748 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00002178 17.43642998 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=4627.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002179 17.43677330 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002180 17.43713188 [8248] MM5 [10032](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002181 17.43895149 [8248] MM5 [10032](R) 10032 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002182 17.46679115 [8248] MM5 [10032](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002183 17.51861191 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=4681.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002184 17.51887131 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002185 17.51923943 [8248] MM5 [8188](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002186 17.51956558 [8248] MM5 [8188](R) 8188 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002187 17.52155685 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Future\9 - Leonard Cohen - Tacoma Trailer.ape -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\4681.M4A 00002188 17.58086014 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28691.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002189 17.58115196 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002190 17.58157730 [8248] MM5 [7484](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002191 17.58192253 [8248] MM5 [7484](R) 7484 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002192 17.61424637 [8248] MM5 [7484](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002193 17.67991066 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=4715.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002194 17.68012810 [8248] MM5 [6908](R) _BrowseRequest started 00002195 17.68028831 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002196 17.68045044 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00002197 17.68077850 [8248] MM5 [6908](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002198 17.68111420 [8248] MM5 [6908](R) 6908 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002199 17.68340111 [8248] MM5 [6908](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002200 17.74919319 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=4700.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002201 17.74945831 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002202 17.74976730 [8248] MM5 [9836](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002203 17.75009155 [8248] MM5 [9836](R) 9836 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002204 17.75182724 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\Loudon Wainwright III\One Man Guy - The Best of 1982-1986\11 - Loudon Wainwright III - How Old Are You.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\4700.M4A 00002205 17.78420258 [5516] SAStream: Seek(786432, 0) 00002206 17.78441811 [5516] SAStream: Seek(851968, 0) 00002207 17.78462219 [5516] SAStream: Seek(917504, 0) 00002208 17.85339928 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 655360 00002209 17.85367203 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 720896 00002210 17.85392761 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 786432 00002211 17.87503624 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=4766.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002212 17.87529945 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002213 17.87560844 [8248] MM5 [7840](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002214 17.87589836 [8248] MM5 [7840](R) 7840 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002215 17.89725113 [8248] MM5 [7840](R) DB lock took 31 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002216 17.89863205 [8248] MM5 [7840](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002217 17.92844391 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=4779.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002218 17.92870331 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002219 17.92909622 [8248] MM5 [9952](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002220 17.92946243 [8248] MM5 [9952](R) 9952 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002221 17.93140411 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\Madonna\The Immaculate Collection\17 - Madonna - Rescue Me.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\4779.M4A 00002222 17.98548698 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28694.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002223 17.98575020 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002224 17.98608398 [8248] MM5 [9752](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002225 17.98637199 [8248] MM5 [9752](R) 9752 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002226 18.01398849 [8248] MM5 [9752](R) 9752 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00002227 18.06542969 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=12741.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002228 18.06569481 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002229 18.06600952 [8248] MM5 [860](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002230 18.06629562 [8248] MM5 [860](R) 860 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002231 18.07535934 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\Michael Franti & Spearhead - All Rebel Rockers (2008)\05 All I Want Is You.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\12741.M4A 00002232 18.07575607 [8248] MM5 [860](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002233 18.12059975 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=12746.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002234 18.12100410 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002235 18.12141800 [8248] MM5 [2440](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002236 18.12170410 [8248] MM5 [2440](R) 2440 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002237 18.13024330 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\Michael Franti & Spearhead - All Rebel Rockers (2008)\06 Say Hey (I Love You).mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\12746.M4A 00002238 18.17148590 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11331.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002239 18.17174530 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002240 18.17205811 [8248] MM5 [8016](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002241 18.17234612 [8248] MM5 [8016](R) 8016 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002242 18.17462730 [5516] SAStream: Seek(851968, 0) 00002243 18.17484283 [5516] SAStream: Seek(917504, 0) 00002244 18.17504692 [5516] SAStream: Seek(983040, 0) 00002245 18.21918678 [8248] MM5 [8016](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002246 18.27363205 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11341.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002247 18.27389908 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002248 18.27420807 [8248] MM5 [2168](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002249 18.27449608 [8248] MM5 [2168](R) 2168 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002250 18.28319740 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\Michael Franti and Spearhead - The Sound Of Sunshine (2010)\11 - The Sound Of Sunshine Going Down.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11341.M4A 00002251 18.31316566 [10608] SAStream: Seek(720896, 0) 00002252 18.31338882 [10608] SAStream: Seek(786432, 0) 00002253 18.31358910 [10608] SAStream: Seek(851968, 0) 00002254 18.37548828 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=15276.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002255 18.37575531 [8248] MM5 [9624](R) _BrowseRequest started 00002256 18.37605476 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00002257 18.37641716 [8248] MM5 [9624](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00002258 18.37723923 [8248] MM5 [9624](R) 9624 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00002259 18.40097809 [8248] MM5 [9624](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002260 18.47754478 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=19948.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002261 18.47781372 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002262 18.47812080 [8248] MM5 [3356](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002263 18.47840881 [8248] MM5 [3356](R) 3356 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002264 18.48027420 [8248] MM5 [3356](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002265 18.53440094 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=12612.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002266 18.53464127 [8248] MM5 [10420](R) _BrowseRequest started 00002267 18.53495026 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00002268 18.53531075 [8248] MM5 [10420](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00002269 18.53613853 [8248] MM5 [10420](R) 10420 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00002270 18.60703087 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\New Order - Retro (Limited 5CD version - 2002) (H3LIUM)\Disk 1 - Retro Pop - 07 Crystal.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\12612.M4A 00002271 18.63417244 [5516] SAStream: Seek(917504, 0) 00002272 18.63509750 [5516] SAStream: Seek(983040, 0) 00002273 18.63535118 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1048576, 0) 00002274 18.66111755 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=5038.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002275 18.66137695 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002276 18.66174698 [8248] MM5 [11496](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002277 18.66204071 [8248] MM5 [11496](R) 11496 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002278 18.66392517 [8248] MM5 [11496](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002279 18.85930824 [10608] SAStream: Seek(786432, 0) 00002280 18.85953331 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 786432 00002281 18.85975647 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 851968 00002282 18.86002159 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 917504 00002283 18.87718773 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=5041.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002284 18.87745094 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002285 18.88665581 [8248] MM5 [3572](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002286 18.88704681 [8248] MM5 [3572](R) 3572 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002287 18.91570473 [8248] MM5 [3572](R) 3572 DB query prepare finished, took 32. 00002288 18.91756630 [8248] MM5 [3572](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002289 19.01813889 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6836.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002290 19.01846695 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002291 19.01878166 [8248] MM5 [9008](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002292 19.01907158 [8248] MM5 [9008](R) 9008 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002293 19.02091599 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\The Northern Pikes FLAC Pack (6 Albums) [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\Neptune 1992\01. Northern Pikes - Twister.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\6836.M4A 00002294 19.08659935 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25210.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002295 19.08685875 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002296 19.08716774 [8248] MM5 [11972](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002297 19.08781052 [8248] MM5 [11972](R) 11972 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002298 19.10525703 [8248] MM5 [11972](R) 11972 DB query prepare finished, took 15. 00002299 19.16541862 [5516] SAStream: Seek(983040, 0) 00002300 19.16571808 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1048576, 0) 00002301 19.16599274 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1114112, 0) 00002302 19.20788574 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=13584.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002303 19.20816612 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002304 19.20854378 [8248] MM5 [6572](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002305 19.20883560 [8248] MM5 [6572](R) 6572 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002306 19.21065903 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2011 Year end Top Hot 100 Songs Charts (Best Singles)\017 Raise Your Glass.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\13584.M4A 00002307 19.27484131 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28677.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002308 19.27510071 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002309 19.27541351 [8248] MM5 [5128](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002310 19.27570534 [8248] MM5 [5128](R) 5128 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002311 19.30518913 [8248] MM5 [5128](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002312 19.31042480 [10608] SAStream: Seek(851968, 0) 00002313 19.31064034 [10608] SAStream: Seek(917504, 0) 00002314 19.31084251 [10608] SAStream: Seek(983040, 0) 00002315 19.40082741 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=15273.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002316 19.40112495 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002317 19.40147209 [8248] MM5 [9028](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002318 19.40176392 [8248] MM5 [9028](R) 9028 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002319 19.40364075 [8248] MM5 [9028](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002320 19.45075798 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=5128.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002321 19.45102692 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002322 19.45144081 [8248] MM5 [6832](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002323 19.45173264 [8248] MM5 [6832](R) 6832 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002324 19.45626831 [8248] MM5 [6832](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002325 19.53526306 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=5199.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002326 19.53552246 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002327 19.53583145 [8248] MM5 [5240](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002328 19.53613853 [8248] MM5 [5240](R) 5240 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002329 19.56592560 [8248] MM5 [5240](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002330 19.62842751 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=5202.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002331 19.62868881 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002332 19.62901306 [8248] MM5 [11448](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002333 19.62930298 [8248] MM5 [11448](R) 11448 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002334 19.63113213 [8248] MM5 [11448](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002335 19.67009163 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=1600.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002336 19.67054749 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002337 19.67101669 [8248] MM5 [3332](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002338 19.67131424 [8248] MM5 [3332](R) 3332 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002339 19.70135117 [8248] MM5 [3332](R) DB lock took 31 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002340 19.74766541 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28701.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002341 19.74802399 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002342 19.74833679 [8248] MM5 [10800](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002343 19.74862671 [8248] MM5 [10800](R) 10800 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002344 19.75060081 [8248] MM5 [10800](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002345 19.77925682 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1048576, 0) 00002346 19.77946472 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1114112, 0) 00002347 19.77966499 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1179648, 0) 00002348 19.79613495 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28674.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002349 19.79641533 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002350 19.79671860 [8248] MM5 [6760](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002351 19.79706573 [8248] MM5 [6760](R) 6760 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002352 19.86098099 [8248] MM5 [6760](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002353 19.90114594 [10608] SAStream: Seek(917504, 0) 00002354 19.90144539 [10608] SAStream: Seek(983040, 0) 00002355 19.90170479 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1048576, 0) 00002356 19.96027565 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=5556.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002357 19.96053696 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002358 19.96091843 [8248] MM5 [5252](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002359 19.96122742 [8248] MM5 [5252](R) 5252 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002360 19.96305847 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\Queen\Queen - Greatest Hits Vol.1-UK Version\10 - Queen - We Will Rock You.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\5556.M4A 00002361 20.00522041 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=23490.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002362 20.00548172 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002363 20.00582695 [8248] MM5 [6276](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002364 20.00619698 [8248] MM5 [6276](R) 6276 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002365 20.05378723 [8248] MM5 [6276](R) 6276 DB query prepare finished, took 47. 00002366 20.10438728 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=23491.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002367 20.10465240 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002368 20.10503769 [8248] MM5 [7388](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002369 20.10532761 [8248] MM5 [7388](R) 7388 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002370 20.10711670 [8248] MM5 [7388](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002371 20.14255524 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=23493.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002372 20.14284325 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002373 20.14315224 [8248] MM5 [7180](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002374 20.14344406 [8248] MM5 [7180](R) 7180 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002375 20.14522362 [8248] MM5 [7180](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002376 20.18326187 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=23494.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002377 20.18360710 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002378 20.18397713 [8248] MM5 [7432](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002379 20.18431664 [8248] MM5 [7432](R) 7432 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002380 20.21733665 [8248] MM5 [7432](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002381 20.27066803 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25213.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002382 20.27101326 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002383 20.27137947 [8248] MM5 [10192](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002384 20.27168655 [8248] MM5 [10192](R) 10192 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002385 20.27360344 [8248] MM5 [10192](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002386 20.35999107 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=5589.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002387 20.36032867 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002388 20.36069489 [8248] MM5 [11072](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002389 20.36103439 [8248] MM5 [11072](R) 11072 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002390 20.36245918 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 1114112 00002391 20.36266327 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 1179648 00002392 20.36286354 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 1245184 00002393 20.38199043 [8248] MM5 [11072](R) 11072 DB query prepare finished, took 31. 00002394 20.38313675 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\R.E.M\Automatic for the People\1 - R.E.M. - Drive.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\5589.M4A 00002395 20.45291901 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=5593.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002396 20.45318222 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002397 20.45349312 [8248] MM5 [11052](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002398 20.45378494 [8248] MM5 [11052](R) 11052 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002399 20.45585442 [8248] MM5 [11052](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002400 20.46972656 [10608] SAStream: Seek(983040, 0) 00002401 20.47002411 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1048576, 0) 00002402 20.47027969 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1114112, 0) 00002403 20.59088898 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=5592.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002404 20.59115410 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002405 20.59149742 [8248] MM5 [7036](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002406 20.59186554 [8248] MM5 [7036](R) 7036 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002407 20.62372398 [8248] MM5 [7036](R) 7036 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00002408 20.67069244 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25214.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002409 20.67104721 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002410 20.67142487 [8248] MM5 [4048](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002411 20.67172050 [8248] MM5 [4048](R) 4048 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002412 20.67362404 [8248] MM5 [4048](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002413 20.72355461 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25214.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002414 20.72382164 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002415 20.72413635 [8248] MM5 [9376](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002416 20.72444153 [8248] MM5 [9376](R) 9376 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002417 20.72694969 [8248] MM5 [9376](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002418 20.78193665 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=13644.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002419 20.78228569 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002420 20.78264618 [8248] MM5 [1804](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002421 20.78298950 [8248] MM5 [1804](R) 1804 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002422 20.81377029 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2011 Year end Top Hot 100 Songs Charts (Best Singles)\077 Cheers (Drink To That).mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\13644.M4A 00002423 20.88999748 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28671.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002424 20.89019585 [8248] MM5 [2988](R) _BrowseRequest started 00002425 20.89041138 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002426 20.89057541 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00002427 20.89079285 [8248] MM5 [2988](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002428 20.89115906 [8248] MM5 [2988](R) 2988 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002429 20.89297104 [8248] MM5 [2988](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002430 20.93556976 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1179648, 0) 00002431 20.93586922 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1245184, 0) 00002432 20.93612480 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1310720, 0) 00002433 20.99721909 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11351.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002434 20.99756050 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002435 20.99791908 [8248] MM5 [10732](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002436 20.99828148 [8248] MM5 [10732](R) 10732 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002437 21.02573776 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1048576, 0) 00002438 21.02620697 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1114112, 0) 00002439 21.02730942 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1179648, 0) 00002440 21.03044891 [8248] MM5 [10732](R) 10732 DB query prepare finished, took 31. 00002441 21.14261246 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\Sam Roberts - Collider 2011 [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\01. The Last Crusade - Sam Roberts.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11351.M4A 00002442 21.20150185 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11350.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002443 21.20176506 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002444 21.20212364 [8248] MM5 [6300](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002445 21.20245552 [8248] MM5 [6300](R) 6300 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002446 21.21175766 [8248] MM5 [6300](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002447 21.26762009 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11352.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002448 21.26775360 [8248] MM5 [11228](R) _BrowseRequest started 00002449 21.26787758 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002450 21.26803207 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00002451 21.26826286 [8248] MM5 [11228](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002452 21.26843643 [8248] MM5 [11228](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00002453 21.26863289 [8248] MM5 [11228](R) 11228 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002454 21.26926613 [8248] MM5 [11228](R) 11228 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00002455 21.27740097 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\Sam Roberts - Collider 2011 [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\09. Twist The Knife - Sam Roberts.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11352.M4A 00002456 21.37662888 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11347.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002457 21.37699890 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002458 21.37735748 [8248] MM5 [7404](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002459 21.37769508 [8248] MM5 [7404](R) 7404 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002460 21.40835381 [8248] MM5 [7404](R) 7404 DB query prepare finished, took 31. 00002461 21.41864777 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1245184, 0) 00002462 21.41899872 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1310720, 0) 00002463 21.41923904 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1376256, 0) 00002464 21.45121574 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\Sam Roberts - Collider 2011 [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\13. Tractor Beam Blues - Sam Roberts.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11347.M4A 00002465 21.49840164 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=12335.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002466 21.49866676 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002467 21.49902344 [8248] MM5 [9664](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002468 21.49931908 [8248] MM5 [9664](R) 9664 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002469 21.50263596 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1114112, 0) 00002470 21.50300980 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1179648, 0) 00002471 21.50326920 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1245184, 0) 00002472 21.50836372 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\Sam Roberts - Discography 2001 - 2008 [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\Sam Roberts - We Were Born In A Flame 2003\01. Hard Road - Sam Roberts.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\12335.M4A 00002473 21.59790421 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=5738.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002474 21.59816551 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002475 21.59847450 [8248] MM5 [10036](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002476 21.59876442 [8248] MM5 [10036](R) 10036 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002477 21.63117599 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\Santana\Santana's Greatest Hits\2 - Santana - Black Magic Woman.ogg -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\5738.M4A 00002478 21.68037224 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=5742.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002479 21.68063545 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002480 21.68094635 [8248] MM5 [7604](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002481 21.68123436 [8248] MM5 [7604](R) 7604 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002482 21.68298149 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\Santana\Santana's Greatest Hits\3 - Santana - Oye Como Va.ogg -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\5742.M4A 00002483 21.71958351 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=15322.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002484 21.71985054 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002485 21.72015953 [8248] MM5 [9740](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002486 21.72045326 [8248] MM5 [9740](R) 9740 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002487 21.72288513 [8248] MM5 [9740](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002488 21.75894165 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25218.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002489 21.75928116 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002490 21.75963974 [8248] MM5 [2524](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002491 21.75998497 [8248] MM5 [2524](R) 2524 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002492 21.77008438 [8248] MM5 [2524](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002493 21.81181526 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28703.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002494 21.81208611 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002495 21.81239319 [8248] MM5 [10784](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002496 21.81268120 [8248] MM5 [10784](R) 10784 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002497 21.81447411 [8248] MM5 [10784](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002498 21.89028931 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=5813.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002499 21.89055443 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002500 21.89087105 [8248] MM5 [11688](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002501 21.89115715 [8248] MM5 [11688](R) 11688 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002502 21.93698311 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\Sheryl Crow\Very Best of Sheryl Crow\5 - Sheryl Crow - Everyday Is A Winding Road.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\5813.M4A 00002503 21.99085999 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=5815.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002504 21.99114227 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002505 21.99145126 [8248] MM5 [6500](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002506 21.99180603 [8248] MM5 [6500](R) 6500 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002507 21.99374390 [8248] MM5 [6500](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002508 21.99440384 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 1310720 00002509 21.99469948 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 1376256 00002510 21.99497604 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 1441792 00002511 22.03770638 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=782.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002512 22.03804398 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002513 22.03840065 [8248] MM5 [1356](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002514 22.03878593 [8248] MM5 [1356](R) 1356 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002515 22.06375885 [8248] MM5 [1356](R) 1356 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00002516 22.09741020 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=735.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002517 22.09754753 [8248] MM5 [6888](R) _BrowseRequest started 00002518 22.09766960 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002519 22.09779739 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00002520 22.09798050 [8248] MM5 [6888](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002521 22.09810829 [8248] MM5 [6888](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00002522 22.09887123 [8248] MM5 [6888](R) 6888 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00002523 22.14614868 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=736.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002524 22.14648819 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002525 22.14692879 [8248] MM5 [9324](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002526 22.14727020 [8248] MM5 [9324](R) 9324 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002527 22.16775322 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1179648, 0) 00002528 22.16799736 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1245184, 0) 00002529 22.16820145 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1310720, 0) 00002530 22.16974449 [8248] MM5 [9324](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002531 22.25488091 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=741.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002532 22.25514603 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002533 22.25546455 [8248] MM5 [11464](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002534 22.25575447 [8248] MM5 [11464](R) 11464 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002535 22.25771904 [8248] MM5 [11464](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002536 22.37308311 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=746.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002537 22.37344551 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002538 22.37380409 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002539 22.37416458 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) 10296 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002540 22.37604523 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\Simon & Garfunkel - Live From New York City 1967\Simon & Garfunkel - Live From New York City, 1967 - 05 - You Don't Know Where Your Interest Lies.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\746.M4A 00002541 22.42804909 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=773.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002542 22.42842865 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002543 22.42879868 [8248] MM5 [10660](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002544 22.42914200 [8248] MM5 [10660](R) 10660 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002545 22.46991920 [8248] MM5 [10660](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002546 22.51957893 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=5994.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002547 22.51984024 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002548 22.52014923 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002549 22.52050591 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) 6584 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002550 22.52160645 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) DB lock took 16 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002551 22.52285385 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002552 22.56114006 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1376256, 0) 00002553 22.56136322 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1441792, 0) 00002554 22.56156731 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1507328, 0) 00002555 22.63717842 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=1641.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002556 22.63731575 [8248] MM5 [10924](R) _BrowseRequest started 00002557 22.63841057 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00002558 22.63880157 [8248] MM5 [10924](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00002559 22.63958359 [8248] MM5 [10924](R) 10924 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00002560 22.64668846 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Styx\Classics Vol. 15\07 Mr. Roboto.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\1641.M4A 00002561 22.67989349 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1245184, 0) 00002562 22.68011093 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1310720, 0) 00002563 22.68039322 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1376256, 0) 00002564 22.69787979 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6198.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002565 22.69814491 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002566 22.69853210 [8248] MM5 [3264](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002567 22.69882011 [8248] MM5 [3264](R) 3264 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002568 22.70077133 [8248] MM5 [3264](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002569 22.85984802 [8248] MM5 [812](R) 812 DB query prepare finished, took 31. 00002570 22.86128616 [8248] MM5 [812](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002571 22.91032410 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6295.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002572 22.91059303 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002573 22.91090775 [8248] MM5 [3180](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002574 22.91120911 [8248] MM5 [3180](R) 3180 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002575 22.91266060 [8248] MM5 [3180](R) DB lock took 16 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002576 22.96477509 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6296.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002577 22.96512604 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002578 22.96548271 [8248] MM5 [9108](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002579 22.96582794 [8248] MM5 [9108](R) 9108 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002580 22.99587440 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\The Beatles\Revolver\3 - The Beatles - I'm Only Sleeping.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\6296.M4A 00002581 23.05810547 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6297.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002582 23.05837250 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002583 23.05868340 [8248] MM5 [2352](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002584 23.05896950 [8248] MM5 [2352](R) 2352 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002585 23.06075478 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\The Beatles\Revolver\4 - The Beatles - Love You To.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\6297.M4A 00002586 23.14013672 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1441792, 0) 00002587 23.14035416 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1507328, 0) 00002588 23.14055443 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1572864, 0) 00002589 23.15356636 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6387.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002590 23.15383148 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002591 23.15417290 [8248] MM5 [11248](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002592 23.15446472 [8248] MM5 [11248](R) 11248 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002593 23.17810059 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1310720, 0) 00002594 23.17831612 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1376256, 0) 00002595 23.17852020 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1441792, 0) 00002596 23.18814659 [8248] MM5 [11248](R) 11248 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00002597 23.18993378 [8248] MM5 [11248](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002598 23.24742126 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6397.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002599 23.24768639 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002600 23.24800873 [8248] MM5 [11096](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002601 23.24829865 [8248] MM5 [11096](R) 11096 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002602 23.25006485 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\The Byrds\The Essential Byrds\18 - The Byrds - Have You Seen Her Face.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\6397.M4A 00002603 23.29408073 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6406.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002604 23.29434013 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002605 23.29464722 [8248] MM5 [3100](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002606 23.29498672 [8248] MM5 [3100](R) 3100 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002607 23.31825829 [8248] MM5 [3100](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002608 23.37908745 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11644.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002609 23.37934875 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002610 23.37965775 [8248] MM5 [6660](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002611 23.38000870 [8248] MM5 [6660](R) 6660 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002612 23.38097572 [8248] MM5 [6660](R) DB lock took 15 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002613 23.38940811 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\The Cars - Complete Greatest Hits (2002)\20 You Are the Girl.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11644.M4A 00002614 23.42512512 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6528.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002615 23.42546463 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002616 23.42584991 [8248] MM5 [10040](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002617 23.42619133 [8248] MM5 [10040](R) 10040 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002618 23.43470383 [8248] MM5 [10040](R) 10040 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00002619 23.43645859 [8248] MM5 [10040](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002620 23.47629929 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6530.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002621 23.47663689 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002622 23.47694969 [8248] MM5 [12220](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002623 23.47723770 [8248] MM5 [12220](R) 12220 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002624 23.47917366 [8248] MM5 [12220](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002625 23.51952553 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6527.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002626 23.51994705 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002627 23.52025986 [8248] MM5 [7748](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002628 23.52054977 [8248] MM5 [7748](R) 7748 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002629 23.55368423 [8248] MM5 [7748](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002630 23.60010910 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1507328, 0) 00002631 23.60032463 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1572864, 0) 00002632 23.60052490 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1638400, 0) 00002633 23.61542511 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6541.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002634 23.61568832 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002635 23.61599731 [8248] MM5 [10304](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002636 23.61628723 [8248] MM5 [10304](R) 10304 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002637 23.61802101 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\The doors\The Best Of The Doors CD2\6 - The doors - Love Her Madly.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\6541.M4A 00002638 23.67381859 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1376256, 0) 00002639 23.67823792 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 1376256 00002640 23.67859077 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 1441792 00002641 23.67896652 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 1507328 00002642 23.68976021 [8248] MM5 [10188](R) _BrowseRequest started 00002643 23.69011688 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00002644 23.69048500 [8248] MM5 [10188](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00002645 23.69130325 [8248] MM5 [10188](R) 10188 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00002646 23.72817993 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\The Eagles\Their Greatest Hits (1971-1975)\2 - The Eagles - Witchy Woman.ogg -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\6599.M4A 00002647 23.78148270 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6606.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002648 23.78163719 [8248] MM5 [7768](R) _BrowseRequest started 00002649 23.78189468 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00002650 23.78220177 [8248] MM5 [7768](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00002651 23.78293037 [8248] MM5 [7768](R) 7768 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00002652 23.86770248 [8248] MM5 [2128](R) 2128 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00002653 23.86937141 [8248] MM5 [2128](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002654 23.92666054 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6639.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002655 23.92679596 [8248] MM5 [9744](R) _BrowseRequest started 00002656 23.92691803 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002657 23.92704391 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00002658 23.92722893 [8248] MM5 [9744](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002659 23.92735672 [8248] MM5 [9744](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00002660 23.92753983 [8248] MM5 [9744](R) 9744 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002661 23.92810249 [8248] MM5 [9744](R) 9744 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00002662 23.92940712 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\The Grapes of Wrath\Seems Like Fate- 1984-1992\6 - The Grapes of Wrath - Stay.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\6639.M4A 00002663 23.92979050 [8248] MM5 [9744](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002664 23.97498322 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6628.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002665 23.97524643 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002666 23.97560692 [8248] MM5 [2052](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002667 23.97597122 [8248] MM5 [2052](R) 2052 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002668 24.01020241 [8248] MM5 [2052](R) 2052 DB query prepare finished, took 31. 00002669 24.01155090 [8248] MM5 [2052](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002670 24.07048416 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6647.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002671 24.07084274 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002672 24.07123184 [8248] MM5 [3620](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002673 24.07159996 [8248] MM5 [3620](R) 3620 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002674 24.07369041 [8248] MM5 [3620](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002675 24.07562256 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1572864, 0) 00002676 24.07583427 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1638400, 0) 00002677 24.07603836 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1703936, 0) 00002678 24.11539268 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1441792, 0) 00002679 24.11569405 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1507328, 0) 00002680 24.11595726 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1572864, 0) 00002681 24.12614059 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6648.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002682 24.12627983 [8248] MM5 [10292](R) _BrowseRequest started 00002683 24.12644768 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002684 24.12666702 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00002685 24.12707329 [8248] MM5 [10292](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00002686 24.12781525 [8248] MM5 [10292](R) 10292 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00002687 24.12973785 [8248] MM5 [10292](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002688 24.17548752 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=19956.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002689 24.17583084 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002690 24.17619133 [8248] MM5 [11680](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002691 24.17659378 [8248] MM5 [11680](R) 11680 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002692 24.21193695 [8248] MM5 [11680](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002693 24.26591301 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=19957.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002694 24.26618004 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002695 24.26659584 [8248] MM5 [11492](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002696 24.26703453 [8248] MM5 [11492](R) 11492 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002697 24.26899529 [8248] MM5 [11492](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002698 24.32085228 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=19963.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002699 24.32120132 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002700 24.36801529 [8248] MM5 [9896](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002701 24.41681099 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6716.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002702 24.41707230 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002703 24.41739655 [8248] MM5 [7652](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002704 24.41768837 [8248] MM5 [7652](R) 7652 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002705 24.42176819 [8248] MM5 [7652](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002706 24.49136734 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=1980.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002707 24.49163055 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002708 24.49194336 [8248] MM5 [11244](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002709 24.49223709 [8248] MM5 [11244](R) 11244 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002710 24.52419281 [8248] MM5 [11244](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002711 24.53146744 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1638400, 0) 00002712 24.53175735 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1703936, 0) 00002713 24.53201294 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1769472, 0) 00002714 24.57246399 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6776.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002715 24.57272720 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002716 24.57303429 [8248] MM5 [3372](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002717 24.57332802 [8248] MM5 [3372](R) 3372 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002718 24.57512093 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\The Mamas And The Papas\The Best Of\7 - The Mamas And The Papas - Dream A Little Dream Of Me.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\6776.M4A 00002719 24.63378906 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=2155.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002720 24.63405418 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002721 24.63436508 [8248] MM5 [7800](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002722 24.63465309 [8248] MM5 [7800](R) 7800 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002723 24.68223381 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1507328, 0) 00002724 24.68582153 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1572864, 0) 00002725 24.68619728 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1638400, 0) 00002726 24.69456100 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Uzi Hitman Israel Gorion\Pil Pilon\13. Barvazim.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\2155.M4A 00002727 24.79845047 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6810.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002728 24.79871750 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002729 24.79903030 [8248] MM5 [3388](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002730 24.79932022 [8248] MM5 [3388](R) 3388 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002731 24.80115128 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\The Northern Pikes FLAC Pack (6 Albums) [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\Big Blue Sky 1987\06. The Northern Pikes - Jackie T.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\6810.M4A 00002732 24.86951447 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6825.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002733 24.86977768 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002734 24.87011147 [8248] MM5 [2692](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002735 24.87040329 [8248] MM5 [2692](R) 2692 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002736 24.90582466 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\The Northern Pikes FLAC Pack (6 Albums) [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\Hits & Assorted Secrets (Greatest Hits)\09. The Northern Pikes - Dream Away (Stasium Re-mix).flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\6825.M4A 00002737 24.95840073 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6853.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002738 24.95859528 [8248] MM5 [11924](R) _BrowseRequest started 00002739 24.95892715 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00002740 24.95931053 [8248] MM5 [11924](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00002741 24.96004295 [8248] MM5 [11924](R) 11924 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00002742 24.96158791 [8248] MM5 [11924](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002743 25.01660538 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6862.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002744 25.01698494 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002745 25.01734734 [8248] MM5 [3648](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002746 25.01768494 [8248] MM5 [3648](R) 3648 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002747 25.05327034 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\The Northern Pikes FLAC Pack (6 Albums) [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\Snow In June 1990\01. The Northern Pikes - Dream Away.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\6862.M4A 00002748 25.09206963 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1703936, 0) 00002749 25.09228706 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1769472, 0) 00002750 25.09249306 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1835008, 0) 00002751 25.10177612 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6868.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002752 25.10210800 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002753 25.10241318 [8248] MM5 [1216](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002754 25.10270309 [8248] MM5 [1216](R) 1216 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002755 25.10547829 [8248] MM5 [1216](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002756 25.15016365 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=5498.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002757 25.15042686 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002758 25.15073586 [8248] MM5 [10728](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002759 25.15111732 [8248] MM5 [10728](R) 10728 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002760 25.17809868 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1572864, 0) 00002761 25.17833900 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1638400, 0) 00002762 25.17854309 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1703936, 0) 00002763 25.17961693 [8248] MM5 [10728](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002764 25.24585724 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=2061.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002765 25.24612808 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002766 25.24644089 [8248] MM5 [2512](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002767 25.24673843 [8248] MM5 [2512](R) 2512 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002768 25.24881935 [8248] MM5 [2512](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002769 25.28600883 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=2062.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002770 25.28629303 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002771 25.28660774 [8248] MM5 [12240](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002772 25.28689957 [8248] MM5 [12240](R) 12240 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002773 25.31880569 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Smiths\Best ... I\04 The Smiths - Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\2062.M4A 00002774 25.38060951 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=2066.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002775 25.38091278 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002776 25.38122177 [8248] MM5 [7428](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002777 25.38150978 [8248] MM5 [7428](R) 7428 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002778 25.38406944 [8248] MM5 [7428](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002779 25.43026161 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=2069.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002780 25.43052292 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002781 25.43090630 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002782 25.43119621 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) 10576 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002783 25.43294716 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Smiths\Best ... I\11 The Smiths - Sheila Take A Bow.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\2069.M4A 00002784 25.47574806 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=7228.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002785 25.47608566 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002786 25.47644234 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002787 25.47680664 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) 9396 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002788 25.50773621 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) 9396 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00002789 25.50915337 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\The Tragically Hip\Trouble At The Henhouse\1 - The Tragically Hip - Gift Shop.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\7228.M4A 00002790 25.51054573 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1769472, 0) 00002791 25.51087761 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1835008, 0) 00002792 25.51107788 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1900544, 0) 00002793 25.56144714 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=7245.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002794 25.56172752 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002795 25.56203461 [8248] MM5 [3200](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002796 25.56232452 [8248] MM5 [3200](R) 3200 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002797 25.56410789 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\The Tragically Hip\Up to Here\4 - The Tragically Hip - 38 Years Old.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\7245.M4A 00002798 25.61267471 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=8112.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002799 25.61301231 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002800 25.61337090 [8248] MM5 [844](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002801 25.61380005 [8248] MM5 [844](R) 844 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002802 25.63884354 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1638400, 0) 00002803 25.63906288 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1703936, 0) 00002804 25.63928604 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1769472, 0) 00002805 25.64887047 [8248] MM5 [844](R) DB lock took 47 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002806 25.65034294 [8248] MM5 [844](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002807 25.70212555 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=7506.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002808 25.70232010 [8248] MM5 [7960](R) _BrowseRequest started 00002809 25.70250511 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002810 25.70266914 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00002811 25.70289040 [8248] MM5 [7960](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002812 25.70305634 [8248] MM5 [7960](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00002813 25.70325851 [8248] MM5 [7960](R) 7960 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002814 25.70389557 [8248] MM5 [7960](R) 7960 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00002815 25.70733833 [8248] MM5 [7960](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002816 25.80517960 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=7628.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002817 25.80543709 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002818 25.80581665 [8248] MM5 [12008](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002819 25.80616570 [8248] MM5 [12008](R) 12008 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002820 25.86747169 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers\Greatest Hits\15 - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - Free Fallin'.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\7628.M4A 00002821 25.92360687 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28702.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002822 25.92388916 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002823 25.92428017 [8248] MM5 [5144](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002824 25.92457962 [8248] MM5 [5144](R) 5144 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002825 25.92676544 [8248] MM5 [5144](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002826 25.98068810 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=2132.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002827 25.98103142 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002828 25.98141670 [8248] MM5 [4704](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002829 25.98175812 [8248] MM5 [4704](R) 4704 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002830 25.99242973 [8248] MM5 [4704](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002831 25.99312592 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 1835008 00002832 25.99344826 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 1900544 00002833 25.99370193 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 1966080 00002834 26.03623772 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=7821.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002835 26.03654289 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002836 26.03684998 [8248] MM5 [3640](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002837 26.03713799 [8248] MM5 [3640](R) 3640 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002838 26.03919029 [8248] MM5 [3640](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002839 26.08108521 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=15315.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002840 26.08135033 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002841 26.08263016 [8248] MM5 [4568](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002842 26.08291626 [8248] MM5 [4568](R) 4568 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002843 26.09503365 [8248] MM5 [4568](R) 4568 DB query prepare finished, took 16. 00002844 26.10080719 [8248] MM5 [4568](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002845 26.14806557 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=24176.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002846 26.14834404 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002847 26.14865685 [8248] MM5 [4980](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002848 26.14894295 [8248] MM5 [4980](R) 4980 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002849 26.15098000 [8248] MM5 [4980](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002850 26.20849609 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=15452.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002851 26.20876122 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002852 26.20907021 [8248] MM5 [5392](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002853 26.20944405 [8248] MM5 [5392](R) 5392 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002854 26.24578667 [8248] MM5 [5392](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002855 26.28299141 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1703936, 0) 00002856 26.28330803 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1769472, 0) 00002857 26.28356552 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1835008, 0) 00002858 26.29665375 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11614.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002859 26.29697990 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002860 26.29733658 [8248] MM5 [9808](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002861 26.29762650 [8248] MM5 [9808](R) 9808 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002862 26.30770493 [8248] MM5 [9808](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002863 26.36833763 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11589.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002864 26.36860085 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002865 26.36891174 [8248] MM5 [2708](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002866 26.36922264 [8248] MM5 [2708](R) 2708 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002867 26.46343040 [8248] MM5 [2708](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002868 26.48040009 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1900544, 0) 00002869 26.48061371 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1966080, 0) 00002870 26.48081589 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2031616, 0) 00002871 26.56164932 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26274.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002872 26.56191254 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002873 26.56229782 [8248] MM5 [11880](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002874 26.56259727 [8248] MM5 [11880](R) 11880 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002875 26.56461525 [8248] MM5 [11880](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002876 26.59730148 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28679.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002877 26.59756088 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002878 26.59787178 [8248] MM5 [7780](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002879 26.59816551 [8248] MM5 [7780](R) 7780 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002880 26.63725471 [8248] MM5 [7780](R) DB lock took 46 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002881 26.63980484 [8248] MM5 [7780](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002882 26.69018936 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1769472, 0) 00002883 26.69048691 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1835008, 0) 00002884 26.69074249 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1900544, 0) 00002885 26.70060158 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28695.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002886 26.70086479 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002887 26.70124817 [8248] MM5 [9196](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002888 26.70153809 [8248] MM5 [9196](R) 9196 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002889 26.70350075 [8248] MM5 [9196](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002890 26.74637794 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28689.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002891 26.74671745 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002892 26.74713707 [8248] MM5 [8008](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002893 26.74743271 [8248] MM5 [8008](R) 8008 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002894 26.81133461 [8248] MM5 [8008](R) 8008 DB query prepare finished, took 62. 00002895 26.90556717 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28678.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002896 26.90584946 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002897 26.90618515 [8248] MM5 [1856](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002898 26.90647316 [8248] MM5 [1856](R) 1856 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002899 26.90852547 [8248] MM5 [1856](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002900 26.96523476 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28704.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002901 26.96549416 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002902 26.96584320 [8248] MM5 [196](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002903 26.96616364 [8248] MM5 [196](R) 196 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002904 26.96822166 [8248] MM5 [196](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002905 27.01239967 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28577.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002906 27.01275826 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002907 27.01311684 [8248] MM5 [7120](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002908 27.01345253 [8248] MM5 [7120](R) 7120 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002909 27.04728699 [8248] MM5 [7120](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002910 27.06265259 [5516] SAStream: Seek(1966080, 0) 00002911 27.06289291 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2031616, 0) 00002912 27.06309128 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2097152, 0) 00002913 27.14713860 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28665.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002914 27.14740562 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002915 27.14776039 [8248] MM5 [10808](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002916 27.14812088 [8248] MM5 [10808](R) 10808 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002917 27.15012550 [8248] MM5 [10808](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002918 27.24649048 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28623.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002919 27.24675560 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002920 27.24706650 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002921 27.24735451 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) 3960 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002922 27.28210831 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1835008, 0) 00002923 27.28245735 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1900544, 0) 00002924 27.28279305 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1966080, 0) 00002925 27.28539467 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002926 27.31874275 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00002927 27.44285774 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28635.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002928 27.44311714 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002929 27.44344330 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002930 27.44380188 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) 6820 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002931 27.48503113 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) DB lock took 31 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002932 27.53304672 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2031616, 0) 00002933 27.53335762 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2097152, 0) 00002934 27.53362465 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2162688, 0) 00002935 27.54673004 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28625.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002936 27.54699898 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002937 27.54731178 [8248] MM5 [10996](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002938 27.54775620 [8248] MM5 [10996](R) 10996 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002939 27.54974174 [8248] MM5 [10996](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002940 27.61082840 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28600.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002941 27.61116409 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002942 27.61150169 [8248] MM5 [5048](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002943 27.61179161 [8248] MM5 [5048](R) 5048 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002944 27.64854431 [8248] MM5 [5048](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002945 27.70531273 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28622.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002946 27.70561218 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002947 27.70592690 [8248] MM5 [9988](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002948 27.70622444 [8248] MM5 [9988](R) 9988 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002949 27.70817375 [8248] MM5 [9988](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002950 27.78016281 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1900544, 0) 00002951 27.78044128 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1966080, 0) 00002952 27.78071404 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2031616, 0) 00002953 27.79419899 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28586.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002954 27.79457664 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002955 27.79493141 [8248] MM5 [640](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002956 27.79528046 [8248] MM5 [640](R) 640 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002957 27.88959694 [8248] MM5 [640](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002958 27.94356155 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28648.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002959 27.94382668 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002960 27.94413757 [8248] MM5 [6024](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002961 27.94445419 [8248] MM5 [6024](R) 6024 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002962 27.94638062 [8248] MM5 [6024](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002963 27.98431969 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28578.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002964 27.98464966 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002965 27.98506927 [8248] MM5 [8116](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002966 27.98550987 [8248] MM5 [8116](R) 8116 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002967 28.02740479 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2097152, 0) 00002968 28.02762222 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2162688, 0) 00002969 28.02782631 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2228224, 0) 00002970 28.02974319 [8248] MM5 [8116](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002971 28.08864021 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28598.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002972 28.08890915 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002973 28.08923531 [8248] MM5 [11132](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002974 28.08953285 [8248] MM5 [11132](R) 11132 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002975 28.09148407 [8248] MM5 [11132](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002976 28.13791656 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28584.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002977 28.13815308 [8248] MM5 [2380](R) _BrowseRequest started 00002978 28.13844109 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00002979 28.13875580 [8248] MM5 [2380](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00002980 28.13952637 [8248] MM5 [2380](R) 2380 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00002981 28.14794540 [8248] MM5 [2380](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002982 28.19207954 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28595.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002983 28.19240570 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002984 28.19271278 [8248] MM5 [1292](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002985 28.19300079 [8248] MM5 [1292](R) 1292 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002986 28.19493103 [8248] MM5 [1292](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002987 28.24116707 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28642.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002988 28.24145317 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002989 28.24176025 [8248] MM5 [9576](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002990 28.24208069 [8248] MM5 [9576](R) 9576 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002991 28.26663399 [10608] SAStream: Seek(1966080, 0) 00002992 28.26685143 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2031616, 0) 00002993 28.26705933 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2097152, 0) 00002994 28.27543068 [8248] MM5 [9576](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00002995 28.32627869 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28583.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00002996 28.32661057 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00002997 28.32697296 [8248] MM5 [2560](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00002998 28.32730865 [8248] MM5 [2560](R) 2560 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00002999 28.38285446 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28633.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003000 28.38305664 [8248] MM5 [3400](R) _BrowseRequest started 00003001 28.38339615 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00003002 28.38375664 [8248] MM5 [3400](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00003003 28.38460541 [8248] MM5 [3400](R) 3400 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00003004 28.40438080 [8248] MM5 [3400](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003005 28.45040321 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28659.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003006 28.45066643 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003007 28.45105553 [8248] MM5 [5320](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003008 28.45135307 [8248] MM5 [5320](R) 5320 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003009 28.45323181 [8248] MM5 [5320](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003010 28.49077415 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28647.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003011 28.49118805 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003012 28.49149513 [8248] MM5 [5292](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003013 28.49178505 [8248] MM5 [5292](R) 5292 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003014 28.50900078 [8248] MM5 [5292](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003015 28.55255699 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28664.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003016 28.55282211 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003017 28.55320930 [8248] MM5 [6328](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003018 28.55349731 [8248] MM5 [6328](R) 6328 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003019 28.55553055 [8248] MM5 [6328](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003020 28.55722237 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 2162688 00003021 28.55750084 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 2228224 00003022 28.55775642 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 2293760 00003023 28.60046005 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28588.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003024 28.60072327 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003025 28.60108757 [8248] MM5 [10948](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003026 28.60137558 [8248] MM5 [10948](R) 10948 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003027 28.63533401 [8248] MM5 [10948](R) 10948 DB query prepare finished, took 31. 00003028 28.69333839 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28591.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003029 28.69359970 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003030 28.69393921 [8248] MM5 [8216](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003031 28.69423103 [8248] MM5 [8216](R) 8216 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003032 28.69639015 [8248] MM5 [8216](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003033 28.72984695 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2031616, 0) 00003034 28.73014450 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2097152, 0) 00003035 28.73040009 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2162688, 0) 00003036 28.74522209 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28641.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003037 28.74556541 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003038 28.74595261 [8248] MM5 [5500](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003039 28.74629211 [8248] MM5 [5500](R) 5500 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003040 28.77840042 [8248] MM5 [5500](R) 5500 DB query prepare finished, took 31. 00003041 28.90480042 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28589.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003042 28.90522003 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003043 28.90565109 [8248] MM5 [5972](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003044 28.90593910 [8248] MM5 [5972](R) 5972 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003045 28.90797424 [8248] MM5 [5972](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003046 29.02746201 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28596.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003047 29.02796745 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003048 29.02828217 [8248] MM5 [3176](R) PostponeComputerSleep: Enabled = 1 00003049 29.02876854 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) PostponeComputerSleep: SetThreadExecutionState result = $80000001 00003050 29.02918625 [8248] MM5 [3176](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00003051 29.06785965 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2228224, 0) 00003052 29.06815910 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2293760, 0) 00003053 29.06841850 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2359296, 0) 00003054 29.07416344 [8248] MM5 [3176](R) 3176 DB query prepare finished, took 47. 00003055 29.13537216 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28611.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003056 29.13563919 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003057 29.13594818 [8248] MM5 [5084](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003058 29.13624001 [8248] MM5 [5084](R) 5084 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003059 29.13825226 [8248] MM5 [5084](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003060 29.18242264 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28643.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003061 29.18282509 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003062 29.18318367 [8248] MM5 [10176](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003063 29.18358421 [8248] MM5 [10176](R) 10176 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003064 29.21212769 [8248] MM5 [10176](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003065 29.26471710 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28602.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003066 29.26500511 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003067 29.26531792 [8248] MM5 [8140](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003068 29.26560974 [8248] MM5 [8140](R) 8140 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003069 29.26749039 [8248] MM5 [8140](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003070 29.26808357 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 2097152 00003071 29.26828194 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 2162688 00003072 29.26854706 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 2228224 00003073 29.31755829 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28656.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003074 29.31790352 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003075 29.31826210 [8248] MM5 [2092](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003076 29.31868172 [8248] MM5 [2092](R) 2092 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003077 29.37664986 [8248] MM5 [2092](R) DB lock took 47 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003078 29.42260551 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28629.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003079 29.42282486 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003080 29.42313957 [8248] MM5 [8680](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003081 29.42352676 [8248] MM5 [8680](R) 8680 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003082 29.42548561 [8248] MM5 [8680](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003083 29.47511673 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28638.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003084 29.47551918 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003085 29.47583961 [8248] MM5 [4224](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003086 29.47613144 [8248] MM5 [4224](R) 4224 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003087 29.49683189 [8248] MM5 [4224](R) 4224 DB query prepare finished, took 16. 00003088 29.54196739 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28601.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003089 29.54223442 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003090 29.54270172 [8248] MM5 [6516](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003091 29.54303741 [8248] MM5 [6516](R) 6516 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003092 29.54502487 [8248] MM5 [6516](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003093 29.57902145 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2293760, 0) 00003094 29.57984734 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2359296, 0) 00003095 29.58020210 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2424832, 0) 00003096 29.62812233 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28610.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003097 29.62830353 [8248] MM5 [8608](R) _BrowseRequest started 00003098 29.62863731 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00003099 29.62899590 [8248] MM5 [8608](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00003100 29.62980080 [8248] MM5 [8608](R) 8608 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00003101 29.66764450 [8248] MM5 [8608](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003102 29.72495651 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28645.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003103 29.72523499 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003104 29.72558784 [8248] MM5 [9884](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003105 29.72592354 [8248] MM5 [9884](R) 9884 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003106 29.72780418 [8248] MM5 [9884](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003107 29.74123192 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2162688, 0) 00003108 29.74154854 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2228224, 0) 00003109 29.74183083 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2293760, 0) 00003110 29.78223038 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28614.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003111 29.78250885 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003112 29.78281975 [8248] MM5 [10272](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003113 29.78310966 [8248] MM5 [10272](R) 10272 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003114 29.79115486 [8248] MM5 [10272](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003115 29.86647987 [8248] MM5 [8828](R) _BrowseRequest started 00003116 29.86673546 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00003117 29.86705017 [8248] MM5 [8828](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00003118 29.90546608 [8248] MM5 [8828](R) 8828 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00003119 29.91189766 [8248] MM5 [8828](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003120 30.01070786 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28580.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003121 30.01097298 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003122 30.01136398 [8248] MM5 [12040](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003123 30.01170921 [8248] MM5 [12040](R) 12040 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003124 30.01370239 [8248] MM5 [12040](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003125 30.07554245 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28592.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003126 30.07588196 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003127 30.07630157 [8248] MM5 [3816](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003128 30.07659531 [8248] MM5 [3816](R) 3816 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003129 30.10466957 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2359296, 0) 00003130 30.10488319 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2424832, 0) 00003131 30.10508728 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2490368, 0) 00003132 30.10701752 [8248] MM5 [3816](R) 3816 DB query prepare finished, took 31. 00003133 30.11027145 [8248] MM5 [3816](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003134 30.15839767 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28637.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003135 30.15866280 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003136 30.15901375 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003137 30.15933418 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) 4732 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003138 30.16166115 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003139 30.16230965 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 2228224 00003140 30.16250801 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 2293760 00003141 30.16271019 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 2359296 00003142 30.21405029 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28628.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003143 30.21431351 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003144 30.21462440 [8248] MM5 [5024](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003145 30.21491814 [8248] MM5 [5024](R) 5024 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003146 30.25007439 [8248] MM5 [5024](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003147 30.29998398 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28590.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003148 30.30024910 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003149 30.30055618 [8248] MM5 [6096](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003150 30.30085754 [8248] MM5 [6096](R) 6096 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003151 30.30278015 [8248] MM5 [6096](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003152 30.39698792 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=23912.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003153 30.39712334 [8248] MM5 [11012](R) _BrowseRequest started 00003154 30.39724731 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003155 30.39737320 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00003156 30.39755440 [8248] MM5 [11012](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003157 30.39768410 [8248] MM5 [11012](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00003158 30.39784622 [8248] MM5 [11012](R) 11012 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003159 30.39949417 [8248] MM5 [11012](R) 11012 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00003160 30.40057564 [8248] MM5 [11012](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003161 30.40950775 [8248] MM5 [11012](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DeviceTracks WHERE IDDevice=677 00003162 30.45720291 [8248] MM5 [11012](R) Device Sync: Checking Artwork D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2017 11 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (11.11.2017) [Mga Zone Music]\05. Imagine Dragons - Thunder.mp3 00003163 30.46060562 [8248] MM5 [11012](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003164 30.53212166 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2424832, 0) 00003165 30.53241920 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2490368, 0) 00003166 30.53267288 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2555904, 0) 00003167 30.54163933 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28653.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003168 30.54199409 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003169 30.54246712 [8248] MM5 [10092](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003170 30.54288292 [8248] MM5 [10092](R) 10092 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003171 30.57728577 [8248] MM5 [10092](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003172 30.63604546 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28657.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003173 30.63630486 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003174 30.63661194 [8248] MM5 [11988](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003175 30.63698959 [8248] MM5 [11988](R) 11988 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003176 30.63958168 [8248] MM5 [11988](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003177 30.66485214 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2293760, 0) 00003178 30.66514587 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2359296, 0) 00003179 30.66542053 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2424832, 0) 00003180 30.72113228 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28613.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003181 30.72139168 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003182 30.72174454 [8248] MM5 [11188](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003183 30.72203445 [8248] MM5 [11188](R) 11188 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003184 30.74541473 [8248] MM5 [11188](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003185 30.81270409 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28619.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003186 30.81296730 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003187 30.81327629 [8248] MM5 [6656](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003188 30.81359100 [8248] MM5 [6656](R) 6656 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003189 30.81569862 [8248] MM5 [6656](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003190 30.88445854 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28575.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003191 30.88479614 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003192 30.88516426 [8248] MM5 [8004](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003193 30.88551331 [8248] MM5 [8004](R) 8004 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003194 30.90827751 [8248] MM5 [8004](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003195 31.00401306 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28605.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003196 31.00439453 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003197 31.00482178 [8248] MM5 [7644](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003198 31.00540161 [8248] MM5 [7644](R) 7644 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003199 31.00738907 [8248] MM5 [7644](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003200 31.02063942 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2490368, 0) 00003201 31.02225304 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 2555904 00003202 31.02246475 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 2621440 00003203 31.07398796 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28660.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003204 31.07432556 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003205 31.07474518 [8248] MM5 [5304](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003206 31.07508850 [8248] MM5 [5304](R) 5304 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003207 31.10070419 [8248] MM5 [5304](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003208 31.14818573 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28655.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003209 31.14845848 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003210 31.14876175 [8248] MM5 [4004](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003211 31.14905357 [8248] MM5 [4004](R) 4004 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003212 31.15107536 [8248] MM5 [4004](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003213 31.15178871 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 2359296 00003214 31.15205383 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 2424832 00003215 31.15232277 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 2490368 00003216 31.25838661 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28624.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003217 31.25865364 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003218 31.25895691 [8248] MM5 [2548](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003219 31.25924873 [8248] MM5 [2548](R) 2548 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003220 31.29617882 [8248] MM5 [2548](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003221 31.36809921 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28627.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003222 31.36843109 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003223 31.36874580 [8248] MM5 [8892](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003224 31.36905289 [8248] MM5 [8892](R) 8892 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003225 31.37117386 [8248] MM5 [8892](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003226 31.42013741 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28608.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003227 31.42211914 [8248] MM5 [6712](R) _BrowseRequest started 00003228 31.42248726 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00003229 31.42286491 [8248] MM5 [6712](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00003230 31.42368889 [8248] MM5 [6712](R) 6712 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00003231 31.45253372 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2555904, 0) 00003232 31.45288277 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2621440, 0) 00003233 31.45316887 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2686976, 0) 00003234 31.45462990 [8248] MM5 [6712](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003235 31.50858498 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28573.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003236 31.50884819 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003237 31.50917816 [8248] MM5 [5792](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003238 31.50948143 [8248] MM5 [5792](R) 5792 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003239 31.51153946 [8248] MM5 [5792](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003240 31.55381775 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28649.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003241 31.55427551 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003242 31.55464363 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003243 31.55498886 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) 12228 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003244 31.56272316 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003245 31.61135674 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28632.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003246 31.61164093 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003247 31.61195183 [8248] MM5 [5136](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003248 31.61227226 [8248] MM5 [5136](R) 5136 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003249 31.61485481 [8248] MM5 [5136](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003250 31.62992287 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2424832, 0) 00003251 31.63023758 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2490368, 0) 00003252 31.63049507 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2555904, 0) 00003253 31.66441917 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28662.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003254 31.66475487 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003255 31.66516876 [8248] MM5 [11820](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003256 31.66548729 [8248] MM5 [11820](R) 11820 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003257 31.67393303 [8248] MM5 [11820](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003258 31.72530937 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28661.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003259 31.72556877 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003260 31.72588158 [8248] MM5 [7648](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003261 31.72623444 [8248] MM5 [7648](R) 7648 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003262 31.72818947 [8248] MM5 [7648](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003263 31.80942726 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28604.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003264 31.80976295 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003265 31.81013680 [8248] MM5 [5216](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003266 31.81047440 [8248] MM5 [5216](R) 5216 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003267 31.86757469 [8248] MM5 [5216](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003268 31.91728020 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2621440, 0) 00003269 31.91749382 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2686976, 0) 00003270 31.91769218 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2752512, 0) 00003271 31.94761848 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28597.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003272 31.94788551 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003273 31.94827461 [8248] MM5 [5224](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003274 31.94856262 [8248] MM5 [5224](R) 5224 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003275 31.95060539 [8248] MM5 [5224](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003276 32.03836060 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28606.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003277 32.03861618 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003278 32.03901291 [8248] MM5 [7144](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003279 32.03932190 [8248] MM5 [7144](R) 7144 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003280 32.04159546 [8248] MM5 [7144](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003281 32.12620163 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28650.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003282 32.12646866 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003283 32.12677765 [8248] MM5 [492](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003284 32.12707138 [8248] MM5 [492](R) 492 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003285 32.13703537 [8248] MM5 [492](R) DB lock took 15 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003286 32.17796326 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28579.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003287 32.17824554 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003288 32.17855453 [8248] MM5 [7984](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003289 32.17890930 [8248] MM5 [7984](R) 7984 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003290 32.18087387 [8248] MM5 [7984](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003291 32.22302246 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28574.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003292 32.22328949 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003293 32.22359848 [8248] MM5 [1300](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003294 32.22389603 [8248] MM5 [1300](R) 1300 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003295 32.24399948 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2490368, 0) 00003296 32.24422073 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2555904, 0) 00003297 32.24442291 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2621440, 0) 00003298 32.26008987 [8248] MM5 [1300](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003299 32.31442642 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28568.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003300 32.31471252 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003301 32.31500626 [8248] MM5 [1932](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003302 32.31529236 [8248] MM5 [1932](R) 1932 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003303 32.31750870 [8248] MM5 [1932](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003304 32.38514709 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28612.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003305 32.38548660 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003306 32.38587189 [8248] MM5 [3636](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003307 32.38621521 [8248] MM5 [3636](R) 3636 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003308 32.51193619 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2686976, 0) 00003309 32.51222992 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2752512, 0) 00003310 32.51250076 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2818048, 0) 00003311 32.55913162 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28658.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003312 32.55927277 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) _BrowseRequest started 00003313 32.55939865 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003314 32.55952454 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00003315 32.55978394 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003316 32.56008148 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) 12184 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003317 32.56209564 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003318 32.61503983 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28654.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003319 32.61530304 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003320 32.61561966 [8248] MM5 [6940](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003321 32.61590576 [8248] MM5 [6940](R) 6940 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003322 32.61788177 [8248] MM5 [6940](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003323 32.66118240 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28617.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003324 32.66154480 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003325 32.66190720 [8248] MM5 [10656](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003326 32.66224670 [8248] MM5 [10656](R) 10656 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003327 32.69171906 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2555904, 0) 00003328 32.69194794 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2621440, 0) 00003329 32.69215393 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2686976, 0) 00003330 32.69766617 [8248] MM5 [10656](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003331 32.75709915 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28603.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003332 32.75723267 [8248] MM5 [2388](R) _BrowseRequest started 00003333 32.75735855 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003334 32.75748825 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00003335 32.75767136 [8248] MM5 [2388](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003336 32.75779724 [8248] MM5 [2388](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00003337 32.75795746 [8248] MM5 [2388](R) 2388 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003338 32.75852203 [8248] MM5 [2388](R) 2388 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00003339 32.76003647 [8248] MM5 [2388](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003340 32.81809616 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28615.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003341 32.81843948 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003342 32.81882477 [8248] MM5 [9800](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003343 32.81923676 [8248] MM5 [9800](R) 9800 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003344 32.82209778 [8248] MM5 [9800](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003345 32.88225937 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=21048.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003346 32.88269424 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003347 32.88300705 [8248] MM5 [2908](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003348 32.88330078 [8248] MM5 [2908](R) 2908 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003349 32.90030670 [8248] MM5 [2908](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003350 32.95973587 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28570.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003351 32.95999908 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003352 32.96031189 [8248] MM5 [9292](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003353 32.96068192 [8248] MM5 [9292](R) 9292 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003354 32.96261215 [8248] MM5 [9292](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003355 32.96375656 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 2752512 00003356 32.96404266 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 2818048 00003357 32.96429825 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 2883584 00003358 33.00704575 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28640.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003359 33.00739670 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003360 33.00775528 [8248] MM5 [12144](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003361 33.00809479 [8248] MM5 [12144](R) 12144 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003362 33.05615997 [8248] MM5 [12144](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003363 33.10099030 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28576.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003364 33.10124969 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003365 33.10156250 [8248] MM5 [5212](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003366 33.10185242 [8248] MM5 [5212](R) 5212 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003367 33.10398865 [8248] MM5 [5212](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003368 33.17172623 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28652.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003369 33.17199326 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003370 33.17230225 [8248] MM5 [3472](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003371 33.17258835 [8248] MM5 [3472](R) 3472 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003372 33.18552399 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2621440, 0) 00003373 33.18582153 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2686976, 0) 00003374 33.18610382 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2752512, 0) 00003375 33.19113159 [8248] MM5 [3472](R) DB lock took 15 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003376 33.23793411 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=20463.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003377 33.23821640 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003378 33.23852921 [8248] MM5 [3120](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003379 33.23881912 [8248] MM5 [3120](R) 3120 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003380 33.24091721 [8248] MM5 [3120](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003381 33.29415131 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28620.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003382 33.29442596 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003383 33.29473114 [8248] MM5 [9876](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003384 33.29502106 [8248] MM5 [9876](R) 9876 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003385 33.37990570 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28646.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003386 33.38022995 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003387 33.38055420 [8248] MM5 [5940](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003388 33.38084793 [8248] MM5 [5940](R) 5940 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003389 33.38474655 [8248] MM5 [5940](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003390 33.44874573 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28651.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003391 33.44900513 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003392 33.44939423 [8248] MM5 [3160](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003393 33.44974518 [8248] MM5 [3160](R) 3160 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003394 33.49252319 [8248] MM5 [3160](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003395 33.51130295 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2818048, 0) 00003396 33.51162338 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2883584, 0) 00003397 33.51188660 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2949120, 0) 00003398 33.55855179 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28639.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003399 33.55881882 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003400 33.55918884 [8248] MM5 [6092](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003401 33.55948639 [8248] MM5 [6092](R) 6092 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003402 33.56145096 [8248] MM5 [6092](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003403 33.60966110 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28566.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003404 33.61004639 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003405 33.61038589 [8248] MM5 [8940](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003406 33.61067581 [8248] MM5 [8940](R) 8940 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003407 33.64443970 [8248] MM5 [8940](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003408 33.69969177 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28630.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003409 33.69996643 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003410 33.70027161 [8248] MM5 [12080](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003411 33.70056152 [8248] MM5 [12080](R) 12080 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003412 33.70251846 [8248] MM5 [12080](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003413 33.75398636 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28644.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003414 33.75426102 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003415 33.75456619 [8248] MM5 [5916](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003416 33.75485611 [8248] MM5 [5916](R) 5916 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003417 33.76007843 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2686976, 0) 00003418 33.76042557 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2752512, 0) 00003419 33.76074982 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2818048, 0) 00003420 33.79131317 [8248] MM5 [5916](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003421 33.86037445 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28599.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003422 33.86065292 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003423 33.86097717 [8248] MM5 [9328](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003424 33.86127472 [8248] MM5 [9328](R) 9328 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003425 33.86320496 [8248] MM5 [9328](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003426 33.95121002 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=13533.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003427 33.95154953 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003428 33.95196915 [8248] MM5 [3672](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003429 33.95227051 [8248] MM5 [3672](R) 3672 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003430 33.96281433 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2883584, 0) 00003431 33.96302414 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2949120, 0) 00003432 33.96322632 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3014656, 0) 00003433 33.98249435 [8248] MM5 [3672](R) 3672 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00003434 33.98382950 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2000-2010 Top 100\65 Elvis Vs JXL A Little Less Conversation.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\13533.M4A 00003435 34.04754257 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=1340.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003436 34.04800797 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003437 34.04831696 [8248] MM5 [9416](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003438 34.04860687 [8248] MM5 [9416](R) 9416 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003439 34.05076981 [8248] MM5 [9416](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003440 34.11833572 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28607.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003441 34.11859894 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003442 34.11899567 [8248] MM5 [11652](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003443 34.11934280 [8248] MM5 [11652](R) 11652 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003444 34.15068436 [8248] MM5 [11652](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003445 34.21076965 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28618.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003446 34.21103668 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003447 34.21134567 [8248] MM5 [1504](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003448 34.21164322 [8248] MM5 [1504](R) 1504 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003449 34.21358871 [8248] MM5 [1504](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003450 34.25389099 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2752512, 0) 00003451 34.25547409 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2818048, 0) 00003452 34.25574493 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2883584, 0) 00003453 34.26692200 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28631.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003454 34.26726532 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003455 34.26768112 [8248] MM5 [12052](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003456 34.26802063 [8248] MM5 [12052](R) 12052 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003457 34.31576920 [8248] MM5 [12052](R) 12052 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00003458 34.37259293 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28634.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003459 34.37286377 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003460 34.37317276 [8248] MM5 [9032](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003461 34.37346268 [8248] MM5 [9032](R) 9032 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003462 34.37544250 [8248] MM5 [9032](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003463 34.42147064 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28636.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003464 34.42178345 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003465 34.42209625 [8248] MM5 [8208](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003466 34.42238617 [8248] MM5 [8208](R) 8208 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003467 34.42446136 [8248] MM5 [8208](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003468 34.43989944 [5516] SAStream: Seek(2949120, 0) 00003469 34.44011307 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3014656, 0) 00003470 34.44031525 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3080192, 0) 00003471 34.47798920 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11119.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003472 34.47825241 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003473 34.47856522 [8248] MM5 [5644](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003474 34.47885513 [8248] MM5 [5644](R) 5644 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003475 34.49655533 [8248] MM5 [5644](R) DB lock took 16 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003476 34.57903671 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\Sad Brad Smith - Love Is Not What You Need\06. Sad Brad Smith - Help Yourself.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11119.M4A 00003477 34.67116928 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28682.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003478 34.67150116 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003479 34.67181015 [8248] MM5 [6140](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003480 34.67210388 [8248] MM5 [6140](R) 6140 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003481 34.67404938 [8248] MM5 [6140](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003482 34.73447037 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28705.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003483 34.73479843 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003484 34.73514938 [8248] MM5 [6508](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003485 34.73553467 [8248] MM5 [6508](R) 6508 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003486 34.77501678 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2818048, 0) 00003487 34.77523041 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2883584, 0) 00003488 34.77544403 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2949120, 0) 00003489 34.77723312 [8248] MM5 [6508](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003490 34.86166382 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26323.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003491 34.86192703 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003492 34.86225128 [8248] MM5 [9580](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003493 34.86262894 [8248] MM5 [9580](R) 9580 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003494 34.86495590 [8248] MM5 [9580](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003495 34.88917160 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3014656, 0) 00003496 34.88953781 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3080192, 0) 00003497 34.88980484 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3145728, 0) 00003498 34.95199203 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26338.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003499 34.95236206 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003500 34.95272064 [8248] MM5 [10280](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003501 34.95306396 [8248] MM5 [10280](R) 10280 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003502 34.96570587 [8248] MM5 [10280](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003503 35.02851105 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26340.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003504 35.02877426 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003505 35.02908325 [8248] MM5 [10848](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003506 35.02937698 [8248] MM5 [10848](R) 10848 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003507 35.03130722 [8248] MM5 [10848](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003508 35.11996460 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26342.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003509 35.12037659 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003510 35.12255859 [8248] MM5 [9796](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003511 35.12329102 [8248] MM5 [9796](R) 9796 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003512 35.12928391 [8248] MM5 [9796](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003513 35.21901321 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26344.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003514 35.21934128 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003515 35.21964645 [8248] MM5 [1868](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003516 35.21994019 [8248] MM5 [1868](R) 1868 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003517 35.24385452 [8248] MM5 [1868](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003518 35.32257843 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26345.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003519 35.32290649 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003520 35.32328033 [8248] MM5 [11692](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003521 35.32361221 [8248] MM5 [11692](R) 11692 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003522 35.40198898 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26347.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003523 35.40227890 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003524 35.40258408 [8248] MM5 [9856](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003525 35.40287781 [8248] MM5 [9856](R) 9856 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003526 35.43310928 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3080192, 0) 00003527 35.43341064 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3145728, 0) 00003528 35.43366623 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3211264, 0) 00003529 35.44001389 [8248] MM5 [9856](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003530 35.49805832 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26356.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003531 35.49832153 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003532 35.49862671 [8248] MM5 [3704](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003533 35.49892807 [8248] MM5 [3704](R) 3704 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003534 35.50100327 [8248] MM5 [3704](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003535 35.52901840 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2883584, 0) 00003536 35.52931976 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2949120, 0) 00003537 35.52959442 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3014656, 0) 00003538 35.58271790 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26359.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003539 35.58298492 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003540 35.58329391 [8248] MM5 [10676](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003541 35.58358002 [8248] MM5 [10676](R) 10676 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003542 35.60976791 [8248] MM5 [10676](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003543 35.67154694 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26361.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003544 35.67181778 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003545 35.67212296 [8248] MM5 [7516](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003546 35.67241287 [8248] MM5 [7516](R) 7516 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003547 35.67435074 [8248] MM5 [7516](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003548 35.76992798 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26362.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003549 35.77032089 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003550 35.77066040 [8248] MM5 [7724](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003551 35.77096176 [8248] MM5 [7724](R) 7724 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003552 35.81000137 [8248] MM5 [7724](R) DB lock took 47 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003553 35.88367081 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26368.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003554 35.88397980 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003555 35.88428879 [8248] MM5 [12020](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003556 35.88457870 [8248] MM5 [12020](R) 12020 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003557 35.88660812 [8248] MM5 [12020](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003558 35.92991257 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3145728, 0) 00003559 35.93020630 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3211264, 0) 00003560 35.93046188 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3276800, 0) 00003561 35.93964767 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26371.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003562 35.93995667 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003563 35.94032669 [8248] MM5 [5400](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003564 35.94069672 [8248] MM5 [5400](R) 5400 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003565 35.98178482 [8248] MM5 [5400](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003566 36.02127838 [10608] SAStream: Seek(2949120, 0) 00003567 36.02162170 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3014656, 0) 00003568 36.02225113 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3080192, 0) 00003569 36.06478500 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26372.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003570 36.06504822 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003571 36.06535721 [8248] MM5 [5776](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003572 36.06567383 [8248] MM5 [5776](R) 5776 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003573 36.06761932 [8248] MM5 [5776](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003574 36.12815094 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26374.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003575 36.12841415 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003576 36.12877655 [8248] MM5 [9764](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003577 36.12913513 [8248] MM5 [9764](R) 9764 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003578 36.17184448 [8248] MM5 [9764](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003579 36.25194168 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26375.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003580 36.25220871 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003581 36.25260925 [8248] MM5 [8348](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003582 36.25291824 [8248] MM5 [8348](R) 8348 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003583 36.25501251 [8248] MM5 [8348](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003584 36.31623077 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26380.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003585 36.31659698 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003586 36.31695557 [8248] MM5 [3488](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003587 36.31729126 [8248] MM5 [3488](R) 3488 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003588 36.36427689 [8248] MM5 [3488](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003589 36.43094635 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26381.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003590 36.43115234 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003591 36.43146515 [8248] MM5 [3008](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003592 36.43178177 [8248] MM5 [3008](R) 3008 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003593 36.43379974 [8248] MM5 [3008](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003594 36.49885559 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26383.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003595 36.49911880 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003596 36.49945068 [8248] MM5 [10740](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003597 36.49973679 [8248] MM5 [10740](R) 10740 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003598 36.53369522 [8248] MM5 [10740](R) 10740 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00003599 36.54727554 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3211264, 0) 00003600 36.54757309 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3276800, 0) 00003601 36.54782867 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3342336, 0) 00003602 36.58911896 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26384.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003603 36.58945465 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003604 36.58977127 [8248] MM5 [440](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003605 36.59006119 [8248] MM5 [440](R) 440 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003606 36.59230042 [8248] MM5 [440](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003607 36.63225174 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3014656, 0) 00003608 36.63274384 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3080192, 0) 00003609 36.63293839 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3145728, 0) 00003610 36.64590836 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11432.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003611 36.64616776 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003612 36.64648056 [8248] MM5 [6688](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003613 36.64677048 [8248] MM5 [6688](R) 6688 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003614 36.69731903 [8248] MM5 [6688](R) 6688 DB query prepare finished, took 16. 00003615 36.76393127 [8248] MM5 [6688](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003616 36.81649780 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=13874.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003617 36.81675720 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003618 36.81707382 [8248] MM5 [10204](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003619 36.81744003 [8248] MM5 [10204](R) 10204 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003620 36.81839752 [8248] MM5 [10204](R) DB lock took 16 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003621 36.81974411 [8248] MM5 [10204](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003622 36.88217163 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11449.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003623 36.88245392 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003624 36.88276291 [8248] MM5 [2256](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003625 36.88305283 [8248] MM5 [2256](R) 2256 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003626 36.99475479 [8248] MM5 [2256](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003627 37.00105667 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3276800, 0) 00003628 37.00127029 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3342336, 0) 00003629 37.00147629 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3407872, 0) 00003630 37.04740906 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11476.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003631 37.04766464 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003632 37.04796982 [8248] MM5 [11404](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003633 37.04826355 [8248] MM5 [11404](R) 11404 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003634 37.05408096 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3080192, 0) 00003635 37.05442810 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3145728, 0) 00003636 37.05469894 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3211264, 0) 00003637 37.05774307 [8248] MM5 [11404](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003638 37.10145569 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11470.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003639 37.10179138 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003640 37.10221100 [8248] MM5 [1812](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003641 37.10250473 [8248] MM5 [1812](R) 1812 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003642 37.18518066 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\Billboards Top Hits (1980 - 1989)\Billboard Top Hits 1986\01 - Bangles - Walk Like An Egyptian.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11470.M4A 00003643 37.24863815 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=8002.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003644 37.24913025 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003645 37.24956894 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003646 37.25016403 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) 10336 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003647 37.25362015 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003648 37.31133652 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=13770.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003649 37.31168365 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003650 37.31208038 [8248] MM5 [916](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003651 37.31242371 [8248] MM5 [916](R) 916 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003652 37.35639191 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Wait for event ID :3, delay :10000, callstack : 00003653 37.40999222 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=2177.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003654 37.41025543 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003655 37.41057205 [8248] MM5 [1800](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003656 37.41085815 [8248] MM5 [1800](R) 1800 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003657 37.41307449 [8248] MM5 [1800](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003658 37.45067978 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11466.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003659 37.45089722 [8248] MM5 [9276](R) _BrowseRequest started 00003660 37.45122910 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00003661 37.45159149 [8248] MM5 [9276](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00003662 37.45239258 [8248] MM5 [9276](R) 9276 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00003663 37.48878098 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3342336, 0) 00003664 37.48899841 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3407872, 0) 00003665 37.48920059 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3473408, 0) 00003666 37.51170349 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\Billboards Top Hits (1980 - 1989)\Billboard Top Hits 1986\04 - Robert Palmer - Addicted to Love.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11466.M4A 00003667 37.54917145 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=651.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003668 37.54935837 [8248] MM5 [548](R) _BrowseRequest started 00003669 37.54951859 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003670 37.54967880 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00003671 37.54998398 [8248] MM5 [548](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003672 37.55011749 [8248] MM5 [548](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00003673 37.55028152 [8248] MM5 [548](R) 548 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003674 37.55233765 [8248] MM5 [548](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003675 37.59723663 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=16430.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003676 37.59757614 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003677 37.59799194 [8248] MM5 [5328](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003678 37.59828568 [8248] MM5 [5328](R) 5328 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003679 37.65112305 [8248] MM5 [5328](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003680 37.66694641 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3145728, 0) 00003681 37.66716003 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3211264, 0) 00003682 37.66736221 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3276800, 0) 00003683 37.75666428 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=16434.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003684 37.75692749 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003685 37.75724030 [8248] MM5 [8128](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003686 37.75752640 [8248] MM5 [8128](R) 8128 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003687 37.75951767 [8248] MM5 [8128](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003688 37.80921173 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=16436.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003689 37.80954361 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003690 37.80997086 [8248] MM5 [2856](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003691 37.81031036 [8248] MM5 [2856](R) 2856 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003692 37.92815018 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=16438.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003693 37.92836380 [8248] MM5 [9844](R) _BrowseRequest started 00003694 37.92855835 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003695 37.92889023 [8248] MM5 [9844](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003696 37.92919159 [8248] MM5 [9844](R) 9844 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003697 37.93158722 [8248] MM5 [9844](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003698 37.98527908 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28686.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003699 37.98559952 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003700 37.98597717 [8248] MM5 [5704](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003701 37.98632050 [8248] MM5 [5704](R) 5704 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003702 38.02131653 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3407872, 0) 00003703 38.02159500 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3473408, 0) 00003704 38.02180099 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3538944, 0) 00003705 38.02381897 [8248] MM5 [5704](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003706 38.13831329 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=47.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003707 38.13865662 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003708 38.13901138 [8248] MM5 [10584](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003709 38.13929749 [8248] MM5 [10584](R) 10584 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003710 38.14131165 [8248] MM5 [10584](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003711 38.14196014 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 3211264 00003712 38.14222717 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 3276800 00003713 38.14251709 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 3342336 00003714 38.19174957 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=51.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003715 38.19199371 [8248] MM5 [7384](R) _BrowseRequest started 00003716 38.19216919 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003717 38.19230652 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00003718 38.19252396 [8248] MM5 [7384](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003719 38.19269180 [8248] MM5 [7384](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00003720 38.19289017 [8248] MM5 [7384](R) 7384 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003721 38.19355774 [8248] MM5 [7384](R) 7384 DB query prepare finished, took 16. 00003722 38.19502258 [8248] MM5 [7384](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003723 38.24856186 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=56.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003724 38.24882126 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003725 38.24913406 [8248] MM5 [4384](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003726 38.24945831 [8248] MM5 [4384](R) 4384 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003727 38.29769135 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Amelie\10 - Pas Si Simple.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\56.M4A 00003728 38.39664078 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=63.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003729 38.39690399 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003730 38.39723587 [8248] MM5 [5768](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003731 38.39753723 [8248] MM5 [5768](R) 5768 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003732 38.39952850 [8248] MM5 [5768](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003733 38.50056076 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=65.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003734 38.50082397 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003735 38.50112915 [8248] MM5 [10920](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003736 38.50150299 [8248] MM5 [10920](R) 10920 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003737 38.52954102 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3473408, 0) 00003738 38.52977371 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3538944, 0) 00003739 38.52997589 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3604480, 0) 00003740 38.53109360 [8248] MM5 [10920](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003741 38.57936478 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=66.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003742 38.57962799 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003743 38.57993698 [8248] MM5 [2808](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003744 38.58029175 [8248] MM5 [2808](R) 2808 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003745 38.58229828 [8248] MM5 [2808](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00003746 38.62835312 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28681.m4a , Range: < -1, -1> 00003747 38.62868881 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003748 38.62904739 [8248] MM5 [1880](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003749 38.62945175 [8248] MM5 [1880](R) 1880 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003750 38.65921783 [8248] MM5 [1880](R) 1880 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00003751 38.66915512 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3276800, 0) 00003752 38.66995621 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3342336, 0) 00003753 38.67020035 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3407872, 0) 00003754 38.70067978 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00003755 38.70884705 [8248] MM5 [10396](R) _BrowseRequest started 00003756 38.70923615 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00003757 38.70956039 [8248] MM5 [10396](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00003758 38.70982361 [8248] MM5 [10396](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003759 38.71017075 [8248] MM5 [10396](R) TBackgroundConverter.IsConverting: TRUE Threads.Count = 2 00003760 38.81196594 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=4682.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00003761 38.81232071 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00003762 38.81267929 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00003763 38.81307220 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) 7920 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00003764 38.86222839 [8248] AdjustArtworkInTagsForDeviceTrack: Dev: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 SongID: 4682 Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003765 38.86255264 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00003766 38.86840057 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DeviceTracks WHERE IDDevice=677 00003767 38.87996292 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Device Sync: Checking Artwork D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003768 38.88041306 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) 7920 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00003769 38.88405609 [8248] UPnP Server: Serving file D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3, ExternalStream = 1, FileLen = 5097884 00003770 38.90987778 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 0, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.00, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003771 38.91129684 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 131072, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.03, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003772 38.94184494 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 196608, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.04, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003773 38.95602036 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 262144, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.05, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003774 38.97101593 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 327680, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.06, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003775 38.98184967 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 393216, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.08, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003776 39.01397324 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 458752, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.09, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003777 39.02193451 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 524288, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.10, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003778 39.03423309 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3538944, 0) 00003779 39.03445053 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3604480, 0) 00003780 39.03465652 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3670016, 0) 00003781 39.07692719 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 589824, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.12, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003782 39.12520599 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3342336, 0) 00003783 39.12541962 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3407872, 0) 00003784 39.12562180 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3473408, 0) 00003785 39.14278793 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 655360, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.13, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003786 39.36982346 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 720896, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.14, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003787 39.39920044 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3604480, 0) 00003788 39.39949417 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3670016, 0) 00003789 39.39977264 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3735552, 0) 00003790 39.51321411 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 786432, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.15, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003791 39.54505539 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 917504, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.18, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003792 39.59053040 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 983040, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.19, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003793 39.62774658 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3407872, 0) 00003794 39.62804413 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3473408, 0) 00003795 39.62829971 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3538944, 0) 00003796 39.67773819 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1048576, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.21, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003797 39.70590210 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1179648, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.23, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003798 39.72451782 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1245184, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.24, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003799 39.72836685 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1310720, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.26, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003800 39.88050461 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1441792, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.28, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003801 39.93212509 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3670016, 0) 00003802 39.93244934 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3735552, 0) 00003803 39.93270493 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3801088, 0) 00003804 39.97640228 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1572864, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.31, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003805 40.00143433 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1638400, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.32, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003806 40.01533890 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3473408, 0) 00003807 40.01562500 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3538944, 0) 00003808 40.01588821 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3604480, 0) 00003809 40.05325699 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1703936, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.33, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003810 40.05620956 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1769472, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.35, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003811 40.11724091 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1835008, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.36, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003812 40.16398239 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1966080, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.39, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003813 40.21943283 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2097152, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.41, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003814 40.22037506 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2162688, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.42, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003815 40.24423218 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2228224, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.44, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003816 40.27320480 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2359296, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.46, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003817 40.31013870 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2490368, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.49, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003818 40.35653687 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2752512, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.54, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003819 40.37573624 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2818048, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.55, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003820 40.39083862 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2883584, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.57, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003821 40.41408157 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3014656, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.59, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003822 40.44811630 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3080192, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.60, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003823 40.45887375 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3735552, 0) 00003824 40.45920181 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3801088, 0) 00003825 40.45941544 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3866624, 0) 00003826 40.47201538 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3211264, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.63, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003827 40.47596741 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3276800, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.64, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003828 40.48997498 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3342336, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.66, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003829 40.49897766 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3407872, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.67, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003830 40.50054550 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3538944, 0) 00003831 40.50086212 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3604480, 0) 00003832 40.50121307 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3670016, 0) 00003833 40.51805496 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3473408, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.68, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003834 40.54196167 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3604480, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.71, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003835 40.54283905 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3670016, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.72, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003836 40.58107758 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3735552, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.73, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003837 40.60098648 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3866624, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.76, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003838 40.62491989 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3932160, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.77, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003839 40.62786102 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3997696, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.78, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003840 40.65202332 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4063232, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.80, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003841 40.67620087 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4194304, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.82, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003842 40.69292068 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4259840, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.84, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003843 40.71290588 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4390912, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.86, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003844 40.71380615 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4456448, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.87, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003845 40.73089218 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4521984, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.89, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003846 40.73682022 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4587520, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.90, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00003847 40.73696136 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) ReadExternalStream: 90 percent, URI: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=4682.mp3, ServerUDN: f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca 00003848 40.73721313 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00003849 40.73946762 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00003850 40.79018402 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003851 40.79408646 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00003852 40.89216232 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3801088, 0) 00003853 40.89246368 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3866624, 0) 00003854 40.89272690 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3932160, 0) 00003855 40.89575958 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003856 40.89617157 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003857 40.93335342 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003858 40.93367767 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003859 40.93404007 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 3604480 00003860 40.93430328 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 3670016 00003861 40.93455505 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 3735552 00003862 40.95579147 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003863 40.95612335 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003864 40.98545837 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003865 40.98581314 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003866 41.02424240 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003867 41.02457428 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003868 41.06024170 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003869 41.06044006 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00003870 41.06055832 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003871 41.07324982 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003872 41.07350922 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00003873 41.07366943 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003874 41.10024261 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003875 41.10050201 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00003876 41.10068512 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003877 41.10929108 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003878 41.10977936 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00003879 41.10991669 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003880 41.14105988 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003881 41.14141846 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00003882 41.14154053 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003883 41.14828491 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003884 41.14847565 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00003885 41.14872742 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003886 41.18382263 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003887 41.18421936 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003888 41.21921921 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003889 41.21954346 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003890 41.30698395 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003891 41.30731201 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003892 41.31201553 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3866624, 0) 00003893 41.31230545 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3932160, 0) 00003894 41.31258392 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3997696, 0) 00003895 41.31382751 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) DB open SQL: SELECT PodcastEpisodes.* FROM PodcastEpisodes WHERE idPodcast = 40 AND ViewStatus = 0 00003896 41.31382751 [8248] ORDER BY PubDate DESC, id ASC 00003897 41.36979294 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003898 41.37012100 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003899 41.38189697 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Currently running 2 threads of 10 00003900 41.39068222 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003901 41.39100266 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003902 41.41561890 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3670016, 0) 00003903 41.41779709 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3735552, 0) 00003904 41.41842651 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3801088, 0) 00003905 41.42710876 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 3801088 00003906 41.43905258 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Currently running 3 threads of 10 00003907 41.44223404 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003908 41.44500351 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00003909 41.45480728 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Currently running 5 threads of 10 00003910 41.48297501 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003911 41.48329926 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003912 41.49486160 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003913 41.49526215 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003914 41.53164291 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003915 41.53204346 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003916 41.55021667 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 6 tasks in low priority queue. 00003917 41.55839539 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003918 41.55873871 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003919 41.58916092 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003920 41.58955383 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003921 41.59031677 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Currently running 8 threads of 10 00003922 41.59165192 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Currently running 9 threads of 10 00003923 41.60020828 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003924 41.60073853 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003925 41.62885284 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 9 tasks in low priority queue. 00003926 41.62921143 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 10 tasks in low priority queue. 00003927 41.63633347 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003928 41.63673782 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003929 41.67442322 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003930 41.67474747 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003931 41.71488190 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003932 41.71521378 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003933 41.71984482 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 11 tasks in low priority queue. 00003934 41.72018814 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 12 tasks in low priority queue. 00003935 41.73684311 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003936 41.73716354 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003937 41.81076050 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003938 41.81115723 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003939 41.81157303 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Currently running 10 threads of 10 00003940 41.86709213 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003941 41.86742401 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00003942 41.88294601 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003943 41.88337708 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003944 41.88373566 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Currently running 10 threads of 10 00003945 41.91156769 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003946 41.91189194 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003947 41.91849518 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 15 tasks in low priority queue. 00003948 41.91912460 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3735552, 0) 00003949 41.91937256 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3801088, 0) 00003950 41.91957855 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3866624, 0) 00003951 41.92269897 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003952 41.92301941 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003953 41.95790100 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 16 tasks in low priority queue. 00003954 41.97618866 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3932160, 0) 00003955 41.97648239 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3997696, 0) 00003956 41.97673798 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4063232, 0) 00003957 41.99750900 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003958 41.99790955 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003959 42.01644135 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Currently running 10 threads of 10 00003960 42.01671219 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Currently running 10 threads of 10 00003961 42.02462006 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003962 42.02486801 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003963 42.06041336 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003964 42.06073761 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003965 42.06231689 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Currently running 10 threads of 10 00003966 42.06263351 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Currently running 10 threads of 10 00003967 42.08788300 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003968 42.08829498 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003969 42.09742737 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 21 tasks in low priority queue. 00003970 42.09883499 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003971 42.09920502 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003972 42.12841034 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 22 tasks in low priority queue. 00003973 42.12874985 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 23 tasks in low priority queue. 00003974 42.13031006 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003975 42.13068771 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003976 42.14533997 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003977 42.14558411 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003978 42.14594650 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Currently running 10 threads of 10 00003979 42.17984009 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003980 42.18016434 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003981 42.18451309 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 25 tasks in low priority queue. 00003982 42.18760300 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003983 42.18800354 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003984 42.22067642 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003985 42.22100067 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003986 42.22317505 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Currently running 10 threads of 10 00003987 42.23132324 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00003988 42.23167801 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) All item instance threads were finished 00003989 42.26631927 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) COM - calling event TSDBApplication.DoTrackPropertiesEvent 00003990 42.26830292 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 27 tasks in low priority queue. 00003991 42.36642838 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Currently running 10 threads of 10 00003992 42.36668777 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Currently running 10 threads of 10 00003993 42.40826797 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 30 tasks in low priority queue. 00003994 42.43926239 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3801088, 0) 00003995 42.43955612 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3866624, 0) 00003996 42.43981171 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3932160, 0) 00003997 42.44054413 [5516] SAStream: Seek(3997696, 0) 00003998 42.44080353 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4063232, 0) 00003999 42.44108200 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4128768, 0) 00004000 42.44289780 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 31 tasks in low priority queue. 00004001 42.44323730 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 32 tasks in low priority queue. 00004002 42.52183151 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 33 tasks in low priority queue. 00004003 42.53498459 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 34 tasks in low priority queue. 00004004 42.57177353 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 35 tasks in low priority queue. 00004005 42.57201767 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Currently running 10 threads of 10 00004006 42.60521317 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 36 tasks in low priority queue. 00004007 42.60555649 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 37 tasks in low priority queue. 00004008 42.66130829 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 38 tasks in low priority queue. 00004009 42.66159821 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 39 tasks in low priority queue. 00004010 42.69473267 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 40 tasks in low priority queue. 00004011 42.70060349 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 41 tasks in low priority queue. 00004012 42.73992157 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 42 tasks in low priority queue. 00004013 42.74021530 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 43 tasks in low priority queue. 00004014 42.77492523 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 44 tasks in low priority queue. 00004015 42.77526474 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 45 tasks in low priority queue. 00004016 42.77552032 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 46 tasks in low priority queue. 00004017 42.77580643 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 47 tasks in low priority queue. 00004018 42.77606201 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 48 tasks in low priority queue. 00004019 42.77630615 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 49 tasks in low priority queue. 00004020 42.77655792 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 50 tasks in low priority queue. 00004021 42.77685928 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 51 tasks in low priority queue. 00004022 42.77719498 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 52 tasks in low priority queue. 00004023 42.77749634 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 53 tasks in low priority queue. 00004024 42.77782440 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 54 tasks in low priority queue. 00004025 42.77812576 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 55 tasks in low priority queue. 00004026 42.77842712 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 56 tasks in low priority queue. 00004027 42.77875137 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 57 tasks in low priority queue. 00004028 42.77906799 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 58 tasks in low priority queue. 00004029 42.77936935 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 59 tasks in low priority queue. 00004030 42.77966690 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 60 tasks in low priority queue. 00004031 42.77999496 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 61 tasks in low priority queue. 00004032 42.78030777 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 62 tasks in low priority queue. 00004033 42.78060913 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 63 tasks in low priority queue. 00004034 42.78091049 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 64 tasks in low priority queue. 00004035 42.78120804 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 65 tasks in low priority queue. 00004036 42.78150558 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 66 tasks in low priority queue. 00004037 42.78183746 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 67 tasks in low priority queue. 00004038 42.78213501 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 68 tasks in low priority queue. 00004039 42.78243256 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 69 tasks in low priority queue. 00004040 42.78276825 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 70 tasks in low priority queue. 00004041 42.78308105 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 71 tasks in low priority queue. 00004042 42.78338242 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 72 tasks in low priority queue. 00004043 42.78368378 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 73 tasks in low priority queue. 00004044 42.78403854 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 74 tasks in low priority queue. 00004045 42.78433990 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 75 tasks in low priority queue. 00004046 42.78464127 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 76 tasks in low priority queue. 00004047 42.78494263 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 77 tasks in low priority queue. 00004048 42.78524017 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 78 tasks in low priority queue. 00004049 42.78553772 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 79 tasks in low priority queue. 00004050 42.78586197 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 80 tasks in low priority queue. 00004051 42.78616333 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 81 tasks in low priority queue. 00004052 42.78646088 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 82 tasks in low priority queue. 00004053 42.78678894 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 83 tasks in low priority queue. 00004054 42.78709793 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 84 tasks in low priority queue. 00004055 42.78746414 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 85 tasks in low priority queue. 00004056 42.78783035 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 86 tasks in low priority queue. 00004057 42.78810501 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 87 tasks in low priority queue. 00004058 42.78835678 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 88 tasks in low priority queue. 00004059 42.78861237 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 89 tasks in low priority queue. 00004060 42.78886795 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 90 tasks in low priority queue. 00004061 42.78911209 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 91 tasks in low priority queue. 00004062 42.78936386 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 92 tasks in low priority queue. 00004063 42.78961182 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 93 tasks in low priority queue. 00004064 42.78986359 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 94 tasks in low priority queue. 00004065 42.79011154 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 95 tasks in low priority queue. 00004066 42.79035950 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 96 tasks in low priority queue. 00004067 42.79060364 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 97 tasks in low priority queue. 00004068 42.79085922 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 98 tasks in low priority queue. 00004069 42.79110336 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 99 tasks in low priority queue. 00004070 42.79135513 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 100 tasks in low priority queue. 00004071 42.79159927 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 101 tasks in low priority queue. 00004072 42.79185104 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 102 tasks in low priority queue. 00004073 42.79209900 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 103 tasks in low priority queue. 00004074 42.79234695 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 104 tasks in low priority queue. 00004075 42.79259491 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 105 tasks in low priority queue. 00004076 42.79284668 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 106 tasks in low priority queue. 00004077 42.79309464 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 107 tasks in low priority queue. 00004078 42.79334259 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 108 tasks in low priority queue. 00004079 42.79359055 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 109 tasks in low priority queue. 00004080 42.79390335 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 110 tasks in low priority queue. 00004081 42.79421616 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 111 tasks in low priority queue. 00004082 42.79452133 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 112 tasks in low priority queue. 00004083 42.79542542 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 113 tasks in low priority queue. 00004084 42.79567719 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 114 tasks in low priority queue. 00004085 42.79598618 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 115 tasks in low priority queue. 00004086 42.79628754 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 116 tasks in low priority queue. 00004087 42.79658890 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 117 tasks in low priority queue. 00004088 42.79693222 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 118 tasks in low priority queue. 00004089 42.79723358 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 119 tasks in low priority queue. 00004090 42.79753113 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 120 tasks in low priority queue. 00004091 42.79788971 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 121 tasks in low priority queue. 00004092 42.79818726 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 122 tasks in low priority queue. 00004093 42.79848480 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 123 tasks in low priority queue. 00004094 42.79883575 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 124 tasks in low priority queue. 00004095 42.79910278 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 125 tasks in low priority queue. 00004096 42.79937744 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 126 tasks in low priority queue. 00004097 42.79962540 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 127 tasks in low priority queue. 00004098 42.79988098 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 128 tasks in low priority queue. 00004099 42.80013275 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 129 tasks in low priority queue. 00004100 42.80037689 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 130 tasks in low priority queue. 00004101 42.80062866 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 131 tasks in low priority queue. 00004102 42.80090714 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 132 tasks in low priority queue. 00004103 42.80115509 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 133 tasks in low priority queue. 00004104 42.80140305 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 134 tasks in low priority queue. 00004105 42.80165100 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 135 tasks in low priority queue. 00004106 42.80189896 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 136 tasks in low priority queue. 00004107 42.80215073 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 137 tasks in low priority queue. 00004108 42.80239868 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 138 tasks in low priority queue. 00004109 42.80264664 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 139 tasks in low priority queue. 00004110 42.80289459 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 140 tasks in low priority queue. 00004111 42.80314636 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 141 tasks in low priority queue. 00004112 42.80339050 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 142 tasks in low priority queue. 00004113 42.80364227 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 143 tasks in low priority queue. 00004114 42.80392075 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 144 tasks in low priority queue. 00004115 42.80416870 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 145 tasks in low priority queue. 00004116 42.80441666 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 146 tasks in low priority queue. 00004117 42.80466461 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 147 tasks in low priority queue. 00004118 42.80492020 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 148 tasks in low priority queue. 00004119 42.80516434 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 149 tasks in low priority queue. 00004120 42.80541229 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 150 tasks in low priority queue. 00004121 42.80565643 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 151 tasks in low priority queue. 00004122 42.80599213 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 152 tasks in low priority queue. 00004123 42.80630493 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 153 tasks in low priority queue. 00004124 42.80661011 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 154 tasks in low priority queue. 00004125 42.80695343 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 155 tasks in low priority queue. 00004126 42.80725861 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 156 tasks in low priority queue. 00004127 42.80755615 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 157 tasks in low priority queue. 00004128 42.80789948 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 158 tasks in low priority queue. 00004129 42.80821228 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 159 tasks in low priority queue. 00004130 42.80850983 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 160 tasks in low priority queue. 00004131 42.80886459 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 161 tasks in low priority queue. 00004132 42.96059036 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3866624, 0) 00004133 42.96091080 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3932160, 0) 00004134 42.96117783 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3997696, 0) 00004135 43.05517578 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4063232, 0) 00004136 43.05546570 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4128768, 0) 00004137 43.05574799 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4194304, 0) 00004138 43.56300354 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3932160, 0) 00004139 43.56322098 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3997696, 0) 00004140 43.56343842 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4063232, 0) 00004141 43.60063553 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4128768, 0) 00004142 43.60100937 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4194304, 0) 00004143 43.60149765 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4259840, 0) 00004144 43.89958572 [10608] SAStream: Seek(3997696, 0) 00004145 43.89992142 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4063232, 0) 00004146 43.90013885 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4128768, 0) 00004147 43.97996140 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4194304, 0) 00004148 43.98016357 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 4194304 00004149 43.98043442 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 4259840 00004150 43.98069382 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 4325376 00004151 44.12115479 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 164 tasks in low priority queue. 00004152 44.32309341 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4259840, 0) 00004153 44.32339478 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4325376, 0) 00004154 44.32365036 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4390912, 0) 00004155 44.38403320 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4063232, 0) 00004156 44.38424683 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4128768, 0) 00004157 44.38444901 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4194304, 0) 00004158 44.79481506 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4325376, 0) 00004159 44.79511261 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4390912, 0) 00004160 44.79537201 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4456448, 0) 00004161 44.80324554 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4128768, 0) 00004162 44.80358505 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4194304, 0) 00004163 44.80384445 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4259840, 0) 00004164 45.11979675 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4390912, 0) 00004165 45.12016678 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4456448, 0) 00004166 45.12044525 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4521984, 0) 00004167 45.29018021 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4194304, 0) 00004168 45.29056168 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4259840, 0) 00004169 45.29083633 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4325376, 0) 00004170 45.62864304 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4456448, 0) 00004171 45.62894821 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4521984, 0) 00004172 45.62922668 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4587520, 0) 00004173 45.96018600 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4259840, 0) 00004174 45.96040726 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4325376, 0) 00004175 45.96060562 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4390912, 0) 00004176 46.12776566 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 165 tasks in low priority queue. 00004177 46.12797928 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Currently running 10 threads of 10 00004178 46.19899750 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4521984, 0) 00004179 46.19921112 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4587520, 0) 00004180 46.19941330 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4653056, 0) 00004181 46.37709427 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4325376, 0) 00004182 46.37739944 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4390912, 0) 00004183 46.37773132 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4456448, 0) 00004184 46.56981277 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4587520, 0) 00004185 46.57004547 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4653056, 0) 00004186 46.57024765 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4718592, 0) 00004187 46.83985138 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4390912, 0) 00004188 46.84017563 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4456448, 0) 00004189 46.84052658 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4521984, 0) 00004190 46.99594116 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) DB lock took 5656 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00004191 46.99720383 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') 00004192 46.99738693 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') 00004193 46.99747086 [8248] MM5 [8308](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') 00004194 46.99980927 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00004195 47.00242615 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) 7920 DB prepare SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00004196 47.00348282 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy adding 51 00004197 47.00369644 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 0ms for 51 00004198 47.00377274 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy adding 51 00004199 47.00397873 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 0ms for 51 00004200 47.00521088 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) 7920 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00004201 47.00765610 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00004202 47.00941086 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy adding 51 00004203 47.01043320 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') 00004204 47.01333618 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00004205 47.01361465 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 0ms for 51 00004206 47.01579285 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00004207 47.01752472 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy adding 51 00004208 47.01853943 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') 00004209 47.02144241 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00004210 47.02172852 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 16ms for 51 00004211 47.02386856 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00004212 47.02558899 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy adding 51 00004213 47.02667236 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') AND TrackType IN (5,6,4,7) 00004214 47.02819061 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00004215 47.02844620 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 0ms for 0 00004216 47.03879547 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4653056, 0) 00004217 47.03901672 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4718592, 0) 00004218 47.03922272 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4784128, 0) 00004219 47.28535843 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4456448, 0) 00004220 47.28558731 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4521984, 0) 00004221 47.28579330 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4587520, 0) 00004222 47.48540497 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4718592, 0) 00004223 47.48571396 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4784128, 0) 00004224 47.48597336 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4849664, 0) 00004225 47.83427048 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4521984, 0) 00004226 47.83457184 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4587520, 0) 00004227 47.83486557 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4653056, 0) 00004228 47.95645905 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4784128, 0) 00004229 47.95677567 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4849664, 0) 00004230 47.95703506 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4915200, 0) 00004231 48.12333298 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 154 tasks in low priority queue. 00004232 48.17795563 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00004233 48.24449921 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4587520, 0) 00004234 48.24475861 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4653056, 0) 00004235 48.24504471 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4718592, 0) 00004236 48.33648682 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4849664, 0) 00004237 48.33659363 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 4849664 00004238 48.33686829 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 4915200 00004239 48.33714294 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 4980736 00004240 48.60663986 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4653056, 0) 00004241 48.60686111 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4718592, 0) 00004242 48.60706711 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4784128, 0) 00004243 48.69795990 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4915200, 0) 00004244 48.69825745 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4980736, 0) 00004245 48.69852829 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5046272, 0) 00004246 49.02375412 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4718592, 0) 00004247 49.02406311 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4784128, 0) 00004248 49.02438736 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4849664, 0) 00004249 49.18037033 [5516] SAStream: Seek(4980736, 0) 00004250 49.18098068 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5046272, 0) 00004251 49.18298721 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5111808, 0) 00004252 49.52216339 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5046272, 0) 00004253 49.52239990 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5111808, 0) 00004254 49.52260208 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5177344, 0) 00004255 49.52717209 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4784128, 0) 00004256 49.52738953 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4849664, 0) 00004257 49.52761459 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4915200, 0) 00004258 49.85807419 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5111808, 0) 00004259 49.85828400 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5177344, 0) 00004260 49.85848618 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5242880, 0) 00004261 49.95391464 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4849664, 0) 00004262 49.95413208 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4915200, 0) 00004263 49.95433426 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4980736, 0) 00004264 50.12802505 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 155 tasks in low priority queue. 00004265 50.21269608 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5177344, 0) 00004266 50.21290588 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5242880, 0) 00004267 50.21311188 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5308416, 0) 00004268 50.44360352 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4915200, 0) 00004269 50.44390869 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4980736, 0) 00004270 50.44417191 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5046272, 0) 00004271 50.67295456 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5242880, 0) 00004272 50.67316437 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5308416, 0) 00004273 50.67339706 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5373952, 0) 00004274 50.79958725 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00004275 50.81440353 [8248] MM5 [10396](R) _BrowseRequest started 00004276 50.81462860 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00004277 50.81486893 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00004278 50.81529617 [8248] MM5 [10396](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00004279 50.81547546 [8248] MM5 [10396](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00004280 50.81565475 [8248] GetDeviceLibraryIDForDevice: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00004281 50.81580734 [8248] MM5 [10396](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00004282 50.81596756 [8248] MM5 [10396](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00004283 50.81620407 [8248] MM5 [10396](R) TBackgroundConverter.IsConverting: TRUE Threads.Count = 2 00004284 50.81638718 [8248] MM5 [10396](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00004285 50.90655899 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=825.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00004286 50.90682602 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00004287 50.90719604 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00004288 50.90756607 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) 7440 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00004289 51.02381134 [10608] SAStream: Seek(4980736, 0) 00004290 51.02405548 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5046272, 0) 00004291 51.02425766 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5111808, 0) 00004292 51.26609421 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5308416, 0) 00004293 51.26640320 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5373952, 0) 00004294 51.26666260 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5439488, 0) 00004295 51.44321442 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5046272, 0) 00004296 51.44351959 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5111808, 0) 00004297 51.44381714 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5177344, 0) 00004298 51.57361603 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5373952, 0) 00004299 51.57386398 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5439488, 0) 00004300 51.57406616 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5505024, 0) 00004301 51.74082565 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Count(*) FROM Songs 00004302 51.86592865 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5111808, 0) 00004303 51.86639404 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5177344, 0) 00004304 51.86754990 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5242880, 0) 00004305 51.87318039 [10608] SAStream: seeked to 5242880 00004306 52.01878357 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5439488, 0) 00004307 52.01908875 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5505024, 0) 00004308 52.01935196 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5570560, 0) 00004309 52.10914612 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 156 tasks in low priority queue. 00004310 52.31657410 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5177344, 0) 00004311 52.31687164 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5242880, 0) 00004312 52.31712723 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5308416, 0) 00004313 52.41495132 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5505024, 0) 00004314 52.41525269 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5570560, 0) 00004315 52.41551208 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5636096, 0) 00004316 52.73803329 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5242880, 0) 00004317 52.73826599 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5308416, 0) 00004318 52.73846817 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5373952, 0) 00004319 52.82434082 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5570560, 0) 00004320 52.82455826 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5636096, 0) 00004321 52.82476044 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5701632, 0) 00004322 52.92838669 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Count(*) FROM Songs WHERE ( Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) ) 00004323 53.13219833 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5308416, 0) 00004324 53.13249969 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5373952, 0) 00004325 53.13275528 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5439488, 0) 00004326 53.38300323 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5636096, 0) 00004327 53.38330460 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5701632, 0) 00004328 53.38356400 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5767168, 0) 00004329 53.54619980 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5373952, 0) 00004330 53.54641724 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5439488, 0) 00004331 53.54718399 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5505024, 0) 00004332 53.79919434 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5701632, 0) 00004333 53.79951859 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5767168, 0) 00004334 53.79977417 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5832704, 0) 00004335 54.06774521 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5439488, 0) 00004336 54.06804657 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5505024, 0) 00004337 54.06847382 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5570560, 0) 00004338 54.11600494 [8248] MM5 [8308](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00004339 54.11645889 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) DB lock took 7094 ms : SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') 00004340 54.12213898 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) DB lock took 2375 ms : SELECT Count(*) FROM Songs 00004341 54.12269592 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) 7440 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00004342 54.12668228 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) DB lock took 1188 ms : SELECT Count(*) FROM Songs WHERE ( Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) ) 00004343 54.15089417 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 156 tasks in low priority queue. 00004344 54.15273666 [8248] AdjustArtworkInTagsForDeviceTrack: Dev: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 SongID: 825 Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004345 54.15300369 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00004346 54.15690994 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00004347 54.15730667 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00004348 54.15756989 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00004349 54.15797806 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00004350 54.15844345 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00004351 54.15876007 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00004352 54.15908432 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00004353 54.20180511 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DeviceTracks WHERE IDDevice=677 00004354 54.21789551 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5767168, 0) 00004355 54.21820068 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5832704, 0) 00004356 54.21846390 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5898240, 0) 00004357 54.26960754 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Device Sync: Checking Artwork D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004358 54.27008820 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) 7440 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00004359 54.27352905 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00004360 54.27398300 [8248] UPnP Server: Creating HTTP entity 00004361 54.27529144 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 65536, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.02, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004362 54.27753067 [8248] ReadExternalStream: SongID: 4682, DeviceID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00004363 54.31410599 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 131072, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.05, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004364 54.37210846 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 327680, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.12, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004365 54.37436295 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 393216, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.15, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004366 54.41251755 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 458752, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.17, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004367 54.45878220 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 589824, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.22, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004368 54.46176147 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 655360, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.24, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004369 54.47274399 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 720896, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.27, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004370 54.48677063 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 786432, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.29, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004371 54.51276016 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 851968, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.31, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004372 54.51468658 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 917504, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.34, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004373 54.52876663 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 983040, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.36, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004374 54.53892517 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1048576, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.39, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004375 54.54568863 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1114112, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.41, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004376 54.55873871 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1179648, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.44, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004377 54.56468964 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1245184, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.46, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004378 54.57110214 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5505024, 0) 00004379 54.57131577 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5570560, 0) 00004380 54.57152176 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5636096, 0) 00004381 54.57868958 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1310720, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.48, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004382 54.58768463 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1376256, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.51, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004383 54.60467148 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1441792, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.53, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004384 54.61668015 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1507328, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.56, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004385 54.62165833 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1572864, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.58, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004386 54.64466095 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1638400, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.60, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004387 54.66965103 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1769472, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.65, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004388 54.67459869 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1835008, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.68, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004389 54.69540405 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 157 tasks in low priority queue. 00004390 54.69583893 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 159 tasks in low priority queue. 00004391 54.69635773 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 161 tasks in low priority queue. 00004392 54.69669724 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1900544, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.70, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004393 54.69744110 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 164 tasks in low priority queue. 00004394 54.71561050 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2031616, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.75, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004395 54.72683334 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2097152, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.77, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004396 54.73960495 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2162688, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.80, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004397 54.74559402 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2228224, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.82, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004398 54.75966263 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2293760, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.85, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004399 54.78057098 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2424832, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.89, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004400 54.78081894 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00004401 54.78363037 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004402 54.78418732 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004403 54.81906509 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5832704, 0) 00004404 54.81935501 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5898240, 0) 00004405 54.81961060 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5963776, 0) 00004406 54.81993484 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004407 54.82329559 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00004408 54.88365936 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004409 54.88391495 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00004410 54.90960693 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004411 54.91003418 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004412 55.01284409 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004413 55.01324844 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004414 55.01707458 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5570560, 0) 00004415 55.01736832 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5636096, 0) 00004416 55.01762390 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5701632, 0) 00004417 55.02352142 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004418 55.02397537 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004419 55.06164932 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004420 55.06205368 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004421 55.07963562 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004422 55.08003998 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004423 55.10651398 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004424 55.10708618 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004425 55.14324570 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004426 55.14356613 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004427 55.18105698 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004428 55.18144608 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004429 55.20846176 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004430 55.20907593 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004431 55.24035263 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004432 55.24079895 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00004433 55.24890137 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004434 55.24922180 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004435 55.28589630 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004436 55.28628540 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004437 55.34801865 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00004438 55.38687515 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5898240, 0) 00004439 55.38718033 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5963776, 0) 00004440 55.38753128 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6029312, 0) 00004441 55.39516830 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004442 55.39564133 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004443 55.43674850 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004444 55.43713760 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004445 55.47656250 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004446 55.47689438 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004447 55.48101044 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5636096, 0) 00004448 55.48122406 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5701632, 0) 00004449 55.48142242 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5767168, 0) 00004450 55.51689529 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004451 55.51729965 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004452 55.55293274 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004453 55.55317688 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004454 55.58032608 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004455 55.58061600 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00004456 55.58077621 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004457 55.60349274 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004458 55.60368729 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00004459 55.60380936 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004460 55.61820221 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004461 55.61852264 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00004462 55.61866379 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004463 55.64492798 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004464 55.64512634 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00004465 55.64524841 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004466 55.65789413 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004467 55.65809250 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00004468 55.65821457 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004469 55.69137955 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004470 55.69164276 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00004471 55.69180679 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004472 55.70246506 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004473 55.70264435 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00004474 55.70280457 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004475 55.74103165 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004476 55.74128723 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00004477 55.74145126 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004478 55.74592590 [5516] SAStream: Seek(5963776, 0) 00004479 55.74608612 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 5963776 00004480 55.74622726 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6029312, 0) 00004481 55.74638748 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 6029312 00004482 55.74652100 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6094848, 0) 00004483 55.74665070 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 6094848 00004484 55.77708054 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004485 55.77732468 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00004486 55.77751541 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004487 55.78220749 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004488 55.78250885 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00004489 55.78267670 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004490 55.81473160 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004491 55.81512451 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004492 55.87415695 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00004493 55.90766907 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004494 55.90790939 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004495 55.92097855 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004496 55.92143250 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004497 55.95219803 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004498 55.95258331 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004499 55.96344376 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004500 55.96376419 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004501 55.98900604 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004502 55.98932648 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004503 56.03046417 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004504 56.03118134 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004505 56.06637955 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004506 56.06677628 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004507 56.10229111 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004508 56.10268784 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004509 56.12042999 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004510 56.12067795 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004511 56.14039230 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5701632, 0) 00004512 56.14060211 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5767168, 0) 00004513 56.14080048 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5832704, 0) 00004514 56.14597702 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 165 tasks in low priority queue. 00004515 56.19417572 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004516 56.19449615 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004517 56.23562241 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004518 56.23603821 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004519 56.28440475 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004520 56.28482056 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004521 56.37340164 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00004522 56.37372971 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) All item instance threads were finished 00004523 56.38805771 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) COM - calling event TSDBApplication.DoTrackPropertiesEvent 00004524 56.38997650 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) GetFileInfo: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004525 56.42020416 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6029312, 0) 00004526 56.42049789 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6094848, 0) 00004527 56.42083740 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6160384, 0) 00004528 56.62507629 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5767168, 0) 00004529 56.62537766 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5832704, 0) 00004530 56.62563324 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5898240, 0) 00004531 56.77952576 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6094848, 0) 00004532 56.77974319 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6160384, 0) 00004533 56.78004456 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6225920, 0) 00004534 57.20769882 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6160384, 0) 00004535 57.20800018 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6225920, 0) 00004536 57.20825577 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6291456, 0) 00004537 57.24476624 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5832704, 0) 00004538 57.24501801 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5898240, 0) 00004539 57.24522400 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5963776, 0) 00004540 57.65349197 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5898240, 0) 00004541 57.65370178 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5963776, 0) 00004542 57.65390015 [10608] SAStream: Seek(6029312, 0) 00004543 57.68993759 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6225920, 0) 00004544 57.69030380 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6291456, 0) 00004545 57.69053268 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6356992, 0) 00004546 58.07660294 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6291456, 0) 00004547 58.07690430 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6356992, 0) 00004548 58.07722092 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6422528, 0) 00004549 58.11542511 [10608] SAStream: Seek(5963776, 0) 00004550 58.11564255 [10608] SAStream: Seek(6029312, 0) 00004551 58.11584473 [10608] SAStream: Seek(6094848, 0) 00004552 58.11663437 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 166 tasks in low priority queue. 00004553 58.54011536 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6356992, 0) 00004554 58.54035187 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6422528, 0) 00004555 58.54055786 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6488064, 0) 00004556 58.79470825 [10608] SAStream: Seek(6029312, 0) 00004557 58.79500198 [10608] SAStream: Seek(6074368, 0) 00004558 58.86285400 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6422528, 0) 00004559 58.86314774 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6488064, 0) 00004560 58.86340332 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6553600, 0) 00004561 58.86832047 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00004562 59.05530930 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) PostponeComputerSleep: Enabled = 0 00004563 59.05631256 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) PostponeComputerSleep: SetThreadExecutionState result = $80000001 00004564 59.27370071 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6488064, 0) 00004565 59.27400208 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6553600, 0) 00004566 59.27425766 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6619136, 0) 00004567 59.61308670 [10608] in_mfaudio: get_576_samples: End of input file 00004568 59.62041473 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6553600, 0) 00004569 59.62062836 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6619136, 0) 00004570 59.62118530 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6684672, 0) 00004571 59.62540817 [10608] in_mfaudio: get_576_samples: End of input file 00004572 59.62786484 [10608] in_mfaudio: Stop - calling free(pReadBuffer) 00004573 59.62818527 [10608] in_mfaudio: Stop - releasing last sample 00004574 59.62847519 [10608] in_mfaudio: Stop - releasing pReader 00004575 59.62928772 [10608] in_mfaudio: Stop - releasing saStream 00004576 59.62986374 [10608] SAStream: CloseStreamAccess finished 00004577 59.63017654 [10608] in_mfaudio: Stop - finished 00004578 59.74281693 [8248] MM5 [11528](R) WA Decode, Destroying. 00004579 59.74325180 [8248] MM5 [11528](R) WA Decode, Destroyed. 00004580 59.77175522 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00004581 59.99407959 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6619136, 0) 00004582 59.99438095 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6684672, 0) 00004583 59.99463654 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6750208, 0) 00004584 60.02647018 [8248] MM5 [11528](R) 11528 DB prepare SQL: SELECT PreviewStartTime, PreviewLength, CacheName, PreviewName, PreGap, PostGap, TotalSamples, GaplessBytes, SignType, SignPart1, SignPart2, SignPart3, SignPart4, ContainerType, StreamCount, StreamInfo, WebCommercial, WebCopyright, WebFilepage, WebArtist, WebRadio, WebPayment, WebPublisher, WebUser FROM Songs WHERE ID=? 00004585 60.02842712 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy adding 51 00004586 60.03061295 [8248] MM5 [8308](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00004587 60.03104019 [8248] MM5 [8308](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 5906ms for 51 00004588 60.10765457 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 165 tasks in low priority queue. 00004589 60.35040665 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6684672, 0) 00004590 60.35075378 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6750208, 0) 00004591 60.35102844 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6815744, 0) 00004592 60.61641693 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6750208, 0) 00004593 60.61671829 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6815744, 0) 00004594 60.61697388 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6881280, 0) 00004595 60.97260284 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6815744, 0) 00004596 60.97282028 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6881280, 0) 00004597 60.97301865 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6946816, 0) 00004598 61.34351349 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6881280, 0) 00004599 61.34382248 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6946816, 0) 00004600 61.34407806 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7012352, 0) 00004601 61.59541702 [5516] SAStream: Seek(6946816, 0) 00004602 61.59571075 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7012352, 0) 00004603 61.59598160 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7077888, 0) 00004604 61.88299561 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7012352, 0) 00004605 61.88328934 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7077888, 0) 00004606 61.88354492 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7143424, 0) 00004607 62.10924911 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 166 tasks in low priority queue. 00004608 62.20297623 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7077888, 0) 00004609 62.20326996 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7143424, 0) 00004610 62.20352554 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7208960, 0) 00004611 62.53939056 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7143424, 0) 00004612 62.53970718 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7208960, 0) 00004613 62.53996277 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7274496, 0) 00004614 62.84757614 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7208960, 0) 00004615 62.84780884 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7274496, 0) 00004616 62.84801102 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7340032, 0) 00004617 63.16146088 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7274496, 0) 00004618 63.16175842 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7340032, 0) 00004619 63.16201782 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7405568, 0) 00004620 63.60144806 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7340032, 0) 00004621 63.60174561 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7405568, 0) 00004622 63.60202789 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7471104, 0) 00004623 63.94698334 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7405568, 0) 00004624 63.94720078 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7471104, 0) 00004625 63.94740295 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7536640, 0) 00004626 64.10939789 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 167 tasks in low priority queue. 00004627 64.16068268 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 168 tasks in low priority queue. 00004628 64.28013611 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7471104, 0) 00004629 64.28044891 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7536640, 0) 00004630 64.28070831 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7602176, 0) 00004631 64.70371246 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7536640, 0) 00004632 64.70392609 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7602176, 0) 00004633 64.70413208 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7667712, 0) 00004634 64.83153534 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00004635 64.84037018 [8248] MM5 [10396](R) _BrowseRequest started 00004636 64.84063721 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00004637 64.84089661 [8248] MM5 [10396](R) PostponeComputerSleep: SetThreadExecutionState exists 00004638 64.85079956 [8248] MM5 [10396](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00004639 64.85124207 [8248] GetDeviceLibraryIDForDevice: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00004640 64.86192322 [8248] MM5 [10396](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00004641 64.86241913 [8248] MM5 [10396](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00004642 64.96920776 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11504.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00004643 64.96947479 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00004644 64.96980286 [8248] MM5 [10940](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00004645 64.97013092 [8248] MM5 [10940](R) 10940 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00004646 65.21145630 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7602176, 0) 00004647 65.21166992 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7667712, 0) 00004648 65.21188354 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7733248, 0) 00004649 65.72930908 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7667712, 0) 00004650 65.72971344 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 7667712 00004651 65.73065948 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 7733248 00004652 65.73093414 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 7798784 00004653 66.29554749 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7733248, 0) 00004654 66.29576111 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7798784, 0) 00004655 66.29595947 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7864320, 0) 00004656 66.81970978 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7798784, 0) 00004657 67.19661713 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7864320, 0) 00004658 67.19714355 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7929856, 0) 00004659 67.19736481 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7995392, 0) 00004660 67.72434235 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7929856, 0) 00004661 67.72477722 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7995392, 0) 00004662 67.72518921 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8060928, 0) 00004663 68.10745239 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 170 tasks in low priority queue. 00004664 68.13463593 [5516] SAStream: Seek(7995392, 0) 00004665 68.13484955 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8060928, 0) 00004666 68.13505554 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8126464, 0) 00004667 68.48957062 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8060928, 0) 00004668 68.48979187 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8126464, 0) 00004669 68.49001312 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8192000, 0) 00004670 68.93728638 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8126464, 0) 00004671 68.93792725 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8192000, 0) 00004672 68.93814087 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8257536, 0) 00004673 69.26232147 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8192000, 0) 00004674 69.26267242 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8257536, 0) 00004675 69.26293945 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8323072, 0) 00004676 69.58728027 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8257536, 0) 00004677 69.58899689 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 8257536 00004678 69.58922577 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8323072, 0) 00004679 69.58991241 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 8323072 00004680 69.59032440 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8388608, 0) 00004681 69.59060669 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 8388608 00004682 69.88867188 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8323072, 0) 00004683 69.88883972 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 8323072 00004684 69.88897705 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8388608, 0) 00004685 69.88911438 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 8388608 00004686 69.88928223 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8454144, 0) 00004687 69.88941193 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 8454144 00004688 69.91113281 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00004689 70.03251648 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Wait for event ID :3, delay :10000, callstack : 00004690 70.12448883 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 171 tasks in low priority queue. 00004691 70.26342010 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8388608, 0) 00004692 70.26363373 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8454144, 0) 00004693 70.26383972 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8519680, 0) 00004694 70.61619568 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8454144, 0) 00004695 70.61640167 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8519680, 0) 00004696 70.61660767 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8585216, 0) 00004697 70.98947144 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8519680, 0) 00004698 70.98977661 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8585216, 0) 00004699 70.99002838 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8650752, 0) 00004700 71.27355194 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 8585216 00004701 71.27384186 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 8650752 00004702 71.27410889 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 8716288 00004703 71.54592133 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8650752, 0) 00004704 71.54613495 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8716288, 0) 00004705 71.54634094 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8781824, 0) 00004706 71.89498901 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8716288, 0) 00004707 71.89520264 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8781824, 0) 00004708 71.89540100 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8847360, 0) 00004709 72.18038940 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8781824, 0) 00004710 72.19053650 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8847360, 0) 00004711 72.19073486 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8912896, 0) 00004712 72.56885529 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 8847360 00004713 72.56907654 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 8912896 00004714 72.56928253 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 8978432 00004715 72.83496094 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 8912896 00004716 72.83523560 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 8978432 00004717 72.83548737 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 9043968 00004718 73.20423889 [5516] SAStream: Seek(8978432, 0) 00004719 73.20455933 [5516] SAStream: Seek(9043968, 0) 00004720 73.20484161 [5516] SAStream: Seek(9109504, 0) 00004721 80.64929962 [5516] SAStream: Seek(10289152, 0) 00004722 80.64951324 [5516] SAStream: Seek(10354688, 0) 00004723 80.64971924 [5516] SAStream: Seek(10420224, 0) 00004724 80.96319580 [5516] SAStream: Seek(10354688, 0) 00004725 80.96340179 [5516] SAStream: Seek(10420224, 0) 00004726 80.96361542 [5516] SAStream: Seek(10485760, 0) 00004727 81.35584259 [5516] SAStream: Seek(10420224, 0) 00004728 81.35605621 [5516] SAStream: Seek(10485760, 0) 00004729 81.35626984 [5516] SAStream: Seek(10551296, 0) 00004730 81.65238953 [5516] SAStream: Seek(10485760, 0) 00004731 81.65258789 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 10485760 00004732 81.65293884 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 10551296 00004733 81.65315247 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 10616832 00004734 81.94555664 [5516] SAStream: Seek(10551296, 0) 00004735 81.94577789 [5516] SAStream: Seek(10616832, 0) 00004736 81.94597626 [5516] SAStream: Seek(10682368, 0) 00004737 82.11324310 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 177 tasks in low priority queue. 00004738 82.26087952 [5516] SAStream: Seek(10616832, 0) 00004739 82.26121521 [5516] SAStream: Seek(10682368, 0) 00004740 82.26148224 [5516] SAStream: Seek(10747904, 0) 00004741 82.64451599 [5516] SAStream: Seek(10682368, 0) 00004742 82.64473724 [5516] SAStream: Seek(10747904, 0) 00004743 82.64495850 [5516] SAStream: Seek(10813440, 0) 00004744 83.59815979 [5516] SAStream: Seek(10813440, 0) 00004745 83.59867859 [5516] SAStream: Seek(10878976, 0) 00004746 83.59891510 [5516] SAStream: Seek(10944512, 0) 00004747 84.10832977 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 178 tasks in low priority queue. 00004748 84.13671875 [5516] SAStream: Seek(10878976, 0) 00004749 84.13702393 [5516] SAStream: Seek(10944512, 0) 00004750 84.13729858 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11010048, 0) 00004751 84.59180450 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 10944512 00004752 84.59210205 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 11010048 00004753 84.59230804 [5516] SAStream: seeked to 11075584 00004754 85.39430237 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11075584, 0) 00004755 85.39495850 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11141120, 0) 00004756 85.39517212 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11206656, 0) 00004757 85.80786896 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11141120, 0) 00004758 85.80829620 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11206656, 0) 00004759 85.80855560 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11272192, 0) 00004760 86.10767365 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 179 tasks in low priority queue. 00004761 86.38229370 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11206656, 0) 00004762 86.38264465 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11272192, 0) 00004763 86.38291168 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11337728, 0) 00004764 86.73269653 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11272192, 0) 00004765 86.73291779 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11337728, 0) 00004766 86.73314667 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11403264, 0) 00004767 87.23256683 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11337728, 0) 00004768 87.23278046 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11403264, 0) 00004769 87.23297882 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11468800, 0) 00004770 87.78074646 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11403264, 0) 00004771 87.78098297 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11468800, 0) 00004772 87.78120422 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11534336, 0) 00004773 88.10889435 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 180 tasks in low priority queue. 00004774 88.21459198 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11468800, 0) 00004775 88.21485901 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11534336, 0) 00004776 88.21649933 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11599872, 0) 00004777 88.71966553 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11534336, 0) 00004778 88.71996307 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11599872, 0) 00004779 88.72021484 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11665408, 0) 00004780 89.03842926 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11599872, 0) 00004781 89.03873444 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11665408, 0) 00004782 89.03899384 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11730944, 0) 00004783 89.37538147 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11665408, 0) 00004784 89.37558746 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11730944, 0) 00004785 89.37579346 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11796480, 0) 00004786 89.65414429 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11730944, 0) 00004787 89.65446472 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11796480, 0) 00004788 89.65472412 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11862016, 0) 00004789 90.04915619 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11796480, 0) 00004790 90.04946136 [5516] SAStream: Seek(11857920, 0) 00004791 90.12886047 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 181 tasks in low priority queue. 00004792 90.39544678 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00004793 90.86868286 [5516] in_mfaudio: get_576_samples: End of input file 00004794 90.87011719 [5516] in_mfaudio: Stop - calling free(pBuffer) 00004795 90.87046051 [5516] in_mfaudio: Stop - closing outMod 00004796 90.87084961 [5516] in_mfaudio: Stop - releasing pSource 00004797 90.87187195 [5516] in_mfaudio: Stop - pReader released 00004798 90.87210083 [5516] SAStream: calling CloseStreamAccess 00004799 90.87248993 [5516] in_mfaudio: Stop - calling SAVSADeInit 00004800 90.98796844 [8248] MM5 [6260](R) WA Decode, Destroying. 00004801 90.98838806 [8248] MM5 [6260](R) WA Decode, Destroyed. 00004802 92.10774994 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 182 tasks in low priority queue. 00004803 94.04357147 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00004804 94.10757446 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 183 tasks in low priority queue. 00004805 94.84114838 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) PostponeComputerSleep: Enabled = 0 00004806 94.84173584 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) PostponeComputerSleep: SetThreadExecutionState result = $80000001 00004807 96.11077881 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 184 tasks in low priority queue. 00004808 98.10730743 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 185 tasks in low priority queue. 00004809 100.10717010 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 186 tasks in low priority queue. 00004810 100.41069794 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00004811 100.41097260 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Wait for event ID :3, delay :10000, callstack : 00004812 102.10703278 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 187 tasks in low priority queue. 00004813 104.11712646 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 188 tasks in low priority queue. 00004814 106.10773468 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 189 tasks in low priority queue. 00004815 108.10765076 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 190 tasks in low priority queue. 00004816 110.11052704 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 191 tasks in low priority queue. 00004817 110.43535614 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00004818 112.12425232 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 192 tasks in low priority queue. 00004819 113.18895721 [8248] UPnP: _UploadRequest: Header: --99gK6fyJNW7at6jqTIt4GbV_9ZitBLNFD9Z 00004820 113.18895721 [8248] Content-Disposition: form-data; name="SyncSummary:DeviceID:710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482" 00004821 113.18895721 [8248] 00004822 113.18895721 [8248] 00004823 113.18895721 [8248] --99gK6fyJNW7at6jqTIt4GbV_9ZitBLNFD9Z-- 00004824 113.18923187 [8248] MM5 [4604](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00004825 114.10714722 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 193 tasks in low priority queue. 00004826 116.10701752 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 194 tasks in low priority queue. 00004827 118.11054993 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 195 tasks in low priority queue. 00004828 120.11179352 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 196 tasks in low priority queue. 00004829 120.46187592 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00004830 122.10755920 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 197 tasks in low priority queue. 00004831 123.22008514 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00004832 124.11188507 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 198 tasks in low priority queue. 00004833 126.10727692 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 199 tasks in low priority queue. 00004834 128.11340332 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 200 tasks in low priority queue. 00004835 130.10697937 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 200 tasks in low priority queue. 00004836 130.47575378 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00004837 132.10783386 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 201 tasks in low priority queue. 00004838 134.10780334 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 202 tasks in low priority queue. 00004839 136.10758972 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 203 tasks in low priority queue. 00004840 138.10748291 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 204 tasks in low priority queue. 00004841 140.10902405 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 205 tasks in low priority queue. 00004842 140.49104309 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00004843 142.10719299 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 206 tasks in low priority queue. 00004844 144.10700989 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 207 tasks in low priority queue. 00004845 146.10783386 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 208 tasks in low priority queue. 00004846 148.10769653 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 209 tasks in low priority queue. 00004847 150.10758972 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 210 tasks in low priority queue. 00004848 150.50637817 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00004849 152.10743713 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 211 tasks in low priority queue. 00004850 154.10832214 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 212 tasks in low priority queue. 00004851 156.11166382 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 213 tasks in low priority queue. 00004852 156.86317444 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) DB: BEGIN EXCLUSIVE transaction 00004853 156.86363220 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) DB lock took 0 ms : BEGIN EXCLUSIVE 00004854 156.86412048 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) 7920 DB prepare SQL: DELETE FROM DeviceTracks WHERE DevicePath = ? AND IDDevice = ? 00004855 156.86688232 [8248] MM5 [8308](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') 00004856 156.86819458 [8248] MM5 [10940](R) 10940 DB query prepare finished, took 91906. 00004857 156.86958313 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) GetFileInfo: Found in DB 00004858 156.87089539 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00004859 156.87127686 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00004860 156.87155151 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00004861 156.87188721 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00004862 156.87228394 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00004863 156.87258911 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00004864 156.87294006 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00004865 156.87339783 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) COM - calling event TSDBApplication.DoTrackPropertiesEvent 00004866 156.87425232 [8248] TLastSynchronization.TrackUploaded( DevID: 677, Path: \Music\Various\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 Simon & Garfunkel - April Come She Will.mp3, Status: 1 00004867 156.87467957 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) 7440 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00004868 156.87510681 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) DB lock took 0 ms : DELETE FROM DeviceTracks WHERE DevicePath = ? AND IDDevice = ? 00004869 156.87550354 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) 7440 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00004870 156.87628174 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) DB lock took 0 ms : INSERT INTO DeviceTracks (IDDevice,IDTrack,DevicePath,SyncID,SourceInfo,Rating,ACSettHash,Bitrate,IsVBR,SampleRate,PlayCount,UploadTime,Converted,PreModified,Status) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) 00004871 156.87655640 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) PostponeComputerSleep: SetThreadExecutionState exists 00004872 156.87774658 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2490368, Size = 2711552, Portion = 0.92, File: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\The Graduate - Original Soundtrack\07 April Come She Will.mp3 00004873 156.91784668 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') 00004874 156.91967773 [8248] BytesTransfered: 2555904, EndOffset: 0, result: NPT_ERROR_CONNECTION_ABORTED 00004875 156.92306519 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00004876 156.92655945 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy adding 51 00004877 156.92774963 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') 00004878 156.92929077 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00004879 156.93132019 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy adding 51 00004880 156.93243408 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') AND TrackType IN (5,6,4,7) 00004881 156.93408203 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00004882 156.93438721 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 0ms for 0 00004883 156.93725586 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00004884 156.94046021 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00004885 156.94085693 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 0ms for 51 00004886 156.94392395 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00004887 156.94593811 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy adding 51 00004888 156.94702148 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') 00004889 156.95001221 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00004890 156.95034790 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 0ms for 51 00004891 156.95260620 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00004892 156.95506287 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00004893 156.95539856 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 0ms for 51 00004894 156.95761108 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') AND TrackType IN (5,6,4,7) 00004895 156.95919800 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00004896 156.95953369 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 0ms for 0 00004897 156.96171570 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00004898 156.96357727 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy adding 51 00004899 156.96476746 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') AND TrackType IN (5,6,4,7) 00004900 156.96652222 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00004901 156.96684265 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 0ms for 0 00004902 156.96905518 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00004903 156.97088623 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy adding 51 00004904 156.97196960 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') 00004905 156.97500610 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00004906 156.97534180 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 15ms for 51 00004907 156.97773743 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00004908 156.97804260 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy adding 0 00004909 156.97859192 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00004910 156.97937012 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') 00004911 156.98231506 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00004912 156.98265076 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 0ms for 51 00004913 156.98489380 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00004914 156.98672485 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy adding 51 00004915 156.98783875 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') AND TrackType IN (5,6,4,7) 00004916 156.98948669 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00004917 156.98980713 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 0ms for 0 00004918 157.02476501 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) DB lock took 125 ms : SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') 00004919 157.02497864 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') 00004920 157.02525330 [8248] MM5 [6260](R) 6260 DB query prepare finished, took 66031. 00004921 157.02705383 [8248] AdjustArtworkInTagsForDeviceTrack: Dev: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 SongID: 11504 Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Billboards Top Hits (1980 - 1989)\Billboard Top Hits 1987\01 - U2 - With or Without You.mp3 00004922 157.02767944 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) DB exec SQL: DELETE FROM DeviceTracks WHERE DevicePath = ? AND IDDevice = ? 00004923 157.02789307 [8248] MM5 [6260](R) 6260 DB prepare SQL: SELECT Lyrics, Comment FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00004924 157.02827454 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00004925 157.02854919 [8248] MM5 [8308](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00004926 157.02873230 [8248] MM5 [6260](R) 6260 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00004927 157.02891541 [8248] MM5 [10940](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00004928 157.02931213 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) 7920 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00004929 157.02987671 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) DB lock took 0 ms : INSERT INTO DeviceTracks (IDDevice,IDTrack,DevicePath,SyncID,SourceInfo,Rating,ACSettHash,Bitrate,IsVBR,SampleRate,PlayCount,UploadTime,Converted,PreModified,Status) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) 00004930 157.03422546 [8248] MM5 [10940](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DeviceTracks WHERE IDDevice=677 00004931 157.05285645 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00004932 157.07916260 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 195 tasks in low priority queue. 00004933 157.08654785 [8248] MM5 [10940](R) Device Sync: Checking Artwork \\\Qdownload\music\Billboards Top Hits (1980 - 1989)\Billboard Top Hits 1987\01 - U2 - With or Without You.mp3 00004934 157.08697510 [8248] MM5 [10940](R) 10940 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00004935 157.09098816 [8248] MM5 [6260](R) MP3: Going to read tag from D:\My Documents\My Music\Air\Moon Safari\1 - Air - Femme d'Argent.mp3 00004936 157.10069275 [8248] MM5 [6260](R) MP3: Tag read from D:\My Documents\My Music\Air\Moon Safari\1 - Air - Femme d'Argent.mp3 00004937 157.10174561 [8248] MM5 [6260](R) PrepareForTagging: called 00004938 157.10227966 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_OpenFile 00004939 157.10432434 [8248] MP4Parser: Found FTYP atom, FileSize: 12378593 00004940 157.10496521 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: moov, dataSize=76743 00004941 157.10527039 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: iods, dataSize=24 00004942 157.10560608 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: tkhd, dataSize=92 00004943 157.10592651 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: mdhd, dataSize=32 00004944 157.10621643 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: minf, dataSize=76311 00004945 157.10649109 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: dinf, dataSize=36 00004946 157.10679626 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: stbl, dataSize=76251 00004947 157.10708618 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: mp4a, dataSize=87 00004948 157.10748291 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: stts, dataSize=32 00004949 157.10778809 [8248] MP4Parser: ExtractStszAtom begin 00004950 157.11178589 [8248] MM5 [11528](R) MP3: Going to read tag from D:\My Documents\My Music\10cc\Very Best Of\17 - 10CC - Cry.mp3 00004951 157.11944580 [8248] MP4Parser: ExtractStszAtom end 00004952 157.11982727 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: stco, dataSize=1708 00004953 157.12014771 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: udta, dataSize=119 00004954 157.12054443 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: hdlr, dataSize=33 00004955 157.12098694 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: ©too, dataSize=58 00004956 157.12156677 [8248] MM5 [11528](R) MP3: Tag read from D:\My Documents\My Music\10cc\Very Best Of\17 - 10CC - Cry.mp3 00004957 157.12181091 [8248] MM5 [6260](R) FH.ReadFileInfo openned 00004958 157.12208557 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_CloseFile 00004959 157.12281799 [8248] MM5 [11528](R) FH.ReadFileInfo: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\20554.M4A 00004960 157.12330627 [8248] MM5 [6260](R) FH.WriteFileInfo: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\20678.M4A 00004961 157.12380981 [8248] MP4Parser: Parse begin 00004962 157.12519836 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: mdat, dataSize=7043961 00004963 157.12561035 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: moov, dataSize=42727 00004964 157.12596130 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: iods, dataSize=24 00004965 157.12625122 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: trak, dataSize=42468 00004966 157.12666321 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: mdia, dataSize=42368 00004967 157.12698364 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: hdlr, dataSize=33 00004968 157.12728882 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: smhd, dataSize=16 00004969 157.12763977 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4718592, Size = 5097884, Portion = 0.93, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Leonard Cohen\The Sopranos Soundtrack\00 - Leonard Cohen - Woke Up this Morning.mp3 00004970 157.12792969 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: stbl, dataSize=42235 00004971 157.12815857 [8248] MP4Parser: Found FTYP atom, FileSize: 12378593 00004972 157.12834167 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: mdat, dataSize=12301826 00004973 157.12858582 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: moov, dataSize=76743 00004974 157.12875366 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: mvhd, dataSize=108 00004975 157.12896729 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: iods, dataSize=24 00004976 157.12915039 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: trak, dataSize=76484 00004977 157.12948608 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: mdia, dataSize=76384 00004978 157.12976074 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: hdlr, dataSize=33 00004979 157.13008118 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: smhd, dataSize=16 00004980 157.13035583 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: dref, dataSize=28 00004981 157.13067627 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: stsd, dataSize=103 00004982 157.13096619 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: stsz, dataSize=74328 00004983 157.13128662 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: stco, dataSize=1708 00004984 157.13162231 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: udta, dataSize=119 00004985 157.13194275 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: hdlr, dataSize=33 00004986 157.13227844 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: ©too, dataSize=58 00004987 157.13275146 [8248] MP4Parser: Parse end 00004988 157.13298035 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetInteger 00004989 157.13317871 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetInteger 00004990 157.13339233 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetDouble 00004991 157.13359070 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetInteger 00004992 157.13380432 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetInteger 00004993 157.13401794 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00004994 157.13421631 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00004995 157.13455200 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00004996 157.13478088 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00004997 157.13500977 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00004998 157.13522339 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00004999 157.13542175 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005000 157.13563538 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005001 157.13583374 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005002 157.13603210 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005003 157.13624573 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005004 157.13644409 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005005 157.13665771 [8248] MP4Parser: ExtractStszAtom end 00005006 157.13682556 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: stsc, dataSize=40 00005007 157.13699341 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: stco, dataSize=952 00005008 157.13716125 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: ctts, dataSize=32 00005009 157.13737488 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: udta, dataSize=119 00005010 157.13758850 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005011 157.13777161 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005012 157.13795471 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005013 157.13815308 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005014 157.13839722 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005015 157.13856506 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005016 157.13885498 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005017 157.13903809 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetDouble 00005018 157.13920593 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetDouble 00005019 157.13941956 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetInteger 00005020 157.13958740 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetInteger 00005021 157.14086914 [8248] MM5 [11528](R) FH.WriteFileInfo: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\20554.M4A 00005022 157.14199829 [8248] MP4Parser: Parse begin 00005023 157.14265442 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: mdat, dataSize=7043961 00005024 157.14312744 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: mvhd, dataSize=108 00005025 157.14350891 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: trak, dataSize=42468 00005026 157.14399719 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: mdia, dataSize=42368 00005027 157.14419556 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: mdhd, dataSize=32 00005028 157.14453125 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: minf, dataSize=42295 00005029 157.14482117 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: dinf, dataSize=36 00005030 157.14512634 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: stbl, dataSize=42235 00005031 157.14543152 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: stts, dataSize=32 00005032 157.14573669 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: stsc, dataSize=40 00005033 157.14607239 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: ctts, dataSize=32 00005034 157.14637756 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: meta, dataSize=111 00005035 157.14668274 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: ilst, dataSize=66 00005036 157.14698792 [8248] MP4Parser: Atom found: data, dataSize=50 00005037 157.14744568 [8248] MM5 [11528](R) FH.WriteFileInfo: openned 00005038 157.14762878 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetInteger 00005039 157.16358948 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetInteger 00005040 157.16464233 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetDouble 00005041 157.16491699 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetInteger 00005042 157.16517639 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetInteger 00005043 157.16549683 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005044 157.16574097 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005045 157.16598511 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005046 157.16622925 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005047 157.16658020 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005048 157.16682434 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005049 157.16705322 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005050 157.16732788 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005051 157.16757202 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005052 157.16778564 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005053 157.16796875 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005054 157.16818237 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005055 157.16836548 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005056 157.16857910 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005057 157.16876221 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005058 157.16896057 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005059 157.16915894 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005060 157.16935730 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005061 157.16955566 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetString 00005062 157.16975403 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetDouble 00005063 157.16995239 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_SetInteger 00005064 157.17018127 [8248] f_mp4: FORMAT_UpdateTag 00005065 157.20292664 [8248] MP4Parser: SaveTagsToFile: Writing tag to temp file 00005066 157.28202820 [8248] MM5 [6260](R) FH.WriteFileInfo: updated 00005067 157.28425598 [8248] MM5 [6260](R) RestoreFromTagging starting. 00005068 157.28469849 [8248] MM5 [6260](R) Successfuly converted item D:\My Documents\My Music\Air\Moon Safari\1 - Air - Femme d'Argent.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\20678.M4A 00005069 157.28532410 [8248] MM5 [6260](R) TBackgroundConverter.CheckFreeSpace: SpaceNeeded 1.0 GB , TempFolder: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\ 00005070 157.28601074 [8248] MM5 [6260](R) Decoder: CreateDecoder() started 00005071 157.57084656 [8248] MM5 [10940](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00005072 157.57203674 [8248] UPnP Server: Serving file \\\Qdownload\music\Billboards Top Hits (1980 - 1989)\Billboard Top Hits 1987\01 - U2 - With or Without You.mp3, ExternalStream = 1, FileLen = 4974720 00005073 157.57872009 [8248] MM5 [11528](R) WA Decode, decoder started. 00005074 157.60635376 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Redirecting winamp message 1024(321912832, 9800) 00005075 157.60731506 [6496] in_mfaudio: Calling MFCreateSourceResolver 00005076 157.60772705 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Redirecting winamp message 1024(321912832, 9800) 00005077 157.60839844 [6496] in_mfaudio: Stream openned, creating IMFByteStream 00005078 157.60888672 [6496] SAStream: Seek(0, 0) 00005079 157.61218262 [6496] SAStream: Seek(0, 0) 00005080 157.62316895 [6496] SAStream: Seek(7274496, 0) 00005081 157.62359619 [6496] SAStream: Seek(0, 0) 00005082 157.71163940 [6496] in_mfaudio: Media source created 00005083 157.71189880 [6496] in_mfaudio: Releasing pSource 00005084 157.71214294 [6496] in_mfaudio: Releasing pAttributes 00005085 157.71656799 [8248] MM5 [6260](R) WA Decode, decoder started. 00005086 157.71725464 [8248] UPnP Server: Creating HTTP entity 00005087 157.72586060 [8248] MM5 [10396](R) _BrowseRequest started 00005088 157.72599792 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00005089 157.72612000 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00005090 157.72630310 [8248] MM5 [10396](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00005091 157.72644043 [8248] MM5 [10396](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00005092 157.72656250 [8248] GetDeviceLibraryIDForDevice: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00005093 157.72668457 [8248] MM5 [10396](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00005094 157.72680664 [8248] MM5 [10396](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00005095 157.72760010 [8248] MM5 [10396](R) TBackgroundConverter.IsConverting: TRUE Threads.Count = 2 00005096 157.72781372 [8248] MM5 [10396](R) 10396 DB prepare SQL: SELECT NULL FROM Covers WHERE Covers.IDSong = ? 00005097 157.72810364 [8248] MM5 [10396](R) 10396 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00005098 157.72828674 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Femme d'Argent, ID: 20678, LastModified: 2018-08-15 20:51:22, Targetpath: \Music\Air\Moon Safari\01 Air - Femme d'Argent.m4a, TrackType: 0 00005099 157.72850037 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Cry, ID: 20554, LastModified: 2018-05-27 18:27:04, Targetpath: \Music\10CC\Very Best Of\17 10CC - Cry.m4a, TrackType: 0 00005100 157.72869873 [8248] MM5 [10396](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00005101 157.72906494 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Femme d'Argent 00005102 157.72924805 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Femme d'Argent 00005103 157.72964478 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Cry 00005104 157.72976685 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Cry 00005105 157.73115540 [8248] UPnP Server: Directory to browse: SyncConverted:DeviceID:710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482, Start: 0, Count: 500, Sort: 00005106 157.73640442 [6496] in_mfaudio: Detected native type - SampleRate=44100, Channels=2, BPS=16 00005107 157.73910522 [8248] MM5 [10556](R) _BrowseRequest started 00005108 157.73936462 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00005109 157.73968506 [8248] MM5 [10556](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00005110 157.73995972 [8248] MM5 [10556](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00005111 157.74084473 [8248] MM5 [10556](R) TBackgroundConverter.IsConverting: TRUE Threads.Count = 2 00005112 157.74333191 [8248] MM5 [10556](R) 10556 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00005113 157.74374390 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Cry, ID: 20554, LastModified: 2018-05-27 18:27:04, Targetpath: \Music\10CC\Very Best Of\17 10CC - Cry.m4a, TrackType: 0 00005114 157.74429321 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Femme d'Argent 00005115 157.74481201 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Cry 00005116 157.74522400 [8248] UPnP Server: Directory to browse: SyncFinished:DeviceID:710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482, Start: 0, Count: 500, Sort: 00005117 157.75323486 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) _BrowseRequest started 00005118 157.75349426 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00005119 157.75381470 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00005120 157.75408936 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00005121 157.75433350 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TSyncProcess.Clean 00005122 157.81227112 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Redirecting winamp message 1024(203292672, 9800) 00005123 157.81311035 [5924] in_mfaudio: Calling MFCreateSourceResolver 00005124 157.81349182 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Redirecting winamp message 1024(203292672, 9800) 00005125 157.81408691 [5924] in_mfaudio: Stream openned, creating IMFByteStream 00005126 157.81449890 [5924] SAStream: Seek(0, 0) 00005127 157.81909180 [5924] SAStream: Seek(0, 0) 00005128 157.93032837 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 0, Size = 4974720, Portion = 0.00, File: \\\Qdownload\music\Billboards Top Hits (1980 - 1989)\Billboard Top Hits 1987\01 - U2 - With or Without You.mp3 00005129 157.95533752 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 65536, Size = 4974720, Portion = 0.01, File: \\\Qdownload\music\Billboards Top Hits (1980 - 1989)\Billboard Top Hits 1987\01 - U2 - With or Without You.mp3 00005130 157.97428894 [5924] in_mfaudio: Media source created 00005131 157.97467041 [5924] in_mfaudio: Releasing pSource 00005132 157.97505188 [5924] in_mfaudio: Releasing pAttributes 00005133 157.99745178 [5924] in_mfaudio: Detected native type - SampleRate=44100, Channels=2, BPS=16 00005134 157.99794006 [8248] MM5 [11528](R) WA Decode, Initialized. 00005135 158.06958008 [8248] MM5 [11528](R) WA Decode, Destroying. 00005136 158.07002258 [8248] MM5 [11528](R) WA Decode, Destroyed. 00005137 158.07049561 [8248] TMediaServer.OnFileConversionCompleted( C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\20683.M4A, failed) 00005138 158.07128906 [8248] MM5 [11528](R) DB: Deleting prepared query: SELECT Lyrics, Comment FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00005139 158.08682251 [6496] in_mfaudio: DecodeThread: calling Flush 2 00005140 158.08937073 [6496] in_mfaudio: Stop - calling free(pBuffer) 00005141 158.08969116 [6496] in_mfaudio: Stop - closing outMod 00005142 158.09001160 [6496] in_mfaudio: Stop - releasing pSource 00005143 158.09112549 [6496] in_mfaudio: Stop - pReader released 00005144 158.09140015 [6496] SAStream: calling CloseStreamAccess 00005145 158.09173584 [6496] in_mfaudio: Stop - calling SAVSADeInit 00005146 158.11141968 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 199 tasks in low priority queue. 00005147 158.11927795 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00005148 158.11964417 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 1094ms for 51 00005149 158.12207031 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00005150 158.12390137 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy adding 51 00005151 158.12498474 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') 00005152 158.12806702 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00005153 158.12840271 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 0ms for 51 00005154 158.13072205 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00005155 158.13252258 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy adding 51 00005156 158.13360596 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') 00005157 158.13671875 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00005158 158.13708496 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 0ms for 51 00005159 158.13992310 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00005160 158.14024353 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy adding 0 00005161 158.14117432 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') 00005162 158.14421082 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00005163 158.14454651 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 0ms for 51 00005164 158.14688110 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00005165 158.15791321 [8248] MM5 [6260](R) WA Decode, Initialized. 00005166 158.20046997 [8248] MM5 [6260](R) WA Decode, Destroying. 00005167 158.20082092 [8248] MM5 [6260](R) WA Decode, Destroyed. 00005168 158.20126343 [8248] TMediaServer.OnFileConversionCompleted( C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\20681.M4A, failed) 00005169 158.20196533 [5924] in_mfaudio: DecodeThread: calling Flush 2 00005170 158.20315552 [5924] in_mfaudio: OnFlush called 00005171 158.20362854 [5924] in_mfaudio: Stop - calling free(pReadBuffer) 00005172 158.20387268 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\56.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005173 158.20417786 [5924] in_mfaudio: Stop - releasing pSource 00005174 158.20436096 [5924] in_mfaudio: Stop - releasing pReader 00005175 158.20510864 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\13874.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005176 158.20544434 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11119.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005177 158.20565796 [5924] SAStream: calling CloseStreamAccess 00005178 158.20588684 [5924] SAStream: CloseStreamAccess finished 00005179 158.20611572 [5924] in_mfaudio: Stop - calling SAVSADeInit 00005180 158.20640564 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\8112.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005181 158.20689392 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\7228.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005182 158.20738220 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\2062.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005183 158.20788574 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\6862.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005184 158.20837402 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\6825.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005185 158.20886230 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\2155.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005186 158.20935059 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\6648.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005187 158.21067810 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\6634.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005188 158.21125793 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\6541.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005189 158.21182251 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11644.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005190 158.21237183 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\6387.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005191 158.21293640 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\6296.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005192 158.21348572 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\5994.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005193 158.21403503 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\5813.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005194 158.21458435 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\5738.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005195 158.21514893 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11347.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005196 158.21568298 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11351.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005197 158.21627808 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\5589.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005198 158.21681213 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\13584.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005199 158.21737671 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\5041.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005200 158.21803284 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11341.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005201 158.21858215 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\12741.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005202 158.21919250 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\4766.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005203 158.21974182 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\4681.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005204 158.22027588 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\21152.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005205 158.22088623 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\4180.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005206 158.22143555 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\12691.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005207 158.22198486 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11911.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005208 158.22253418 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\3586.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005209 158.22306824 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\3351.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005210 158.22360229 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\2943.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005211 158.22415161 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\180.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005212 158.22471619 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\2764.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005213 158.22825623 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005214 158.22871399 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005215 158.23316956 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) TConvertItem.Destroy: Tempname: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\20554.M4A DeleteConvFile=TRUE 00005216 158.23689270 [8248] MM5 [3588](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00005217 158.27438354 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00005218 158.27763367 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 141ms for 51 00005219 158.28506470 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') 00005220 158.41122437 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') 00005221 158.41448975 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00005222 158.41508484 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 16ms for 51 00005223 158.41632080 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') AND TrackType IN (5,6,4,7) 00005224 158.41813660 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00005225 158.41847229 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 0ms for 0 00005226 158.41928101 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) DB open SQL: SELECT type, type_id FROM Pinned 00005227 158.42333984 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE (Artists.Tracks>0 OR Artists.Albums>0) AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'artist:mpc*'))) 00005228 158.42646790 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE (Artists.Tracks>0 OR Artists.Albums>0) AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'artist:mpc*'))) 00005229 158.42871094 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Albums, Songs WHERE ( ( Albums.id IN (SELECT idAlbum FROM Songs WHERE Songs.id IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'album:mpc*'))) ) AND Albums.ID = Songs.IDAlbum AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) GROUP BY Albums.ID 00005230 158.43165588 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Albums, Songs WHERE ( ( Albums.id IN (SELECT idAlbum FROM Songs WHERE Songs.id IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'album:mpc*'))) ) AND Albums.ID = Songs.IDAlbum AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) GROUP BY Albums.ID 00005231 158.43464661 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Albums, Songs WHERE ( ( Albums.id IN (SELECT idAlbum FROM Songs WHERE Songs.id IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'album:mpc*'))) ) AND Albums.ID = Songs.IDAlbum AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) GROUP BY Albums.ID 00005232 158.43882751 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Albums, Songs WHERE ( ( Albums.id IN (SELECT idAlbum FROM Songs WHERE Songs.id IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'album:mpc*'))) ) AND Albums.ID = Songs.IDAlbum AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) GROUP BY Albums.ID 00005233 158.44050598 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE (Artists.Tracks>0 OR Artists.Albums>0) AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'artist:mpc*'))) 00005234 158.44380188 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Albums, Songs WHERE ( ( Albums.id IN (SELECT idAlbum FROM Songs WHERE Songs.id IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'album:mpc*'))) ) AND Albums.ID = Songs.IDAlbum AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) GROUP BY Albums.ID 00005235 158.44676208 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Albums, Songs WHERE ( ( Albums.id IN (SELECT idAlbum FROM Songs WHERE Songs.id IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'album:mpc*'))) ) AND Albums.ID = Songs.IDAlbum AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) GROUP BY Albums.ID 00005236 158.44912720 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00005237 158.44947815 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 1422ms for 51 00005238 158.45158386 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Albums, Songs WHERE ( ( Albums.id IN (SELECT idAlbum FROM Songs WHERE Songs.id IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'album:mpc*'))) ) AND Albums.ID = Songs.IDAlbum AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) GROUP BY Albums.ID 00005239 158.45408630 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE Artists.Conducts > 0 AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'conductor:mpc*'))) 00005240 158.45640564 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE Artists.Roles > 0 AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'actors:mpc*'))) 00005241 158.45878601 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Albums, Songs WHERE ( ( Albums.id IN (SELECT idAlbum FROM Songs WHERE Songs.id IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'album:mpc*'))) ) AND Albums.ID = Songs.IDAlbum AND Songs.TrackType in (2) GROUP BY Albums.ID 00005242 158.46078491 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE (Artists.Tracks>0 OR Artists.Albums>0) AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'artist:mpc*'))) 00005243 158.46379089 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE Artists.Authors > 0 AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'author:mpc*'))) 00005244 158.46566772 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Genres WHERE ( Genres.IDGenre IN (SELECT idGenre FROM genresSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'genre:mpc*'))) 00005245 158.46739197 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE Artists.Products > 0 AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'producer:mpc*'))) 00005246 158.47038269 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE (Artists.Tracks>0 OR Artists.Albums>0) AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'artist:mpc*'))) 00005247 158.47337341 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE (Artists.Tracks>0 OR Artists.Albums>0) AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'artist:mpc*'))) 00005248 158.47633362 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE (Artists.Tracks>0 OR Artists.Albums>0) AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'artist:mpc*'))) 00005249 158.48774719 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE (Artists.Tracks>0 OR Artists.Albums>0) AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'artist:mpc*'))) 00005250 158.49153137 [8248] MM5 [8308](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00005251 158.49189758 [8248] MM5 [8308](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 1469ms for 51 00005252 158.49337769 [8248] MM5 [8308](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE Artists.Conducts > 0 AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'conductor:mpc*'))) 00005253 158.49568176 [8248] MM5 [8308](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE Artists.Roles > 0 AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'actors:mpc*'))) 00005254 158.49784851 [8248] MM5 [8308](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Albums, Songs WHERE ( ( Albums.id IN (SELECT idAlbum FROM Songs WHERE Songs.id IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'album:mpc*'))) ) AND Albums.ID = Songs.IDAlbum AND Songs.TrackType in (2) GROUP BY Albums.ID 00005255 158.50061035 [8248] MM5 [8308](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Albums, Songs WHERE ( ( Albums.id IN (SELECT idAlbum FROM Songs WHERE Songs.id IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'album:mpc*'))) ) AND Albums.ID = Songs.IDAlbum AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) GROUP BY Albums.ID 00005256 158.50334167 [8248] MM5 [8308](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Albums, Songs WHERE ( ( Albums.id IN (SELECT idAlbum FROM Songs WHERE Songs.id IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'album:mpc*'))) ) AND Albums.ID = Songs.IDAlbum AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) GROUP BY Albums.ID 00005257 158.50616455 [8248] MM5 [8308](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Albums, Songs WHERE ( ( Albums.id IN (SELECT idAlbum FROM Songs WHERE Songs.id IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'album:mpc*'))) ) AND Albums.ID = Songs.IDAlbum AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) GROUP BY Albums.ID 00005258 158.50788879 [8248] MM5 [8308](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE (Artists.Tracks>0 OR Artists.Albums>0) AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'artist:mpc*'))) 00005259 158.51077271 [8248] MM5 [8308](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE (Artists.Tracks>0 OR Artists.Albums>0) AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'artist:mpc*'))) 00005260 158.51354980 [8248] MM5 [8308](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE (Artists.Tracks>0 OR Artists.Albums>0) AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'artist:mpc*'))) 00005261 158.51640320 [8248] MM5 [8308](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE Artists.Authors > 0 AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'author:mpc*'))) 00005262 158.51815796 [8248] MM5 [8308](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Genres WHERE ( Genres.IDGenre IN (SELECT idGenre FROM genresSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'genre:mpc*'))) 00005263 158.51979065 [8248] MM5 [8308](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE Artists.Products > 0 AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'producer:mpc*'))) 00005264 158.52252197 [8248] MM5 [8308](R) DB lock took 16 ms : SELECT * FROM Albums, Songs WHERE ( ( Albums.id IN (SELECT idAlbum FROM Songs WHERE Songs.id IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'album:mpc*'))) ) AND Albums.ID = Songs.IDAlbum AND Songs.TrackType in (2) GROUP BY Albums.ID 00005265 158.52445984 [8248] MM5 [8308](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Albums, Songs WHERE ( ( Albums.id IN (SELECT idAlbum FROM Songs WHERE Songs.id IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'album:mpc*'))) ) AND Albums.ID = Songs.IDAlbum AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) GROUP BY Albums.ID 00005266 158.52883911 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) DB lock took 78 ms : SELECT * FROM Albums, Songs WHERE ( ( Albums.id IN (SELECT idAlbum FROM Songs WHERE Songs.id IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'album:mpc*'))) ) AND Albums.ID = Songs.IDAlbum AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) GROUP BY Albums.ID 00005267 158.52978516 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00005268 158.53010559 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) DB lock took 47 ms : SELECT * FROM Albums, Songs WHERE ( ( Albums.id IN (SELECT idAlbum FROM Songs WHERE Songs.id IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'album:mpc*'))) ) AND Albums.ID = Songs.IDAlbum AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) GROUP BY Albums.ID 00005269 158.53169250 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00005270 158.53356934 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy adding 51 00005271 158.53527832 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE Artists.Authors > 0 AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'author:mpc*'))) 00005272 158.53630066 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 1500ms for 51 00005273 158.53738403 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE Artists.Conducts > 0 AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'conductor:mpc*'))) 00005274 158.53953552 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy adding 51 00005275 158.54061890 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE Artists.Products > 0 AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'producer:mpc*'))) 00005276 158.55044556 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) DB lock took 16 ms : SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE Artists.Conducts > 0 AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'conductor:mpc*'))) 00005277 158.55282593 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 16ms for 51 00005278 158.55479431 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Albums, Songs WHERE ( ( Albums.id IN (SELECT idAlbum FROM Songs WHERE Songs.id IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'album:mpc*'))) ) AND Albums.ID = Songs.IDAlbum AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) GROUP BY Albums.ID 00005279 158.55725098 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Albums, Songs WHERE ( ( Albums.id IN (SELECT idAlbum FROM Songs WHERE Songs.id IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'album:mpc*'))) ) AND Albums.ID = Songs.IDAlbum AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) GROUP BY Albums.ID 00005280 158.56088257 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE Artists.Conducts > 0 AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'conductor:mpc*'))) 00005281 158.56289673 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE Artists.Roles > 0 AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'actors:mpc*'))) 00005282 158.56492615 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Albums, Songs WHERE ( ( Albums.id IN (SELECT idAlbum FROM Songs WHERE Songs.id IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'album:mpc*'))) ) AND Albums.ID = Songs.IDAlbum AND Songs.TrackType in (2) GROUP BY Albums.ID 00005283 158.56738281 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Albums, Songs WHERE ( ( Albums.id IN (SELECT idAlbum FROM Songs WHERE Songs.id IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'album:mpc*'))) ) AND Albums.ID = Songs.IDAlbum AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) GROUP BY Albums.ID 00005284 158.56970215 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Albums, Songs WHERE ( ( Albums.id IN (SELECT idAlbum FROM Songs WHERE Songs.id IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'album:mpc*'))) ) AND Albums.ID = Songs.IDAlbum AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) GROUP BY Albums.ID 00005285 158.57966614 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE Artists.Conducts > 0 AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'conductor:mpc*'))) 00005286 158.58134460 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Genres WHERE ( Genres.IDGenre IN (SELECT idGenre FROM genresSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'genre:mpc*'))) 00005287 158.58345032 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE Artists.Products > 0 AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'producer:mpc*'))) 00005288 158.58503723 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Albums, Songs WHERE ( ( Albums.id IN (SELECT idAlbum FROM Songs WHERE Songs.id IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'album:mpc*'))) ) AND Albums.ID = Songs.IDAlbum AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) GROUP BY Albums.ID 00005289 158.58781433 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Albums, Songs WHERE ( ( Albums.id IN (SELECT idAlbum FROM Songs WHERE Songs.id IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'album:mpc*'))) ) AND Albums.ID = Songs.IDAlbum AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) GROUP BY Albums.ID 00005290 158.59059143 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) DB lock took 16 ms : SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE (Artists.Tracks>0 OR Artists.Albums>0) AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'artist:mpc*'))) 00005291 158.59237671 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE (Artists.Tracks>0 OR Artists.Albums>0) AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'artist:mpc*'))) 00005292 158.59492493 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE Artists.Authors > 0 AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'author:mpc*'))) 00005293 158.59713745 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Genres WHERE ( Genres.IDGenre IN (SELECT idGenre FROM genresSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'genre:mpc*'))) 00005294 158.59907532 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE Artists.Products > 0 AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'producer:mpc*'))) 00005295 158.60154724 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE (Artists.Tracks>0 OR Artists.Albums>0) AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'artist:mpc*'))) 00005296 158.60404968 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE (Artists.Tracks>0 OR Artists.Albums>0) AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'artist:mpc*'))) 00005297 158.60531616 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM Albums, Songs WHERE ( ( Albums.id IN (SELECT idAlbum FROM Songs WHERE Songs.id IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'album:mpc*'))) ) AND Albums.ID = Songs.IDAlbum AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) GROUP BY Albums.ID 00005298 158.60810852 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE Artists.Conducts > 0 AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'conductor:mpc*'))) 00005299 158.61073303 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE Artists.Roles > 0 AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'actors:mpc*'))) 00005300 158.61837769 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.* FROM Artists WHERE Artists.Products > 0 AND ( Artists.id IN (SELECT idArtist FROM artistsSongs WHERE idSong IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH 'producer:mpc*'))) 00005301 158.62176514 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') AND TrackType IN (5,6,4,7) 00005302 158.62464905 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') 00005303 158.62657166 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') 00005304 158.62921143 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00005305 158.63105774 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00005306 158.66546631 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00005307 158.66888428 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00005308 158.66920471 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00005309 158.67007446 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00005310 158.67042542 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy adding 51 00005311 158.67079163 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy adding 51 00005312 158.67114258 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 47ms for 0 00005313 158.67288208 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 47ms for 51 00005314 158.67431641 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 47ms for 51 00005315 158.67668152 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') 00005316 158.67897034 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.Id AS SongID FROM Songs WHERE (Songs.TrackType in (3) OR Songs.ID IN (SELECT IDSong FROM GenresSongs WHERE GenresSongs.IDGenre IN ( SELECT Genres.IDGenre FROM Genres WHERE Genres.IDGenre in (8,82)))) LIMIT 1 00005317 158.68139648 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00005318 158.68486023 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) DB lock took 15 ms : SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') 00005319 158.68579102 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00005320 158.68768311 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00005321 158.68949890 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.Id AS SongID FROM Songs WHERE Songs.TrackType in (4) LIMIT 1 00005322 158.68998718 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy adding 51 00005323 158.69035339 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00005324 158.69085693 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy adding 51 00005325 158.69224548 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 15ms for 51 00005326 158.69334412 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.Id AS SongID FROM Songs WHERE Songs.TrackType in (6) LIMIT 1 00005327 158.69404602 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Count(*) FROM Songs WHERE ( Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) ) 00005328 158.69860840 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') 00005329 158.70042419 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) DB lock took 16 ms : SELECT Songs.Id AS SongID FROM Songs WHERE Songs.TrackType in (6) LIMIT 1 00005330 158.70722961 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00005331 158.70899963 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00005332 158.70936584 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 0ms for 51 00005333 160.53330994 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00005334 161.70097351 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) DB: Deleting prepared query: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00005335 170.53784180 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00005336 179.53961182 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) DB: COMMIT transaction 00005337 179.56655884 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) DB lock took 15 ms : COMMIT 00005338 180.55314636 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00005339 184.30261230 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_DeviceName=Google Pixel 2 XL - Internal shared storage_ItemID=DeviceConfig.xml , Range: < -1, -1> 00005340 184.30291748 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00005341 184.30323792 [8248] MM5 [9332](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00005342 184.30349731 [8248] GetSyncSettingsForDevice: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00005343 184.30374146 [8248] MM5 [9332](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00005344 184.31349182 [8248] MM5 [9332](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00005345 184.31504822 [8248] UPnP Server: Creating HTTP entity 00005346 184.43338013 [8248] UPnP: _UploadRequest: Header: --on5eSCNZR7xsznNjh4LWD3eGAXLNfTG4U 00005347 184.43338013 [8248] Content-Disposition: form-data; name="SettingsUpload:DeviceID:710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482" 00005348 184.43338013 [8248] 00005349 184.43338013 [8248] com.ventismedia.android.mediamonkey.player.tracklist.track.RemoteTrack:Google Pixel 2 XL - Internal shared storage1\Music\%R\%L\%02T $Left(%A,20) - %S\Music\Classical\%C\%L\%02T $Left(%A,20) - %S\Music\Audiobooks\%L - %A\%02T %S\Music\Podcasts\%ZU\%ZP %S\Video\Podcasts\%ZU\%ZP %S\Video\%S - %Y\Video\Music Video\%R - %L\%02T %S\Video\TV\%ZV\%02ZY %S1\Playlists\10001101albumart010\Video\\Music\\Video\\Music\ 00005350 184.43338013 [8248] --on5eSCNZR7xsznNjh4LWD3eGAXLNfTG4U-- 00005351 184.43380737 [8248] MM5 [6704](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00005352 184.50155640 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_DeviceName=Google Pixel 2 XL - Internal shared storage_ItemID=DeviceConfig.xml , Range: < -1, -1> 00005353 184.50436401 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00005354 184.50468445 [8248] MM5 [11392](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00005355 184.50497437 [8248] GetSyncSettingsForDevice: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00005356 184.50521851 [8248] MM5 [11392](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00005357 184.50915527 [8248] MM5 [11392](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00005358 184.50932312 [8248] UPnP Server: Serving file D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\DeviceConfig(710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482).xml, ExternalStream = 0, FileLen = 2894 00005359 184.51000977 [8248] UPnP Server: Creating HTTP entity 00005360 186.21435547 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00005361 186.22227478 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) _BrowseRequest started 00005362 186.22253418 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00005363 186.22280884 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) PostponeComputerSleep: SetThreadExecutionState exists 00005364 186.22326660 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) PostponeComputerSleep: SetThreadExecutionState result = $80000001 00005365 186.22352600 [8248] GetDeviceLibraryIDForDevice: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00005366 186.22377014 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00005367 186.22581482 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT NULL FROM DBInfo WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchLocation WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=1) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchArtist WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=1) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchAlbum WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=1) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchGenre WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=1) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchRating WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=1) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchPodcast WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=1) ) 00005368 186.22706604 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM SynchCollection WHERE IDCollection = 2 AND IDDevice = 677 00005369 186.22837830 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM MediaServerFilters WHERE IDMediaServer = 1 AND IDFilter = 2 00005370 186.22917175 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT NULL FROM DBInfo WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchLocation WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=3) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchArtist WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=3) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchAlbum WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=3) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchGenre WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=3) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchRating WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=3) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchPodcast WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=3) ) 00005371 186.23010254 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM SynchCollection WHERE IDCollection = 4 AND IDDevice = 677 00005372 186.23098755 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM MediaServerFilters WHERE IDMediaServer = 1 AND IDFilter = 4 00005373 186.23173523 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT NULL FROM DBInfo WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchLocation WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=5) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchArtist WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=5) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchAlbum WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=5) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchGenre WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=5) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchRating WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=5) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchPodcast WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=5) ) 00005374 186.23266602 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM SynchCollection WHERE IDCollection = 6 AND IDDevice = 677 00005375 186.23355103 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM MediaServerFilters WHERE IDMediaServer = 1 AND IDFilter = 6 00005376 186.23432922 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT NULL FROM DBInfo WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchLocation WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=7) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchArtist WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=7) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchAlbum WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=7) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchGenre WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=7) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchRating WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=7) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchPodcast WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=7) ) 00005377 186.23524475 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM SynchCollection WHERE IDCollection = 8 AND IDDevice = 677 00005378 186.23611450 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM MediaServerFilters WHERE IDMediaServer = 1 AND IDFilter = 8 00005379 186.23674011 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT null FROM SynchCollection WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=0 00005380 186.23741150 [8248] TMediaContentBrowser.AddItemList, Count: 1, SearchWord: 00005381 186.23802185 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.storageFolder, Title: Music 00005382 186.23857117 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.storageFolder, Title: Podcasts 00005383 186.23907471 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.storageFolder, Title: Music Video 00005384 186.23959351 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.storageFolder, Title: TV 00005385 189.34033203 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00005386 189.34809875 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) _BrowseRequest started 00005387 189.35021973 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00005388 189.35054016 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00005389 189.35079956 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00005390 189.35127258 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT NULL FROM SynchPodcast WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=3 00005391 189.35221863 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT NULL FROM SynchRating WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=3 00005392 189.35289001 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.storageFolder, Title: Subscriptions 00005393 189.35343933 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.storageFolder, Title: Rating 00005394 190.61424255 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00005395 190.78019714 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00005396 190.78811646 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) _BrowseRequest started 00005397 190.78842163 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00005398 190.78874207 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00005399 190.78900146 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00005400 190.79066467 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Podcasts.* FROM Podcasts ORDER BY Podcasts.PodcastName 00005401 190.79208374 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT SynchPodcast.* FROM SynchPodcast WHERE SynchPodcast.FilterID = 3 AND SynchPodcast.IDPodcast = 41 AND SynchPodcast.IDDevice = 677 00005402 190.79266357 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT SynchPodcast.* FROM SynchPodcast WHERE SynchPodcast.FilterID = 3 AND SynchPodcast.IDPodcast = 17 AND SynchPodcast.IDDevice = 677 00005403 190.79321289 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT SynchPodcast.* FROM SynchPodcast WHERE SynchPodcast.FilterID = 3 AND SynchPodcast.IDPodcast = 9 AND SynchPodcast.IDDevice = 677 00005404 190.79374695 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT SynchPodcast.* FROM SynchPodcast WHERE SynchPodcast.FilterID = 3 AND SynchPodcast.IDPodcast = 35 AND SynchPodcast.IDDevice = 677 00005405 190.79431152 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT SynchPodcast.* FROM SynchPodcast WHERE SynchPodcast.FilterID = 3 AND SynchPodcast.IDPodcast = 37 AND SynchPodcast.IDDevice = 677 00005406 190.79486084 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT SynchPodcast.* FROM SynchPodcast WHERE SynchPodcast.FilterID = 3 AND SynchPodcast.IDPodcast = 54 AND SynchPodcast.IDDevice = 677 00005407 190.79537964 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT SynchPodcast.* FROM SynchPodcast WHERE SynchPodcast.FilterID = 3 AND SynchPodcast.IDPodcast = 55 AND SynchPodcast.IDDevice = 677 00005408 190.79589844 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT SynchPodcast.* FROM SynchPodcast WHERE SynchPodcast.FilterID = 3 AND SynchPodcast.IDPodcast = 18 AND SynchPodcast.IDDevice = 677 00005409 190.79644775 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT SynchPodcast.* FROM SynchPodcast WHERE SynchPodcast.FilterID = 3 AND SynchPodcast.IDPodcast = 14 AND SynchPodcast.IDDevice = 677 00005410 190.79698181 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT SynchPodcast.* FROM SynchPodcast WHERE SynchPodcast.FilterID = 3 AND SynchPodcast.IDPodcast = 56 AND SynchPodcast.IDDevice = 677 00005411 190.79751587 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT SynchPodcast.* FROM SynchPodcast WHERE SynchPodcast.FilterID = 3 AND SynchPodcast.IDPodcast = 43 AND SynchPodcast.IDDevice = 677 00005412 190.79803467 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT SynchPodcast.* FROM SynchPodcast WHERE SynchPodcast.FilterID = 3 AND SynchPodcast.IDPodcast = 11 AND SynchPodcast.IDDevice = 677 00005413 190.79937744 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00005414 190.79997253 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.storageFolder, Title: BrainStuff 00005415 190.80053711 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.storageFolder, Title: Freakonomics Radio 00005416 190.80107117 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.storageFolder, Title: NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast 00005417 190.80162048 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.storageFolder, Title: Radio Show – Dennis Prager Show – Pragertopia 00005418 190.80216980 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.storageFolder, Title: Revisionist History 00005419 190.80270386 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.storageFolder, Title: Slate Money 00005420 190.80325317 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.storageFolder, Title: Studio 360 With Kurt Andersen 00005421 190.80377197 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.storageFolder, Title: Stuff You Missed in History Class 00005422 190.80438232 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.storageFolder, Title: TED Radio Hour 00005423 190.80490112 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.storageFolder, Title: The Leviathan Chronicles 00005424 190.84967041 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00005425 190.85026550 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.storageFolder, Title: The Naked Scientists Radio Show 00005426 190.85083008 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.storageFolder, Title: This American Life 00005427 195.44911194 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00005428 195.45690918 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) _BrowseRequest started 00005429 195.45716858 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00005430 195.45750427 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00005431 195.45973206 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00005432 195.46020508 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT NULL FROM SynchPodcast WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=3 00005433 195.46116638 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT NULL FROM SynchRating WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=3 00005434 195.46217346 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.storageFolder, Title: Subscriptions 00005435 195.46272278 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.storageFolder, Title: Rating 00005436 196.52665710 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00005437 196.53469849 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) _BrowseRequest started 00005438 196.53495789 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00005439 196.53527832 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00005440 196.53553772 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00005441 196.53590393 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM SynchCollection WHERE IDCollection = 1 AND IDDevice = 677 00005442 196.53706360 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM MediaServerFilters WHERE IDMediaServer = 1 AND IDFilter = 1 00005443 196.53790283 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT NULL FROM DBInfo WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchLocation WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=2) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchArtist WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=2) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchAlbum WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=2) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchGenre WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=2) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchRating WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=2) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchPodcast WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=2) ) 00005444 196.53884888 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM SynchCollection WHERE IDCollection = 3 AND IDDevice = 677 00005445 196.53976440 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM MediaServerFilters WHERE IDMediaServer = 1 AND IDFilter = 3 00005446 196.54051208 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT NULL FROM DBInfo WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchLocation WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=4) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchArtist WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=4) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchAlbum WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=4) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchGenre WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=4) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchRating WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=4) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchPodcast WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=4) ) 00005447 196.54158020 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM SynchCollection WHERE IDCollection = 5 AND IDDevice = 677 00005448 196.54258728 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM MediaServerFilters WHERE IDMediaServer = 1 AND IDFilter = 5 00005449 196.54345703 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT NULL FROM DBInfo WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchLocation WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=6) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchArtist WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=6) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchAlbum WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=6) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchGenre WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=6) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchRating WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=6) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchPodcast WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=6) ) 00005450 196.54447937 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM SynchCollection WHERE IDCollection = 7 AND IDDevice = 677 00005451 196.54544067 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM MediaServerFilters WHERE IDMediaServer = 1 AND IDFilter = 7 00005452 196.54624939 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT NULL FROM DBInfo WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchLocation WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=8) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchArtist WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=8) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchAlbum WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=8) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchGenre WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=8) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchRating WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=8) OR EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM SynchPodcast WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=8) ) 00005453 196.54718018 [8248] TMediaContentBrowser.AddItemList, Count: 7, SearchWord: 00005454 196.54798889 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) DB open SQL: SELECT null FROM SynchPlaylist WHERE SynchPlaylist.IDDevice=677 00005455 196.54861450 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00005456 196.54928589 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.storageFolder, Title: Classical Music 00005457 196.54991150 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.storageFolder, Title: Audiobooks 00005458 196.55052185 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.storageFolder, Title: Video 00005459 196.55119324 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.storageFolder, Title: Playlists 00005460 198.06228638 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_DeviceName=Google Pixel 2 XL - Internal shared storage_ItemID=DeviceConfig.xml , Range: < -1, -1> 00005461 198.06289673 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00005462 198.06916809 [8248] MM5 [9672](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00005463 198.06944275 [8248] GetSyncSettingsForDevice: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00005464 198.06968689 [8248] MM5 [9672](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00005465 198.07363892 [8248] MM5 [9672](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00005466 198.07426453 [8248] UPnP Server: Creating HTTP entity 00005467 198.17919922 [8248] UPnP: _UploadRequest: Header: --DLmSZwQoVVWH3b6J6jyEh3w9k_puJLP7hxlaC 00005468 198.17919922 [8248] Content-Disposition: form-data; name="SettingsUpload:DeviceID:710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482" 00005469 198.17919922 [8248] 00005470 198.17919922 [8248] com.ventismedia.android.mediamonkey.player.tracklist.track.RemoteTrack:Google Pixel 2 XL - Internal shared storage1\Music\%R\%L\%02T $Left(%A,20) - %S\Music\Classical\%C\%L\%02T $Left(%A,20) - %S\Music\Audiobooks\%L - %A\%02T %S\Music\Podcasts\%ZU\%ZP %S\Video\Podcasts\%ZU\%ZP %S\Video\%S - %Y\Video\Music Video\%R - %L\%02T %S\Video\TV\%ZV\%02ZY %S1\Playlists\10001101albumart010\Video\\Music\\Video\\Music\ 00005471 198.17919922 [8248] --DLmSZwQoVVWH3b6J6jyEh3w9k_puJLP7hxlaC-- 00005472 198.17948914 [8248] MM5 [1264](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00005473 198.24603271 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_DeviceName=Google Pixel 2 XL - Internal shared storage_ItemID=DeviceConfig.xml , Range: < -1, -1> 00005474 198.24635315 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00005475 198.24671936 [8248] MM5 [5152](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00005476 198.24705505 [8248] GetSyncSettingsForDevice: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00005477 198.24734497 [8248] MM5 [5152](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00005478 198.25236511 [8248] MM5 [5152](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00005479 198.25306702 [8248] UPnP Server: Creating HTTP entity 00005480 200.61567688 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00005481 210.63194275 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00005482 216.22377014 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) PostponeComputerSleep: Enabled = 0 00005483 216.22436523 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) PostponeComputerSleep: SetThreadExecutionState result = $80000001 00005484 220.64718628 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00005485 230.66345215 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00005486 240.69009399 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00005487 250.69503784 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00005488 260.71209717 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00005489 260.71578979 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Wait for event ID :3, delay :10000, callstack : 00005490 270.73477173 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00005491 270.74835205 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Wait for event ID :3, delay :10000, callstack : 00005492 270.91149902 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00005493 270.91711426 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/empty.html 00005494 270.99243164 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00005495 273.40356445 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from to 00005496 273.41320801 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TSharedWindow created. 00005497 273.43069458 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00005498 273.44113159 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgExtensions.html 00005499 273.44522095 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/dlgExtensions.html to dialogs/dlgExtensions.html 00005500 273.44567871 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/dlgExtensions.html" 00005501 273.44955444 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/dlgExtensions_add.html to dialogs/dlgExtensions_add.html 00005502 273.48397827 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserCreated 4 00005503 273.49121094 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) initializeLocals 00005504 273.73104858 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00005505 273.82373047 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnContextCreated file:///dialogs/dlgExtensions.html (4) 00005506 273.82504272 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///mminit.js 00005507 273.82510376 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///mminit.js to mminit.js 00005508 273.82955933 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\mminit.js" 00005509 273.83007813 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///mminit_add.js to mminit_add.js 00005510 273.83349609 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgExtensions.js 00005511 273.83401489 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/dlgExtensions.js to dialogs/dlgExtensions.js 00005512 273.83822632 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/dlgExtensions.js" 00005513 273.83883667 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/dlgExtensions_add.js to dialogs/dlgExtensions_add.js 00005514 273.87850952 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///promise.js 00005515 273.87985229 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///promise.js to promise.js 00005516 273.88204956 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\promise.js" 00005517 273.88244629 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///promise_add.js to promise_add.js 00005518 273.89865112 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///binding.js 00005519 273.89956665 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///binding.js to binding.js 00005520 273.90222168 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\binding.js" 00005521 273.90261841 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///binding_add.js to binding_add.js 00005522 273.91006470 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00005523 273.91287231 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00005524 273.91296387 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00005525 273.91479492 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/observableObject.js 00005526 273.92276001 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/observableObject.js to helpers/observableObject.js 00005527 273.92654419 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/observableObject.js" 00005528 273.92694092 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/observableObject_add.js to helpers/observableObject_add.js 00005529 273.93249512 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///utils.js 00005530 273.93261719 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///utils.js to utils.js 00005531 273.93621826 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\utils.js" 00005532 273.93658447 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///utils_add.js to utils_add.js 00005533 273.94195557 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///animationTools.js 00005534 273.94207764 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///animationTools.js to animationTools.js 00005535 273.94552612 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\animationTools.js" 00005536 273.94601440 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///animationTools_add.js to animationTools_add.js 00005537 273.95407104 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///velocity.js 00005538 273.95419312 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///velocity.js to velocity.js 00005539 273.95755005 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\velocity.js" 00005540 273.95816040 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///velocity_add.js to velocity_add.js 00005541 273.98236084 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/tooltipController.js 00005542 273.98620605 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/tooltipController.js to controls/tooltipController.js 00005543 273.98666382 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/tooltipController.js" 00005544 273.98736572 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/tooltipController_add.js to controls/tooltipController_add.js 00005545 273.99185181 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/control.js 00005546 273.99197388 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/control.js to controls/control.js 00005547 273.99548340 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/control.js" 00005548 273.99594116 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/control_add.js to controls/control_add.js 00005549 274.00628662 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///dndutils.js 00005550 274.00643921 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dndutils.js to dndutils.js 00005551 274.00976563 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dndutils.js" 00005552 274.01016235 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dndutils_add.js to dndutils_add.js 00005553 274.01678467 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/popupmenu.js 00005554 274.01690674 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/popupmenu.js to controls/popupmenu.js 00005555 274.02041626 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/popupmenu.js" 00005556 274.02090454 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/popupmenu_add.js to controls/popupmenu_add.js 00005557 274.03283691 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///actions.js 00005558 274.03594971 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///actions.js to actions.js 00005559 274.03652954 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\actions.js" 00005560 274.03799438 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///actions_add.js to actions_add.js 00005561 274.04055786 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\redoNavbarButton\actions_add.js" 00005562 274.04138184 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\exportPodcasts\actions_add.js" 00005563 274.06695557 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchTools.js 00005564 274.06716919 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchTools.js to helpers/searchTools.js 00005565 274.07122803 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchTools.js" 00005566 274.07794189 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchTools_add.js to helpers/searchTools_add.js 00005567 274.07821655 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/docking.js 00005568 274.08236694 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/docking.js" 00005569 274.09182739 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/autoTagFramework.js 00005570 274.09603882 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/autoTagFramework.js" 00005571 274.10293579 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js 00005572 274.10690308 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js to helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js 00005573 274.10751343 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js" 00005574 274.11825562 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchMusicbrainz_add.js to helpers/searchMusicbrainz_add.js 00005575 274.11865234 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchCommon.js to helpers/searchCommon.js 00005576 274.12255859 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchCommon_add.js to helpers/searchCommon_add.js 00005577 274.12927246 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/musicBrainz.js 00005578 274.13351440 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/musicBrainz.js" 00005579 274.15084839 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/acoustID.js 00005580 274.15460205 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/acoustID.js" 00005581 274.15985107 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///consts.js 00005582 274.16339111 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\consts.js" 00005583 274.16375732 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///consts_add.js to consts_add.js 00005584 274.16857910 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchTVDB.js 00005585 274.17236328 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchTVDB.js" 00005586 274.17276001 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchTVDB_add.js to helpers/searchTVDB_add.js 00005587 274.17843628 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/tvdb.js 00005588 274.18246460 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/tvdb.js" 00005589 274.18917847 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/tvmaze.js 00005590 274.19326782 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/tvmaze.js" 00005591 274.19802856 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/imdb.js 00005592 274.20220947 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/imdb.js" 00005593 274.20770264 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchIMDb.js 00005594 274.21136475 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchIMDb.js" 00005595 274.21282959 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchIMDb_add.js to helpers/searchIMDb_add.js 00005596 274.21789551 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/dockableDialog.js 00005597 274.22171021 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/dockableDialog.js" 00005598 274.22775269 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///playerUtils.js 00005599 274.23123169 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\playerUtils.js" 00005600 274.23168945 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///playerUtils_add.js to playerUtils_add.js 00005601 274.23822021 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/embeddedWindow.js 00005602 274.24194336 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/embeddedWindow.js" 00005603 274.24771118 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/switchWindow.js 00005604 274.25195313 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/switchWindow.js" 00005605 274.27783203 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/checkbox.js 00005606 274.28158569 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/checkbox.js" 00005607 274.28820801 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/innerWindow.js 00005608 274.29183960 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/innerWindow.js" 00005609 274.30224609 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/addonlistview.js 00005610 274.30645752 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/addonlistview.js" 00005611 274.31130981 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/listview.js 00005612 274.31497192 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/listview.js" 00005613 274.31555176 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/listview_add.js to controls/listview_add.js 00005614 274.50936890 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 625ms. 00005615 274.50936890 [8248] Task callstack : 00005616 274.50970459 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Previous tasks : 00005617 274.50997925 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Running at 150726109 00005618 274.50997925 [8248] ============================================= 00005619 274.52319336 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Running at 150721203 00005620 274.52319336 [8248] ============================================= 00005621 274.52371216 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Running at 150721046 00005622 274.52371216 [8248] ============================================= 00005623 274.52398682 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Running at 150720703 00005624 274.52398682 [8248] ============================================= 00005625 274.53576660 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Running at 150720625 00005626 274.53576660 [8248] ============================================= 00005627 274.53607178 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Running at 150720171 00005628 274.53607178 [8248] ============================================= 00005629 274.53662109 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Running at 150720140 00005630 274.53662109 [8248] ============================================= 00005631 274.54763794 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Running at 150720125 00005632 274.54763794 [8248] ============================================= 00005633 274.54794312 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Running at 150720046 00005634 274.54794312 [8248] ============================================= 00005635 274.54824829 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///temp/precompiledLess.css to D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\precompiledLess.css 00005636 274.54913330 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///temp/precompiledLess_add.css to D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\precompiledLess_add.css 00005637 274.55480957 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 672ms. 00005638 274.55480957 [8248] Task callstack : 00005639 274.55511475 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Previous tasks : 00005640 274.55603027 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Running at 151485859 00005641 274.55603027 [8248] ============================================= 00005642 274.55636597 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Running at 150721203 00005643 274.55636597 [8248] ============================================= 00005644 274.55664063 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Running at 150721046 00005645 274.55664063 [8248] ============================================= 00005646 274.55691528 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Running at 150720703 00005647 274.55691528 [8248] ============================================= 00005648 274.55722046 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Running at 150720281 00005649 274.55722046 [8248] ============================================= 00005650 274.55755615 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Running at 150720156 00005651 274.55755615 [8248] ============================================= 00005652 274.55780029 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Running at 150720125 00005653 274.55780029 [8248] ============================================= 00005654 274.68881226 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Current User Scripts Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Scripts\ 00005655 274.68975830 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ******** currentMD5=AE1D4F99B32175A08CB9AFF27B62E14A, precompiledLessMD5=AE1D4F99B32175A08CB9AFF27B62E14A, currentTimestamp=0, precompiledLessTimestamp=0 00005656 274.70739746 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf 00005657 274.71209717 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf" 00005658 274.71710205 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/windowtitle.js 00005659 274.71966553 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/windowtitle.js to controls/windowtitle.js 00005660 274.72183228 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/windowtitle_add.js to controls/windowtitle_add.js 00005661 274.72924805 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) AnimationTime set to 0.3s 00005662 274.73229980 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/windowtitle.html 00005663 274.73602295 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/windowtitle.html" 00005664 274.73645020 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/windowtitle_add.html to controls/windowtitle_add.html 00005665 274.74978638 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/dropdown.js 00005666 274.75347900 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/dropdown.js" 00005667 274.76525879 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 2 threads of 10 00005668 274.76895142 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/edit.js to controls/edit.js 00005669 274.77285767 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/edit.js" 00005670 274.79235840 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/buttons.js 00005671 274.79605103 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/buttons.js" 00005672 274.79644775 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/buttons_add.js to controls/buttons_add.js 00005673 274.80206299 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/button.js 00005674 274.80584717 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/button.js" 00005675 274.80609131 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/button_add.js to controls/button_add.js 00005676 274.81085205 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/menuButton.js 00005677 274.81451416 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/menuButton.js" 00005678 274.81961060 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/iconbutton.js 00005679 274.92709351 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 10 threads of 10 00005680 274.95297241 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ready event call 4 00005681 274.95358276 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) notifyReady called 00005682 274.95950317 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00005683 275.41931152 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 1141ms. 00005684 275.41931152 [8248] Task callstack : 00005685 275.41964722 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Previous tasks : 00005686 275.41995239 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Running at 151603296 00005687 275.41995239 [8248] ============================================= 00005688 275.42022705 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Running at 150726109 00005689 275.42022705 [8248] ============================================= 00005690 275.42053223 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Running at 150721062 00005691 275.42053223 [8248] ============================================= 00005692 275.42095947 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Running at 150720703 00005693 275.42095947 [8248] ============================================= 00005694 275.42126465 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Running at 150720625 00005695 275.42126465 [8248] ============================================= 00005696 275.42153931 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Running at 150720171 00005697 275.42153931 [8248] ============================================= 00005698 275.42306519 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Running at 150720140 00005699 275.42306519 [8248] ============================================= 00005700 275.42340088 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/star.svg 00005701 275.42666626 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 657ms. 00005702 275.42666626 [8248] Task callstack : 00005703 275.42687988 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) JS Callstack: 00005704 275.42687988 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadFile ; Row: 417 ; Col: 38 00005705 275.42687988 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadIcon ; Row: 688 ; Col: 13 00005706 275.42687988 [8248] Script: file:///controls/dropdown.js ; Func: initialize ; Row: 141 ; Col: 9 00005707 275.42687988 [8248] Script: file:///controls/control.js ; Func: window.classCreation ; Row: 1653 ; Col: 14 00005708 275.42687988 [8248] Script: undefined ; Func: Dropdown ; Row: 3 ; Col: 56 00005709 275.42687988 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: loadClass ; Row: 1415 ; Col: 36 00005710 275.42687988 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.initializeControl ; Row: 1433 ; Col: 21 00005711 275.42687988 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.forEach ; Row: 871 ; Col: 9 00005712 275.42687988 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.initializeControls ; Row: 1449 ; Col: 5 00005713 275.42687988 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2159 ; Col: 5 00005714 275.42721558 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Running at 151604203 00005715 275.42721558 [8248] ============================================= 00005716 275.42752075 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Running at 151603296 00005717 275.42752075 [8248] ============================================= 00005718 275.42837524 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Running at 150726109 00005719 275.42837524 [8248] ============================================= 00005720 275.42868042 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Running at 150721062 00005721 275.42868042 [8248] ============================================= 00005722 275.42895508 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Running at 150720703 00005723 275.42895508 [8248] ============================================= 00005724 275.42926025 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Running at 150720625 00005725 275.42926025 [8248] ============================================= 00005726 275.42953491 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Running at 150720171 00005727 275.42953491 [8248] ============================================= 00005728 275.42990112 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Running at 150720140 00005729 275.42990112 [8248] ============================================= 00005730 275.44467163 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/dropdown.svg 00005731 275.45901489 [8248] MM5 [10660](R) JS Callstack: 00005732 275.45901489 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadFile ; Row: 417 ; Col: 38 00005733 275.45901489 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadIcon ; Row: 688 ; Col: 13 00005734 275.45901489 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1455 ; Col: 13 00005735 275.45901489 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.forEach ; Row: 871 ; Col: 9 00005736 275.45901489 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.initializeControls ; Row: 1452 ; Col: 5 00005737 275.45901489 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2159 ; Col: 5 00005738 275.45901489 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 2134 ; Col: 13 00005739 275.45935059 [8248] MM5 [10660](R) Running at 151604203 00005740 275.45935059 [8248] ============================================= 00005741 275.45962524 [8248] MM5 [10660](R) Running at 151603343 00005742 275.45962524 [8248] ============================================= 00005743 275.47079468 [8248] MM5 [10660](R) Running at 151485859 00005744 275.47079468 [8248] ============================================= 00005745 275.47119141 [8248] MM5 [10660](R) Running at 150721203 00005746 275.47119141 [8248] ============================================= 00005747 275.47146606 [8248] MM5 [10660](R) Running at 150721046 00005748 275.47146606 [8248] ============================================= 00005749 275.52301025 [8248] MM5 [10660](R) Running at 150720703 00005750 275.52301025 [8248] ============================================= 00005751 275.52334595 [8248] MM5 [10660](R) Running at 150720625 00005752 275.52334595 [8248] ============================================= 00005753 275.53433228 [8248] MM5 [10660](R) Running at 150720281 00005754 275.53433228 [8248] ============================================= 00005755 275.53469849 [8248] MM5 [10660](R) Running at 150720156 00005756 275.53469849 [8248] ============================================= 00005757 275.54910278 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 703ms. 00005758 275.54910278 [8248] Task callstack : 00005759 275.56408691 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Previous tasks : 00005760 275.56439209 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151604203 00005761 275.56439209 [8248] ============================================= 00005762 275.56469727 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151603343 00005763 275.56469727 [8248] ============================================= 00005764 275.56518555 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151485859 00005765 275.56518555 [8248] ============================================= 00005766 275.56549072 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 150721203 00005767 275.56549072 [8248] ============================================= 00005768 275.56582642 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 150721046 00005769 275.56582642 [8248] ============================================= 00005770 275.56610107 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 150720703 00005771 275.56610107 [8248] ============================================= 00005772 275.56637573 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 150720281 00005773 275.56637573 [8248] ============================================= 00005774 275.56671143 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/mainMenu.svg 00005775 275.56774902 [8248] MM5 [5428](R) JS Callstack: 00005776 275.56774902 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadFile ; Row: 417 ; Col: 38 00005777 275.56774902 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadIcon ; Row: 688 ; Col: 13 00005778 275.56774902 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1455 ; Col: 13 00005779 275.56774902 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.forEach ; Row: 871 ; Col: 9 00005780 275.56774902 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.initializeControls ; Row: 1452 ; Col: 5 00005781 275.56774902 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2159 ; Col: 5 00005782 275.56774902 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 2134 ; Col: 13 00005783 275.56805420 [8248] MM5 [5428](R) Running at 151604328 00005784 275.56805420 [8248] ============================================= 00005785 275.56832886 [8248] MM5 [5428](R) Running at 151604203 00005786 275.56832886 [8248] ============================================= 00005787 275.56881714 [8248] MM5 [5428](R) Running at 151603343 00005788 275.56881714 [8248] ============================================= 00005789 275.56909180 [8248] MM5 [5428](R) Running at 151485859 00005790 275.56909180 [8248] ============================================= 00005791 275.56939697 [8248] MM5 [5428](R) Running at 150721203 00005792 275.56939697 [8248] ============================================= 00005793 275.56967163 [8248] MM5 [5428](R) Running at 150721046 00005794 275.56967163 [8248] ============================================= 00005795 275.56994629 [8248] MM5 [5428](R) Running at 150720703 00005796 275.56994629 [8248] ============================================= 00005797 275.57022095 [8248] MM5 [5428](R) Running at 150720281 00005798 275.57022095 [8248] ============================================= 00005799 275.57131958 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 719ms. 00005800 275.57131958 [8248] Task callstack : 00005801 275.57220459 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) Previous tasks : 00005802 275.57254028 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) Running at 151604328 00005803 275.57254028 [8248] ============================================= 00005804 275.57284546 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) Running at 151604203 00005805 275.57284546 [8248] ============================================= 00005806 275.57312012 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) Running at 151603343 00005807 275.57312012 [8248] ============================================= 00005808 275.57339478 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) Running at 151485859 00005809 275.57339478 [8248] ============================================= 00005810 275.57373047 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) Running at 150721203 00005811 275.57373047 [8248] ============================================= 00005812 275.57403564 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) Running at 150721046 00005813 275.57403564 [8248] ============================================= 00005814 275.57431030 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) Running at 150720703 00005815 275.57431030 [8248] ============================================= 00005816 275.57464600 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/maximize.svg 00005817 275.57565308 [8248] MM5 [10924](R) JS Callstack: 00005818 275.57565308 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadFile ; Row: 417 ; Col: 38 00005819 275.57565308 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadIcon ; Row: 688 ; Col: 13 00005820 275.57565308 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1455 ; Col: 13 00005821 275.57565308 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.forEach ; Row: 871 ; Col: 9 00005822 275.57565308 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.initializeControls ; Row: 1452 ; Col: 5 00005823 275.57565308 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2159 ; Col: 5 00005824 275.57565308 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 2134 ; Col: 13 00005825 275.57592773 [8248] MM5 [10924](R) Running at 151604359 00005826 275.57592773 [8248] ============================================= 00005827 275.57620239 [8248] MM5 [10924](R) Running at 151604328 00005828 275.57620239 [8248] ============================================= 00005829 275.57650757 [8248] MM5 [10924](R) Running at 151604203 00005830 275.57650757 [8248] ============================================= 00005831 275.57681274 [8248] MM5 [10924](R) Running at 151603343 00005832 275.57681274 [8248] ============================================= 00005833 275.57708740 [8248] MM5 [10924](R) Running at 151485859 00005834 275.57708740 [8248] ============================================= 00005835 275.57736206 [8248] MM5 [10924](R) Running at 150721203 00005836 275.57736206 [8248] ============================================= 00005837 275.57763672 [8248] MM5 [10924](R) Running at 150721046 00005838 275.57763672 [8248] ============================================= 00005839 275.57794189 [8248] MM5 [10924](R) Running at 150720703 00005840 275.57794189 [8248] ============================================= 00005841 275.57894897 [8248] MM5 [3264](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 719ms. 00005842 275.57894897 [8248] Task callstack : 00005843 275.57925415 [8248] MM5 [3264](R) Previous tasks : 00005844 275.57955933 [8248] MM5 [3264](R) Running at 151604359 00005845 275.57955933 [8248] ============================================= 00005846 275.57983398 [8248] MM5 [3264](R) Running at 151604328 00005847 275.57983398 [8248] ============================================= 00005848 275.58010864 [8248] MM5 [3264](R) Running at 151604203 00005849 275.58010864 [8248] ============================================= 00005850 275.58038330 [8248] MM5 [3264](R) Running at 151603343 00005851 275.58038330 [8248] ============================================= 00005852 275.58078003 [8248] MM5 [3264](R) Running at 151485859 00005853 275.58078003 [8248] ============================================= 00005854 275.58111572 [8248] MM5 [3264](R) Running at 150721203 00005855 275.58111572 [8248] ============================================= 00005856 275.58142090 [8248] MM5 [3264](R) Running at 150721046 00005857 275.58142090 [8248] ============================================= 00005858 275.58172607 [8248] MM5 [3264](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/windowclose.svg 00005859 275.58276367 [8248] MM5 [812](R) JS Callstack: 00005860 275.58276367 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///dialogs/dlgExtensions.js ; Func: updateAddonList ; Row: 33 ; Col: 51 00005861 275.58276367 [8248] Script: file:///controls/dropdown.js ; Func: setEditValue ; Row: 546 ; Col: 32 00005862 275.58276367 [8248] Script: file:///controls/dropdown.js ; Func: set ; Row: 682 ; Col: 18 00005863 275.58276367 [8248] Script: file:///dialogs/dlgExtensions.js ; Func: init ; Row: 36 ; Col: 36 00005864 275.58276367 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: notifyPageReady ; Row: 1700 ; Col: 5 00005865 275.58276367 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2177 ; Col: 5 00005866 275.58276367 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 2134 ; Col: 13 00005867 275.58309937 [8248] MM5 [812](R) Running at 151604359 00005868 275.58309937 [8248] ============================================= 00005869 275.58337402 [8248] MM5 [812](R) Running at 151604359 00005870 275.58337402 [8248] ============================================= 00005871 275.58367920 [8248] MM5 [812](R) Running at 151604328 00005872 275.58367920 [8248] ============================================= 00005873 275.58395386 [8248] MM5 [812](R) Running at 151604203 00005874 275.58395386 [8248] ============================================= 00005875 275.58422852 [8248] MM5 [812](R) Running at 151603343 00005876 275.58422852 [8248] ============================================= 00005877 275.58450317 [8248] MM5 [812](R) Running at 151485859 00005878 275.58450317 [8248] ============================================= 00005879 275.58496094 [8248] MM5 [812](R) Running at 150721203 00005880 275.58496094 [8248] ============================================= 00005881 275.58526611 [8248] MM5 [812](R) Running at 150721046 00005882 275.58526611 [8248] ============================================= 00005883 275.58639526 [8248] MM5 [812](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Skins\Golden Monkey\info.json" 00005884 275.59436035 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 10 threads of 10 00005885 275.59835815 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Italic.ttf 00005886 275.60308838 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/fonts/Roboto-Italic.ttf" 00005887 275.60513306 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Italic_add.ttf to skin/fonts/Roboto-Italic_add.ttf 00005888 275.61535645 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Medium.ttf 00005889 275.62261963 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Medium.ttf to skin/fonts/Roboto-Medium.ttf 00005890 275.62719727 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/fonts/Roboto-Medium.ttf" 00005891 275.68258667 [8248] MM5 [1960](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/star.svg" 00005892 275.68676758 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/dropdown.svg to skin/icon/dropdown.svg 00005893 275.69122314 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/dropdown.svg" 00005894 275.70584106 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 781ms. 00005895 275.70584106 [8248] Task callstack : 00005896 275.70626831 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Previous tasks : 00005897 275.70663452 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Running at 151604359 00005898 275.70663452 [8248] ============================================= 00005899 275.70697021 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Running at 151604359 00005900 275.70697021 [8248] ============================================= 00005901 275.70724487 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Running at 151604328 00005902 275.70724487 [8248] ============================================= 00005903 275.70751953 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Running at 151604203 00005904 275.70751953 [8248] ============================================= 00005905 275.70779419 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Running at 151603343 00005906 275.70779419 [8248] ============================================= 00005907 275.70806885 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Running at 151485859 00005908 275.70806885 [8248] ============================================= 00005909 275.70837402 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Running at 150721203 00005910 275.70837402 [8248] ============================================= 00005911 275.71017456 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 797ms. 00005912 275.71017456 [8248] Task callstack : 00005913 275.71057129 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Previous tasks : 00005914 275.71093750 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Running at 151604359 00005915 275.71093750 [8248] ============================================= 00005916 275.71121216 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Running at 151604359 00005917 275.71121216 [8248] ============================================= 00005918 275.71148682 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Running at 151604343 00005919 275.71148682 [8248] ============================================= 00005920 275.71179199 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Running at 151604234 00005921 275.71179199 [8248] ============================================= 00005922 275.71206665 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Running at 151604203 00005923 275.71206665 [8248] ============================================= 00005924 275.71237183 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Running at 151603296 00005925 275.71237183 [8248] ============================================= 00005926 275.71267700 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Running at 150726109 00005927 275.71267700 [8248] ============================================= 00005928 275.71298218 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/options.svg 00005929 275.71676636 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/options.svg" 00005930 275.73110962 [8248] MM5 [3264](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/windowclose.svg to skin/icon/windowclose.svg 00005931 275.73709106 [8248] MM5 [3264](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/windowclose.svg" 00005932 275.76339722 [8248] MM5 [10924](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/restore.svg to skin/icon/restore.svg 00005933 275.76788330 [8248] MM5 [10924](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/restore.svg" 00005934 275.78002930 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/maximize.svg to skin/icon/maximize.svg 00005935 275.78390503 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/maximize.svg" 00005936 275.79730225 [8248] MM5 [5428](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/minimize.svg to skin/icon/minimize.svg 00005937 275.80105591 [8248] MM5 [5428](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/minimize.svg" 00005938 275.81460571 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/mainMenu.svg to skin/icon/mainMenu.svg 00005939 275.81845093 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/mainMenu.svg" 00005940 276.29251099 [8248] MM5 [10660](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg to skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg 00005941 276.29638672 [8248] MM5 [10660](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg" 00005942 276.30749512 [8248] MM5 [812](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Skins\Material Design\info.json" 00005943 276.35266113 [8248] MM5 [812](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Skins\Material Design (dark)\info.json" 00005944 276.41888428 [8248] MM5 [812](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Skins\Monkey Groove\info.json" 00005945 276.48147583 [8248] MM5 [812](R) Layouts Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\layouts\ 00005946 276.51873779 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 6 tasks in queue. 00005947 276.52923584 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 6 tasks in queue. 00005948 276.87408447 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Retrieving file file:///D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\layouts\Touch\icon.svg 00005949 276.87463379 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\layouts\Touch\icon.svg" 00005950 276.87997437 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\layouts\Touch\icon_add.svg to D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\layouts\Touch\icon_add.svg 00005951 276.94940186 [8248] MM5 [812](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00005952 276.96163940 [8248] MM5 [812](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\Extensions\CodecPack\info.json" 00005953 277.75955200 [8248] MM5 [10924](R) Retrieving file file:///D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\Extensions\CodecPack\icon.svg 00005954 277.76010132 [8248] MM5 [10924](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\Extensions\CodecPack\icon.svg" 00005955 277.76913452 [8248] MM5 [10924](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\Extensions\CodecPack\icon_add.svg to D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\Extensions\CodecPack\icon_add.svg 00005956 277.87588501 [8248] MM5 [812](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\artAndDetailsLayout\info.json" 00005957 278.01135254 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 6 tasks in queue. 00005958 278.11892700 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 6 tasks in queue. 00005959 278.41467285 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 532ms. 00005960 278.41467285 [8248] Task callstack : 00005961 278.41519165 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Previous tasks : 00005962 278.41552734 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151606531 00005963 278.41552734 [8248] ============================================= 00005964 278.41580200 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151605937 00005965 278.41580200 [8248] ============================================= 00005966 278.41610718 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151605890 00005967 278.41610718 [8248] ============================================= 00005968 278.41638184 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151605656 00005969 278.41638184 [8248] ============================================= 00005970 278.41665649 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151605484 00005971 278.41665649 [8248] ============================================= 00005972 278.41696167 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151605359 00005973 278.41696167 [8248] ============================================= 00005974 278.41726685 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151605312 00005975 278.41726685 [8248] ============================================= 00005976 278.41998291 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 532ms. 00005977 278.41998291 [8248] Task callstack : 00005978 278.42037964 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Previous tasks : 00005979 278.42068481 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151606546 00005980 278.42068481 [8248] ============================================= 00005981 278.42147827 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151605937 00005982 278.42147827 [8248] ============================================= 00005983 278.42181396 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151605906 00005984 278.42181396 [8248] ============================================= 00005985 278.42211914 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151605890 00005986 278.42211914 [8248] ============================================= 00005987 278.42239380 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151605656 00005988 278.42239380 [8248] ============================================= 00005989 278.42266846 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151605390 00005990 278.42266846 [8248] ============================================= 00005991 278.42297363 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151605328 00005992 278.42297363 [8248] ============================================= 00005993 278.43090820 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 547ms. 00005994 278.43090820 [8248] Task callstack : 00005995 278.43115234 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) JS Callstack: 00005996 278.43115234 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///controls/addonlistview.js ; Func: bindData ; Row: 33 ; Col: 14 00005997 278.43115234 [8248] Script: file:///controls/listview.js ; Func: ListView.handleBinding_locked ; Row: 3605 ; Col: 18 00005998 278.43115234 [8248] Script: file:///controls/listview.js ; Func: draw_locked ; Row: 958 ; Col: 26 00005999 278.43115234 [8248] Script: file:///controls/listview.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1146 ; Col: 30 00006000 278.43115234 [8248] Script: file:///controls/listview.js ; Func: drawnow ; Row: 1142 ; Col: 34 00006001 278.43115234 [8248] Script: file:///controls/listview.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1168 ; Col: 22 00006002 278.43115234 [8248] Script: file:///controls/control.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 260 ; Col: 13 00006003 278.43148804 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151607203 00006004 278.43148804 [8248] ============================================= 00006005 278.43176270 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151606546 00006006 278.43176270 [8248] ============================================= 00006007 278.43212891 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151605937 00006008 278.43212891 [8248] ============================================= 00006009 278.43240356 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151605906 00006010 278.43240356 [8248] ============================================= 00006011 278.43267822 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151605890 00006012 278.43267822 [8248] ============================================= 00006013 278.43298340 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151605656 00006014 278.43298340 [8248] ============================================= 00006015 278.43331909 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151605390 00006016 278.43331909 [8248] ============================================= 00006017 278.43359375 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151605328 00006018 278.43359375 [8248] ============================================= 00006019 278.43481445 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) JS Callstack: 00006020 278.43481445 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///controls/addonlistview.js ; Func: bindData ; Row: 33 ; Col: 14 00006021 278.43481445 [8248] Script: file:///controls/listview.js ; Func: ListView.handleBinding_locked ; Row: 3605 ; Col: 18 00006022 278.43481445 [8248] Script: file:///controls/listview.js ; Func: draw_locked ; Row: 958 ; Col: 26 00006023 278.43481445 [8248] Script: file:///controls/listview.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1146 ; Col: 30 00006024 278.43481445 [8248] Script: file:///controls/listview.js ; Func: drawnow ; Row: 1142 ; Col: 34 00006025 278.43481445 [8248] Script: file:///controls/listview.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1168 ; Col: 22 00006026 278.43481445 [8248] Script: file:///controls/control.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 260 ; Col: 13 00006027 278.43518066 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151607218 00006028 278.43518066 [8248] ============================================= 00006029 278.43545532 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151607203 00006030 278.43545532 [8248] ============================================= 00006031 278.43572998 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151606531 00006032 278.43572998 [8248] ============================================= 00006033 278.43603516 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151605937 00006034 278.43603516 [8248] ============================================= 00006035 278.43634033 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151605890 00006036 278.43634033 [8248] ============================================= 00006037 278.43661499 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151605656 00006038 278.43661499 [8248] ============================================= 00006039 278.43688965 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151605484 00006040 278.43688965 [8248] ============================================= 00006041 278.43716431 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151605359 00006042 278.43716431 [8248] ============================================= 00006043 278.44552612 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 547ms. 00006044 278.44552612 [8248] Task callstack : 00006045 278.44586182 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Previous tasks : 00006046 278.44616699 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151607218 00006047 278.44616699 [8248] ============================================= 00006048 278.44644165 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151607203 00006049 278.44644165 [8248] ============================================= 00006050 278.44674683 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151606531 00006051 278.44674683 [8248] ============================================= 00006052 278.44702148 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151605937 00006053 278.44702148 [8248] ============================================= 00006054 278.44729614 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151605890 00006055 278.44729614 [8248] ============================================= 00006056 278.44760132 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151605656 00006057 278.44760132 [8248] ============================================= 00006058 278.44787598 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Running at 151605484 00006059 278.44787598 [8248] ============================================= 00006060 278.45190430 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/unknownAA.svg 00006061 278.45773315 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/unknownAA.svg" 00006062 278.46853638 [8248] MM5 [812](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\exportPodcasts\info.json" 00006063 278.49932861 [8248] MM5 [812](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\funkyMissingArtwork\info.json" 00006064 278.51541138 [8248] MM5 [812](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\googleMusicUploader\info.json" 00006065 278.53039551 [8248] MM5 [812](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\lastFM\info.json" 00006066 278.54562378 [8248] MM5 [812](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\redoNavbarButton\info.json" 00006067 278.55294800 [8248] MM5 [812](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00006068 278.57955933 [8248] MM5 [812](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\syncToFolder\info.json" 00006069 278.60327148 [8248] MM5 [812](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\vis_bars\info.json" 00006070 278.61767578 [8248] MM5 [812](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\vis_linefade\info.json" 00006071 278.63082886 [8248] MM5 [812](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00006072 278.64569092 [8248] MM5 [812](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00006073 279.58352661 [8248] MM5 [5428](R) Retrieving file file:///D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\exportPodcasts\skin\icon\export.svg 00006074 279.58407593 [8248] MM5 [5428](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\exportPodcasts\skin\icon\export.svg" 00006075 279.90011597 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/play.svg 00006076 279.90396118 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/play.svg" 00006077 279.91705322 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/play_add.svg to skin/icon/play_add.svg 00006078 280.02029419 [8248] MM5 [10660](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/last-fm.svg 00006079 280.03710938 [8248] MM5 [10660](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\lastFM\skin/icon/last-fm.svg" 00006080 280.05111694 [8248] MM5 [10660](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/last-fm_add.svg to skin/icon/last-fm_add.svg 00006081 280.18533325 [8248] MM5 [812](R) Retrieving file file:///D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\redoNavbarButton\info.svg 00006082 280.18588257 [8248] MM5 [812](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\redoNavbarButton\info.svg" 00006083 280.76931763 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00006084 286.17630005 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgExtensions.html 00006085 286.29260254 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow start 00006086 286.30892944 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgExtensions.html 00006087 286.32611084 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow end 00006088 286.38363647 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00006089 286.38388062 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00006090 286.38403320 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 4 00006091 286.38446045 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE beforeClose for identifier 4 00006092 286.38476563 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00006093 286.39157104 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE notify close for identifier 4 00006094 286.39193726 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE closeBrowserCall for identifier 4 00006095 286.42379761 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00006096 286.42401123 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00006097 286.42434692 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 4 00006098 286.42492676 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE canClose for identifier 4 00006099 286.42520142 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00006100 286.42687988 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY end 00006101 286.47970581 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserDestroyed 4 00006102 286.79244995 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TSharedWindow destroy called - worker id: 0, addr: 364825072 00006103 290.77316284 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00006104 294.41030884 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 2 threads of 10 00006105 294.42861938 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ControlCache: SearchView | uniqueID_859 added, controls.count = 1 00006106 294.45578003 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ControlCache: ColumnTrackList | uniqueID_911 added, controls.count = 2 00006107 294.46148682 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/deviceConfig.js 00006108 294.46524048 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/deviceConfig.js" 00006109 294.47143555 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/compositeBarGraph.js 00006110 294.47521973 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/compositeBarGraph.js" 00006111 294.48187256 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/deviceConfig.html 00006112 294.48638916 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/deviceConfig.html" 00006113 294.49435425 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/buttons.js 00006114 294.49798584 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/buttons.js" 00006115 294.60171509 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/deviceConfig/summary.html 00006116 294.60568237 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/deviceConfig/summary.html" 00006117 294.60607910 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/deviceConfig/summary_add.html to controls/deviceConfig/summary_add.html 00006118 294.61093140 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/deviceConfig/summary.js 00006119 294.61465454 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/deviceConfig/summary.js" 00006120 294.61611938 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/deviceConfig/summary_add.js to controls/deviceConfig/summary_add.js 00006121 294.62197876 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/icon.js 00006122 294.62554932 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/icon.js" 00006123 294.62591553 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/icon_add.js to controls/icon_add.js 00006124 294.68002319 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 3 threads of 10 00006125 294.70657349 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/deviceConfig/syncToDevice.html 00006126 294.71047974 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/deviceConfig/syncToDevice.html" 00006127 294.71084595 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/deviceConfig/syncToDevice_add.html to controls/deviceConfig/syncToDevice_add.html 00006128 294.71578979 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/deviceConfig/syncToDevice.js 00006129 294.71960449 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/deviceConfig/syncToDevice.js" 00006130 294.71997070 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/deviceConfig/syncToDevice_add.js to controls/deviceConfig/syncToDevice_add.js 00006131 294.72595215 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/deviceContentRandomizer.js 00006132 294.72973633 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/deviceContentRandomizer.js" 00006133 294.73519897 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/deviceContentSequencer.js 00006134 294.73986816 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/deviceContentSequencer.js" 00006135 294.74987793 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/checkboxTree.js 00006136 294.75360107 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/checkboxTree.js" 00006137 294.75399780 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/checkboxTree_add.js to controls/checkboxTree_add.js 00006138 294.79138184 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 4 threads of 10 00006139 294.79617310 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 6 threads of 10 00006140 294.79986572 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 7 threads of 10 00006141 294.81256104 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) DB open SQL: SELECT ID FROM MediaServers WHERE UseAsSyncServer = 1 00006142 294.81451416 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(1) 00006143 294.89620972 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TreeView.setNodePath: path is same as the currently focused, no need for a job 00006144 294.96298218 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 8 threads of 10 00006145 295.45675659 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 10 threads of 10 00006146 296.16595459 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Currently running 10 threads of 10 00006147 298.13162231 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Currently running 10 threads of 10 00006148 299.93701172 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) DB open SQL: SELECT IDCollection FROM SynchCollection WHERE IDDevice=677 00006149 299.93792725 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) DB open SQL: SELECT IDPlaylist FROM SynchPlaylist WHERE IDDevice=677 00006150 299.93814087 [8248] MM5 [844](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 5140ms. 00006151 299.93814087 [8248] Task callstack : 00006152 299.93832397 [8248] MM5 [3200](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 5140ms. 00006153 299.93832397 [8248] Task callstack : 00006154 299.93847656 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 4968ms. 00006155 299.93847656 [8248] Task callstack : 00006156 299.93862915 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 4968ms. 00006157 299.93862915 [8248] Task callstack : 00006158 299.94226074 [8248] MM5 [12240](R) BQ: Currently running 10 threads of 11 00006159 299.94271851 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) 10100 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist=? 00006160 299.94293213 [8248] MM5 [844](R) JS Callstack: 00006161 299.94293213 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///controls/deviceConfig.js ; Func: _initCalculator ; Row: 289 ; Col: 21 00006162 299.94293213 [8248] Script: file:///controls/deviceConfig.js ; Func: _getSyncedObjects ; Row: 296 ; Col: 18 00006163 299.94293213 [8248] Script: file:///controls/deviceConfig/syncToDevice.js ; Func: DeviceConfig.tabs.syncToDevice.load ; Row: 196 ; Col: 25 00006164 299.94293213 [8248] Script: file:///controls/deviceConfig.js ; Func: loadTab ; Row: 150 ; Col: 26 00006165 299.94293213 [8248] Script: file:///controls/deviceConfig.js ; Func: localListen ; Row: 117 ; Col: 30 00006166 299.94293213 [8248] Script: file:///controls/control.js ; Func: Control.raiseEvent ; Row: 898 ; Col: 18 00006167 299.94293213 [8248] Script: file:///controls/tabs.js ; Func: set ; Row: 616 ; Col: 18 00006168 299.94293213 [8248] Script: file:///controls/deviceConfig.js ; Func: restorePersistentState ; Row: 232 ; Col: 56 00006169 299.94293213 [8248] Script: file:///controls/control.js ; Func: restoreStateFn ; Row: 1092 ; Col: 35 00006170 299.94293213 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.forEach ; Row: 871 ; Col: 9 00006171 299.94314575 [8248] MM5 [3200](R) JS Callstack: 00006172 299.94314575 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///controls/deviceConfig/syncToDevice.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 168 ; Col: 29 00006173 299.94314575 [8248] Script: file:///promise.js ; Func: invokeResolver ; Row: 387 ; Col: 18 00006174 299.94314575 [8248] Script: file:///promise.js ; Func: Promise ; Row: 374 ; Col: 7 00006175 299.94314575 [8248] Script: file:///controls/deviceConfig/syncToDevice.js ; Func: getChildren ; Row: 167 ; Col: 16 00006176 299.94314575 [8248] Script: file:///controls/treeview.js ; Func: expandNode ; Row: 396 ; Col: 21 00006177 299.94314575 [8248] Script: file:///controls/checkboxTree.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 100 ; Col: 18 00006178 299.94314575 [8248] Script: file:///promise.js ; Func: invokeResolver ; Row: 387 ; Col: 18 00006179 299.94314575 [8248] Script: file:///promise.js ; Func: Promise ; Row: 374 ; Col: 7 00006180 299.94314575 [8248] Script: file:///controls/checkboxTree.js ; Func: setCheckedObjects ; Row: 97 ; Col: 16 00006181 299.94314575 [8248] Script: file:///controls/deviceConfig/syncToDevice.js ; Func: DeviceConfig.tabs.syncToDevice.load ; Row: 197 ; Col: 38 00006182 299.94332886 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) JS Callstack: 00006183 299.94332886 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///controls/control.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1109 ; Col: 29 00006184 299.94332886 [8248] Script: file:///controls/control.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 260 ; Col: 13 00006185 299.94351196 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) JS Callstack: 00006186 299.94351196 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///controls/control.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1109 ; Col: 29 00006187 299.94351196 [8248] Script: file:///controls/control.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 260 ; Col: 13 00006188 299.94393921 [8248] MM5 [7428](R) Previous tasks : 00006189 299.94439697 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) 10100 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00006190 299.94454956 [8248] MM5 [844](R) Previous tasks : 00006191 299.94470215 [8248] MM5 [3200](R) Previous tasks : 00006192 299.94482422 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) Previous tasks : 00006193 299.94494629 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Previous tasks : 00006194 299.94509888 [8248] MM5 [7428](R) Running at 151623593 00006195 299.94509888 [8248] ============================================= 00006196 299.94546509 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) 10100 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist=? 00006197 299.94674683 [8248] MM5 [7428](R) Running at 151623593 00006198 299.94674683 [8248] ============================================= 00006199 299.94720459 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) 10100 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00006200 299.94738770 [8248] MM5 [7428](R) Running at 151623593 00006201 299.94738770 [8248] ============================================= 00006202 299.94775391 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) 10100 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist=? 00006203 299.94790649 [8248] MM5 [7428](R) Running at 151623031 00006204 299.94790649 [8248] ============================================= 00006205 299.94824219 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) 10100 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00006206 299.94842529 [8248] MM5 [7428](R) Running at 151608968 00006207 299.94842529 [8248] ============================================= 00006208 299.94961548 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) 10100 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist=? 00006209 299.94982910 [8248] MM5 [7428](R) Running at 151608953 00006210 299.94982910 [8248] ============================================= 00006211 299.95019531 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) 10100 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00006212 299.95034790 [8248] MM5 [7428](R) Running at 151608796 00006213 299.95034790 [8248] ============================================= 00006214 299.95071411 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) 10100 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist=? 00006215 299.95092773 [8248] MM5 [7428](R) Running at 151608796 00006216 299.95092773 [8248] ============================================= 00006217 299.95123291 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) 10100 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00006218 299.95138550 [8248] MM5 [7428](R) Running at 151608687 00006219 299.95138550 [8248] ============================================= 00006220 299.95178223 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) 10100 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist=? 00006221 299.95193481 [8248] MM5 [7428](R) Running at 151608671 00006222 299.95193481 [8248] ============================================= 00006223 299.95223999 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) 10100 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00006224 299.95239258 [8248] MM5 [7428](R) Running at 151608562 00006225 299.95239258 [8248] ============================================= 00006226 299.95272827 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) 10100 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist=? 00006227 299.95291138 [8248] MM5 [7428](R) Running at 151608359 00006228 299.95291138 [8248] ============================================= 00006229 299.95352173 [8248] MM5 [7428](R) Running at 151608359 00006230 299.95352173 [8248] ============================================= 00006231 299.95541382 [8248] MM5 [7428](R) Running at 151607281 00006232 299.95541382 [8248] ============================================= 00006233 299.96377563 [8248] MM5 [7428](R) Running at 151607281 00006234 299.96377563 [8248] ============================================= 00006235 299.96472168 [8248] MM5 [844](R) Running at 151628718 00006236 299.96472168 [8248] ============================================= 00006237 299.96539307 [8248] MM5 [844](R) Running at 151623593 00006238 299.96539307 [8248] ============================================= 00006239 299.96624756 [8248] MM5 [844](R) Running at 151623593 00006240 299.96624756 [8248] ============================================= 00006241 299.96688843 [8248] MM5 [844](R) Running at 151623593 00006242 299.96688843 [8248] ============================================= 00006243 299.96734619 [8248] MM5 [844](R) Running at 151623031 00006244 299.96734619 [8248] ============================================= 00006245 299.96868896 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) DB open SQL: SELECT IDMedia, Path, FilterID FROM SynchLocation WHERE IDDevice=677 00006246 299.97357178 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) DB open SQL: SELECT IDPodcast FROM SynchPodcast WHERE IDDevice=677 00006247 299.98107910 [8248] MM5 [844](R) Running at 151608796 00006248 299.98107910 [8248] ============================================= 00006249 299.98141479 [8248] MM5 [844](R) Running at 151608671 00006250 299.98141479 [8248] ============================================= 00006251 299.98205566 [8248] MM5 [844](R) Running at 151608359 00006252 299.98205566 [8248] ============================================= 00006253 299.98245239 [8248] MM5 [844](R) Running at 151607281 00006254 299.98245239 [8248] ============================================= 00006255 299.98287964 [8248] MM5 [3200](R) Running at 151628718 00006256 299.98287964 [8248] ============================================= 00006257 299.98324585 [8248] MM5 [3200](R) Running at 151623593 00006258 299.98324585 [8248] ============================================= 00006259 299.98355103 [8248] MM5 [3200](R) Running at 151623031 00006260 299.98355103 [8248] ============================================= 00006261 299.98385620 [8248] MM5 [3200](R) Running at 151608953 00006262 299.98385620 [8248] ============================================= 00006263 299.98416138 [8248] MM5 [3200](R) Running at 151608796 00006264 299.98416138 [8248] ============================================= 00006265 299.98446655 [8248] MM5 [3200](R) Running at 151608671 00006266 299.98446655 [8248] ============================================= 00006267 299.98483276 [8248] MM5 [3200](R) Running at 151608359 00006268 299.98483276 [8248] ============================================= 00006269 299.98519897 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) Running at 151628718 00006270 299.98519897 [8248] ============================================= 00006271 299.98550415 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) Running at 151628718 00006272 299.98550415 [8248] ============================================= 00006273 299.98715210 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) Running at 151623593 00006274 299.98715210 [8248] ============================================= 00006275 299.98748779 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) Running at 151623031 00006276 299.98748779 [8248] ============================================= 00006277 299.98931885 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) Running at 151608953 00006278 299.98931885 [8248] ============================================= 00006279 299.98965454 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) Running at 151608796 00006280 299.98965454 [8248] ============================================= 00006281 299.98999023 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) Running at 151608671 00006282 299.98999023 [8248] ============================================= 00006283 299.99038696 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) Running at 151608359 00006284 299.99038696 [8248] ============================================= 00006285 299.99078369 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151628718 00006286 299.99078369 [8248] ============================================= 00006287 299.99108887 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151628718 00006288 299.99108887 [8248] ============================================= 00006289 299.99142456 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151623593 00006290 299.99142456 [8248] ============================================= 00006291 299.99172974 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151623031 00006292 299.99172974 [8248] ============================================= 00006293 299.99203491 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151608953 00006294 299.99203491 [8248] ============================================= 00006295 299.99230957 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151608796 00006296 299.99230957 [8248] ============================================= 00006297 299.99267578 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151608671 00006298 299.99267578 [8248] ============================================= 00006299 300.12802124 [8248] MM5 [2512](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Kind, Number, RandomSelection, PreferStars, ReserveSpace, ReserveSpaceMB FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=1 00006300 300.12887573 [8248] MM5 [2512](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Kind, Number, RandomSelection, PreferStars, ReserveSpace, ReserveSpaceMB FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=2 00006301 300.12915039 [8248] MM5 [2512](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00006302 300.13003540 [8248] MM5 [2512](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Kind, Number, RandomSelection, PreferStars, ReserveSpace, ReserveSpaceMB FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=3 00006303 300.13027954 [8248] MM5 [2512](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00006304 300.13110352 [8248] MM5 [2512](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Kind, Number, RandomSelection, PreferStars, ReserveSpace, ReserveSpaceMB FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=4 00006305 300.13134766 [8248] MM5 [2512](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00006306 300.13214111 [8248] MM5 [2512](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Kind, Number, RandomSelection, PreferStars, ReserveSpace, ReserveSpaceMB FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=5 00006307 300.13247681 [8248] MM5 [2512](R) DB lock took 15 ms : SELECT Kind, Number, RandomSelection, PreferStars, ReserveSpace, ReserveSpaceMB FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=5 00006308 300.13327026 [8248] MM5 [2512](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Kind, Number, RandomSelection, PreferStars, ReserveSpace, ReserveSpaceMB FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=6 00006309 300.13351440 [8248] MM5 [2512](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00006310 300.13433838 [8248] MM5 [2512](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Kind, Number, RandomSelection, PreferStars, ReserveSpace, ReserveSpaceMB FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=7 00006311 300.13461304 [8248] MM5 [2512](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00006312 300.13540649 [8248] MM5 [2512](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Kind, Number, RandomSelection, PreferStars, ReserveSpace, ReserveSpaceMB FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=8 00006313 300.13558960 [8248] MM5 [2512](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00006314 300.20837402 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) DB open SQL: SELECT null FROM SynchAlbum WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=1 AND SynchAlbum.PersonType<=1 00006315 300.20947266 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) DB open SQL: SELECT null FROM SynchArtist WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=1 AND SynchArtist.PersonType=1 00006316 300.21044922 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) DB open SQL: SELECT null FROM SynchArtist WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=1 AND SynchArtist.PersonType=3 00006317 300.78741455 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00006318 300.98596191 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/deviceConfig/options.html 00006319 300.99063110 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/deviceConfig/options.html" 00006320 300.99581909 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/deviceConfig/options.js 00006321 300.99984741 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/deviceConfig/options.js" 00006322 301.01678467 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/panelListView.js 00006323 301.02059937 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/panelListView.js" 00006324 301.05926514 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00006325 301.06436157 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00006326 301.07070923 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00006327 301.07647705 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00006328 301.08004761 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00006329 301.08370972 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00006330 301.09197998 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00006331 301.20559692 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/deviceConfig/options/pnl_DeviceProfile.js 00006332 301.23071289 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/deviceConfig/options/pnl_DeviceProfile.js" 00006333 301.23165894 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/deviceConfig/options/pnl_DeviceProfile_add.js to controls/deviceConfig/options/pnl_DeviceProfile_add.js 00006334 301.23608398 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/deviceConfig/options/pnl_DeviceProfile.html 00006335 301.24157715 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/deviceConfig/options/pnl_DeviceProfile.html" 00006336 301.87524414 [8248] MM5 [2512](R) TDeviceCalculator: calcing node with hash node[playlist:playlist_286]coll[0] , to calc: 7 nodes 00006337 301.90173340 [8248] MM5 [10728](R) DB lock took 31 ms : SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT IDSong FROM GenresSongs WHERE GenresSongs.IDGenre IN ( SELECT Genres.IDGenre FROM Genres WHERE Genres.IDGenre in (61,43,98,64,9,66))) AND Songs.Rating>=66 AND NOT Songs.ID IN (SELECT ArtistsSongs.IDSong FROM ArtistsSongs WHERE ArtistsSongs.PersonType = 1 AND ArtistsSongs.IDArtist IN (SELECT Artists.ID FROM Artists WHERE (Artists.Artist like '%carlebach%'))) AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) ORDER BY random(*) 00006338 301.90237427 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) DB open SQL: SELECT null FROM SynchLocation WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=1 00006339 301.90747070 [8248] MM5 [10728](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00006340 301.90911865 [8248] MM5 [10728](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 0ms for 155 00006341 301.91299438 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE (Songs.Rating<0) AND Songs.Year>=20130000 AND NOT Songs.ID IN (SELECT ArtistsSongs.IDSong FROM ArtistsSongs WHERE ArtistsSongs.PersonType = 1 AND ArtistsSongs.IDArtist IN (SELECT Artists.ID FROM Artists WHERE Artists.ID in (2238,2421,2415))) AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) ORDER BY random(*) 00006342 302.32620239 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/deviceConfig/options/pnl_AutoConversion.js 00006343 302.32638550 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/deviceConfig/options/pnl_AutoConversion.js to controls/deviceConfig/options/pnl_AutoConversion.js 00006344 302.33059692 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/deviceConfig/options/pnl_AutoConversion.js" 00006345 302.33581543 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/deviceConfig/options/pnl_AutoConversion.html 00006346 302.33996582 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/deviceConfig/options/pnl_AutoConversion.html" 00006347 302.34060669 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/deviceConfig/options/pnl_AutoConversion_add.html to controls/deviceConfig/options/pnl_AutoConversion_add.html 00006348 302.34576416 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/autoConvertConfig.js 00006349 302.34790039 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/autoConvertConfig.js to controls/autoConvertConfig.js 00006350 302.34991455 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/autoConvertConfig.js" 00006351 302.35647583 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/autoConvertConfig.html 00006352 302.35705566 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/autoConvertConfig.html to controls/autoConvertConfig.html 00006353 302.36068726 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/autoConvertConfig.html" 00006354 302.39367676 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/listEditButtons.html to controls/listEditButtons.html 00006355 302.39495850 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/listEditButtons_add.html to controls/listEditButtons_add.html 00006356 303.20312500 [8248] MM5 [12240](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 688ms. 00006357 303.20312500 [8248] Task callstack : 00006358 303.20352173 [8248] MM5 [12240](R) Previous tasks : 00006359 303.20962524 [8248] MM5 [12240](R) Running at 151631078 00006360 303.20962524 [8248] ============================================= 00006361 303.20999146 [8248] MM5 [12240](R) Running at 151630656 00006362 303.20999146 [8248] ============================================= 00006363 303.21026611 [8248] MM5 [12240](R) Running at 151629875 00006364 303.21026611 [8248] ============================================= 00006365 303.21054077 [8248] MM5 [12240](R) Running at 151628968 00006366 303.21054077 [8248] ============================================= 00006367 303.21087646 [8248] MM5 [12240](R) Running at 151628968 00006368 303.21087646 [8248] ============================================= 00006369 303.21685791 [8248] MM5 [12240](R) Running at 151628906 00006370 303.21685791 [8248] ============================================= 00006371 303.21716309 [8248] MM5 [12240](R) Running at 151628718 00006372 303.21716309 [8248] ============================================= 00006373 303.21746826 [8248] MM5 [12240](R) Running at 151628718 00006374 303.21746826 [8248] ============================================= 00006375 303.21777344 [8248] MM5 [12240](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/upArrow.svg 00006376 303.22790527 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 719ms. 00006377 303.22790527 [8248] Task callstack : 00006378 303.22827148 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) Previous tasks : 00006379 303.22854614 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) Running at 151631078 00006380 303.22854614 [8248] ============================================= 00006381 303.22888184 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) Running at 151630656 00006382 303.22888184 [8248] ============================================= 00006383 303.26498413 [8248] MM5 [12240](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/upArrow.svg" 00006384 303.26733398 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) Running at 151629875 00006385 303.26733398 [8248] ============================================= 00006386 303.26760864 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) Running at 151628968 00006387 303.26760864 [8248] ============================================= 00006388 303.26794434 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) Running at 151628968 00006389 303.26794434 [8248] ============================================= 00006390 303.27926636 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) Running at 151628906 00006391 303.27926636 [8248] ============================================= 00006392 303.27960205 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) Running at 151628718 00006393 303.27960205 [8248] ============================================= 00006394 303.27990723 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) Running at 151628718 00006395 303.27990723 [8248] ============================================= 00006396 303.28024292 [8248] MM5 [10728](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 703ms. 00006397 303.28024292 [8248] Task callstack : 00006398 303.31759644 [8248] MM5 [2892](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 687ms. 00006399 303.31759644 [8248] Task callstack : 00006400 303.38253784 [8248] MM5 [10728](R) Running at 151632015 00006401 303.38253784 [8248] ============================================= 00006402 303.38287354 [8248] MM5 [10728](R) Running at 151631078 00006403 303.38287354 [8248] ============================================= 00006404 303.38314819 [8248] MM5 [10728](R) Running at 151630656 00006405 303.38314819 [8248] ============================================= 00006406 303.38342285 [8248] MM5 [10728](R) Running at 151629875 00006407 303.38342285 [8248] ============================================= 00006408 303.41741943 [8248] MM5 [10728](R) Running at 151629203 00006409 303.41741943 [8248] ============================================= 00006410 303.41781616 [8248] MM5 [10728](R) Running at 151628968 00006411 303.41781616 [8248] ============================================= 00006412 303.45056152 [8248] MM5 [10728](R) Running at 151628968 00006413 303.45056152 [8248] ============================================= 00006414 303.45120239 [8248] MM5 [10728](R) Running at 151628906 00006415 303.45120239 [8248] ============================================= 00006416 303.45150757 [8248] MM5 [10728](R) Running at 151628718 00006417 303.45150757 [8248] ============================================= 00006418 303.88589478 [8248] MM5 [12240](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/upArrow_add.svg to skin/icon/upArrow_add.svg 00006419 303.89141846 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/delete.svg to skin/icon/delete.svg 00006420 303.89511108 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/delete.svg" 00006421 304.11611938 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) DB lock took 2203 ms : SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE (Songs.Rating<0) AND Songs.Year>=20130000 AND NOT Songs.ID IN (SELECT ArtistsSongs.IDSong FROM ArtistsSongs WHERE ArtistsSongs.PersonType = 1 AND ArtistsSongs.IDArtist IN (SELECT Artists.ID FROM Artists WHERE Artists.ID in (2238,2421,2415))) AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) ORDER BY random(*) 00006422 304.11679077 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00006423 304.15145874 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00006424 304.15188599 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 31ms for 195 00006425 304.16140747 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00006426 304.16180420 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00006427 304.16217041 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00006428 304.16259766 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00006429 304.17352295 [8248] MM5 [2892](R) Running at 151632937 00006430 304.17352295 [8248] ============================================= 00006431 304.17382813 [8248] MM5 [2892](R) Running at 151632015 00006432 304.17382813 [8248] ============================================= 00006433 304.17410278 [8248] MM5 [2892](R) Running at 151631078 00006434 304.17410278 [8248] ============================================= 00006435 304.17456055 [8248] MM5 [2892](R) Running at 151630656 00006436 304.17456055 [8248] ============================================= 00006437 304.17489624 [8248] MM5 [2892](R) Running at 151629875 00006438 304.17489624 [8248] ============================================= 00006439 304.17517090 [8248] MM5 [2892](R) Running at 151628968 00006440 304.17517090 [8248] ============================================= 00006441 304.17550659 [8248] MM5 [2892](R) Running at 151628968 00006442 304.17550659 [8248] ============================================= 00006443 304.17578125 [8248] MM5 [2892](R) Running at 151628718 00006444 304.17578125 [8248] ============================================= 00006445 304.17895508 [8248] MM5 [844](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.Year>=20120000 AND Songs.Rating>=46 AND NOT Songs.ID IN (SELECT IDSong FROM GenresSongs WHERE GenresSongs.IDGenre IN ( SELECT Genres.IDGenre FROM Genres WHERE Genres.IDGenre in (43,9))) AND Songs.TrackType in (0) AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) 00006446 304.18786621 [8248] MM5 [844](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00006447 304.46154785 [8248] MM5 [844](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00006448 304.46328735 [8248] MM5 [844](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 282ms for 430 00006449 304.46801758 [8248] MM5 [12240](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.Rating>=66 AND NOT Songs.ID IN (SELECT IDSong FROM GenresSongs WHERE GenresSongs.IDGenre IN ( SELECT Genres.IDGenre FROM Genres WHERE Genres.IDGenre in (12,61,13,20,27,43,98,64,9,120,90,84,82))) AND Songs.LastTimePlayed<43427.2083333333 AND Songs.TrackType in (0) AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) ORDER BY random(*) 00006450 304.76196289 [8248] MM5 [12240](R) DB lock took 281 ms : SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.Rating>=66 AND NOT Songs.ID IN (SELECT IDSong FROM GenresSongs WHERE GenresSongs.IDGenre IN ( SELECT Genres.IDGenre FROM Genres WHERE Genres.IDGenre in (12,61,13,20,27,43,98,64,9,120,90,84,82))) AND Songs.LastTimePlayed<43427.2083333333 AND Songs.TrackType in (0) AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) ORDER BY random(*) 00006451 304.78848267 [8248] MM5 [12240](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy skipping (maxResults) 00006452 304.78878784 [8248] MM5 [12240](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy adding 500 00006453 304.79522705 [8248] MM5 [12240](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 32ms for 500 00006454 304.81747437 [8248] MM5 [7428](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00006455 304.81845093 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* 00006456 304.81845093 [8248] , PlaylistSongs.IdPlaylistSong, PlaylistSongs.SongOrder as PlaySongOrder 00006457 304.81845093 [8248] FROM Songs 00006458 304.81845093 [8248] , PlaylistSongs 00006459 304.81845093 [8248] WHERE Songs.ID=PlaylistSongs.IDSong AND PlaylistSongs.IDPlaylist = 463 00006460 304.81845093 [8248] ORDER BY PlaylistSongs.SongOrder 00006461 304.84533691 [8248] MM5 [2512](R) TDeviceCalculator: calcing node with hash node[playlist:playlist_465]coll[0] , to calc: 2 nodes 00006462 304.85287476 [8248] MM5 [2512](R) TDeviceCalculator: calcing node with hash node[playlist:playlist_467]coll[0] , to calc: 1 nodes 00006463 304.85891724 [8248] MM5 [844](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00006464 304.94277954 [8248] MM5 [844](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00006465 304.94302368 [8248] MM5 [844](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy adding 175 00006466 304.94384766 [8248] MM5 [2512](R) TDeviceCalculator: calcing node with hash node[podcast:56]coll[3] , to calc: 0 nodes 00006467 304.95019531 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) DB open SQL: SELECT PodcastName FROM Podcasts WHERE id = 56 00006468 304.95114136 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) 10100 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00006469 304.99792480 [8248] MM5 [7428](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00006470 304.99804688 [8248] MM5 [7428](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00006471 306.17098999 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 625ms. 00006472 306.17098999 [8248] Task callstack : 00006473 306.17178345 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Previous tasks : 00006474 306.17208862 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151633734 00006475 306.17208862 [8248] ============================================= 00006476 306.17239380 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151633625 00006477 306.17239380 [8248] ============================================= 00006478 306.17266846 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151633593 00006479 306.17266846 [8248] ============================================= 00006480 306.17294312 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151632953 00006481 306.17294312 [8248] ============================================= 00006482 306.17324829 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151632937 00006483 306.17324829 [8248] ============================================= 00006484 306.17352295 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151632015 00006485 306.17352295 [8248] ============================================= 00006486 306.17379761 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151631078 00006487 306.17379761 [8248] ============================================= 00006488 307.99148560 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) DB: Deleting prepared query: SELECT * FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist=? 00006489 307.99340820 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) DB: Deleting prepared query: SELECT * FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist=? 00006490 307.99719238 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) DB: Deleting prepared query: SELECT * FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist=? 00006491 308.00009155 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) DB: Deleting prepared query: SELECT * FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist=? 00006492 308.00039673 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) DB: Deleting prepared query: SELECT * FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist=? 00006493 310.80548096 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00006494 311.82626343 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from to 00006495 311.85812378 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00006496 311.86254883 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html" 00006497 312.09683228 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserCreated 5 00006498 312.15634155 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Currently running 2 threads of 10 00006499 312.52249146 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnContextCreated file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html (5) 00006500 312.53747559 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///mminit.js to mminit.js 00006501 312.53842163 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\mminit.js" 00006502 312.55239868 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js 00006503 312.55850220 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js" 00006504 312.56692505 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///promise.js 00006505 312.57058716 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\promise.js" 00006506 312.58361816 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 3 threads of 10 00006507 312.59091187 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///binding.js 00006508 312.59442139 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\binding.js" 00006509 312.60186768 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00006510 312.60220337 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00006511 312.60415649 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/observableObject.js to helpers/observableObject.js 00006512 312.60791016 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/observableObject.js" 00006513 312.61346436 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///utils.js 00006514 312.61715698 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\utils.js" 00006515 312.62255859 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///animationTools.js 00006516 312.62612915 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\animationTools.js" 00006517 312.62652588 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///animationTools_add.js to animationTools_add.js 00006518 312.63299561 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///velocity.js 00006519 312.63665771 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\velocity.js" 00006520 312.65969849 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/tooltipController.js 00006521 312.66348267 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/tooltipController.js" 00006522 312.66891479 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/control.js 00006523 312.67257690 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/control.js" 00006524 312.68667603 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///dndutils.js 00006525 312.69070435 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dndutils.js" 00006526 312.69757080 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/popupmenu.js 00006527 312.70126343 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/popupmenu.js" 00006528 312.70172119 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/popupmenu_add.js to controls/popupmenu_add.js 00006529 312.71170044 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///actions.js 00006530 312.71524048 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\actions.js" 00006531 312.71652222 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///actions_add.js to actions_add.js 00006532 312.71990967 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\exportPodcasts\actions_add.js" 00006533 312.74697876 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchTools.js 00006534 312.75076294 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchTools.js" 00006535 312.75753784 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/docking.js 00006536 312.76123047 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/docking.js" 00006537 312.76162720 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/docking_add.js to helpers/docking_add.js 00006538 312.77066040 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/autoTagFramework.js 00006539 312.77453613 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/autoTagFramework.js" 00006540 312.78170776 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js 00006541 312.78604126 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js" 00006542 312.79888916 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchCommon.js 00006543 312.80258179 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchCommon.js" 00006544 312.80905151 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/musicBrainz.js 00006545 312.81277466 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/musicBrainz.js" 00006546 312.83032227 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/acoustID.js 00006547 312.83413696 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/acoustID.js" 00006548 312.83953857 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///consts.js 00006549 312.90646362 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/dockableDialog_add.js to helpers/dockableDialog_add.js 00006550 312.91159058 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///playerUtils.js 00006551 312.91516113 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\playerUtils.js" 00006552 312.91558838 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///playerUtils_add.js to playerUtils_add.js 00006553 312.92239380 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/embeddedWindow.js 00006554 312.92611694 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/embeddedWindow.js" 00006555 312.92651367 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/embeddedWindow_add.js to controls/embeddedWindow_add.js 00006556 312.93191528 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/switchWindow.js 00006557 312.93566895 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/switchWindow.js" 00006558 312.95892334 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 5 threads of 10 00006559 312.96109009 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/checkbox.js 00006560 312.96481323 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/checkbox.js" 00006561 312.97152710 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/innerWindow.js 00006562 312.97525024 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/innerWindow.js" 00006563 312.97561646 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/innerWindow_add.js to controls/innerWindow_add.js 00006564 313.00540161 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Page DevTools JSON [ { 00006565 313.00540161 [8248] "description": "", 00006566 313.00540161 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/6EC7A9C448E77ED06D87472149E8F543", 00006567 313.00540161 [8248] "id": "6EC7A9C448E77ED06D87472149E8F543", 00006568 313.00540161 [8248] "title": "dlgAutoConvertRule.html", 00006569 313.00540161 [8248] "type": "page", 00006570 313.00540161 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html", 00006571 313.00540161 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/6EC7A9C448E77ED06D87472149E8F543" 00006572 313.00540161 [8248] }, { 00006573 313.00540161 [8248] "description": "", 00006574 313.00540161 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F", 00006575 313.00540161 [8248] "id": "0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F", 00006576 313.00540161 [8248] "title": "empty.html", 00006577 313.00540161 [8248] "type": "page", 00006578 313.00540161 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/empty.html", 00006579 313.00540161 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F" 00006580 313.00540161 [8248] }, { 00006581 313.00540161 [8248] "description": "", 00006582 313.00540161 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91", 00006583 313.00540161 [8248] "id": "20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91", 00006584 313.00540161 [8248] "title": "empty.html", 00006585 313.00540161 [8248] "type": "page", 00006586 313.00540161 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/empty.html", 00006587 313.00540161 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91" 00006588 313.00540161 [8248] }, { 00006589 313.00540161 [8248] "description": "", 00006590 313.00540161 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829", 00006591 313.00540161 [8248] "id": "A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829", 00006592 313.00540161 [8248] "title": "mainwindow.html", 00006593 313.00540161 [8248] "type": "page", 00006594 313.00540161 [8248] "url": "file:///mainwindow.html", 00006595 313.00540161 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829" 00006596 313.00540161 [8248] } ] 00006597 313.01525879 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) load event call 5 00006598 313.01547241 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00006599 313.01684570 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00006600 313.09848022 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 1297ms. 00006601 313.09848022 [8248] Task callstack : 00006602 313.09881592 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Previous tasks : 00006603 313.09909058 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151634984 00006604 313.09909058 [8248] ============================================= 00006605 313.09945679 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151633781 00006606 313.09945679 [8248] ============================================= 00006607 313.09976196 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151633640 00006608 313.09976196 [8248] ============================================= 00006609 313.10006714 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151633593 00006610 313.10006714 [8248] ============================================= 00006611 313.10052490 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151633250 00006612 313.10052490 [8248] ============================================= 00006613 313.10079956 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151632062 00006614 313.10079956 [8248] ============================================= 00006615 313.10107422 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151632062 00006616 313.10107422 [8248] ============================================= 00006617 313.10226440 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 531ms. 00006618 313.10226440 [8248] Task callstack : 00006619 313.10253906 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Previous tasks : 00006620 313.10281372 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151640609 00006621 313.10281372 [8248] ============================================= 00006622 313.10311890 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151634953 00006623 313.10311890 [8248] ============================================= 00006624 313.10342407 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151633734 00006625 313.10342407 [8248] ============================================= 00006626 313.10372925 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151633625 00006627 313.10372925 [8248] ============================================= 00006628 313.10400391 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151633593 00006629 313.10400391 [8248] ============================================= 00006630 313.10440063 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151632953 00006631 313.10440063 [8248] ============================================= 00006632 313.10470581 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151632937 00006633 313.10470581 [8248] ============================================= 00006634 313.10501099 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Retrieving file file:///temp/precompiledLess.css 00006635 313.10650635 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\precompiledLess.css" 00006636 313.11215210 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 531ms. 00006637 313.11215210 [8248] Task callstack : 00006638 313.11248779 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Previous tasks : 00006639 313.11279297 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151641875 00006640 313.11279297 [8248] ============================================= 00006641 313.11306763 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151634984 00006642 313.11306763 [8248] ============================================= 00006643 313.11337280 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151633781 00006644 313.11337280 [8248] ============================================= 00006645 313.11364746 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151633640 00006646 313.11364746 [8248] ============================================= 00006647 313.11392212 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151633593 00006648 313.11392212 [8248] ============================================= 00006649 313.11425781 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151633250 00006650 313.11425781 [8248] ============================================= 00006651 313.11453247 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151632062 00006652 313.11453247 [8248] ============================================= 00006653 313.13824463 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/star.svg 00006654 313.14260864 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/star.svg" 00006655 313.21630859 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Current User Scripts Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Scripts\ 00006656 313.21725464 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ******** currentMD5=AE1D4F99B32175A08CB9AFF27B62E14A, precompiledLessMD5=AE1D4F99B32175A08CB9AFF27B62E14A, currentTimestamp=0, precompiledLessTimestamp=0 00006657 313.23693848 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf 00006658 313.24188232 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/windowtitle.js 00006659 313.24975586 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf" 00006660 313.25039673 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular_add.ttf to skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular_add.ttf 00006661 313.25903320 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) AnimationTime set to 0.3s 00006662 313.26202393 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/windowtitle.html 00006663 313.26596069 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/windowtitle.html" 00006664 313.26647949 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/windowtitle_add.html to controls/windowtitle_add.html 00006665 313.28088379 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/dropdown.js 00006666 313.28457642 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/dropdown.js" 00006667 313.29299927 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/listview.js 00006668 313.29312134 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/listview.js to controls/listview.js 00006669 313.29733276 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/listview_add.js to controls/listview_add.js 00006670 313.50048828 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/edit_add.js to controls/edit_add.js 00006671 313.51660156 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Assoc: TFileAssocHandler.Create 00006672 313.51705933 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Doesn't know where to place ISMA file extension. Created separate group. 00006673 313.51739502 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Doesn't know where to place WEBM file extension. Created separate group. 00006674 313.53417969 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 8 tasks in queue. 00006675 313.53509521 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00006676 313.73294067 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ready event call 5 00006677 313.74703979 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00006678 313.98052979 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 641ms. 00006679 313.98052979 [8248] Task callstack : 00006680 313.98120117 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Previous tasks : 00006681 314.01651001 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Running at 151641921 00006682 314.01651001 [8248] ============================================= 00006683 314.02331543 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Running at 151641890 00006684 314.02331543 [8248] ============================================= 00006685 314.02746582 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Running at 151640609 00006686 314.02746582 [8248] ============================================= 00006687 314.10076904 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Running at 151634984 00006688 314.10076904 [8248] ============================================= 00006689 314.10113525 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Running at 151633781 00006690 314.10113525 [8248] ============================================= 00006691 314.10140991 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Running at 151633640 00006692 314.10140991 [8248] ============================================= 00006693 314.10183716 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Running at 151633593 00006694 314.10183716 [8248] ============================================= 00006695 314.10211182 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Running at 151633250 00006696 314.10211182 [8248] ============================================= 00006697 314.10638428 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/dropdown.svg 00006698 314.11145020 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 6 tasks in queue. 00006699 314.11303711 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 719ms. 00006700 314.11303711 [8248] Task callstack : 00006701 314.11352539 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Previous tasks : 00006702 314.11383057 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Running at 151641921 00006703 314.11383057 [8248] ============================================= 00006704 314.12191772 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Running at 151641890 00006705 314.12191772 [8248] ============================================= 00006706 314.12225342 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Running at 151640609 00006707 314.12225342 [8248] ============================================= 00006708 314.12255859 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Running at 151634953 00006709 314.12255859 [8248] ============================================= 00006710 314.12286377 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Running at 151633734 00006711 314.12286377 [8248] ============================================= 00006712 314.13449097 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Running at 151633625 00006713 314.13449097 [8248] ============================================= 00006714 314.14028931 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Running at 151633593 00006715 314.14028931 [8248] ============================================= 00006716 314.14065552 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg 00006717 314.15280151 [8248] MM5 [10996](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 750ms. 00006718 314.15280151 [8248] Task callstack : 00006719 314.23205566 [8248] MM5 [10996](R) Previous tasks : 00006720 314.23928833 [8248] MM5 [10996](R) Running at 151642890 00006721 314.23928833 [8248] ============================================= 00006722 314.23983765 [8248] MM5 [10996](R) Running at 151641921 00006723 314.23983765 [8248] ============================================= 00006724 314.24182129 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/dropdown.svg" 00006725 314.24822998 [8248] MM5 [10996](R) Running at 151641890 00006726 314.24822998 [8248] ============================================= 00006727 314.24856567 [8248] MM5 [10996](R) Running at 151640609 00006728 314.24856567 [8248] ============================================= 00006729 314.24887085 [8248] MM5 [10996](R) Running at 151634953 00006730 314.24887085 [8248] ============================================= 00006731 314.24914551 [8248] MM5 [10996](R) Running at 151633734 00006732 314.24914551 [8248] ============================================= 00006733 314.25442505 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/dropdown_add.svg to skin/icon/dropdown_add.svg 00006734 314.26065063 [8248] MM5 [10996](R) Running at 151633640 00006735 314.26065063 [8248] ============================================= 00006736 314.26620483 [8248] MM5 [10996](R) Running at 151633593 00006737 314.26620483 [8248] ============================================= 00006738 314.26657104 [8248] MM5 [10996](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/mainMenu.svg 00006739 314.27920532 [8248] MM5 [5048](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 875ms. 00006740 314.27920532 [8248] Task callstack : 00006741 314.30352783 [8248] MM5 [5048](R) Previous tasks : 00006742 314.30386353 [8248] MM5 [5048](R) Running at 151642890 00006743 314.30386353 [8248] ============================================= 00006744 314.30718994 [8248] MM5 [5048](R) Running at 151641921 00006745 314.30718994 [8248] ============================================= 00006746 314.41125488 [8248] MM5 [5048](R) Running at 151641890 00006747 314.41125488 [8248] ============================================= 00006748 314.41580200 [8248] MM5 [5048](R) Running at 151640609 00006749 314.41580200 [8248] ============================================= 00006750 314.41854858 [8248] MM5 [5048](R) Running at 151634984 00006751 314.41854858 [8248] ============================================= 00006752 314.43023682 [8248] MM5 [5048](R) Running at 151634953 00006753 314.43023682 [8248] ============================================= 00006754 314.43057251 [8248] MM5 [5048](R) Running at 151633734 00006755 314.43057251 [8248] ============================================= 00006756 314.43667603 [8248] MM5 [5048](R) Running at 151633625 00006757 314.43667603 [8248] ============================================= 00006758 314.43707275 [8248] MM5 [5048](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/minimize.svg 00006759 314.44735718 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg" 00006760 314.45007324 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/mediamonkey_add.svg to skin/icon/mediamonkey_add.svg 00006761 314.45867920 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 1063ms. 00006762 314.45867920 [8248] Task callstack : 00006763 314.46594238 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) JS Callstack: 00006764 314.46594238 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadFile ; Row: 417 ; Col: 38 00006765 314.46594238 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadIcon ; Row: 688 ; Col: 13 00006766 314.46594238 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1455 ; Col: 13 00006767 314.46594238 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.forEach ; Row: 871 ; Col: 9 00006768 314.46594238 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.initializeControls ; Row: 1452 ; Col: 5 00006769 314.46594238 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2159 ; Col: 5 00006770 314.46594238 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 2134 ; Col: 13 00006771 314.46804810 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Previous tasks : 00006772 314.47354126 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Running at 151643046 00006773 314.47354126 [8248] ============================================= 00006774 314.47387695 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Running at 151642890 00006775 314.47387695 [8248] ============================================= 00006776 314.47415161 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Running at 151641921 00006777 314.47415161 [8248] ============================================= 00006778 314.47448730 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Running at 151641890 00006779 314.47448730 [8248] ============================================= 00006780 314.47479248 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Running at 151640609 00006781 314.47479248 [8248] ============================================= 00006782 314.47506714 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Running at 151634953 00006783 314.47506714 [8248] ============================================= 00006784 314.48342896 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Running at 151633781 00006785 314.48342896 [8248] ============================================= 00006786 314.48397827 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Running at 151633640 00006787 314.48397827 [8248] ============================================= 00006788 314.48428345 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/maximize.svg 00006789 314.51037598 [8248] MM5 [10996](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/mainMenu.svg to skin/icon/mainMenu.svg 00006790 314.56497192 [8248] MM5 [10996](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/mainMenu.svg" 00006791 314.61709595 [8248] MM5 [5048](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/minimize.svg to skin/icon/minimize.svg 00006792 314.63717651 [8248] MM5 [5048](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/minimize.svg" 00006793 314.64044189 [8248] MM5 [5048](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/minimize_add.svg to skin/icon/minimize_add.svg 00006794 314.64453125 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 1250ms. 00006795 314.64453125 [8248] Task callstack : 00006796 314.64486694 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Previous tasks : 00006797 314.64514160 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Running at 151643046 00006798 314.64514160 [8248] ============================================= 00006799 314.65396118 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Running at 151642921 00006800 314.65396118 [8248] ============================================= 00006801 314.65615845 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Running at 151642734 00006802 314.65615845 [8248] ============================================= 00006803 314.65649414 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Running at 151641890 00006804 314.65649414 [8248] ============================================= 00006805 314.65676880 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Running at 151641875 00006806 314.65676880 [8248] ============================================= 00006807 314.65707397 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Running at 151634984 00006808 314.65707397 [8248] ============================================= 00006809 314.65737915 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Running at 151633781 00006810 314.65737915 [8248] ============================================= 00006811 314.65765381 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Running at 151633640 00006812 314.65765381 [8248] ============================================= 00006813 314.65798950 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/windowclose.svg to skin/icon/windowclose.svg 00006814 314.66213989 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/windowclose.svg" 00006815 314.67651367 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 1141ms. 00006816 314.67651367 [8248] Task callstack : 00006817 314.67684937 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Previous tasks : 00006818 314.67718506 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Running at 151643234 00006819 314.67718506 [8248] ============================================= 00006820 314.67752075 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Running at 151642921 00006821 314.67752075 [8248] ============================================= 00006822 314.67782593 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Running at 151642734 00006823 314.67782593 [8248] ============================================= 00006824 314.67810059 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Running at 151641890 00006825 314.67810059 [8248] ============================================= 00006826 314.67922974 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Running at 151641875 00006827 314.67922974 [8248] ============================================= 00006828 314.67956543 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Running at 151634984 00006829 314.67956543 [8248] ============================================= 00006830 314.67984009 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Running at 151633781 00006831 314.67984009 [8248] ============================================= 00006832 314.68017578 [8248] MM5 [6820](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00006833 314.69677734 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/maximize.svg to skin/icon/maximize.svg 00006834 314.70104980 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/maximize.svg" 00006835 314.70153809 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/maximize_add.svg to skin/icon/maximize_add.svg 00006836 314.76632690 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 1375ms. 00006837 314.76632690 [8248] Task callstack : 00006838 314.76669312 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Previous tasks : 00006839 314.76696777 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151643421 00006840 314.76696777 [8248] ============================================= 00006841 314.76730347 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151643046 00006842 314.76730347 [8248] ============================================= 00006843 314.76760864 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151642890 00006844 314.76760864 [8248] ============================================= 00006845 314.76788330 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151641921 00006846 314.76788330 [8248] ============================================= 00006847 314.76818848 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151641890 00006848 314.76818848 [8248] ============================================= 00006849 314.76846313 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151640609 00006850 314.76846313 [8248] ============================================= 00006851 314.76971436 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Running at 151634953 00006852 314.76971436 [8248] ============================================= 00006853 314.77001953 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/restore.svg 00006854 314.77703857 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/restore.svg" 00006855 314.77774048 [8248] MM5 [10576](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/restore_add.svg to skin/icon/restore_add.svg 00006856 320.81994629 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00006857 325.79254150 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00006858 326.09915161 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) dropdown w.loaded 00006859 327.43594360 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00006860 327.49182129 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) dropdown w.closed 00006861 330.83834839 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00006862 330.84768677 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Wait for event ID :3, delay :10000, callstack : 00006863 336.79821777 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00006864 336.90213013 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow start 00006865 336.90405273 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00006866 336.99102783 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow end 00006867 337.03424072 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00006868 337.08401489 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE notify close for identifier 5 00006869 337.08450317 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE closeBrowserCall for identifier 5 00006870 337.08508301 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00006871 337.11929321 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00006872 337.11968994 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 5 00006873 337.11996460 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE canClose for identifier 5 00006874 337.12011719 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00006875 337.12023926 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY end 00006876 337.15957642 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00006877 337.15969849 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY end 00006878 337.16156006 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00006879 337.16424561 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00006880 337.21890259 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnContextReleased 5 00006881 337.22033691 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TSharedWindow destroy called - worker id: 0, addr: 405531408 00006882 337.29251099 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserDestroyed 5 00006883 340.87161255 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00006884 342.48812866 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from to 00006885 342.51473999 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00006886 342.53268433 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserCreated 6 00006887 342.53582764 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) initializeLocals 00006888 342.94555664 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnContextCreated file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html (6) 00006889 342.94952393 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///mminit.js to mminit.js 00006890 342.95043945 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\mminit.js" 00006891 342.97729492 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///promise.js 00006892 342.98150635 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///promise.js to promise.js 00006893 342.99047852 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\promise.js" 00006894 343.00997925 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///promise_add.js to promise_add.js 00006895 343.01531982 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///binding.js 00006896 343.01889038 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\binding.js" 00006897 343.01931763 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///binding_add.js to binding_add.js 00006898 343.03622437 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00006899 343.03671265 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00006900 343.03997803 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/observableObject.js 00006901 343.04373169 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/observableObject.js" 00006902 343.04940796 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///utils.js 00006903 343.05282593 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\utils.js" 00006904 343.05322266 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///utils_add.js to utils_add.js 00006905 343.05862427 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///animationTools.js 00006906 343.06213379 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\animationTools.js" 00006907 343.06945801 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///animationTools_add.js to animationTools_add.js 00006908 343.07562256 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///velocity.js 00006909 343.07910156 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\velocity.js" 00006910 343.10372925 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/tooltipController.js 00006911 343.10754395 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/tooltipController.js" 00006912 343.11300659 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/control.js 00006913 343.11660767 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/control.js" 00006914 343.11709595 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/control_add.js to controls/control_add.js 00006915 343.12960815 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///dndutils.js 00006916 343.13308716 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dndutils.js" 00006917 343.14013672 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/popupmenu.js 00006918 343.14376831 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/popupmenu.js" 00006919 343.14422607 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/popupmenu_add.js to controls/popupmenu_add.js 00006920 343.15426636 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///actions.js 00006921 343.15780640 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\actions.js" 00006922 343.15908813 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///actions_add.js to actions_add.js 00006923 343.16250610 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\exportPodcasts\actions_add.js" 00006924 343.18731689 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchTools.js 00006925 343.19119263 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchTools.js" 00006926 343.19784546 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/docking.js 00006927 343.20150757 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/docking.js" 00006928 343.21273804 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/autoTagFramework.js 00006929 343.21658325 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/autoTagFramework.js" 00006930 343.22338867 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js 00006931 343.22787476 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js" 00006932 343.23815918 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchCommon.js 00006933 343.24185181 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchCommon.js" 00006934 343.24224854 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchCommon_add.js to helpers/searchCommon_add.js 00006935 343.24822998 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/musicBrainz.js 00006936 343.25186157 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/musicBrainz.js" 00006937 343.25231934 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/musicBrainz_add.js to helpers/musicBrainz_add.js 00006938 343.26947021 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/acoustID.js 00006939 343.27435303 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/acoustID.js" 00006940 343.27960205 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///consts.js 00006941 343.28363037 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\consts.js" 00006942 343.28918457 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchTVDB.js 00006943 343.29339600 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchTVDB.js" 00006944 343.31341553 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/tvmaze.js to helpers/tvmaze.js 00006945 343.31353760 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/tvmaze.js" 00006946 343.31854248 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/imdb.js 00006947 343.32244873 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/imdb.js" 00006948 343.32821655 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchIMDb.js 00006949 343.33190918 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchIMDb.js" 00006950 343.33718872 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/dockableDialog.js 00006951 343.34136963 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/dockableDialog.js" 00006952 343.34695435 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///playerUtils.js 00006953 343.35055542 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\playerUtils.js" 00006954 343.43734741 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/innerWindow_add.js to controls/innerWindow_add.js 00006955 343.44293213 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Page DevTools JSON [ { 00006956 343.44293213 [8248] "description": "", 00006957 343.44293213 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/53FD670378F45CB837AE12D95AB9FD22", 00006958 343.44293213 [8248] "id": "53FD670378F45CB837AE12D95AB9FD22", 00006959 343.44293213 [8248] "title": "dlgAutoConvertRule.html", 00006960 343.44293213 [8248] "type": "page", 00006961 343.44293213 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html", 00006962 343.44293213 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/53FD670378F45CB837AE12D95AB9FD22" 00006963 343.44293213 [8248] }, { 00006964 343.44293213 [8248] "description": "", 00006965 343.44293213 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F", 00006966 343.44293213 [8248] "id": "0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F", 00006967 343.44293213 [8248] "title": "empty.html", 00006968 343.44293213 [8248] "type": "page", 00006969 343.44293213 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/empty.html", 00006970 343.44293213 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F" 00006971 343.44293213 [8248] }, { 00006972 343.44293213 [8248] "description": "", 00006973 343.44293213 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91", 00006974 343.44293213 [8248] "id": "20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91", 00006975 343.44293213 [8248] "title": "empty.html", 00006976 343.44293213 [8248] "type": "page", 00006977 343.44293213 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/empty.html", 00006978 343.44293213 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91" 00006979 343.44293213 [8248] }, { 00006980 343.44293213 [8248] "description": "", 00006981 343.44293213 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829", 00006982 343.44293213 [8248] "id": "A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829", 00006983 343.44293213 [8248] "title": "mainwindow.html", 00006984 343.44293213 [8248] "type": "page", 00006985 343.44293213 [8248] "url": "file:///mainwindow.html", 00006986 343.44293213 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829" 00006987 343.44293213 [8248] } ] 00006988 343.44354248 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) load event call 6 00006989 343.49798584 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Retrieving file file:///temp/precompiledLess.css 00006990 343.49853516 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\precompiledLess.css" 00006991 343.81726074 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Current User Scripts Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Scripts\ 00006992 343.81826782 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ******** currentMD5=AE1D4F99B32175A08CB9AFF27B62E14A, precompiledLessMD5=AE1D4F99B32175A08CB9AFF27B62E14A, currentTimestamp=0, precompiledLessTimestamp=0 00006993 343.84008789 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf 00006994 343.84030151 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf to skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf 00006995 343.84268188 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/windowtitle.js 00006996 343.84463501 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf" 00006997 343.84970093 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/windowtitle.js" 00006998 343.85949707 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) AnimationTime set to 0.3s 00006999 343.86254883 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/windowtitle.html 00007000 343.86630249 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/windowtitle.html" 00007001 343.86663818 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/windowtitle_add.html to controls/windowtitle_add.html 00007002 343.88098145 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/dropdown.js 00007003 343.88470459 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/dropdown.js" 00007004 343.89300537 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/listview.js 00007005 343.89666748 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/listview.js" 00007006 343.91809082 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 2 threads of 10 00007007 343.92785645 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/button.js 00007008 343.93161011 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/button.js" 00007009 343.94192505 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/buttons.js 00007010 343.94558716 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/buttons.js" 00007011 343.95162964 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/menuButton.js 00007012 343.95532227 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/menuButton.js" 00007013 343.95574951 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/menuButton_add.js to controls/menuButton_add.js 00007014 343.96051025 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/iconbutton.js 00007015 343.96414185 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/iconbutton.js" 00007016 343.96896362 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/toolbutton.js 00007017 343.97277832 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/toolbutton.js" 00007018 343.97308350 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/toolbutton_add.js to controls/toolbutton_add.js 00007019 343.98522949 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 3 threads of 10 00007020 343.98904419 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 5 threads of 10 00007021 343.99075317 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 6 tasks in queue. 00007022 343.99276733 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 7 tasks in queue. 00007023 343.99468994 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 8 tasks in queue. 00007024 344.00479126 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Going to place window X: 0, Y: 0, width: 1274, height: 744 00007025 344.00500488 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Placed to display 00007026 344.00607300 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Display 0, X: 0, Y: 0, width: 2560, height: 1080 00007027 344.01870728 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/edit.js 00007028 344.02066040 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/edit.js to controls/edit.js 00007029 344.02291870 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/edit.js" 00007030 344.02297974 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/edit_add.js to controls/edit_add.js 00007031 344.10494995 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Assoc: TFileAssocHandler.Create 00007032 344.10522461 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Doesn't know where to place ISMA file extension. Created separate group. 00007033 344.10556030 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Doesn't know where to place WEBM file extension. Created separate group. 00007034 344.11019897 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 9 tasks in queue. 00007035 344.11758423 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00007036 344.12368774 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 9 tasks in queue. 00007037 344.26727295 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ready event call 6 00007038 344.28298950 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00007039 344.50326538 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 1110ms. 00007040 344.50326538 [8248] Task callstack : 00007041 344.50360107 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Previous tasks : 00007042 344.50390625 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Running at 151672281 00007043 344.50390625 [8248] ============================================= 00007044 344.50598145 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Running at 151670984 00007045 344.50598145 [8248] ============================================= 00007046 344.50640869 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Running at 151665578 00007047 344.50640869 [8248] ============================================= 00007048 344.50671387 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Running at 151655015 00007049 344.50671387 [8248] ============================================= 00007050 344.50698853 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Running at 151643546 00007051 344.50698853 [8248] ============================================= 00007052 344.50735474 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Running at 151643421 00007053 344.50735474 [8248] ============================================= 00007054 344.50817871 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Running at 151643046 00007055 344.50817871 [8248] ============================================= 00007056 344.50851440 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/star.svg 00007057 344.51239014 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/star.svg" 00007058 344.51428223 [8248] MM5 [8608](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 593ms. 00007059 344.51428223 [8248] Task callstack : 00007060 344.51461792 [8248] MM5 [8608](R) Previous tasks : 00007061 344.51492310 [8248] MM5 [8608](R) Running at 151672281 00007062 344.51492310 [8248] ============================================= 00007063 344.51525879 [8248] MM5 [8608](R) Running at 151671156 00007064 344.51525879 [8248] ============================================= 00007065 344.51553345 [8248] MM5 [8608](R) Running at 151670234 00007066 344.51553345 [8248] ============================================= 00007067 344.51623535 [8248] MM5 [8608](R) Running at 151656203 00007068 344.51623535 [8248] ============================================= 00007069 344.51678467 [8248] MM5 [8608](R) Running at 151655015 00007070 344.51678467 [8248] ============================================= 00007071 344.51705933 [8248] MM5 [8608](R) Running at 151643453 00007072 344.51705933 [8248] ============================================= 00007073 344.51742554 [8248] MM5 [8608](R) Running at 151643234 00007074 344.51742554 [8248] ============================================= 00007075 344.51770020 [8248] MM5 [8608](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/dropdown.svg 00007076 344.51889038 [8248] MM5 [9884](R) JS Callstack: 00007077 344.51889038 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadFile ; Row: 417 ; Col: 38 00007078 344.51889038 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadIcon ; Row: 688 ; Col: 13 00007079 344.51889038 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1455 ; Col: 13 00007080 344.51889038 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.forEach ; Row: 871 ; Col: 9 00007081 344.51889038 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.initializeControls ; Row: 1452 ; Col: 5 00007082 344.51889038 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2159 ; Col: 5 00007083 344.51889038 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 2134 ; Col: 13 00007084 344.51922607 [8248] MM5 [9884](R) Running at 151673296 00007085 344.51922607 [8248] ============================================= 00007086 344.51953125 [8248] MM5 [9884](R) Running at 151672281 00007087 344.51953125 [8248] ============================================= 00007088 344.51977539 [8248] MM5 [9884](R) Running at 151671156 00007089 344.51977539 [8248] ============================================= 00007090 344.52005005 [8248] MM5 [9884](R) Running at 151670234 00007091 344.52005005 [8248] ============================================= 00007092 344.52038574 [8248] MM5 [9884](R) Running at 151656203 00007093 344.52038574 [8248] ============================================= 00007094 344.52066040 [8248] MM5 [9884](R) Running at 151655015 00007095 344.52066040 [8248] ============================================= 00007096 344.52261353 [8248] MM5 [9884](R) Running at 151643453 00007097 344.52261353 [8248] ============================================= 00007098 344.52301025 [8248] MM5 [9884](R) Running at 151643234 00007099 344.52301025 [8248] ============================================= 00007100 344.52703857 [8248] MM5 [10272](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 547ms. 00007101 344.52703857 [8248] Task callstack : 00007102 344.52731323 [8248] MM5 [10272](R) JS Callstack: 00007103 344.52731323 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadFile ; Row: 417 ; Col: 38 00007104 344.52731323 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadIcon ; Row: 688 ; Col: 13 00007105 344.52731323 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1455 ; Col: 13 00007106 344.52731323 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.forEach ; Row: 871 ; Col: 9 00007107 344.52731323 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.initializeControls ; Row: 1452 ; Col: 5 00007108 344.52731323 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2159 ; Col: 5 00007109 344.52731323 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 2134 ; Col: 13 00007110 344.52767944 [8248] MM5 [10272](R) Running at 151673296 00007111 344.52767944 [8248] ============================================= 00007112 344.52801514 [8248] MM5 [10272](R) Running at 151673281 00007113 344.52801514 [8248] ============================================= 00007114 344.52853394 [8248] MM5 [10272](R) Running at 151672281 00007115 344.52853394 [8248] ============================================= 00007116 344.52984619 [8248] MM5 [10272](R) Running at 151670984 00007117 344.52984619 [8248] ============================================= 00007118 344.54162598 [8248] MM5 [10272](R) Running at 151665578 00007119 344.54162598 [8248] ============================================= 00007120 344.54229736 [8248] MM5 [10272](R) Running at 151655015 00007121 344.54229736 [8248] ============================================= 00007122 344.54260254 [8248] MM5 [10272](R) Running at 151643546 00007123 344.54260254 [8248] ============================================= 00007124 344.54290771 [8248] MM5 [10272](R) Running at 151643421 00007125 344.54290771 [8248] ============================================= 00007126 344.54324341 [8248] MM5 [8828](R) JS Callstack: 00007127 344.54324341 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadFile ; Row: 417 ; Col: 38 00007128 344.54324341 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadIcon ; Row: 688 ; Col: 13 00007129 344.54324341 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1455 ; Col: 13 00007130 344.54324341 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.forEach ; Row: 871 ; Col: 9 00007131 344.54324341 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.initializeControls ; Row: 1452 ; Col: 5 00007132 344.54324341 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2159 ; Col: 5 00007133 344.54324341 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 2134 ; Col: 13 00007134 344.54360962 [8248] MM5 [8828](R) Running at 151673296 00007135 344.54360962 [8248] ============================================= 00007136 344.54385376 [8248] MM5 [8828](R) Running at 151673281 00007137 344.54385376 [8248] ============================================= 00007138 344.54409790 [8248] MM5 [8828](R) Running at 151672281 00007139 344.54409790 [8248] ============================================= 00007140 344.54440308 [8248] MM5 [8828](R) Running at 151670984 00007141 344.54440308 [8248] ============================================= 00007142 344.54464722 [8248] MM5 [8828](R) Running at 151665578 00007143 344.54464722 [8248] ============================================= 00007144 344.54489136 [8248] MM5 [8828](R) Running at 151655015 00007145 344.54489136 [8248] ============================================= 00007146 344.54513550 [8248] MM5 [8828](R) Running at 151643546 00007147 344.54513550 [8248] ============================================= 00007148 344.54544067 [8248] MM5 [8828](R) Running at 151643421 00007149 344.54544067 [8248] ============================================= 00007150 344.54565430 [8248] MM5 [10272](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/mainMenu.svg 00007151 344.54583740 [8248] MM5 [3816](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 547ms. 00007152 344.54583740 [8248] Task callstack : 00007153 344.54598999 [8248] MM5 [3816](R) JS Callstack: 00007154 344.54598999 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadFile ; Row: 417 ; Col: 38 00007155 344.54598999 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadIcon ; Row: 688 ; Col: 13 00007156 344.54598999 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1455 ; Col: 13 00007157 344.54598999 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.forEach ; Row: 871 ; Col: 9 00007158 344.54598999 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.initializeControls ; Row: 1452 ; Col: 5 00007159 344.54598999 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2159 ; Col: 5 00007160 344.54598999 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 2134 ; Col: 13 00007161 344.54623413 [8248] MM5 [3816](R) Previous tasks : 00007162 344.54647827 [8248] MM5 [12040](R) Running at 151673328 00007163 344.54647827 [8248] ============================================= 00007164 344.54672241 [8248] MM5 [12040](R) Running at 151673296 00007165 344.54672241 [8248] ============================================= 00007166 344.54913330 [8248] MM5 [12040](R) Running at 151672281 00007167 344.54913330 [8248] ============================================= 00007168 344.55990601 [8248] MM5 [12040](R) Running at 151672281 00007169 344.55990601 [8248] ============================================= 00007170 344.56042480 [8248] MM5 [12040](R) Running at 151670984 00007171 344.56042480 [8248] ============================================= 00007172 344.56250000 [8248] MM5 [12040](R) Running at 151665578 00007173 344.56250000 [8248] ============================================= 00007174 344.56448364 [8248] MM5 [12040](R) Running at 151656203 00007175 344.56448364 [8248] ============================================= 00007176 344.56478882 [8248] MM5 [12040](R) Running at 151655015 00007177 344.56478882 [8248] ============================================= 00007178 344.57379150 [8248] MM5 [12040](R) Running at 151643546 00007179 344.57379150 [8248] ============================================= 00007180 344.57418823 [8248] MM5 [3816](R) Running at 151673328 00007181 344.57418823 [8248] ============================================= 00007182 344.57449341 [8248] MM5 [3816](R) Running at 151673328 00007183 344.57449341 [8248] ============================================= 00007184 344.57476807 [8248] MM5 [3816](R) Running at 151673296 00007185 344.57476807 [8248] ============================================= 00007186 344.58007813 [8248] MM5 [3816](R) Running at 151672281 00007187 344.58007813 [8248] ============================================= 00007188 344.58059692 [8248] MM5 [3816](R) Running at 151671156 00007189 344.58059692 [8248] ============================================= 00007190 344.58105469 [8248] MM5 [3816](R) Running at 151670234 00007191 344.58105469 [8248] ============================================= 00007192 344.58666992 [8248] MM5 [3816](R) Running at 151656203 00007193 344.58666992 [8248] ============================================= 00007194 344.58700562 [8248] MM5 [3816](R) Running at 151655015 00007195 344.58700562 [8248] ============================================= 00007196 344.59820557 [8248] MM5 [3816](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/restore.svg 00007197 344.61877441 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 594ms. 00007198 344.61877441 [8248] Task callstack : 00007199 344.64978027 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) JS Callstack: 00007200 344.64978027 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadFile ; Row: 417 ; Col: 38 00007201 344.64978027 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadIcon ; Row: 688 ; Col: 13 00007202 344.64978027 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1455 ; Col: 13 00007203 344.64978027 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.forEach ; Row: 871 ; Col: 9 00007204 344.64978027 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.initializeControls ; Row: 1452 ; Col: 5 00007205 344.64978027 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2159 ; Col: 5 00007206 344.64978027 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 2134 ; Col: 13 00007207 344.65008545 [8248] MM5 [5024](R) JS Callstack: 00007208 344.65008545 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 230 ; Col: 23 00007209 344.65008545 [8248] Script: file:///controls/dropdown.js ; Func: setEditValue ; Row: 546 ; Col: 32 00007210 344.65008545 [8248] Script: file:///controls/dropdown.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 396 ; Col: 30 00007211 344.65008545 [8248] Script: file:///controls/dropdown.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 390 ; Col: 32 00007212 344.65008545 [8248] Script: file:///controls/dropdown.js ; Func: set ; Row: 715 ; Col: 41 00007213 344.65008545 [8248] Script: file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js ; Func: init ; Row: 242 ; Col: 48 00007214 344.65008545 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: notifyPageReady ; Row: 1700 ; Col: 5 00007215 344.65008545 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2177 ; Col: 5 00007216 344.65008545 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 2134 ; Col: 13 00007217 344.65039063 [8248] MM5 [5024](R) Running at 151673328 00007218 344.65039063 [8248] ============================================= 00007219 344.65066528 [8248] MM5 [5024](R) Running at 151673312 00007220 344.65066528 [8248] ============================================= 00007221 344.65286255 [8248] MM5 [5024](R) Running at 151673296 00007222 344.65286255 [8248] ============================================= 00007223 344.65319824 [8248] MM5 [5024](R) Running at 151673281 00007224 344.65319824 [8248] ============================================= 00007225 344.65347290 [8248] MM5 [5024](R) Running at 151672281 00007226 344.65347290 [8248] ============================================= 00007227 344.65377808 [8248] MM5 [5024](R) Running at 151670984 00007228 344.65377808 [8248] ============================================= 00007229 344.65405273 [8248] MM5 [5024](R) Running at 151665578 00007230 344.65405273 [8248] ============================================= 00007231 344.65747070 [8248] MM5 [5024](R) Running at 151656203 00007232 344.65747070 [8248] ============================================= 00007233 344.65826416 [8248] MM5 [5024](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00007234 344.66217041 [8248] MM5 [5024](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\Extensions\CodecPack\info.json" 00007235 344.71029663 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Previous tasks : 00007236 344.75671387 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Running at 151673437 00007237 344.75671387 [8248] ============================================= 00007238 344.75708008 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Running at 151673328 00007239 344.75708008 [8248] ============================================= 00007240 344.75741577 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Running at 151673328 00007241 344.75741577 [8248] ============================================= 00007242 344.75827026 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Running at 151673296 00007243 344.75827026 [8248] ============================================= 00007244 344.75857544 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Running at 151672281 00007245 344.75857544 [8248] ============================================= 00007246 344.75888062 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Running at 151671156 00007247 344.75888062 [8248] ============================================= 00007248 344.75915527 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Running at 151670234 00007249 344.75915527 [8248] ============================================= 00007250 344.75946045 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Running at 151656203 00007251 344.75946045 [8248] ============================================= 00007252 344.77618408 [8248] MM5 [8608](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/dropdown.svg to skin/icon/dropdown.svg 00007253 344.77987671 [8248] MM5 [8608](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/dropdown.svg" 00007254 344.82284546 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/windowclose.svg to skin/icon/windowclose.svg 00007255 345.13705444 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/windowclose.svg" 00007256 345.18041992 [8248] MM5 [3816](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/restore.svg to skin/icon/restore.svg 00007257 345.18502808 [8248] MM5 [3816](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/restore.svg" 00007258 345.20025635 [8248] MM5 [12040](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/maximize.svg to skin/icon/maximize.svg 00007259 345.26275635 [8248] MM5 [12040](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/maximize.svg" 00007260 345.39840698 [8248] MM5 [10272](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/mainMenu.svg to skin/icon/mainMenu.svg 00007261 345.40206909 [8248] MM5 [10272](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/mainMenu.svg" 00007262 345.41040039 [8248] MM5 [8828](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/minimize.svg to skin/icon/minimize.svg 00007263 345.41421509 [8248] MM5 [8828](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/minimize.svg" 00007264 345.42959595 [8248] MM5 [9884](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg to skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg 00007265 345.43399048 [8248] MM5 [9884](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg" 00007266 347.06430054 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00007267 350.88171387 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00007268 352.82958984 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00007269 352.84814453 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow start 00007270 352.91607666 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow end 00007271 352.93612671 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00007272 352.96340942 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00007273 352.96371460 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 6 00007274 352.96411133 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE beforeClose for identifier 6 00007275 352.96990967 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00007276 352.97024536 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE notify close for identifier 6 00007277 352.97052002 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE closeBrowserCall for identifier 6 00007278 352.99691772 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00007279 353.00177002 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00007280 353.05273438 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00007281 353.05294800 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 6 00007282 353.05337524 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE canClose for identifier 6 00007283 353.05352783 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00007284 353.05813599 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY end 00007285 353.18844604 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00007286 353.19351196 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00007287 353.19372559 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnContextReleased 6 00007288 353.19476318 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TSharedWindow destroy called - worker id: 0, addr: 405531408 00007289 353.19647217 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) OnContextReleased end. 00007290 353.28573608 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserDestroyed 6 00007291 354.43096924 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ControlCache: ColumnTrackList | uniqueID_911 removed, controls.count = 1 00007292 354.47131348 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ControlCache: SearchView | uniqueID_859 removed, controls.count = 0 00007293 354.60394287 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 6 tasks in queue. 00007294 354.60504150 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 8 tasks in queue. 00007295 354.60632324 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 10 tasks in queue. 00007296 354.63476563 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) DB open SQL: SELECT count(*), sum(fileLength), sum(songLength) FROM Songs WHERE IDAlbum IN () 00007297 354.67501831 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) DB open SQL: SELECT count(*), sum(fileLength), sum(songLength) FROM Songs WHERE IDAlbum IN () 00007298 360.89703369 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00007299 368.07299805 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 2 threads of 10 00007300 368.10931396 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from to 00007301 368.15664673 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00007302 368.16113281 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html" 00007303 368.19198608 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Currently running 3 threads of 10 00007304 368.36822510 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00007305 368.37255859 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserCreated 7 00007306 368.37268066 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) initializeLocals 00007307 368.83221436 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnContextCreated file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html (7) 00007308 368.83966064 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///mminit.js to mminit.js 00007309 368.84558105 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\mminit.js" 00007310 368.84619141 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///mminit_add.js to mminit_add.js 00007311 368.85174561 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js 00007312 368.85192871 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js to dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js 00007313 368.85760498 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js" 00007314 368.85809326 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule_add.js to dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule_add.js 00007315 368.88327026 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///promise.js 00007316 368.88705444 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\promise.js" 00007317 368.89047241 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///promise_add.js to promise_add.js 00007318 368.89752197 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 4 threads of 10 00007319 368.90267944 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 5 threads of 10 00007320 368.91128540 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///binding.js 00007321 368.91534424 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\binding.js" 00007322 368.92343140 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00007323 368.92565918 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00007324 368.92980957 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/observableObject.js to helpers/observableObject.js 00007325 368.93026733 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/observableObject_add.js to helpers/observableObject_add.js 00007326 368.93606567 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///utils.js 00007327 368.93975830 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\utils.js" 00007328 368.94580078 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///animationTools.js 00007329 368.95013428 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\animationTools.js" 00007330 368.95700073 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///velocity.js 00007331 368.96118164 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\velocity.js" 00007332 368.98422241 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/tooltipController.js 00007333 368.98861694 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/tooltipController.js" 00007334 368.98934937 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/tooltipController_add.js to controls/tooltipController_add.js 00007335 368.99401855 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/control.js 00007336 368.99853516 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/control.js" 00007337 369.01269531 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///dndutils.js 00007338 369.01635742 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dndutils.js" 00007339 369.02371216 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/popupmenu.js 00007340 369.02798462 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/popupmenu.js" 00007341 369.03952026 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///actions.js 00007342 369.04495239 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\actions.js" 00007343 369.04830933 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\redoNavbarButton\actions_add.js" 00007344 369.07852173 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchTools.js 00007345 369.08395386 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchTools.js" 00007346 369.09194946 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/docking.js 00007347 369.09652710 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/docking.js" 00007348 369.10729980 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/autoTagFramework.js 00007349 369.11181641 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/autoTagFramework.js" 00007350 369.11947632 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js 00007351 369.12374878 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js" 00007352 369.13806152 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchCommon.js 00007353 369.14312744 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchCommon.js" 00007354 369.15011597 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/musicBrainz.js 00007355 369.15469360 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/musicBrainz.js" 00007356 369.17272949 [8248] MM5 [6712](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 1094ms. 00007357 369.17272949 [8248] Task callstack : 00007358 369.17379761 [8248] MM5 [6712](R) Previous tasks : 00007359 369.19329834 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/acoustID.js 00007360 369.19815063 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/acoustID.js" 00007361 369.20385742 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///consts.js 00007362 369.20867920 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\consts.js" 00007363 369.21478271 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchTVDB.js 00007364 369.21932983 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchTVDB.js" 00007365 369.22662354 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/tvdb.js 00007366 369.23068237 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/tvdb.js" 00007367 369.23831177 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/tvmaze.js 00007368 369.24264526 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/tvmaze.js" 00007369 369.24853516 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/imdb.js 00007370 369.25320435 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/imdb.js" 00007371 369.26116943 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchIMDb.js 00007372 369.26531982 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchIMDb.js" 00007373 369.27117920 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/dockableDialog.js 00007374 369.27508545 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/dockableDialog.js" 00007375 369.28088379 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///playerUtils.js 00007376 369.28674316 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\playerUtils.js" 00007377 369.29513550 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/embeddedWindow.js 00007378 369.29931641 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/embeddedWindow.js" 00007379 369.30581665 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/embeddedWindow_add.js to controls/embeddedWindow_add.js 00007380 369.30606079 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/switchWindow.js 00007381 369.30877686 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/switchWindow.js to controls/switchWindow.js 00007382 369.31112671 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/switchWindow.js" 00007383 369.49261475 [8248] MM5 [6712](R) Running at 151696750 00007384 369.49261475 [8248] ============================================= 00007385 369.49307251 [8248] MM5 [6712](R) Running at 151683453 00007386 369.49307251 [8248] ============================================= 00007387 369.49337769 [8248] MM5 [6712](R) Running at 151683453 00007388 369.49337769 [8248] ============================================= 00007389 369.49365234 [8248] MM5 [6712](R) Running at 151683453 00007390 369.49365234 [8248] ============================================= 00007391 369.49407959 [8248] MM5 [6712](R) Running at 151683453 00007392 369.49407959 [8248] ============================================= 00007393 369.49557495 [8248] MM5 [6712](R) Running at 151683437 00007394 369.49557495 [8248] ============================================= 00007395 369.49658203 [8248] MM5 [6712](R) Running at 151683406 00007396 369.49658203 [8248] ============================================= 00007397 369.49682617 [8248] MM5 [6712](R) Running at 151673375 00007398 369.49682617 [8248] ============================================= 00007399 369.50830078 [8248] MM5 [5792](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 609ms. 00007400 369.50830078 [8248] Task callstack : 00007401 369.50866699 [8248] MM5 [5792](R) Previous tasks : 00007402 369.50900269 [8248] MM5 [5792](R) Running at 151696750 00007403 369.50900269 [8248] ============================================= 00007404 369.50927734 [8248] MM5 [5792](R) Running at 151683453 00007405 369.50927734 [8248] ============================================= 00007406 369.50955200 [8248] MM5 [5792](R) Running at 151683453 00007407 369.50955200 [8248] ============================================= 00007408 369.50982666 [8248] MM5 [5792](R) Running at 151683453 00007409 369.50982666 [8248] ============================================= 00007410 369.51028442 [8248] MM5 [5792](R) Running at 151683437 00007411 369.51028442 [8248] ============================================= 00007412 369.51058960 [8248] MM5 [5792](R) Running at 151683421 00007413 369.51058960 [8248] ============================================= 00007414 369.51086426 [8248] MM5 [5792](R) Running at 151681609 00007415 369.51086426 [8248] ============================================= 00007416 369.54522705 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/star.svg 00007417 369.54922485 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/star.svg" 00007418 369.55493164 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 656ms. 00007419 369.55493164 [8248] Task callstack : 00007420 369.55526733 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Previous tasks : 00007421 369.55557251 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Running at 151698296 00007422 369.55557251 [8248] ============================================= 00007423 369.55587769 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Running at 151696750 00007424 369.55587769 [8248] ============================================= 00007425 369.55618286 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Running at 151683453 00007426 369.55618286 [8248] ============================================= 00007427 369.55645752 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Running at 151683453 00007428 369.55645752 [8248] ============================================= 00007429 369.55673218 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Running at 151683453 00007430 369.55673218 [8248] ============================================= 00007431 369.55700684 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Running at 151683437 00007432 369.55700684 [8248] ============================================= 00007433 369.55731201 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Running at 151683421 00007434 369.55731201 [8248] ============================================= 00007435 369.55761719 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Retrieving file file:///temp/precompiledLess.css 00007436 369.55877686 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\precompiledLess.css" 00007437 369.62954712 [8248] MM5 [5792](R) Current User Scripts Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Scripts\ 00007438 369.63055420 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ******** currentMD5=AE1D4F99B32175A08CB9AFF27B62E14A, precompiledLessMD5=AE1D4F99B32175A08CB9AFF27B62E14A, currentTimestamp=0, precompiledLessTimestamp=0 00007439 369.65017700 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf 00007440 369.65670776 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf" 00007441 369.65689087 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/windowtitle.js 00007442 369.65740967 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular_add.ttf to skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular_add.ttf 00007443 369.66403198 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/windowtitle.js" 00007444 369.67416382 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) AnimationTime set to 0.3s 00007445 369.67724609 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/windowtitle.html 00007446 369.68106079 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/windowtitle.html" 00007447 369.69607544 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/dropdown.js 00007448 369.69982910 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/dropdown.js" 00007449 369.70834351 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/listview.js 00007450 369.71209717 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/listview.js" 00007451 369.74438477 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/button.js 00007452 369.74859619 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/button.js" 00007453 369.76025391 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/buttons.js 00007454 369.76409912 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/buttons.js" 00007455 369.77035522 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/menuButton.js 00007456 369.77429199 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/menuButton.js" 00007457 369.77957153 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/iconbutton.js 00007458 369.78338623 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/iconbutton.js" 00007459 369.78845215 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/toolbutton.js 00007460 369.79226685 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/toolbutton.js" 00007461 369.80990601 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 6 tasks in queue. 00007462 369.82055664 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Display 0, X: 0, Y: 0, width: 2560, height: 1080 00007463 369.93655396 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Doesn't know where to place WPL file extension. Created separate group. 00007464 369.93997192 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 8 tasks in queue. 00007465 369.94415283 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00007466 370.11178589 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ready event call 7 00007467 370.11914063 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) notifyReady called 00007468 370.11996460 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00007469 370.24319458 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 8 tasks in queue. 00007470 370.29995728 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 563ms. 00007471 370.29995728 [8248] Task callstack : 00007472 370.30831909 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Previous tasks : 00007473 370.30877686 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Running at 151698328 00007474 370.30877686 [8248] ============================================= 00007475 370.32635498 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Running at 151698296 00007476 370.32635498 [8248] ============================================= 00007477 370.32672119 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Running at 151696750 00007478 370.32672119 [8248] ============================================= 00007479 370.32699585 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Running at 151683453 00007480 370.32699585 [8248] ============================================= 00007481 370.34454346 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Running at 151683453 00007482 370.34454346 [8248] ============================================= 00007483 370.34484863 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Running at 151683453 00007484 370.34484863 [8248] ============================================= 00007485 370.34515381 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Running at 151683437 00007486 370.34515381 [8248] ============================================= 00007487 370.34545898 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/dropdown.svg 00007488 370.34939575 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/dropdown.svg" 00007489 370.34991455 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/dropdown_add.svg to skin/icon/dropdown_add.svg 00007490 370.37957764 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 563ms. 00007491 370.37957764 [8248] Task callstack : 00007492 370.37991333 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Previous tasks : 00007493 370.38018799 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Running at 151698343 00007494 370.38018799 [8248] ============================================= 00007495 370.38049316 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Running at 151698296 00007496 370.38049316 [8248] ============================================= 00007497 370.38079834 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Running at 151696750 00007498 370.38079834 [8248] ============================================= 00007499 370.38107300 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Running at 151683453 00007500 370.38107300 [8248] ============================================= 00007501 370.38137817 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Running at 151683453 00007502 370.38137817 [8248] ============================================= 00007503 370.38165283 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Running at 151683453 00007504 370.38165283 [8248] ============================================= 00007505 370.38192749 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Running at 151683437 00007506 370.38192749 [8248] ============================================= 00007507 370.38223267 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg 00007508 370.38644409 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg" 00007509 370.39697266 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 594ms. 00007510 370.39697266 [8248] Task callstack : 00007511 370.39733887 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Previous tasks : 00007512 370.39764404 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Running at 151699078 00007513 370.39764404 [8248] ============================================= 00007514 370.39791870 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Running at 151698328 00007515 370.39791870 [8248] ============================================= 00007516 370.39819336 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Running at 151697953 00007517 370.39819336 [8248] ============================================= 00007518 370.39852905 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Running at 151683453 00007519 370.39852905 [8248] ============================================= 00007520 370.39883423 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Running at 151683453 00007521 370.39883423 [8248] ============================================= 00007522 370.39910889 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Running at 151683453 00007523 370.39910889 [8248] ============================================= 00007524 370.39941406 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Running at 151683453 00007525 370.39941406 [8248] ============================================= 00007526 370.39971924 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/mainMenu.svg 00007527 370.40371704 [8248] MM5 [12228](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/mainMenu.svg" 00007528 370.40957642 [8248] MM5 [8768](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 594ms. 00007529 370.40957642 [8248] Task callstack : 00007530 370.40991211 [8248] MM5 [8768](R) Previous tasks : 00007531 370.41018677 [8248] MM5 [8768](R) Running at 151699156 00007532 370.41018677 [8248] ============================================= 00007533 370.41049194 [8248] MM5 [8768](R) Running at 151698343 00007534 370.41049194 [8248] ============================================= 00007535 370.41076660 [8248] MM5 [8768](R) Running at 151698296 00007536 370.41076660 [8248] ============================================= 00007537 370.41107178 [8248] MM5 [8768](R) Running at 151696750 00007538 370.41107178 [8248] ============================================= 00007539 370.41134644 [8248] MM5 [8768](R) Running at 151683453 00007540 370.41134644 [8248] ============================================= 00007541 370.41168213 [8248] MM5 [8768](R) Running at 151683453 00007542 370.41168213 [8248] ============================================= 00007543 370.41195679 [8248] MM5 [8768](R) Running at 151683453 00007544 370.41195679 [8248] ============================================= 00007545 370.41226196 [8248] MM5 [8768](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/minimize.svg 00007546 370.41625977 [8248] MM5 [5136](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 594ms. 00007547 370.41625977 [8248] Task callstack : 00007548 370.41848755 [8248] MM5 [5136](R) Previous tasks : 00007549 370.42581177 [8248] MM5 [5136](R) Running at 151699187 00007550 370.42581177 [8248] ============================================= 00007551 370.48242188 [8248] MM5 [5136](R) Running at 151699187 00007552 370.48242188 [8248] ============================================= 00007553 370.48281860 [8248] MM5 [5136](R) Running at 151699078 00007554 370.48281860 [8248] ============================================= 00007555 370.48309326 [8248] MM5 [5136](R) Running at 151698328 00007556 370.48309326 [8248] ============================================= 00007557 370.48339844 [8248] MM5 [5136](R) Running at 151697953 00007558 370.48339844 [8248] ============================================= 00007559 370.48367310 [8248] MM5 [5136](R) Running at 151683453 00007560 370.48367310 [8248] ============================================= 00007561 370.48397827 [8248] MM5 [5136](R) Running at 151683453 00007562 370.48397827 [8248] ============================================= 00007563 370.48425293 [8248] MM5 [5136](R) Running at 151683453 00007564 370.48425293 [8248] ============================================= 00007565 370.48455811 [8248] MM5 [5136](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/maximize.svg 00007566 370.48489380 [8248] MM5 [6712](R) JS Callstack: 00007567 370.48489380 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadFile ; Row: 417 ; Col: 38 00007568 370.48489380 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadIcon ; Row: 688 ; Col: 13 00007569 370.48489380 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1455 ; Col: 13 00007570 370.48489380 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.forEach ; Row: 871 ; Col: 9 00007571 370.48489380 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.initializeControls ; Row: 1452 ; Col: 5 00007572 370.48489380 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2159 ; Col: 5 00007573 370.48489380 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 2134 ; Col: 13 00007574 370.48516846 [8248] MM5 [6712](R) Running at 151699187 00007575 370.48516846 [8248] ============================================= 00007576 370.48550415 [8248] MM5 [6712](R) Running at 151699187 00007577 370.48550415 [8248] ============================================= 00007578 370.48580933 [8248] MM5 [6712](R) Running at 151699078 00007579 370.48580933 [8248] ============================================= 00007580 370.48608398 [8248] MM5 [6712](R) Running at 151698328 00007581 370.48608398 [8248] ============================================= 00007582 370.48638916 [8248] MM5 [6712](R) Running at 151697953 00007583 370.48638916 [8248] ============================================= 00007584 370.48666382 [8248] MM5 [6712](R) Running at 151683453 00007585 370.48666382 [8248] ============================================= 00007586 370.48693848 [8248] MM5 [6712](R) Running at 151683453 00007587 370.48693848 [8248] ============================================= 00007588 370.48721313 [8248] MM5 [6712](R) Running at 151683453 00007589 370.48721313 [8248] ============================================= 00007590 370.48846436 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 672ms. 00007591 370.48846436 [8248] Task callstack : 00007592 370.48880005 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Previous tasks : 00007593 370.48910522 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Running at 151699187 00007594 370.48910522 [8248] ============================================= 00007595 370.48941040 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Running at 151699187 00007596 370.48941040 [8248] ============================================= 00007597 370.48971558 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Running at 151699078 00007598 370.48971558 [8248] ============================================= 00007599 370.48999023 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Running at 151698328 00007600 370.48999023 [8248] ============================================= 00007601 370.49026489 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Running at 151697953 00007602 370.49026489 [8248] ============================================= 00007603 370.49060059 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Running at 151683453 00007604 370.49060059 [8248] ============================================= 00007605 370.49087524 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Running at 151683453 00007606 370.49087524 [8248] ============================================= 00007607 370.49118042 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/windowclose.svg 00007608 370.49172974 [8248] MM5 [5792](R) JS Callstack: 00007609 370.49172974 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 230 ; Col: 23 00007610 370.49172974 [8248] Script: file:///controls/dropdown.js ; Func: setEditValue ; Row: 546 ; Col: 32 00007611 370.49172974 [8248] Script: file:///controls/dropdown.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 396 ; Col: 30 00007612 370.49172974 [8248] Script: file:///controls/dropdown.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 390 ; Col: 32 00007613 370.49172974 [8248] Script: file:///controls/dropdown.js ; Func: set ; Row: 715 ; Col: 41 00007614 370.49172974 [8248] Script: file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js ; Func: init ; Row: 242 ; Col: 48 00007615 370.49172974 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: notifyPageReady ; Row: 1700 ; Col: 5 00007616 370.49172974 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2177 ; Col: 5 00007617 370.49172974 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 2134 ; Col: 13 00007618 370.49203491 [8248] MM5 [5792](R) Running at 151699265 00007619 370.49203491 [8248] ============================================= 00007620 370.49234009 [8248] MM5 [5792](R) Running at 151699187 00007621 370.49234009 [8248] ============================================= 00007622 370.49264526 [8248] MM5 [5792](R) Running at 151699187 00007623 370.49264526 [8248] ============================================= 00007624 370.49291992 [8248] MM5 [5792](R) Running at 151699078 00007625 370.49291992 [8248] ============================================= 00007626 370.49319458 [8248] MM5 [5792](R) Running at 151698328 00007627 370.49319458 [8248] ============================================= 00007628 370.49353027 [8248] MM5 [5792](R) Running at 151697953 00007629 370.49353027 [8248] ============================================= 00007630 370.49380493 [8248] MM5 [5792](R) Running at 151683453 00007631 370.49380493 [8248] ============================================= 00007632 370.49407959 [8248] MM5 [5792](R) Running at 151683453 00007633 370.49407959 [8248] ============================================= 00007634 370.49472046 [8248] MM5 [5792](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\Extensions\CodecPack\info.json" 00007635 370.50280762 [8248] MM5 [8768](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/minimize.svg to skin/icon/minimize.svg 00007636 370.50823975 [8248] MM5 [8768](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/minimize.svg" 00007637 370.52340698 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/windowclose.svg to skin/icon/windowclose.svg 00007638 370.52767944 [8248] MM5 [4732](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/windowclose_add.svg to skin/icon/windowclose_add.svg 00007639 370.54086304 [8248] MM5 [6712](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/restore.svg to skin/icon/restore.svg 00007640 370.54476929 [8248] MM5 [6712](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/restore.svg" 00007641 370.56027222 [8248] MM5 [5136](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/maximize.svg to skin/icon/maximize.svg 00007642 370.56469727 [8248] MM5 [5136](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/maximize_add.svg to skin/icon/maximize_add.svg 00007643 370.99301147 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Wait for event ID :3, delay :10000, callstack : 00007644 378.64282227 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00007645 379.85473633 [8248] MM5 [8768](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00007646 379.87637329 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow start 00007647 379.87820435 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00007648 379.94955444 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow end 00007649 380.00201416 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00007650 380.00225830 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00007651 380.00244141 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 7 00007652 380.00299072 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE beforeClose for identifier 7 00007653 380.00323486 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00007654 380.01113892 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00007655 380.01425171 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE notify close for identifier 7 00007656 380.04742432 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00007657 380.04983521 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00007658 380.05044556 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE canClose for identifier 7 00007659 380.05252075 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY end 00007660 380.08316040 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00007661 380.09698486 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00007662 380.09777832 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00007663 380.09841919 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TSharedWindow destroy called - worker id: 0, addr: 405531408 00007664 380.13449097 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserDestroyed 7 00007665 381.00997925 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00007666 383.83184814 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from to 00007667 383.85311890 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00007668 383.86572266 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html" 00007669 383.87170410 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule_add.html to dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule_add.html 00007670 383.88516235 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserCreated 8 00007671 384.33477783 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnContextCreated file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html (8) 00007672 384.33715820 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///mminit.js 00007673 384.34527588 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///mminit_add.js to mminit_add.js 00007674 384.34872437 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js 00007675 384.35269165 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js" 00007676 384.38168335 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///promise.js 00007677 384.38549805 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\promise.js" 00007678 384.40243530 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///binding.js 00007679 384.40631104 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\binding.js" 00007680 384.40661621 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///binding_add.js to binding_add.js 00007681 384.41409302 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00007682 384.41644287 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00007683 384.41693115 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/observableObject.js to helpers/observableObject.js 00007684 384.42041016 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/observableObject.js" 00007685 384.42663574 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///utils.js 00007686 384.42913818 [8248] MM5 [8768](R) Retrieving file file:///temp/precompiledLess.css 00007687 384.43045044 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\utils.js" 00007688 384.43417358 [8248] MM5 [8768](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///temp/precompiledLess.css to D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\precompiledLess.css 00007689 384.43463135 [8248] MM5 [8768](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\precompiledLess.css" 00007690 384.43658447 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///animationTools.js 00007691 384.44259644 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///animationTools.js to animationTools.js 00007692 384.45007324 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///animationTools_add.js to animationTools_add.js 00007693 384.46350098 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///velocity.js 00007694 384.46792603 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\velocity.js" 00007695 384.49072266 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/tooltipController.js 00007696 384.49481201 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/tooltipController.js" 00007697 384.50079346 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/control.js 00007698 384.50476074 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/control.js" 00007699 384.51916504 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///dndutils.js 00007700 384.52340698 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dndutils.js" 00007701 384.53109741 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/popupmenu.js 00007702 384.53552246 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/popupmenu.js" 00007703 384.54611206 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///actions.js 00007704 384.54974365 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\actions.js" 00007705 384.55361938 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\redoNavbarButton\actions_add.js" 00007706 384.55581665 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\exportPodcasts\actions_add.js" 00007707 384.58181763 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchTools.js 00007708 384.58609009 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchTools.js" 00007709 384.59344482 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/docking.js 00007710 384.59771729 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/docking.js" 00007711 384.60726929 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/autoTagFramework.js 00007712 384.60739136 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/autoTagFramework.js to helpers/autoTagFramework.js 00007713 384.61163330 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/autoTagFramework_add.js to helpers/autoTagFramework_add.js 00007714 384.61871338 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js 00007715 384.62307739 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js" 00007716 384.63598633 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchCommon.js 00007717 384.64047241 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchCommon.js" 00007718 384.64675903 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/musicBrainz.js 00007719 384.65072632 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/musicBrainz.js" 00007720 384.66934204 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/acoustID.js 00007721 384.67376709 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/acoustID.js" 00007722 384.67892456 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///consts.js 00007723 384.68255615 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\consts.js" 00007724 384.68936157 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchTVDB.js 00007725 384.69351196 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchTVDB.js" 00007726 384.69949341 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchTVDB_add.js to helpers/searchTVDB_add.js 00007727 384.70370483 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/tvdb.js to helpers/tvdb.js 00007728 384.71191406 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/tvdb_add.js to helpers/tvdb_add.js 00007729 384.71212769 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/tvmaze.js 00007730 384.71737671 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/tvmaze.js to helpers/tvmaze.js 00007731 384.71841431 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/tvmaze.js" 00007732 384.71868896 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/tvmaze_add.js to helpers/tvmaze_add.js 00007733 384.72338867 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/imdb.js 00007734 384.72738647 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/imdb.js" 00007735 384.73333740 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchIMDb.js 00007736 384.73715210 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchIMDb.js" 00007737 384.73757935 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchIMDb_add.js to helpers/searchIMDb_add.js 00007738 384.74279785 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/dockableDialog.js 00007739 384.74713135 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/dockableDialog.js" 00007740 384.75250244 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///playerUtils.js 00007741 384.75625610 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\playerUtils.js" 00007742 384.76345825 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/embeddedWindow.js 00007743 384.76748657 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/embeddedWindow.js" 00007744 384.77401733 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/switchWindow.js 00007745 384.77828979 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/switchWindow.js" 00007746 384.80358887 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 2 threads of 10 00007747 384.80792236 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/checkbox.js to controls/checkbox.js 00007748 384.81530762 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/checkbox_add.js to controls/checkbox_add.js 00007749 384.81939697 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/innerWindow.js to controls/innerWindow.js 00007750 384.82351685 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/innerWindow_add.js to controls/innerWindow_add.js 00007751 385.03030396 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/star.svg 00007752 385.03466797 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/star.svg" 00007753 385.21688843 [8248] MM5 [8768](R) Current User Scripts Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Scripts\ 00007754 385.21844482 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ******** currentMD5=AE1D4F99B32175A08CB9AFF27B62E14A, precompiledLessMD5=AE1D4F99B32175A08CB9AFF27B62E14A, currentTimestamp=0, precompiledLessTimestamp=0 00007755 385.24728394 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/windowtitle.js 00007756 385.26016235 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf 00007757 385.26101685 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/windowtitle.js" 00007758 385.26208496 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf to skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf 00007759 385.26611328 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf" 00007760 385.27294922 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) AnimationTime set to 0.3s 00007761 385.27548218 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/windowtitle.html 00007762 385.27923584 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/windowtitle.html" 00007763 385.29461670 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/dropdown.js 00007764 385.29840088 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/dropdown.js" 00007765 385.30700684 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/listview.js 00007766 385.31076050 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/listview.js" 00007767 385.31137085 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/listview_add.js to controls/listview_add.js 00007768 385.34548950 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/button.js to controls/button.js 00007769 385.34664917 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/button_add.js to controls/button_add.js 00007770 385.35324097 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/dropdown.svg 00007771 385.35839844 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/buttons.js 00007772 385.36221313 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/buttons.js" 00007773 385.36260986 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/buttons_add.js to controls/buttons_add.js 00007774 385.36856079 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/menuButton.js 00007775 385.36868286 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/menuButton.js to controls/menuButton.js 00007776 385.37310791 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/menuButton.js" 00007777 385.37329102 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/menuButton_add.js to controls/menuButton_add.js 00007778 385.37826538 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/iconbutton.js 00007779 385.37838745 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/iconbutton.js to controls/iconbutton.js 00007780 385.38208008 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/iconbutton.js" 00007781 385.38732910 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/toolbutton.js 00007782 385.39114380 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/toolbutton.js" 00007783 385.40737915 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 6 tasks in queue. 00007784 385.41726685 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Going to place window X: 0, Y: 0, width: 1274, height: 744 00007785 385.41754150 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Placed to display 00007786 385.41845703 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Going to place window X: 332, Y: 228, width: 470, height: 593 00007787 385.41870117 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Placed to display 00007788 385.43246460 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/edit.js 00007789 385.44100952 [8248] MM5 [8768](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg 00007790 385.44467163 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/dropdown_add.svg to skin/icon/dropdown_add.svg 00007791 385.44879150 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/edit.js to controls/edit.js 00007792 385.45233154 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/edit.js" 00007793 385.45275879 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/edit_add.js to controls/edit_add.js 00007794 385.50393677 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/mainMenu.svg 00007795 385.50891113 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/mainMenu.svg" 00007796 385.51312256 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/minimize.svg 00007797 385.51727295 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/minimize.svg" 00007798 385.52142334 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/maximize.svg 00007799 385.52871704 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/maximize.svg" 00007800 385.52920532 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/maximize_add.svg to skin/icon/maximize_add.svg 00007801 385.53323364 [8248] MM5 [8768](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg to skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg 00007802 385.53952026 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Assoc: TFileAssocHandler.Create 00007803 385.53994751 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Doesn't know where to place ISMA file extension. Created separate group. 00007804 385.54016113 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Doesn't know where to place OPUS file extension. Created separate group. 00007805 385.54034424 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Doesn't know where to place WEBM file extension. Created separate group. 00007806 385.54071045 [8248] MM5 [8768](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/mediamonkey_add.svg to skin/icon/mediamonkey_add.svg 00007807 385.54522705 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/restore.svg to skin/icon/restore.svg 00007808 385.54907227 [8248] MM5 [9480](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/restore.svg" 00007809 385.55191040 [8248] MM5 [8768](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/windowclose.svg 00007810 385.55358887 [8248] MM5 [7144](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00007811 385.77450562 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ready event call 8 00007812 385.79275513 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) notifyReady called 00007813 385.79403687 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00007814 386.01504517 [8248] MM5 [7144](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\Extensions\CodecPack\info.json" 00007815 386.03329468 [8248] MM5 [8768](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/windowclose.svg to skin/icon/windowclose.svg 00007816 386.03729248 [8248] MM5 [8768](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/windowclose.svg" 00007817 386.04067993 [8248] MM5 [8768](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/windowclose_add.svg to skin/icon/windowclose_add.svg 00007818 390.04937744 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00007819 390.37368774 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) dropdown w.loaded 00007820 391.02233887 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00007821 392.86068726 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00007822 392.99554443 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) dropdown w.closed 00007823 397.55694580 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from to 00007824 397.55780029 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TSharedWindow created. 00007825 397.57333374 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.html 00007826 397.57833862 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.html to dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.html 00007827 397.57879639 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.html" 00007828 397.60052490 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/dlgMP3Settings_add.html to dialogs/dlgMP3Settings_add.html 00007829 397.70281982 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserCreated 9 00007830 397.82528687 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnContextCreated file:///dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.html (9) 00007831 397.83010864 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///mminit.js 00007832 397.83374023 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///mminit.js to mminit.js 00007833 397.83438110 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\mminit.js" 00007834 397.85281372 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.js 00007835 397.85839844 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.js to dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.js 00007836 397.85855103 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///promise.js 00007837 397.85910034 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.js" 00007838 397.86727905 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/dlgMP3Settings_add.js to dialogs/dlgMP3Settings_add.js 00007839 397.86871338 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\promise.js" 00007840 397.87817383 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///promise_add.js to promise_add.js 00007841 397.88061523 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 2 threads of 10 00007842 397.89089966 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 3 threads of 10 00007843 397.89111328 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///binding.js 00007844 397.89459229 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///binding.js to binding.js 00007845 397.89520264 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\binding.js" 00007846 397.90237427 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///binding_add.js to binding_add.js 00007847 397.90301514 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00007848 397.90322876 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00007849 397.90509033 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00007850 397.90524292 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/observableObject.js 00007851 397.91079712 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/observableObject.js to helpers/observableObject.js 00007852 397.91122437 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/observableObject.js" 00007853 397.91668701 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/observableObject_add.js to helpers/observableObject_add.js 00007854 397.91690063 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///utils.js 00007855 397.92047119 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///utils.js to utils.js 00007856 397.92117310 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\utils.js" 00007857 397.92663574 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///utils_add.js to utils_add.js 00007858 397.92681885 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///animationTools.js 00007859 397.93045044 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///animationTools.js to animationTools.js 00007860 397.93225098 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\animationTools.js" 00007861 397.93875122 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///animationTools_add.js to animationTools_add.js 00007862 397.93899536 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///velocity.js 00007863 397.94442749 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\velocity.js" 00007864 397.94512939 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///velocity_add.js to velocity_add.js 00007865 398.00341797 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/popupmenu.js to controls/popupmenu.js 00007866 398.00686646 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/popupmenu_add.js to controls/popupmenu_add.js 00007867 398.01409912 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Retrieving file file:///temp/precompiledLess.css 00007868 398.01513672 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\precompiledLess.css" 00007869 398.01873779 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///actions.js 00007870 398.03317261 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///actions.js to actions.js 00007871 398.03707886 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\actions.js" 00007872 398.04162598 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\redoNavbarButton\actions_add.js" 00007873 398.07232666 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchTools.js 00007874 398.07620239 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchTools.js" 00007875 398.07662964 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchTools_add.js to helpers/searchTools_add.js 00007876 398.08316040 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/docking.js 00007877 398.08694458 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/docking.js" 00007878 398.09661865 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/autoTagFramework.js 00007879 398.10040283 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/autoTagFramework.js" 00007880 398.10083008 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/autoTagFramework_add.js to helpers/autoTagFramework_add.js 00007881 398.10809326 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js 00007882 398.11187744 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js" 00007883 398.11553955 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Currently running 4 threads of 10 00007884 398.12905884 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchCommon.js 00007885 398.13314819 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchCommon.js" 00007886 398.13995361 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/musicBrainz.js 00007887 398.14495850 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/musicBrainz.js" 00007888 398.16076660 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/acoustID.js 00007889 398.16455078 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/acoustID.js" 00007890 398.17114258 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///consts.js 00007891 398.17462158 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\consts.js" 00007892 398.17996216 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchTVDB.js 00007893 398.18374634 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchTVDB.js" 00007894 398.19033813 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/tvdb.js 00007895 398.19424438 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/tvdb.js" 00007896 398.21173096 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/tvmaze.js 00007897 398.21575928 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/tvmaze.js" 00007898 398.22058105 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/imdb.js 00007899 398.22756958 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/imdb.js" 00007900 398.22790527 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/imdb_add.js to helpers/imdb_add.js 00007901 398.23358154 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchIMDb.js 00007902 398.23791504 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchIMDb.js" 00007903 398.24349976 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/dockableDialog.js 00007904 398.24774170 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/dockableDialog.js" 00007905 398.25329590 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///playerUtils.js 00007906 398.25759888 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\playerUtils.js" 00007907 398.26458740 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/embeddedWindow.js 00007908 398.26861572 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/embeddedWindow.js" 00007909 398.26889038 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/embeddedWindow_add.js to controls/embeddedWindow_add.js 00007910 398.27526855 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/switchWindow.js 00007911 398.27975464 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/switchWindow.js" 00007912 398.30508423 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/checkbox.js 00007913 398.30923462 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/checkbox.js" 00007914 398.31497192 [8248] MM5 [7852](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/star.svg 00007915 398.31637573 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/innerWindow.js 00007916 398.32028198 [8248] MM5 [7852](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/star.svg" 00007917 398.39688110 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/innerWindow.js to controls/innerWindow.js 00007918 398.40051270 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/innerWindow.js" 00007919 398.44454956 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Page DevTools JSON [ { 00007920 398.44454956 [8248] "description": "", 00007921 398.44454956 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/4B775ED6EFF9526B7C992BCEC0E87F65", 00007922 398.44454956 [8248] "id": "4B775ED6EFF9526B7C992BCEC0E87F65", 00007923 398.44454956 [8248] "title": "dlgMP3Settings.html", 00007924 398.44454956 [8248] "type": "page", 00007925 398.44454956 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.html", 00007926 398.44454956 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/4B775ED6EFF9526B7C992BCEC0E87F65" 00007927 398.44454956 [8248] }, { 00007928 398.44454956 [8248] "description": "", 00007929 398.44454956 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/A752328A44BB1CF53455874A0B93DA54", 00007930 398.44454956 [8248] "id": "A752328A44BB1CF53455874A0B93DA54", 00007931 398.44454956 [8248] "title": "dlgAutoConvertRule.html", 00007932 398.44454956 [8248] "type": "page", 00007933 398.44454956 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html", 00007934 398.44454956 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/A752328A44BB1CF53455874A0B93DA54" 00007935 398.44454956 [8248] }, { 00007936 398.44454956 [8248] "description": "", 00007937 398.44454956 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F", 00007938 398.44454956 [8248] "id": "0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F", 00007939 398.44454956 [8248] "title": "empty.html", 00007940 398.44454956 [8248] "type": "page", 00007941 398.44454956 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/empty.html", 00007942 398.44454956 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F" 00007943 398.44454956 [8248] }, { 00007944 398.44454956 [8248] "description": "", 00007945 398.44454956 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91", 00007946 398.44454956 [8248] "id": "20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91", 00007947 398.44454956 [8248] "title": "empty.html", 00007948 398.44454956 [8248] "type": "page", 00007949 398.44454956 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/empty.html", 00007950 398.44454956 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91" 00007951 398.44454956 [8248] }, { 00007952 398.44454956 [8248] "description": "", 00007953 398.44454956 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829", 00007954 398.44454956 [8248] "id": "A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829", 00007955 398.44454956 [8248] "title": "mainwindow.html", 00007956 398.44454956 [8248] "type": "page", 00007957 398.44454956 [8248] "url": "file:///mainwindow.html", 00007958 398.44454956 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829" 00007959 398.44454956 [8248] } ] 00007960 398.44506836 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) load event call 9 00007961 398.44561768 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00007962 398.44586182 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00007963 398.55310059 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Current User Scripts Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Scripts\ 00007964 398.55392456 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ******** using precompiled LESS 00007965 398.57138062 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf 00007966 398.57641602 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf" 00007967 398.58874512 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/windowtitle.js 00007968 398.59313965 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/windowtitle.js" 00007969 398.59494019 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/windowtitle_add.js to controls/windowtitle_add.js 00007970 398.60656738 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) AnimationTime set to 0.3s 00007971 398.60937500 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/windowtitle.html to controls/windowtitle.html 00007972 398.61340332 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/windowtitle.html" 00007973 398.63412476 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/dropdown.js 00007974 398.63922119 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/dropdown.js" 00007975 398.64770508 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/dropdown_add.js to controls/dropdown_add.js 00007976 398.64791870 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/listview.js 00007977 398.65161133 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/listview.js to controls/listview.js 00007978 398.65237427 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/listview.js" 00007979 398.69482422 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/listview_add.js to controls/listview_add.js 00007980 398.70098877 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/buttons.js 00007981 398.70593262 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/buttons.js" 00007982 398.70721436 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/buttons_add.js to controls/buttons_add.js 00007983 398.71197510 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/button.js 00007984 398.71591187 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/button.js" 00007985 398.72296143 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/menuButton.js 00007986 398.72705078 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/menuButton.js" 00007987 398.73229980 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/iconbutton.js 00007988 398.73675537 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/iconbutton_add.js to controls/iconbutton_add.js 00007989 398.74145508 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/toolbutton.js 00007990 398.74554443 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/toolbutton.js" 00007991 398.76376343 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 6 tasks in queue. 00007992 399.19671631 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ready event call 9 00007993 399.35299683 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 687ms. 00007994 399.35299683 [8248] Task callstack : 00007995 399.44488525 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00007996 399.50424194 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) JS Callstack: 00007997 399.50424194 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadFile ; Row: 417 ; Col: 38 00007998 399.50424194 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadIcon ; Row: 688 ; Col: 13 00007999 399.50424194 [8248] Script: file:///controls/dropdown.js ; Func: initialize ; Row: 141 ; Col: 9 00008000 399.50424194 [8248] Script: file:///controls/control.js ; Func: window.classCreation ; Row: 1653 ; Col: 14 00008001 399.50424194 [8248] Script: undefined ; Func: Dropdown ; Row: 3 ; Col: 56 00008002 399.50424194 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: loadClass ; Row: 1415 ; Col: 36 00008003 399.50424194 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.initializeControl ; Row: 1433 ; Col: 21 00008004 399.50424194 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.forEach ; Row: 871 ; Col: 9 00008005 399.50424194 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.initializeControls ; Row: 1449 ; Col: 5 00008006 399.50424194 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2159 ; Col: 5 00008007 399.52441406 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) Previous tasks : 00008008 399.52743530 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) Running at 151726812 00008009 399.52743530 [8248] ============================================= 00008010 399.53195190 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) Running at 151726343 00008011 399.53195190 [8248] ============================================= 00008012 399.53247070 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) Running at 151719250 00008013 399.53247070 [8248] ============================================= 00008014 399.53588867 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) Running at 151719250 00008015 399.53588867 [8248] ============================================= 00008016 399.53820801 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) Running at 151714328 00008017 399.53820801 [8248] ============================================= 00008018 399.54260254 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) Running at 151714328 00008019 399.54260254 [8248] ============================================= 00008020 399.54330444 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) Running at 151714296 00008021 399.54330444 [8248] ============================================= 00008022 399.54522705 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) Running at 151714218 00008023 399.54522705 [8248] ============================================= 00008024 399.54617310 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/dropdown.svg 00008025 399.58489990 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/dropdown.svg" 00008026 399.58624268 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/dropdown_add.svg to skin/icon/dropdown_add.svg 00008027 399.58685303 [8248] MM5 [7852](R) JS Callstack: 00008028 399.58685303 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadFile ; Row: 417 ; Col: 38 00008029 399.58685303 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadIcon ; Row: 688 ; Col: 13 00008030 399.58685303 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1455 ; Col: 13 00008031 399.58685303 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.forEach ; Row: 871 ; Col: 9 00008032 399.58685303 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.initializeControls ; Row: 1452 ; Col: 5 00008033 399.58685303 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2159 ; Col: 5 00008034 399.58685303 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 2134 ; Col: 13 00008035 399.58718872 [8248] MM5 [7852](R) Running at 151728140 00008036 399.58718872 [8248] ============================================= 00008037 399.58749390 [8248] MM5 [7852](R) Running at 151726812 00008038 399.58749390 [8248] ============================================= 00008039 399.59002686 [8248] MM5 [7852](R) Running at 151726343 00008040 399.59002686 [8248] ============================================= 00008041 399.59112549 [8248] MM5 [7852](R) Running at 151719250 00008042 399.59112549 [8248] ============================================= 00008043 399.59143066 [8248] MM5 [7852](R) Running at 151714343 00008044 399.59143066 [8248] ============================================= 00008045 399.59185791 [8248] MM5 [7852](R) Running at 151714328 00008046 399.59185791 [8248] ============================================= 00008047 399.59216309 [8248] MM5 [7852](R) Running at 151714296 00008048 399.59216309 [8248] ============================================= 00008049 399.59353638 [8248] MM5 [7852](R) Running at 151714218 00008050 399.59353638 [8248] ============================================= 00008051 399.62460327 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 860ms. 00008052 399.62460327 [8248] Task callstack : 00008053 399.62500000 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Previous tasks : 00008054 399.62530518 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Running at 151728140 00008055 399.62530518 [8248] ============================================= 00008056 399.62557983 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Running at 151726812 00008057 399.62557983 [8248] ============================================= 00008058 399.62658691 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Running at 151726343 00008059 399.62658691 [8248] ============================================= 00008060 399.62698364 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Running at 151719250 00008061 399.62698364 [8248] ============================================= 00008062 399.63162231 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Running at 151719250 00008063 399.63162231 [8248] ============================================= 00008064 399.63674927 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Running at 151714343 00008065 399.63674927 [8248] ============================================= 00008066 399.63711548 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Running at 151714328 00008067 399.63711548 [8248] ============================================= 00008068 399.63739014 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Running at 151714296 00008069 399.63739014 [8248] ============================================= 00008070 399.63903809 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/minimize.svg 00008071 399.64492798 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/minimize.svg" 00008072 399.64553833 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 860ms. 00008073 399.64553833 [8248] Task callstack : 00008074 399.64593506 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) Previous tasks : 00008075 399.64620972 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) Running at 151728375 00008076 399.64620972 [8248] ============================================= 00008077 399.66128540 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) Running at 151727093 00008078 399.66128540 [8248] ============================================= 00008079 399.66207886 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) Running at 151726796 00008080 399.66207886 [8248] ============================================= 00008081 399.66238403 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) Running at 151721640 00008082 399.66238403 [8248] ============================================= 00008083 399.66271973 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) Running at 151719250 00008084 399.66271973 [8248] ============================================= 00008085 399.66333008 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) Running at 151714328 00008086 399.66333008 [8248] ============================================= 00008087 399.66360474 [8248] MM5 [7852](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg to skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg 00008088 399.66809082 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) Running at 151714296 00008089 399.66809082 [8248] ============================================= 00008090 399.66873169 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) Running at 151714296 00008091 399.66873169 [8248] ============================================= 00008092 399.67947388 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/mainMenu.svg 00008093 399.67980957 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 922ms. 00008094 399.67980957 [8248] Task callstack : 00008095 399.68377686 [8248] MM5 [7852](R) JS Callstack: 00008096 399.68377686 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadFile ; Row: 417 ; Col: 38 00008097 399.68377686 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadIcon ; Row: 688 ; Col: 13 00008098 399.68377686 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1455 ; Col: 13 00008099 399.68377686 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.forEach ; Row: 871 ; Col: 9 00008100 399.68377686 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.initializeControls ; Row: 1452 ; Col: 5 00008101 399.68377686 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2159 ; Col: 5 00008102 399.68377686 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 2134 ; Col: 13 00008103 399.68408203 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/mainMenu.svg" 00008104 399.68469238 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Previous tasks : 00008105 399.73892212 [8248] MM5 [7852](R) Running at 151728406 00008106 399.73892212 [8248] ============================================= 00008107 399.73931885 [8248] MM5 [7852](R) Running at 151728375 00008108 399.73931885 [8248] ============================================= 00008109 399.73959351 [8248] MM5 [7852](R) Running at 151727093 00008110 399.73959351 [8248] ============================================= 00008111 399.74002075 [8248] MM5 [7852](R) Running at 151726796 00008112 399.74002075 [8248] ============================================= 00008113 399.74090576 [8248] MM5 [7852](R) Running at 151721640 00008114 399.74090576 [8248] ============================================= 00008115 399.74612427 [8248] MM5 [7852](R) Running at 151719250 00008116 399.74612427 [8248] ============================================= 00008117 399.74673462 [8248] MM5 [7852](R) Running at 151714343 00008118 399.74673462 [8248] ============================================= 00008119 399.74703979 [8248] MM5 [7852](R) Running at 151714328 00008120 399.74703979 [8248] ============================================= 00008121 399.74734497 [8248] MM5 [7852](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/maximize.svg 00008122 399.74911499 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Running at 151728453 00008123 399.74911499 [8248] ============================================= 00008124 399.74945068 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Running at 151728406 00008125 399.74945068 [8248] ============================================= 00008126 399.74978638 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Running at 151728140 00008127 399.74978638 [8248] ============================================= 00008128 399.75006104 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Running at 151726812 00008129 399.75006104 [8248] ============================================= 00008130 399.75033569 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Running at 151726343 00008131 399.75033569 [8248] ============================================= 00008132 399.75064087 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Running at 151719250 00008133 399.75064087 [8248] ============================================= 00008134 399.75103760 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Running at 151714343 00008135 399.75103760 [8248] ============================================= 00008136 399.75161743 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Running at 151714328 00008137 399.75161743 [8248] ============================================= 00008138 399.75695801 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 1000ms. 00008139 399.75695801 [8248] Task callstack : 00008140 399.75814819 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) JS Callstack: 00008141 399.75814819 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadFile ; Row: 417 ; Col: 38 00008142 399.75814819 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadIcon ; Row: 688 ; Col: 13 00008143 399.75814819 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1455 ; Col: 13 00008144 399.75814819 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.forEach ; Row: 871 ; Col: 9 00008145 399.75814819 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.initializeControls ; Row: 1452 ; Col: 5 00008146 399.75814819 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2159 ; Col: 5 00008147 399.75814819 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 2134 ; Col: 13 00008148 399.75881958 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) Previous tasks : 00008149 399.77606201 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) Running at 151728453 00008150 399.77606201 [8248] ============================================= 00008151 399.77709961 [8248] MM5 [5264](R) Running at 151728406 00008152 399.77709961 [8248] ============================================= 00008153 399.78442383 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/restore.svg to skin/icon/restore.svg 00008154 401.03970337 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00008155 403.21209717 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.html 00008156 403.51974487 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) dropdown w.loaded 00008157 407.07546997 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00008158 407.19464111 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) dropdown w.closed 00008159 411.05337524 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00008160 411.82620239 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) dropdown w.loaded 00008161 411.88372803 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00008162 414.01416016 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00008163 414.16793823 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) dropdown w.closed 00008164 416.05981445 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) dropdown w.loaded 00008165 416.12219238 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00008166 417.27816772 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00008167 417.32528687 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) dropdown w.closed 00008168 420.08645630 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow start 00008169 420.13714600 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow end 00008170 420.62637329 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00008171 420.62655640 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 9 00008172 420.62692261 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE canClose for identifier 9 00008173 420.62710571 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00008174 420.62792969 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY end 00008175 420.63711548 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00008176 420.63723755 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY end 00008177 420.63995361 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00008178 420.64154053 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00008179 420.65249634 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnContextReleased 9 00008180 420.65802002 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) OnContextReleased end. 00008181 420.72137451 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserDestroyed 9 00008182 420.72204590 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) OnBrowserDestroyed end. 00008183 420.79534912 [8248] MM5 [8768](R) TSharedWindow destroy called - worker id: 0, addr: 405531088 00008184 421.06866455 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00008185 421.63385010 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00008186 421.67782593 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\Extensions\CodecPack\info.json" 00008187 421.75607300 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow start 00008188 421.82644653 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow end 00008189 421.87536621 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00008190 421.87728882 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 8 00008191 421.88458252 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE beforeClose for identifier 8 00008192 421.89642334 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00008193 421.89727783 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE notify close for identifier 8 00008194 421.89758301 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE closeBrowserCall for identifier 8 00008195 421.92031860 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00008196 421.92694092 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00008197 421.94940186 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00008198 421.94955444 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 8 00008199 421.94964600 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE canClose for identifier 8 00008200 421.94995117 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00008201 421.95007324 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY end 00008202 421.97515869 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00008203 421.98037720 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00008204 421.98095703 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnContextReleased 8 00008205 421.98562622 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00008206 421.98587036 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) OnContextReleased end. 00008207 421.99179077 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TSharedWindow destroy called - worker id: 0, addr: 405531408 00008208 422.05255127 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserDestroyed 8 00008209 427.88601685 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from to 00008210 427.98577881 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00008211 427.99185181 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html" 00008212 428.10763550 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Currently running 2 threads of 10 00008213 428.16293335 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00008214 428.19390869 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserCreated 10 00008215 428.65249634 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnContextCreated file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html (10) 00008216 428.65380859 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///mminit.js to mminit.js 00008217 428.65933228 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\mminit.js" 00008218 428.66363525 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js 00008219 428.66876221 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js" 00008220 428.69592285 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///promise.js 00008221 428.69955444 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\promise.js" 00008222 428.71588135 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///binding.js 00008223 428.72045898 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\binding.js" 00008224 428.73229980 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00008225 428.73461914 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00008226 428.73806763 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/observableObject.js to helpers/observableObject.js 00008227 428.73944092 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/observableObject_add.js to helpers/observableObject_add.js 00008228 428.74453735 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///utils.js 00008229 428.74865723 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\utils.js" 00008230 428.75439453 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///animationTools.js 00008231 428.75836182 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\animationTools.js" 00008232 428.76489258 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///velocity.js 00008233 428.76910400 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\velocity.js" 00008234 428.79132080 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/tooltipController.js 00008235 428.79525757 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/tooltipController.js" 00008236 428.80093384 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/control.js 00008237 428.80535889 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/control.js" 00008238 428.81896973 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///dndutils.js 00008239 428.82263184 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dndutils.js" 00008240 428.83016968 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/popupmenu.js 00008241 428.83032227 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/popupmenu.js to controls/popupmenu.js 00008242 428.83413696 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/popupmenu.js" 00008243 428.87332153 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\exportPodcasts\actions_add.js" 00008244 428.88073730 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchTools.js 00008245 428.88101196 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchTools.js to helpers/searchTools.js 00008246 428.88482666 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchTools.js" 00008247 428.88525391 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchTools_add.js to helpers/searchTools_add.js 00008248 428.89208984 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/docking.js 00008249 428.89224243 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/docking.js to helpers/docking.js 00008250 428.89590454 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/docking.js" 00008251 428.89633179 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/docking_add.js to helpers/docking_add.js 00008252 428.90618896 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/autoTagFramework.js 00008253 428.90670776 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/autoTagFramework.js to helpers/autoTagFramework.js 00008254 428.91000366 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/autoTagFramework.js" 00008255 428.91040039 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/autoTagFramework_add.js to helpers/autoTagFramework_add.js 00008256 428.91717529 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js 00008257 428.92178345 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js" 00008258 428.93286133 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Retrieving file file:///temp/precompiledLess.css 00008259 428.93414307 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\precompiledLess.css" 00008260 428.93508911 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchCommon.js 00008261 428.93911743 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchCommon.js to helpers/searchCommon.js 00008262 428.94226074 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchCommon.js" 00008263 428.94885254 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/musicBrainz.js 00008264 428.95260620 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/musicBrainz.js" 00008265 428.95306396 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/musicBrainz_add.js to helpers/musicBrainz_add.js 00008266 428.97119141 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/acoustID.js 00008267 428.97579956 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/acoustID.js" 00008268 428.98492432 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///consts.js to consts.js 00008269 428.98550415 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\consts.js" 00008270 428.99108887 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///consts_add.js to consts_add.js 00008271 428.99130249 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchTVDB.js 00008272 428.99502563 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchTVDB.js to helpers/searchTVDB.js 00008273 429.00149536 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/tvdb.js 00008274 429.00570679 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/tvdb.js to helpers/tvdb.js 00008275 429.01269531 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/tvdb_add.js to helpers/tvdb_add.js 00008276 429.01568604 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/tvmaze.js to helpers/tvmaze.js 00008277 429.01666260 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/tvmaze.js" 00008278 429.02246094 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/imdb.js 00008279 429.02355957 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/imdb.js to helpers/imdb.js 00008280 429.02618408 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/imdb.js" 00008281 429.03213501 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchIMDb.js 00008282 429.03225708 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchIMDb.js to helpers/searchIMDb.js 00008283 429.03594971 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchIMDb.js" 00008284 429.03634644 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchIMDb_add.js to helpers/searchIMDb_add.js 00008285 429.04199219 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/dockableDialog.js 00008286 429.04580688 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/dockableDialog.js" 00008287 429.04623413 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/dockableDialog_add.js to helpers/dockableDialog_add.js 00008288 429.05163574 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///playerUtils.js 00008289 429.05590820 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\playerUtils.js" 00008290 429.05603027 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///playerUtils_add.js to playerUtils_add.js 00008291 429.06286621 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/embeddedWindow.js 00008292 429.06298828 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/embeddedWindow.js to controls/embeddedWindow.js 00008293 429.06671143 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/embeddedWindow.js" 00008294 429.06707764 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/embeddedWindow_add.js to controls/embeddedWindow_add.js 00008295 429.07281494 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/switchWindow.js 00008296 429.07666016 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/switchWindow.js" 00008297 429.07705688 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/switchWindow_add.js to controls/switchWindow_add.js 00008298 429.10049438 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/checkbox.js 00008299 429.10446167 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/checkbox.js" 00008300 429.11172485 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/innerWindow.js 00008301 429.11621094 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/innerWindow.js" 00008302 429.14465332 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Page DevTools JSON [ { 00008303 429.14465332 [8248] "description": "", 00008304 429.14465332 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/308034D563BB66E9D3B1037505396D87", 00008305 429.14465332 [8248] "id": "308034D563BB66E9D3B1037505396D87", 00008306 429.14465332 [8248] "title": "dlgAutoConvertRule.html", 00008307 429.14465332 [8248] "type": "page", 00008308 429.14465332 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html", 00008309 429.14465332 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/308034D563BB66E9D3B1037505396D87" 00008310 429.14465332 [8248] }, { 00008311 429.14465332 [8248] "description": "", 00008312 429.14465332 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F", 00008313 429.14465332 [8248] "id": "0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F", 00008314 429.14465332 [8248] "title": "empty.html", 00008315 429.14465332 [8248] "type": "page", 00008316 429.14465332 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/empty.html", 00008317 429.14465332 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F" 00008318 429.14465332 [8248] }, { 00008319 429.14465332 [8248] "description": "", 00008320 429.14465332 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91", 00008321 429.14465332 [8248] "id": "20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91", 00008322 429.14465332 [8248] "title": "empty.html", 00008323 429.14465332 [8248] "type": "page", 00008324 429.14465332 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/empty.html", 00008325 429.14465332 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91" 00008326 429.14465332 [8248] }, { 00008327 429.14465332 [8248] "description": "", 00008328 429.14465332 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829", 00008329 429.14465332 [8248] "id": "A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829", 00008330 429.14465332 [8248] "title": "mainwindow.html", 00008331 429.14465332 [8248] "type": "page", 00008332 429.14465332 [8248] "url": "file:///mainwindow.html", 00008333 429.14465332 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829" 00008334 429.14465332 [8248] } ] 00008335 429.14993286 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00008336 429.17868042 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/star.svg 00008337 429.19808960 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/star.svg" 00008338 429.28579712 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Current User Scripts Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Scripts\ 00008339 429.28750610 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ******** using precompiled LESS 00008340 429.30795288 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf 00008341 429.31149292 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/windowtitle.js 00008342 429.31796265 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf" 00008343 429.32049561 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular_add.ttf to skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular_add.ttf 00008344 429.32580566 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/windowtitle_add.js to controls/windowtitle_add.js 00008345 429.47329712 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 6 tasks in queue. 00008346 429.48306274 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Going to place window X: 0, Y: 0, width: 1274, height: 744 00008347 429.48370361 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Placed to display 00008348 429.48440552 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Display 0, X: 0, Y: 0, width: 2560, height: 1080 00008349 429.50122070 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/edit.js 00008350 429.50686646 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/edit.js" 00008351 429.51715088 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/edit_add.js to controls/edit_add.js 00008352 429.53015137 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/dropdown.svg 00008353 429.59368896 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Assoc: TFileAssocHandler.Create 00008354 429.59426880 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Doesn't know where to place ISMA file extension. Created separate group. 00008355 429.59463501 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Doesn't know where to place WEBM file extension. Created separate group. 00008356 429.59985352 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 3 threads of 10 00008357 429.60757446 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00008358 429.62728882 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/dropdown.svg" 00008359 429.81753540 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/dropdown_add.svg to skin/icon/dropdown_add.svg 00008360 429.84729004 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) notifyReady called 00008361 429.85754395 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00008362 430.11230469 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 7 tasks in queue. 00008363 430.11563110 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 656ms. 00008364 430.11563110 [8248] Task callstack : 00008365 430.11599731 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Previous tasks : 00008366 430.11630249 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151757968 00008367 430.11630249 [8248] ============================================= 00008368 430.11654663 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151757718 00008369 430.11654663 [8248] ============================================= 00008370 430.11685181 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151756546 00008371 430.11685181 [8248] ============================================= 00008372 430.11712646 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151746046 00008373 430.11712646 [8248] ============================================= 00008374 430.11782837 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151744906 00008375 430.11782837 [8248] ============================================= 00008376 430.11813354 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151740671 00008377 430.11813354 [8248] ============================================= 00008378 430.11843872 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151735859 00008379 430.11843872 [8248] ============================================= 00008380 430.11880493 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 656ms. 00008381 430.11880493 [8248] Task callstack : 00008382 430.11911011 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Previous tasks : 00008383 430.11947632 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151757968 00008384 430.11947632 [8248] ============================================= 00008385 430.11993408 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151757718 00008386 430.11993408 [8248] ============================================= 00008387 430.12023926 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151756546 00008388 430.12023926 [8248] ============================================= 00008389 430.12054443 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151746046 00008390 430.12054443 [8248] ============================================= 00008391 430.12304688 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151744906 00008392 430.12304688 [8248] ============================================= 00008393 430.12417603 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151740671 00008394 430.12417603 [8248] ============================================= 00008395 430.12448120 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151735859 00008396 430.12448120 [8248] ============================================= 00008397 430.12475586 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/mainMenu.svg 00008398 430.12542725 [8248] MM5 [9192](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 656ms. 00008399 430.12542725 [8248] Task callstack : 00008400 430.12567139 [8248] MM5 [9192](R) Previous tasks : 00008401 430.12591553 [8248] MM5 [9192](R) Running at 151758906 00008402 430.12591553 [8248] ============================================= 00008403 430.12612915 [8248] MM5 [9192](R) Running at 151757968 00008404 430.12612915 [8248] ============================================= 00008405 430.12637329 [8248] MM5 [9192](R) Running at 151757718 00008406 430.12637329 [8248] ============================================= 00008407 430.12664795 [8248] MM5 [9192](R) Running at 151756546 00008408 430.12664795 [8248] ============================================= 00008409 430.12686157 [8248] MM5 [9192](R) Running at 151746046 00008410 430.12686157 [8248] ============================================= 00008411 430.12710571 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/mainMenu.svg to skin/icon/mainMenu.svg 00008412 430.13150024 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/mainMenu.svg" 00008413 430.15945435 [8248] MM5 [9192](R) Running at 151744906 00008414 430.15945435 [8248] ============================================= 00008415 430.15975952 [8248] MM5 [9192](R) Running at 151740671 00008416 430.15975952 [8248] ============================================= 00008417 430.16021729 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 687ms. 00008418 430.16021729 [8248] Task callstack : 00008419 430.16064453 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Previous tasks : 00008420 430.16094971 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Running at 151758906 00008421 430.16094971 [8248] ============================================= 00008422 430.16131592 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Running at 151757968 00008423 430.16131592 [8248] ============================================= 00008424 430.16162109 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Running at 151757718 00008425 430.16162109 [8248] ============================================= 00008426 430.16186523 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Running at 151756546 00008427 430.16186523 [8248] ============================================= 00008428 430.16217041 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Running at 151746046 00008429 430.16217041 [8248] ============================================= 00008430 430.16244507 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Running at 151744906 00008431 430.16244507 [8248] ============================================= 00008432 430.16275024 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Running at 151740671 00008433 430.16275024 [8248] ============================================= 00008434 430.16305542 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/maximize.svg 00008435 430.16851807 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 703ms. 00008436 430.16851807 [8248] Task callstack : 00008437 430.16888428 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Previous tasks : 00008438 430.16918945 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151758906 00008439 430.16918945 [8248] ============================================= 00008440 430.16949463 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151758312 00008441 430.16949463 [8248] ============================================= 00008442 430.16979980 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151757718 00008443 430.16979980 [8248] ============================================= 00008444 430.17016602 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151756890 00008445 430.17016602 [8248] ============================================= 00008446 430.17053223 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151750406 00008447 430.17053223 [8248] ============================================= 00008448 430.18701172 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151744906 00008449 430.18701172 [8248] ============================================= 00008450 430.18725586 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151744906 00008451 430.18725586 [8248] ============================================= 00008452 430.18762207 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151740671 00008453 430.18762207 [8248] ============================================= 00008454 430.18792725 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/restore.svg to skin/icon/restore.svg 00008455 430.19259644 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/restore.svg" 00008456 430.20907593 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 734ms. 00008457 430.20907593 [8248] Task callstack : 00008458 430.20947266 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Previous tasks : 00008459 430.21051025 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151758937 00008460 430.21051025 [8248] ============================================= 00008461 430.21081543 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151758906 00008462 430.21081543 [8248] ============================================= 00008463 430.21148682 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151757968 00008464 430.21148682 [8248] ============================================= 00008465 430.21231079 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151757718 00008466 430.21231079 [8248] ============================================= 00008467 430.21279907 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151756546 00008468 430.21279907 [8248] ============================================= 00008469 430.21307373 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151746046 00008470 430.21307373 [8248] ============================================= 00008471 430.21337891 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151744906 00008472 430.21337891 [8248] ============================================= 00008473 430.21368408 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/windowclose.svg 00008474 430.23287964 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/windowclose.svg" 00008475 430.23568726 [8248] MM5 [9192](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/minimize.svg 00008476 430.25357056 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg to skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg 00008477 430.46542358 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg" 00008478 430.46850586 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 860ms. 00008479 430.46850586 [8248] Task callstack : 00008480 430.47479248 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) JS Callstack: 00008481 430.47479248 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 230 ; Col: 23 00008482 430.47479248 [8248] Script: file:///controls/dropdown.js ; Func: setEditValue ; Row: 546 ; Col: 32 00008483 430.47479248 [8248] Script: file:///controls/dropdown.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 396 ; Col: 30 00008484 430.47479248 [8248] Script: file:///controls/dropdown.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 390 ; Col: 32 00008485 430.47479248 [8248] Script: file:///controls/dropdown.js ; Func: set ; Row: 715 ; Col: 41 00008486 430.47479248 [8248] Script: file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js ; Func: init ; Row: 242 ; Col: 48 00008487 430.47479248 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: notifyPageReady ; Row: 1700 ; Col: 5 00008488 430.47479248 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2177 ; Col: 5 00008489 430.47479248 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 2134 ; Col: 13 00008490 430.47561646 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151758906 00008491 430.47561646 [8248] ============================================= 00008492 430.47766113 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151758953 00008493 430.47766113 [8248] ============================================= 00008494 430.47817993 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151758906 00008495 430.47817993 [8248] ============================================= 00008496 430.47869873 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151758312 00008497 430.47869873 [8248] ============================================= 00008498 430.47915649 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151757718 00008499 430.47915649 [8248] ============================================= 00008500 430.47955322 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/maximize.svg to skin/icon/maximize.svg 00008501 430.48400879 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151756890 00008502 430.48400879 [8248] ============================================= 00008503 430.48446655 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151750406 00008504 430.48446655 [8248] ============================================= 00008505 430.49215698 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) Running at 151744906 00008506 430.49215698 [8248] ============================================= 00008507 430.49670410 [8248] MM5 [5572](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/maximize_add.svg to skin/icon/maximize_add.svg 00008508 430.49737549 [8248] MM5 [12088](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\Extensions\CodecPack\info.json" 00008509 430.50289917 [8248] MM5 [9192](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/minimize.svg to skin/icon/minimize.svg 00008510 430.51089478 [8248] MM5 [9192](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/minimize.svg" 00008511 430.52108765 [8248] MM5 [9192](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/minimize_add.svg to skin/icon/minimize_add.svg 00008512 431.11618042 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00008513 435.31253052 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00008514 435.53317261 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow start 00008515 435.54083252 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00008516 435.60842896 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow end 00008517 435.66043091 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00008518 435.66064453 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00008519 435.66085815 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00008520 435.66104126 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 10 00008521 435.66168213 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE beforeClose for identifier 10 00008522 435.66171265 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00008523 435.66918945 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE notify close for identifier 10 00008524 435.66955566 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE closeBrowserCall for identifier 10 00008525 435.69879150 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00008526 435.69900513 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00008527 435.69918823 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 10 00008528 435.69949341 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE canClose for identifier 10 00008529 435.69964600 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00008530 435.70196533 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY end 00008531 435.74478149 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00008532 435.74963379 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY end 00008533 435.75286865 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00008534 435.75311279 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnContextReleased 10 00008535 435.76467896 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00008536 435.76544189 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) OnContextReleased end. 00008537 435.76846313 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TSharedWindow destroy called - worker id: 0, addr: 405531408 00008538 435.78280640 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserDestroyed 10 00008539 435.78280640 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) OnBrowserDestroyed end. 00008540 440.63125610 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 2 threads of 10 00008541 440.65869141 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from to 00008542 440.67861938 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TSharedWindow created. 00008543 440.68469238 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00008544 440.68496704 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html to dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00008545 440.68530273 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserCreated 11 00008546 440.78170776 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html" 00008547 441.46682739 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnContextCreated file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html (11) 00008548 441.46734619 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///mminit.js to mminit.js 00008549 441.47369385 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\mminit.js" 00008550 441.47772217 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js 00008551 441.48239136 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00008552 441.48300171 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 906ms. 00008553 441.48300171 [8248] Task callstack : 00008554 441.48330688 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule_add.js to dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule_add.js 00008555 441.48358154 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Wait for event ID :3, delay :10000, callstack : 00008556 441.48388672 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151759250 00008557 441.48388672 [8248] ============================================= 00008558 441.48419189 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151758984 00008559 441.48419189 [8248] ============================================= 00008560 441.48443604 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151758937 00008561 441.48443604 [8248] ============================================= 00008562 441.48474121 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151758906 00008563 441.48474121 [8248] ============================================= 00008564 441.48501587 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151757968 00008565 441.48501587 [8248] ============================================= 00008566 441.48532104 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151757718 00008567 441.48532104 [8248] ============================================= 00008568 441.48556519 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151756546 00008569 441.48556519 [8248] ============================================= 00008570 441.51043701 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///promise.js 00008571 441.51434326 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\promise.js" 00008572 441.53436279 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///binding.js 00008573 441.53805542 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///binding.js to binding.js 00008574 441.53851318 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\binding.js" 00008575 441.54666138 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///binding_add.js to binding_add.js 00008576 441.54751587 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00008577 441.55023193 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/observableObject.js 00008578 441.55566406 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/observableObject.js" 00008579 441.56414795 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///utils.js 00008580 441.56903076 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\utils.js" 00008581 441.57742310 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///animationTools.js 00008582 441.58258057 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\animationTools.js" 00008583 441.58941650 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///velocity.js 00008584 441.62078857 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/tooltipController.js 00008585 441.62524414 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/tooltipController.js" 00008586 441.63085938 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/control.js 00008587 441.63470459 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/control.js" 00008588 441.64633179 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///dndutils.js 00008589 441.65008545 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dndutils.js" 00008590 441.65802002 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/popupmenu.js 00008591 441.66204834 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/popupmenu.js" 00008592 441.67327881 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///actions.js 00008593 441.67822266 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\actions.js" 00008594 441.68197632 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\redoNavbarButton\actions_add.js" 00008595 441.70803833 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchTools.js 00008596 441.71212769 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchTools.js" 00008597 441.71908569 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/docking.js 00008598 441.72302246 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/docking.js" 00008599 441.73461914 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/autoTagFramework.js 00008600 441.73471069 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/autoTagFramework.js to helpers/autoTagFramework.js 00008601 441.73931885 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/autoTagFramework_add.js to helpers/autoTagFramework_add.js 00008602 441.74618530 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Retrieving file file:///temp/precompiledLess.css 00008603 441.74719238 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js to helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js 00008604 441.75064087 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js" 00008605 441.76193237 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchCommon.js 00008606 441.76620483 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchCommon.js" 00008607 441.77285767 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/musicBrainz.js 00008608 441.77670288 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/musicBrainz.js" 00008609 441.79608154 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/acoustID.js 00008610 441.80020142 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/acoustID.js" 00008611 441.80725098 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///consts.js 00008612 441.81124878 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\consts.js" 00008613 441.81262207 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///consts_add.js to consts_add.js 00008614 441.81646729 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchTVDB.js 00008615 441.82025146 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchTVDB.js" 00008616 441.82061768 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchTVDB_add.js to helpers/searchTVDB_add.js 00008617 441.82656860 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/tvdb.js 00008618 441.83071899 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/tvdb_add.js to helpers/tvdb_add.js 00008619 441.83670044 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/tvmaze.js 00008620 441.84057617 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/tvmaze.js" 00008621 441.84561157 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/imdb.js 00008622 441.84872437 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/imdb.js to helpers/imdb.js 00008623 441.95803833 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/innerWindow_add.js to controls/innerWindow_add.js 00008624 441.97509766 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Page DevTools JSON [ { 00008625 441.97509766 [8248] "description": "", 00008626 441.97509766 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/2670303F68770E96B1FE796A33D78479", 00008627 441.97509766 [8248] "id": "2670303F68770E96B1FE796A33D78479", 00008628 441.97509766 [8248] "title": "dlgAutoConvertRule.html", 00008629 441.97509766 [8248] "type": "page", 00008630 441.97509766 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html", 00008631 441.97509766 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/2670303F68770E96B1FE796A33D78479" 00008632 441.97509766 [8248] }, { 00008633 441.97509766 [8248] "description": "", 00008634 441.97509766 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F", 00008635 441.97509766 [8248] "id": "0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F", 00008636 441.97509766 [8248] "title": "empty.html", 00008637 441.97509766 [8248] "type": "page", 00008638 441.97509766 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/empty.html", 00008639 441.97509766 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F" 00008640 441.97509766 [8248] }, { 00008641 441.97509766 [8248] "description": "", 00008642 441.97509766 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91", 00008643 441.97509766 [8248] "id": "20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91", 00008644 441.97509766 [8248] "title": "empty.html", 00008645 441.97509766 [8248] "type": "page", 00008646 441.97509766 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/empty.html", 00008647 441.97509766 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91" 00008648 441.97509766 [8248] }, { 00008649 441.97509766 [8248] "description": "", 00008650 441.97509766 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829", 00008651 441.97509766 [8248] "id": "A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829", 00008652 441.97509766 [8248] "title": "mainwindow.html", 00008653 441.97509766 [8248] "type": "page", 00008654 441.97509766 [8248] "url": "file:///mainwindow.html", 00008655 441.97509766 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829" 00008656 441.97509766 [8248] } ] 00008657 441.97622681 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) load event call 11 00008658 441.97738647 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00008659 442.04061890 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///temp/precompiledLess.css to D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\precompiledLess.css 00008660 442.04150391 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///temp/precompiledLess_add.css to D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\precompiledLess_add.css 00008661 442.05361938 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/star.svg 00008662 442.08200073 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/star.svg" 00008663 442.27890015 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Current User Scripts Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Scripts\ 00008664 442.28070068 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ******** using precompiled LESS 00008665 442.30139160 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf 00008666 442.30328369 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf to skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf 00008667 442.30932617 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf" 00008668 442.31796265 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/windowtitle.js 00008669 442.32232666 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/windowtitle.js" 00008670 442.32330322 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/windowtitle_add.js to controls/windowtitle_add.js 00008671 442.40127563 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/listview_add.js to controls/listview_add.js 00008672 442.40722656 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/button.js 00008673 442.40725708 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/button.js to controls/button.js 00008674 442.41244507 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/button_add.js to controls/button_add.js 00008675 442.42263794 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/buttons.js 00008676 442.42294312 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/buttons.js to controls/buttons.js 00008677 442.42626953 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/buttons.js" 00008678 442.43286133 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/menuButton.js 00008679 442.43701172 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/menuButton.js" 00008680 442.43746948 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/menuButton_add.js to controls/menuButton_add.js 00008681 442.44305420 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/iconbutton.js 00008682 442.44357300 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/iconbutton.js to controls/iconbutton.js 00008683 442.44750977 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/iconbutton.js" 00008684 442.44787598 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/iconbutton_add.js to controls/iconbutton_add.js 00008685 442.45269775 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/toolbutton.js 00008686 442.45285034 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/toolbutton.js to controls/toolbutton.js 00008687 442.45663452 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/toolbutton.js" 00008688 442.46261597 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/dropdown.svg to skin/icon/dropdown.svg 00008689 442.47940063 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 6 tasks in queue. 00008690 442.48974609 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Going to place window X: 0, Y: 0, width: 1274, height: 744 00008691 442.48989868 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Display 0, X: 0, Y: 0, width: 2560, height: 1080 00008692 442.49002075 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Placed to display 00008693 442.49093628 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Going to place window X: 332, Y: 228, width: 470, height: 593 00008694 442.49108887 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Display 0, X: 0, Y: 0, width: 2560, height: 1080 00008695 442.49118042 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Placed to display 00008696 442.50537109 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/edit.js 00008697 442.50973511 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg 00008698 442.66870117 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/dropdown.svg" 00008699 442.67468262 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/mainMenu.svg 00008700 442.71041870 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/edit.js to controls/edit.js 00008701 442.71435547 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/edit.js" 00008702 442.80047607 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Assoc: TFileAssocHandler.Create 00008703 442.80090332 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Doesn't know where to place ISMA file extension. Created separate group. 00008704 442.80130005 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Doesn't know where to place WEBM file extension. Created separate group. 00008705 442.80856323 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 4 threads of 10 00008706 442.81610107 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00008707 443.08587646 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ready event call 11 00008708 443.10891724 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00008709 443.32876587 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 859ms. 00008710 443.32876587 [8248] Task callstack : 00008711 443.32907104 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Previous tasks : 00008712 443.32937622 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151771296 00008713 443.32937622 [8248] ============================================= 00008714 443.32974243 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151770843 00008715 443.32974243 [8248] ============================================= 00008716 443.33010864 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151770531 00008717 443.33010864 [8248] ============================================= 00008718 443.33346558 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151770265 00008719 443.33346558 [8248] ============================================= 00008720 443.33374023 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151769234 00008721 443.33374023 [8248] ============================================= 00008722 443.33404541 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151758906 00008723 443.33404541 [8248] ============================================= 00008724 443.33435059 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151758953 00008725 443.33435059 [8248] ============================================= 00008726 443.33502197 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151758906 00008727 443.33502197 [8248] ============================================= 00008728 443.33526611 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/minimize.svg 00008729 443.33645630 [8248] MM5 [6688](R) JS Callstack: 00008730 443.33645630 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadFile ; Row: 417 ; Col: 38 00008731 443.33645630 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadIcon ; Row: 688 ; Col: 13 00008732 443.33645630 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1455 ; Col: 13 00008733 443.33645630 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.forEach ; Row: 871 ; Col: 9 00008734 443.33645630 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.initializeControls ; Row: 1452 ; Col: 5 00008735 443.33645630 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2159 ; Col: 5 00008736 443.33645630 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 2134 ; Col: 13 00008737 443.33685303 [8248] MM5 [6688](R) Running at 151772109 00008738 443.33685303 [8248] ============================================= 00008739 443.33712769 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/mainMenu.svg" 00008740 443.33731079 [8248] MM5 [6688](R) Running at 151771218 00008741 443.33731079 [8248] ============================================= 00008742 443.34033203 [8248] MM5 [6688](R) Running at 151770531 00008743 443.34033203 [8248] ============================================= 00008744 443.34298706 [8248] MM5 [6688](R) Running at 151770531 00008745 443.34298706 [8248] ============================================= 00008746 443.34884644 [8248] MM5 [6688](R) Running at 151769234 00008747 443.34884644 [8248] ============================================= 00008748 443.34915161 [8248] MM5 [6688](R) Running at 151758906 00008749 443.34915161 [8248] ============================================= 00008750 443.34945679 [8248] MM5 [6688](R) Running at 151758953 00008751 443.34945679 [8248] ============================================= 00008752 443.34982300 [8248] MM5 [6688](R) Running at 151758906 00008753 443.34982300 [8248] ============================================= 00008754 443.35052490 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg to skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg 00008755 443.35119629 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) JS Callstack: 00008756 443.35119629 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadFile ; Row: 417 ; Col: 38 00008757 443.35119629 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadIcon ; Row: 688 ; Col: 13 00008758 443.35119629 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1455 ; Col: 13 00008759 443.35119629 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.forEach ; Row: 871 ; Col: 9 00008760 443.35119629 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.initializeControls ; Row: 1452 ; Col: 5 00008761 443.35119629 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2159 ; Col: 5 00008762 443.35119629 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 2134 ; Col: 13 00008763 443.35150146 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Running at 151772125 00008764 443.35150146 [8248] ============================================= 00008765 443.35186768 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Running at 151771453 00008766 443.35186768 [8248] ============================================= 00008767 443.35211182 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Running at 151771218 00008768 443.35211182 [8248] ============================================= 00008769 443.35241699 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Running at 151770531 00008770 443.35241699 [8248] ============================================= 00008771 443.35269165 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Running at 151770265 00008772 443.35269165 [8248] ============================================= 00008773 443.35299683 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Running at 151759250 00008774 443.35299683 [8248] ============================================= 00008775 443.35324097 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Running at 151758984 00008776 443.35324097 [8248] ============================================= 00008777 443.35354614 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Running at 151758937 00008778 443.35354614 [8248] ============================================= 00008779 443.36108398 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg" 00008780 443.36804199 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 875ms. 00008781 443.36804199 [8248] Task callstack : 00008782 443.36938477 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) JS Callstack: 00008783 443.36938477 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadFile ; Row: 417 ; Col: 38 00008784 443.36938477 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadIcon ; Row: 688 ; Col: 13 00008785 443.36938477 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1455 ; Col: 13 00008786 443.36938477 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.forEach ; Row: 871 ; Col: 9 00008787 443.36938477 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.initializeControls ; Row: 1452 ; Col: 5 00008788 443.36938477 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2159 ; Col: 5 00008789 443.36938477 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 2134 ; Col: 13 00008790 443.36978149 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) Running at 151772140 00008791 443.36978149 [8248] ============================================= 00008792 443.37002563 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) Running at 151772109 00008793 443.37002563 [8248] ============================================= 00008794 443.37033081 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) Running at 151771296 00008795 443.37033081 [8248] ============================================= 00008796 443.37063599 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) Running at 151770843 00008797 443.37063599 [8248] ============================================= 00008798 443.37326050 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) Running at 151770531 00008799 443.37326050 [8248] ============================================= 00008800 443.37377930 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) Running at 151769234 00008801 443.37377930 [8248] ============================================= 00008802 443.37408447 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) Running at 151758906 00008803 443.37408447 [8248] ============================================= 00008804 443.37432861 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) Running at 151758953 00008805 443.37432861 [8248] ============================================= 00008806 443.37469482 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/minimize.svg to skin/icon/minimize.svg 00008807 443.37838745 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/minimize.svg" 00008808 443.39465332 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 578ms. 00008809 443.39465332 [8248] Task callstack : 00008810 443.39511108 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Previous tasks : 00008811 443.39553833 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151772140 00008812 443.39553833 [8248] ============================================= 00008813 443.39590454 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151772109 00008814 443.39590454 [8248] ============================================= 00008815 443.39620972 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151771296 00008816 443.39620972 [8248] ============================================= 00008817 443.39651489 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151770843 00008818 443.39651489 [8248] ============================================= 00008819 443.39697266 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151770531 00008820 443.39697266 [8248] ============================================= 00008821 443.39727783 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151769234 00008822 443.39727783 [8248] ============================================= 00008823 443.39758301 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151758906 00008824 443.39758301 [8248] ============================================= 00008825 443.40286255 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) Running at 151758984 00008826 443.40286255 [8248] ============================================= 00008827 443.40319824 [8248] MM5 [6688](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/maximize.svg" 00008828 443.40838623 [8248] MM5 [1564](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\Extensions\CodecPack\info.json" 00008829 443.43280029 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/restore.svg to skin/icon/restore.svg 00008830 443.43725586 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/restore.svg" 00008831 443.45199585 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/windowclose.svg to skin/icon/windowclose.svg 00008832 443.45645142 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/windowclose.svg" 00008833 443.45697021 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/windowclose_add.svg to skin/icon/windowclose_add.svg 00008834 444.74301147 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00008835 444.86907959 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow start 00008836 444.94311523 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow end 00008837 444.98141479 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00008838 444.98217773 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 11 00008839 444.98257446 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE beforeClose for identifier 11 00008840 445.05670166 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00008841 445.05703735 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 11 00008842 445.05758667 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE canClose for identifier 11 00008843 445.05795288 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY end 00008844 445.06710815 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00008845 445.07360840 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00008846 445.07525635 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00008847 445.07601929 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TSharedWindow destroy called - worker id: 0, addr: 405531408 00008848 445.09112549 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserDestroyed 11 00008849 445.99548340 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00008850 447.00210571 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00008851 447.28515625 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from to 00008852 447.30230713 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TSharedWindow created. 00008853 447.31192017 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00008854 447.31457520 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserCreated 12 00008855 447.41458130 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html" 00008856 447.82495117 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnContextCreated file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html (12) 00008857 447.82550049 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///mminit.js 00008858 447.83682251 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///mminit_add.js to mminit_add.js 00008859 447.88229370 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///promise.js 00008860 447.88955688 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js to dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js 00008861 447.89160156 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js" 00008862 447.89416504 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\promise.js" 00008863 447.91055298 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///binding.js 00008864 447.91418457 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\binding.js" 00008865 447.92248535 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00008866 447.92279053 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00008867 447.92489624 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/observableObject.js 00008868 447.92868042 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/observableObject.js" 00008869 447.92907715 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/observableObject_add.js to helpers/observableObject_add.js 00008870 447.93276978 [8248] MM5 [6688](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///temp/precompiledLess.css to D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\precompiledLess.css 00008871 447.93414307 [8248] MM5 [6688](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\precompiledLess.css" 00008872 447.93481445 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///utils.js 00008873 447.93957520 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///utils.js to utils.js 00008874 447.94226074 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\utils.js" 00008875 447.94796753 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///animationTools.js 00008876 447.95162964 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\animationTools.js" 00008877 447.95816040 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///velocity.js 00008878 447.96176147 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\velocity.js" 00008879 447.96942139 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///velocity_add.js to velocity_add.js 00008880 447.99291992 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/tooltipController.js 00008881 447.99774170 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/tooltipController.js" 00008882 448.00326538 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/control.js 00008883 448.00717163 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/control.js" 00008884 448.02282715 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///dndutils.js 00008885 448.02703857 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dndutils.js" 00008886 448.03466797 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/popupmenu.js 00008887 448.03900146 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/popupmenu.js" 00008888 448.04925537 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///actions.js 00008889 448.05297852 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\actions.js" 00008890 448.05422974 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///actions_add.js to actions_add.js 00008891 448.05780029 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\exportPodcasts\actions_add.js" 00008892 448.08575439 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchTools.js 00008893 448.08984375 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchTools.js" 00008894 448.09698486 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/docking.js 00008895 448.10113525 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/docking_add.js to helpers/docking_add.js 00008896 448.11074829 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/autoTagFramework.js 00008897 448.11447144 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/autoTagFramework.js" 00008898 448.12261963 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js 00008899 448.12652588 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js to helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js 00008900 448.12713623 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js" 00008901 448.14074707 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchCommon.js 00008902 448.14498901 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchCommon.js" 00008903 448.15139771 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/musicBrainz.js 00008904 448.15509033 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/musicBrainz.js" 00008905 448.17382813 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/acoustID.js 00008906 448.17797852 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/acoustID.js" 00008907 448.18371582 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///consts.js 00008908 448.18774414 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\consts.js" 00008909 448.19281006 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchTVDB.js 00008910 448.19659424 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchTVDB.js" 00008911 448.19702148 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchTVDB_add.js to helpers/searchTVDB_add.js 00008912 448.20269775 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/tvdb.js 00008913 448.20663452 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/tvdb.js" 00008914 448.21325684 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/tvmaze.js 00008915 448.21719360 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/tvmaze.js" 00008916 448.22225952 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/imdb.js 00008917 448.22647095 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/imdb.js" 00008918 448.23202515 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchIMDb.js 00008919 448.23583984 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchIMDb.js" 00008920 448.23617554 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchIMDb_add.js to helpers/searchIMDb_add.js 00008921 448.24191284 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/dockableDialog.js 00008922 448.24581909 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/dockableDialog.js" 00008923 448.25201416 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///playerUtils.js 00008924 448.25610352 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\playerUtils.js" 00008925 448.26315308 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/embeddedWindow.js 00008926 448.26742554 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/embeddedWindow.js" 00008927 448.27331543 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/switchWindow.js 00008928 448.27703857 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/switchWindow.js" 00008929 448.30151367 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/checkbox.js 00008930 448.30575562 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/checkbox.js" 00008931 448.31231689 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/innerWindow.js 00008932 448.31616211 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/innerWindow.js" 00008933 448.42541504 [8248] MM5 [6688](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/star.svg to skin/icon/star.svg 00008934 448.42999268 [8248] MM5 [6688](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/star.svg" 00008935 448.50448608 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Current User Scripts Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Scripts\ 00008936 448.50576782 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ******** using precompiled LESS 00008937 448.52609253 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf 00008938 448.53170776 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/windowtitle.js 00008939 448.54010010 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf" 00008940 448.54098511 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular_add.ttf to skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular_add.ttf 00008941 448.55392456 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) AnimationTime set to 0.3s 00008942 448.55450439 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/windowtitle.html 00008943 448.55880737 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/windowtitle.html" 00008944 448.57482910 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/dropdown.js 00008945 448.57901001 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/dropdown.js" 00008946 448.58731079 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/listview.js 00008947 448.59136963 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/listview.js" 00008948 448.62295532 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/button.js 00008949 448.62664795 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/button.js" 00008950 448.62698364 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/button_add.js to controls/button_add.js 00008951 448.63882446 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/buttons.js 00008952 448.64303589 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/buttons.js" 00008953 448.64923096 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/menuButton.js 00008954 448.65335083 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/menuButton.js" 00008955 448.65859985 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/iconbutton.js 00008956 448.66232300 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/iconbutton.js" 00008957 448.66268921 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/iconbutton_add.js to controls/iconbutton_add.js 00008958 448.66738892 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/toolbutton.js 00008959 448.67184448 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/toolbutton.js" 00008960 448.68725586 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 6 tasks in queue. 00008961 448.68847656 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 7 tasks in queue. 00008962 448.69750977 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Going to place window X: 0, Y: 0, width: 1274, height: 744 00008963 448.69866943 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/dropdown.svg to skin/icon/dropdown.svg 00008964 448.69897461 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Display 0, X: 0, Y: 0, width: 2560, height: 1080 00008965 448.71218872 [8248] MM5 [6688](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg 00008966 448.71264648 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/mainMenu.svg 00008967 448.71514893 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/dropdown_add.svg to skin/icon/dropdown_add.svg 00008968 448.72033691 [8248] MM5 [6688](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg to skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg 00008969 448.72534180 [8248] MM5 [6688](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg" 00008970 448.72927856 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/edit.js to controls/edit.js 00008971 448.73281860 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/edit.js" 00008972 448.73666382 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/mainMenu.svg to skin/icon/mainMenu.svg 00008973 448.74322510 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/mainMenu.svg" 00008974 448.74368286 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/mainMenu_add.svg to skin/icon/mainMenu_add.svg 00008975 448.74755859 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/restore.svg to skin/icon/restore.svg 00008976 448.75122070 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/restore.svg" 00008977 448.75646973 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/restore_add.svg to skin/icon/restore_add.svg 00008978 448.81848145 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Assoc: TFileAssocHandler.Create 00008979 448.81893921 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Doesn't know where to place ISMA file extension. Created separate group. 00008980 448.81924438 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Doesn't know where to place WEBM file extension. Created separate group. 00008981 449.00054932 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ready event call 12 00008982 449.03192139 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00008983 449.47695923 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 797ms. 00008984 449.47695923 [8248] Task callstack : 00008985 449.47756958 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Previous tasks : 00008986 449.47787476 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Running at 151777515 00008987 449.47787476 [8248] ============================================= 00008988 449.47821045 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Running at 151777500 00008989 449.47821045 [8248] ============================================= 00008990 449.47845459 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Running at 151777484 00008991 449.47845459 [8248] ============================================= 00008992 449.47875977 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Running at 151776718 00008993 449.47875977 [8248] ============================================= 00008994 449.47900391 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Running at 151775937 00008995 449.47900391 [8248] ============================================= 00008996 449.47937012 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Running at 151774781 00008997 449.47937012 [8248] ============================================= 00008998 449.47967529 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Running at 151772140 00008999 449.47967529 [8248] ============================================= 00009000 449.47998047 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/windowclose.svg 00009001 449.48440552 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/windowclose.svg" 00009002 449.50021362 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 672ms. 00009003 449.50021362 [8248] Task callstack : 00009004 449.50057983 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Previous tasks : 00009005 449.50088501 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Running at 151777531 00009006 449.50088501 [8248] ============================================= 00009007 449.50112915 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Running at 151777500 00009008 449.50112915 [8248] ============================================= 00009009 449.50155640 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Running at 151777500 00009010 449.50155640 [8248] ============================================= 00009011 449.50186157 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Running at 151777203 00009012 449.50186157 [8248] ============================================= 00009013 449.50210571 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Running at 151776718 00009014 449.50210571 [8248] ============================================= 00009015 449.50241089 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Running at 151775781 00009016 449.50241089 [8248] ============================================= 00009017 449.50271606 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Running at 151772171 00009018 449.50271606 [8248] ============================================= 00009019 449.50299072 [8248] MM5 [6720](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00009020 449.50851440 [8248] MM5 [6688](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/maximize.svg to skin/icon/maximize.svg 00009021 449.51470947 [8248] MM5 [6688](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/maximize.svg" 00009022 449.51525879 [8248] MM5 [6688](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/maximize_add.svg to skin/icon/maximize_add.svg 00009023 449.53521729 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/minimize.svg to skin/icon/minimize.svg 00009024 449.54275513 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/minimize.svg" 00009025 451.49127197 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00009026 452.36111450 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00009027 452.45541382 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow start 00009028 452.45788574 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00009029 452.52737427 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow end 00009030 452.57662964 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00009031 452.57693481 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00009032 452.57708740 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 12 00009033 452.57757568 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE beforeClose for identifier 12 00009034 452.58731079 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE notify close for identifier 12 00009035 452.60830688 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00009036 452.61209106 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 12 00009037 452.61270142 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00009038 452.62969971 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00009039 452.63586426 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00009040 452.64193726 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TSharedWindow destroy called - worker id: 0, addr: 405531408 00009041 452.64251709 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00009042 452.65875244 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserDestroyed 12 00009043 453.79302979 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00009044 454.05343628 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from to 00009045 454.07778931 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00009046 454.08157349 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html" 00009047 454.10375977 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserCreated 13 00009048 454.23104858 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) initializeLocals 00009049 454.63967896 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnContextCreated file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html (13) 00009050 454.64370728 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///mminit.js to mminit.js 00009051 454.64431763 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\mminit.js" 00009052 454.64801025 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js 00009053 454.65194702 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js" 00009054 454.65237427 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule_add.js to dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule_add.js 00009055 454.68026733 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///promise.js 00009056 454.68493652 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\promise.js" 00009057 454.70202637 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///binding.js 00009058 454.71450806 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00009059 454.71487427 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00009060 454.71704102 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/observableObject.js to helpers/observableObject.js 00009061 454.72070313 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/observableObject.js" 00009062 454.72695923 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///utils.js 00009063 454.73086548 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\utils.js" 00009064 454.73345947 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) Retrieving file file:///temp/precompiledLess.css 00009065 454.73474121 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\precompiledLess.css" 00009066 454.74395752 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///temp/precompiledLess_add.css to D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\precompiledLess_add.css 00009067 454.74819946 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///animationTools.js to animationTools.js 00009068 454.75128174 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\animationTools.js" 00009069 454.75830078 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///velocity.js 00009070 454.76187134 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\velocity.js" 00009071 454.77703857 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///velocity_add.js to velocity_add.js 00009072 454.78619385 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/tooltipController.js 00009073 454.79034424 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/tooltipController.js" 00009074 454.79714966 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/control.js 00009075 454.80395508 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/control.js" 00009076 454.81842041 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///dndutils.js 00009077 454.82260132 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dndutils.js" 00009078 454.82977295 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/popupmenu.js 00009079 454.83383179 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/popupmenu.js" 00009080 454.84494019 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///actions.js 00009081 454.84851074 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\actions.js" 00009082 454.89498901 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/docking.js to helpers/docking.js 00009083 454.89633179 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/docking_add.js to helpers/docking_add.js 00009084 454.90579224 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/autoTagFramework.js 00009085 454.90594482 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/autoTagFramework.js to helpers/autoTagFramework.js 00009086 454.90979004 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/autoTagFramework.js" 00009087 454.91021729 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/autoTagFramework_add.js to helpers/autoTagFramework_add.js 00009088 454.91708374 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js 00009089 454.91723633 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js to helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js 00009090 454.92169189 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js" 00009091 454.92202759 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchMusicbrainz_add.js to helpers/searchMusicbrainz_add.js 00009092 454.93441772 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchCommon.js 00009093 454.93902588 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchCommon.js" 00009094 454.93917847 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchCommon_add.js to helpers/searchCommon_add.js 00009095 454.94552612 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/musicBrainz.js 00009096 454.94943237 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/musicBrainz.js" 00009097 454.96765137 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/acoustID.js 00009098 454.97171021 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/acoustID.js" 00009099 454.97204590 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/acoustID_add.js to helpers/acoustID_add.js 00009100 454.97711182 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///consts.js 00009101 454.97729492 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///consts.js to consts.js 00009102 454.98071289 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\consts.js" 00009103 454.98602295 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchTVDB.js 00009104 454.98983765 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchTVDB.js" 00009105 454.99023438 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchTVDB_add.js to helpers/searchTVDB_add.js 00009106 454.99591064 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/tvdb.js 00009107 454.99966431 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/tvdb.js" 00009108 455.00006104 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/tvdb_add.js to helpers/tvdb_add.js 00009109 455.00625610 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/tvmaze.js 00009110 455.00646973 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/tvmaze.js to helpers/tvmaze.js 00009111 455.01000977 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/tvmaze.js" 00009112 455.01040649 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/tvmaze_add.js to helpers/tvmaze_add.js 00009113 455.01510620 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/imdb.js 00009114 455.01522827 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/imdb.js to helpers/imdb.js 00009115 455.01885986 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/imdb.js" 00009116 455.01925659 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/imdb_add.js to helpers/imdb_add.js 00009117 455.02484131 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchIMDb.js 00009118 455.02868652 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchIMDb.js" 00009119 455.03411865 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/dockableDialog.js 00009120 455.03857422 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/dockableDialog.js" 00009121 455.03918457 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/dockableDialog_add.js to helpers/dockableDialog_add.js 00009122 455.04394531 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///playerUtils.js 00009123 455.04751587 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\playerUtils.js" 00009124 455.05526733 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/embeddedWindow.js 00009125 455.05587769 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/embeddedWindow.js to controls/embeddedWindow.js 00009126 455.05981445 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/embeddedWindow.js" 00009127 455.06072998 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/embeddedWindow_add.js to controls/embeddedWindow_add.js 00009128 455.06640625 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/switchWindow.js 00009129 455.07031250 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/switchWindow.js" 00009130 455.07070923 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/switchWindow_add.js to controls/switchWindow_add.js 00009131 455.09341431 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 2 threads of 10 00009132 455.09585571 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/checkbox.js to controls/checkbox.js 00009133 455.09948730 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/checkbox.js" 00009134 455.09991455 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/checkbox_add.js to controls/checkbox_add.js 00009135 455.10650635 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/innerWindow.js 00009136 455.11035156 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/innerWindow.js" 00009137 455.13677979 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Page DevTools JSON [ { 00009138 455.13677979 [8248] "description": "", 00009139 455.13677979 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/4D2AAE4263363D441F92B02838FA0950", 00009140 455.13677979 [8248] "id": "4D2AAE4263363D441F92B02838FA0950", 00009141 455.13677979 [8248] "title": "dlgAutoConvertRule.html", 00009142 455.13677979 [8248] "type": "page", 00009143 455.13677979 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html", 00009144 455.13677979 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/4D2AAE4263363D441F92B02838FA0950" 00009145 455.13677979 [8248] }, { 00009146 455.13677979 [8248] "description": "", 00009147 455.13677979 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F", 00009148 455.13677979 [8248] "id": "0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F", 00009149 455.13677979 [8248] "title": "empty.html", 00009150 455.13677979 [8248] "type": "page", 00009151 455.13677979 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/empty.html", 00009152 455.13677979 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F" 00009153 455.13677979 [8248] }, { 00009154 455.13677979 [8248] "description": "", 00009155 455.13677979 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91", 00009156 455.13677979 [8248] "id": "20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91", 00009157 455.13677979 [8248] "title": "empty.html", 00009158 455.13677979 [8248] "type": "page", 00009159 455.13677979 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/empty.html", 00009160 455.13677979 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91" 00009161 455.13677979 [8248] }, { 00009162 455.13677979 [8248] "description": "", 00009163 455.13677979 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829", 00009164 455.13677979 [8248] "id": "A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829", 00009165 455.13677979 [8248] "title": "mainwindow.html", 00009166 455.13677979 [8248] "type": "page", 00009167 455.13677979 [8248] "url": "file:///mainwindow.html", 00009168 455.13677979 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829" 00009169 455.13677979 [8248] } ] 00009170 455.14306641 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) load event call 13 00009171 455.14389038 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00009172 455.23916626 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/star.svg 00009173 455.24710083 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/star.svg" 00009174 455.47955322 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/menuButton_add.js to controls/menuButton_add.js 00009175 455.48452759 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/iconbutton.js 00009176 455.48583984 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/dropdown.svg 00009177 455.48953247 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/iconbutton.js" 00009178 455.49438477 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/toolbutton.js 00009179 455.49807739 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/toolbutton.js" 00009180 455.51718140 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 6 tasks in queue. 00009181 455.52410889 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Going to place window X: 0, Y: 0, width: 1274, height: 744 00009182 455.52465820 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Placed to display 00009183 455.52532959 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Display 0, X: 0, Y: 0, width: 2560, height: 1080 00009184 455.53991699 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/edit.js 00009185 455.54400635 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/edit.js" 00009186 455.58840942 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/dropdown.svg to skin/icon/dropdown.svg 00009187 455.59304810 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/dropdown.svg" 00009188 455.59368896 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/dropdown_add.svg to skin/icon/dropdown_add.svg 00009189 455.59732056 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/mainMenu.svg 00009190 455.60125732 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/mainMenu.svg" 00009191 455.60626221 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/minimize.svg 00009192 455.62976074 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Assoc: TFileAssocHandler.Create 00009193 455.63012695 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Doesn't know where to place ISMA file extension. Created separate group. 00009194 455.63034058 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Doesn't know where to place WEBM file extension. Created separate group. 00009195 455.63549805 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 3 threads of 10 00009196 455.64379883 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00009197 455.87664795 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00009198 455.95324707 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg" 00009199 456.01452637 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/maximize.svg 00009200 456.03536987 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/maximize.svg" 00009201 456.05047607 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 532ms. 00009202 456.05047607 [8248] Task callstack : 00009203 456.05078125 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) Previous tasks : 00009204 456.05108643 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) Running at 151784390 00009205 456.05108643 [8248] ============================================= 00009206 456.05136108 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) Running at 151784375 00009207 456.05136108 [8248] ============================================= 00009208 456.05197144 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) Running at 151784015 00009209 456.05197144 [8248] ============================================= 00009210 456.06057739 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) Running at 151783515 00009211 456.06057739 [8248] ============================================= 00009212 456.06118774 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) Running at 151782734 00009213 456.06118774 [8248] ============================================= 00009214 456.06506348 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) Running at 151782562 00009215 456.06506348 [8248] ============================================= 00009216 456.06542969 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) Running at 151778265 00009217 456.06542969 [8248] ============================================= 00009218 456.06573486 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) Running at 151777515 00009219 456.06573486 [8248] ============================================= 00009220 456.06604004 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/restore.svg 00009221 456.07888794 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 563ms. 00009222 456.07888794 [8248] Task callstack : 00009223 456.07925415 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) Previous tasks : 00009224 456.07971191 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/restore.svg to skin/icon/restore.svg 00009225 456.08386230 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) Running at 151784796 00009226 456.08386230 [8248] ============================================= 00009227 456.08422852 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) Running at 151784375 00009228 456.08422852 [8248] ============================================= 00009229 456.08459473 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) Running at 151784265 00009230 456.08459473 [8248] ============================================= 00009231 456.08514404 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) Running at 151783562 00009232 456.08514404 [8248] ============================================= 00009233 456.08551025 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) Running at 151782734 00009234 456.08551025 [8248] ============================================= 00009235 456.08587646 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) Running at 151778281 00009236 456.08587646 [8248] ============================================= 00009237 456.08666992 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) Running at 151777531 00009238 456.08666992 [8248] ============================================= 00009239 456.08709717 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/windowclose.svg 00009240 456.09088135 [8248] MM5 [10980](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/restore.svg" 00009241 456.09442139 [8248] MM5 [916](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00009242 456.09707642 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/windowclose.svg to skin/icon/windowclose.svg 00009243 456.11212158 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Currently running 4 threads of 10 00009244 456.15924072 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/windowclose.svg" 00009245 456.15972900 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/windowclose_add.svg to skin/icon/windowclose_add.svg 00009246 456.21365356 [8248] MM5 [916](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\Extensions\CodecPack\info.json" 00009247 460.06250000 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00009248 460.23217773 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00009249 460.25323486 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow start 00009250 460.25506592 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00009251 460.32675171 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow end 00009252 460.34518433 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00009253 460.37069702 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00009254 460.37261963 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 13 00009255 460.37313843 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE beforeClose for identifier 13 00009256 460.37472534 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00009257 460.38128662 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE notify close for identifier 13 00009258 460.38159180 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE closeBrowserCall for identifier 13 00009259 460.41012573 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00009260 460.43243408 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00009261 460.44769287 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00009262 460.44799805 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 13 00009263 460.44824219 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE canClose for identifier 13 00009264 460.44873047 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00009265 460.44903564 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY end 00009266 460.69149780 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00009267 460.69384766 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00009268 460.69708252 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TSharedWindow destroy called - worker id: 0, addr: 405531408 00009269 460.69851685 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) OnContextReleased end. 00009270 460.71228027 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserDestroyed 13 00009271 460.71234131 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) OnBrowserDestroyed end. 00009272 461.61148071 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00009273 461.91867065 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00009274 462.22811890 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from to 00009275 462.24957275 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TSharedWindow created. 00009276 462.26855469 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00009277 462.27413940 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html to dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00009278 462.27758789 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) initializeLocals 00009279 462.28485107 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule_add.html to dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule_add.html 00009280 462.82931519 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnContextCreated file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html (14) 00009281 462.83636475 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///mminit.js to mminit.js 00009282 462.84140015 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\mminit.js" 00009283 462.84225464 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///mminit_add.js to mminit_add.js 00009284 462.84820557 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js 00009285 462.84841919 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js to dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js 00009286 462.85598755 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js" 00009287 462.85687256 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule_add.js to dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule_add.js 00009288 462.88265991 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///promise.js 00009289 462.88671875 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\promise.js" 00009290 462.89096069 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///promise_add.js to promise_add.js 00009291 462.90243530 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///binding.js 00009292 462.90631104 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\binding.js" 00009293 462.90689087 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///binding_add.js to binding_add.js 00009294 462.91394043 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00009295 462.91424561 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00009296 462.91629028 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/observableObject.js to helpers/observableObject.js 00009297 462.91998291 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/observableObject.js" 00009298 462.92587280 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///utils.js 00009299 462.92947388 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\utils.js" 00009300 462.92980957 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///utils_add.js to utils_add.js 00009301 462.93533325 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///animationTools.js 00009302 462.93902588 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\animationTools.js" 00009303 462.94564819 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///velocity.js 00009304 462.95019531 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\velocity.js" 00009305 462.97308350 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/tooltipController.js 00009306 462.97729492 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/tooltipController.js" 00009307 462.98291016 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/control.js 00009308 462.98669434 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/control.js" 00009309 463.00097656 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///dndutils.js 00009310 463.00601196 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dndutils.js" 00009311 463.00610352 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dndutils_add.js to dndutils_add.js 00009312 463.01367188 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/popupmenu.js 00009313 463.01803589 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/popupmenu.js" 00009314 463.02890015 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///actions.js 00009315 463.03170776 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) Retrieving file file:///temp/precompiledLess.css 00009316 463.03268433 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\actions.js" 00009317 463.03903198 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\redoNavbarButton\actions_add.js" 00009318 463.06228638 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///temp/precompiledLess.css to D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\precompiledLess.css 00009319 463.06329346 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///temp/precompiledLess_add.css to D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\precompiledLess_add.css 00009320 463.06698608 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchTools.js 00009321 463.07131958 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchTools.js" 00009322 463.07818604 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/docking.js 00009323 463.08435059 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/docking.js" 00009324 463.08474731 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/docking_add.js to helpers/docking_add.js 00009325 463.09503174 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/autoTagFramework.js 00009326 463.10168457 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/autoTagFramework.js" 00009327 463.10916138 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js 00009328 463.11343384 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js" 00009329 463.12704468 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchCommon.js 00009330 463.13092041 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchCommon.js" 00009331 463.13967896 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/musicBrainz.js 00009332 463.14410400 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/musicBrainz.js" 00009333 463.16406250 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/acoustID.js 00009334 463.16867065 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/acoustID.js" 00009335 463.17471313 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///consts.js 00009336 463.17904663 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\consts.js" 00009337 463.18444824 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchTVDB.js 00009338 463.18893433 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchTVDB.js" 00009339 463.19509888 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/tvdb.js 00009340 463.19897461 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/tvdb.js" 00009341 463.20758057 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/tvmaze.js 00009342 463.21530151 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/tvmaze.js" 00009343 463.22247314 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/imdb.js 00009344 463.22918701 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/imdb.js" 00009345 463.23522949 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchIMDb.js 00009346 463.24081421 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchIMDb.js" 00009347 463.24624634 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/dockableDialog.js 00009348 463.25085449 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/dockableDialog.js" 00009349 463.25698853 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///playerUtils.js 00009350 463.26098633 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\playerUtils.js" 00009351 463.26788330 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/embeddedWindow.js 00009352 463.27209473 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/embeddedWindow.js" 00009353 463.27813721 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/switchWindow.js 00009354 463.28192139 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/switchWindow.js" 00009355 463.30526733 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 2 threads of 10 00009356 463.30911255 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/checkbox.js to controls/checkbox.js 00009357 463.31570435 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/checkbox_add.js to controls/checkbox_add.js 00009358 463.31854248 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/innerWindow.js to controls/innerWindow.js 00009359 463.32250977 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/innerWindow.js" 00009360 463.46527100 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/star.svg 00009361 463.47985840 [8248] MM5 [716](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/star.svg" 00009362 463.67376709 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) Current User Scripts Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Scripts\ 00009363 463.68322754 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ******** using precompiled LESS 00009364 463.69894409 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf 00009365 463.70605469 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf to skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf 00009366 463.70852661 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/windowtitle.js to controls/windowtitle.js 00009367 463.71035767 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular_add.ttf to skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular_add.ttf 00009368 463.71563721 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/windowtitle_add.js to controls/windowtitle_add.js 00009369 463.71951294 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) AnimationTime set to 0.3s 00009370 463.72348022 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/windowtitle.html 00009371 463.72781372 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/windowtitle.html" 00009372 463.74383545 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/dropdown.js 00009373 463.74819946 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/dropdown.js" 00009374 463.75674438 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/listview.js 00009375 463.76464844 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/listview.js" 00009376 463.79428101 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/button.js 00009377 463.79800415 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/button.js" 00009378 463.81015015 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/buttons.js 00009379 463.81439209 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/buttons.js" 00009380 463.82055664 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/menuButton.js 00009381 463.85284424 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/toolbutton_add.js to controls/toolbutton_add.js 00009382 463.86187744 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 6 tasks in queue. 00009383 463.86264038 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 7 tasks in queue. 00009384 463.87277222 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Going to place window X: 0, Y: 0, width: 1274, height: 744 00009385 463.87329102 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Placed to display 00009386 463.87429810 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Display 0, X: 0, Y: 0, width: 2560, height: 1080 00009387 463.88729858 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/edit.js 00009388 463.89126587 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/edit.js" 00009389 463.98452759 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/dropdown.svg 00009390 463.98495483 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Doesn't know where to place ALAC file extension. Created separate group. 00009391 463.98526001 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Doesn't know where to place OPUS file extension. Created separate group. 00009392 463.98556519 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Doesn't know where to place WPL file extension. Created separate group. 00009393 463.99148560 [8248] MM5 [716](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/dropdown.svg to skin/icon/dropdown.svg 00009394 463.99298096 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 3 threads of 10 00009395 463.99984741 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00009396 464.15170288 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 7 tasks in queue. 00009397 464.17004395 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ready event call 14 00009398 464.17739868 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) notifyReady called 00009399 464.17834473 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00009400 464.19708252 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg 00009401 464.36126709 [8248] MM5 [716](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/dropdown.svg" 00009402 464.39404297 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 531ms. 00009403 464.39404297 [8248] Task callstack : 00009404 464.39434814 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Previous tasks : 00009405 464.39474487 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Running at 151792718 00009406 464.39474487 [8248] ============================================= 00009407 464.39501953 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Running at 151791843 00009408 464.39501953 [8248] ============================================= 00009409 464.39532471 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Running at 151790890 00009410 464.39532471 [8248] ============================================= 00009411 464.39556885 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Running at 151789015 00009412 464.39556885 [8248] ============================================= 00009413 464.39596558 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Running at 151784859 00009414 464.39596558 [8248] ============================================= 00009415 464.39630127 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Running at 151784796 00009416 464.39630127 [8248] ============================================= 00009417 464.39654541 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Running at 151784375 00009418 464.39654541 [8248] ============================================= 00009419 464.39691162 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/mainMenu.svg 00009420 464.40090942 [8248] MM5 [716](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/mainMenu.svg" 00009421 464.41073608 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 547ms. 00009422 464.41073608 [8248] Task callstack : 00009423 464.41107178 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Previous tasks : 00009424 464.41134644 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Running at 151792984 00009425 464.41134644 [8248] ============================================= 00009426 464.41171265 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Running at 151792250 00009427 464.41171265 [8248] ============================================= 00009428 464.41201782 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Running at 151791812 00009429 464.41201782 [8248] ============================================= 00009430 464.41226196 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Running at 151790703 00009431 464.41226196 [8248] ============================================= 00009432 464.41256714 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Running at 151784875 00009433 464.41256714 [8248] ============================================= 00009434 464.41299438 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Running at 151784828 00009435 464.41299438 [8248] ============================================= 00009436 464.41323853 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Running at 151784390 00009437 464.41323853 [8248] ============================================= 00009438 464.41354370 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/minimize.svg 00009439 464.41824341 [8248] MM5 [716](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/minimize.svg" 00009440 464.42904663 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 578ms. 00009441 464.42904663 [8248] Task callstack : 00009442 464.43310547 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg to skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg 00009443 464.43441772 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 578ms. 00009444 464.43441772 [8248] Task callstack : 00009445 464.43475342 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) JS Callstack: 00009446 464.43475342 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadFile ; Row: 417 ; Col: 38 00009447 464.43475342 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadIcon ; Row: 688 ; Col: 13 00009448 464.43475342 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1455 ; Col: 13 00009449 464.43475342 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.forEach ; Row: 871 ; Col: 9 00009450 464.43475342 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.initializeControls ; Row: 1452 ; Col: 5 00009451 464.43475342 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2159 ; Col: 5 00009452 464.43475342 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 2134 ; Col: 13 00009453 464.43505859 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Previous tasks : 00009454 464.43536377 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151793171 00009455 464.43536377 [8248] ============================================= 00009456 464.43566895 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151792718 00009457 464.43566895 [8248] ============================================= 00009458 464.43591309 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151791843 00009459 464.43591309 [8248] ============================================= 00009460 464.43621826 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151790890 00009461 464.43621826 [8248] ============================================= 00009462 464.43649292 [8248] MM5 [716](R) JS Callstack: 00009463 464.43649292 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadFile ; Row: 417 ; Col: 38 00009464 464.43649292 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadIcon ; Row: 688 ; Col: 13 00009465 464.43649292 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1455 ; Col: 13 00009466 464.43649292 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.forEach ; Row: 871 ; Col: 9 00009467 464.43649292 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.initializeControls ; Row: 1452 ; Col: 5 00009468 464.43649292 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2159 ; Col: 5 00009469 464.43649292 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 2134 ; Col: 13 00009470 464.43679810 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151784875 00009471 464.43679810 [8248] ============================================= 00009472 464.43698120 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151784828 00009473 464.43698120 [8248] ============================================= 00009474 464.43725586 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151784390 00009475 464.43725586 [8248] ============================================= 00009476 464.43743896 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/restore.svg 00009477 464.43975830 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151793218 00009478 464.43975830 [8248] ============================================= 00009479 464.44042969 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151793171 00009480 464.44042969 [8248] ============================================= 00009481 464.44082642 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151792718 00009482 464.44082642 [8248] ============================================= 00009483 464.44113159 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151791843 00009484 464.44113159 [8248] ============================================= 00009485 464.44317627 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151790890 00009486 464.44317627 [8248] ============================================= 00009487 464.44467163 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151789015 00009488 464.44467163 [8248] ============================================= 00009489 464.44503784 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151784875 00009490 464.44503784 [8248] ============================================= 00009491 464.44528198 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151784859 00009492 464.44528198 [8248] ============================================= 00009493 464.44555664 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151784796 00009494 464.44555664 [8248] ============================================= 00009495 464.44586182 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Running at 151793218 00009496 464.44586182 [8248] ============================================= 00009497 464.44604492 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Running at 151793187 00009498 464.44604492 [8248] ============================================= 00009499 464.44631958 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Running at 151792984 00009500 464.44631958 [8248] ============================================= 00009501 464.44656372 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Running at 151792250 00009502 464.44656372 [8248] ============================================= 00009503 464.44677734 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Running at 151791812 00009504 464.44677734 [8248] ============================================= 00009505 464.44702148 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Running at 151790703 00009506 464.44702148 [8248] ============================================= 00009507 464.44729614 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Running at 151784875 00009508 464.44729614 [8248] ============================================= 00009509 464.44747925 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Running at 151784828 00009510 464.44747925 [8248] ============================================= 00009511 464.44934082 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/restore.svg to skin/icon/restore.svg 00009512 464.45281982 [8248] MM5 [10336](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00009513 464.45336914 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/restore.svg" 00009514 464.46002197 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/windowclose.svg to skin/icon/windowclose.svg 00009515 464.46401978 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/windowclose.svg" 00009516 464.46899414 [8248] MM5 [716](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/maximize.svg to skin/icon/maximize.svg 00009517 464.47702026 [8248] MM5 [716](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/maximize.svg" 00009518 464.47973633 [8248] MM5 [716](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/maximize_add.svg to skin/icon/maximize_add.svg 00009519 466.89157104 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00009520 467.20364380 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) dropdown w.loaded 00009521 468.50375366 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00009522 468.59750366 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) dropdown w.closed 00009523 469.50851440 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from to 00009524 469.52996826 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.html 00009525 469.54998779 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserCreated 15 00009526 469.55633545 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.html" 00009527 469.66409302 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnContextCreated file:///dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.html (15) 00009528 469.67547607 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///mminit.js to mminit.js 00009529 469.67654419 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\mminit.js" 00009530 469.68176270 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.js 00009531 469.68560791 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.js" 00009532 469.68643188 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/dlgMP3Settings_add.js to dialogs/dlgMP3Settings_add.js 00009533 469.70169067 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///promise.js 00009534 469.70751953 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\promise.js" 00009535 469.70773315 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///promise_add.js to promise_add.js 00009536 469.72299194 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///binding.js 00009537 469.72717285 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\binding.js" 00009538 469.73443604 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00009539 469.73486328 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00009540 469.73715210 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/observableObject.js to helpers/observableObject.js 00009541 469.74151611 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/observableObject.js" 00009542 469.74765015 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///utils.js 00009543 469.75268555 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\utils.js" 00009544 469.75891113 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///animationTools.js 00009545 469.76318359 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\animationTools.js" 00009546 469.76983643 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///velocity.js 00009547 469.77447510 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\velocity.js" 00009548 469.79409790 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/tooltipController.js 00009549 469.79800415 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/tooltipController.js" 00009550 469.80368042 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/control.js 00009551 469.80847168 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/control.js" 00009552 469.81961060 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///dndutils.js 00009553 469.82015991 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dndutils.js to dndutils.js 00009554 469.82333374 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dndutils.js" 00009555 469.82379150 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dndutils_add.js to dndutils_add.js 00009556 469.83090210 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/popupmenu.js 00009557 469.93499756 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js" 00009558 469.94677734 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchCommon.js 00009559 469.95083618 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchCommon.js" 00009560 469.95797729 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/musicBrainz.js 00009561 469.95809937 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/musicBrainz.js to helpers/musicBrainz.js 00009562 469.96224976 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/musicBrainz.js" 00009563 469.97979736 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/acoustID.js 00009564 469.98400879 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/acoustID.js" 00009565 469.98953247 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///consts.js 00009566 469.99362183 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\consts.js" 00009567 469.99377441 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///consts_add.js to consts_add.js 00009568 469.99905396 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchTVDB.js 00009569 470.00326538 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchTVDB.js" 00009570 470.03417969 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/tvdb.js 00009571 470.03833008 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/tvdb.js" 00009572 470.04528809 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/tvmaze.js 00009573 470.04953003 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/tvmaze.js" 00009574 470.05450439 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/imdb.js 00009575 470.05947876 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/imdb.js" 00009576 470.07073975 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchIMDb.js 00009577 470.07513428 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchIMDb.js" 00009578 470.08071899 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/dockableDialog.js 00009579 470.08496094 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/dockableDialog.js" 00009580 470.09106445 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///playerUtils.js 00009581 470.09603882 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\playerUtils.js" 00009582 470.09619141 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///playerUtils_add.js to playerUtils_add.js 00009583 470.10345459 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/embeddedWindow.js 00009584 470.10775757 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/embeddedWindow.js" 00009585 470.11404419 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/switchWindow.js 00009586 470.11795044 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/switchWindow.js" 00009587 470.14236450 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/checkbox.js 00009588 470.14614868 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/checkbox.js" 00009589 470.14660645 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/checkbox_add.js to controls/checkbox_add.js 00009590 470.15371704 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/innerWindow.js 00009591 470.15808105 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/innerWindow.js" 00009592 470.19155884 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Page DevTools JSON [ { 00009593 470.19155884 [8248] "description": "", 00009594 470.19155884 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/EA89A46B821BE8408719A4B7502E5DB9", 00009595 470.19155884 [8248] "id": "EA89A46B821BE8408719A4B7502E5DB9", 00009596 470.19155884 [8248] "title": "dlgMP3Settings.html", 00009597 470.19155884 [8248] "type": "page", 00009598 470.19155884 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.html", 00009599 470.19155884 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/EA89A46B821BE8408719A4B7502E5DB9" 00009600 470.19155884 [8248] }, { 00009601 470.19155884 [8248] "description": "", 00009602 470.19155884 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/0768FDA87CDBE0B81F051FBD82F54948", 00009603 470.19155884 [8248] "id": "0768FDA87CDBE0B81F051FBD82F54948", 00009604 470.19155884 [8248] "title": "dlgAutoConvertRule.html", 00009605 470.19155884 [8248] "type": "page", 00009606 470.19155884 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html", 00009607 470.19155884 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/0768FDA87CDBE0B81F051FBD82F54948" 00009608 470.19155884 [8248] }, { 00009609 470.19155884 [8248] "description": "", 00009610 470.19155884 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F", 00009611 470.19155884 [8248] "id": "0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F", 00009612 470.19155884 [8248] "title": "empty.html", 00009613 470.19155884 [8248] "type": "page", 00009614 470.19155884 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/empty.html", 00009615 470.19155884 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F" 00009616 470.19155884 [8248] }, { 00009617 470.19155884 [8248] "description": "", 00009618 470.19155884 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91", 00009619 470.19155884 [8248] "id": "20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91", 00009620 470.19155884 [8248] "title": "empty.html", 00009621 470.19155884 [8248] "type": "page", 00009622 470.19155884 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/empty.html", 00009623 470.19155884 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91" 00009624 470.19155884 [8248] }, { 00009625 470.19155884 [8248] "description": "", 00009626 470.19155884 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829", 00009627 470.19155884 [8248] "id": "A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829", 00009628 470.19155884 [8248] "title": "mainwindow.html", 00009629 470.19155884 [8248] "type": "page", 00009630 470.19155884 [8248] "url": "file:///mainwindow.html", 00009631 470.19155884 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829" 00009632 470.19155884 [8248] } ] 00009633 470.19277954 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00009634 470.22091675 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Retrieving file file:///temp/precompiledLess.css 00009635 470.22320557 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///temp/precompiledLess.css to D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\precompiledLess.css 00009636 470.22427368 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///temp/precompiledLess_add.css to D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\precompiledLess_add.css 00009637 470.23315430 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 515ms. 00009638 470.23315430 [8248] Task callstack : 00009639 470.23348999 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Previous tasks : 00009640 470.23385620 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151798281 00009641 470.23385620 [8248] ============================================= 00009642 470.23440552 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151796046 00009643 470.23440552 [8248] ============================================= 00009644 470.23507690 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151793234 00009645 470.23507690 [8248] ============================================= 00009646 470.23538208 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151793218 00009647 470.23538208 [8248] ============================================= 00009648 470.23568726 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151793187 00009649 470.23568726 [8248] ============================================= 00009650 470.23596191 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151792984 00009651 470.23596191 [8248] ============================================= 00009652 470.23626709 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151792250 00009653 470.23626709 [8248] ============================================= 00009654 470.23934937 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/star.svg 00009655 470.25515747 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/star.svg" 00009656 470.25653076 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/star_add.svg to skin/icon/star_add.svg 00009657 470.51980591 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Current User Scripts Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Scripts\ 00009658 470.52053833 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ******** currentMD5=AE1D4F99B32175A08CB9AFF27B62E14A, precompiledLessMD5=AE1D4F99B32175A08CB9AFF27B62E14A, currentTimestamp=0, precompiledLessTimestamp=0 00009659 470.53906250 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf 00009660 470.54391479 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf" 00009661 470.55191040 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/windowtitle.js 00009662 470.55718994 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/windowtitle.js" 00009663 470.56661987 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) AnimationTime set to 0.3s 00009664 470.56958008 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/windowtitle.html to controls/windowtitle.html 00009665 470.57321167 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/windowtitle.html" 00009666 470.59225464 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/dropdown.js 00009667 470.59609985 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/dropdown.js" 00009668 470.59649658 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/dropdown_add.js to controls/dropdown_add.js 00009669 470.60659790 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/listview.js 00009670 470.61038208 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/listview.js" 00009671 470.65731812 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/dropdown.svg 00009672 470.65762329 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/buttons.js to controls/buttons.js 00009673 470.66137695 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/buttons.js" 00009674 470.66781616 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/button.js 00009675 470.67156982 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/button.js" 00009676 470.67730713 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/menuButton.js 00009677 470.68164063 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/menuButton.js" 00009678 470.68685913 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/iconbutton.js 00009679 470.69113159 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/iconbutton.js" 00009680 470.69598389 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/toolbutton.js 00009681 470.70043945 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/toolbutton.js" 00009682 470.71749878 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 6 tasks in queue. 00009683 470.72817993 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Going to place window X: 332, Y: 228, width: 470, height: 593 00009684 470.72845459 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Placed to display 00009685 470.72927856 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Display 0, X: 0, Y: 0, width: 2560, height: 1080 00009686 470.80157471 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/dropdown.svg to skin/icon/dropdown.svg 00009687 471.11230469 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/dropdown.svg" 00009688 471.13558960 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/dropdown_add.svg to skin/icon/dropdown_add.svg 00009689 471.17443848 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ready event call 15 00009690 471.39184570 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00009691 471.46542358 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 750ms. 00009692 471.46542358 [8248] Task callstack : 00009693 471.47994995 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Previous tasks : 00009694 471.48089600 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151799421 00009695 471.48089600 [8248] ============================================= 00009696 471.48248291 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151799015 00009697 471.48248291 [8248] ============================================= 00009698 471.49148560 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151798281 00009699 471.49148560 [8248] ============================================= 00009700 471.49218750 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151796046 00009701 471.49218750 [8248] ============================================= 00009702 471.50122070 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151796046 00009703 471.50122070 [8248] ============================================= 00009704 471.50186157 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151793218 00009705 471.50186157 [8248] ============================================= 00009706 471.50219727 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151793218 00009707 471.50219727 [8248] ============================================= 00009708 471.50250244 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151793171 00009709 471.50250244 [8248] ============================================= 00009710 471.50280762 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg 00009711 471.51538086 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 796ms. 00009712 471.51538086 [8248] Task callstack : 00009713 471.53332520 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) JS Callstack: 00009714 471.53332520 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadFile ; Row: 417 ; Col: 38 00009715 471.53332520 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadIcon ; Row: 688 ; Col: 13 00009716 471.53332520 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1455 ; Col: 13 00009717 471.53332520 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.forEach ; Row: 871 ; Col: 9 00009718 471.53332520 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.initializeControls ; Row: 1452 ; Col: 5 00009719 471.53332520 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2159 ; Col: 5 00009720 471.53332520 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 2134 ; Col: 13 00009721 471.53363037 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg to skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg 00009722 471.53713989 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151800250 00009723 471.53713989 [8248] ============================================= 00009724 471.54022217 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151799015 00009725 471.54022217 [8248] ============================================= 00009726 471.54058838 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151799000 00009727 471.54058838 [8248] ============================================= 00009728 471.54089355 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151797281 00009729 471.54089355 [8248] ============================================= 00009730 471.54113770 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151796046 00009731 471.54113770 [8248] ============================================= 00009732 471.54144287 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151793218 00009733 471.54144287 [8248] ============================================= 00009734 471.54174805 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151793218 00009735 471.54174805 [8248] ============================================= 00009736 471.54205322 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151793171 00009737 471.54205322 [8248] ============================================= 00009738 471.54446411 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg" 00009739 471.55334473 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 843ms. 00009740 471.55334473 [8248] Task callstack : 00009741 471.55374146 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Previous tasks : 00009742 471.55404663 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151800250 00009743 471.55404663 [8248] ============================================= 00009744 471.55587769 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151799015 00009745 471.55587769 [8248] ============================================= 00009746 471.55624390 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151799000 00009747 471.55624390 [8248] ============================================= 00009748 471.55651855 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151797281 00009749 471.55651855 [8248] ============================================= 00009750 471.55691528 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151796046 00009751 471.55691528 [8248] ============================================= 00009752 471.55722046 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151793218 00009753 471.55722046 [8248] ============================================= 00009754 471.55752563 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151793218 00009755 471.55752563 [8248] ============================================= 00009756 471.55789185 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/minimize.svg 00009757 471.56243896 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/minimize.svg" 00009758 471.58032227 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 859ms. 00009759 471.58032227 [8248] Task callstack : 00009760 471.58297729 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) JS Callstack: 00009761 471.58297729 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadFile ; Row: 417 ; Col: 38 00009762 471.58297729 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadIcon ; Row: 688 ; Col: 13 00009763 471.58297729 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1455 ; Col: 13 00009764 471.58297729 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.forEach ; Row: 871 ; Col: 9 00009765 471.58297729 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.initializeControls ; Row: 1452 ; Col: 5 00009766 471.58297729 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2159 ; Col: 5 00009767 471.58297729 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 2134 ; Col: 13 00009768 471.58364868 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/mainMenu.svg to skin/icon/mainMenu.svg 00009769 471.58416748 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151800296 00009770 471.58416748 [8248] ============================================= 00009771 471.58676147 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151799421 00009772 471.58676147 [8248] ============================================= 00009773 471.58706665 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151799015 00009774 471.58706665 [8248] ============================================= 00009775 471.58737183 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151798281 00009776 471.58737183 [8248] ============================================= 00009777 471.59002686 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151797281 00009778 471.59002686 [8248] ============================================= 00009779 471.59039307 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151796046 00009780 471.59039307 [8248] ============================================= 00009781 471.59069824 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151793218 00009782 471.59069824 [8248] ============================================= 00009783 471.59100342 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) Running at 151793218 00009784 471.59100342 [8248] ============================================= 00009785 471.59558105 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/mainMenu.svg" 00009786 471.60427856 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 890ms. 00009787 471.60427856 [8248] Task callstack : 00009788 471.60656738 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Previous tasks : 00009789 471.60687256 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151800343 00009790 471.60687256 [8248] ============================================= 00009791 471.60720825 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151800250 00009792 471.60720825 [8248] ============================================= 00009793 471.60751343 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151799015 00009794 471.60751343 [8248] ============================================= 00009795 471.60784912 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151799000 00009796 471.60784912 [8248] ============================================= 00009797 471.60812378 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151797281 00009798 471.60812378 [8248] ============================================= 00009799 471.60842896 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151796046 00009800 471.60842896 [8248] ============================================= 00009801 471.60873413 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151793218 00009802 471.60873413 [8248] ============================================= 00009803 471.60897827 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/restore.svg 00009804 471.61291504 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/restore.svg" 00009805 471.63171387 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 921ms. 00009806 471.63171387 [8248] Task callstack : 00009807 471.63208008 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Previous tasks : 00009808 471.63232422 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151800359 00009809 471.63232422 [8248] ============================================= 00009810 471.63275146 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/maximize.svg to skin/icon/maximize.svg 00009811 471.63442993 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Wait for event ID :3, delay :10000, callstack : 00009812 471.63928223 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/maximize.svg" 00009813 471.63980103 [8248] MM5 [5104](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/maximize_add.svg to skin/icon/maximize_add.svg 00009814 471.64184570 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151799421 00009815 471.64184570 [8248] ============================================= 00009816 471.64215088 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151799015 00009817 471.64215088 [8248] ============================================= 00009818 471.64245605 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151798281 00009819 471.64245605 [8248] ============================================= 00009820 471.64288330 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151796046 00009821 471.64288330 [8248] ============================================= 00009822 471.64343262 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151793234 00009823 471.64343262 [8248] ============================================= 00009824 471.64379883 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/windowclose.svg 00009825 471.65020752 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/windowclose.svg" 00009826 473.93069458 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.html 00009827 474.24026489 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) dropdown w.loaded 00009828 481.64804077 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00009829 482.08126831 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00009830 482.65057373 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) dropdown w.closed 00009831 485.26232910 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow start 00009832 485.31439209 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow end 00009833 485.36212158 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00009834 485.36273193 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE beforeClose for identifier 15 00009835 485.36877441 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00009836 485.36920166 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE notify close for identifier 15 00009837 485.36950684 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE closeBrowserCall for identifier 15 00009838 485.42684937 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00009839 485.88632202 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00009840 485.88696289 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE canClose for identifier 15 00009841 485.88934326 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY end 00009842 485.90325928 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00009843 485.91360474 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00009844 485.91677856 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00009845 485.93469238 [8248] MM5 [716](R) TSharedWindow destroy called - worker id: 0, addr: 405531088 00009846 485.97058105 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserDestroyed 15 00009847 486.58325195 [8248] MM5 [716](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00009848 486.58462524 [8248] MM5 [716](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\Extensions\CodecPack\info.json" 00009849 486.60900879 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow start 00009850 486.69833374 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow end 00009851 486.73110962 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00009852 486.76013184 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00009853 486.76132202 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00009854 486.76141357 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 14 00009855 486.76162720 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE beforeClose for identifier 14 00009856 486.76184082 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00009857 486.76910400 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE notify close for identifier 14 00009858 486.76956177 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE closeBrowserCall for identifier 14 00009859 486.78521729 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00009860 486.80227661 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00009861 486.80233765 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 14 00009862 486.80249023 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE canClose for identifier 14 00009863 486.80279541 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00009864 486.80346680 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY end 00009865 487.01748657 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00009866 487.02401733 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnContextReleased 14 00009867 487.02505493 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TSharedWindow destroy called - worker id: 0, addr: 405531408 00009868 487.02801514 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00009869 487.03314209 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserDestroyed 14 00009870 491.66326904 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00009871 498.96206665 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00009872 499.34500122 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from to 00009873 499.36297607 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TSharedWindow created. 00009874 499.39291382 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserCreated 16 00009875 499.39306641 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00009876 499.40203857 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) initializeLocals 00009877 499.40924072 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html to dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00009878 499.40982056 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html" 00009879 499.41558838 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule_add.html to dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule_add.html 00009880 499.96093750 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnContextCreated file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html (16) 00009881 499.96145630 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///mminit.js 00009882 499.97769165 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///mminit.js to mminit.js 00009883 499.97830200 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\mminit.js" 00009884 500.00054932 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///mminit_add.js to mminit_add.js 00009885 500.00076294 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js 00009886 500.00564575 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js to dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js 00009887 500.00595093 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///promise.js 00009888 500.00598145 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///promise.js to promise.js 00009889 500.00656128 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js" 00009890 500.00942993 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule_add.js to dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule_add.js 00009891 500.00988770 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\promise.js" 00009892 500.01147461 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///promise_add.js to promise_add.js 00009893 500.02954102 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///binding.js 00009894 500.03329468 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///binding.js to binding.js 00009895 500.03378296 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\binding.js" 00009896 500.04141235 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///binding_add.js to binding_add.js 00009897 500.04193115 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00009898 500.04217529 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00009899 500.04434204 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00009900 500.04455566 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/observableObject.js 00009901 500.04833984 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/observableObject.js to helpers/observableObject.js 00009902 500.04901123 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/observableObject.js" 00009903 500.05181885 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/observableObject_add.js to helpers/observableObject_add.js 00009904 500.05575562 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///utils.js 00009905 500.05584717 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///utils.js to utils.js 00009906 500.05969238 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\utils.js" 00009907 500.06021118 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///utils_add.js to utils_add.js 00009908 500.06558228 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///animationTools.js 00009909 500.06573486 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///animationTools.js to animationTools.js 00009910 500.06927490 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\animationTools.js" 00009911 500.06979370 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///animationTools_add.js to animationTools_add.js 00009912 500.07632446 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///velocity.js 00009913 500.07650757 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///velocity.js to velocity.js 00009914 500.08084106 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\velocity.js" 00009915 500.10394287 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/tooltipController.js 00009916 500.10824585 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/tooltipController.js" 00009917 500.11398315 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/control.js 00009918 500.11837769 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/control.js" 00009919 500.13400269 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///dndutils.js 00009920 500.13916016 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dndutils.js" 00009921 500.15289307 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/popupmenu.js 00009922 500.15753174 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/popupmenu.js" 00009923 500.16793823 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///actions.js 00009924 500.17218018 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\actions.js" 00009925 500.17572021 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\redoNavbarButton\actions_add.js" 00009926 500.17663574 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\exportPodcasts\actions_add.js" 00009927 500.20300293 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchTools.js 00009928 500.20709229 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchTools.js" 00009929 500.20755005 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchTools_add.js to helpers/searchTools_add.js 00009930 500.21438599 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/docking.js 00009931 500.21847534 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/docking.js" 00009932 500.22854614 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/autoTagFramework.js 00009933 500.23147583 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Retrieving file file:///temp/precompiledLess.css 00009934 500.23300171 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/autoTagFramework.js" 00009935 500.24182129 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js 00009936 500.24697876 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js" 00009937 500.26934814 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchCommon.js 00009938 500.27438354 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchCommon.js" 00009939 500.28390503 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/musicBrainz.js 00009940 500.28826904 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/musicBrainz.js" 00009941 500.30627441 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/acoustID.js 00009942 500.31005859 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/acoustID.js" 00009943 500.31048584 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/acoustID_add.js to helpers/acoustID_add.js 00009944 500.31549072 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///consts.js 00009945 500.31918335 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\consts.js" 00009946 500.32485962 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchTVDB.js 00009947 500.32910156 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchTVDB.js" 00009948 500.32940674 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchTVDB_add.js to helpers/searchTVDB_add.js 00009949 500.44360352 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///temp/precompiledLess.css to D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\precompiledLess.css 00009950 500.44412231 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\precompiledLess.css" 00009951 500.44589233 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/checkbox.js 00009952 500.44851685 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/checkbox.js to controls/checkbox.js 00009953 500.45208740 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/checkbox.js" 00009954 500.45623779 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/star.svg to skin/icon/star.svg 00009955 500.46032715 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/star.svg" 00009956 500.46423340 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/innerWindow.js to controls/innerWindow.js 00009957 500.46832275 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/innerWindow_add.js to controls/innerWindow_add.js 00009958 500.49356079 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Page DevTools JSON [ { 00009959 500.49356079 [8248] "description": "", 00009960 500.49356079 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/709201AC92284E245EE4A88CF6BF7632", 00009961 500.49356079 [8248] "id": "709201AC92284E245EE4A88CF6BF7632", 00009962 500.49356079 [8248] "title": "dlgAutoConvertRule.html", 00009963 500.49356079 [8248] "type": "page", 00009964 500.49356079 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html", 00009965 500.49356079 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/709201AC92284E245EE4A88CF6BF7632" 00009966 500.49356079 [8248] }, { 00009967 500.49356079 [8248] "description": "", 00009968 500.49356079 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F", 00009969 500.49356079 [8248] "id": "0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F", 00009970 500.49356079 [8248] "title": "empty.html", 00009971 500.49356079 [8248] "type": "page", 00009972 500.49356079 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/empty.html", 00009973 500.49356079 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F" 00009974 500.49356079 [8248] }, { 00009975 500.49356079 [8248] "description": "", 00009976 500.49356079 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91", 00009977 500.49356079 [8248] "id": "20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91", 00009978 500.49356079 [8248] "title": "empty.html", 00009979 500.49356079 [8248] "type": "page", 00009980 500.49356079 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/empty.html", 00009981 500.49356079 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91" 00009982 500.49356079 [8248] }, { 00009983 500.49356079 [8248] "description": "", 00009984 500.49356079 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829", 00009985 500.49356079 [8248] "id": "A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829", 00009986 500.49356079 [8248] "title": "mainwindow.html", 00009987 500.49356079 [8248] "type": "page", 00009988 500.49356079 [8248] "url": "file:///mainwindow.html", 00009989 500.49356079 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829" 00009990 500.49356079 [8248] } ] 00009991 500.51055908 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) load event call 16 00009992 500.51123047 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00009993 500.51751709 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00009994 500.61328125 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Current User Scripts Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Scripts\ 00009995 500.61465454 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ******** using precompiled LESS 00009996 500.64199829 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf 00009997 500.65039063 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf to skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf 00009998 500.65423584 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/windowtitle.js to controls/windowtitle.js 00009999 500.65484619 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/windowtitle.js" 00010000 500.65634155 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/windowtitle_add.js to controls/windowtitle_add.js 00010001 500.66549683 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) AnimationTime set to 0.3s 00010002 500.66860962 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/windowtitle.html 00010003 500.67318726 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/windowtitle.html" 00010004 500.68936157 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/dropdown.js 00010005 500.69308472 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/dropdown.js" 00010006 500.70175171 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/listview.js 00010007 500.70660400 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/listview.js" 00010008 500.73083496 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/dropdown.svg 00010009 500.73532104 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/dropdown.svg" 00010010 500.73754883 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/button.js 00010011 500.74060059 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/button.js to controls/button.js 00010012 500.74423218 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/button.js" 00010013 500.75570679 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/buttons.js 00010014 500.76025391 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/buttons.js" 00010015 500.76657104 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/menuButton.js 00010016 500.77029419 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/menuButton.js" 00010017 500.77661133 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/iconbutton.js 00010018 500.78109741 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/iconbutton.js" 00010019 500.78585815 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/toolbutton.js 00010020 500.79046631 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/toolbutton.js" 00010021 500.79104614 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/toolbutton_add.js to controls/toolbutton_add.js 00010022 500.81143188 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 6 tasks in queue. 00010023 500.81475830 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/mainMenu.svg 00010024 500.81796265 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg to skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg 00010025 500.81826782 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Display 0, X: 0, Y: 0, width: 2560, height: 1080 00010026 500.81921387 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Going to place window X: 332, Y: 228, width: 470, height: 593 00010027 500.81945801 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Placed to display 00010028 500.92599487 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/minimize_add.svg to skin/icon/minimize_add.svg 00010029 500.93051147 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/edit.js to controls/edit.js 00010030 500.93408203 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/edit.js" 00010031 500.93450928 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/edit_add.js to controls/edit_add.js 00010032 501.02087402 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/maximize.svg 00010033 501.02291870 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/maximize.svg to skin/icon/maximize.svg 00010034 501.02322388 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Doesn't know where to place ISMA file extension. Created separate group. 00010035 501.02352905 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Doesn't know where to place WEBM file extension. Created separate group. 00010036 501.02737427 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/maximize.svg" 00010037 501.02886963 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 3 threads of 10 00010038 501.03189087 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/restore.svg 00010039 501.03582764 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/mainMenu.svg" 00010040 501.17364502 [8248] MM5 [2804](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/windowclose.svg 00010041 501.34216309 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ready event call 16 00010042 501.34252930 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) notifyReady called 00010043 501.39242554 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00010044 501.58160400 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/restore.svg to skin/icon/restore.svg 00010045 501.60989380 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/restore.svg" 00010046 501.63046265 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 594ms. 00010047 501.63046265 [8248] Task callstack : 00010048 501.63082886 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Previous tasks : 00010049 501.63107300 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151829812 00010050 501.63107300 [8248] ============================================= 00010051 501.63143921 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151829640 00010052 501.63143921 [8248] ============================================= 00010053 501.63168335 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151829593 00010054 501.63168335 [8248] ============================================= 00010055 501.63198853 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151829234 00010056 501.63198853 [8248] ============================================= 00010057 501.63226318 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151828906 00010058 501.63226318 [8248] ============================================= 00010059 501.63262939 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151827750 00010060 501.63262939 [8248] ============================================= 00010061 501.63287354 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151810843 00010062 501.63287354 [8248] ============================================= 00010063 501.63317871 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00010064 501.64547729 [8248] MM5 [2804](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/windowclose.svg to skin/icon/windowclose.svg 00010065 501.64978027 [8248] MM5 [2804](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/windowclose.svg" 00010066 501.71871948 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00010067 501.72573853 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Wait for event ID :3, delay :10000, callstack : 00010068 504.55572510 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00010069 504.69592285 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from to 00010070 504.69610596 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TSharedWindow created. 00010071 504.71151733 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.html 00010072 504.71725464 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.html" 00010073 504.74179077 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserCreated 17 00010074 504.86669922 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnContextCreated file:///dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.html (17) 00010075 504.87951660 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///mminit_add.js to mminit_add.js 00010076 504.88366699 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.js 00010077 504.89306641 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.js" 00010078 504.89355469 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/dlgMP3Settings_add.js to dialogs/dlgMP3Settings_add.js 00010079 504.91683960 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///promise.js 00010080 504.92227173 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\promise.js" 00010081 504.93756104 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///binding.js 00010082 504.94244385 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\binding.js" 00010083 504.95123291 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00010084 504.95144653 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00010085 504.95361328 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/observableObject.js 00010086 504.95788574 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/observableObject.js" 00010087 504.95944214 [8248] MM5 [2804](R) Retrieving file file:///temp/precompiledLess.css 00010088 504.96215820 [8248] MM5 [2804](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///temp/precompiledLess.css to D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\precompiledLess.css 00010089 504.96301270 [8248] MM5 [2804](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///temp/precompiledLess_add.css to D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\precompiledLess_add.css 00010090 504.96664429 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///utils.js to utils.js 00010091 504.97009277 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\utils.js" 00010092 504.97659302 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///animationTools.js 00010093 504.98077393 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\animationTools.js" 00010094 504.98718262 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///velocity.js 00010095 504.99118042 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\velocity.js" 00010096 505.01190186 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/tooltipController.js 00010097 505.01586914 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/tooltipController.js" 00010098 505.02154541 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/control.js 00010099 505.02532959 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/control.js" 00010100 505.02578735 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/control_add.js to controls/control_add.js 00010101 505.03637695 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///dndutils.js 00010102 505.03997803 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dndutils.js" 00010103 505.04718018 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/popupmenu.js 00010104 505.05102539 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/popupmenu.js" 00010105 505.06234741 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///actions.js 00010106 505.06719971 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\actions.js" 00010107 505.07006836 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///actions_add.js to actions_add.js 00010108 505.08297729 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\exportPodcasts\actions_add.js" 00010109 505.10025024 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchTools.js 00010110 505.10421753 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchTools.js" 00010111 505.10647583 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchTools_add.js to helpers/searchTools_add.js 00010112 505.11175537 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/docking.js 00010113 505.11560059 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/docking.js" 00010114 505.12536621 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/autoTagFramework.js 00010115 505.12921143 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/autoTagFramework.js" 00010116 505.12963867 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/autoTagFramework_add.js to helpers/autoTagFramework_add.js 00010117 505.13632202 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js 00010118 505.14022827 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js" 00010119 505.14068604 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchMusicbrainz_add.js to helpers/searchMusicbrainz_add.js 00010120 505.15194702 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchCommon.js 00010121 505.15600586 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchCommon.js" 00010122 505.16305542 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/musicBrainz.js 00010123 505.16690063 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/musicBrainz.js" 00010124 505.18240356 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/acoustID.js 00010125 505.18652344 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/acoustID.js" 00010126 505.19238281 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/acoustID_add.js to helpers/acoustID_add.js 00010127 505.20074463 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///consts_add.js to consts_add.js 00010128 505.20181274 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchTVDB.js to helpers/searchTVDB.js 00010129 505.20678711 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchTVDB.js" 00010130 505.21282959 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/tvdb.js 00010131 505.21652222 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/tvdb.js" 00010132 505.22326660 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/tvmaze.js 00010133 505.22750854 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/tvmaze.js" 00010134 505.22869873 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/tvmaze_add.js to helpers/tvmaze_add.js 00010135 505.23248291 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/imdb.js 00010136 505.23617554 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/imdb.js" 00010137 505.23654175 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/imdb_add.js to helpers/imdb_add.js 00010138 505.24230957 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchIMDb.js 00010139 505.24609375 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchIMDb.js" 00010140 505.24645996 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchIMDb_add.js to helpers/searchIMDb_add.js 00010141 505.25173950 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/dockableDialog.js 00010142 505.25604248 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/dockableDialog.js" 00010143 505.26150513 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///playerUtils.js 00010144 505.26519775 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\playerUtils.js" 00010145 505.26571655 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///playerUtils_add.js to playerUtils_add.js 00010146 505.27243042 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/embeddedWindow.js 00010147 505.27468872 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/embeddedWindow.js to controls/embeddedWindow.js 00010148 505.27847290 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/embeddedWindow.js" 00010149 505.28439331 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/switchWindow.js 00010150 505.28866577 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/switchWindow.js" 00010151 505.30877686 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/switchWindow_add.js to controls/switchWindow_add.js 00010152 505.31164551 [8248] MM5 [2804](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/star.svg 00010153 505.31201172 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/checkbox.js 00010154 505.31710815 [8248] MM5 [2804](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/star.svg" 00010155 505.57772827 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Current User Scripts Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Scripts\ 00010156 505.57861328 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ******** using precompiled LESS 00010157 505.59683228 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf 00010158 505.60162354 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf" 00010159 505.60623169 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/windowtitle.js 00010160 505.61209106 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/windowtitle.js" 00010161 505.62365723 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) AnimationTime set to 0.3s 00010162 505.62478638 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/windowtitle.html to controls/windowtitle.html 00010163 505.62911987 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/windowtitle.html" 00010164 505.64837646 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/dropdown.js 00010165 505.65258789 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/dropdown.js" 00010166 505.66098022 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/listview.js 00010167 505.66470337 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/listview.js" 00010168 505.66534424 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/listview_add.js to controls/listview_add.js 00010169 505.71032715 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/buttons.js 00010170 505.71444702 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/buttons.js" 00010171 505.72042847 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/button.js 00010172 505.72427368 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/button.js" 00010173 505.72967529 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/menuButton.js 00010174 505.73394775 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/menuButton.js" 00010175 505.74023438 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/iconbutton.js 00010176 505.74432373 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/iconbutton.js" 00010177 505.74636841 [8248] MM5 [2804](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/dropdown.svg 00010178 505.74826050 [8248] MM5 [2804](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/dropdown.svg to skin/icon/dropdown.svg 00010179 505.75192261 [8248] MM5 [2804](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/dropdown.svg" 00010180 505.75708008 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/toolbutton.js to controls/toolbutton.js 00010181 505.76101685 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/toolbutton.js" 00010182 505.77899170 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 6 tasks in queue. 00010183 505.78820801 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Going to place window X: 332, Y: 228, width: 470, height: 593 00010184 505.78845215 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Placed to display 00010185 505.78970337 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Display 0, X: 0, Y: 0, width: 2560, height: 1080 00010186 505.89773560 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00010187 505.94479370 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg 00010188 505.94503784 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg to skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg 00010189 505.94918823 [8248] MM5 [2804](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/mainMenu.svg 00010190 505.95071411 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/mediamonkey_add.svg to skin/icon/mediamonkey_add.svg 00010191 505.96414185 [8248] MM5 [2804](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/mainMenu.svg to skin/icon/mainMenu.svg 00010192 506.03048706 [8248] MM5 [2804](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/mainMenu.svg" 00010193 506.03479004 [8248] MM5 [2804](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/minimize.svg 00010194 506.03503418 [8248] MM5 [2804](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/minimize.svg to skin/icon/minimize.svg 00010195 506.07998657 [8248] MM5 [2804](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/minimize.svg" 00010196 506.08157349 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/maximize.svg 00010197 506.08441162 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/maximize.svg to skin/icon/maximize.svg 00010198 506.26620483 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Currently running 4 threads of 10 00010199 506.31341553 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ready event call 17 00010200 506.32458496 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) notifyReady called 00010201 506.43200684 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00010202 506.48745728 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/maximize.svg" 00010203 506.49047852 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/maximize_add.svg to skin/icon/maximize_add.svg 00010204 506.54580688 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 734ms. 00010205 506.54580688 [8248] Task callstack : 00010206 506.54617310 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Previous tasks : 00010207 506.54641724 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151834812 00010208 506.54641724 [8248] ============================================= 00010209 506.54678345 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151834578 00010210 506.54678345 [8248] ============================================= 00010211 506.54708862 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151834093 00010212 506.54708862 [8248] ============================================= 00010213 506.54736328 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151833734 00010214 506.54736328 [8248] ============================================= 00010215 506.54769897 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151830406 00010216 506.54769897 [8248] ============================================= 00010217 506.54800415 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151829812 00010218 506.54800415 [8248] ============================================= 00010219 506.54827881 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151829640 00010220 506.54827881 [8248] ============================================= 00010221 506.54858398 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/restore.svg 00010222 506.55245972 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/restore.svg" 00010223 506.55294800 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/restore_add.svg to skin/icon/restore_add.svg 00010224 506.59393311 [8248] MM5 [2804](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 813ms. 00010225 506.59393311 [8248] Task callstack : 00010226 506.59429932 [8248] MM5 [2804](R) Previous tasks : 00010227 506.59466553 [8248] MM5 [2804](R) Running at 151834859 00010228 506.59466553 [8248] ============================================= 00010229 506.59573364 [8248] MM5 [2804](R) Running at 151834734 00010230 506.59573364 [8248] ============================================= 00010231 506.59609985 [8248] MM5 [2804](R) Running at 151834531 00010232 506.59609985 [8248] ============================================= 00010233 506.59634399 [8248] MM5 [2804](R) Running at 151833750 00010234 506.59634399 [8248] ============================================= 00010235 506.59664917 [8248] MM5 [2804](R) Running at 151833468 00010236 506.59664917 [8248] ============================================= 00010237 506.59695435 [8248] MM5 [2804](R) Running at 151829828 00010238 506.59695435 [8248] ============================================= 00010239 506.59722900 [8248] MM5 [2804](R) Running at 151829718 00010240 506.59722900 [8248] ============================================= 00010241 506.59762573 [8248] MM5 [2804](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/windowclose.svg 00010242 506.60202026 [8248] MM5 [2804](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/windowclose.svg" 00010243 508.59341431 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.html 00010244 508.89962769 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) dropdown w.loaded 00010245 510.09417725 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00010246 510.15112305 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) dropdown w.closed 00010247 511.07031250 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow start 00010248 511.07296753 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.html 00010249 511.12493896 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow end 00010250 511.19369507 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00010251 511.19375610 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00010252 511.19549561 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 17 00010253 511.25888062 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE notify close for identifier 17 00010254 511.25949097 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE closeBrowserCall for identifier 17 00010255 511.31771851 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00010256 511.74523926 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00010257 511.74584961 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE canClose for identifier 17 00010258 511.74819946 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY end 00010259 511.77606201 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00010260 511.79244995 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00010261 511.84783936 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserDestroyed 17 00010262 511.87573242 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00010263 512.57055664 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00010264 512.59576416 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow start 00010265 512.66864014 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow end 00010266 512.69036865 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00010267 512.71887207 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 16 00010268 512.71936035 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE beforeClose for identifier 16 00010269 512.72857666 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00010270 512.72888184 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE notify close for identifier 16 00010271 512.72912598 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE closeBrowserCall for identifier 16 00010272 512.75061035 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00010273 512.76391602 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00010274 512.77954102 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00010275 512.78021240 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 16 00010276 512.78106689 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE canClose for identifier 16 00010277 512.78131104 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00010278 512.78137207 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY end 00010279 512.79400635 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00010280 512.79418945 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY end 00010281 512.79699707 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnContextReleased 16 00010282 512.80065918 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00010283 512.80242920 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TSharedWindow destroy called - worker id: 0, addr: 405531408 00010284 512.80371094 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00010285 512.82690430 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserDestroyed 16 00010286 512.82812500 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) OnBrowserDestroyed end. 00010287 514.06805420 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00010288 514.34277344 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from to 00010289 514.36022949 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TSharedWindow created. 00010290 514.37011719 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00010291 514.37030029 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html to dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00010292 514.37854004 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserCreated 18 00010293 514.39044189 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) initializeLocals 00010294 514.39459229 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html" 00010295 514.39514160 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule_add.html to dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule_add.html 00010296 514.99707031 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnContextCreated file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html (18) 00010297 515.00866699 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///mminit.js 00010298 515.01391602 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\mminit.js" 00010299 515.02026367 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js 00010300 515.02685547 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.js" 00010301 515.04956055 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///promise.js 00010302 515.05322266 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\promise.js" 00010303 515.07080078 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///binding.js 00010304 515.07550049 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\binding.js" 00010305 515.08294678 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00010306 515.08508301 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00010307 515.08538818 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/observableObject.js to helpers/observableObject.js 00010308 515.08923340 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/observableObject.js" 00010309 515.09503174 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///utils.js 00010310 515.09875488 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\utils.js" 00010311 515.10485840 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///animationTools.js 00010312 515.10888672 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\animationTools.js" 00010313 515.11358643 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///animationTools_add.js to animationTools_add.js 00010314 515.11547852 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///velocity.js to velocity.js 00010315 515.11895752 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\velocity.js" 00010316 515.14038086 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Retrieving file file:///temp/precompiledLess.css 00010317 515.14111328 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\precompiledLess.css" 00010318 515.14385986 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///temp/precompiledLess_add.css to D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\precompiledLess_add.css 00010319 515.15179443 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/tooltipController.js to controls/tooltipController.js 00010320 515.15222168 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/tooltipController.js" 00010321 515.15771484 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/control.js 00010322 515.16137695 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/control.js" 00010323 515.16186523 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/control_add.js to controls/control_add.js 00010324 515.17565918 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///dndutils.js 00010325 515.17926025 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dndutils.js" 00010326 515.17962646 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dndutils_add.js to dndutils_add.js 00010327 515.18658447 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/popupmenu.js 00010328 515.19116211 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/popupmenu.js" 00010329 515.20239258 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///actions.js 00010330 515.20617676 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\actions.js" 00010331 515.21136475 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\redoNavbarButton\actions_add.js" 00010332 515.23876953 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchTools.js 00010333 515.24298096 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchTools.js" 00010334 515.24969482 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/docking.js 00010335 515.25360107 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/docking.js" 00010336 515.25396729 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/docking_add.js to helpers/docking_add.js 00010337 515.26324463 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/autoTagFramework.js 00010338 515.26745605 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/autoTagFramework.js" 00010339 515.27453613 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js 00010340 515.27893066 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js" 00010341 515.28363037 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/searchMusicbrainz_add.js to helpers/searchMusicbrainz_add.js 00010342 515.29193115 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchCommon.js 00010343 515.29577637 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchCommon.js" 00010344 515.30291748 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/musicBrainz.js 00010345 515.30731201 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/musicBrainz.js" 00010346 515.32519531 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/acoustID.js 00010347 515.39624023 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/dockableDialog.js to helpers/dockableDialog.js 00010348 515.40026855 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/dockableDialog_add.js to helpers/dockableDialog_add.js 00010349 515.40667725 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///playerUtils.js 00010350 515.41033936 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\playerUtils.js" 00010351 515.41790771 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/embeddedWindow.js 00010352 515.42242432 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/embeddedWindow.js" 00010353 515.42846680 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/switchWindow.js 00010354 515.43237305 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/switchWindow.js" 00010355 515.45709229 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/checkbox.js 00010356 515.46087646 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/checkbox.js" 00010357 515.46795654 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/innerWindow.js 00010358 515.47174072 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/innerWindow.js" 00010359 515.49688721 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Page DevTools JSON [ { 00010360 515.49688721 [8248] "description": "", 00010361 515.49688721 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/B5350D00217E0CAE268310541AFA41C2", 00010362 515.49688721 [8248] "id": "B5350D00217E0CAE268310541AFA41C2", 00010363 515.49688721 [8248] "title": "dlgAutoConvertRule.html", 00010364 515.49688721 [8248] "type": "page", 00010365 515.49688721 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html", 00010366 515.49688721 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/B5350D00217E0CAE268310541AFA41C2" 00010367 515.49688721 [8248] }, { 00010368 515.49688721 [8248] "description": "", 00010369 515.49688721 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F", 00010370 515.49688721 [8248] "id": "0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F", 00010371 515.49688721 [8248] "title": "empty.html", 00010372 515.49688721 [8248] "type": "page", 00010373 515.49688721 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/empty.html", 00010374 515.49688721 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F" 00010375 515.49688721 [8248] }, { 00010376 515.49688721 [8248] "description": "", 00010377 515.49688721 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91", 00010378 515.49688721 [8248] "id": "20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91", 00010379 515.49688721 [8248] "title": "empty.html", 00010380 515.49688721 [8248] "type": "page", 00010381 515.49688721 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/empty.html", 00010382 515.49688721 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91" 00010383 515.49688721 [8248] }, { 00010384 515.49688721 [8248] "description": "", 00010385 515.49688721 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829", 00010386 515.49688721 [8248] "id": "A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829", 00010387 515.49688721 [8248] "title": "mainwindow.html", 00010388 515.49688721 [8248] "type": "page", 00010389 515.49688721 [8248] "url": "file:///mainwindow.html", 00010390 515.49688721 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829" 00010391 515.49688721 [8248] } ] 00010392 515.50482178 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00010393 515.52612305 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/star.svg 00010394 515.53161621 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/star.svg" 00010395 515.65698242 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Current User Scripts Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Scripts\ 00010396 515.65899658 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ******** currentMD5=AE1D4F99B32175A08CB9AFF27B62E14A, precompiledLessMD5=AE1D4F99B32175A08CB9AFF27B62E14A, currentTimestamp=0, precompiledLessTimestamp=0 00010397 515.68066406 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf 00010398 515.68518066 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/windowtitle.js 00010399 515.69177246 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf" 00010400 515.69482422 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular_add.ttf to skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular_add.ttf 00010401 515.69567871 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/windowtitle.js" 00010402 515.69958496 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/windowtitle_add.js to controls/windowtitle_add.js 00010403 515.70465088 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) AnimationTime set to 0.3s 00010404 515.70745850 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/windowtitle.html 00010405 515.71130371 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/windowtitle.html" 00010406 515.71166992 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/windowtitle_add.html to controls/windowtitle_add.html 00010407 515.72656250 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/dropdown.js 00010408 515.73034668 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/dropdown.js" 00010409 515.73944092 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/listview.js 00010410 515.74322510 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/listview.js" 00010411 515.74383545 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/listview_add.js to controls/listview_add.js 00010412 515.77557373 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/button.js 00010413 515.77935791 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/button.js" 00010414 515.79058838 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/buttons.js 00010415 515.79431152 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/buttons.js" 00010416 515.80096436 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/menuButton.js 00010417 515.80554199 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/menuButton.js" 00010418 515.81066895 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/iconbutton.js 00010419 515.81475830 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/iconbutton.js" 00010420 515.82000732 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/toolbutton.js 00010421 515.93090820 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/edit_add.js to controls/edit_add.js 00010422 515.96685791 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Assoc: TFileAssocHandler.Create 00010423 515.96734619 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Doesn't know where to place ISMA file extension. Created separate group. 00010424 515.96777344 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Doesn't know where to place WEBM file extension. Created separate group. 00010425 515.98132324 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 8 tasks in queue. 00010426 516.12274170 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 8 tasks in queue. 00010427 516.19464111 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ready event call 18 00010428 516.20922852 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) notifyReady called 00010429 516.21307373 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00010430 516.50885010 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 750ms. 00010431 516.50885010 [8248] Task callstack : 00010432 516.50933838 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Previous tasks : 00010433 516.50970459 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151843921 00010434 516.50970459 [8248] ============================================= 00010435 516.51635742 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151843921 00010436 516.51635742 [8248] ============================================= 00010437 516.51690674 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151842843 00010438 516.51690674 [8248] ============================================= 00010439 516.51733398 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151838875 00010440 516.51733398 [8248] ============================================= 00010441 516.51770020 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151837781 00010442 516.51770020 [8248] ============================================= 00010443 516.51806641 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151835296 00010444 516.51806641 [8248] ============================================= 00010445 516.51867676 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151834812 00010446 516.51867676 [8248] ============================================= 00010447 516.51904297 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151834578 00010448 516.51904297 [8248] ============================================= 00010449 516.51947021 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/dropdown.svg to skin/icon/dropdown.svg 00010450 516.52655029 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/dropdown.svg" 00010451 516.52770996 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/dropdown_add.svg to skin/icon/dropdown_add.svg 00010452 516.53167725 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 687ms. 00010453 516.53167725 [8248] Task callstack : 00010454 516.53222656 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) JS Callstack: 00010455 516.53222656 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadFile ; Row: 417 ; Col: 38 00010456 516.53222656 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadIcon ; Row: 688 ; Col: 13 00010457 516.53222656 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1455 ; Col: 13 00010458 516.53222656 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.forEach ; Row: 871 ; Col: 9 00010459 516.53222656 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.initializeControls ; Row: 1452 ; Col: 5 00010460 516.53222656 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2159 ; Col: 5 00010461 516.53222656 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 2134 ; Col: 13 00010462 516.53320313 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) JS Callstack: 00010463 516.53320313 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadFile ; Row: 417 ; Col: 38 00010464 516.53320313 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadIcon ; Row: 688 ; Col: 13 00010465 516.53320313 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1455 ; Col: 13 00010466 516.53320313 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.forEach ; Row: 871 ; Col: 9 00010467 516.53320313 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.initializeControls ; Row: 1452 ; Col: 5 00010468 516.53320313 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2159 ; Col: 5 00010469 516.53320313 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 2134 ; Col: 13 00010470 516.53350830 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) JS Callstack: 00010471 516.53350830 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadFile ; Row: 417 ; Col: 38 00010472 516.53350830 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadIcon ; Row: 688 ; Col: 13 00010473 516.53350830 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1455 ; Col: 13 00010474 516.53350830 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.forEach ; Row: 871 ; Col: 9 00010475 516.53350830 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.initializeControls ; Row: 1452 ; Col: 5 00010476 516.53350830 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2159 ; Col: 5 00010477 516.53350830 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 2134 ; Col: 13 00010478 516.53381348 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Running at 151845296 00010479 516.53381348 [8248] ============================================= 00010480 516.53417969 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Running at 151844312 00010481 516.53417969 [8248] ============================================= 00010482 516.53448486 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Running at 151843921 00010483 516.53448486 [8248] ============================================= 00010484 516.53472900 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Running at 151842843 00010485 516.53472900 [8248] ============================================= 00010486 516.53503418 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Running at 151838875 00010487 516.53503418 [8248] ============================================= 00010488 516.53533936 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Running at 151837781 00010489 516.53533936 [8248] ============================================= 00010490 516.53564453 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Running at 151835296 00010491 516.53564453 [8248] ============================================= 00010492 516.53594971 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Running at 151834812 00010493 516.53594971 [8248] ============================================= 00010494 516.53631592 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg 00010495 516.54962158 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg" 00010496 516.55017090 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/mediamonkey_add.svg to skin/icon/mediamonkey_add.svg 00010497 516.55755615 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151845312 00010498 516.55755615 [8248] ============================================= 00010499 516.55786133 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151845296 00010500 516.55786133 [8248] ============================================= 00010501 516.56317139 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151843921 00010502 516.56317139 [8248] ============================================= 00010503 516.56359863 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151843031 00010504 516.56359863 [8248] ============================================= 00010505 516.56427002 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151841359 00010506 516.56427002 [8248] ============================================= 00010507 516.56451416 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151837781 00010508 516.56451416 [8248] ============================================= 00010509 516.56494141 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151835375 00010510 516.56494141 [8248] ============================================= 00010511 516.56524658 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151834859 00010512 516.56524658 [8248] ============================================= 00010513 516.56555176 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/mainMenu.svg 00010514 516.56970215 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151845312 00010515 516.56970215 [8248] ============================================= 00010516 516.57012939 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151845296 00010517 516.57012939 [8248] ============================================= 00010518 516.57037354 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151843921 00010519 516.57037354 [8248] ============================================= 00010520 516.57379150 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/mainMenu.svg" 00010521 516.57818604 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151843031 00010522 516.57818604 [8248] ============================================= 00010523 516.57855225 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151841359 00010524 516.57855225 [8248] ============================================= 00010525 516.57897949 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151837781 00010526 516.57897949 [8248] ============================================= 00010527 516.58569336 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151835375 00010528 516.58569336 [8248] ============================================= 00010529 516.58612061 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151835296 00010530 516.58612061 [8248] ============================================= 00010531 516.58648682 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/minimize.svg 00010532 516.58758545 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 750ms. 00010533 516.58758545 [8248] Task callstack : 00010534 516.58874512 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Previous tasks : 00010535 516.58923340 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Running at 151845312 00010536 516.58923340 [8248] ============================================= 00010537 516.58953857 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Running at 151845296 00010538 516.58953857 [8248] ============================================= 00010539 516.58990479 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Running at 151843921 00010540 516.58990479 [8248] ============================================= 00010541 516.59057617 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Running at 151843031 00010542 516.59057617 [8248] ============================================= 00010543 516.59100342 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Running at 151841359 00010544 516.59100342 [8248] ============================================= 00010545 516.59130859 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Running at 151837781 00010546 516.59130859 [8248] ============================================= 00010547 516.59161377 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Running at 151835375 00010548 516.59161377 [8248] ============================================= 00010549 516.59539795 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/minimize.svg" 00010550 516.59570313 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/maximize.svg 00010551 516.60021973 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 765ms. 00010552 516.60021973 [8248] Task callstack : 00010553 516.60052490 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Previous tasks : 00010554 516.60089111 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151845312 00010555 516.60089111 [8248] ============================================= 00010556 516.60125732 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151845312 00010557 516.60125732 [8248] ============================================= 00010558 516.61566162 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151845296 00010559 516.61566162 [8248] ============================================= 00010560 516.61755371 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151843921 00010561 516.61755371 [8248] ============================================= 00010562 516.61785889 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151843031 00010563 516.61785889 [8248] ============================================= 00010564 516.61816406 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151841359 00010565 516.61816406 [8248] ============================================= 00010566 516.61846924 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151837781 00010567 516.61846924 [8248] ============================================= 00010568 516.62042236 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151835375 00010569 516.62042236 [8248] ============================================= 00010570 516.63037109 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/restore.svg 00010571 516.63372803 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 796ms. 00010572 516.63372803 [8248] Task callstack : 00010573 516.63391113 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) JS Callstack: 00010574 516.63391113 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadFile ; Row: 417 ; Col: 38 00010575 516.63391113 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.loadIcon ; Row: 688 ; Col: 13 00010576 516.63391113 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1455 ; Col: 13 00010577 516.63391113 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.forEach ; Row: 871 ; Col: 9 00010578 516.63391113 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: window.initializeControls ; Row: 1452 ; Col: 5 00010579 516.63391113 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: initializeWindow ; Row: 2159 ; Col: 5 00010580 516.63391113 [8248] Script: file:///mminit.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 2134 ; Col: 13 00010581 516.63421631 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151845390 00010582 516.63421631 [8248] ============================================= 00010583 516.63452148 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151845312 00010584 516.63452148 [8248] ============================================= 00010585 516.63500977 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151845312 00010586 516.63500977 [8248] ============================================= 00010587 516.63537598 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151844312 00010588 516.63537598 [8248] ============================================= 00010589 516.63568115 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151843921 00010590 516.63568115 [8248] ============================================= 00010591 516.63598633 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151842843 00010592 516.63598633 [8248] ============================================= 00010593 516.64294434 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/restore.svg" 00010594 516.64453125 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151838875 00010595 516.64453125 [8248] ============================================= 00010596 516.64489746 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) Running at 151837781 00010597 516.64489746 [8248] ============================================= 00010598 516.68395996 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/maximize.svg to skin/icon/maximize.svg 00010599 516.69854736 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/maximize.svg" 00010600 516.69909668 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/maximize_add.svg to skin/icon/maximize_add.svg 00010601 516.70568848 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/windowclose.svg to skin/icon/windowclose.svg 00010602 516.71350098 [8248] MM5 [4312](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/windowclose.svg" 00010603 516.75347900 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 781ms. 00010604 516.75347900 [8248] Task callstack : 00010605 516.75384521 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Previous tasks : 00010606 516.75421143 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151845390 00010607 516.75421143 [8248] ============================================= 00010608 516.75634766 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151845312 00010609 516.75634766 [8248] ============================================= 00010610 516.75732422 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151845312 00010611 516.75732422 [8248] ============================================= 00010612 516.75762939 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151844312 00010613 516.75762939 [8248] ============================================= 00010614 516.75897217 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151843921 00010615 516.75897217 [8248] ============================================= 00010616 516.75927734 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151842843 00010617 516.75927734 [8248] ============================================= 00010618 516.75952148 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151838875 00010619 516.75952148 [8248] ============================================= 00010620 516.76000977 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00010621 518.67059326 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00010622 518.80279541 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from to 00010623 518.81201172 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.html 00010624 518.82385254 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.html" 00010625 518.84136963 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserCreated 19 00010626 518.84155273 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) initializeLocals 00010627 518.86322021 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnContextCreated file:///dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.html (19) 00010628 518.86370850 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///mminit.js 00010629 518.86749268 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\mminit.js" 00010630 518.87371826 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.js 00010631 518.87384033 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.js to dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.js 00010632 518.87756348 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.js" 00010633 518.98596191 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///promise.js 00010634 518.99206543 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\promise.js" 00010635 519.00939941 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///binding.js 00010636 519.01458740 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\binding.js" 00010637 519.02386475 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00010638 519.02587891 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/observableObject.js to helpers/observableObject.js 00010639 519.02966309 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/observableObject.js" 00010640 519.03558350 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///utils.js 00010641 519.03991699 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\utils.js" 00010642 519.04663086 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///animationTools.js 00010643 519.05078125 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\animationTools.js" 00010644 519.05877686 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///velocity.js 00010645 519.06311035 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\velocity.js" 00010646 519.09521484 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/control.js 00010647 519.09924316 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/control.js" 00010648 519.09967041 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/control_add.js to controls/control_add.js 00010649 519.11102295 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///dndutils.js 00010650 519.11462402 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dndutils.js" 00010651 519.12237549 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/popupmenu.js 00010652 519.12603760 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/popupmenu.js" 00010653 519.12670898 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/popupmenu_add.js to controls/popupmenu_add.js 00010654 519.14257813 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///actions.js 00010655 519.14807129 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\actions.js" 00010656 519.15686035 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Scripts\redoNavbarButton\actions_add.js" 00010657 519.18627930 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchTools.js 00010658 519.19085693 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchTools.js" 00010659 519.19769287 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/docking.js 00010660 519.20190430 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/docking.js" 00010661 519.21520996 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/autoTagFramework.js 00010662 519.21899414 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/autoTagFramework.js" 00010663 519.21942139 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/autoTagFramework_add.js to helpers/autoTagFramework_add.js 00010664 519.22833252 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js 00010665 519.23229980 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchMusicbrainz.js" 00010666 519.24359131 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchCommon.js 00010667 519.24780273 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchCommon.js" 00010668 519.25408936 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/musicBrainz.js 00010669 519.25799561 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/musicBrainz.js" 00010670 519.26385498 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/musicBrainz_add.js to helpers/musicBrainz_add.js 00010671 519.26776123 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///temp/precompiledLess.css to D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\precompiledLess.css 00010672 519.26873779 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///temp/precompiledLess_add.css to D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\precompiledLess_add.css 00010673 519.27929688 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/acoustID.js 00010674 519.28649902 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///helpers/acoustID.js to helpers/acoustID.js 00010675 519.28698730 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/acoustID.js" 00010676 519.29241943 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///consts.js 00010677 519.29595947 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\consts.js" 00010678 519.29638672 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///consts_add.js to consts_add.js 00010679 519.30151367 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/searchTVDB.js 00010680 519.30529785 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/searchTVDB.js" 00010681 519.31280518 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///helpers/tvdb.js 00010682 519.31640625 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\helpers/tvdb.js" 00010683 519.41204834 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 4 threads of 10 00010684 519.41424561 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/checkbox.js to controls/checkbox.js 00010685 519.41796875 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/checkbox.js" 00010686 519.41839600 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/checkbox_add.js to controls/checkbox_add.js 00010687 519.42523193 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/innerWindow.js 00010688 519.42974854 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/innerWindow.js" 00010689 519.47528076 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Page DevTools JSON [ { 00010690 519.47528076 [8248] "description": "", 00010691 519.47528076 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/E0BD95FC778DD584DF7FE6AFECE41D1C", 00010692 519.47528076 [8248] "id": "E0BD95FC778DD584DF7FE6AFECE41D1C", 00010693 519.47528076 [8248] "title": "dlgMP3Settings.html", 00010694 519.47528076 [8248] "type": "page", 00010695 519.47528076 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.html", 00010696 519.47528076 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/E0BD95FC778DD584DF7FE6AFECE41D1C" 00010697 519.47528076 [8248] }, { 00010698 519.47528076 [8248] "description": "", 00010699 519.47528076 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/B5350D00217E0CAE268310541AFA41C2", 00010700 519.47528076 [8248] "id": "B5350D00217E0CAE268310541AFA41C2", 00010701 519.47528076 [8248] "title": "dlgAutoConvertRule.html", 00010702 519.47528076 [8248] "type": "page", 00010703 519.47528076 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html", 00010704 519.47528076 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/B5350D00217E0CAE268310541AFA41C2" 00010705 519.47528076 [8248] }, { 00010706 519.47528076 [8248] "description": "", 00010707 519.47528076 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F", 00010708 519.47528076 [8248] "id": "0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F", 00010709 519.47528076 [8248] "title": "empty.html", 00010710 519.47528076 [8248] "type": "page", 00010711 519.47528076 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/empty.html", 00010712 519.47528076 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/0711329AF490E18A16E3CD8268D1FB2F" 00010713 519.47528076 [8248] }, { 00010714 519.47528076 [8248] "description": "", 00010715 519.47528076 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91", 00010716 519.47528076 [8248] "id": "20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91", 00010717 519.47528076 [8248] "title": "empty.html", 00010718 519.47528076 [8248] "type": "page", 00010719 519.47528076 [8248] "url": "file:///dialogs/empty.html", 00010720 519.47528076 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/20786D8C194120148D160A5700443A91" 00010721 519.47528076 [8248] }, { 00010722 519.47528076 [8248] "description": "", 00010723 519.47528076 [8248] "devtoolsFrontendUrl": "/devtools/inspector.html?ws=localhost:9222/devtools/page/A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829", 00010724 519.47528076 [8248] "id": "A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829", 00010725 519.47528076 [8248] "title": "mainwindow.html", 00010726 519.47528076 [8248] "type": "page", 00010727 519.47528076 [8248] "url": "file:///mainwindow.html", 00010728 519.47528076 [8248] "webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9222/devtools/page/A5311462902C38F2D21B226B53119829" 00010729 519.47528076 [8248] } ] 00010730 519.49798584 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) load event call 19 00010731 519.49932861 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00010732 519.50646973 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00010733 519.50982666 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/star.svg to skin/icon/star.svg 00010734 519.51391602 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/star.svg" 00010735 519.62103271 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Current User Scripts Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Scripts\ 00010736 519.62255859 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ******** currentMD5=AE1D4F99B32175A08CB9AFF27B62E14A, precompiledLessMD5=AE1D4F99B32175A08CB9AFF27B62E14A, currentTimestamp=0, precompiledLessTimestamp=0 00010737 519.63708496 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/windowtitle.js 00010738 519.64093018 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/windowtitle.js" 00010739 519.64135742 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/windowtitle_add.js to controls/windowtitle_add.js 00010740 519.65338135 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) AnimationTime set to 0.3s 00010741 519.65740967 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/windowtitle.html to controls/windowtitle.html 00010742 519.66113281 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/windowtitle_add.html to controls/windowtitle_add.html 00010743 519.67529297 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf 00010744 519.68048096 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf" 00010745 519.68395996 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/dropdown.js 00010746 519.68804932 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/dropdown.js" 00010747 519.69641113 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/listview.js 00010748 519.70147705 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/listview.js" 00010749 519.74597168 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/buttons.js 00010750 519.74975586 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/buttons.js" 00010751 519.75012207 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/buttons_add.js to controls/buttons_add.js 00010752 519.75598145 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/button.js 00010753 519.75964355 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/button.js" 00010754 519.76544189 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/button_add.js to controls/button_add.js 00010755 519.77032471 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/menuButton.js 00010756 519.77423096 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/menuButton.js" 00010757 519.77960205 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/iconbutton.js 00010758 519.78375244 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/iconbutton.js" 00010759 519.78967285 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/toolbutton.js 00010760 519.79388428 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/toolbutton.js to controls/toolbutton.js 00010761 519.79803467 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/toolbutton_add.js to controls/toolbutton_add.js 00010762 519.81262207 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/dropdown.svg 00010763 519.81311035 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 5 threads of 10 00010764 519.82501221 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Display 0, X: 0, Y: 0, width: 2560, height: 1080 00010765 519.94982910 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00010766 519.96997070 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/dropdown.svg to skin/icon/dropdown.svg 00010767 520.05224609 [8248] MM5 [11724](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg 00010768 520.29223633 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ready event call 19 00010769 520.29528809 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Currently running 6 threads of 10 00010770 520.29882813 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/dropdown.svg" 00010771 520.51226807 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/mainMenu.svg 00010772 520.51251221 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/dropdown_add.svg to skin/icon/dropdown_add.svg 00010773 520.63513184 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 828ms. 00010774 520.63513184 [8248] Task callstack : 00010775 520.63549805 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Previous tasks : 00010776 520.63580322 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151848828 00010777 520.63580322 [8248] ============================================= 00010778 520.63610840 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151848203 00010779 520.63610840 [8248] ============================================= 00010780 520.63641357 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151847906 00010781 520.63641357 [8248] ============================================= 00010782 520.64434814 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151847562 00010783 520.64434814 [8248] ============================================= 00010784 520.64471436 [8248] MM5 [11724](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg" 00010785 520.64532471 [8248] MM5 [11724](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/mediamonkey_add.svg to skin/icon/mediamonkey_add.svg 00010786 520.64794922 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151845390 00010787 520.64794922 [8248] ============================================= 00010788 520.64825439 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151845312 00010789 520.64825439 [8248] ============================================= 00010790 520.64868164 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Running at 151845312 00010791 520.64868164 [8248] ============================================= 00010792 520.64910889 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/minimize.svg 00010793 520.65344238 [8248] MM5 [11724](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 844ms. 00010794 520.65344238 [8248] Task callstack : 00010795 520.65374756 [8248] MM5 [11724](R) Previous tasks : 00010796 520.65399170 [8248] MM5 [11724](R) Running at 151849078 00010797 520.65399170 [8248] ============================================= 00010798 520.65417480 [8248] MM5 [11724](R) Running at 151848578 00010799 520.65417480 [8248] ============================================= 00010800 520.65521240 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/mainMenu.svg" 00010801 520.65692139 [8248] MM5 [11724](R) Running at 151847906 00010802 520.65692139 [8248] ============================================= 00010803 520.65716553 [8248] MM5 [11724](R) Running at 151847562 00010804 520.65716553 [8248] ============================================= 00010805 520.65747070 [8248] MM5 [11724](R) Running at 151845421 00010806 520.65747070 [8248] ============================================= 00010807 520.65777588 [8248] MM5 [11724](R) Running at 151845375 00010808 520.65777588 [8248] ============================================= 00010809 520.65802002 [8248] MM5 [11724](R) Running at 151845312 00010810 520.65802002 [8248] ============================================= 00010811 520.66064453 [8248] MM5 [10568](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 844ms. 00010812 520.66064453 [8248] Task callstack : 00010813 520.66088867 [8248] MM5 [10568](R) Previous tasks : 00010814 520.66113281 [8248] MM5 [10568](R) Running at 151849078 00010815 520.66113281 [8248] ============================================= 00010816 520.66143799 [8248] MM5 [10568](R) Running at 151848578 00010817 520.66143799 [8248] ============================================= 00010818 520.66180420 [8248] MM5 [10568](R) Running at 151848000 00010819 520.66180420 [8248] ============================================= 00010820 520.66204834 [8248] MM5 [10568](R) Running at 151847562 00010821 520.66204834 [8248] ============================================= 00010822 520.66235352 [8248] MM5 [10568](R) Running at 151845421 00010823 520.66235352 [8248] ============================================= 00010824 520.66271973 [8248] MM5 [10568](R) Running at 151845375 00010825 520.66271973 [8248] ============================================= 00010826 520.66302490 [8248] MM5 [10568](R) Running at 151845312 00010827 520.66302490 [8248] ============================================= 00010828 520.66333008 [8248] MM5 [10568](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/restore.svg 00010829 520.66485596 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 860ms. 00010830 520.66485596 [8248] Task callstack : 00010831 520.66534424 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Previous tasks : 00010832 520.66564941 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Running at 151849421 00010833 520.66564941 [8248] ============================================= 00010834 520.66595459 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Running at 151848828 00010835 520.66595459 [8248] ============================================= 00010836 520.66625977 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Running at 151848203 00010837 520.66625977 [8248] ============================================= 00010838 520.66662598 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Running at 151847906 00010839 520.66662598 [8248] ============================================= 00010840 520.66687012 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Running at 151845531 00010841 520.66687012 [8248] ============================================= 00010842 520.66711426 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Running at 151845390 00010843 520.66711426 [8248] ============================================= 00010844 520.66735840 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Running at 151845312 00010845 520.66735840 [8248] ============================================= 00010846 520.66760254 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/windowclose.svg 00010847 520.66821289 [8248] MM5 [10568](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/restore_add.svg to skin/icon/restore_add.svg 00010848 520.67883301 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/windowclose.svg to skin/icon/windowclose.svg 00010849 520.69219971 [8248] MM5 [2696](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/windowclose.svg" 00010850 520.70300293 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/minimize.svg to skin/icon/minimize.svg 00010851 520.71844482 [8248] MM5 [3872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/minimize.svg" 00010852 520.73718262 [8248] MM5 [11724](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/maximize.svg to skin/icon/maximize.svg 00010853 520.74334717 [8248] MM5 [11724](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/maximize.svg" 00010854 521.88220215 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00010855 522.39019775 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.html 00010856 522.69805908 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) dropdown w.loaded 00010857 529.22424316 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00010858 529.31518555 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) dropdown w.closed 00010859 530.82373047 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow start 00010860 530.82580566 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgMP3Settings.html 00010861 530.87347412 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow end 00010862 530.91491699 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00010863 530.91497803 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00010864 530.91522217 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00010865 530.91540527 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 19 00010866 530.91589355 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE beforeClose for identifier 19 00010867 530.92431641 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00010868 530.92523193 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE notify close for identifier 19 00010869 530.92572021 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE closeBrowserCall for identifier 19 00010870 530.92938232 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00010871 531.49719238 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00010872 531.49743652 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 19 00010873 531.49780273 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE canClose for identifier 19 00010874 531.49798584 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00010875 531.49957275 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY end 00010876 531.52337646 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00010877 531.53070068 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY end 00010878 531.53277588 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///dialogs/dlgAutoConvertRule.html 00010879 531.53308105 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnContextReleased 19 00010880 531.53625488 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00010881 531.53668213 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) OnContextReleased end. 00010882 531.54327393 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TSharedWindow destroy called - worker id: 0, addr: 405531088 00010883 531.58746338 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserDestroyed 19 00010884 531.59698486 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) OnBrowserDestroyed end. 00010885 531.66979980 [8248] MM5 [8972](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00010886 531.85186768 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow start 00010887 531.92785645 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow end 00010888 531.94622803 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00010889 531.97491455 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00010890 531.97521973 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 18 00010891 531.97570801 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE beforeClose for identifier 18 00010892 531.98236084 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00010893 531.98266602 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE notify close for identifier 18 00010894 531.98297119 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE closeBrowserCall for identifier 18 00010895 532.01080322 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00010896 532.01129150 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00010897 532.03173828 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00010898 532.03179932 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 18 00010899 532.03192139 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE canClose for identifier 18 00010900 532.03222656 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00010901 532.04125977 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00010902 532.04406738 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnContextReleased 18 00010903 532.04589844 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00010904 532.04821777 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TSharedWindow destroy called - worker id: 0, addr: 405531408 00010905 532.04840088 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00010906 532.05651855 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00010907 532.07000732 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserDestroyed 18 00010908 541.32592773 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00010909 541.37249756 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 2 threads of 10 00010910 541.86071777 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00010911 542.36236572 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00010912 544.01751709 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) DB exec SQL: DELETE FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=1 00010913 544.10797119 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Currently running 3 threads of 10 00010914 544.17999268 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) DB lock took 172 ms : DELETE FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=1 00010915 544.22290039 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) DB exec SQL: INSERT INTO DeviceCollectionConfig (IDDevice, IDCollection, RandomSelection, PreferStars, ReserveSpace, ReserveSpaceMB, Number, Kind) VALUES (677, 1, 0, 0, 0, 512, 0, 0) 00010916 544.33697510 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) DB lock took 125 ms : INSERT INTO DeviceCollectionConfig (IDDevice, IDCollection, RandomSelection, PreferStars, ReserveSpace, ReserveSpaceMB, Number, Kind) VALUES (677, 1, 0, 0, 0, 512, 0, 0) 00010917 551.77636719 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) DB exec SQL: DELETE FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=1 00010918 551.87145996 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) DB lock took 94 ms : DELETE FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=1 00010919 551.88854980 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) DB exec SQL: INSERT INTO DeviceCollectionConfig (IDDevice, IDCollection, RandomSelection, PreferStars, ReserveSpace, ReserveSpaceMB, Number, Kind) VALUES (677, 1, 0, 0, 0, 512, 0, 0) 00010920 551.98022461 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) DB lock took 94 ms : INSERT INTO DeviceCollectionConfig (IDDevice, IDCollection, RandomSelection, PreferStars, ReserveSpace, ReserveSpaceMB, Number, Kind) VALUES (677, 1, 0, 0, 0, 512, 0, 0) 00010921 552.36651611 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00010922 553.55944824 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ControlCache: DeviceConfig | uniqueID_962 added, controls.count = 1 00010923 553.56671143 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/devicesView.js 00010924 553.57061768 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/devicesView.js" 00010925 553.57312012 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/devicesView_add.js to controls/devicesView_add.js 00010926 553.57739258 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/devicesView.html 00010927 553.58129883 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/devicesView.html" 00010928 553.58953857 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/deviceListView.js 00010929 553.59375000 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/deviceListView.js" 00010930 553.60339355 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/deviceListView_add.js to controls/deviceListView_add.js 00010931 553.61633301 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/serverListView.js 00010932 553.62030029 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/serverListView.js" 00010933 553.66943359 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM RemoteServers 00010934 553.68334961 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TreeView.setNodePath FROM root/devicesList TO root/devicesList 00010935 553.88134766 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) DB lock took 203 ms : SELECT * FROM RemoteServers 00010936 553.88171387 [8248] UPnP: Get servers 00010937 553.88208008 [8248] UPnP: Server name: NAS2, Server UUID: 4d696e69-444c-164e-9d41-00089b8c4ec3 00010938 553.88262939 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00010939 554.14746094 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 2 threads of 10 00010940 554.15411377 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 3 threads of 10 00010941 554.16168213 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 4 threads of 10 00010942 554.16784668 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 5 threads of 10 00010943 554.17498779 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 6 threads of 10 00010944 554.18225098 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 6 tasks in low priority queue. 00010945 554.23638916 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/server.svg 00010946 554.30981445 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 9 threads of 10 00010947 554.31414795 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 10 threads of 10 00010948 554.33551025 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 6 tasks in queue. 00010949 554.33563232 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 10 threads of 10 00010950 554.46411133 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 7 tasks in queue. 00010951 554.46423340 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Currently running 10 threads of 10 00010952 554.69964600 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/server.svg to skin/icon/server.svg 00010953 554.70977783 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/server.svg" 00010954 554.71026611 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/server_add.svg to skin/icon/server_add.svg 00010955 554.76275635 [8248] MM5 [9712](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 531ms. 00010956 554.76275635 [8248] Task callstack : 00010957 554.77789307 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 531ms. 00010958 554.77789307 [8248] Task callstack : 00010959 554.77862549 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) Previous tasks : 00010960 554.80786133 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) Running at 151882671 00010961 554.80786133 [8248] ============================================= 00010962 554.80816650 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) Running at 151882234 00010963 554.80816650 [8248] ============================================= 00010964 554.80847168 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) Running at 151880765 00010965 554.80847168 [8248] ============================================= 00010966 554.80944824 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) Running at 151880546 00010967 554.80944824 [8248] ============================================= 00010968 554.81024170 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) Running at 151872937 00010969 554.81024170 [8248] ============================================= 00010970 554.81054688 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) Running at 151872796 00010971 554.81054688 [8248] ============================================= 00010972 554.81085205 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) Running at 151872796 00010973 554.81085205 [8248] ============================================= 00010974 554.81127930 [8248] MM5 [9712](R) JS Callstack: 00010975 554.81127930 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///controls/control.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 1109 ; Col: 29 00010976 554.81127930 [8248] Script: file:///controls/control.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 260 ; Col: 13 00010977 554.81250000 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) JS Callstack: 00010978 554.81250000 [8248] Callstack: Script: file:///controls/devicesView.js ; Func: _refreshMediaServers ; Row: 136 ; Col: 38 00010979 554.81298828 [8248] MM5 [9712](R) Previous tasks : 00010980 554.81335449 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) Running at 151883015 00010981 554.81335449 [8248] ============================================= 00010982 554.81365967 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) Running at 151882437 00010983 554.81365967 [8248] ============================================= 00010984 554.81402588 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) Running at 151880812 00010985 554.81402588 [8248] ============================================= 00010986 554.81469727 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) Running at 151880546 00010987 554.81469727 [8248] ============================================= 00010988 554.81518555 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) Running at 151880546 00010989 554.81518555 [8248] ============================================= 00010990 554.81549072 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) Running at 151872796 00010991 554.81549072 [8248] ============================================= 00010992 554.81579590 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) Running at 151872796 00010993 554.81579590 [8248] ============================================= 00010994 554.81945801 [8248] MM5 [9712](R) Running at 151883593 00010995 554.81945801 [8248] ============================================= 00010996 554.81976318 [8248] MM5 [9712](R) Running at 151883593 00010997 554.81976318 [8248] ============================================= 00010998 554.82006836 [8248] MM5 [9712](R) Running at 151883593 00010999 554.82006836 [8248] ============================================= 00011000 554.82043457 [8248] MM5 [9712](R) Running at 151883015 00011001 554.82043457 [8248] ============================================= 00011002 554.88476563 [9848] MM5 [11408](B) TIndyHTTP.GetResponseContent started: URL:, RequestBody: 00011003 554.89331055 [8248] MM5 [9712](R) Running at 151882234 00011004 554.89331055 [8248] ============================================= 00011005 554.89361572 [8248] MM5 [9712](R) Running at 151880765 00011006 554.89361572 [8248] ============================================= 00011007 554.89392090 [8248] MM5 [9712](R) Running at 151880546 00011008 554.89392090 [8248] ============================================= 00011009 555.89227295 [9848] MM5 [11408](B) TIndyHTTP.GetResponseContent EXCEPTION!!! : Socket Error # 10061 00011010 555.89227295 [9848] Connection refused. ,URL:, ResponseContent.Size: 0, ResponseCode: -1 00011011 555.89428711 [9848] MM5 [11408](B) TCachedNetFileResource - finished 00011012 556.79992676 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ControlCache: DevicesView | uniqueID_1054 added, controls.count = 2 00011013 556.81036377 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ControlCache: DeviceConfig | uniqueID_962 used, controls.count = 1 00011014 556.81677246 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/deviceConfig/options.html to controls/deviceConfig/options.html 00011015 556.82739258 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/deviceConfig/options_add.html to controls/deviceConfig/options_add.html 00011016 556.95178223 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00011017 556.95654297 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00011018 556.96862793 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00011019 556.97369385 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00011020 556.98156738 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00011021 556.98577881 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00011022 556.99060059 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00011023 557.02789307 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TreeView.setNodePath FROM root/devicesList/device:677 TO root/devicesList/device:677 00011024 557.02899170 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TreeView.setNodePath: path is same as the currently focused, no need for a job 00011025 557.25585938 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/deviceConfig/options/pnl_DeviceProfile.html 00011026 557.26049805 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/deviceConfig/options/pnl_DeviceProfile.html" 00011027 557.47766113 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00011028 557.48052979 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/deviceConfig/options/pnl_AutoConversion.html 00011029 557.48168945 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/deviceConfig/options/pnl_AutoConversion.html to controls/deviceConfig/options/pnl_AutoConversion.html 00011030 557.48718262 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/deviceConfig/options/pnl_AutoConversion.html" 00011031 557.49298096 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/deviceConfig/options/pnl_AutoConversion_add.html to controls/deviceConfig/options/pnl_AutoConversion_add.html 00011032 557.49322510 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/autoConvertConfig.html 00011033 557.50079346 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/autoConvertConfig.html" 00011034 557.50244141 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/autoConvertConfig_add.html to controls/autoConvertConfig_add.html 00011035 557.51879883 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/listEditButtons.html 00011036 557.52404785 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/listEditButtons.html" 00011037 558.18084717 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/deviceConfig/syncFromDevice.html 00011038 558.18499756 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/deviceConfig/syncFromDevice.html" 00011039 558.19256592 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/deviceConfig/syncFromDevice.js 00011040 558.19671631 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/deviceConfig/syncFromDevice.js" 00011041 558.23504639 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/folderTree.js 00011042 558.23986816 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/folderTree.js" 00011043 559.06677246 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/deviceConfig/syncToDevice.html 00011044 559.07135010 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/deviceConfig/syncToDevice.html" 00011045 559.32910156 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 829ms. 00011046 559.32910156 [8248] Task callstack : 00011047 559.32952881 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) Previous tasks : 00011048 559.32983398 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) Running at 151886515 00011049 559.32983398 [8248] ============================================= 00011050 559.33013916 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) Running at 151885859 00011051 559.33013916 [8248] ============================================= 00011052 559.33050537 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) Running at 151885859 00011053 559.33050537 [8248] ============================================= 00011054 559.33081055 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) Running at 151883546 00011055 559.33081055 [8248] ============================================= 00011056 559.33111572 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) Running at 151883593 00011057 559.33111572 [8248] ============================================= 00011058 559.33142090 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) Running at 151883593 00011059 559.33142090 [8248] ============================================= 00011060 559.33166504 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) Running at 151883546 00011061 559.33166504 [8248] ============================================= 00011062 559.33294678 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) DB open SQL: SELECT IDCollection FROM SynchCollection WHERE IDDevice=677 00011063 559.33398438 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) 6924 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist=? 00011064 559.33471680 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) 6924 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist=? 00011065 559.33544922 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) 6924 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist=? 00011066 559.33599854 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) 6924 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist=? 00011067 559.34118652 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) 6924 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist=? 00011068 559.34179688 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) 6924 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist=? 00011069 559.34246826 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) 6924 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist=? 00011070 559.34313965 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Playlists.ParentPlaylist FROM SynchPlaylist, Playlists WHERE SynchPlaylist.IDPlaylist = Playlists.IDPlaylist AND SynchPlaylist.IDDevice=677 00011071 559.34478760 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) DB open SQL: SELECT IDAlbum, FilterID FROM SynchAlbum WHERE IDDevice=677 00011072 559.34582520 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.id, SynchAlbum.FilterID FROM Artists, ArtistsAlbums, SynchAlbum WHERE Artists.id = ArtistsAlbums.IDArtist AND ArtistsAlbums.IDAlbum = SynchAlbum.IDAlbum AND SynchAlbum.IDDevice=677 AND SynchAlbum.PersonType=1 00011073 559.42968750 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) DB open SQL: SELECT IDGenre, FilterID FROM SynchGenre WHERE IDDevice=677 00011074 559.77990723 [8248] MM5 [5268](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00011075 559.78179932 [8248] MM5 [5268](R) DB open SQL: SELECT null FROM SynchAlbum WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=1 AND SynchAlbum.PersonType<=1 00011076 559.78265381 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Rating, FilterID FROM SynchRating WHERE IDDevice=677 00011077 559.78363037 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) DB open SQL: SELECT IDPodcast FROM SynchPodcast WHERE IDDevice=677 00011078 559.78454590 [8248] MM5 [5268](R) DB open SQL: SELECT null FROM SynchArtist WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=1 AND SynchArtist.PersonType=1 00011079 559.78515625 [8248] MM5 [5268](R) DB open SQL: SELECT null FROM SynchArtist WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=1 AND SynchArtist.PersonType=3 00011080 559.80303955 [8248] MM5 [5268](R) DB lock took 16 ms : SELECT null FROM SynchArtist WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=1 AND SynchArtist.PersonType=3 00011081 559.81250000 [8248] MM5 [5268](R) DB open SQL: SELECT null FROM SynchRating WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=1 00011082 560.28967285 [8248] MM5 [5268](R) DB lock took 110 ms : SELECT null FROM SynchRating WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=1 00011083 560.48718262 [8248] MM5 [5268](R) DB open SQL: SELECT null FROM SynchLocation WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=1 00011084 560.49224854 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT IDSong FROM GenresSongs WHERE GenresSongs.IDGenre IN ( SELECT Genres.IDGenre FROM Genres WHERE Genres.IDGenre in (61,43,98,64,9,66))) AND Songs.Rating>=66 AND NOT Songs.ID IN (SELECT ArtistsSongs.IDSong FROM ArtistsSongs WHERE ArtistsSongs.PersonType = 1 AND ArtistsSongs.IDArtist IN (SELECT Artists.ID FROM Artists WHERE (Artists.Artist like '%carlebach%'))) AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) ORDER BY random(*) 00011085 560.53149414 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) DB lock took 31 ms : SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT IDSong FROM GenresSongs WHERE GenresSongs.IDGenre IN ( SELECT Genres.IDGenre FROM Genres WHERE Genres.IDGenre in (61,43,98,64,9,66))) AND Songs.Rating>=66 AND NOT Songs.ID IN (SELECT ArtistsSongs.IDSong FROM ArtistsSongs WHERE ArtistsSongs.PersonType = 1 AND ArtistsSongs.IDArtist IN (SELECT Artists.ID FROM Artists WHERE (Artists.Artist like '%carlebach%'))) AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) ORDER BY random(*) 00011086 560.53564453 [8248] MM5 [5268](R) DB lock took 31 ms : SELECT null FROM SynchLocation WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=1 00011087 560.54791260 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00011088 560.54907227 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 16ms for 155 00011089 560.55328369 [8248] MM5 [9712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE (Songs.Rating<0) AND Songs.Year>=20130000 AND NOT Songs.ID IN (SELECT ArtistsSongs.IDSong FROM ArtistsSongs WHERE ArtistsSongs.PersonType = 1 AND ArtistsSongs.IDArtist IN (SELECT Artists.ID FROM Artists WHERE Artists.ID in (2238,2421,2415))) AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) ORDER BY random(*) 00011090 560.66296387 [8248] MM5 [9712](R) DB lock took 110 ms : SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE (Songs.Rating<0) AND Songs.Year>=20130000 AND NOT Songs.ID IN (SELECT ArtistsSongs.IDSong FROM ArtistsSongs WHERE ArtistsSongs.PersonType = 1 AND ArtistsSongs.IDArtist IN (SELECT Artists.ID FROM Artists WHERE Artists.ID in (2238,2421,2415))) AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) ORDER BY random(*) 00011091 560.66967773 [8248] MM5 [9712](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00011092 560.67028809 [8248] MM5 [9712](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 0ms for 195 00011093 560.67651367 [8248] MM5 [8632](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.Year>=20120000 AND Songs.Rating>=46 AND NOT Songs.ID IN (SELECT IDSong FROM GenresSongs WHERE GenresSongs.IDGenre IN ( SELECT Genres.IDGenre FROM Genres WHERE Genres.IDGenre in (43,9))) AND Songs.TrackType in (0) AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) 00011094 560.69012451 [8248] MM5 [8632](R) DB lock took 15 ms : SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.Year>=20120000 AND Songs.Rating>=46 AND NOT Songs.ID IN (SELECT IDSong FROM GenresSongs WHERE GenresSongs.IDGenre IN ( SELECT Genres.IDGenre FROM Genres WHERE Genres.IDGenre in (43,9))) AND Songs.TrackType in (0) AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) 00011095 561.22515869 [8248] MM5 [8632](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00011096 561.22967529 [8248] MM5 [8632](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy adding 430 00011097 561.24438477 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00011098 561.24578857 [8248] MM5 [6388](R) TDeviceCalculator: calcing node with hash node[playlist:playlist_432]coll[0] , to calc: 4 nodes 00011099 562.01495361 [8248] MM5 [10340](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Playlists.*, (SELECT Count(*) FROM Playlists as Plst2 WHERE (Plst2.ParentPlaylist=Playlists.IDPlaylist) ) AS cnt FROM Playlists WHERE (Playlists.ParentPlaylist=0) 00011100 562.01965332 [8248] MM5 [5268](R) DB lock took 765 ms : SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.Rating>=66 AND NOT Songs.ID IN (SELECT IDSong FROM GenresSongs WHERE GenresSongs.IDGenre IN ( SELECT Genres.IDGenre FROM Genres WHERE Genres.IDGenre in (12,61,13,20,27,43,98,64,9,120,90,84,82))) AND Songs.LastTimePlayed<43427.2083333333 AND Songs.TrackType in (0) AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) ORDER BY random(*) 00011101 562.29498291 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00011102 562.29614258 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00011103 562.29718018 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00011104 562.29858398 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00011105 562.50097656 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00011106 562.80310059 [8248] MM5 [5268](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy skipping (maxResults) 00011107 562.81311035 [8248] MM5 [5268](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy adding 500 00011108 562.86944580 [8248] MM5 [12164](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00011109 562.96142578 [8248] MM5 [6388](R) TDeviceCalculator: calcing node with hash node[playlist:playlist_463]coll[0] , to calc: 3 nodes 00011110 562.96972656 [8248] MM5 [6388](R) TDeviceCalculator: calcing node with hash node[playlist:playlist_465]coll[0] , to calc: 2 nodes 00011111 562.98120117 [8248] MM5 [6388](R) TDeviceCalculator: calcing node with hash node[playlist:playlist_467]coll[0] , to calc: 1 nodes 00011112 562.99530029 [8248] MM5 [5268](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE (Songs.Year>=19800000 and Songs.Year<=20000000) AND ((Songs.SongPath like '%100 Greatest%') OR (Songs.SongPath like '%Top 100%')) AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) 00011113 562.99963379 [8248] MM5 [5268](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00011114 563.28155518 [8248] MM5 [5268](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00011115 563.28198242 [8248] MM5 [5268](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 281ms for 175 00011116 563.28363037 [8248] MM5 [8632](R) DB open SQL: SELECT PodcastEpisodes.* FROM PodcastEpisodes WHERE idPodcast = 56 AND ViewStatus = 0 00011117 563.28363037 [8248] ORDER BY PubDate ASC, id DESC 00011118 563.29693604 [8248] MM5 [8632](R) DB lock took 16 ms : SELECT PodcastEpisodes.* FROM PodcastEpisodes WHERE idPodcast = 56 AND ViewStatus = 0 00011119 563.29693604 [8248] ORDER BY PubDate ASC, id DESC 00011120 563.29974365 [8248] MM5 [8632](R) DB open SQL: SELECT PodcastName FROM Podcasts WHERE id = 56 00011121 563.30126953 [8248] MM5 [8632](R) 8632 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00011122 563.35040283 [8248] MM5 [8632](R) DB lock took 15 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00011123 563.36535645 [8248] MM5 [8632](R) DB lock took 16 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00011124 563.38317871 [8248] MM5 [9712](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00011125 566.37268066 [8248] MM5 [8632](R) DB: Deleting prepared query: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00011126 567.60186768 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) DB: Deleting prepared query: SELECT * FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist=? 00011127 567.60223389 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) DB: Deleting prepared query: SELECT * FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist=? 00011128 567.60253906 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) DB: Deleting prepared query: SELECT * FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist=? 00011129 567.60290527 [8248] MM5 [6924](R) DB: Deleting prepared query: SELECT * FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist=? 00011130 571.78100586 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ControlCache: DeviceConfig | uniqueID_962 added, controls.count = 2 00011131 571.78466797 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ControlCache: DevicesView | uniqueID_1054 used, controls.count = 1 00011132 571.86303711 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TreeView.setNodePath FROM root/devicesList TO root/devicesList 00011133 571.86315918 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TreeView.setNodePath: path is same as the currently focused, no need for a job 00011134 572.11425781 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Currently running 2 threads of 10 00011135 572.52789307 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00011136 574.79644775 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_DeviceName=Google Pixel 2 XL - Internal shared storage_ItemID=DeviceConfig.xml , Range: < -1, -1> 00011137 574.79675293 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00011138 574.79718018 [8248] MM5 [11196](R) PostponeComputerSleep: Enabled = 1 00011139 574.79748535 [8248] MM5 [11196](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00011140 574.79766846 [8248] MM5 [11196](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00011141 574.79797363 [8248] MM5 [11196](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00011142 574.79846191 [8248] MM5 [11196](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 00011143 574.81793213 [8248] MM5 [11196](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00011144 574.81866455 [8248] UPnP Server: Creating HTTP entity 00011145 574.96356201 [8248] UPnP: _UploadRequest: Header: --osztVvVp03xTsA5ih29SkYPuLGAaCkDm 00011146 574.96356201 [8248] Content-Disposition: form-data; name="SettingsUpload:DeviceID:710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482" 00011147 574.96356201 [8248] 00011148 574.96356201 [8248] com.ventismedia.android.mediamonkey.player.tracklist.track.RemoteTrack:Google Pixel 2 XL - Internal shared storage1\Music\%R\%L\%02T $Left(%A,20) - %S\Music\Classical\%C\%L\%02T $Left(%A,20) - %S\Music\Audiobooks\%L - %A\%02T %S\Music\Podcasts\%ZU\%ZP %S\Video\Podcasts\%ZU\%ZP %S\Video\%S - %Y\Video\Music Video\%R - %L\%02T %S\Video\TV\%ZV\%02ZY %S1\Playlists\10001101albumart010\Video\\Music\\Video\\Music\ 00011149 574.96356201 [8248] --osztVvVp03xTsA5ih29SkYPuLGAaCkDm-- 00011150 574.96478271 [8248] MM5 [2100](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00011151 575.10284424 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_DeviceName=Google Pixel 2 XL - Internal shared storage_ItemID=DeviceConfig.xml , Range: < -1, -1> 00011152 575.10321045 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00011153 575.10522461 [8248] MM5 [8328](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00011154 575.10644531 [8248] GetSyncSettingsForDevice: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00011155 575.10687256 [8248] MM5 [8328](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00011156 575.11114502 [8248] MM5 [8328](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00011157 575.11181641 [8248] UPnP Server: Creating HTTP entity 00011158 575.18072510 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00011159 575.18939209 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) _BrowseRequest started 00011160 575.18981934 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00011161 575.19012451 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00011162 575.19042969 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00011163 575.21765137 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DeviceTracks WHERE IDDevice=677 00011164 575.22985840 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) DB lock took 15 ms : SELECT * FROM DeviceTracks WHERE IDDevice=677 00011165 575.25970459 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing whole Collections 00011166 575.26080322 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing locations 00011167 575.26165771 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing albums 00011168 575.26251221 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing artists 00011169 575.26403809 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing Genres 00011170 575.26483154 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing Ratings 00011171 575.26531982 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing podcasts 00011172 575.26617432 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=1 00011173 575.26727295 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing whole Collections 00011174 575.26782227 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing locations 00011175 575.26843262 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing albums 00011176 575.26910400 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing artists 00011177 575.26971436 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing Genres 00011178 575.27026367 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing Ratings 00011179 575.27075195 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing podcasts 00011180 575.27178955 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=2 00011181 575.27471924 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB lock took 16 ms : SELECT * FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=2 00011182 575.27508545 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing whole Collections 00011183 575.27569580 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing locations 00011184 575.27624512 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing albums 00011185 575.27685547 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing artists 00011186 575.27740479 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing Genres 00011187 575.27795410 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing Ratings 00011188 575.27844238 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing podcasts 00011189 575.27905273 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Kind, Number FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=3 00011190 575.28063965 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing whole Collections 00011191 575.28149414 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing locations 00011192 575.28216553 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing albums 00011193 575.28454590 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing artists 00011194 575.28649902 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.Id, Artists.Artist, SynchArtist.MaskPath, SynchArtist.PersonType, SynchArtist.ArtistNodeType FROM Artists INNER JOIN SynchArtist ON (Artists.ID=SynchArtist.IDArtist AND SynchArtist.IDDevice=677 AND SynchArtist.FilterID=4) WHERE SynchArtist.PartialCheck<>1 OR SynchArtist.PartialCheck is null 00011195 575.28717041 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT IDGenre FROM SynchGenre WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=4 00011196 575.28887939 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing Ratings 00011197 575.28967285 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing podcasts 00011198 575.29034424 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=4 00011199 575.29144287 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing whole Collections 00011200 575.29205322 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing locations 00011201 575.29260254 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing albums 00011202 575.29321289 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing artists 00011203 575.29376221 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing Genres 00011204 575.29425049 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing Ratings 00011205 575.29479980 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing podcasts 00011206 575.29541016 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=5 00011207 575.29632568 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing whole Collections 00011208 575.29681396 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing locations 00011209 575.29748535 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing albums 00011210 575.29815674 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing artists 00011211 575.29882813 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing Genres 00011212 575.29943848 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing Ratings 00011213 575.30041504 [8248] Synchronize: Preparing podcasts 00011214 575.30358887 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB lock took 15 ms : SELECT Podcasts.Id, SynchPodcast.MaskPath FROM Podcasts INNER JOIN SynchPodcast ON (Podcasts.ID=SynchPodcast.IDPodcast AND SynchPodcast.IDDevice=677 AND SynchPodcast.FilterID=6) 00011215 575.30609131 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) TDeviceSynchronization.AddSongsToList: Candidtes count = 0 00011216 575.30651855 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM SynchCollection WHERE SynchCollection.IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=7 00011217 575.30737305 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM SynchLocation WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=7 00011218 575.30792236 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Albums.ID, Albums.Album, Albums.Artist, SynchAlbum.MaskPath, SynchAlbum.PersonType, SynchAlbum.IDArtist FROM Albums INNER JOIN SynchAlbum ON (Albums.ID=SynchAlbum.IDAlbum AND SynchAlbum.IDDevice=677 AND SynchAlbum.FilterID=7) 00011219 575.30853271 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.Id, Artists.Artist, SynchArtist.MaskPath, SynchArtist.PersonType, SynchArtist.ArtistNodeType FROM Artists INNER JOIN SynchArtist ON (Artists.ID=SynchArtist.IDArtist AND SynchArtist.IDDevice=677 AND SynchArtist.FilterID=7) WHERE SynchArtist.PartialCheck<>1 OR SynchArtist.PartialCheck is null 00011220 575.30914307 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT IDGenre FROM SynchGenre WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=7 00011221 575.30981445 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Rating FROM SynchRating WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=7 00011222 575.31042480 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Podcasts.Id, SynchPodcast.MaskPath FROM Podcasts INNER JOIN SynchPodcast ON (Podcasts.ID=SynchPodcast.IDPodcast AND SynchPodcast.IDDevice=677 AND SynchPodcast.FilterID=7) 00011223 575.31372070 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) TDeviceSynchronization.AddSongsToList: Candidtes count = 0 00011224 575.31414795 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM SynchCollection WHERE SynchCollection.IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=8 00011225 575.31475830 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM SynchLocation WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=8 00011226 575.31542969 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Albums.ID, Albums.Album, Albums.Artist, SynchAlbum.MaskPath, SynchAlbum.PersonType, SynchAlbum.IDArtist FROM Albums INNER JOIN SynchAlbum ON (Albums.ID=SynchAlbum.IDAlbum AND SynchAlbum.IDDevice=677 AND SynchAlbum.FilterID=8) 00011227 575.31604004 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Artists.Id, Artists.Artist, SynchArtist.MaskPath, SynchArtist.PersonType, SynchArtist.ArtistNodeType FROM Artists INNER JOIN SynchArtist ON (Artists.ID=SynchArtist.IDArtist AND SynchArtist.IDDevice=677 AND SynchArtist.FilterID=8) WHERE SynchArtist.PartialCheck<>1 OR SynchArtist.PartialCheck is null 00011228 575.31677246 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT IDGenre FROM SynchGenre WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=8 00011229 575.31738281 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Rating FROM SynchRating WHERE IDDevice=677 AND FilterID=8 00011230 575.31793213 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Podcasts.Id, SynchPodcast.MaskPath FROM Podcasts INNER JOIN SynchPodcast ON (Podcasts.ID=SynchPodcast.IDPodcast AND SynchPodcast.IDDevice=677 AND SynchPodcast.FilterID=8) 00011231 575.31872559 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=8 00011232 575.32617188 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) TDeviceSynchronization.AddSongsToList: Candidtes count = 0 00011233 575.32684326 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT null FROM SynchCollection WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=0 00011234 575.32861328 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT IdPlaylist FROM Playlists WHERE ParentPlaylist=286 00011235 575.33099365 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT IDSong FROM GenresSongs WHERE GenresSongs.IDGenre IN ( SELECT Genres.IDGenre FROM Genres WHERE Genres.IDGenre in (61,43,98,64,9,66))) AND Songs.Rating>=66 AND NOT Songs.ID IN (SELECT ArtistsSongs.IDSong FROM ArtistsSongs WHERE ArtistsSongs.PersonType = 1 AND ArtistsSongs.IDArtist IN (SELECT Artists.ID FROM Artists WHERE (Artists.Artist like '%carlebach%'))) AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) ORDER BY random(*) 00011236 575.44598389 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Tzur Yisroel , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\D'veykus\D'veykus IV\4 - D'veykus - Tzur Yisroel.mp3 00011237 575.44757080 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rabos Machshovos , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Rabbi's Sons\Greatest Hits\08 The Rabbi's Sons - Rabos Machshovos.flac 00011238 575.44885254 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ani Ma'amin , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\D'veykus\D'veykus IV\10 - D'veykus - Ani Ma'amin.mp3 00011239 575.48486328 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file ??? ????? , Path: \\\puzzle\Music\לי×ור נרקיס\גדלנו יחד – דיסק 10 – הגל החדש ברוק הישר×לי\20 - ×ביתר בנ××™ - מתי נתנשק.mp3 00011240 575.49041748 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Higher and Higher , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Moshav Band\The Best Of - Higher and Higher\1 - The Moshav Band - Higher and Higher.flac 00011241 575.49139404 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Esa Einai , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Jewish Soul Guitar Vol 1\06 Esa Einai.mp3 00011242 575.49591064 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file ?????? ??????? , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\??? ??? - ?????? ???????.m4a 00011243 575.49719238 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Im Telech (If You Go) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Idan Raichel\The Idan Raichel Project\7 - Idan Raichel - Im Telech (If You Go).mp3 00011244 575.49877930 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Niggun Neshama , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Shlomo Katz\Live in Melbourne 2\12 Shlomo Katz - Niggun Neshama.flac 00011245 575.50189209 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Vehakohanim , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Shlomo Katz\Live in Melbourne 1\03 Shlomo Katz - Vehakohanim.flac 00011246 575.50360107 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Geshem Yored , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\fastmp3-org-jane-bordeaux-geshem-yored-23868833.mp3 00011247 575.50512695 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hashivenu , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Hebrew Music from Ami\08 Hashivem.mp3 00011248 575.50756836 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Open Up , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\?? ???? - ???? ?? ???? - Gad Elbaz - Open Up.m4a 00011249 575.50878906 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Bo'i V'Shalom , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\D'veykus\D'veykus IV\7 - D'veykus - Bo'i V'Shalom.mp3 00011250 575.51019287 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Mechake - ???? , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\???? ???? ???? - ???? -Idan Rafael Haviv.m4a 00011251 575.51171875 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ahava - ???? , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\??????- ???? ~ (Yonina- Ahava (Love.m4a 00011252 575.51275635 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Kvish Hachof - ???? ???? , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\????? ??? ?? ????? - ???? ???? (Prod. by Jordi).mp3 00011253 575.51696777 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ha'Malach , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\D'veykus\D'veykus IV\2 - D'veykus - Ha'Malach.mp3 00011254 575.52856445 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file ??? ????? , Path: \\\puzzle\Music\????? ?????\????? ??? – ???? 10 – ??? ???? ???? ???????\20 - ????? ???? - ??? ?????.mp3 00011255 575.52990723 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Celebrate , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\8th Day - Celebrate (Official Music Video).m4a 00011256 575.53271484 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Im Eshkachech , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Yaacov Schwekey - Im Eshkachech.m4a 00011257 575.53381348 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Shema Yisroel , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Mordechai ben David\MBD Greatest Hits 2\2-09 Shema Yisroel.m4a 00011258 575.53515625 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Bereshit , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Moshav Band\The Best Of - Higher and Higher\12 - The Moshav Band - Bereshit.flac 00011259 575.53619385 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Shalom Aleichem , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\D'veykus\D'veykus V\00 - D'veykus - Shalom Aleichem.mp3 00011260 575.53771973 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file ??? ??????? , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\???? ????? - ??? ???????.m4a 00011261 575.53985596 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file ???? ????? , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Eigth day - ???? ?????.m4a 00011262 575.54071045 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ashem Oshia , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Hebrew Music from Ami\35 Ashem Oshia.mp3 00011263 575.54187012 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ana Avda , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Shlomo Katz\Live in Melbourne 1\01 Shlomo Katz - Ana Avda.flac 00011264 575.54272461 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ani Ba , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Shlomo Artzi & Yehuda Poliker - Ani Ba\Shlomo Artzi & Yehuda Poliker\00 - Shlomo Artzi & Yehuda Poliker - Ani Ba - Ani Ba.mp3 00011265 575.54388428 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Yavo , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Maccabeats\Out of the Box\03 Maccabeats - Yavo.flac 00011266 575.54498291 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Im Eshkachech , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Jewish Soul Guitar Vol 1\01 Im Eshkachech.mp3 00011267 575.54577637 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\????? ????????\- .mp3 00011268 575.54675293 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Benny Friedman - Maaleh Ani , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\[Official Music Video] Benny Friedman - Maaleh Ani.m4a 00011269 575.54791260 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Mai Nahar - River Waters , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\IDAN RAICHEL Mai Nahar (River Waters).m4a 00011270 575.54888916 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Am Yisrael , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Hebrew Music from Ami\01 Am Yisrael.mp3 00011271 575.54968262 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Libi B'mizrach , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Hebrew Music from Ami\27 Libi B'mizrach.mp3 00011272 575.55041504 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hooked on Carelbach , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Hebrew Music from Ami\04 Hooked on Carelbach.mp3 00011273 575.55139160 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file ??? ??????? , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\???? ??? - ??? ??????? (????) - Sarit Hadad.m4a 00011274 575.55224609 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Eilah Chamda Libi , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Schneiderman Sisters And Friends\Oy Baby!\11 Eilah Chamda Libi.mp3 00011275 575.55328369 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Shiru L'melech , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Jewish Soul Guitar Vol 1\07 Shiru L'melech.mp3 00011276 575.55426025 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Kol Dodi , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Shlomo Katz\Live in Melbourne 2\01 Shlomo Katz - Kol Dodi.flac 00011277 575.55670166 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ki Nicham , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Rabbi's Sons\Greatest Hits\10 The Rabbi's Sons - Ki Nicham.flac 00011278 575.55786133 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Asher Boro , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Piamenta\Sheya Mendlowitz Presents\11 - Piamenta - Asher Boro.flac 00011279 575.55889893 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ba Li , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Ultras ft Matan Agami – Ba Li.m4a 00011280 575.55987549 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Asher Bara (Live) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Hebrew Music from Ami\11 Asher Bara (Live).mp3 00011281 575.56103516 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rabbi Akiva , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Rabbi's Sons\Greatest Hits\12 The Rabbi's Sons - Rabbi Akiva.flac 00011282 575.56304932 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rauh Banim , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Hebrew Music from Ami\10 Rauh Banim.mp3 00011283 575.56420898 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Yifrach (Live) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Hebrew Music from Ami\05 Yifrach (Live).mp3 00011284 575.56518555 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Halomot Shel Aherim , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\fastmp3-org-the-idan-raichel-project-halomot-shel-aherim-live.mp3 00011285 575.56610107 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Take Off , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\????? ????????\Moshe ben Ari - Take Off.mp3 00011286 575.56707764 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rachem , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Jewish Soul Guitar Vol 1\04 Rachem.mp3 00011287 575.56823730 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file MiKol HaAhavot (Acoustic) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\fastmp3-org-the-idan-raichel-project-%D7%9E%D7%9B%D7%9C-%D7%94%D7%90%D7%94%D7%91%D7%95%D7%AA-%D7%90%D7%A7%D7%95%D7%A1%D7%98%D7%99.mp3 00011288 575.56903076 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Shma Israel , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Hebrew Music from Ami\21 Shma Israel.mp3 00011289 575.57012939 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Old City Chuppa Niggun , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Shlomo Katz\Live in Melbourne 2\04 Shlomo Katz - Old City Chuppa Niggun.flac 00011290 575.57128906 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Yhei Shlama , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Yehei Shlomah by the chevra.m4a 00011291 575.57275391 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Shema Koleinu , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\D'veykus\D'veykus IV\5 - D'veykus - Shema Koleinu.mp3 00011292 575.57379150 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Harachaman , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Rabbi's Sons\Greatest Hits\03 The Rabbi's Sons - Harachaman.flac 00011293 575.57489014 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Emigrant , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\4_Chanukah_CDs___Jewish_Music.3920203.TPB\4_CDs - Chanukah_and_More_Jewish_Music\Festival of Light\03 - The Emigrant [Flairck].mp3 00011294 575.57598877 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Kevodo , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Shlomo Katz\Live in Melbourne 2\11 Shlomo Katz - Kevodo.flac 00011295 575.57720947 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hal'lu , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Rabbi's Sons\Greatest Hits\01 The Rabbi's Sons - Hal'lu.flac 00011296 575.57818604 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file ???? ???? , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\????? ?????\????? ??? – ???? 10 – ??? ???? ???? ???????\1 - ??? ?????? - ???? ????.mp3 00011297 575.57916260 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Heart is Open (acoustic version) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Moshav Band\The Best Of - Higher and Higher\18 - The Moshav Band - Heart is Open (acoustic version).flac 00011298 575.58026123 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rega Mechuvan - ??? ????? , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\??????- ??? ????? (???? ????) (Yonina- Rega Mechuvan (Moment.m4a 00011299 575.58135986 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Kavei , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Rabbi's Sons\Greatest Hits\09 The Rabbi's Sons - Kavei.flac 00011300 575.58233643 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file äàäáä äéùðä , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\àééì âåìï\çìåîåú\7 - àééì âåìï - äàäáä äéùðä.mp3 00011301 575.58331299 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Shabbos Kodesh , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Moshav Band\The Best Of - Higher and Higher\13 - The Moshav Band - Shabbos Kodesh.flac 00011302 575.58441162 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file ????? , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Adar - Halaila (Official Music Video) ??? - ?????.m4a 00011303 575.58599854 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT LastContentHash, LastModified FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist = 286 00011304 575.80480957 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB lock took 218 ms : UPDATE Playlists SET LastContentHash = 'G1EW4BQTPZSEJ6G1', LastModified = '2018-12-23 09:36:04' WHERE IDPlaylist = 286 00011305 575.80664063 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) UpdateLastModifiedForAutoPlaylist finished, idPlaylist = 286 Oldhash = 123GYTF6Z7FCMFY2 Newhash = G1EW4BQTPZSEJ6G1 00011306 575.80749512 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Media sync: Going to fill playlist: Unrated - recent 00011307 575.94976807 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB lock took 141 ms : SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE (Songs.Rating<0) AND Songs.Year>=20130000 AND NOT Songs.ID IN (SELECT ArtistsSongs.IDSong FROM ArtistsSongs WHERE ArtistsSongs.PersonType = 1 AND ArtistsSongs.IDArtist IN (SELECT Artists.ID FROM Artists WHERE Artists.ID in (2238,2421,2415))) AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) ORDER BY random(*) 00011308 575.95031738 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00011309 575.95434570 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00011310 575.95471191 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 0ms for 195 00011311 575.95574951 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) TDeviceSynchronization.AddSongsToList: Candidtes count = 195 00011312 575.96630859 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Reindeer(s) Remix (Outtake) , Path: \\\Qdownload\Disney's Frozen Deluxe Soundtrack (2013) (flac)\Disc 2\09 - Robert Lopez - Reindeer(s) Remix (Outtake).flac 00011313 575.96710205 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Formation , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\088. Beyonce - Formation.mp3 00011314 575.96832275 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Thursday , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\04. Jess Glynne - Thursday.mp3 00011315 575.97222900 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Smile (Living My Best Life) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\068. Lil Duval & Snoop Dogg & Ball Greezy - Smile (Living My Best Life).mp3 00011316 575.97344971 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sweet but Psycho , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\13. Ava Max - Sweet but Psycho.mp3 00011317 575.97460938 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Dance With Me , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\21. Dance With Me - Orleans.mp3 00011318 575.97760010 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Fine China , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\064. Future & Juice Wrld - Fine China.mp3 00011319 575.97961426 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Burning Man , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\074. Dierks Bentley & Brothers Osborne - Burning Man.mp3 00011320 575.98162842 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ophelia , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\090. The Lumineers - Ophelia.mp3 00011321 575.98309326 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Kevin's Heart , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\08. J. Cole - Kevin's Heart.mp3 00011322 575.98449707 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Last Christmas , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\043. Wham! - Last Christmas.mp3 00011323 575.98571777 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file lovely , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\083. Billie Eilish & Khalid - lovely.mp3 00011324 575.98687744 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Money , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\024. Cardi B - Money.mp3 00011325 575.98797607 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sunflower (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\08. Post Malone & Swae Lee - Sunflower.mp3 00011326 575.98950195 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file One Dance (feat. Wizkid & Kyla) , Path: C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Drake\Views\12 One Dance (feat. Wizkid & Kyla).m4a 00011327 575.99072266 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Breezin' , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\45. Breezin' - George Benson.mp3 00011328 575.99188232 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file ocean eyes , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\096. Billie Eilish - ocean eyes.mp3 00011329 575.99285889 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Havana (feat. Young Thug) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\22. Camila Cabello - Havana (feat. Young Thug).mp3 00011330 575.99414063 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Never Recover , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\085. Lil Baby & Gunna & Drake - Never Recover.mp3 00011331 575.99572754 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file 1400 / 999 Freestyle , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\072. Trippie Redd & Juice Wrld - 1400 999 Freestyle.mp3 00011332 575.99688721 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Better Now , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\011. Post Malone - Better Now.mp3 00011333 575.99822998 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Bang Bang , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\63. Bang Bang - BA Robertson.mp3 00011334 575.99945068 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file God is a woman , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\034. Ariana Grande - God is a woman.mp3 00011335 576.00048828 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Are You Ready for a Glorious Sunset? (Rebroadcast) , Path: C:\Users\Russell\Music\Podcasts\Freakonomics Radio\Are You Ready for a Glorious Sunset (Rebroadcast).mp3 00011336 576.00671387 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Guitar , Path: \\\puzzle\Mobile tones\Alarms\guitar_2013.mp3 00011337 576.00793457 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Shotgun , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\27. George Ezra - Shotgun.mp3 00011338 576.00903320 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Broken Homes (feat. Nafe Smallz, M Huncho & Gunna) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\38. The Plug, Nafe Smallz, M Huncho feat. Gunna - Broken Homes.mp3 00011339 576.01702881 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Love Is an Open Door , Path: \\\Qdownload\Disney's Frozen Deluxe Soundtrack (2013) (flac)\Disc 1\04 - Kristen Bell and Santino Fontana - Love Is an Open Door.flac 00011340 576.01824951 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Baby (feat. Marina and The Diamonds & Luis Fonsi) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\32. Clean Bandit - Baby (feat. Marina and The Diamonds & Luis Fonsi).mp3 00011341 576.01928711 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file All I Want for Christmas Is You , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\014. Mariah Carey - All I Want for Christmas Is You.mp3 00011342 576.02050781 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Funky Friday , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\07. Dave & Fredo - Funky Friday.mp3 00011343 576.02215576 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Natural , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\025. Imagine Dragons - Natural.mp3 00011344 576.02374268 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Be Alright , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\065. Dean Lewis - Be Alright.mp3 00011345 576.02508545 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Everytime We Say Goodbye , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\John Coltrane\1961 - My Favorite Things (HDTracks 24 192 2013) FLAC\02-Everytime We Say Goodbye.flac 00011346 576.02624512 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file come out and play , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\069. Billie Eilish - come out and play.mp3 00011347 576.02740479 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Elul Nigun (Live) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Hebrew Music from Ami\03 Elul Nigun (Live).mp3 00011348 576.02850342 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file BRACKETS , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\30. J. Cole - BRACKETS.mp3 00011349 576.02966309 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Doctor Doctor (Edit) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\55. Doctor Doctor (Edit) - UFO.mp3 00011350 576.03234863 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Eurovision 2015 Israel – Golden Boy ?????????? 2015 ????? , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\????? ????????\Eurovision 2015 Israel – Golden Boy ?????????? 2015 ?????.mp3 00011351 576.03350830 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Falling Down (Bonus Track) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\098. Lil Peep & Xxxtentacion - Falling Down (Bonus Track).mp3 00011352 576.03460693 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hot N*gga , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\54 - Bobby Shmurda - Shmurda She Wrote - Hot N_gga.mp3 00011353 576.03588867 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Bailando , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\38 - Enrique Iglesias - Sex And Love - Bailando.mp3 00011354 576.03698730 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file ZEZE (feat. Travis Scott & Offset) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\10. Kodak Black, Offset, Travis Scott - ZEZE.mp3 00011355 576.03839111 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file breathin , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\013. Ariana Grande - breathin.mp3 00011356 576.04089355 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Can't Remember To Forget You (feat. Rihanna) , Path: C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Shakira\Can't Remember To Forget You (feat. Riha\01 Can't Remember To Forget You (fea.m4a 00011357 576.04724121 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file No Stylist , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\073. French Montana & Drake - No Stylist.mp3 00011358 576.04864502 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Woman Like Me (feat. Nicki Minaj) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\02. Little Mix - Woman Like Me (feat. Nicki Minaj).mp3 00011359 576.05004883 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file In My Feelings , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\037. Drake - In My Feelings.mp3 00011360 576.05120850 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Lose It , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\041. Kane Brown - Lose It.mp3 00011361 576.05267334 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Speechless , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\038. Dan + Shay - Speechless.mp3 00011362 576.06109619 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Promises , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\23. Calvin Harris & Sam Smith - Promises.mp3 00011363 576.06719971 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Good Girl , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\081. Dustin Lynch - Good Girl.mp3 00011364 576.06787109 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Consequences (orchestra) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\077. Camila Cabello - Consequences (orchestra).mp3 00011365 576.06927490 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Backin' It Up (feat. Cardi B) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\076. Pardison Fontaine & Cardi B - Backin' It Up (feat. Cardi B).mp3 00011366 576.07452393 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Let You Love Me , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\05. Rita Ora - Let You Love Me.mp3 00011367 576.08038330 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Beautiful (feat. Camila Cabello) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\030. Bazzi & Camila Cabello - Beautiful (feat. Camila Cabello).mp3 00011368 576.08105469 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Lost Without You , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\09. Freya Ridings - Lost Without You.mp3 00011369 576.08233643 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Without Me , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\06. Halsey - Without Me.mp3 00011370 576.08361816 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file STOOPID , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\061. 6IX9INE & Bobby Shmurda - STOOPID.mp3 00011371 576.08599854 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Hear You Knocking , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\54. I Hear You Knocking - Dave Edmunds.mp3 00011372 576.08715820 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Noise , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\080. Kenny Chesney - Noise.mp3 00011373 576.09008789 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Greatest Show , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\39. Panic! At the Disco - The Greatest Show.mp3 00011374 576.09149170 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Girl Like You , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\094. Jason Aldean - Girl Like You.mp3 00011375 576.09301758 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Kalopsia , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE - DISCOGRAPHY (1997-13) [CHANNEL NEO]\[2013] ...Like Clockwork\06 - Kalopsia.mp3 00011376 576.09454346 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sixteen , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\088. Thomas Rhett - Sixteen.mp3 00011377 576.09582520 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file 1999 , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\17. Charli XCX & Troye Sivan - 1999.mp3 00011378 576.09716797 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Mama , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\058. 6ix9ine feat. Nicki Minaj & Kanye West - MAMA.mp3 00011379 576.09863281 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Shallow , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\03. Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper - Shallow.mp3 00011380 576.09991455 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file If You Could Read My Mind , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\23. If You Could Read My Mind - Gordon Lightfoot.mp3 00011381 576.10137939 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree (Single Version) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\023. Brenda Lee - Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree.mp3 00011382 576.10247803 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Jingle Bells Rock (Remastered) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\33. Bobby Helms - Jingle Bells Rock.mp3 00011383 576.10357666 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Studio , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\96 - ScHoolboy Q - Oxymoron - Studio.mp3 00011384 576.10485840 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ruin My Life , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\15. Zara Larsson - Ruin My Life.mp3 00011385 576.11730957 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file For the First Time In Forever (Demo) , Path: \\\Qdownload\Disney's Frozen Deluxe Soundtrack (2013) (flac)\Disc 2\01 - Kristen Anderson-Lopez - For the First Time In Forever (Demo).flac 00011386 576.11834717 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Best Shot , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\049. Jimmie Allen - Best Shot.mp3 00011387 576.11944580 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Strip , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\25. Little Mix, Sharaya J - Strip.mp3 00011388 576.12060547 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file BEBE (feat. Anuel Aa) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\86. 6ix9ine - Bebe (ft. Anuel Aa).mp3 00011389 576.12286377 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Eastside , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\018. Benny Blanco & Halsey & Khalid - Eastside.mp3 00011390 576.12451172 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Yes Indeed , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\044. Lil Baby & Drake - Yes Indeed.mp3 00011391 576.12622070 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Space Cadet , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\091. Metro Boomin & Gunna - Space Cadet.mp3 00011392 576.12750244 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file TAlk tO Me , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\075. Tory Lanez & Rich The Kid - TAlk tO Me.mp3 00011393 576.14501953 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Life's Too Short (Outtake) , Path: \\\Qdownload\Disney's Frozen Deluxe Soundtrack (2013) (flac)\Disc 2\07 - Kristen Anderson-Lopez - Life's Too Short (Outtake).flac 00011394 576.14636230 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Empty Space , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\26. James Arthur - Empty Space.mp3 00011395 576.14758301 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Blue Tacoma , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\089. Russell Dickerson - Blue Tacoma.mp3 00011396 576.14910889 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Youngblood , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\012. 5 Seconds Of Summer - Youngblood.mp3 00011397 576.15032959 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Elected , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\57. Elected - Alice Cooper.mp3 00011398 576.15167236 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Advice , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\30. Cadet, Deno Driz - Advice.mp3 00011399 576.15295410 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Intro , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\53. J. Cole - Intro.mp3 00011400 576.15417480 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Last Shot , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\092. Kip Moore - Last Shot.mp3 00011401 576.15618896 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Drip Too Hard , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\008. Lil Baby & Gunna - Drip Too Hard.mp3 00011402 576.16082764 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file 10 Freaky Girls , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\070. Metro Boomin & 21 Savage - 10 Freaky Girls.mp3 00011403 576.16308594 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file This Feeling , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\082. The Chainsmokers & Kelsea Ballerini - This Feeling.mp3 00011404 576.17889404 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Back & Forth , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\14. MK, Jonas Blue & Becky Hill - Back & Forth.mp3 00011405 576.18041992 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file You Say , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\060. Lauren Daigle - You Say.mp3 00011406 576.18334961 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file SICKO MODE , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\001. Travis Scott - SICKO MODE.mp3 00011407 576.18463135 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Leave Me Alone , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\027. Flipp Dinero - Leave Me Alone.mp3 00011408 576.18591309 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file FEFE , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\036. 6IX9INE & Nicki Minaj & Murda Beatz - FEFE.mp3 00011409 576.19067383 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Beachin' , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\91 - Jake Owen - Days Of Gold - Beachin'.mp3 00011410 576.19250488 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Trip , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\016. Ella Mai - Trip.mp3 00011411 576.19372559 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Girls Like You , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\009. Maroon 5 & Cardi B - Girls Like You.mp3 00011412 576.21209717 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rich , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\087. Maren Morris - Rich.mp3 00011413 576.24444580 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Let It Go (Demi Lovato Version) , Path: \\\Qdownload\Disney's Frozen Deluxe Soundtrack (2013) (flac)\Disc 1\10 - Demi Lovato - Let It Go (Demi Lovato Version).flac 00011414 576.24584961 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Wake up in the Sky (You Wont) (Tribute to Gucci Mane & Bruno Mars & Kodak Black) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\015. Gucci Mane - Wake up in the Sky (Bruno Mars & Kodak Black).mp3 00011415 576.25042725 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) UpdateLastModifiedForAutoPlaylist started, idPlaylist = 289 Tracks count = 195 00011416 576.25189209 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB exec SQL: UPDATE Playlists SET LastContentHash = 'KZI5SWJFGIW6329V', LastModified = '2018-12-23 09:36:05' WHERE IDPlaylist = 289 00011417 576.47979736 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB lock took 234 ms : UPDATE Playlists SET LastContentHash = 'KZI5SWJFGIW6329V', LastModified = '2018-12-23 09:36:05' WHERE IDPlaylist = 289 00011418 576.48083496 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) UpdateLastModifiedForAutoPlaylist finished, idPlaylist = 289 Oldhash = RBW3VVPBQSWW198N Newhash = KZI5SWJFGIW6329V 00011419 576.48175049 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Media sync: Going to fill playlist: New Pop 3+ 00011420 576.79766846 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB lock took 313 ms : SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.Year>=20120000 AND Songs.Rating>=46 AND NOT Songs.ID IN (SELECT IDSong FROM GenresSongs WHERE GenresSongs.IDGenre IN ( SELECT Genres.IDGenre FROM Genres WHERE Genres.IDGenre in (43,9))) AND Songs.TrackType in (0) AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) ORDER BY random(*) 00011421 576.80181885 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00011422 576.83020020 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00011423 576.83074951 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 31ms for 430 00011424 576.83544922 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) TDeviceSynchronization.AddSongsToList: Candidtes count = 430 00011425 576.83691406 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file 2 On , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\65 - Tinashe - Aquarius - 2 On.mp3 00011426 576.83917236 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file My House , Path: C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Flo Rida\My House\02 My House.m4a 00011427 576.84045410 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file If Only , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2015 08 Hot 100\HOT 100 Singles\94. Dove Cameron - If Only.mp3 00011428 576.84161377 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file One Dance , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\001. Drake feat. Wizkid & Kyla - One Dance.mp3 00011429 576.84460449 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Freaky Friday (feat. Chris Brown) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\12. Lil Dicky - Freaky Friday (feat. Chris Brown).mp3 00011430 576.84594727 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Cure , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Hot 100 June 17 2017 (Top 60)\51 Lady Gaga - The Cure.mp3 00011431 576.84747314 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Love Yourself , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Justin Bieber - Love Yourself.mp3 00011432 576.84881592 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Close , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Nick Jonas - Close.mp3 00011433 576.85034180 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Silence , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2017 11 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (11.11.2017) [Mga Zone Music]\47. Marshmello - Silence (feat. Khalid).mp3 00011434 576.85144043 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Bad Blood (Feat. Kendrick Lamar) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2015 08 Hot 100\HOT 100 Singles\09. Taylor Swift - Bad Blood (Feat. Kendrick Lamar).mp3 00011435 576.85614014 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Let Her Go (acoustic) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\19 - Passenger - All The Little Lights - Let Her Go.mp3 00011436 576.85766602 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file 22 , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\071 - 22 - Taylor Swift.mp3 00011437 576.85876465 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Black Night , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\62. Black Night - Deep Purple.mp3 00011438 576.85998535 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Love Somebody , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\051 - Love Somebody - Maroon 5.mp3 00011439 576.86120605 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file All About That Bass , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\08 - Meghan Trainor - Title - All About That Bass.mp3 00011440 576.86224365 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Black Sun , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Death Cab For Cutie - Kintsugi (2015)\02 - Black Sun.mp3 00011441 576.86346436 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Cold (feat. Future) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Hot 100 June 17 2017 (Top 60)\48 Maroon 5 - Cold (feat. Future).mp3 00011442 576.86676025 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Baker Street (Edit) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\26. Baker Street (Edit) - Gerry Rafferty.mp3 00011443 576.86822510 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Die a Happy Man , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Thomas Rhett - Die A Happy Man.mp3 00011444 576.87255859 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rockstar (feat. 21 Savage) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\32. Post Malone (feat. 21 Savage) - rockstar.mp3 00011445 576.87396240 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file You Don't Own Me , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\071. Grace feat. G-Eazy - You Don't Own Me.mp3 00011446 576.87500000 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Demons , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\062 - Demons - Imagine Dragons.mp3 00011447 576.87615967 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Something Just Like This , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Hot 100 June 17 2017 (Top 60)\08 Chainsmokers & Coldplay - Something Just Like This.mp3 00011448 576.87731934 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Let Me Go , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2017 11 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (11.11.2017) [Mga Zone Music]\73. Hailee Steinfeld & Alesso - Let Me Go (feat. Florida Georgia Line & watt).mp3 00011449 576.87847900 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Unsteady , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\X Ambassadors - Unsteady.mp3 00011450 576.87957764 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Dangerous Woman , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Ariana Grande - Dangerous Woman.mp3 00011451 576.88287354 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rest of My Life , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2012 Top100\086 - Ludacris ft. Usher & David Guetta - Rest of my Life.mp3 00011452 576.88354492 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rude , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\07 - Magic! - Don't Kill The Magic - Rude.mp3 00011453 576.88421631 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Just What I Needed , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\48. Just What I Needed - The Cars.mp3 00011454 576.88555908 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Hot 100 June 17 2017 (Top 60)\22 Shawn Mendes - There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back.mp3 00011455 576.88677979 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Kiss It Better , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\096. Rihanna - Kiss It Better.mp3 00011456 576.88824463 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hold On, We’re Going Home , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\55 - Drake - Nothing Was The Same - Hold On, We're Going Home.mp3 00011457 576.89086914 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Brave , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\74 - Sara Bareilles - The Blessed Unrest - Brave.mp3 00011458 576.89227295 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file H.O.L.Y. , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\017. Florida Georgia Line - H.O.L.Y..mp3 00011459 576.89373779 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Blow Your Mind (Mwah) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Dua_Lipa_-_Blow_Your_Mind_Mwah.m4a 00011460 576.89489746 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Army Of One , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Coldplay- A Had Full Of Drams (2015)...Freak37\08. Army Of One.mp3 00011461 576.90820313 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Am I Wrong , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\14 - Nico & Vinz - Black Star Elephant - Am I Wrong.mp3 00011462 576.91186523 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Delicate , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\52. Taylor Swift - Delicate.mp3 00011463 576.91351318 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Emperor's New Clothes , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\US Billboard Top 100 Single Charts (14th November 2015)\68. Panic! At The Disco - Emperor's New Clothes.mp3 00011464 576.92285156 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Middle , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\DJ Snake - Middle.mp3 00011465 576.92413330 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Cheap Thrills , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\013. Sia feat. Sean Paul - Cheap Thrills.mp3 00011466 576.92535400 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Took A Pill In Ibiza , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\008. Mike Posner - I Took A Pill In Ibiza.mp3 00011467 576.92651367 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Diamonds , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\027 - Diamonds - Rihanna.mp3 00011468 576.92932129 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Shower , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\69 - Becky G - Shower - Shower.mp3 00011469 576.93127441 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file No , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Meghan Trainor - No.mp3 00011470 576.93225098 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Don't You Worry Child (Radio edit) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2012 Top100\014 - Swedish House Mafia ft. John Martin - Don't You Worry Child (Radio Edit).mp3 00011471 576.93353271 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Wild Thoughts , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2017 11 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (11.11.2017) [Mga Zone Music]\35. DJ Khaled - Wild Thoughts (feat. Rihanna & Br.mp3 00011472 576.93542480 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Work from Home (feat. Ty Dolla $ign) , Path: C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Fifth Harmony\7_27 (Deluxe)\02 Work from Home (feat. Ty Dolla $i.m4a 00011473 576.93695068 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rather Be , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\41 - Clean Bandit - New Eyes - Rather Be.mp3 00011474 576.93951416 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Cat's In The Cradle , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\15. Cat's In The Cradle - Harry Chapin.mp3 00011475 576.94122314 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Scared to Be Lonely , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Martin_Garrix_Dua_Lipa_-_Scared_To_Be_Lonely.m4a 00011476 576.94256592 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file It's Time , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\047 - It's Time - Imagine Dragons.mp3 00011477 576.94348145 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Wildest Dreams , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Taylor Swift - Wildest Dreams.mp3 00011478 576.94476318 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Meant to Be , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\04. Bebe Rexha - Meant to Be (with Florida Georgia Line).mp3 00011479 576.94580078 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Burning House , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2015 08 Hot 100\HOT 100 Singles\65. Cam - Burning House.mp3 00011480 576.94696045 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Lost Boy , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Ruth B - Lost Boy.mp3 00011481 576.94805908 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Off to the Races , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Lana Del Rey - Discography - 2008-2014\?lbums\2012 - Born to Die (iTunes Special Version)\02 Off to the Races.m4a 00011482 576.94934082 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sweater Weather , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\75 - The Neighbourhood - I Love You. - Sweater Weather.mp3 00011483 576.95050049 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file El Perdon , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2015 08 Hot 100\HOT 100 Singles\73. Nicky Jam & Enrique Iglesias - El Perdon.mp3 00011484 576.95159912 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sorry , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\US Billboard Top 100 Single Charts (14th November 2015)\02. Justin Bieber - Sorry.mp3 00011485 576.95275879 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Woman, Amen , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\88. Dierks Bentley - Woman, Amen.mp3 00011486 576.95373535 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file 7 Years , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Lukas Graham - 7 Years.mp3 00011487 576.95581055 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file New Americana , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\US Billboard Top 100 Single Charts (14th November 2015)\87. Halsey - New Americana.mp3 00011488 576.95697021 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file One Call Away (remix) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Charlie Puth - One Call Away.mp3 00011489 576.95837402 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Friends , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\24. Marshmello & Anne-Marie - FRIENDS.mp3 00011490 576.95941162 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Stand by You , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Rachel Platten - Stand By You.mp3 00011491 576.96057129 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file I'm the One (feat. Justin Bieber, Quavo, Chance the Rapper & Lil Wayne) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Hot 100 June 17 2017 (Top 60)\03 DJ Kaled - I'm the One (feat. Justin Bieber, Quavo, Chance the Rapper & Lil Wayne).mp3 00011492 576.96154785 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Closer (feat. Halsey) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Hot 100 June 17 2017 (Top 60)\32 Chainsmokers - Closer (feat. Halsey).mp3 00011493 576.96270752 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Maps , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\29 - Maroon 5 - V - Maps.mp3 00011494 576.96368408 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file This Is Me , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\91. Keala Settle & The Greatest - This Is Me.mp3 00011495 576.96478271 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Get Lucky , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\014 - Get Lucky - Daft Punk ft. Pharell Williams.mp3 00011496 576.96594238 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Look What You Made Me Do , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2017 11 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (11.11.2017) [Mga Zone Music]\25. Taylor Swift - Look What You Made Me Do.mp3 00011497 576.96704102 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Starving , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Hailee Steinfeld & Grey - Starving.mp3 00011498 576.96826172 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ready or Not , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2012 Top100\097 - Bridgit Mendler - Ready Or Not.mp3 00011499 576.96942139 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file God's Plan , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\02. Drake - God's Plan.mp3 00011500 576.97076416 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file She's Kinda Hot , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2015 08 Hot 100\HOT 100 Singles\41. 5 Seconds of Summer - She's Kinda Hot.mp3 00011501 576.97186279 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Shape of You , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Hot 100 June 17 2017 (Top 60)\05 Ed Sheeran - Shape of You.mp3 00011502 576.97369385 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Human Heat , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Sam_Roberts_Band-Lo_Fantasy-(Deluxe_Edition)-2CD-2014-C4\103-sam_roberts_band-human_heat.mp3 00011503 576.97485352 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Best Day of My Life , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\American Authors - Oh, What a Life\03 Best Day of My Life.mp3 00011504 576.97613525 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Scream & Shout , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\023 - Scream & Shout - Will.i.am & Brintney Spears.mp3 00011505 576.97735596 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Downtown , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\093 - Downtown - lady Antebellum.mp3 00011506 576.97845459 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Love Lies , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\59. Khalid & Normani - Love Lies.mp3 00011507 576.97973633 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Company , Path: C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Justin Bieber\Purpose (Deluxe)\06 Company.m4a 00011508 576.98083496 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Perfect Duet (with Beyoncé) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\11. Ed Sheeran - Perfect Duet (with Beyoncé).mp3 00011509 576.98187256 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Can't Stop The Feeling! , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Justin Timberlake - Can't Stop The Feeling!.mp3 00011510 576.98291016 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Kinda Complicated , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Scott Helman - Kinda Complicated.m4a 00011511 576.98406982 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Still Into You , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\100 - Still Into You - Paramore.mp3 00011512 576.98522949 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file She Looks So Perfect , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\93 - 5 Seconds Of Summer - 5 Seconds Of Summer - She Looks So Perfect.mp3 00011513 576.98657227 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Locked Away (Feat.Adam Levine) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2015 08 Hot 100\HOT 100 Singles\25. R.City - Locked Away (Feat.Adam Levine).mp3 00011514 576.98767090 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Come With Me Now , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\88 - Kongos - Lunatic - Come With Me Now.mp3 00011515 576.98895264 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Nothin' Like You , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2015 08 Hot 100\HOT 100 Singles\97. Dan + Shay - Nothin' Like You.mp3 00011516 576.99121094 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Cry , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2012 Top100\006 - Flo Rida - I Cry.mp3 00011517 576.99261475 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Let You Down , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\49. NF - Let You Down.mp3 00011518 576.99371338 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Questions , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2017 11 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (11.11.2017) [Mga Zone Music]\93. Chris Brown - Questions.mp3 00011519 576.99481201 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Stay , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\013 - Stay - Rihanna ft. Mikky Ekko.mp3 00011520 576.99615479 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Drag Me Down , Path: C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\One Direction\Drag Me Down - Single\01 Drag Me Down.m4a 00011521 576.99737549 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Let Me Love You , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\DJ Snake - Let Me Love You.mp3 00011522 576.99877930 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Evil Has Landed , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Queens of the Stone Age - Villains (2017) [CD FLAC]\08. The Evil Has Landed.flac 00011523 576.99981689 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Treat You Better , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Shawn Mendes - Treat You Better.mp3 00011524 577.00079346 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Other Side , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\066 - The Other Side - Jason Derulo.mp3 00011525 577.00177002 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Perfect , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2017 11 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (11.11.2017) [Mga Zone Music]\10. Ed Sheeran - Perfect.mp3 00011526 577.00292969 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Levels , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\US Billboard Top 100 Single Charts (14th November 2015)\60. Nick Jonas - Levels.mp3 00011527 577.00402832 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hands To Myself , Path: C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Selena Gomez\Revival (Deluxe)\03 Hands To Myself.m4a 00011528 577.00573730 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sweet Arms Of A Tune , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Missy Higgins\The Ol' Razzle Dazzle\12 Sweet Arms Of A Tune.mp3 00011529 577.00695801 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Gone, Gone, Gone , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\061 - Gone, Gone, Gone - Phillip Phillips.mp3 00011530 577.00799561 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file On My Mind , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Ellie Goulding - On My Mind.mp3 00011531 577.00897217 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Piece By Piece , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\095. Kelly Clarkson - Piece By Piece.mp3 00011532 577.01013184 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Beautiful Now (Feat.Jon Bellion) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2015 08 Hot 100\HOT 100 Singles\70. Zedd - Beautiful Now (Feat.Jon Bellion).mp3 00011533 577.01116943 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file No Room In Frame , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Death Cab For Cutie - Kintsugi (2015)\01 - No Room In Frame.mp3 00011534 577.01245117 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Love It , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\028 - I Love It - Icona Pop ft. Charli XCX.mp3 00011535 577.01342773 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hey Willy , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Hollies-1993 - The Very Best Of The Hollies\23 - Hey Willy.mp3 00011536 577.01464844 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Attention , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2017 11 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (11.11.2017) [Mga Zone Music]\16. Charlie Puth - Attention.mp3 00011537 577.01580811 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Wherever I Go , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\074. Onerepublic - Wherever I Go.mp3 00011538 577.01660156 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Va Va Voom , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2012 Top100\026 - Nicki Minaj - Va Va Voom.mp3 00011539 577.01776123 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Blue Jeans (Remastered) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Lana Del Rey - Discography - 2008-2014\EPs\2012 - Blue Jeans (Remixes) - EP\01 Blue Jeans (Remastered).m4a 00011540 577.01861572 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Metal Skin , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Sam_Roberts_Band-Lo_Fantasy-(Deluxe_Edition)-2CD-2014-C4\104-sam_roberts_band-metal_skin.mp3 00011541 577.01959229 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Cups (Pitch Perfects When I'm Gone) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\021 - Cups (Pitch Perfects When I'm Gone) - Anna Kendrick.mp3 00011542 577.02075195 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Girl on Fire (Inferno version) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2012 Top100\012 - Alicia Keys ft. Nicki Minaj - Girl On Fire.mp3 00011543 577.02203369 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Despacito (feat. Justin Bieber) [Remix] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Hot 100 June 17 2017 (Top 60)\01 Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee- Despacito (Remix) (feat. Justin Bieber).mp3 00011544 577.02374268 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Shake It Off , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\13 - Taylor Swift - 1989 - Shake It Off.mp3 00011545 577.02502441 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Tornado , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2012 Top100\076 - Little Big Town - Tornado.mp3 00011546 577.02612305 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file December , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\73 Collective Soul - December.mp3 00011547 577.02709961 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Don’t Wake Me Up , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2012 Top100\028 - Chris Brown - Don't Wake Me Up.mp3 00011548 577.02838135 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Take a Walk , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2012 Top100\091 - Passion Pit - Take a Walk.mp3 00011549 577.02972412 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Wagon Wheel , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\054 - Wagon Wheel - Darius Rucker.mp3 00011550 577.03094482 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Into You , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Ariana Grande - Into You.mp3 00011551 577.03216553 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Black Magic , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2015 08 Hot 100\HOT 100 Singles\99. Little Mix - Black Magic.mp3 00011552 577.03326416 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Wasted Time , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\062. Keith Urban - Wasted Time.mp3 00011553 577.03442383 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Be the One , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Dua_Lipa_-_Be_The_One.m4a 00011554 577.03552246 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Say You Won't Let Go , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Hot 100 June 17 2017 (Top 60)\12 James Arthur - Say You Won't Let Go.mp3 00011555 577.03668213 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Whatever It Takes , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\26. Imagine Dragons - Whatever It Takes.mp3 00011556 577.03753662 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Cake By The Ocean [explicit] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\US Billboard Top 100 Single Charts (14th November 2015)\83. Dnce - Cake By The Ocean.mp3 00011557 577.03924561 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file iSpy (feat. Lil Yachty) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Hot 100 June 17 2017 (Top 60)\16 KYLE - iSpy (feat. Lil Yachty).mp3 00011558 577.04040527 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Wake Me Up , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\019 - Wake Me Up - Avicii.mp3 00011559 577.04339600 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Everything's A Ceiling , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Death Cab For Cutie - Kintsugi (2015)\07 - Everything's A Ceiling.mp3 00011560 577.04461670 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file That's The Way (I Like It) [Edit] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\31. That's The Way (I Like It) [Edit] - KC And The Sunshine Band.mp3 00011561 577.04577637 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sad! , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\31. XXXTENTACION - Sad!.mp3 00011562 577.04675293 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Never Enough , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Sam_Roberts_Band-Lo_Fantasy-(Deluxe_Edition)-2CD-2014-C4\109-sam_roberts_band-never_enough.mp3 00011563 577.04797363 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Team , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\18 - Lorde - Pure Heroine - Team.mp3 00011564 577.04907227 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Ghosts Of Beverly Drive , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Death Cab For Cutie - Kintsugi (2015)\03 - The Ghosts Of Beverly Drive.mp3 00011565 577.05010986 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file You've Haunted Me All Your Life , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Death Cab For Cutie - Kintsugi (2015)\05 - You've Haunted Me All Your Life.mp3 00011566 577.05145264 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Pray For Me , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\27. The Weeknd & Kendrick Lamar - Pray For Me.mp3 00011567 577.05761719 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Amnesia , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\86 - 5 Seconds Of Summer - 5 Seconds Of Summer - Amnesia.mp3 00011568 577.05908203 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Unforgettable , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2017 11 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (11.11.2017) [Mga Zone Music]\49. Thomas Rhett - Unforgettable.mp3 00011569 577.06054688 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Not A Bad Thing , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\45 - Justin Timberlake - The 20_20 Experience 2 Of 2 - Not A Bad Thing.mp3 00011570 577.06243896 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Close (feat. Tove Lo) , Path: C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Nick Jonas\Last Year Was Complicated\03 Close (feat. Tove Lo).m4a 00011571 577.06445313 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Lay It All On Me , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\US Billboard Top 100 Single Charts (14th November 2015)\62. Rudimental feat. Ed Sheeran - Lay It All On Me.mp3 00011572 577.06555176 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Final Confluence , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Journey Collectors Edition\BCUS98377-[Journey]\PS3_GAME\USRDIR\Export\Music\Journey\13_Final_Confluence.mp3 00011573 577.07012939 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Furthest Thing , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Drake - Hotline Bling.mp3 00011574 577.07348633 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Here , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2015 08 Hot 100\HOT 100 Singles\85. Alessia Cara - Here.mp3 00011575 577.07476807 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file American Country Love Song , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\083. Jake Owen - American Country Love Song.mp3 00011576 577.07586670 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Adam Sandler Chanukah Song 2012 , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Adam Sandler Chanukah Song_2012.m4a 00011577 577.07867432 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Troublemaker , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\082 - Trouble Maker - Olly Murs ft. Flo Rider.mp3 00011578 577.07965088 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Live While We're Young (Dave Audé remix) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2012 Top100\074 - One Direction - Live While We're Young.mp3 00011579 577.08081055 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Passionfruit , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Hot 100 June 17 2017 (Top 60)\27 Drake - Passionfruit.mp3 00011580 577.08203125 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hype , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\069. Drake - Hype.mp3 00011581 577.08331299 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Havana , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2017 11 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (11.11.2017) [Mga Zone Music]\07. Camila Cabello - Havana (feat. Young Thug).mp3 00011582 577.08441162 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file One Dance , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Drake - One Dance.mp3 00011583 577.08557129 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Fortress , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Queens of the Stone Age - Villains (2017) [CD FLAC]\04. Fortress.flac 00011584 577.08660889 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file This Is What You Came For , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Calvin Harris - This Is What You Came For.mp3 00011585 577.08770752 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Te Boté (feat. Darell, Ozuna & Nicky Jam) [Remix] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\74 - Casper Magico - Boté (feat. Darell, Ozuna & Nicky Jam) [Remix].mp3 00011586 577.09014893 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Best Day of My Life (Acoustic) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\American Authors - Oh, What a Life\12 Best Day of My Life (Acoustic).mp3 00011587 577.09161377 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Young and Beautiful (Cedric Gervais Remix Radio Edit) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Lana Del Rey - Discography - 2008-2014\Singles\2013 - Young and Beautiful [Lana Del Rey vs. Cedric Gervais] - Single\01 Young and Beautiful (Cedric Gervais Remix Radio Edit).m4a 00011588 577.09283447 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Stay With Me , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\10 - Sam Smith - In The Lonely Hour - Stay With Me.mp3 00011589 577.09411621 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Tricks , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Missy Higgins\The Ol' Razzle Dazzle\08 Tricks.mp3 00011590 577.09545898 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Life's Been Good , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\50. Life's Been Good - Joe Walsh.mp3 00011591 577.09680176 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file West Coast (Radio Mix) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Lana Del Rey - Discography - 2008-2014\Singles\2014 - West Coast (Radio Mix) - Single\01 West Coast (Radio Mix).m4a 00011592 577.09808350 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Renegades , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\US Billboard Top 100 Single Charts (14th November 2015)\20. X Ambassadors - Renegades.mp3 00011593 577.09942627 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Don't Like It, I Love It (Feat.Robin Thicke & Verdine White) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2015 08 Hot 100\HOT 100 Singles\50. Flo Rida - I Don't Like It, I Love It (Feat.Robin Thicke & Verdine White).mp3 00011594 577.10070801 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Work From Home , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Fifth Harmony - Work From Home.mp3 00011595 577.10192871 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Controlla , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Drake - Controlla.mp3 00011596 577.10302734 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Adventure Of A Lifetime , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Coldplay- A Had Full Of Drams (2015)...Freak37\05. Adventure Of A Lifetime.mp3 00011597 577.10424805 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file We Are Family , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\05. We Are Family - Sister Sledge.mp3 00011598 577.10620117 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Monster , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\16 - Eminem - The Marshall Mathers LP 2 - The Monster.mp3 00011599 577.10754395 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Wishing Well , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\53. Wishing Well - Blackfoot.mp3 00011600 577.10858154 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Get Along , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\82. Kenny Chesney - Get Along.mp3 00011601 577.10961914 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Marvin Gaye (feat. Meghan Trainor) , Path: C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Charlie Puth\Nine Track Mind\03 Marvin Gaye (feat. Meghan Trainor.m4a 00011602 577.11114502 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Animals , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\62 - Maroon 5 - V - Animals.mp3 00011603 577.11267090 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Confident , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Demi Lovato - Confident.mp3 00011604 577.11456299 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Humble and Kind , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Tim McGraw - Humble And Kind.mp3 00011605 577.11602783 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Cold Water , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Major Lazer - Cold Water.mp3 00011606 577.11730957 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Just Give Me A Reason , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\007 - Just Give Me A Reason - P!nk ft Nate Ruess.mp3 00011607 577.11859131 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Werewolves Of London , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\65. Werewolves Of London - Warren Zevon.mp3 00011608 577.11987305 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Guitar Man , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\10. Guitar Man - Bread.mp3 00011609 577.12255859 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Shut Up And Dance , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2015 08 Hot 100\HOT 100 Singles\14. WALK THE MOON - Shut Up And Dance.mp3 00011610 577.12408447 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Fix , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\093. Chris Lane - Fix.mp3 00011611 577.12536621 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Crazy Love , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\09. Crazy Love - Van Morrison.mp3 00011612 577.12652588 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Castle on the Hill , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Hot 100 June 17 2017 (Top 60)\28 Ed Sheeran - Castle on the Hill.mp3 00011613 577.12750244 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Moves Like Jagger , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2011 Year end Top Hot 100 Songs Charts (Best Singles)\009 Moves Like Jagger.mp3 00011614 577.12847900 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Used To Love You , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\US Billboard Top 100 Single Charts (14th November 2015)\84. Gwen Stefani - Used To Love You.mp3 00011615 577.12969971 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file X , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\56. Nicky Jam & J Balvin - X.mp3 00011616 577.13079834 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Lean On , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Major Lazer - Lean On.mp3 00011617 577.13195801 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file What About Us , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2017 11 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (11.11.2017) [Mga Zone Music]\22. P!nk - What About Us.mp3 00011618 577.13311768 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sit Still, Look Pretty , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Daya - Sit Still, Look Pretty.mp3 00011619 577.13452148 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file No Tears Left to Cry , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\03. Ariana Grande - No Tears Left to Cry.mp3 00011620 577.13568115 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Finally Found You , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2012 Top100\092 - Enrique Iglesias ft. Sammy Adams - Finally Found You.mp3 00011621 577.13684082 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Glorious , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2017 11 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (11.11.2017) [Mga Zone Music]\71. Macklemore - Glorious (feat. Skylar Grey).mp3 00011622 577.13800049 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Like Me Better , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\77. Lauv - I Like Me Better.mp3 00011623 577.13958740 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Finesse (Remix) [feat. Cardi B] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\25. Bruno Mars - Finesse (Remix) feat. Cardi B.mp3 00011624 577.14086914 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hello , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\US Billboard Top 100 Single Charts (14th November 2015)\01. Adele - Hello.mp3 00011625 577.14215088 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Photograph , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2015 08 Hot 100\HOT 100 Singles\15. Ed Sheeran - Photograph.mp3 00011626 577.14331055 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file La La La , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\82 - Naughty Boy - Hotel Cabana - La La La.mp3 00011627 577.14447021 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Bad Liar , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Hot 100 June 17 2017 (Top 60)\45 Selena Gomez - Bad Liar.mp3 00011628 577.14544678 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Cheerleader , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\US Billboard Top 100 Single Charts (14th November 2015)\25. Omi - Cheerleader.mp3 00011629 577.14654541 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Setting the World on Fire , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2016 Hot 100\Kenny Chesney - Setting The World On Fire.mp3 00011630 577.14868164 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Cheerleader (Felix Jaehn remix) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2015 08 Hot 100\HOT 100 Singles\01. OMI - Cheerleader (Felix Jaehn Remix).mp3 00011631 577.14965820 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Catch My Breath , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\068 - Catch My Breath - Kelly Clarkson.mp3 00011632 577.15100098 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ex's & Oh's , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2015 08 Hot 100\HOT 100 Singles\71. Elle King - Ex's & Oh's.mp3 00011633 577.15576172 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file When I Was Your Man , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2012 Top100\069 - Bruno Mars - When I Was Your Man.mp3 00011634 577.15722656 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Cake By The Ocean , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\DNCE_cake_by_the_ocean_clean.mp3 00011635 577.15850830 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Goodbye in Her Eyes , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2012 Top100\048 - Zac Brown Band - Goodbye in her Eyes.mp3 00011636 577.15972900 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Beauty And A Beat , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\USA Billboard Hot 100 Year End 2013\1 - The Music\042 - Beauty And A Beat - Justin Bieber ft. Nicki Minaj.mp3 00011637 577.16082764 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Timber , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\11 - Pitbull - Global Warming Meltdown - Timber.mp3 00011638 577.16467285 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hasta El Amanecer , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\089. Nicky Jam - Hasta El Amanecer.mp3 00011639 577.16589355 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Babe (feat. Taylor Swift) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\72. Sugarland - Babe (feat. Taylor Swift).mp3 00011640 577.16790771 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file No Lie , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Sean_Paul_-_No_Lie_ft._Dua_Lipa.m4a 00011641 577.16943359 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Too Much to Ask , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2017 11 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (11.11.2017) [Mga Zone Music]\96. Niall Horan - Too Much To Ask.mp3 00011642 577.17138672 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Fun (Feat.Chris Brown) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2015 08 Hot 100\HOT 100 Singles\74. Pitbull - Fun (Feat.Chris Brown).mp3 00011643 577.18572998 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Cool For The Summer , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\US Billboard Top 100 Single Charts (14th November 2015)\57. Demi Lovato - Cool For The Summer.mp3 00011644 577.18627930 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file We Found Love , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2011 Year end Top Hot 100 Songs Charts (Best Singles)\069 We Found Love.mp3 00011645 577.20867920 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) UpdateLastModifiedForAutoPlaylist started, idPlaylist = 308 Tracks count = 430 00011646 577.20947266 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB lock took 16 ms : SELECT LastContentHash, LastModified FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist = 308 00011647 577.26818848 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB lock took 46 ms : UPDATE Playlists SET LastContentHash = '6R2XHVSS4SHEPX2W', LastModified = '2018-12-23 09:36:06' WHERE IDPlaylist = 308 00011648 577.26898193 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) COM - calling event TSDBApplication.DoPlaylistChanged 00011649 577.27172852 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Media sync: Going to fill playlist: Good stuff 3.5+ 00011650 577.28735352 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.Rating>=66 AND NOT Songs.ID IN (SELECT IDSong FROM GenresSongs WHERE GenresSongs.IDGenre IN ( SELECT Genres.IDGenre FROM Genres WHERE Genres.IDGenre in (12,61,13,20,27,43,98,64,9,120,90,84,82))) AND Songs.LastTimePlayed<43427.2083333333 AND Songs.TrackType in (0) AND Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) ORDER BY random(*) 00011651 577.72570801 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Roxanne , Path: \\\puzzle\Music\The Police\Message In A Box (Disc 1)\6 - The Police - Roxanne.mp3 00011652 577.72680664 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Don't Want To Know , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Fleetwood Mac\Rumours (Expanded & Remastered) - Disc 1 of 2\110 - Fleetwood Mac - I Don't Want To Know.mp3 00011653 577.72778320 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file MI-2 , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Hans Zimmer\MI2\00 - Hans Zimmer - MI-2.mp3 00011654 577.72894287 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Peace Of Mind , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Boston\Boston\2 - Boston - Peace Of Mind.mp3 00011655 577.74279785 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sweet Rose , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Matt Costa Discography\Songs We Sing\06 Sweet Rose.mp3 00011656 577.74389648 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Over Rising , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Charlatans\Melting Pot\4 - The Charlatans - Over Rising.mp3 00011657 577.78363037 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Say Hey (I Love You) , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Michael Franti & Spearhead - All Rebel Rockers (2008)\06 Say Hey (I Love You).mp3 00011658 577.78509521 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Flashback (Live) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Ventures\Surfing\26 - The Ventures - Flashback (Live).mp3 00011659 577.78613281 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Wanna Be Adored , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Stone Roses\The Very Best of the Stone Roses\1 - The Stone Roses - I Wanna Be Adored.MP3 00011660 577.81634521 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file I'm A Rover , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Great Big Sea\Road Rage\13 - Great Big Sea - I'm A Rover.mp3 00011661 577.81781006 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Thank You , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin Box Set (CD1)\6 - Led Zeppelin - Thank You.mp3 00011662 577.88653564 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Sound Of Sunshine Going Down , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Michael Franti and Spearhead - The Sound Of Sunshine (2010)\11 - The Sound Of Sunshine Going Down.mp3 00011663 577.90216064 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hazy Shade of Winter , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Stevie stuff\The Bangles - 08 - The Bangles - Hazy Shade of Winter.mp3 00011664 577.91589355 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file All That We See , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\[2009] Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride\08 all that we see.mp3 00011665 577.91687012 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file (Wish I Could Fly Like) Superman , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Kinks\The Ultimate Collection\18 - The Kinks - (Wish I Could Fly Like) Superman.mp3 00011666 577.91778564 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file All Because Of You , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\U2\How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb\6 - U2 - All Because Of You.mp3 00011667 577.91864014 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file How You Remind Me-Nickelback , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Stevie's stuff\Nickleback - 01 - Nickleback - How You Remind Me-Nickelback .mp3 00011668 577.91943359 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Golden Brown , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Stranglers\Peaches- Very Best of\2 - Stranglers - Golden Brown.mp3 00011669 577.92047119 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Dear Prudence , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\The Beatles (1968) - With Album 1 - 02 - Dear Prudence.mp3 00011670 577.92852783 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Lazy Days , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Enya\A Day Without Rain\11 - Enya - Lazy Days.mp3 00011671 577.92950439 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rock And Roll Records , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\J.J. Cale - The Very Best Of\08 J.J. Cale - Rock And Roll Records.mp3 00011672 577.93048096 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Walk, Don't Run , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Ventures\Walk Don't Run & Walk Don't Run Vol. 2\6 - The Ventures - Walk, Don't Run.mp3 00011673 577.93139648 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hey Soul Sister , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA-Billboard-Top-100-Of-2010\003 - Train - Hey Soul Sister.mp3 00011674 577.93322754 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file All The Things I Wasn't , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Grapes of Wrath\Seems Like Fate- 1984-1992\12 - The Grapes of Wrath - All The Things I Wasn't.mp3 00011675 577.93438721 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Revolution 1 , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\The Beatles (1968) - With Album 2 - 07 - Revolution 1.mp3 00011676 577.93585205 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file I want you , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\The Beatles (1969) - Abbey Road - 006 - I want you.mp3 00011677 577.94720459 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Searchin' , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Hollies-1993 - The Very Best Of The Hollies\09 - Searchin'.mp3 00011678 577.94818115 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Consider Me Gone , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Sting\The Dream of the Blue Turtles\7 - Sting - Consider Me Gone.mp3 00011679 577.94927979 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Fall On Me , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\R.E.M\Eponymous\9 - R.E.M. - Fall On Me.ogg 00011680 577.95019531 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Ballad Of John And Yoko , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\The Beatles (1973) - 1967 1970 Blue Album CD2 - 06 - The Ballad Of John And Yoko.mp3 00011681 577.95104980 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file You Oughta Know , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\68 Alanis Morissette - You Oughta Know.mp3 00011682 577.95648193 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Can't Get There From Here , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\R.E.M\Eponymous\6 - R.E.M. - Can't Get There From Here.ogg 00011683 577.95751953 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Cold Cold Heart , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Norah Jones\Come Away With Me\3 - Norah Jones - Cold Cold Heart.mp3 00011684 577.96234131 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sundown , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Gordon Lightfoot\Unknown\11 - Gordon Lightfoot - Sundown.mp3 00011685 577.96411133 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file (You're A) Strange Animal , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Lawrence Gowan\Strange Animal\8 - Lawrence Gowan - (You're A) Strange Animal.mp3 00011686 577.97735596 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Blue Monday '88 , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\[2005] Singles - New Order 315mb @ 320kbs [only1joe]\Blue Monday '88.mp3 00011687 577.97863770 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Just Another Guy , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Northern Pikes FLAC Pack (6 Albums) [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\Big Blue Sky 1987\04. The Northern Pikes - Just Another Guy.flac 00011688 577.97979736 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ride Across The River , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Dire Straits\Brothers In Arms\6 - Dire Straits - Ride Across The River.ape 00011689 577.98089600 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file I've Just Seen A Face , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\The Beatles (1965) - Help - 12 - I've Just Seen A Face.mp3 00011690 577.99902344 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file ... A Little Piano , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Oldskool House n Dance Ultimate Collection VOL 2\Soft House Company - ... A Little Piano.mp3 00011691 578.00012207 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Holiday , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Scorpions\The Ballads\00 - Scorpions - Holiday.mp3 00011692 578.00128174 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Shout [August 1985] , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Stevie stuff\Tears For Fears - 00 - Tears For Fears - Shout [August 1985].mp3 00011693 578.00213623 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Long, Long, Long , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\The Beatles (1968) - With Album 2 - 06 - Long, Long, Long.mp3 00011694 578.00317383 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Back In The U.S.S.R , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\The Beatles (1968) - With Album 1 - 01 - Back In The U.S.S.R.mp3 00011695 578.00952148 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Dosed , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Red Hot Chili Peppers\By the way\4 - Red Hot Chili Peppers - Dosed.mp3 00011696 578.01019287 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hello Goodbye , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\The Beatles (1967) - Magical Mystery Tour - 07 - Hello Goodbye.mp3 00011697 578.01300049 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Woman King , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Iron & Wine\Woman King\1 - Iron & Wine - Woman King.mp3 00011698 578.01501465 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file This Boy , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Franz Ferdinand\You Could Have It So Much Better\3 - Franz Ferdinand - This Boy.mp3 00011699 578.01605225 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Relax , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Frankie Goes to Hollywood\BANG!... The Greatest Hits\1 - Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Relax.mp3 00011700 578.01690674 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file You Can't Always Get What you Want , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Rolling Stones\Forty Licks\6 - The Rolling Stones - You Can't Always Get What you Want.mp3 00011701 578.01776123 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Surrender , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\U2\War\9 - U2 - Surrender.mp3 00011702 578.01855469 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Till the End of the Day , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Kinks\The Ultimate Collection\7 - The Kinks - Till the End of the Day.mp3 00011703 578.01940918 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Take Me Home , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Phil Collins\Platinum Collection\22 - Phil Collins - Take Me Home.mp3 00011704 578.02020264 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Meu Destino (My Destiny) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Thievery Corporation\The Richest Man in Babylon\8 - Thievery Corporation - Meu Destino (My Destiny).mp3 00011705 578.02148438 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file A Teenager In Love , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Dion and the Belmonts\Single\00 - Dion and the Belmonts - A Teenager In Love.mp3 00011706 578.02380371 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Say Hello , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\April Wine\Harder...Faster\2 - April Wine - Say Hello.mp3 00011707 578.02508545 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file What Difference Does It Make , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Smiths\Best ... I\03 The Smiths - What Difference Does It Make.flac 00011708 578.02606201 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Everyday Is A Winding Road , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Sheryl Crow\Very Best of Sheryl Crow\5 - Sheryl Crow - Everyday Is A Winding Road.mp3 00011709 578.02703857 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file A Day Without Me , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\U2\Boy\8 - U2 - A Day Without Me.mp3 00011710 578.02844238 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Outdoor Type , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Lemonheads\The Best Of The Lemonheads\11 - Lemonheads - The Outdoor Type.mp3 00011711 578.02935791 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Carbon , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Tori Amos\Scarlet's Walk\5 - Tori Amos - Carbon.mp3 00011712 578.03039551 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Why Worry1 , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Dire Straits\Brothers In Arms\5 - Dire Straits - Why Worry.ape 00011713 578.03125000 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ain't Gonna Cry , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Bryan Adams\Reckless\10 - Bryan Adams - Ain't Gonna Cry.mp3 00011714 578.03253174 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file La Valse Des Vieux Os , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Amelie\12 - La Valse Des Vieux Os.mp3 00011715 578.03369141 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Wondering Aloud , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Jethro Tull\Unknown\00 - Jethro Tull - Wondering Aloud.mp3 00011716 578.03460693 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Roll Over Beethoven , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\The Beatles (1963) - With The Beatles - 08 - Roll Over Beethoven.mp3 00011717 578.03588867 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Momentum , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Aimee Mann\Magnolia- Music from the Motion Picture\2 - Aimee Mann - Momentum.mp3 00011718 578.03717041 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Girl , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\The Beatles (1965) - Rubber Soul - 09 - Girl.mp3 00011719 578.04797363 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Upside Down , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Billboards Top Hits (1980 - 1989)\Billboard Top Hits 1980\02 - Diana Ross - Upside Down.mp3 00011720 578.04895020 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Go Your Own Way (Previously Unissued Outtake) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Fleetwood Mac\Rumours\205 - Fleetwood Mac - Go Your Own Way (Previously Unissued Outtake).mp3 00011721 578.05200195 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file La Valse D'Amelie (Piano Version) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Amelie\19 - La Valse D'Amelie (Piano Version).mp3 00011722 578.05303955 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Runnin' Down A Dream , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers\Anthology - Through The Years\28 - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - Runnin' Down A Dream.mp3 00011723 578.05401611 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Suite: Judy Blue Eyes , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Crosby Stills and Nash\Crosby, Stills and Nash\1 - Crosby Stills and Nash - Suite- Judy Blue Eyes.mp3 00011724 578.05529785 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Living Daylights , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\A-ha\Stay on These Roads\6 - a-Ha - The Living Daylights.mp3 00011725 578.05804443 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file An Angry Blade , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Iron & Wine\The Creek Drank The Cradle\8 - Iron & Wine - An Angry Blade.mp3 00011726 578.05938721 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hello, I Love You , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The doors\The Best Of The Doors CD2\1 - The doors - Hello, I Love You.mp3 00011727 578.06030273 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file 06_Smalltown Boy , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Bronski Beat - The Age Of Consent\Bronski Beat - 06_Smalltown Boy-[GON].mp3 00011728 578.06109619 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Walk Don´t Run , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Ventures\Collection by Jimmy (@192)\1 - The Ventures - Walk Don´t Run.mp3 00011729 578.06237793 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Heaven's Gonna Burn Your Eyes , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Thievery Corporation\The Richest Man in Babylon\1 - Thievery Corporation - Heaven's Gonna Burn Your Eyes.mp3 00011730 578.07812500 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file New Orleans Is Sinking1 , Path: \\\puzzle\Music\The Tragically Hoop\Up To Here1\30 - The Tragically Hip1 - New Orleans Is Sinking1.m4a 00011731 578.07940674 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Bring On The Night , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Police\Message In A Box (Disc 1)\20 The Police - Bring On The Night.flac 00011732 578.08038330 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Mandela Day , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Simple Minds\Unknown\00 - Simple Minds - Mandela Day.mp3 00011733 578.08135986 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Big Log (full version) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Robert Plant\Unknown\7 - Robert Plant - Big Log (full version).mp3 00011734 578.08239746 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Wild Flower , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Cult\Pure Cult- The Singles 1984-1995\13 - The Cult - Wild Flower.mp3 00011735 578.08331299 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file You Can't Hurry Love , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Phil Collins\Unknown\00 - Phil Collins - You Can't Hurry Love.mp3 00011736 578.08416748 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Lyin' Eyes , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Eagles\Their Greatest Hits (1971-1975)\3 - The Eagles - Lyin' Eyes.ogg 00011737 578.08514404 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ramble On , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin Box Set (CD1)\10 - Led Zeppelin - Ramble On.mp3 00011738 578.09039307 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Cherry Bomb , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\John Cougar Mellencamp\The Best That I Can Do 1978-1988\12 - John Cougar Mellencamp - Cherry Bomb.mp3 00011739 578.09118652 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\U2\The Joshua Tree\2 - U2 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For.mp3 00011740 578.09246826 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Jesus Is Just Alright , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Doobie Brothers\Toulouse Street\7 - The Doobie Brothers - Jesus Is Just Alright.mp3 00011741 578.12829590 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Twist The Knife , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Sam Roberts - Collider 2011 [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\09. Twist The Knife - Sam Roberts.flac 00011742 578.12896729 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Am Here (7 Edit) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Grapes of Wrath\Seems Like Fate- 1984-1992\2 - The Grapes of Wrath - I Am Here (7 Edit).mp3 00011743 578.12994385 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Will Follow , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\U2\Boy\1 - U2 - I Will Follow.mp3 00011744 578.13146973 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Stay , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Hollies-1993 - The Very Best Of The Hollies\10 - Stay.mp3 00011745 578.13256836 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Soak Up The Sun , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Sheryl Crow\Very Best of Sheryl Crow\2 - Sheryl Crow - Soak Up The Sun.mp3 00011746 578.14105225 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Le Vent Nous Portera , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Noir Désir - Le Vent Nous Portera.m4a 00011747 578.14312744 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Secret Messages , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Electric Light Orchestra\Light Years- The Very Best of Electric Light Orchestra\15 - Electric Light Orchestra - Secret Messages.mp3 00011748 578.14440918 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file I See Fire , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Ed Sheeran - I See Fire (Music Video).m4a 00011749 578.14544678 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sheila Take A Bow , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Smiths\Best ... I\11 The Smiths - Sheila Take A Bow.flac 00011750 578.14636230 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file All I Need , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Air\Moon Safari\3 - Air - All I Need.mp3 00011751 578.14746094 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file 50 Ways to Leave Your lover , Path: https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v2/files/1zC4NxijUmfNz5bCeCtILszCjx_dYQHa2?alt=media 00011752 578.14916992 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Stayin' Alive , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Bee Gees\Tales From the Brothers Gibb\51 - The Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive.mp3 00011753 578.15026855 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Summertiime , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Big Band\Ella Fitzgerald - Summertime (High Quality - Remastered).m4a 00011754 578.15112305 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Useless Desires , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Patty Griffin\Impossible Dream\5 - Patty Griffin - Useless Desires.mp3 00011755 578.15209961 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file October , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\U2\October\7 - U2 - October.mp3 00011756 578.15307617 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Six Blade Knife , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Dire Straits\Desperado- The Soundtrack\2 - Dire Straits - Six Blade Knife.mp3 00011757 578.15380859 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Slip Slidin' Away , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\CD 6 Live At Central Park (1981)\69 - Simon And Garfunkel - Slip Slidin' Away.mp3 00011758 578.15600586 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Wrong Band , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Tori Amos\Under the Pink\6 - Tori Amos - The Wrong Band.mp3 00011759 578.15747070 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Like A Virgin , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Madonna\The Immaculate Collection\04 - Madonna - Like A Virgin.mp3 00011760 578.16015625 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file 65 Elvis Vs JXL A Little Less Conversation , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2000-2010 Top 100\65 Elvis Vs JXL A Little Less Conversation.mp3 00011761 578.18499756 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Let It In , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Sam Roberts - Collider 2011 [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\03. Let It In - Sam Roberts.flac 00011762 578.18566895 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Help! , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\The Beatles (1973) - 1962 1966 Red Album CD2 - 01 - Help!.mp3 00011763 578.18695068 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Who Do You Love? , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\George Thoroughgood\Joe Dirt Soundtrack\7 - George Thoroughgood - Who Do You Love.mp3 00011764 578.18811035 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Besame Mucho , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Big Band\Julie London - Besame Mucho.m4a 00011765 578.19006348 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Isolate , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Moby - Wait For Me [2009] [160 MP3] [Bubanee]\16 isolate.mp3 00011766 578.19110107 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file No Rain , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\26 Blind Melon - No Rain.mp3 00011767 578.19207764 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Cinnamon Girl , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Neil Young & Crazy Horse\Everybody Knows this is Nowhere\1 - Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Cinnamon Girl.mp3 00011768 578.19299316 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file We Are Each Other , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Beautiful South\0898\2 - The Beautiful South - We Are Each Other.mp3 00011769 578.19421387 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file We're Going To Be Friends , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Jack Johnson\Sing-A-Longs And Lullabies For The Film Curious George\7 - Jack Johnson - We're Going To Be Friends.mp3 00011770 578.19525146 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hold on Tight , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Electric Light Orchestra\Light Years- The Very Best of Electric Light Orchestra\32 - Electric Light Orchestra - Hold on Tight.mp3 00011771 578.19635010 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file With or Without You , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\U2\The Joshua Tree\3 - U2 - With or Without You.mp3 00011772 578.21020508 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Billboards Top Hits (1980 - 1989)\Billboard Top Hits 1984\04 - Wham! - Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go.mp3 00011773 578.21191406 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Big Gay Heart , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Lemonheads\The Best Of The Lemonheads\9 - Lemonheads - Big Gay Heart.mp3 00011774 578.21289063 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Have You Seen Her Face , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Byrds\The Essential Byrds\18 - The Byrds - Have You Seen Her Face.mp3 00011775 578.21368408 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file I'm Looking Through You , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\The Beatles (1965) - Rubber Soul - 10 - I'm Looking Through You.mp3 00011776 578.21453857 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file When I was Younger , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Faces\Sountrack\00 - The Faces - When I was Younger.mp3 00011777 578.21545410 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hey Hey What Can I Do , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin Box Set (CD1)\14 - Led Zeppelin - Hey Hey What Can I Do.mp3 00011778 578.21624756 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Volunteers , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Jefferson Airplane\The best of Jefferson Airpla\15 - Jefferson Airplane - Volunteers.mp3 00011779 578.21704102 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Get Up, Stand Up , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Bob Marley & The Wailers\Burnin'\1 - Bob Marley & The Wailers - Get Up, Stand Up.mp3 00011780 578.21795654 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Green Onions , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Booker T & The MGs\The Very Best Of\00 - Booker T & The MGs - Green Onions.mp3 00011781 578.22497559 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file All I Want Is You , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Michael Franti & Spearhead - All Rebel Rockers (2008)\05 All I Want Is You.mp3 00011782 578.22613525 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Slow Revolution , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Alexi_Murdoch-TTS_[mininova]\Alexi Murdoch - Towards the Sun EP (2009)\04 - Alexi Murdoch - Slow Revolution.mp3 00011783 578.22735596 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file All The Time , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Grapes of Wrath\Seems Like Fate- 1984-1992\9 - The Grapes of Wrath - All The Time.mp3 00011784 578.22845459 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Upward Over the Mountain , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Iron & Wine\The Creek Drank The Cradle\6 - Iron & Wine - Upward Over the Mountain.mp3 00011785 578.23718262 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Talking in Your Sleep , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Billboards Top Hits (1980 - 1989)\Billboard Top Hits 1984\08 - The Romantics - Talking in Your Sleep.mp3 00011786 578.24822998 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Last Crusade , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Sam Roberts - Collider 2011 [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\01. The Last Crusade - Sam Roberts.flac 00011787 578.24938965 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Be With You , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Stevie stuff\The Bangles - 11 - The Bangles - Be With You.mp3 00011788 578.25048828 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Speed Of Sound , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Coldplay\X & Y\7 - Coldplay - Speed Of Sound.mp3 00011789 578.25958252 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Thriller , Path: \\\puzzle\Music\Michael Jackson\Thriller\4 - Michael Jackson - Thriller.mp3 00011790 578.26074219 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Magic Carpet Ride , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Steppenwolf\Unknown\00 - Steppenwolf - Magic Carpet Ride.mp3 00011791 578.26153564 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Place To Be , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Nick Drake\Pink Moon\2 - Nick Drake - Place To Be.mp3 00011792 578.26232910 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Fall Down , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\U2\October\2 - U2 - I Fall Down.mp3 00011793 578.26336670 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file (Sittin' Here) Lovin' You , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Loving Spoonful\The Lovin' Spoonful - Greatest Hits (2000) Mp3 320 vtwin88cube\15.(Sittin' Here) Lovin' You.mp3 00011794 578.26409912 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Love And Some Verses , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Iron & Wine\Our Endless Numbered Days\6 - Iron & Wine - Love And Some Verses.mp3 00011795 578.26513672 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file How Old Are You? , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Loudon Wainwright III\One Man Guy - The Best of 1982-1986\11 - Loudon Wainwright III - How Old Are You.mp3 00011796 578.26611328 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Cocaine , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Eric Clapton\Time Pieces - The Best Of Eric Clapton\6 - Eric Clapton - Cocaine.m4a 00011797 578.26727295 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Captain Wedderburn , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Great Big Sea\Road Rage\8 - Great Big Sea - Captain Wedderburn.mp3 00011798 578.26818848 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sunday Bloody Sunday , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\U2\Under a Blood Red Sky\5 - U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday.mp3 00011799 578.26910400 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Orange Wedge , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Chemical Brothers\Surrender\4 - Chemical Brothers - Orange Wedge.mp3 00011800 578.27008057 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Bron-Y-Aur Stomp , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin Box Set (CD2)\5 - Led Zeppelin - Bron-Y-Aur Stomp.mp3 00011801 578.27105713 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Friend Of The Devil , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Grateful Dead\Unknown\00 - Grateful Dead - Friend Of The Devil.mp3 00011802 578.27386475 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Love Me Do , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Beatles\Please Please Me\The Beatles - 8 - Love Me Do.mp3 00011803 578.27471924 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Somebody's Crying , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Chris Isaak\Forever Blue\2 - Chris Isaak - Somebody's Crying.mp3 00011804 578.27575684 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Love In Itself , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Depeche Mode\People Are People\3. Depeche Mode - Love In Itself.flac 00011805 578.27655029 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file After Midnight , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Eric Clapton\Time Pieces - The Best Of Eric Clapton\2 - Eric Clapton - After Midnight.m4a 00011806 578.27740479 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Extreme Ways , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Moby Go-The Very Best of Moby\CD 1\Moby - Extreme Ways - 10.mp3 00011807 578.27832031 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Blackened Blue Eyes , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Charlatans\Forever, The Singles\17 - The Charlatans - Blackened Blue Eyes.mp3 00011808 578.28564453 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Walk Like An Egyptian , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Billboards Top Hits (1980 - 1989)\Billboard Top Hits 1986\01 - Bangles - Walk Like An Egyptian.mp3 00011809 578.28662109 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Don't Lose My Number , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Phil Collins\Platinum Collection\18 - Phil Collins - Don't Lose My Number.mp3 00011810 578.28741455 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Black Magic Woman , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Santana\Santana's Greatest Hits\2 - Santana - Black Magic Woman.ogg 00011811 578.28869629 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file 04 - Another Brick In The Wall (Part2) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Stevie's stuff\Pink Floyd - 04 - Pink Floyd - 04 - Another Brick In The Wall (Part2).mp3 00011812 578.28955078 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Take Me Home Tonight , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Eddie Money\Can't Hold Back\1 - Eddie Money - Take Me Home Tonight.mp3 00011813 578.29064941 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Try Not to Breathe , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\R.E.M\Automatic for the People\2 - R.E.M. - Try Not to Breathe.mp3 00011814 578.29150391 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Fly Me to the Moon , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Julie London\Unknown\00 - Julie London - Fly Me to the Moon.mp3 00011815 578.29229736 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Talkin' Bout A Revolution , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Tracy Chapman\Collection\14 - Tracy Chapman - Talkin' Bout A Revolution.mp3 00011816 578.29315186 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Drift Away , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Doobie Brothers\Unknown\00 - Doobie Brothers - Drift Away.mp3 00011817 578.29388428 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Go Your Own Way , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Fleetwood Mac\Rumours\105 - Fleetwood Mac - Go Your Own Way.mp3 00011818 578.30194092 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Power Of Love , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Billboards Top Hits (1980 - 1989)\Billboard Top Hits 1985\04 - Huey Lewis & The News - The Power Of Love.mp3 00011819 578.31134033 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Help Yourself , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Sad Brad Smith - Love Is Not What You Need\06. Sad Brad Smith - Help Yourself.mp3 00011820 578.31231689 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file What A Feeling , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Heather Nova\Siren\4 - Heather Nova - What A Feeling.mp3 00011821 578.31311035 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Killing in the Name , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\17 Rage Against The Machine - Killing In The Name.mp3 00011822 578.31390381 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file You Should Be Dancing , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Bee Gees\Their Greatest Hits\21 - The Bee Gees - You Should Be Dancing.mp3 00011823 578.31494141 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Air of the Night [Live] , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Phil Collins & Genesis\Unknown\15 - Phil Collins & Genesis - Air of the Night [Live].mp3 00011824 578.31610107 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Gift Shop , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\The Tragically Hip\Trouble At The Henhouse\1 - The Tragically Hip - Gift Shop.m4a 00011825 578.31738281 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rock Around the Clock , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Bill Haley and the Comets\Rock Around the Clock\1 - Bill Haley and the Comets - Rock Around the Clock.mp3 00011826 578.32019043 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Baby Can I Hold You , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Tracy Chapman\Collection\3 - Tracy Chapman - Baby Can I Hold You.mp3 00011827 578.32104492 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Blackbird , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Various Artists\I Am Sam\2 - Sarah McLachlan - Blackbird.mp3 00011828 578.57385254 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Only the Good Die Young , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Billy Joel\The Stranger\6 - Billy Joel - Only the Good Die Young.mp3 00011829 578.57495117 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file La Noyee , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Amelie\05 - La Noyee.mp3 00011830 578.57806396 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Deathwish , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Police\Message In A Box (Disc 1)\21 The Police - Deathwish.flac 00011831 578.58428955 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Careless Whisper , Path: \\\Qdownload\music\Wham! - Make it Big (1984) [EAC-FLAC] [RePoPo]\08.- Wham! - Careless Whisper.flac 00011832 578.58544922 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file (This Is) The Dream Of Evan And Chan (Superpitcher Kompakt Remix) , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Dntel\This Is the Dream of Evan and Chan\4 - Dntel - (This Is) The Dream Of Evan And Chan (Superpitcher Kompakt Remix).mp3 00011833 578.58654785 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Jailhouse Rock , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Elvis Presley\30 #1 Hits\8 - Elvis Presley - Jailhouse Rock.mp3 00011834 578.58813477 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file La Valse Des Monstres , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Amelie\20 - La Valse Des Monstres.mp3 00011835 578.59008789 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Communique , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Dire Straits\Communiqué\4 - Dire Straits - Communique.mp3 00011836 578.59136963 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Any Colour You Like , Path: D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Stevie's stuff\Pink Floyd - 19 - Pink Floyd - Any Colour You Like.mp3 00011837 578.59991455 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) UpdateLastModifiedForAutoPlaylist started, idPlaylist = 432 Tracks count = 500 00011838 578.60974121 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB exec SQL: UPDATE Playlists SET LastContentHash = 'AVWC57DIHGUDA1FF', LastModified = '2018-12-23 09:36:07' WHERE IDPlaylist = 432 00011839 578.69232178 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB lock took 78 ms : UPDATE Playlists SET LastContentHash = 'AVWC57DIHGUDA1FF', LastModified = '2018-12-23 09:36:07' WHERE IDPlaylist = 432 00011840 578.69256592 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) UpdateLastModifiedForAutoPlaylist finished, idPlaylist = 432 Oldhash = TR2W7H312K85HSPU Newhash = AVWC57DIHGUDA1FF 00011841 578.69329834 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT IdPlaylist FROM Playlists WHERE ParentPlaylist=463 00011842 578.69427490 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* 00011843 578.69427490 [8248] , PlaylistSongs.IdPlaylistSong, PlaylistSongs.SongOrder as PlaySongOrder 00011844 578.69427490 [8248] FROM Songs 00011845 578.69427490 [8248] , PlaylistSongs 00011846 578.69427490 [8248] WHERE Songs.ID=PlaylistSongs.IDSong AND PlaylistSongs.IDPlaylist = 463 00011847 578.69427490 [8248] ORDER BY PlaylistSongs.SongOrder 00011848 578.69763184 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Media sync: Filled playlist tracks count = : 34 00011849 578.69873047 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Todas Las Palabras (All The Words) feat Marta Gomez , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\fastmp3-org-the-idan-raichel-project-todas-las-palabras.mp3 00011850 578.70159912 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Chanukah Song Part 2 , Path: D:\My Documents\My Music\Adam Sandler\Stan and Judy's Kid\12 - Adam Sandler - Chanukah Song Part 2.mp3 00011851 578.70251465 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Media sync: Going to fill playlist: Unrated Oldies 00011852 578.70965576 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Media sync: Filled playlist tracks count = : 175 00011853 578.71038818 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Maybe Baby , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Buddy Holly - Maybe Baby.mp3 00011854 578.71118164 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Not Fade Away , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Buddy Holly - Not Fade Away.mp3 00011855 578.71209717 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Cathy's Clown , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Everly Brothers - Cathy's Clown.mp3 00011856 578.71301270 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Barbara-Ann , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Beach Boys - Barbara Ann.mp3 00011857 578.71380615 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Bend Me, Shape Me , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\American Breed - Bend Me, Shape Me.mp3 00011858 578.71459961 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Birds and the Bees , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Jewel Akens - The Birds And The Bees.mp3 00011859 578.71551514 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Be My Baby , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Sandy Posey - Be My Baby.mp3 00011860 578.71734619 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Land of 1,000 Dances , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Wilson Pickett - Land of 1000 Dances.mp3 00011861 578.71832275 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Only Have Eyes for You , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Flamingos - I Only Have Eyes For You.mp3 00011862 578.71917725 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Green Onions , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Booker T And The Mgs - Green Onions.mp3 00011863 578.72009277 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hanky Panky , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Tommy James And The Shondells - Hanky Panky.mp3 00011864 578.72070313 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Respect , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Aretha Franklin - Respect.mp3 00011865 578.72222900 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Johnny B. Goode , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Chuck Berry - Johnny B. Goode.mp3 00011866 578.72271729 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Chain of Fools , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Aretha Franklin - Chain Of Fools.mp3 00011867 578.72375488 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Jim Dandy , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\LaVern Baker - Jim Dandy.mp3 00011868 578.72454834 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Leader of the Pack , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Shangri-Las - Leader Of The Pack.mp3 00011869 578.72735596 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Little Deuce Coupe , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Beach Boys - Little Deuce Coupe.mp3 00011870 578.73431396 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Good Golly Miss Molly , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Little Richard - Good Golly Miss Molly.mp3 00011871 578.73541260 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Loco-Motion , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Little Eva - The Loco Motion.mp3 00011872 578.73638916 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Louie Louie , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Kingsmen - Louie Louie.mp3 00011873 578.73712158 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Manish Boy , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Muddy Waters - Mannish Boy.mp3 00011874 578.74023438 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Money (That’s What I Want) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Barrett Strong - Money (That's What I Want).mp3 00011875 578.74157715 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file My Boyfriend’s Back , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Angels - My Boyfriends Back.mp3 00011876 578.74237061 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Working in the Coal Mine , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Lee Dorsey - Working In The Coalmine.mp3 00011877 578.74316406 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Pretty Woman , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Roy Orbison - Pretty Woman.mp3 00011878 578.74414063 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file One Fine Day , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Chiffons - One Fine Day.mp3 00011879 578.74493408 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Peggy Sue , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Buddy Holly - Peggy Sue.mp3 00011880 578.74572754 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Be My Baby Baby , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Ronettes - Be My Baby.mp3 00011881 578.74645996 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file I’m in Love Again , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Fats Domino - I'm In Love Again.mp3 00011882 578.74731445 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rockin’ Robin , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Bobby Day - Rockin Robin.MP3 00011883 578.74804688 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Wanderer , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Dion - The Wanderer.mp3 00011884 578.74902344 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Under the Boardwalk , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Drifters - Under The Boardwalk.mp3 00011885 578.74987793 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Shakin’ All Over , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Johnny Kidd & The Pirates - Shakin' All Over.mp3 00011886 578.75061035 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Shout, Parts 1 & 2 , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Isley Brothers - Shout (Parts 1 And 2).mp3 00011887 578.75164795 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Help Me, Rhonda , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Beach Boys - Help Me, Rhonda.mp3 00011888 578.75244141 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Surfin’ U.S.A. , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Beach Boys - Surfin' U.S.A..mp3 00011889 578.75323486 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Why Do Fools Fall in Love , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers - Why Do Fools Fall In Love.mp3 00011890 578.75396729 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Oh My Love , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Drifters - There Goes My Baby.mp3 00011891 578.75640869 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Blueberry Hill , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Fats Domino - Blueberry Hill.mp3 00011892 578.75720215 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Twist , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Chubby Checker - The Twist.mp3 00011893 578.75811768 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Wake Up Little Susie , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Everly Brothers - Wake Up little Susie.mp3 00011894 578.75891113 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file What A Wonderful World , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Louis Armstrong - What a Wonderful World.mp3 00011895 578.75970459 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Whole Lot of Shakin' Going On , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Jerry Lee Lewis - Whole Lotta Shakin' Going On.mp3 00011896 578.76049805 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Wonderful World , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Sam Cooke - (What A) Wonderful World.mp3 00011897 578.76129150 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Build Me Up Buttercup , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Foundations - Build Me Up Buttercup.mp3 00011898 578.76202393 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Daydream Believer , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Monkees - Daydream Believer.mp3 00011899 578.76287842 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Do Wah Diddy , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Manfred Mann - Do Wah Diddy.mp3 00011900 578.76373291 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hawaii Five-0 , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Ventures - Hawaii Five-0.mp3 00011901 578.76446533 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file In The Still Of The Night , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Five Satins - In The Still Of The Night.mp3 00011902 578.76519775 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Love Potion # 9 , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Searchers - Love Potion # 9.mp3 00011903 578.76617432 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Money (That's What I Want) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Kingsmen - Money (That's What I Want).mp3 00011904 578.76702881 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rhythm Of The Rain , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Cascades - Rhythm Of The Rain.mp3 00011905 578.76776123 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sheila , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Tommy Roe - Sheila.mp3 00011906 578.76873779 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sleep Walk , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Santo & Johnny - Sleep Walk.mp3 00011907 578.77294922 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Banana Boat Song , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Harry Belafonte - The Banana Boat Song.mp3 00011908 578.77465820 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file These Boots Are Made For Walki , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Nancy Sinatra - These Boots Are Made For Walking.mp3 00011909 578.77581787 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Tobacco Road , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Nashville Teens - Tobacco Road.mp3 00011910 578.77679443 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Walk, Don't Run , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Ventures - Walk, Don't Run.mp3 00011911 578.77752686 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Wooly Bully , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Sam The Sham & The Pharaohs - Wooly Bully.mp3 00011912 578.77832031 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file (You've Got) The Magic Touch , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Platters - (You've Got) The Magic Touch.mp3 00011913 578.77911377 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hey, Hey, We're The Monkeys , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Monkees - Hey, Hey, We're The Monkeys.mp3 00011914 578.77996826 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Last Train To Clarksville , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Monkees - Last Train To Clarksville.mp3 00011915 578.78100586 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Only The Lonely , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Roy Orbison - Only The Lonely.mp3 00011916 578.78192139 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Great Pretender , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Platters - The Great Pretender.mp3 00011917 578.78265381 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Righteous Brothers - You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'.mp3 00011918 578.78350830 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Blue Suede Shoes , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Carl Perkins - Blue Suede Shoes.mp3 00011919 578.78430176 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Let's Dance , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Chris Montez - Let's Dance.mp3 00011920 578.78515625 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Unchained Melody , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody.mp3 00011921 578.78594971 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Walk Like A Man , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons - Walk Like A Man.mp3 00011922 578.78674316 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Crying , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Roy Orbison - Crying.mp3 00011923 578.78753662 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Dream Baby , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Roy Orbison - Dream Baby.mp3 00011924 578.78839111 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rag Doll , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons - Rag Doll.mp3 00011925 578.78967285 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file In the summertime , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Mungo Jerry - In The Summertime.mp3 00011926 578.79046631 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Love Hurts , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Roy Orbison - Love Hurts.mp3 00011927 578.79119873 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Let's Hang On! , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons - Let's Hang On!.mp3 00011928 578.79199219 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Oh Happy Day , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Edwin Hawkins Singers - Oh Happy Day.mp3 00011929 578.79290771 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Na Na, Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Steam - Na Na, Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye.mp3 00011930 578.79388428 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file These Eyes , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Guess Who - These Eyes.mp3 00011931 578.79486084 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file When A Man Loves A Woman , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Percy Sledge - When A Man Loves A Woman.mp3 00011932 578.79644775 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Papa's Got A Brand New Bag , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\James Brown - Papa's Got A Brand New Bag.mp3 00011933 578.79779053 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Heard It Through The Grapevine , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Marvin Gaye - I Heard It Through The Grapevine.mp3 00011934 578.80090332 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Fought The Law , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Bobby Fuller Four - I Fought The Law.mp3 00011935 578.80285645 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Soul Man , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Sam & Dave - Soul Man.mp3 00011936 578.80963135 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Reach Out I'll Be There , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Four Tops - Reach Out I'll Be There.mp3 00011937 578.81555176 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file 96 Tears , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Question Mark & The Mysterians - 96 Tears.mp3 00011938 578.81903076 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Walk Away Renee , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\Left Banke - Walk Away Renee.mp3 00011939 578.82043457 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Wild Thing , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\226 50s & 60s Oldies (USA) (192kbps)\The Troggs - Wild Thing.mp3 00011940 579.04663086 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00011941 579.04699707 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 172ms for 175 00011942 579.04827881 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) TDeviceSynchronization.AddSongsToList: Candidtes count = 175 00011943 579.04925537 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Another One Bites The Dust [October 1980] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\008) Queen - Another One Bites The Dust [October 1980].mp3 00011944 579.05017090 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Whip It [November 1980] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\020) Devo - Whip It [November 1980].mp3 00011945 579.05688477 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Let My Love Open The Door [August 1980] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\025) Pete Townshend - Let My Love Open The Door [August 1980].mp3 00011946 579.05810547 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hit Me With Your Best Shot [December 1980] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\046) Pat Benatar - Hit Me With Your Best Shot [December 1980].mp3 00011947 579.05908203 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ladies Night [January 1980] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\077) Kool & The Gang - Ladies Night [January 1980].mp3 00011948 579.06475830 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Bette Davis Eyes [June 1981] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\007) Kim Carnes - Bette Davis Eyes [June 1981].mp3 00011949 579.06677246 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Celebration [February 1981] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\024) Kool & The Gang - Celebration [February 1981].mp3 00011950 579.06774902 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Endless Love [September 1981] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\089) Diana Ross & Lionel Richie - Endless Love [September 1981].mp3 00011951 579.06860352 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Centerfold [February 1982] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\004) The J. Geils Band - Centerfold [February 1982].mp3 00011952 579.06958008 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Jack & Diane [October 1982] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\018) John Cougar Mellencamp - Jack & Diane [October 1982].mp3 00011953 579.07067871 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file 867-5309/Jenny [May 1982] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\036) Tommy Tutone - Jenny [May 1982].mp3 00011954 579.07196045 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Ebony And Ivory [June 1982] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\082) Paul McCartney & Stevie Wonder - Ebony And Ivory [June 1982].mp3 00011955 579.07446289 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Billie Jean [March 1983] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\001) Michael Jackson - Billie Jean [March 1983].mp3 00011956 579.07543945 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hungry Like The Wolf [March 1983] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\028) Duran Duran - Hungry Like The Wolf [March 1983].mp3 00011957 579.08245850 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Maniac [September 1983] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\030) Michael Sembello - Maniac [September 1983].mp3 00011958 579.08349609 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Flashdance...What A Feeling [June 1983] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\034) Irene Cara - Flashdance...What A Feeling [June 1983].mp3 00011959 579.08441162 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sexual Healing [January 1983] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\041) Marvin Gaye - Sexual Healing [January 1983].mp3 00011960 579.08551025 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Do You Really Want To Hurt Me? [March 1983] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\058) Culture Club - Do You Really Want To Hurt Me [March 1983].mp3 00011961 579.08636475 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Mr. Roboto [April 1983] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\070) Styx - Mr. Roboto [April 1983].mp3 00011962 579.08776855 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Come On Eileen [April 1983] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\021) Dexy's Midnight Runners - Come On Eileen [April 1983].mp3 00011963 579.08959961 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file When Doves Cry [July 1984] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\010) Prince - When Doves Cry [July 1984].mp3 00011964 579.09075928 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Thriller [February 1984] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\015) Michael Jackson - Thriller [February 1984].mp3 00011965 579.09155273 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Time After Time [June 1984] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\039) Cyndi Lauper - Time After Time [June 1984].mp3 00011966 579.09246826 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Owner Of A Lonely Heart [January 1984] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\043) Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart [January 1984].mp3 00011967 579.09362793 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Footloose [April 1984] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\061) Kenny Loggins - Footloose [April 1984].mp3 00011968 579.09527588 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Purple Rain [November 1984] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\067) Prince - Purple Rain [November 1984].mp3 00011969 579.09637451 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Let's Go Crazy [September 1984] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\087) Prince - Let's Go Crazy [September 1984].mp3 00011970 579.09716797 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Like A Virgin [January 1985] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\013) Madonna - Like A Virgin [January 1985].mp3 00011971 579.09790039 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file The Power of Love [August 1985] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\033) Huey Lewis & The News - The Power of Love [August 1985].mp3 00011972 579.09875488 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Want To Know What Love Is [February 1985] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\049) Foreigner - I Want To Know What Love Is [February 1985].mp3 00011973 579.09942627 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Can't Fight This Feeling [March 1985] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\064) REO Speedwagon - Can't Fight This Feeling [March 1985].mp3 00011974 579.10040283 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sussudio [July 1985] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\076) Phil Collins - Sussudio [July 1985].mp3 00011975 579.10150146 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rock Me Amadeus [April 1986] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\035) Falco - Rock Me Amadeus [April 1986].mp3 00011976 579.10253906 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Take My Breath Away [September 1986] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\074) Berlin - Take My Breath Away [September 1986].mp3 00011977 579.10528564 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Everybody Have Fun Tonight [December 1986] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\081) Wang Chung - Everybody Have Fun Tonight [December 1986].mp3 00011978 579.10620117 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file If You Leave [May 1986] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\096) OMD - If You Leave [May 1986].mp3 00011979 579.10699463 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Addicted To Love [May 1986] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\099) Robert Palmer - Addicted To Love [May 1986].mp3 00011980 579.12518311 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file I Just Died In Your Arms [May 1987] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\053) Cutting Crew - I Just Died In Your Arms [May 1987].mp3 00011981 579.12634277 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Bad [October 1987] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\059) Michael Jackson - Bad [October 1987].mp3 00011982 579.12719727 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file You Keep Me Hangin' On [June 1987] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\080) Kim Wilde - You Keep Me Hangin' On [June 1987].mp3 00011983 579.12805176 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Dude Looks Like A Lady [September 1987] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\097) Aerosmith - Dude Looks Like A Lady [September 1987].mp3 00011984 579.12890625 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Need You Tonight [January 1988] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\075) INXS - Need You Tonight [January 1988].mp3 00011985 579.14093018 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Got My Mind Set On You [January 1988] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\083) George Harrison - Got My Mind Set On You [January 1988].mp3 00011986 579.14752197 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Welcome To The Jungle [December 1988] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\088) Guns N' Roses - Welcome To The Jungle [December 1988].mp3 00011987 579.14843750 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Smooth Criminal [January 1989] , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Top 100 Hits Of The 80S\072) Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal [January 1989].mp3 00011988 579.14929199 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Epic , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\03 Faith No More - Epic.mp3 00011989 579.15014648 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Been Caught Stealing , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\22 Jane's Addiction - Been Caught Stealing.mp3 00011990 579.15136719 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Enter Sandman , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\14 Metallica - Enter Sandman.mp3 00011991 579.15539551 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Alive , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\05 Pearl Jam - Alive.mp3 00011992 579.15631104 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file November Rain , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\31 Guns N' Roses - November Rain.mp3 00011993 579.15747070 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Under the Bridge , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\07 Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under The Bridge.mp3 00011994 579.15844727 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Mysterious Ways , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\76 U2 - Mysterious Ways.mp3 00011995 579.15960693 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hey Jealousy , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\48 Gin Blossoms - Hey Jealousy.mp3 00011996 579.16058350 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Rooster , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\19 Alice In Chains - Rooster.mp3 00011997 579.16143799 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Wake Up , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\49 Rage Against The Machine - Wake Up.mp3 00011998 579.16259766 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Creep , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\08 Radiohead - Creep.mp3 00011999 579.16912842 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Disarm , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\42 The Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm.mp3 00012000 579.17022705 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Mr. Jones , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\96 Counting Crows - Mr. Jones.mp3 00012001 579.17211914 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Good , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\62 Better Than Ezra - Good.mp3 00012002 579.17370605 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Loser , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\28 Beck - Loser.mp3 00012003 579.17468262 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hurt , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\30 Nine Inch Nails - Hurt.mp3 00012004 579.17541504 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Come Out and Play (Keep ’em Separated) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\89 The Offspring - Come Out And Play.mp3 00012005 579.17626953 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file All Over You , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\72 Live - All Over You.mp3 00012006 579.17700195 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Buddy Holly , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\82 Weezer - Buddy Holly.mp3 00012007 579.17779541 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Seether , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\80 Veruca Salt - Seether.mp3 00012008 579.17852783 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Glycerine , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\44 Bush - Glycerine.mp3 00012009 579.17932129 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\78 Green Day - Good Riddance.mp3 00012010 579.18011475 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Lump , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\77 Presidents Of The United States Of America - Lump.mp3 00012011 579.18096924 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file The World I Know , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\29 Collective Soul - The World I Know.mp3 00012012 579.18212891 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Hey Man Nice Shot , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\39 Filter - Hey Man Nice Shot.mp3 00012013 579.18365479 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Wonderwall , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\25 Oasis - Wonderwall.mp3 00012014 579.18457031 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Bullet With Butterfly Wings , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\66 The Smashing Pumpkins - Bullet With Butterfly Wings.mp3 00012015 579.18548584 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\97 Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams.mp3 00012016 579.20269775 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Bulls on Parade (live) , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\35 Rage Against The Machine - Bulls On Parade.mp3 00012017 579.21044922 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Bound for the Floor , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\94 Local H - Bound For The Floor.mp3 00012018 579.21752930 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Pretty Noose , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\92 Soundgarden - Pretty Noose.mp3 00012019 579.21801758 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Where It’s At , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\52 Beck - Where It's At.mp3 00012020 579.21887207 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Forty Six & 2 , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\86 Tool - 46 & 2.mp3 00012021 579.21997070 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Song 2 , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\32 Blur - Song 2.mp3 00012022 579.22082520 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Semi-Charmed Life , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\33 Third Eye Blind - Semi-Charmed Life.mp3 00012023 579.22296143 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Everlong , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\40 Foo Fighters - Everlong.mp3 00012024 579.22381592 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Paranoid Android , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\41 Radiohead - Paranoid Android.mp3 00012025 579.22845459 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Karma Police , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\83 Radiohead - Karma Police.mp3 00012026 579.22937012 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Smack My Bitch Up , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\91 Prodigy - Smack My Bitch Up.mp3 00012027 579.23040771 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Flagpole Sitta , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\95 Harvey Danger - Flagpole Sitta.mp3 00012028 579.23132324 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file Battle Flag , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\98 Lo Fidelity Allstars - Battle Flag.mp3 00012029 579.23223877 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file My Own Worst Enemy , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\100 Lit - My Own Worst Enemy.mp3 00012030 579.23321533 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Synchronize: Adding file We’re in This Together , Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\100 Greatest Rock Songs of 90's\59 Nine Inch Nails - We're In This Together.mp3 00012031 579.23522949 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) DB open SQL: SELECT LastContentHash, LastModified FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist = 467 00012032 579.26739502 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\benny blanco & Calvin Harris\U.K Single Charts\00 benny blanco & Calvi - I Found You.m4a will be deleted 00012033 579.26776123 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\Bob Marley & The Wailers\Exodus\05 Bob Marley & The Wai - Exodus.m4a will be deleted 00012034 579.26843262 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\Cadet & Deno Driz\U.K Single Charts\00 Cadet, Deno Driz - Advice.m4a will be deleted 00012035 579.27062988 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\Camila Cabello\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart\00 Camila Cabello - Havana (feat. Young Thug).m4a will be deleted 00012036 579.27215576 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\Charli XCX\Sucker\34 Charli XCX - Boom Clap.m4a will be deleted 00012037 579.27252197 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\Charlie Puth\Nine Track Mind\03 Charlie Puth - Marvin Gaye (feat. Meghan Trainor).m4a will be deleted 00012038 579.27288818 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\Chris Brown\X\77 Chris Brown;Usher;Ri - New Flame.m4a will be deleted 00012039 579.27343750 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\Coldplay\A Head Full Of Dreams\09 Coldplay - Amazing Day.m4a will be deleted 00012040 579.27380371 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\Dave\U.K Single Charts\00 Dave, Fredo - Funky Friday.m4a will be deleted 00012041 579.27459717 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\Disney\Disney's Frozen Deluxe Soundtrack\01 Kristen Anderson-Lop - For the First Time In Forever (Demo).m4a will be deleted 00012042 579.27496338 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\Disney\Disney's Frozen Deluxe Soundtrack\09 Robert Lopez - Reindeer(s) Remix (Outtake).m4a will be deleted 00012043 579.27539063 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\Disney\Disney's Frozen Deluxe Sountrack\10 Demi Lovato - Let It Go (Demi Lovato Version).m4a will be deleted 00012044 579.27575684 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\DNCE\SWAAY - EP\03 DNCE - Toothbrush.m4a will be deleted 00012045 579.27618408 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\Dua Lipa\Be the One\00 Dua Lipa - Be the One.m4a will be deleted 00012046 579.27667236 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\Ellie Goulding, Diplo & Swae Lee\U.K Single Charts\00 Ellie Goulding, Dipl - Close to Me.m4a will be deleted 00012047 579.27716064 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\Fifth Harmony\7-27 (Deluxe)\02 Fifth Harmony - Work from Home (feat. Ty Dolla $ign).m4a will be deleted 00012048 579.27764893 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\French Montana\U.K Single Charts\00 French Montana - No Stylist (feat. Drake).m4a will be deleted 00012049 579.27807617 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\George Ezra\U.K Single Charts\00 George Ezra - Hold My Girl.m4a will be deleted 00012050 579.27856445 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\HA\Trivia\00 HA - HA Trivia 2018 - Rock.m4a will be deleted 00012051 579.27905273 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\Halsey\U.K Single Charts\00 Halsey - Without Me.m4a will be deleted 00012052 579.27972412 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\J. Cole\Unknown\00 J. Cole - BRACKETS.m4a will be deleted 00012053 579.28009033 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\J. Cole\Unknown\00 J. Cole - Intro.m4a will be deleted 00012054 579.28039551 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\J. Cole\Unknown\00 J. Cole - KOD.m4a will be deleted 00012055 579.28076172 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\Jake Owen\Days Of Gold\91 Jake Owen - Beachin'.m4a will be deleted 00012056 579.28112793 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\Jason Derulo\Talk Dirty\06 Jason Derulo - Talk Dirty.m4a will be deleted 00012057 579.28173828 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\Justin Bieber\Purpose (Deluxe)\06 Justin Bieber - Company.m4a will be deleted 00012058 579.28222656 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\Khalid\U.K Single Charts\00 Khalid - Better.m4a will be deleted 00012059 579.28295898 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper\U.K Single Charts\00 Lady Gaga & Bradley - Shallow.m4a will be deleted 00012060 579.28356934 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\Little Mix\U.K Single Charts\00 Little Mix - Woman Like Me (feat. Nicki Minaj).m4a will be deleted 00012061 579.28430176 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\Meghan Trainor\Title (Deluxe)\06 Meghan Trainor - Like I'm Gonna Lose You (feat. John Legend).m4a will be deleted 00012062 579.28515625 [8248] Using old path \Music\Unknown\Unknown\01 OMI - Cheerleader (Felix Jaehn Remix).mp3 00012063 579.28564453 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\One Direction\Made In The A.M. (Deluxe Edition)\03 One Direction - Perfect.m4a will be deleted 00012064 579.28698730 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\Sean Paul;Dua Lipa\No Lie\00 Sean Paul;Dua Lipa - No Lie.m4a will be deleted 00012065 579.28735352 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\Shawn Mendes\Handwritten (Deluxe)\02 Shawn Mendes - Stitches.m4a will be deleted 00012066 579.28906250 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\The Beatles\Revolver\09 The Beatles - And Your Bird Can Sing.....m4a will be deleted 00012067 579.28967285 [8248] Using old path \Music\The Crickets\The “Chirping” Crickets\05 Buddy Holly and the - Maybe Baby.mp3 00012068 579.29034424 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\The Northern Pikes\Big Blue Sky\04 The Northern Pikes - Just Another Guy.m4a will be deleted 00012069 579.29248047 [8248] Using old path \Music\Clovers\The Original Love Potion Number Nine\00 The Clovers - Love Potion No. 9.mp3 00012070 579.29357910 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Unknown - Adam Sandler Chanukah Song 2012.m4a will be deleted 00012071 579.29400635 [8248] Using old path \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Unknown - Unknown_1.mp3 00012072 579.29583740 [8248] Device path has changed for file, the old path \Music\Various\Billboard Top Hits 1984\08 The Romantics - Talking in Your Sleep.m4a will be deleted 00012073 579.29724121 [8248] Using old path \Music\????? ?????\????? ??? – ???? 10 – ??? ???? ???? ???????\20 ????? ???? - ??? ?????_1.mp3 00012074 579.29754639 [8248] Using old path \Music\????? ?????\????? ??? – ???? 10 – ??? ???? ???? ???????\20 ????? ???? - ??? ?????_2.mp3 00012075 579.30047607 [8248] MM5 [8712](R) Sync-list prepared, has 1602 songs in total 00012076 579.30273438 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) DB open SQL: SELECT ParentPlaylist FROM Playlists WHERE IDPlaylist=0 00012077 579.30651855 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) DB open SQL: SELECT null FROM SynchCollection WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=0 00012078 579.30755615 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00012079 579.30822754 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.playlistContainer, Title: Good stuff 3.5+ 00012080 579.30908203 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.playlistContainer, Title: New Pop 3+ 00012081 579.30975342 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.container.playlistContainer, Title: Unrated - recent 00012082 579.69354248 [8248] UPnP: _UploadRequest: Header: --jj79lOXSv0FXJTbzYe4D7s9kRCil_dXOM8Pr0us 00012083 579.69354248 [8248] Content-Disposition: form-data; name="SyncedContentUpload:DeviceID:710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482" 00012084 579.69354248 [8248] 00012085 579.69354248 [8248] 26664,16451,23498,23954,26033,26097,25988,26103,26059,14829,28683,15291,13842,21320,20404,26109,26201,1658,15843,15277,26108,20780,20387,4405,15847,28696,21077,26039,15233,26034,16071,20443,20741,24834,20812,15240,15436,15851,15133,16429,15312,5865,5893,4845,13124,5845,3150,15288,26229,13723,13808,15850,15503,5833,15477,5283,24795,21319,23924,20802,24862,28698,26155,26180,23939,15334,21327,15264,26343,15253,26128,26052,26121,26170,27036,15317,15396,13813,13745,20813,21297,25979,20821,6782,20393,20394,13845,28684,26044,15844,15306,15425,26379,14852,27037,15120,15171,26002,26040,15309,4080,4411,3156,4944,15260,15169,71,24820,15300,15263,26264,3158,25960,26154,7305,15265,15391,16447,15740,26129,24809,15327,26366,2008,20438,25205,20478,15311,12778,21310,26332,13839,26036,20810,25981,24873,20652,26011,20435,16359,15682,15326,15392,16418,20423,25209,28687,20410,21314,21330,26212,13804,13760,15314,25204,20420,6001,20477,15714,15285,15230,23715,26326,13780,26112,13792,20440,15227,26089,13806,25951,26175,24842,13833,21283,23925,13798,20402,13828,15404,26082,15278,13746,16350,25222,13681,20439,13695,26027,13864,25211,26113,23980,4942,15360,26299,18514,16540,6996,5823,14859,15399,6794,15725,28692,4396,15469,6796,25918,26346,26630,25996,14857,15397,2879,15229,26107,13704,23911,16437,13807,15331,26647,13759,24815,26188,16439,21946,23502,25215,24802,7608,24002,24814,24836,15400,28673,20401,26202,13678,13826,16547,26178,24872,13785,15749,13679,23979,24791,16425,13130,13832,15335,26076,26189,13714,13715,23921,23959,25995,9491,26327,16363,24743,3151,15258,2039,13856,16555,25217,26088,26193,15226,26187,2041,20816,20824,15465,16435,23914,26633,26199,5838,5875,26064,13821,6788,20487,21340,15657,26133,3167,15411,26141,15286,19977,26090,20451,15377,6779,4086,5837,3148,26110,13783,28699,15281,13817,15345,15456,15280,15659,7282,15354,23960,2044,2049,13122,21286,20454,23946,15845,16415,26156,13673,15376,25994,28706,26060,26125,16407,26086,13682,25220,24806,24867,13799,26153,16354,13843,13823,26337,23978,26351,21285,26091,26041,26055,20801,15420,15494,20818,4391,15504,4089,24103,16552,24826,26152,26094,14860,20457,24843,15454,21298,21295,13861,26074,13818,26159,11485,26071,15375,26006,26231,13778,26290,26517,5835,5883,2047,26077,24797,5888,5842,2048,4096,26100,13126,16398,26629,21452,16442,11484,24799,5836,5878,4414,20884,4742,15308,26203,26092,15719,26173,20444,2045,15455,15245,21897,23981,20482,24958,26004,26304,26045,15717,26139,15495,26367,21932,16406,23998,26213,25208,26320,26135,13836,13720,14854,13741,15665,15351,13782,14823,26143,26078,23933,20470,28675,26160,26114,21917,24849,15364,25199,26171,26010,15293,13822,20481,16372,15473,16539,479,13734,4738,21076,5229,26093,15255,26085,25191,15356,16458,25997,15296,24954,20794,4094,13123,15514,3152,20822,15500,15567,4084,20449,16553,4092,16463,434,15854,13777,26144,21082,21080,21083,26161,25984,26194,25902,13576,26056,26127,26183,25198,26126,26206,24803,13128,20469,15744,15303,24956,5889,5877,26214,27039,25904,14851,28688,24792,4784,16426,15271,25998,15423,14724,26084,5895,15170,26021,26150,5881,25190,20405,20417,16347,25195,4749,26142,27035,13672,26115,20823,24847,26061,21328,13,21309,25999,23917,25212,24801,26080,15341,16441,7293,15238,24817,26116,15234,24794,15976,24001,2050,3160,2046,3161,4394,13732,26046,25983,15267,15475,7281,26157,13764,26069,21081,21950,26174,15677,13767,25982,13753,26003,20403,3383,13781,26008,1674,4210,21325,25993,24822,21302,26009,13786,15232,26017,26016,24821,7149,24855,21294,27038,21324,2253,13794,26042,20427,15687,25958,20433,26145,6783,5998,15239,25989,25987,26070,28669,3162,21287,13120,15319,26331,15367,26195,3154,509,26047,26504,4397,15489,5846,28693,26057,15295,15340,4093,20406,23955,15282,24869,20472,26013,13728,26122,26105,26176, 00012086 579.69384766 [8248] MM5 [1136](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00012087 579.69439697 [8248] MM5 [1136](R) DB exec SQL: DELETE FROM DeviceTracks WHERE IDDevice = 677 AND IDTrack NOT IN (26664,16451,23498,23954,26033,26097,25988,26103,26059,14829,28683,15291,13842,21320,20404,26109,26201,1658,15843,15277,26108,20780,20387,4405,15847,28696,21077,26039,15233,26034,16071,20443,20741,24834,20812,15240,15436,15851,15133,16429,15312,5865,5893,4845,13124,5845,3150,15288,26229,13723,13808,15850,15503,5833,15477,5283,24795,21319,23924,20802,24862,28698,26155,26180,23939,15334,21327,15264,26343,15253,26128,26052,26121,26170,27036,15317,15396,13813,13745,20813,21297,25979,20821,6782,20393,20394,13845,28684,26044,15844,15306,15425,26379,14852,27037,15120,15171,26002,26040,15309,4080,4411,3156,4944,15260,15169,71,24820,15300,15263,26264,3158,25960,26154,7305,15265,15391,16447,15740,26129,24809,15327,26366,2008,20438,25205,20478,15311,12778,21310,26332,13839,26036,20810,25981,24873,20652,26011,20435,16359,15682,15326,15392,16418,20423,25209,28687,20410,21314,21330,26212,13804,13760,15314,25204,20420,6001,20477,15714,15285,15230,23715,26326,13780,26112,13792,20440,15227,26089,13806,25951,26175,24842,13833,21283,23925,13798,20402,13828,15404,26082,15278,13746,16350,25222,13681,20439,13695,26027,13864,25211,26113,23980,4942,15360,26299,18514,16540,6996,5823,14859,15399,6794,15725,28692,4396,15469,6796,25918,26346,26630,25996,14857,15397,2879,15229,26107,13704,23911,16437,13807,15331,26647,13759,24815,26188,16439,21946,23502,25215,24802,7608,24002,24814,24836,15400,28673,20401,26202,13678,13826,16547,26178,24872,13785,15749,13679,23979,24791,16425,13130,13832,15335,26076,26189,13714,13715,23921,23959,25995,9491,26327,16363,24743,3151,15258,2039,13856,16555,25217,26088,26193,15226,26187,2041,20816,20824,15465,16435,23914,26633,26199,5838,5875,26064,13821,6788,20487,21340,15657,26133,3167,15411,26141,15286,19977,26090,20451,15377,6779,4086,5837,3148,26110,13783,28699,15281,13817,15345,15456,15280,15659,7282,15354,23960,2044,2049,13122,21286,20454,23946,15845,16415,26156,13673,15376,25994,28706,26060,26125,16407,26086,13682,25220,24806,24867,13799,26153,16354,13843,13823,26337,23978,26351,21285,26091,26041,26055,20801,15420,15494,20818,4391,15504,4089,24103,16552,24826,26152,26094,14860,20457,24843,15454,21298,21295,13861,26074,13818,26159,11485,26071,15375,26006,26231,13778,26290,26517,5835,5883,2047,26077,24797,5888,5842,2048,4096,26100,13126,16398,26629,21452,16442,11484,24799,5836,5878,4414,20884,4742,15308,26203,26092,15719,26173,20444,2045,15455,15245,21897,23981,20482,24958,26004,26304,26045,15717,26139,15495,26367,21932,16406,23998,26213,25208,26320,26135,13836,13720,14854,13741,15665,15351,13782,14823,26143,26078,23933,20470,28675,26160,26114,21917,24849,15364,25199,26171,26010,15293,13822,20481,16372,15473,16539,479,13734,4738,21076,5229,26093,15255,26085,25191,15356,16458,25997,15296,24954,20794,4094,13123,15514,3152,20822,15500,15567,4084,20449,16553,4092,16463,434,15854,13777,26144,21082,21080,21083,26161,25984,26194,25902,13576,26056,26127,26183,25198,26126,26206,24803,13128,20469,15744,15303,24956,5889,5877,26214,27039,25904,14851,28688,24792,4784,16426,15271,25998,15423,14724,26084,5895,15170,26021,26150,5881,25190,20405,20417,16347,25195,4749,26142,27035,13672,26115,20823,24847,26061,21328,13,21309,25999,23917,25212,24801,26080,15341,16441,7293,15238,24817,26116,15234,24794,15976,24001,2050,3160,2046,3161,4394,13732,26046,25983,15267,15475,7281,26157,13764,26069,21081,21950,26174,15677,13767,25982,13753,26003,20403,3383,13781,26008,1674,4210,21325,25993,24822,21302,26009,13786,15232,26017,26016,24821,7149,24855,21294,27038,21324,2253,13794,26042,20427,15687,25958,20433,26145,6783,5998,15239,25989,25987,26070,28669,3162,21287,13120,15319,26331,15367,26195,3154,509,26047,26504,4397,15489,5846,28693,26057,15295,15340,4093,20406,23955,15282,24869,20472,26013,13728,26122,26105,26176,23945,21290,15658,26117,25992,20467,6654,26208,13784,21289,26048,26087,20128,15235,6321,13871,25219,15250,20480,23931,16550,13752,8017,15353,26172,26020,13816,26357,26062,26185,26136,26137,7942,4088,15301,16078,26249,2238,13758,5251,16459 00012088 579.96319580 [8248] MM5 [1136](R) DB lock took 266 ms : DELETE FROM DeviceTracks WHERE IDDevice = 677 AND IDTrack NOT IN (26664,16451,23498,23954,26033,26097,25988,26103,26059,14829,28683,15291,13842,21320,20404,26109,26201,1658,15843,15277,26108,20780,20387,4405,15847,28696,21077,26039,15233,26034,16071,20443,20741,24834,20812,15240,15436,15851,15133,16429,15312,5865,5893,4845,13124,5845,3150,15288,26229,13723,13808,15850,15503,5833,15477,5283,24795,21319,23924,20802,24862,28698,26155,26180,23939,15334,21327,15264,26343,15253,26128,26052,26121,26170,27036,15317,15396,13813,13745,20813,21297,25979,20821,6782,20393,20394,13845,28684,26044,15844,15306,15425,26379,14852,27037,15120,15171,26002,26040,15309,4080,4411,3156,4944,15260,15169,71,24820,15300,15263,26264,3158,25960,26154,7305,15265,15391,16447,15740,26129,24809,15327,26366,2008,20438,25205,20478,15311,12778,21310,26332,13839,26036,20810,25981,24873,20652,26011,20435,16359,15682,15326,15392,16418,20423,25209,28687,20410,21314,21330,26212,13804,13760,15314,25204,20420,6001,20477,15714,15285,15230,23715,26326,13780,26112,13792,20440,15227,26089,13806,25951,26175,24842,13833,21283,23925,13798,20402,13828,15404,26082,15278,13746,16350,25222,13681,20439,13695,26027,13864,25211,26113,23980,4942,15360,26299,18514,16540,6996,5823,14859,15399,6794,15725,28692,4396,15469,6796,25918,26346,26630,25996,14857,15397,2879,15229,26107,13704,23911,16437,13807,15331,26647,13759,24815,26188,16439,21946,23502,25215,24802,7608,24002,24814,24836,15400,28673,20401,26202,13678,13826,16547,26178,24872,13785,15749,13679,23979,24791,16425,13130,13832,15335,26076,26189,13714,13715,23921,23959,25995,9491,26327,16363,24743,3151,15258,2039,13856,16555,25217,26088,26193,15226,26187,2041,20816,20824,15465,16435,23914,26633,26199,5838,5875,26064,13821,6788,20487,21340,15657,26133,3167,15411,26141,15286,19977,26090,20451,15377,6779,4086,5837,3148,26110,13783,28699,15281,13817,15345,15456,15280,15659,7282,15354,23960,2044,2049,13122,21286,20454,23946,15845,16415,26156,13673,15376,25994,28706,26060,26125,16407,26086,13682,25220,24806,24867,13799,26153,16354,13843,13823,26337,23978,26351,21285,26091,26041,26055,20801,15420,15494,20818,4391,15504,4089,24103,16552,24826,26152,26094,14860,20457,24843,15454,21298,21295,13861,26074,13818,26159,11485,26071,15375,26006,26231,13778,26290,26517,5835,5883,2047,26077,24797,5888,5842,2048,4096,26100,13126,16398,26629,21452,16442,11484,24799,5836,5878,4414,20884,4742,15308,26203,26092,15719,26173,20444,2045,15455,15245,21897,23981,20482,24958,26004,26304,26045,15717,26139,15495,26367,21932,16406,23998,26213,25208,26320,26135,13836,13720,14854,13741,15665,15351,13782,14823,26143,26078,23933,20470,28675,26160,26114,21917,24849,15364,25199,26171,26010,15293,13822,20481,16372,15473,16539,479,13734,4738,21076,5229,26093,15255,26085,25191,15356,16458,25997,15296,24954,20794,4094,13123,15514,3152,20822,15500,15567,4084,20449,16553,4092,16463,434,15854,13777,26144,21082,21080,21083,26161,25984,26194,25902,13576,26056,26127,26183,25198,26126,26206,24803,13128,20469,15744,15303,24956,5889,5877,26214,27039,25904,14851,28688,24792,4784,16426,15271,25998,15423,14724,26084,5895,15170,26021,26150,5881,25190,20405,20417,16347,25195,4749,26142,27035,13672,26115,20823,24847,26061,21328,13,21309,25999,23917,25212,24801,26080,15341,16441,7293,15238,24817,26116,15234,24794,15976,24001,2050,3160,2046,3161,4394,13732,26046,25983,15267,15475,7281,26157,13764,26069,21081,21950,26174,15677,13767,25982,13753,26003,20403,3383,13781,26008,1674,4210,21325,25993,24822,21302,26009,13786,15232,26017,26016,24821,7149,24855,21294,27038,21324,2253,13794,26042,20427,15687,25958,20433,26145,6783,5998,15239,25989,25987,26070,28669,3162,21287,13120,15319,26331,15367,26195,3154,509,26047,26504,4397,15489,5846,28693,26057,15295,15340,4093,20406,23955,15282,24869,20472,26013,13728,26122,26105,26176,23945,21290,15658,26117,25992,20467,6654,26208,13784,21289,26048,26087,20128,15235,6321,13871,25219,15250,20480,23931,16550,13752,8017,15353,26172,26020,13816,26357,26062,26185,26136,26137,7942,4088,15301,16078,26249,2238,13758,5 00012089 580.24468994 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00012090 580.25323486 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) _BrowseRequest started 00012091 580.25366211 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00012092 580.25402832 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00012093 580.25433350 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00012094 580.25732422 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) 7392 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00012095 580.27301025 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00012096 580.27374268 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item, Title: Free Fallin' 00012097 580.27410889 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item, Title: Sweet Little Sixteen 00012098 580.27752686 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item, Title: Two Hearts Beat as One 00012099 580.27862549 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item, Title: Sally Cinnamon 00012100 580.27923584 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item, Title: Star Baby 00012101 580.28009033 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item, Title: Such Great Heights 00012102 582.54974365 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00012103 583.53985596 [8248] UPnP: _UploadRequest: Header: --wSB_2I3NIGRmwHcm11sbA5jdFOxc6dl 00012104 583.53985596 [8248] Content-Disposition: form-data; name="SyncedContentUpload:DeviceID:710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482" 00012105 583.53985596 [8248] 00012106 583.53985596 [8248] 26664,16451,23498,23954,26033,26097,25988,26103,26059,14829,28683,15291,13842,21320,20404,26109,26201,1658,15843,15277,26108,20780,20387,4405,15847,28696,21077,26039,15233,26034,16071,20443,20741,24834,20812,15240,15436,15851,15133,16429,15312,5865,5893,4845,13124,5845,3150,15288,26229,13723,13808,15850,15503,5833,15477,5283,24795,21319,23924,20802,24862,28698,26155,26180,23939,15334,21327,15264,26343,15253,26128,26052,26121,26170,27036,15317,15396,13813,13745,20813,21297,25979,20821,6782,20393,20394,13845,28684,26044,15844,15306,15425,26379,14852,27037,15120,15171,26002,26040,15309,4080,4411,3156,4944,15260,15169,71,24820,15300,15263,26264,3158,25960,26154,7305,15265,15391,16447,15740,26129,24809,15327,26366,20438,25205,20478,15311,12778,21310,26332,13839,26036,20810,25981,24873,20652,26011,20435,16359,15682,15326,15392,16418,20423,25209,28687,20410,21314,21330,26212,13804,13760,15314,25204,20420,6001,20477,15714,15285,15230,26326,13780,26112,13792,20440,15227,26089,13806,25951,26175,24842,13833,21283,23925,13798,20402,13828,15404,26082,15278,13746,16350,25222,13681,20439,13695,26027,13864,25211,26113,23980,4942,15360,26299,18514,16540,6996,5823,14859,15399,6794,15725,28692,4396,15469,6796,25918,26346,26630,25996,14857,15397,2879,15229,26107,13704,23911,16437,13807,15331,26647,13759,24815,26188,16439,21946,23502,25215,24802,24002,24814,24836,15400,28673,20401,26202,13678,13826,16547,26178,24872,13785,15749,13679,23979,24791,16425,13130,13832,15335,26076,26189,13714,13715,23921,23959,25995,9491,26327,16363,24743,3151,15258,2039,13856,16555,25217,26088,26193,15226,26187,2041,20816,20824,15465,16435,23914,26633,26199,5838,5875,26064,13821,6788,20487,21340,15657,26133,3167,15411,26141,15286,19977,26090,20451,15377,6779,4086,5837,3148,26110,13783,28699,15281,13817,15345,15456,15280,15659,7282,15354,23960,2044,2049,13122,21286,20454,23946,15845,16415,26156,13673,15376,25994,28706,26060,26125,16407,26086,13682,25220,24806,24867,13799,26153,16354,13843,13823,26337,23978,26351,21285,26091,26041,26055,20801,15420,15494,20818,4391,15504,4089,24103,16552,24826,26152,26094,14860,20457,24843,15454,21298,21295,13861,26074,13818,26159,26071,15375,26006,26231,13778,26290,26517,5835,5883,2047,26077,24797,5888,5842,2048,4096,26100,13126,16398,26629,21452,16442,11484,24799,5836,5878,4414,20884,4742,15308,26203,26092,15719,26173,20444,2045,15455,15245,21897,23981,20482,24958,26004,26304,26045,15717,26139,15495,26367,21932,16406,23998,26213,25208,26320,26135,13836,13720,14854,13741,15665,15351,13782,14823,26143,26078,23933,20470,28675,26160,26114,21917,24849,15364,25199,26171,26010,15293,13822,20481,16372,15473,16539,479,13734,4738,21076,5229,26093,15255,26085,25191,15356,16458,25997,15296,24954,20794,4094,13123,15514,3152,20822,15500,15567,4084,20449,16553,4092,16463,434,15854,13777,26144,21082,21080,21083,26161,25984,26194,25902,13576,26056,26127,26183,25198,26126,26206,24803,13128,20469,15744,15303,24956,5889,5877,26214,27039,25904,14851,28688,24792,4784,16426,15271,25998,15423,14724,26084,5895,15170,26021,26150,5881,25190,20405,20417,16347,25195,4749,26142,27035,13672,26115,20823,24847,26061,21328,13,21309,25999,23917,25212,24801,26080,15341,16441,7293,15238,24817,26116,15234,24794,15976,24001,2050,3160,2046,3161,4394,13732,26046,25983,15267,15475,7281,26157,13764,26069,21081,21950,26174,15677,13767,25982,13753,26003,20403,3383,13781,26008,4210,21325,25993,24822,21302,26009,13786,15232,26017,26016,24821,24855,21294,27038,21324,13794,26042,20427,15687,25958,20433,26145,6783,5998,15239,25989,25987,26070,28669,3162,21287,13120,15319,26331,15367,26195,3154,509,26047,26504,4397,15489,5846,28693,26057,15295,15340,4093,20406,23955,15282,24869,20472,26013,13728,26122,26105,26176,23945,21290,15658,26117,25992,20467,26208,1378 00012107 583.54022217 [8248] MM5 [3976](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00012108 583.55786133 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00012109 583.56549072 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) _BrowseRequest started 00012110 583.56878662 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00012111 583.56909180 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00012112 583.56939697 [8248] GetDeviceLibraryIDForDevice: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00012113 583.57000732 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00012114 583.59680176 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) TSyncProcess.GetSyncList, served 836 tracks from 1602 00012115 583.60192871 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) 7392 DB prepare SQL: SELECT NULL FROM Covers WHERE Covers.IDSong = ? 00012116 583.60266113 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Cry, ID: 20554, LastModified: 2018-05-27 18:27:04, Targetpath: \Music\10CC\Very Best Of\17 10CC - Cry.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012117 583.60339355 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: The Living Daylights, ID: 20643, LastModified: 2017-04-13 03:37:02, Targetpath: \Music\a-Ha\Stay on These Roads\06 a-Ha - The Living Daylights.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012118 583.60406494 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: All I Need, ID: 20681, LastModified: 2017-03-31 05:22:17, Targetpath: \Music\Air\Moon Safari\03 Air - All I Need.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012119 583.60620117 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Rooster, ID: 25897, LastModified: 2018-06-20 15:18:42, Targetpath: \Music\Alice in Chains\Dirt\19 Alice in Chains - Rooster.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012120 583.60693359 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Nutshell, ID: 25926, LastModified: 2018-06-20 15:20:58, Targetpath: \Music\Alice in Chains\Heroin\47 Alice in Chains - Nutshell.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012121 583.60766602 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Summer in Berlin, ID: 2543, LastModified: 2018-08-15 20:51:22, Targetpath: \Music\Alphaville\Forever Young\02 Alphaville - Summer in Berlin.MP3, TrackType: 0 00012122 583.60833740 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Sign of the Gypsy Queen, ID: 2561, LastModified: 2017-07-03 15:17:55, Targetpath: \Music\April Wine\The Nature Of The Beast\03 April Wine - Sign of the Gypsy Queen.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012123 583.60906982 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Goodbye Sadness, ID: 79, LastModified: 2018-07-26 16:43:25, Targetpath: \Music\Astrud Gilberto\Jazz Masters 9\15 Astrud Gilberto - Goodbye Sadness.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012124 583.60980225 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Where It’s At, ID: 25933, LastModified: 2018-06-20 15:24:22, Targetpath: \Music\Beck\Odelay\52 Beck - Where It’s At.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012125 583.61059570 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Good, ID: 25923, LastModified: 2018-06-20 15:42:07, Targetpath: \Music\Better Than Ezra\Deluxe\62 Better Than Ezra - Good.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012126 583.61132813 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Rock Around the Clock, ID: 2759, LastModified: 2014-10-23 16:44:58, Targetpath: \Music\Bill Haley and the Comets\Rock Around the Clock\01 Bill Haley and the C - Rock Around the Clock.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012127 583.61212158 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Memphis Blues, ID: 2763, LastModified: 2017-10-16 18:27:03, Targetpath: \Music\Billy Burnette\Memphis in Manhattan\01 Billy Burnette - Memphis Blues.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012128 583.61285400 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Only the Good Die Young, ID: 2778, LastModified: 2018-12-05 21:52:09, Targetpath: \Music\Billy Joel\The Stranger\06 Billy Joel - Only the Good Die Young.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012129 583.61370850 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Head Over Heels, ID: 163, LastModified: 2017-08-10 17:17:29, Targetpath: \Music\Blue Rodeo\Five Days In July\08 Blue Rodeo - Head Over Heels.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012130 583.61450195 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall, ID: 2835, LastModified: 2017-08-21 18:01:41, Targetpath: \Music\Bob Dylan\Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Volume 2\05 Bob Dylan - A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012131 583.61523438 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: The Levee's Gonna Break, ID: 2870, LastModified: 2018-06-28 03:59:41, Targetpath: \Music\Bob Dylan\Modern Times\09 Bob Dylan - The Levee's Gonna Break.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012132 583.61865234 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Get Up, Stand Up, ID: 2874, LastModified: 2018-07-26 16:43:16, Targetpath: \Music\Bob Marley & The Wailers\Burnin'\01 Bob Marley & The Wai - Get Up, Stand Up.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012133 583.61950684 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Jamming, ID: 2880, LastModified: 2018-07-26 16:43:25, Targetpath: \Music\Bob Marley & The Wailers\Exodus\06 Bob Marley & The Wai - Jamming.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012134 583.62036133 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Hot N*gga, ID: 15280, LastModified: 2018-06-24 05:04:32, Targetpath: \Music\Bobby Shmurda\Shmurda She Wrote\54 Bobby Shmurda - Hot N-gga.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012135 583.62426758 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Green Onions, ID: 2903, LastModified: 2017-08-10 17:17:29, Targetpath: \Music\Booker T & The MGs\The Very Best Of\00 Booker T & The MGs - Green Onions.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012136 583.62475586 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Peace Of Mind, ID: 2906, LastModified: 2017-09-15 20:55:22, Targetpath: \Music\Boston\Boston\02 Boston - Peace Of Mind.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012137 583.62554932 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: She's Only Happy When She's Dancin', ID: 2944, LastModified: 2016-04-28 22:24:00, Targetpath: \Music\Bryan Adams\Reckless\02 Bryan Adams - She's Only Happy When She's Dancin'.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012138 583.62634277 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Ain't Gonna Cry, ID: 2943, LastModified: 2016-05-16 16:41:10, Targetpath: \Music\Bryan Adams\Reckless\10 Bryan Adams - Ain't Gonna Cry.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012139 583.62719727 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: That'll Be The Day, ID: 2956, LastModified: 2015-08-16 21:48:21, Targetpath: \Music\Buddy Holly\Unknown\00 Buddy Holly - That'll Be The Day.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012140 583.62805176 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Machinehead, ID: 25957, LastModified: 2018-06-20 15:42:51, Targetpath: \Music\Bush\Sixteen Stone\79 Bush - Machinehead.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012141 583.62878418 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: One Kiss, ID: 27035, LastModified: 2018-12-12 17:31:04, Targetpath: \Music\Calvin Harris;Dua Lipa\One Kiss\00 Calvin Harris;Dua Li - One Kiss.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012142 583.62963867 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Havana (feat. Young Thug), ID: 26633, LastModified: 2018-07-03 18:52:38, Targetpath: \Music\Camila Cabello\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart\00 Camila Cabello - Havana (feat. Young Thug).mp3, TrackType: 0 00012143 583.63031006 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: My Artificial Sweetener, ID: 3007, LastModified: 2017-09-26 20:15:15, Targetpath: \Music\Chalk Circle\Mending Wall\02 Chalk Circle - My Artificial Sweetener.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012144 583.63287354 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Boom Clap, ID: 15260, LastModified: 2018-06-24 05:04:39, Targetpath: \Music\Charli XCX\Sucker\34 Charli XCX - Boom Clap.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012145 583.63360596 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Marvin Gaye (feat. Meghan Trainor), ID: 25191, LastModified: 2018-06-21 15:44:03, Targetpath: \Music\Charlie Puth\Nine Track Mind\03 Charlie Puth - Marvin Gaye (feat. Meghan Trainor).mp3, TrackType: 0 00012146 583.63446045 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: New Flame, ID: 15303, LastModified: 2018-06-24 05:04:29, Targetpath: \Music\Chris Brown\X\77 Chris Brown;Usher;Ri - New Flame.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012147 583.63519287 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Baby Did A Bad Bad Thing, ID: 3026, LastModified: 2017-11-14 22:48:15, Targetpath: \Music\Chris Isaak\Forever Blue\01 Chris Isaak - Baby Did A Bad Bad Thing.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012148 583.63592529 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Rock & Roll Music, ID: 3053, LastModified: 2015-02-05 15:31:13, Targetpath: \Music\Chuck Berry\Unknown\01 Chuck Berry - Rock & Roll Music.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012149 583.63665771 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Amazing Day, ID: 15851, LastModified: 2016-01-12 23:07:05, Targetpath: \Music\Coldplay\A Head Full Of Dreams\09 Coldplay - Amazing Day.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012150 583.63739014 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Speed Of Sound, ID: 3095, LastModified: 2018-07-26 16:43:25, Targetpath: \Music\Coldplay\X & Y\07 Coldplay - Speed Of Sound.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012151 583.64599609 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: The World I Know, ID: 25907, LastModified: 2018-11-25 00:54:22, Targetpath: \Music\Collective Soul\Collective Soul\29 Collective Soul - The World I Know.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012152 583.64654541 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Mr. Jones, ID: 25974, LastModified: 2018-06-20 15:51:11, Targetpath: \Music\Counting Crows\August and Everything After\96 Counting Crows - Mr. Jones.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012153 583.64727783 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Woodstock, ID: 3142, LastModified: 2017-07-13 18:58:22, Targetpath: \Music\Crosby Stills Nash & Young\Deja Vu\05 Crosby Stills Nash & - Woodstock.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012154 583.65020752 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: The Jean Genie, ID: 15866, LastModified: 2018-07-26 16:43:25, Targetpath: \Music\David Bowie\Best Of Bowie\10 David Bowie - The Jean Genie.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012155 583.65100098 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Little Bribes, ID: 3258, LastModified: 2018-10-15 21:04:06, Targetpath: \Music\Death Cab For Cutie\The Open Door EP\01 Death Cab For Cutie - Little Bribes.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012156 583.65179443 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: A Lack of Color, ID: 3265, LastModified: 2018-10-15 21:01:24, Targetpath: \Music\Death Cab for Cutie\Transatlanticism\11 Death Cab for Cutie - A Lack of Color.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012157 583.65252686 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Love in Itself, ID: 3318, LastModified: 2017-10-20 16:18:34, Targetpath: \Music\Depeche Mode\Catching Up With Depeche Mode\06 Depeche Mode - Love in Itself.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012158 583.65325928 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: I Feel Loved, ID: 3323, LastModified: 2014-10-07 15:53:45, Targetpath: \Music\Depeche Mode\Exciter\09 Depeche Mode - I Feel Loved.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012159 583.65399170 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Precious, ID: 3354, LastModified: 2017-02-24 05:06:34, Targetpath: \Music\Depeche Mode\Playing the Angel\05 Depeche Mode - Precious.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012160 583.65539551 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Why Worry1, ID: 3382, LastModified: 2018-07-26 16:43:11, Targetpath: \Music\Dire Straits\Brothers in Arms\05 Dire Straits - Why Worry1.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012161 583.65618896 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Communique, ID: 3386, LastModified: 2016-04-05 13:31:02, Targetpath: \Music\Dire Straits\Communiqué\04 Dire Straits - Communique.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012162 583.65692139 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Counting Blue Cars, ID: 25895, LastModified: 2018-06-20 15:52:47, Targetpath: \Music\Dishwalla\Pet Your Friends\20 Dishwalla - Counting Blue Cars.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012163 583.65771484 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Life's Too Short (Outtake), ID: 21932, LastModified: 2017-09-10 00:55:34, Targetpath: \Music\Disney\Disney's Frozen Deluxe Soundtrack\07 Kristen Anderson-Lop - Life's Too Short (Outtake).mp3, TrackType: 0 00012164 583.65844727 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Love Is an Open Door, ID: 21917, LastModified: 2017-09-10 00:55:31, Targetpath: \Music\Disney\Disney's Frozen Deluxe Sountrack\04 Kristen Bell and San - Love Is an Open Door.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012165 583.65917969 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Landslide (real album version-not live), ID: 3401, LastModified: 2015-01-09 17:42:04, Targetpath: \Music\Dixie Chicks\Home\02 Dixie Chicks - Landslide (real album version-not live).mp3, TrackType: 0 00012166 583.66015625 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Toothbrush, ID: 25194, LastModified: 2018-07-26 16:43:54, Targetpath: \Music\DNCE\SWAAY - EP\03 DNCE - Toothbrush.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012167 583.66101074 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Drift Away, ID: 3455, LastModified: 2017-07-03 15:17:55, Targetpath: \Music\Doobie Brothers\Unknown\00 Doobie Brothers - Drift Away.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012168 583.66210938 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) DB open SQL: SELECT null FROM SynchPlaylist WHERE SynchPlaylist.IDDevice=677 00012169 583.66699219 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00012170 583.66760254 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Cry 00012171 583.66827393 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Cryin' 00012172 583.66888428 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Living Daylights 00012173 583.66955566 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Momentum 00012174 583.67016602 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: All I Need 00012175 583.67327881 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Slow Revolution 00012176 583.67395020 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Rooster 00012177 583.67456055 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Man in the Box 00012178 583.67517090 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Nutshell 00012179 583.67584229 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Afternoons in Utopia 00012180 583.67645264 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Summer in Berlin 00012181 583.67706299 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Say Hello 00012182 583.67767334 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sign of the Gypsy Queen 00012183 583.67828369 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: thank u, next 00012184 583.67895508 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Goodbye Sadness 00012185 583.67956543 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Loser 00012186 583.68017578 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Where It’s At 00012187 583.68084717 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Found You 00012188 583.68151855 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Good 00012189 583.68212891 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: In a Big Country 00012190 583.68273926 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Rock Around the Clock 00012191 583.68334961 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: when the party's over 00012192 583.68402100 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Memphis Blues 00012193 583.68542480 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Oh Well 00012194 583.68603516 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Only the Good Die Young 00012195 583.68670654 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Montreal 00012196 583.68731689 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Head Over Heels 00012197 583.68859863 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Song 2 00012198 583.68920898 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall 00012199 583.68981934 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Changing of the Guards 00012200 583.69036865 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Levee's Gonna Break 00012201 583.69104004 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Get Up, Stand Up 00012202 583.69165039 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Exodus 00012203 583.69226074 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Jamming 00012204 583.69293213 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Could You Be Loved (remix) 00012205 583.69354248 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Hot N*gga 00012206 583.69427490 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Rivers Of Babylon 00012207 583.69488525 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Green Onions 00012208 583.69549561 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Peace Of Mind 00012209 583.69610596 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: 11_I Feel Love (Medley With Marc Almond) 00012210 583.69671631 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: She's Only Happy When She's Dancin' 00012211 583.69726563 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Summer Of '69 00012212 583.69787598 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Ain't Gonna Cry 00012213 583.69848633 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Not Fade Away 00012214 583.69903564 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: That'll Be The Day 00012215 583.69958496 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Glycerine 00012216 583.70019531 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Machinehead 00012217 583.70080566 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Advice 00012218 583.70141602 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: One Kiss 00012219 583.70336914 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: This Is What You Came For (feat. Rihanna) 00012220 583.70404053 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Havana (feat. Young Thug) 00012221 583.70477295 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Earwig Town 00012222 583.70532227 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: My Artificial Sweetener 00012223 583.70660400 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: 1999 00012224 583.70721436 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Boom Clap 00012225 583.70782471 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: One Call Away 00012226 583.70849609 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Marvin Gaye (feat. Meghan Trainor) 00012227 583.70910645 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: We Don’t Talk Anymore (feat. Selena Gomez) 00012228 583.70977783 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: New Flame 00012229 583.71038818 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Spaceman Came Travelling 00012230 583.71099854 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Baby Did A Bad Bad Thing 00012231 583.71160889 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Somebody's Crying 00012232 583.71215820 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Rock & Roll Music 00012233 583.71301270 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Baby (feat. Marina and The Diamonds & Luis Fonsi) 00012234 583.71368408 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Amazing Day 00012235 583.71423340 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Up & Up 00012236 583.71484375 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Speed Of Sound 00012237 583.71545410 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: A Message 00012238 583.71606445 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The World I Know 00012239 583.71667480 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Mr. Jones 00012240 583.71722412 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Suite: Judy Blue Eyes 00012241 583.71783447 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Woodstock 00012242 583.71868896 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Funky Friday 00012243 583.72131348 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Jean Genie 00012244 583.72259521 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Someday You Will Be Loved 00012245 583.72320557 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Little Bribes 00012246 583.72393799 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: We Looked Like Giants 00012247 583.72454834 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: A Lack of Color 00012248 583.72509766 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Piledriver 00012249 583.72576904 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Love in Itself 00012250 583.72631836 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Dream On 00012251 583.72692871 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Feel Loved 00012252 583.72753906 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Love In Itself 00012253 583.72814941 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Precious 00012254 583.72869873 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: A Teenager In Love 00012255 583.72924805 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Why Worry1 00012256 583.72985840 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Ride Across The River 00012257 583.73046875 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Communique 00012258 583.73101807 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Six Blade Knife 00012259 583.73162842 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Counting Blue Cars 00012260 583.73223877 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: For the First Time In Forever (Demo) 00012261 583.73278809 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Life's Too Short (Outtake) 00012262 583.73352051 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Reindeer(s) Remix (Outtake) 00012263 583.73406982 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Love Is an Open Door 00012264 583.73480225 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Let It Go (Demi Lovato Version) 00012265 583.73541260 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Landslide (real album version-not live) 00012266 583.73596191 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Taki Taki 00012267 583.73663330 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Toothbrush 00012268 583.73730469 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: (This Is) The Dream Of Evan And Chan (Superpitcher Kompakt Remix) 00012269 583.73864746 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Drift Away 00012270 584.47998047 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Hand to Mouth 00012271 584.48083496 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Who Do You Love? 00012272 584.48144531 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Hey Jealousy 00012273 584.48217773 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: We Got the Beat 00012274 584.48278809 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Slide 00012275 584.48339844 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sundown 00012276 584.48406982 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Moonlight Desires 00012277 584.48468018 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Friend Of The Devil 00012278 584.48541260 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Uncle John's Band 00012279 584.48608398 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Captain Wedderburn 00012280 584.48663330 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I'm A Rover 00012281 584.48724365 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Ordinary Day 00012282 584.48992920 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) 00012283 584.49066162 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: November Rain 00012284 584.49133301 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: HA Trivia 2018 - Rock 00012285 584.49188232 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Love Myself 00012286 584.49249268 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Without Me 00012287 584.49310303 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: What Do You Mean [Justin Bieber] 00012288 584.49554443 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Torn [Natalie Imbruglia] 00012289 584.49633789 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Ashes to Ashes 00012290 584.49694824 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Flagpole Sitta 00012291 584.49768066 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: What A Feeling 00012292 584.49835205 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Valley Of Sound 00012293 584.49890137 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Do You Get High 00012294 584.49963379 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Disappear 00012295 584.50030518 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Upward Over the Mountain 00012296 584.50091553 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Cinder And Smoke 00012297 584.50219727 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Love And Some Verses 00012298 584.50280762 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: An Angry Blade 00012299 584.51342773 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Woman King 00012300 584.51794434 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Thinking About You 00012301 584.51855469 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Undertow 00012302 584.51904297 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Worry About You 00012303 584.51977539 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: ATM 00012304 584.52038574 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: BRACKETS 00012305 584.52136230 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: FRIENDS (feat. kiLL edward) 00012306 584.52288818 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Intro 00012307 584.52362061 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Kevin's Heart 00012308 584.52423096 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: KOD 00012309 584.52484131 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Rock And Roll Records 00012310 584.52557373 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: People Watching 00012311 584.52618408 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: We're Going To Be Friends 00012312 584.52685547 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Lullaby (Feat. Matt Costa) 00012313 584.52746582 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Questions 00012314 584.52813721 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Beachin' 00012315 584.52886963 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Empty Space 00012316 584.52960205 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Been Caught Stealing 00012317 584.53033447 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Talk Dirty 00012318 584.53094482 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Come Up The Years 00012319 584.53155518 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Volunteers 00012320 584.53582764 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Thursday 00012321 584.53649902 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Wondering Aloud 00012322 584.53710938 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Foxey Lady 00012323 584.53906250 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Cherry Bomb 00012324 584.53979492 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Intimacy 00012325 585.16510010 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00012326 585.17004395 [8248] UPnP Server: Directory to browse: SyncList:DeviceID:710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482, Start: 200, Count: 100, Sort: 00012327 585.17645264 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) _BrowseRequest started 00012328 585.17779541 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00012329 585.17840576 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00012330 585.17871094 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00012331 585.17962646 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 00012332 585.18988037 [9848] MM5 [8276](B) TIndyHTTP.GetResponseContent EXCEPTION!!! : Socket Error # 10061 00012333 585.18988037 [9848] Connection refused. ,URL:, ResponseContent.Size: 0, ResponseCode: -1 00012334 585.21136475 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) TSyncProcess.GetSyncList, served 836 tracks from 1602 00012335 585.21362305 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Secret Agent Man, ID: 4452, LastModified: 2017-07-24 21:50:54, Targetpath: \Music\Johnny Rivers\Unknown\00 Johnny Rivers - Secret Agent Man.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012336 585.21429443 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Besame Mucho, ID: 21152, LastModified: 2018-05-07 20:22:08, Targetpath: \Music\Julie London\Unknown\00 Julie London - Besame Mucho.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012337 585.21520996 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Sway, ID: 21154, LastModified: 2018-05-07 20:27:46, Targetpath: \Music\Julie London\Unknown\00 Julie London - Sway.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012338 585.21612549 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Company, ID: 25204, LastModified: 2018-12-05 21:52:00, Targetpath: \Music\Justin Bieber\Purpose (Deluxe)\06 Justin Bieber - Company.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012339 585.21685791 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Better, ID: 28684, LastModified: 2018-12-23 05:55:47, Targetpath: \Music\Khalid\U.K Single Charts\00 Khalid - Better.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012340 585.21759033 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: The Weight of my Words (Four Tet Remix - Instrumental), ID: 4546, LastModified: 2018-08-15 20:51:22, Targetpath: \Music\Kings of Convenience\Versus\12 Kings of Convenience - The Weight of my Words (Four Tet Remix - Instrumental).mp3, TrackType: 0 00012341 585.21911621 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Shallow, ID: 28669, LastModified: 2018-12-23 05:55:46, Targetpath: \Music\Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper\U.K Single Charts\00 Lady Gaga & Bradley - Shallow.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012342 585.21984863 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: American, ID: 15133, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:32:42, Targetpath: \Music\Lana Del Rey\Paradise\02 Lana Del Rey - American.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012343 585.22052002 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Thank You, ID: 4589, LastModified: 2017-12-04 19:11:57, Targetpath: \Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin Box Set (CD1)\06 Led Zeppelin - Thank You.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012344 585.22131348 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Hey Hey What Can I Do, ID: 4583, LastModified: 2018-12-05 21:52:08, Targetpath: \Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin Box Set (CD1)\14 Led Zeppelin - Hey Hey What Can I Do.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012345 585.22277832 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Bron-Y-Aur Stomp, ID: 4602, LastModified: 2018-06-24 05:11:36, Targetpath: \Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin Box Set (CD2)\05 Led Zeppelin - Bron-Y-Aur Stomp.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012346 585.22351074 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: D'yer Mak'er, ID: 4606, LastModified: 2018-06-24 05:11:36, Targetpath: \Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin Box Set (CD2)\09 Led Zeppelin - D'yer Mak'er.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012347 585.22430420 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Candy Store Rock, ID: 4613, LastModified: 2017-12-04 19:45:14, Targetpath: \Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin Box Set (CD4)\02 Led Zeppelin - Candy Store Rock.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012348 585.22821045 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: All My Love, ID: 4612, LastModified: 2018-08-15 20:51:21, Targetpath: \Music\Led Zeppelin\Led Zeppelin Box Set (CD4)\14 Led Zeppelin - All My Love.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012349 585.22894287 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Shonanat Yacov, ID: 15971, LastModified: 2016-03-28 17:49:52, Targetpath: \Music\Leiv Aryeh\Unknown\00 Leiv Aryeh - Shonanat Yacov.m4a, TrackType: 0 00012350 585.23052979 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: The Outdoor Type, ID: 4634, LastModified: 2015-03-30 20:44:34, Targetpath: \Music\Lemonheads\The Best Of The Lemonheads\11 Lemonheads - The Outdoor Type.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012351 585.23199463 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: First We Take Manhattan, ID: 4663, LastModified: 2017-08-15 22:49:12, Targetpath: \Music\Leonard Cohen\I'm Your Man\01 Leonard Cohen - First We Take Manhattan.ogg, TrackType: 0 00012352 585.23297119 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Woman Like Me (feat. Nicki Minaj), ID: 28668, LastModified: 2018-12-23 05:55:46, Targetpath: \Music\Little Mix\U.K Single Charts\00 Little Mix - Woman Like Me (feat. Nicki Minaj).mp3, TrackType: 0 00012353 585.23370361 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Lightning Crashes, ID: 25898, LastModified: 2018-06-15 17:58:18, Targetpath: \Music\Live\Throwing Copper\12 Live - Lightning Crashes.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012354 585.23449707 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: All Over You, ID: 25950, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:31, Targetpath: \Music\Live\Throwing Copper\72 Live - All Over You.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012355 585.23522949 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Bound for the Floor, ID: 25972, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:38, Targetpath: \Music\Local H\As Good as Dead\94 Local H - Bound for the Floor.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012356 585.23590088 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: How Old Are You?, ID: 4700, LastModified: 2017-07-24 21:50:40, Targetpath: \Music\Loudon Wainwright III\One Man Guy - The Best of 1982-1986\11 Loudon Wainwright II - How Old Are You.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012357 585.23657227 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Ray of Light, ID: 4762, LastModified: 2016-05-06 18:53:13, Targetpath: \Music\Madonna\Ray of Light\03 Madonna - Ray of Light.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012358 585.23724365 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Live To Tell, ID: 4770, LastModified: 2017-10-20 16:18:35, Targetpath: \Music\Madonna\The Immaculate Collection\08 Madonna - Live To Tell.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012359 585.23797607 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This), ID: 25975, LastModified: 2018-10-18 22:32:10, Targetpath: \Music\Marilyn Manson\The Beautiful People\97 Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This).mp3, TrackType: 0 00012360 585.23876953 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Scared to Be Lonely, ID: 27038, LastModified: 2018-12-12 17:34:47, Targetpath: \Music\Martin Garrix;Dua Lipa\Scared to Be Lonely\00 Martin Garrix;Dua Li - Scared to Be Lonely.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012361 585.23999023 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Push, ID: 25959, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:33, Targetpath: \Music\Matchbox Twenty\Yourself or Someone Like You\81 Matchbox 20 - Push.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012362 585.24078369 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) DB lock took 16 ms : SELECT NULL FROM Covers WHERE Covers.IDSong = ? 00012363 585.24145508 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Like I'm Gonna Lose You (feat. John Legend), ID: 25208, LastModified: 2018-07-26 16:43:10, Targetpath: \Music\Meghan Trainor\Title (Deluxe)\06 Meghan Trainor - Like I'm Gonna Lose You (feat. John Legend).mp3, TrackType: 0 00012364 585.24218750 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Enter Sandman, ID: 25894, LastModified: 2018-07-03 18:52:01, Targetpath: \Music\Metallica\Metallica\14 Metallica - Enter Sandman.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012365 585.24285889 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Say Hey (I Love You), ID: 12746, LastModified: 2017-11-29 14:48:59, Targetpath: \Music\Michael Franti & Spearhead\All Rebel Rockers\06 Michael Franti & Spe - Say Hey (I Love You).mp3, TrackType: 0 00012366 585.24353027 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: The Sound Of Sunshine Going Down, ID: 11341, LastModified: 2018-05-27 18:27:42, Targetpath: \Music\Michael Franti & Spearhead\The Sound of Sunshine\11 Michael Franti & Spe - The Sound Of Sunshine Going Down.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012367 585.24420166 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Thriller, ID: 16787, LastModified: 2016-07-04 19:24:38, Targetpath: \Music\Michael Jackson\Thriller\04 Michael Jackson - Thriller.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012368 585.24487305 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Blue Sky Mine, ID: 1485, LastModified: 2015-01-09 17:42:04, Targetpath: \Music\Midnight Oil\20,000 Watt R.S.L.- Greatest Hits\07 Midnight Oil - Blue Sky Mine.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012369 585.24639893 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Classic, ID: 15276, LastModified: 2018-06-24 05:04:37, Targetpath: \Music\MKTO\MKTO\50 MKTO - Classic.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012370 585.24761963 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Extreme Ways, ID: 19930, LastModified: 2017-02-10 15:57:49, Targetpath: \Music\Moby\Go - The Very Best of Moby\10 Moby - Extreme Ways.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012371 585.24835205 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: One Night in Bangkok, ID: 4922, LastModified: 2018-06-24 05:11:37, Targetpath: \Music\Murray Head\Unknown\00 Murray Head - One Night in Bangkok.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012372 585.24902344 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Old Man, ID: 4959, LastModified: 2017-07-24 21:50:54, Targetpath: \Music\Neil Young\Harvest\06 Neil Young - Old Man.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012373 585.24981689 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Round & Round, ID: 4990, LastModified: 2018-08-15 20:51:22, Targetpath: \Music\New Order\Best of\11 New Order - Round & Round.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012374 585.25054932 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Place To Be, ID: 5020, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\Nick Drake\Pink Moon\02 Nick Drake - Place To Be.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012375 585.25134277 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Mayfair, ID: 5038, LastModified: 2014-09-04 15:19:47, Targetpath: \Music\Nick Drake\Time of No Reply\06 Nick Drake - Mayfair.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012376 585.25207520 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Close (feat. Tove Lo), ID: 25209, LastModified: 2018-07-26 16:43:36, Targetpath: \Music\Nick Jonas\Last Year Was Complicated\03 Nick Jonas - Close (feat. Tove Lo).mp3, TrackType: 0 00012377 585.25280762 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Sister Christian, ID: 5042, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\Night Ranger\Unknown\00 Night Ranger - Sister Christian.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012378 585.25347900 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Hurt, ID: 25908, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:10, Targetpath: \Music\Nine Inch Nails\The Downward Spiral\30 Nine Inch Nails - Hurt.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012379 585.25415039 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: All Apologies, ID: 25893, LastModified: 2018-06-15 17:58:17, Targetpath: \Music\Nirvana\In Utero\15 Nirvana - All Apologies.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012380 585.25506592 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: I've Got To See You Again, ID: 5068, LastModified: 2017-07-13 18:58:24, Targetpath: \Music\Norah Jones\Come Away With Me\09 Norah Jones - I've Got To See You Again.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012381 585.25598145 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Wonderwall, ID: 25903, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:03, Targetpath: \Music\Oasis\(What’s the Story) Morning Glory\25 Oasis - Wonderwall.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012382 585.25683594 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) DB lock took 15 ms : SELECT NULL FROM Covers WHERE Covers.IDSong = ? 00012383 585.25744629 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Twist Of Fate, ID: 5099, LastModified: 2018-12-05 21:52:08, Targetpath: \Music\Olivia Newton-John\Two of a Kind\00 Olivia Newton-John - Twist Of Fate.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012384 585.25805664 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Drag Me Down, ID: 25211, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:32:42, Targetpath: \Music\One Direction\Drag Me Down - Single\01 One Direction - Drag Me Down.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012385 585.25872803 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Raise Your Glass, ID: 13584, LastModified: 2018-06-21 18:10:20, Targetpath: \Music\P!nk\Raise Your Glass\17 P!nk - Raise Your Glass.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012386 585.25952148 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) DB open SQL: SELECT null FROM SynchCollection WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=0 00012387 585.26031494 [8248] TMediaContentBrowser.AddItemList, Count: 1, SearchWord: 00012388 585.26281738 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Oh Yoko! 00012389 585.26330566 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Secret Agent Man 00012390 585.26379395 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: A Taste Of Honey 00012391 585.26434326 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Besame Mucho 00012392 585.26495361 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Fly Me to the Moon 00012393 585.26544189 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sway 00012394 585.26605225 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: My Heart Belongs to Daddy 00012395 585.26654053 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Company 00012396 585.26708984 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: CAN'T STOP THE FEELING! (Original Song From DreamWorks Animation's "Trolls") 00012397 585.26788330 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Better 00012398 585.26855469 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Failure 00012399 585.26916504 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Weight of my Words (Four Tet Remix - Instrumental) 00012400 585.26971436 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: ZEZE (feat. Travis Scott & Offset) 00012401 585.27020264 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Shallow 00012402 585.27075195 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Born This Way 00012403 585.27136230 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: American 00012404 585.27203369 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: (You're A) Strange Animal 00012405 585.27301025 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Thank You 00012406 585.27380371 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Ramble On 00012407 585.27441406 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Hey Hey What Can I Do 00012408 585.27502441 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: White Summer/Black Mountain Side 00012409 585.27563477 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Bron-Y-Aur Stomp 00012410 585.27618408 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Going To California 00012411 585.27667236 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: D'yer Mak'er 00012412 585.27716064 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Custard Pie 00012413 585.27770996 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Candy Store Rock 00012414 585.27819824 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: All My Love 00012415 585.27874756 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: When The Levee Breaks 00012416 585.27929688 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Shonanat Yacov 00012417 585.27978516 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Big Gay Heart 00012418 585.28033447 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Outdoor Type 00012419 585.28082275 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Fly Away 00012420 585.28125000 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/ogg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: First We Take Manhattan 00012421 585.28179932 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: My Own Worst Enemy 00012422 585.28228760 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Woman Like Me (feat. Nicki Minaj) 00012423 585.28283691 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Strip 00012424 585.28344727 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Lightning Crashes 00012425 585.28393555 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Alone 00012426 585.28448486 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: All Over You 00012427 585.28497314 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Battle Flag 00012428 585.28540039 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Bound for the Floor 00012429 585.28594971 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: 5 Years Old 00012430 585.28643799 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: How Old Are You? 00012431 585.28698730 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sorry 00012432 585.28747559 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Ray of Light 00012433 585.28796387 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Like A Virgin 00012434 585.28845215 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Live To Tell 00012435 585.28955078 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sex and Candy 00012436 585.29010010 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) 00012437 585.29058838 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Happier (feat. Bastille) 00012438 585.29113770 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Scared to Be Lonely 00012439 585.29162598 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Breakfast at Tiffanys 00012440 585.29211426 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Push 00012441 585.29266357 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sweet Rose 00012442 585.29309082 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Devil With the Green Eyes 00012443 585.29364014 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Like I'm Gonna Lose You (feat. John Legend) 00012444 585.29418945 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Nothing Else Matters 00012445 585.29473877 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Enter Sandman 00012446 585.29522705 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: All I Want Is You 00012447 585.29571533 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Say Hey (I Love You) 00012448 585.29626465 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Only Thing Missing Was You 00012449 585.29681396 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Sound Of Sunshine Going Down 00012450 585.29730225 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Terms of Endearment 00012451 585.29779053 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Thriller 00012452 585.29846191 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: No Myth 00012453 585.29907227 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Blue Sky Mine 00012454 585.29974365 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Back & Forth 00012455 585.30035400 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Classic 00012456 585.30096436 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Lift Me Up (Mylo Mix) 00012457 585.30163574 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Extreme Ways 00012458 585.30218506 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Isolate 00012459 585.30261230 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: One Night in Bangkok 00012460 585.30328369 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Cinnamon Girl 00012461 585.30383301 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Old Man 00012462 585.30438232 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: True Faith-94 00012463 585.30633545 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Round & Round 00012464 585.30688477 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Day Is Done 00012465 585.31420898 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Day Is Done 00012466 585.31494141 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Place To Be 00012467 585.31579590 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Clothes of Sand 00012468 585.31640625 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Mayfair 00012469 585.31701660 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Hanging on a Star 00012470 585.31756592 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Close (feat. Tove Lo) 00012471 585.31817627 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: How You Remind Me-Nickelback 00012472 585.31878662 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sister Christian 00012473 585.31939697 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Closer 00012474 585.32000732 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Hurt 00012475 585.32055664 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: We’re in This Together 00012476 585.32135010 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: All Apologies 00012477 585.67791748 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00012478 585.68939209 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) _BrowseRequest started 00012479 585.69018555 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00012480 585.69061279 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00012481 585.69091797 [8248] GetDeviceLibraryIDForDevice: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00012482 585.69134521 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00012483 585.70153809 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) TSyncProcess.GetSyncList, served 836 tracks from 1602 00012484 585.70275879 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Useless Desires, ID: 5128, LastModified: 2018-12-05 21:52:08, Targetpath: \Music\Patty Griffin\Impossible Dream\05 Patty Griffin - Useless Desires.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012485 585.70385742 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Take Ten, ID: 5135, LastModified: 2017-07-24 21:50:54, Targetpath: \Music\Paul Desmond\Skylark\01 Paul Desmond - Take Ten.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012486 585.70495605 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Jeremy, ID: 25888, LastModified: 2018-10-18 22:32:01, Targetpath: \Music\Pearl Jam\Ten\10 Pearl Jam - Jeremy.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012487 585.70642090 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Sledgehammer, ID: 5207, LastModified: 2015-03-30 20:44:34, Targetpath: \Music\Peter Gabriel\Hit\03 Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012488 585.70715332 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Don't Think Twice It's All Right, ID: 5230, LastModified: 2018-08-15 20:51:26, Targetpath: \Music\Peter Paul & Mary\The Best of Peter, Paul & Mary\11 Peter Paul & Mary - Don't Think Twice It's All Right.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012489 585.70788574 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: In the Air Tonight, ID: 5239, LastModified: 2017-12-29 04:35:26, Targetpath: \Music\Phil Collins\Platinum Collection\01 Phil Collins - In the Air Tonight.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012490 585.70861816 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: You Can't Hurry Love, ID: 5275, LastModified: 2017-09-15 20:55:22, Targetpath: \Music\Phil Collins\Unknown\00 Phil Collins - You Can't Hurry Love.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012491 585.70922852 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: 04 - Another Brick In The Wall (Part2), ID: 1569, LastModified: 2015-05-01 19:30:54, Targetpath: \Music\Pink Floyd\Echoes\04 Pink Floyd - 04 - Another Brick In The Wall (Part2).mp3, TrackType: 0 00012492 585.71142578 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Any Colour You Like, ID: 1600, LastModified: 2018-06-15 17:17:06, Targetpath: \Music\Pink Floyd\Pulse (Live)\19 Pink Floyd - Any Colour You Like.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012493 585.71228027 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: 01 - Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part I-V), ID: 1558, LastModified: 2018-12-05 21:52:08, Targetpath: \Music\Pink Floyd\Wish You Were Here\01 Pink Floyd - 01 - Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part I-V).mp3, TrackType: 0 00012494 585.71307373 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Sunflower (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse), ID: 28674, LastModified: 2018-12-23 05:55:46, Targetpath: \Music\Post Malone & Swae Lee\U.K Single Charts\00 Post Malone & Swae L - Sunflower (Spider-Man- Into the Spider-Verse).mp3, TrackType: 0 00012495 585.71392822 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Purple Rain [November 1984], ID: 26284, LastModified: 2018-06-15 15:39:02, Targetpath: \Music\Prince\Purple Rain\00 Prince - Purple Rain [November 1984].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012496 585.71472168 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Firestarter, ID: 25953, LastModified: 2018-09-07 16:54:44, Targetpath: \Music\Prodigy\The Fat of the Land\75 The Prodigy - Firestarter.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012497 585.71539307 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: We Will Rock You, ID: 5556, LastModified: 2018-07-26 16:43:26, Targetpath: \Music\Queen\Queen - Greatest Hits Vol.1-UK Version\10 Queen - We Will Rock You.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012498 585.71618652 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: The Vampyre Of Time And Memory, ID: 23491, LastModified: 2017-11-12 20:49:05, Targetpath: \Music\Queens Of The Stone Age\_..Like Clockwork\03 Queens Of The Stone - The Vampyre Of Time And Memory.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012499 585.71691895 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Kalopsia, ID: 23494, LastModified: 2017-11-12 20:49:05, Targetpath: \Music\Queens Of The Stone Age\_..Like Clockwork\06 Queens Of The Stone - Kalopsia.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012500 585.71771240 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Try Not to Breathe, ID: 5593, LastModified: 2017-08-13 16:59:47, Targetpath: \Music\R.E.M\Automatic For The People\02 R.E.M. - Try Not to Breathe.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012501 585.71850586 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Can't Get There From Here, ID: 5608, LastModified: 2017-07-24 21:50:54, Targetpath: \Music\R.E.M\Eponymous\06 R.E.M. - Can't Get There From Here.ogg, TrackType: 0 00012502 585.71948242 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: The One I Love, ID: 5602, LastModified: 2017-02-23 17:02:00, Targetpath: \Music\R.E.M\Eponymous\10 R.E.M. - The One I Love.ogg, TrackType: 0 00012503 585.72100830 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Bagger Leaves, ID: 5637, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\Rachel Portman\The Legend of Bagger Vance [OST]\11 Rachel Portman - Bagger Leaves.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012504 585.72241211 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Karma Police, ID: 25961, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:34, Targetpath: \Music\Radiohead\OK Computer\83 Radiohead - Karma Police.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012505 585.72320557 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: High and Dry, ID: 25936, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:26, Targetpath: \Music\Radiohead\The Bends\58 Radiohead - High and Dry.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012506 585.72387695 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Wake Up, ID: 25927, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:24, Targetpath: \Music\Rage Against the Machine\Rage Against the Machine\49 Rage Against the Mac - Wake Up.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012507 585.72454834 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Du hast, ID: 25966, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:37, Targetpath: \Music\Rammstein\Sehnsucht\88 Rammstein - Du hast.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012508 585.72521973 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Give It Away, ID: 25915, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:16, Targetpath: \Music\Red Hot Chili Peppers\Blood Sugar Sex Magik\37 Red Hot Chili Pepper - Give It Away.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012509 585.72589111 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Scar Tissue, ID: 25949, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:30, Targetpath: \Music\Red Hot Chili Peppers\Californication\71 Red Hot Chili Pepper - Scar Tissue.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012510 585.72656250 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Work (feat. Drake), ID: 25214, LastModified: 2018-05-18 19:00:46, Targetpath: \Music\Rihanna\ANTI (Deluxe)\04 Rihanna - Work (feat. Drake).mp3, TrackType: 0 00012511 585.72717285 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Cheers (Drink to That), ID: 13644, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\Rihanna\Loud\77 Rihanna - Cheers (Drink to That).mp3, TrackType: 0 00012512 585.72784424 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Simply Irresistable, ID: 5677, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\Robert Palmer\Unknown\00 Robert Palmer - Simply Irresistable.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012513 585.72845459 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Big Log (full version), ID: 5682, LastModified: 2018-08-15 20:51:26, Targetpath: \Music\Robert Plant\Unknown\07 Robert Plant - Big Log (full version).mp3, TrackType: 0 00012514 585.72912598 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: The Last Crusade, ID: 11351, LastModified: 2017-11-14 22:48:15, Targetpath: \Music\Sam Roberts Band\Collider\01 Sam Roberts Band - The Last Crusade.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012515 585.72991943 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Twist The Knife, ID: 11352, LastModified: 2018-07-26 16:43:26, Targetpath: \Music\Sam Roberts Band\Collider\09 Sam Roberts Band - Twist The Knife.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012516 585.73065186 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Brother Down, ID: 12341, LastModified: 2017-08-23 22:15:05, Targetpath: \Music\Sam Roberts Band\We Were Born in a Flame\03 Sam Roberts Band - Brother Down.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012517 585.73138428 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Oye Como Va, ID: 5742, LastModified: 2016-07-07 16:14:04, Targetpath: \Music\Santana\Santana's Greatest Hits\03 Santana - Oye Como Va.ogg, TrackType: 0 00012518 585.73211670 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Blackout, ID: 5766, LastModified: 2015-12-28 20:11:03, Targetpath: \Music\Scorpions\Blackout\01 Scorpions - Blackout.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012519 585.73278809 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Holiday, ID: 5770, LastModified: 2017-10-30 15:25:21, Targetpath: \Music\Scorpions\The Ballads\00 Scorpions - Holiday.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012520 585.73376465 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: No Lie, ID: 27039, LastModified: 2018-12-14 02:48:46, Targetpath: \Music\Sean Paul;Dua Lipa\No Lie\00 Sean Paul;Dua Lipa - No Lie.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012521 585.73468018 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Can't Remember To Forget You (feat. Rihanna), ID: 25218, LastModified: 2018-05-18 19:00:47, Targetpath: \Music\Shakira\Can't Remember To Forget You (feat. Rihanna) - Single\01 Shakira - Can't Remember To Forget You (feat. Rihanna).mp3, TrackType: 0 00012522 585.73547363 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: I Know What You Did Last Summer, ID: 25220, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:32:42, Targetpath: \Music\Shawn Mendes\I Know What You Did Last Summer - Single\01 Shawn Mendes & Camil - I Know What You Did Last Summer.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012523 585.73614502 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: There Goes The Nighborhood, ID: 5792, LastModified: 2018-06-24 05:11:37, Targetpath: \Music\Sheryl Crow\The best of\15 Sheryl Crow - There Goes The Nighborhood.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012524 585.73681641 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Everyday Is A Winding Road, ID: 5813, LastModified: 2017-08-31 06:28:44, Targetpath: \Music\Sheryl Crow\Very Best of Sheryl Crow\05 Sheryl Crow - Everyday Is A Winding Road.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012525 585.73748779 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Scarborough Fair/Canticle, ID: 735, LastModified: 2016-03-03 15:22:36, Targetpath: \Music\Simon & Garfunkel\Greatest Hits\07 Simon & Garfunkel - Scarborough Fair-Canticle.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012526 585.73846436 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Leaves That Are Green, ID: 743, LastModified: 2018-08-15 20:51:26, Targetpath: \Music\Simon & Garfunkel\Live From New York City, 1967\02 Simon & Garfunkel - Leaves That Are Green.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012527 585.73974609 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Slip Slidin' Away, ID: 720, LastModified: 2017-08-10 17:17:29, Targetpath: \Music\Simon & Garfunkel\The Concert In Central Park\11 Paul Simon; Art Garf - Slip Slidin' Away.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012528 585.74041748 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Scarborough Fair / Canticle, ID: 678, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\Simon And Garfunkel\Collected Works remastered '92- Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, & Thyme\24 Simon And Garfunkel - Scarborough Fair - Canticle.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012529 585.74102783 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: A Poem On The Underground Wall, ID: 688, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\Simon And Garfunkel\Collected Works remastered '92- Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, & Thyme\34 Simon And Garfunkel - A Poem On The Underground Wall.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012530 585.74188232 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: See the lights, ID: 5906, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\Simple Minds\Real Life\02 Simple Minds - See the lights.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012531 585.74432373 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Drivers seat, ID: 5920, LastModified: 2017-07-24 21:51:08, Targetpath: \Music\Sniff'n the tears\Pop Classics- The long version\32 Sniff'n the tears - Drivers seat.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012532 585.74499512 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Pretty Noose, ID: 25970, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:38, Targetpath: \Music\Soundgarden\Down on the Upside\92 Soundgarden - Pretty Noose.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012533 585.74566650 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Stuck Here In The Middle With You, ID: 5937, LastModified: 2018-12-05 21:52:08, Targetpath: \Music\Stealers Wheel\Pure 70s\09 Stealers Wheel - Stuck Here In The Middle With You.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012534 585.74645996 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) DB open SQL: SELECT null FROM SynchPlaylist WHERE SynchPlaylist.IDDevice=677 00012535 585.74884033 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00012536 585.74932861 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Ain't It Fun 00012537 585.75006104 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Useless Desires 00012538 585.75103760 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Not Alone 00012539 585.75170898 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Take Ten 00012540 585.75231934 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Alive 00012541 585.75292969 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Jeremy 00012542 585.75354004 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Black 00012543 585.75415039 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sledgehammer 00012544 585.75695801 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Biko 00012545 585.76007080 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Don't Think Twice It's All Right 00012546 585.76074219 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Air of the Night [Live] 00012547 585.76153564 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: In the Air Tonight 00012548 585.76214600 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Don't Lose My Number 00012549 585.76281738 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: You Can't Hurry Love 00012550 585.76342773 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: See Emily Play 00012551 585.76397705 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: 04 - Another Brick In The Wall (Part2) 00012552 585.76452637 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Echoes 00012553 585.76501465 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Any Colour You Like 00012554 585.76574707 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Money 00012555 585.76641846 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: 01 - Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part I-V) 00012556 585.76696777 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Baby Shark 00012557 585.76745605 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sunflower (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse) 00012558 585.76806641 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Standing Outside a Broken Phone Booth With Money in My Hand 00012559 585.76867676 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Purple Rain [November 1984] 00012560 585.76965332 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: When Doves Cry [July 1984] 00012561 585.77062988 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Firestarter 00012562 585.77343750 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Smack My Bitch Up 00012563 585.77404785 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: We Will Rock You 00012564 585.77532959 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Sat By The Ocean 00012565 585.77587891 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Vampyre Of Time And Memory 00012566 585.77642822 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: My God Is The Sun 00012567 585.77697754 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Kalopsia 00012568 585.77777100 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Locked Away (feat. Adam Levine) 00012569 585.77844238 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Try Not to Breathe 00012570 585.77899170 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Nightswimming 00012571 585.77960205 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Can't Get There From Here 00012572 585.78033447 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Fall On Me 00012573 585.78106689 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The One I Love 00012574 585.78173828 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Party Preparations 00012575 585.78448486 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Bagger Leaves 00012576 585.78509521 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Paranoid Android 00012577 585.78570557 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Karma Police 00012578 585.78625488 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Creep 00012579 585.78704834 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: High and Dry 00012580 585.79010010 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Bulls on Parade (live) 00012581 585.79089355 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Wake Up 00012582 585.79156494 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Guerrilla Radio 00012583 585.79211426 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Du hast 00012584 585.79278564 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Under the Bridge 00012585 585.79339600 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Give It Away 00012586 585.79394531 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Dosed 00012587 585.80841064 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Scar Tissue 00012588 585.80902100 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Soul to Squeeze 00012589 585.80987549 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Work (feat. Drake) 00012590 585.81054688 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: FourFiveSeconds 00012591 585.81121826 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Cheers (Drink to That) 00012592 585.81182861 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Let You Love Me 00012593 585.81280518 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Simply Irresistable 00012594 586.49658203 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00012595 586.50415039 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) _BrowseRequest started 00012596 586.50439453 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00012597 586.50469971 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00012598 586.50531006 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00012599 586.50585938 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 00012600 586.51788330 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) TSyncProcess.GetSyncList, served 836 tracks from 1602 00012601 586.51892090 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Rikki Don't Lose That Number, ID: 5946, LastModified: 2017-08-21 18:01:42, Targetpath: \Music\Steely Dan\Remastered- The Best of Steely Dan Then and Now\02 Steely Dan - Rikki Don't Lose That Number.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012602 586.51959229 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Jet Airliner, ID: 5962, LastModified: 2017-09-15 20:55:22, Targetpath: \Music\Steve Miller Band\Unknown\00 Steve Miller Band - Jet Airliner.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012603 586.52020264 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Landslide, ID: 5974, LastModified: 2015-03-18 18:10:31, Targetpath: \Music\Stevie Nicks\Unknown\00 Stevie Nicks - Landslide.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012604 586.52087402 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Love Is The Seventh Wave, ID: 5994, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\Sting\The Dream of the Blue Turtles\02 Sting - Love Is The Seventh Wave.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012605 586.52160645 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Fortress Around Your Heart, ID: 5993, LastModified: 2018-05-28 00:40:52, Targetpath: \Music\Sting\The Dream of the Blue Turtles\10 Sting - Fortress Around Your Heart.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012606 586.52294922 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Interstate Love Song, ID: 25899, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:33:58, Targetpath: \Music\Stone Temple Pilots\Purple\21 Stone Temple Pilots - Interstate Love Song.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012607 586.52362061 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Jana Studio - interview with Bertie on Heroditus, ID: 25468, LastModified: 2018-07-26 16:43:16, Targetpath: \Music\Storynory\Unknown\00 Storynory - Jana Studio - interview with Bertie on Heroditus.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012608 586.52429199 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Come Sail Away, ID: 1640, LastModified: 2017-10-20 16:18:34, Targetpath: \Music\Styx\Classics Vol. 15\03 Styx - Come Sail Away.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012609 586.52496338 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Give a Little Bit, ID: 6155, LastModified: 2015-12-28 20:10:58, Targetpath: \Music\Supertramp\Even in the Quietest Moments\01 Supertramp - Give a Little Bit.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012610 586.52557373 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Aries, ID: 6171, LastModified: 2018-07-26 16:43:37, Targetpath: \Music\Supertramp\Indelibly Stamped\10 Supertramp - Aries.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012611 586.52624512 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Yoshvim Ba Bet-Cafe, ID: 6237, LastModified: 2017-12-29 04:35:27, Targetpath: \Music\TeaPacks\Unknown\06 TeaPacks - Yoshvim Ba Bet-Cafe.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012612 586.52691650 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: If I Die Young (Pop mix), ID: 13602, LastModified: 2018-06-20 17:31:42, Targetpath: \Music\The Band Perry\The Band Perry\35 The Band Perry - If I Die Young (Pop mix).mp3, TrackType: 0 00012613 586.52777100 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Be With You, ID: 1275, LastModified: 2016-05-16 16:41:10, Targetpath: \Music\The Bangles\Bangles - Greatest Hits\11 The Bangles - Be With You.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012614 586.52844238 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: She Loves You, ID: 1824, LastModified: 2018-09-26 23:23:45, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\1962 1966 Red Album CD1\04 The Beatles - She Loves You.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012615 586.52960205 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Help!, ID: 1834, LastModified: 2018-09-26 23:27:58, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\1962 1966 Red Album CD2\01 The Beatles - Help!.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012616 586.53033447 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Revolution +, ID: 1860, LastModified: 2018-09-26 23:57:16, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\1967 1970 Blue Album CD1\14 The Beatles - Revolution +.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012617 586.53106689 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: If I Fell, ID: 1660, LastModified: 2018-09-27 19:30:44, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\A Hard Day's Night\03 The Beatles - If I Fell.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012618 586.53198242 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: I want you, ID: 14471, LastModified: 2018-09-27 20:13:28, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\Abbey Road\06 The Beatles - I want you.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012619 586.53271484 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Help, ID: 1685, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\Help\01 The Beatles - Help.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012620 586.53350830 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: I've Just Seen A Face, ID: 1696, LastModified: 2015-07-02 20:57:26, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\Help\12 The Beatles - I've Just Seen A Face.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012621 586.53417969 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Let It Be, ID: 1813, LastModified: 2018-10-24 21:33:44, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\Let It Be\06 The Beatles - Let It Be.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012622 586.53485107 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Get Back, ID: 1819, LastModified: 2018-10-24 21:49:37, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\Let It Be\12 The Beatles - Get Back.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012623 586.53552246 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Chains, ID: 1887, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\Please Please Me\04 The Beatles - Chains.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012624 586.53625488 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: P.S. I Love You, ID: 1892, LastModified: 2018-10-24 22:55:34, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\Please Please Me\09 The Beatles - P.S. I Love You.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012625 586.53698730 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Eleanor Rigby, ID: 6295, LastModified: 2018-10-24 23:10:30, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\Revolver\02 The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012626 586.53759766 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: And Your Bird Can Sing...., ID: 6302, LastModified: 2018-10-24 23:27:23, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\Revolver\09 The Beatles - And Your Bird Can Sing.....mp3, TrackType: 0 00012627 586.53930664 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: For No One, ID: 6290, LastModified: 2018-10-24 23:29:16, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\Revolver\10 The Beatles - For No One.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012628 586.54150391 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Girl, ID: 1707, LastModified: 2018-10-25 00:01:28, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\Rubber Soul\09 The Beatles - Girl.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012629 586.54229736 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Wait, ID: 1710, LastModified: 2018-10-25 00:08:14, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\Rubber Soul\12 The Beatles - Wait.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012630 586.54302979 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Stg. Peppers lonely hearts club band, ID: 1738, LastModified: 2018-10-25 00:14:39, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\Sgt. Pepper's\01 The Beatles - Stg. Peppers lonely hearts club band.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012631 586.54376221 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: When I'm sixty-four, ID: 1746, LastModified: 2018-10-25 16:30:52, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\Sgt. Pepper's\09 The Beatles - When I'm sixty-four.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012632 586.54443359 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Hello Goodbye, ID: 1733, LastModified: 2018-10-24 22:17:49, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\The Magical Mystery Tour\07 The Beatles - Hello Goodbye.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012633 586.54504395 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Back In The U.S.S.R, ID: 1751, LastModified: 2018-10-25 17:13:38, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\With Album 1\01 The Beatles - Back In The U.S.S.R.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012634 586.54571533 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Long, Long, Long, ID: 1773, LastModified: 2018-10-25 18:13:24, Targetpath: \Music\The Beatles\With Album 2\06 The Beatles - Long, Long, Long.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012635 586.54638672 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: We Are Each Other, ID: 6303, LastModified: 2016-03-29 21:34:52, Targetpath: \Music\The Beautiful South\0898\02 The Beautiful South - We Are Each Other.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012636 586.54705811 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: More than a Woman, ID: 6355, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:17, Targetpath: \Music\The Bee Gees\Their Greatest Hits\04 The Bee Gees - More than a Woman.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012637 586.54766846 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: All That We See, ID: 11372, LastModified: 2018-07-26 16:43:17, Targetpath: \Music\The Black Ryder\Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride\08 The Black Ryder - All That We See.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012638 586.54846191 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Eight Miles High, ID: 6387, LastModified: 2015-12-28 20:10:58, Targetpath: \Music\The Byrds\The Essential Byrds\13 The Byrds - Eight Miles High.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012639 586.54919434 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: My Back Pages, ID: 6406, LastModified: 2018-07-26 16:43:17, Targetpath: \Music\The Byrds\The Essential Byrds\21 The Byrds - My Back Pages.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012640 586.54986572 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Don't Let Me Down (feat. Daya), ID: 25222, LastModified: 2018-05-27 18:27:47, Targetpath: \Music\The Chainsmokers\Don't Let Me Down (feat. Daya) - Single\01 The Chainsmokers - Don't Let Me Down (feat. Daya).mp3, TrackType: 0 00012641 586.55053711 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Over Rising, ID: 6449, LastModified: 2018-07-26 16:43:26, Targetpath: \Music\The Charlatans\Melting Pot\04 The Charlatans - Over Rising.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012642 586.55120850 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Love, ID: 6457, LastModified: 2017-07-04 14:29:40, Targetpath: \Music\The Cult\Pure Cult- The Singles 1984-1995\12 The Cult - Love.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012643 586.55181885 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Jesus Is Just Alright, ID: 6522, LastModified: 2018-08-15 20:51:22, Targetpath: \Music\The Doobie Brothers\Toulouse Street\07 The Doobie Brothers - Jesus Is Just Alright.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012644 586.55249023 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Hello, I Love You, ID: 6536, LastModified: 2018-12-05 21:52:02, Targetpath: \Music\The doors\The Best Of The Doors CD2\01 The doors - Hello, I Love You.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012645 586.55316162 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Witchy Woman, ID: 6599, LastModified: 2018-08-15 20:51:22, Targetpath: \Music\The Eagles\Their Greatest Hits (1971-1975)\02 The Eagles - Witchy Woman.ogg, TrackType: 0 00012646 586.55389404 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Peaceful, Easy Feeling, ID: 6606, LastModified: 2017-12-29 04:35:22, Targetpath: \Music\The Eagles\Their Greatest Hits (1971-1975)\09 The Eagles - Peaceful, Easy Feeling.ogg, TrackType: 0 00012647 586.55474854 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: One Thing Leads To Another, ID: 6620, LastModified: 2017-11-29 14:48:59, Targetpath: \Music\The Fixx\One Thing Leads To Another - Greatest Hits\01 The Fixx - One Thing Leads To Another.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012648 586.55633545 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Stay, ID: 6639, LastModified: 2018-12-05 21:52:02, Targetpath: \Music\The Grapes of Wrath\Seems Like Fate- 1984-1992\06 The Grapes of Wrath - Stay.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012649 586.55700684 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: All The Things I Wasn't, ID: 6626, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:17, Targetpath: \Music\The Grapes of Wrath\Seems Like Fate- 1984-1992\12 The Grapes of Wrath - All The Things I Wasn't.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012650 586.55767822 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Laughing, ID: 6647, LastModified: 2017-07-13 18:58:22, Targetpath: \Music\The Guess Who\The Greatest of the Guess Who\02 The Guess Who - Laughing.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012651 586.55841064 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) DB open SQL: SELECT null FROM SynchCollection WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=0 00012652 586.55914307 [8248] TMediaContentBrowser.AddItemList, Count: 1, SearchWord: 00012653 586.56152344 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Stuck Here In The Middle With You 00012654 586.56207275 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Rikki Don't Lose That Number 00012655 586.56262207 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Magic Carpet Ride 00012656 586.56311035 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Jet Airliner 00012657 586.56372070 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Keep On Rocking Me Baby 00012658 586.56445313 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Landslide 00012659 586.56567383 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Shape Of My Heart (Live) 00012660 586.56628418 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Love Is The Seventh Wave 00012661 586.56683350 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: We Work The Black Seam 00012662 586.56738281 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Fortress Around Your Heart 00012663 586.56787109 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Plush 00012664 586.56842041 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Interstate Love Song 00012665 586.56903076 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Ani-tsaguhi (Bear clan) (The offering mix) 00012666 586.56951904 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Jana Studio - interview with Bertie on Heroditus 00012667 586.57006836 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Golden Brown 00012668 586.57061768 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Come Sail Away 00012669 586.57128906 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Mr. Roboto 00012670 586.57287598 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Give a Little Bit 00012671 586.57360840 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Don't Leave Me Now 00012672 586.57421875 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Aries 00012673 586.57476807 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Slippery People 00012674 586.57525635 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Yoshvim Ba Bet-Cafe 00012675 586.57592773 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Shout [August 1985] 00012676 586.57647705 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: If I Die Young (Pop mix) 00012677 586.57702637 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Hazy Shade of Winter 00012678 586.57757568 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Be With You 00012679 586.57806396 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Please Please Me 00012680 586.57855225 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: She Loves You 00012681 586.57897949 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Want To Hold You Hand 00012682 586.57952881 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Help! 00012683 586.57995605 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Paperback Writer 00012684 586.58050537 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Revolution + 00012685 586.58099365 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Ballad Of John And Yoko 00012686 586.58148193 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: If I Fell 00012687 586.58197021 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Any Time At All 00012688 586.58245850 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I want you 00012689 586.58294678 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Don't Want To Spoil The Party 00012690 586.58343506 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Help 00012691 586.58398438 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Ticket To Ride 00012692 586.58459473 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I've Just Seen A Face 00012693 586.58508301 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Two Of Us 00012694 586.58557129 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Let It Be 00012695 586.58605957 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I've Got A Feeling 00012696 586.58654785 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Get Back 00012697 586.58703613 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Saw Her Standing There 00012698 586.58776855 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Chains 00012699 586.58917236 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Love Me Do 00012700 586.58978271 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: P.S. I Love You 00012701 586.59033203 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Twist And Shout 00012702 586.59082031 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Eleanor Rigby 00012703 586.59130859 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Love You To 00012704 586.59185791 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: And Your Bird Can Sing.... 00012705 586.59228516 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: For No One 00012706 586.59283447 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Norwegian Wood 00012707 586.59326172 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Girl 00012708 586.59381104 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I'm Looking Through You 00012709 586.59423828 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Wait 00012710 586.59472656 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: If I Needed Someone 00012711 586.59521484 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Stg. Peppers lonely hearts club band 00012712 586.59570313 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: A little help from my friends 00012713 586.59619141 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: When I'm sixty-four 00012714 586.59667969 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: A day in a life 00012715 586.59729004 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Hello Goodbye 00012716 586.59777832 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: All You Need Is Love 00012717 586.59832764 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Back In The U.S.S.R 00012718 586.59887695 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Dear Prudence 00012719 586.59936523 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Long, Long, Long 00012720 586.59985352 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Revolution 1 00012721 586.60028076 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: We Are Each Other 00012722 586.60083008 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Night Fever 00012723 586.60131836 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: More than a Woman 00012724 586.60180664 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: You Should Be Dancing 00012725 586.60235596 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: All That We See 00012726 586.60284424 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Whiskey In The Jar 00012727 586.60333252 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Eight Miles High 00012728 586.60382080 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Have You Seen Her Face 00012729 586.60430908 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: My Back Pages 00012730 586.60559082 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: You Are the Girl 00012731 586.60620117 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Don't Let Me Down (feat. Daya) 00012732 586.60675049 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Blackened Blue Eyes 00012733 586.60742188 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Over Rising 00012734 586.60809326 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Orange Wedge 00012735 586.60870361 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Love 00012736 586.60925293 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Wild Flower 00012737 586.60974121 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Jesus Is Just Alright 00012738 586.61029053 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Light My Fire 00012739 586.61077881 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Hello, I Love You 00012740 586.61132813 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Life in a Northern Town 00012741 586.61181641 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/ogg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Witchy Woman 00012742 586.61230469 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/ogg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Lyin' Eyes 00012743 586.61285400 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/ogg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Peaceful, Easy Feeling 00012744 586.61334229 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: When I was Younger 00012745 586.61389160 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: One Thing Leads To Another 00012746 586.61437988 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Am Here (7 Edit) 00012747 586.61486816 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Stay 00012748 586.61547852 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: All The Time 00012749 586.61608887 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: All The Things I Wasn't 00012750 586.61676025 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: What Was Going Through My Head 00012751 586.61791992 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Laughing 00012752 586.61853027 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Undun 00012753 587.35882568 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00012754 587.36767578 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) _BrowseRequest started 00012755 587.36810303 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00012756 587.36846924 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00012757 587.36877441 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00012758 587.38146973 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 00012759 587.40942383 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) TSyncProcess.GetSyncList, served 836 tracks from 1602 00012760 587.41052246 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Stay, ID: 19964, LastModified: 2018-07-26 16:43:26, Targetpath: \Music\The Hollies\Stay With the Hollies\10 The Hollies - Stay.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012761 587.41125488 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Till the End of the Day, ID: 6752, LastModified: 2018-06-28 03:59:41, Targetpath: \Music\The Kinks\The Ultimate Collection\07 The Kinks - Till the End of the Day.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012762 587.41259766 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: (Wish I Could Fly Like) Superman, ID: 6733, LastModified: 2017-08-21 18:01:42, Targetpath: \Music\The Kinks\The Ultimate Collection\18 The Kinks - (Wish I Could Fly Like) Superman.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012763 587.41357422 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Being Around, ID: 1963, LastModified: 2017-07-13 18:58:22, Targetpath: \Music\The Lemonheads\Come On Feel The Lemonheads\12 The Lemonheads - Being Around.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012764 587.41430664 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Just Another Guy, ID: 6808, LastModified: 2017-10-30 19:27:19, Targetpath: \Music\The Northern Pikes\Big Blue Sky\04 The Northern Pikes - Just Another Guy.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012765 587.41503906 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Place That's Insane, ID: 6851, LastModified: 2017-10-30 19:46:37, Targetpath: \Music\The Northern Pikes\Secrets Of The Alibi\01 The Northern Pikes - Place That's Insane.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012766 587.41583252 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: One Good Reason (Extended Mix), ID: 6861, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\The Northern Pikes\Secrets Of The Alibi\11 The Northern Pikes - One Good Reason (Extended Mix).mp3, TrackType: 0 00012767 587.41650391 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Shotgun Morning, ID: 6868, LastModified: 2017-10-27 19:11:57, Targetpath: \Music\The Northern Pikes\Snow In June\07 The Northern Pikes - Shotgun Morning.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012768 587.41711426 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Roxanne, ID: 16704, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:17, Targetpath: \Music\The Police\Message In A Box (Disc 1)\06 The Police - Roxanne.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012769 587.41778564 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Deathwish, ID: 2020, LastModified: 2017-02-24 00:50:21, Targetpath: \Music\The Police\Message In A Box (Disc 1)\21 The Police - Deathwish.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012770 587.41851807 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Clark Gable, ID: 6936, LastModified: 2018-06-24 05:11:36, Targetpath: \Music\The Postal Service\Give Up\06 The Postal Service - Clark Gable.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012771 587.41937256 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: It's Only Rock N Roll, ID: 6983, LastModified: 2015-11-12 15:32:12, Targetpath: \Music\The Rolling Stones\Forty Licks- Best of (Limited Edition)\39 The Rolling Stones - It's Only Rock N Roll.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012772 587.42010498 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Sympathy For The Devil, ID: 6948, LastModified: 2018-12-05 21:52:07, Targetpath: \Music\The Rolling Stones\Forty Licks\11 The Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012773 587.42089844 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: What I Like About You, ID: 5688, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\The Romantics\Unknown\00 The Romantics - What I Like About You.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012774 587.42413330 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Skin Games, ID: 7045, LastModified: 2018-08-15 20:51:21, Targetpath: \Music\The Silencers\A Blues For Buddha\07 The Silencers - Skin Games.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012775 587.42504883 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Tonight, Tonight, ID: 25905, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:05, Targetpath: \Music\The Smashing Pumpkins\Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness\27 The Smashing Pumpkin - Tonight, Tonight.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012776 587.42602539 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Bullet With Butterfly Wings, ID: 25930, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:28, Targetpath: \Music\The Smashing Pumpkins\Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness\66 The Smashing Pumpkin - Bullet With Butterfly Wings.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012777 587.43048096 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Disarm, ID: 25920, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:22, Targetpath: \Music\The Smashing Pumpkins\Siamese Dream\42 Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012778 587.43353271 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: What Difference Does It Make, ID: 2061, LastModified: 2017-11-29 14:48:59, Targetpath: \Music\The Smiths\Best ... I\03 The Smiths - What Difference Does It Make.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012779 587.43682861 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: How Soon Is Now?, ID: 2066, LastModified: 2018-12-05 21:52:02, Targetpath: \Music\The Smiths\Best ... I\08 The Smiths - How Soon Is Now.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012780 587.44097900 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: I Wanna Be Adored, ID: 7136, LastModified: 2018-05-08 14:17:58, Targetpath: \Music\The Stone Roses\The Very Best of the Stone Roses\01 The Stone Roses - I Wanna Be Adored.MP3, TrackType: 0 00012781 587.44189453 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Always The Sun, ID: 7199, LastModified: 2018-06-18 16:56:33, Targetpath: \Music\The Stranglers\The Best Of The Epic Years\09 The Stranglers - Always The Sun.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012782 587.44268799 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: 38 Years Old, ID: 7245, LastModified: 2016-04-28 22:24:00, Targetpath: \Music\The Tragically Hip\Up To Here\04 The Tragically Hip - 38 Years Old.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012783 587.44805908 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: New Orleans Is Sinking1, ID: 18897, LastModified: 2017-07-27 17:50:12, Targetpath: \Music\The Tragically Hoop\Up To Here1\30 The Tragically Hip1 - New Orleans Is Sinking1.m4a, TrackType: 0 00012784 587.46392822 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Walk Don´t Run, ID: 7274, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\The Ventures\Collection by Jimmy (@192)\01 The Ventures - Walk Don´t Run.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012785 587.46447754 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Wipe Out, ID: 8112, LastModified: 2017-07-24 21:50:54, Targetpath: \Music\The Ventures\Greatest Hits\21 The Ventures - Wipe Out.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012786 587.46746826 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Walk, Don't Run, ID: 7359, LastModified: 2017-09-26 20:15:15, Targetpath: \Music\The Ventures\Walk Don't Run & Walk Don't Run Vol. 2\06 The Ventures - Walk, Don't Run.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012787 587.46826172 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Who Do You Love [Live][*], ID: 7506, LastModified: 2017-07-24 21:50:40, Targetpath: \Music\The Yardbirds\Five Live Yardbirds [Expanded]\15 The Yardbirds - Who Do You Love [Live][-].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012788 587.46893311 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Meu Destino (My Destiny), ID: 7553, LastModified: 2018-06-28 03:59:42, Targetpath: \Music\Thievery Corporation\The Richest Man in Babylon\08 Thievery Corporation - Meu Destino (My Destiny).mp3, TrackType: 0 00012789 587.48974609 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Semi-Charmed Life, ID: 25911, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:15, Targetpath: \Music\Third Eye Blind\Third Eye Blind\33 Third Eye Blind - Semi-Charmed Life.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012790 587.49072266 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: How’s It Going to Be, ID: 25965, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:36, Targetpath: \Music\Third Eye Blind\Third Eye Blind\87 Third Eye Blind - How’s It Going to Be.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012791 587.49145508 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Runnin' Down A Dream, ID: 7611, LastModified: 2015-02-26 22:26:03, Targetpath: \Music\Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers\Anthology - Through The Years\28 Tom Petty & The Hear - Runnin' Down A Dream.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012792 587.49230957 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Listen To Her Heart, ID: 7635, LastModified: 2018-08-15 20:51:26, Targetpath: \Music\Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers\Greatest Hits\04 Tom Petty & The Hear - Listen To Her Heart.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012793 587.49316406 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Forty Six & 2, ID: 25964, LastModified: 2018-06-20 01:34:35, Targetpath: \Music\Tool\Ænima\86 Tool - Forty Six & 2.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012794 587.49383545 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Carbon, ID: 7696, LastModified: 2017-07-24 21:51:08, Targetpath: \Music\Tori Amos\Scarlet's Walk\05 Tori Amos - Carbon.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012795 587.49450684 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: The Wrong Band, ID: 7740, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\Tori Amos\Under the Pink\06 Tori Amos - The Wrong Band.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012796 587.49511719 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Wedding Song, ID: 7746, LastModified: 2017-09-26 20:15:16, Targetpath: \Music\Tracy Chapman\Collection\11 Tracy Chapman - Wedding Song.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012797 587.49578857 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Magnificent, ID: 2132, LastModified: 2015-03-30 20:44:35, Targetpath: \Music\U2; test\No Line On The Horizon\02 U2; test - Magnificent.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012798 587.49645996 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Until The End Of The World, ID: 7772, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\U2\Achtung Baby\04 U2 - Until The End Of The World.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012799 587.49713135 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: I Will Follow, ID: 7789, LastModified: 2017-10-20 16:18:35, Targetpath: \Music\U2\Boy\01 U2 - I Will Follow.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012800 587.49780273 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: A Day Without Me, ID: 7798, LastModified: 2018-11-12 21:52:52, Targetpath: \Music\U2\Boy\08 U2 - A Day Without Me.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012801 587.49841309 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: All Because Of You, ID: 7821, LastModified: 2017-07-24 21:50:40, Targetpath: \Music\U2\How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb\06 U2 - All Because Of You.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012802 587.49908447 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: October, ID: 7833, LastModified: 2016-05-16 16:41:10, Targetpath: \Music\U2\October\07 U2 - October.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012803 587.49969482 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Where the Streets Have No Name, ID: 7904, LastModified: 2018-05-02 23:42:26, Targetpath: \Music\U2\The Joshua Tree\01 U2 - Where the Streets Have No Name.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012804 587.50067139 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: With or Without You, ID: 7908, LastModified: 2018-05-02 23:47:16, Targetpath: \Music\U2\The Joshua Tree\03 U2 - With or Without You.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012805 587.50164795 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Mothers of the Disappeared, ID: 7906, LastModified: 2018-12-05 21:52:02, Targetpath: \Music\U2\The Joshua Tree\11 U2 - Mothers of the Disappeared.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012806 587.50225830 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Owner Of A Lonely Heart [January 1984], ID: 26260, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:11, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\90125\00 Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart [January 1984].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012807 587.50292969 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: I Want To Know What Love Is [February 1985], ID: 26266, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:11, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Agent Provocateur\00 Foreigner - I Want To Know What Love Is [February 1985].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012808 587.50366211 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Jack & Diane [October 1982], ID: 26235, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:09, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\American Fool\00 John Cougar Mellenca - Jack & Diane [October 1982].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012809 587.50537109 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: You Keep Me Hangin' On [June 1987], ID: 26297, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:13, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Another Step\00 Kim Wilde - You Keep Me Hangin' On [June 1987].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012810 587.50610352 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Welcome To The Jungle [December 1988], ID: 26305, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:14, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Appetite for Destruction\00 Guns N' Roses - Welcome To The Jungle [December 1988].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012811 587.50653076 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: The Power of Love [August 1985], ID: 26250, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:10, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\'Back To The Future' Soundtrack\00 Huey Lewis & The New - The Power of Love [August 1985].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012812 587.50714111 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Smooth Criminal [January 1989], ID: 26289, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:13, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Bad\00 Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal [January 1989].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012813 587.50781250 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) DB open SQL: SELECT null FROM SynchCollection WHERE IDDevice=677 AND IDCollection=0 00012814 587.50860596 [8248] TMediaContentBrowser.AddItemList, Count: 1, SearchWord: 00012815 587.51171875 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Searchin' 00012816 587.51489258 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Stay 00012817 587.51562500 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Love Potion Number Nine 00012818 587.51843262 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Till the End of the Day 00012819 587.51898193 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: A Well Respected Man 00012820 587.51965332 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: (Wish I Could Fly Like) Superman 00012821 587.52032471 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Lola 00012822 587.52093506 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Being Around 00012823 587.52197266 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: (Sittin' Here) Lovin' You 00012824 587.52258301 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Just Another Guy 00012825 587.52325439 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Jackie T 00012826 587.52404785 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Place That's Insane 00012827 587.52484131 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: One Good Reason 00012828 587.52545166 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: One Good Reason (Extended Mix) 00012829 587.52600098 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Dream Away 00012830 587.52655029 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Shotgun Morning 00012831 587.52703857 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Girl With A Problem 00012832 587.52758789 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Roxanne 00012833 587.52801514 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Bring On The Night 00012834 587.52868652 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Deathwish 00012835 587.53051758 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da 00012836 587.53125000 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Clark Gable 00012837 587.53179932 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Lump 00012838 587.53430176 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: It's Only Rock N Roll 00012839 587.53485107 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: You Can't Always Get What you Want 00012840 587.53540039 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sympathy For The Devil 00012841 587.53594971 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Honky Tonk Women 00012842 587.53649902 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: What I Like About You 00012843 587.53698730 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Past And Pending 00012844 587.53753662 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Skin Games 00012845 587.53808594 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Hallucinogenicide 00012846 587.54083252 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Tonight, Tonight 00012847 587.54144287 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: 1979 00012848 587.54211426 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Bullet With Butterfly Wings 00012849 587.54266357 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Disarm 00012850 587.54327393 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: What Difference Does It Make 00012851 587.54388428 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before 00012852 587.54467773 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: How Soon Is Now? 00012853 587.54547119 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sheila Take A Bow 00012854 587.54815674 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Wanna Be Adored 00012855 587.54864502 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Love Spreads 00012856 587.54919434 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Always The Sun 00012857 587.54980469 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Gift Shop 00012858 587.55047607 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: 38 Years Old 00012859 587.55102539 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Blow at High Dough1 00012860 587.55181885 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mp4, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: New Orleans Is Sinking1 00012861 587.55230713 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Walk Don´t Run 00012862 587.55291748 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Wipe Out 00012863 587.55346680 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Flashback (Live) 00012864 587.55407715 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Walk, Don't Run 00012865 587.55786133 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Freshmen 00012866 587.55847168 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Who Do You Love [Live][*] 00012867 587.56042480 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Heaven's Gonna Burn Your Eyes 00012868 587.56103516 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Meu Destino (My Destiny) 00012869 587.56170654 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Semiâ€Charmed Life 00012870 587.56231689 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: How’s It Going to Be 00012871 587.56304932 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Love Under Fire 00012872 587.56359863 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Runnin' Down A Dream 00012873 587.56420898 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Learning To Fly 00012874 587.56481934 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Listen To Her Heart 00012875 587.56549072 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Leave a Light On 00012876 587.56604004 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Forty Six & 2 00012877 587.56860352 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sober 00012878 587.56915283 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Carbon 00012879 587.56988525 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: General Joy 00012880 587.57043457 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Wrong Band 00012881 587.57104492 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Baby Can I Hold You 00012882 587.57250977 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Wedding Song 00012883 587.57305908 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Talkin' Bout A Revolution 00012884 587.57354736 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Magnificent 00012885 587.57409668 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: One 00012886 587.57464600 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Until The End Of The World 00012887 587.57513428 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Mysterious Ways 00012888 587.57568359 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Will Follow 00012889 587.57611084 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Stories for Boys 00012890 587.57659912 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: A Day Without Me 00012891 587.57714844 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me 00012892 587.57757568 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: All Because Of You 00012893 587.57849121 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Fall Down 00012894 587.57897949 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: October 00012895 587.57958984 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Beautiful Day 00012896 587.58013916 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Where the Streets Have No Name 00012897 587.58074951 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For 00012898 587.58123779 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: With or Without You 00012899 587.58380127 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Trip Through Your Wires 00012900 587.58441162 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Mothers of the Disappeared 00012901 587.58502197 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sunday Bloody Sunday 00012902 587.58563232 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Owner Of A Lonely Heart [January 1984] 00012903 587.58618164 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: 99 Red/Luftballoons [March 1984] 00012904 587.58679199 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Want To Know What Love Is [February 1985] 00012905 587.58740234 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Tenderness [February 1985] 00012906 587.58795166 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Jack & Diane [October 1982] 00012907 587.58898926 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Call Me [March 1980] 00012908 587.58972168 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: You Keep Me Hangin' On [June 1987] 00012909 587.59033203 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Sweet Child O' Mine [September 1988] 00012910 587.59094238 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Welcome To The Jungle [December 1988] 00012911 587.59155273 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Power of Love [August 1985] 00012912 587.59228516 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Bad [October 1987] 00012913 587.59289551 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Smooth Criminal [January 1989] 00012914 587.59344482 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Believe Me 00012915 588.19366455 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00012916 588.20147705 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) _BrowseRequest started 00012917 588.20178223 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00012918 588.20227051 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00012919 588.20275879 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00012920 588.20336914 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 00012921 588.21624756 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) TSyncProcess.GetSyncList, served 836 tracks from 1602 00012922 588.21746826 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Casanova [October 1987], ID: 26311, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:14, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Big Throwdown\00 LeVert - Casanova [October 1987].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012923 588.21844482 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Who Can It Be Now? [October 1982], ID: 26307, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:14, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Business As Usual\00 Men At Work - Who Can It Be Now [October 1982].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012924 588.21911621 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Got My Mind Set On You [January 1988], ID: 26300, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:13, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Cloud Nine\00 George Harrison - Got My Mind Set On You [January 1988].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012925 588.21978760 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Hit Me With Your Best Shot [December 1980], ID: 26263, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:11, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Crimes of Passion\00 Pat Benatar - Hit Me With Your Best Shot [December 1980].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012926 588.22045898 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Let My Love Open The Door [August 1980], ID: 26242, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:10, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Empty Glass\00 Pete Townshend - Let My Love Open The Door [August 1980].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012927 588.22241211 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Faith [December 1987], ID: 26262, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:11, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Faith\00 George Michael - Faith [December 1987].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012928 588.22320557 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Total Eclipse of The Heart [October 1983], ID: 26246, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:10, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Faster Than the Speed of Night\00 Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of The Heart [October 1983].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012929 588.22387695 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Maniac [September 1983], ID: 26247, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:10, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\'Flashdance' Soundtrack\00 Michael Sembello - Maniac [September 1983].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012930 588.22454834 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Start Me Up [October 1981], ID: 26660, LastModified: 2018-07-03 18:53:51, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Forty Licks\00 The Rolling Stones - Start Me Up [October 1981].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012931 588.22570801 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Whip It [November 1980], ID: 26237, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:09, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Freedom of Choice\00 Devo - Whip It [November 1980].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012932 588.22650146 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Rockit [November 1983], ID: 26277, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:12, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Future Shock\00 Herbie Hancock - Rockit [November 1983].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012933 588.22729492 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Maneater, ID: 26512, LastModified: 2018-06-15 01:39:30, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Greatest Hits Rock 'n Soul Part One\10 Daryl Hall and John - Maneater.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012934 588.22802734 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Name that tune - hebrew, ID: 24176, LastModified: 2018-01-14 22:27:12, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\HA Trivia Night\01 Rusty - Name that tune - hebrew.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012935 588.22888184 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Do You Really Want To Hurt Me? [March 1983], ID: 26275, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:12, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Kissing to Be Clever\00 Culture Club - Do You Really Want To Hurt Me [March 1983].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012936 588.22961426 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Red Red Wine [October 1988], ID: 26288, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:12, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Labour of Love\00 UB40 - Red Red Wine [October 1988].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012937 588.23052979 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Lean On Me [March 1987], ID: 26279, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:12, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Life, Love & Pain\00 Club Nouveau - Lean On Me [March 1987].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012938 588.23132324 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Elul Nigun (Live), ID: 15452, LastModified: 2015-09-06 12:14:28, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Live In Jerusalem\03 Eitan Katz - Elul Nigun (Live).mp3, TrackType: 0 00012939 588.23205566 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Every Breath You Take [July 1983], ID: 26656, LastModified: 2018-07-03 18:53:45, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Message In A Box\00 The Police - Every Breath You Take [July 1983].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012940 588.23303223 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Bette Davis Eyes [June 1981], ID: 26224, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:08, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Mistaken Identity\00 Kim Carnes - Bette Davis Eyes [June 1981].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012941 588.23388672 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: One More Night [April 1985], ID: 26271, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:11, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\No Jacket Required\00 Phil Collins - One More Night [April 1985].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012942 588.23474121 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Tainted Love [July 1982], ID: 26243, LastModified: 2018-06-15 17:33:37, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Non-Stop Erotic Cabaret\00 Soft Cell - Tainted Love [July 1982].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012943 588.23559570 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Dude Looks Like A Lady [September 1987], ID: 26314, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:14, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Permanent Vacation\00 Aerosmith - Dude Looks Like A Lady [September 1987].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012944 588.23638916 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: If You Leave [May 1986], ID: 26313, LastModified: 2018-06-15 17:08:56, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\'Pretty In Pink' Soundtrack\00 OMD - If You Leave [May 1986].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012945 588.23712158 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Another One Bites The Dust [October 1980], ID: 26225, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:08, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Queen - Greatest Hits\00 Queen - Another One Bites The Dust [October 1980].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012946 588.23809814 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Our House [July 1983], ID: 26257, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:11, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Radio Waves of the 80's\00 Madness - Our House [July 1983].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012947 588.24017334 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Hungry Like The Wolf [March 1983], ID: 26245, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:10, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Rio\00 Duran Duran - Hungry Like The Wolf [March 1983].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012948 588.24157715 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun [March 1984], ID: 26268, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:11, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\She's So Unusual\00 Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun [March 1984].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012949 588.24395752 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Bizarre Love Triangle, ID: 11589, LastModified: 2018-12-05 21:52:08, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Singles [Disc 01]\12 New Order - Bizarre Love Triangle.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012950 588.24542236 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Get Outta My Dreams [April 1988], ID: 26301, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:13, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Tear Down These Walls\00 Billy Ocean - Get Outta My Dreams [April 1988].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012951 588.24676514 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Need You Tonight [January 1988], ID: 26292, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:13, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\The Greatest Hits\00 INXS - Need You Tonight [January 1988].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012952 588.24804688 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Cars [June 1980], ID: 26240, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:10, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\The Pleasure Principle\00 Gary Numan - Cars [June 1980].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012953 588.25012207 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Celebration [February 1981], ID: 26241, LastModified: 2018-06-15 16:35:35, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\The Very Best of Kool & The Gang\00 Kool & The Gang - Celebration [February 1981].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012954 588.25378418 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Beat It [May 1983], ID: 26222, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:08, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Thriller\00 Michael Jackson - Beat It [May 1983].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012955 588.25653076 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Thriller [February 1984], ID: 26232, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:09, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Thriller\00 Michael Jackson - Thriller [February 1984].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012956 588.25787354 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Take My Breath Away [September 1986], ID: 26291, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:13, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\'Top Gun' Soundtrack\00 Berlin - Take My Breath Away [September 1986].mp3, TrackType: 0 00012957 588.26025391 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Sweet but Psycho, ID: 28679, LastModified: 2018-12-23 05:55:46, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\U.K Single Charts\00 Ava Max - Sweet but Psycho.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012958 588.26983643 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Promises, ID: 28689, LastModified: 2018-12-23 05:55:47, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\U.K Single Charts\00 Calvin Harris & Sam - Promises.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012959 588.27349854 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) DB lock took 16 ms : SELECT NULL FROM Covers WHERE Covers.IDSong = ? 00012960 588.27429199 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Broken Homes (feat. Nafe Smallz, M Huncho & Gunna), ID: 28704, LastModified: 2018-12-23 05:55:48, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\U.K Single Charts\00 The Plug, Nafe Small - Broken Homes (feat. Nafe Smallz, M Huncho & Gunna).mp3, TrackType: 0 00012961 588.27770996 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Youngblood, ID: 28577, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:20, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 5 Seconds Of Summer - Youngblood.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012962 588.27819824 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: BEBE (feat. Anuel Aa), ID: 28665, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:20, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 6ix9ine - BEBE (feat. Anuel Aa).mp3, TrackType: 0 00012963 588.28137207 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Tic Toc (Feat. Lil Baby), ID: 28626, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:21, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 6ix9ine - Tic Toc (Feat. Lil Baby).mp3, TrackType: 0 00012964 588.28228760 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: STOOPID, ID: 28625, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:22, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 6IX9INE & Bobby Shmu - STOOPID.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012965 588.28314209 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Mama, ID: 28622, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:22, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 6ix9ine feat. Nicki - Mama.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012966 588.28485107 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Ella Quiere Beber (Remix) ft. Romeo Santos, ID: 28648, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:22, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Anuel Aa & Romeo San - Ella Quiere Beber (Remix) ft. Romeo Santos.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012967 588.28570557 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: God is a woman, ID: 28598, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:23, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Ariana Grande - God is a woman.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012968 588.28656006 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Beautiful (feat. Camila Cabello), ID: 28595, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:23, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Bazzi & Camila Cabel - Beautiful (feat. Camila Cabello).mp3, TrackType: 0 00012969 588.28753662 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Eastside, ID: 28583, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:23, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Benny Blanco & Halse - Eastside.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012970 588.29034424 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: ocean eyes, ID: 28659, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:23, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Billie Eilish - ocean eyes.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012971 588.29113770 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Jingle Bells Rock (Remastered), ID: 28664, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:23, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Bobby Helms - Jingle Bells Rock (Remastered).mp3, TrackType: 0 00012972 588.29187012 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: A Holly Jolly Christmas, ID: 28591, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:24, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Burl Ives - A Holly Jolly Christmas.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012973 588.29315186 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Money, ID: 28589, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:24, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Cardi B - Money.mp3, TrackType: 0 00012974 588.29412842 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) DB open SQL: SELECT null FROM SynchPlaylist WHERE SynchPlaylist.IDDevice=677 00012975 588.30133057 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00012976 588.30181885 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Safety Dance [September 1983] 00012977 588.30249023 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Casanova [October 1987] 00012978 588.30303955 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Just Died In Your Arms [May 1987] 00012979 588.30389404 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Who Can It Be Now? [October 1982] 00012980 588.30474854 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Mr. Roboto [April 1983] 00012981 588.30767822 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Got My Mind Set On You [January 1988] 00012982 588.30865479 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Karma Chameleon [February 1984] 00012983 588.30926514 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Hit Me With Your Best Shot [December 1980] 00012984 588.30975342 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Funkytown [May 1980] 00012985 588.31024170 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Let My Love Open The Door [August 1980] 00012986 588.31079102 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Endless Love [September 1981] 00012987 588.31127930 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Faith [December 1987] 00012988 588.31182861 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Rock Me Amadeus [April 1986] 00012989 588.31231689 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Total Eclipse of The Heart [October 1983] 00012990 588.31280518 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Flashdance...What A Feeling [June 1983] 00012991 588.31329346 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Maniac [September 1983] 00012992 588.31378174 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Footloose [April 1984] 00012993 588.31433105 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Start Me Up [October 1981] 00012994 588.31475830 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Are You Ready for a Glorious Sunset? (Rebroadcast) 00012995 588.31549072 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Whip It [November 1980] 00012996 588.31622314 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Centerfold [February 1982] 00012997 588.31689453 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Rockit [November 1983] 00012998 588.31756592 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Ghostbusters [August 1984] 00012999 588.31823730 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Maneater 00013000 588.69018555 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00013001 588.69830322 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) _BrowseRequest started 00013002 588.69885254 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00013003 588.69921875 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00013004 588.69952393 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013005 588.70269775 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 00013006 588.71075439 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) TSyncProcess.GetSyncList, served 836 tracks from 1602 00013007 588.71191406 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Ring (feat. Kehlani), ID: 28611, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:24, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Cardi B & Kehlani - Ring (feat. Kehlani).mp3, TrackType: 0 00013008 588.71264648 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Speechless, ID: 28602, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:24, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Dan + Shay - Speechless.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013009 588.71337891 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Be Alright, ID: 28629, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:25, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Dean Lewis - Be Alright.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013010 588.71405029 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: In My Feelings, ID: 28601, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:25, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Drake - In My Feelings.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013011 588.71472168 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Good Girl, ID: 28645, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:25, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Dustin Lynch - Good Girl.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013012 588.71539307 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Trip, ID: 28581, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:25, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Ella Mai - Trip.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013013 588.71600342 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Leave Me Alone, ID: 28592, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:25, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Flipp Dinero - Leave Me Alone.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013014 588.71667480 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Fine China, ID: 28628, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:26, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Future & Juice Wrld - Fine China.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013015 588.71826172 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Thunder, ID: 23912, LastModified: 2018-06-21 15:15:07, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Imagine Dragons - Thunder.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013016 588.71893311 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Girl Like You, ID: 28657, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:26, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Jason Aldean - Girl Like You.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013017 588.71960449 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Best Shot, ID: 28613, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:26, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Jimmie Allen - Best Shot.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013018 588.72033691 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Lucid Dreams, ID: 28575, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:26, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Juice Wrld - Lucid Dreams.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013019 588.72076416 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: I Love It, ID: 28660, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:27, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Kanye West & Lil Pum - I Love It.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013020 588.72277832 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: You Say, ID: 28624, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:27, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Lauren Daigle - You Say.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013021 588.72479248 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) DB lock took 15 ms : SELECT NULL FROM Covers WHERE Covers.IDSong = ? 00013022 588.72528076 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Drip Too Hard, ID: 28573, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:27, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Lil Baby & Gunna - Drip Too Hard.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013023 588.72619629 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Smile (Living My Best Life), ID: 28632, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:28, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Lil Duval & Snoop Do - Smile (Living My Best Life).mp3, TrackType: 0 00013024 588.72692871 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Falling Down (Bonus Track), ID: 28661, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:28, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Lil Peep & Xxxtentac - Falling Down (Bonus Track).mp3, TrackType: 0 00013025 588.72802734 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: broken, ID: 28597, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:28, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 lovelytheband - broken.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013026 588.72882080 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Rich, ID: 28650, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:28, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Maren Morris - Rich.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013027 588.72943115 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Girls Like You, ID: 28574, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:29, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Maroon 5 & Cardi B - Girls Like You.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013028 588.73010254 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Dangerous (feat. Jeremih and PnB Rock), ID: 28612, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:29, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Meek Mill & Jeremih - Dangerous (feat. Jeremih and PnB Rock).mp3, TrackType: 0 00013029 588.73071289 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Space Cadet, ID: 28654, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:29, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Metro Boomin & Gunna - Space Cadet.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013030 588.73138428 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas To You) (1999 Digital Remaster), ID: 28603, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:29, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Nat King Cole; Ralph - The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas To You) (1999 Digital Remaster).mp3, TrackType: 0 00013031 588.73474121 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Le Vent Nous Portera, ID: 21048, LastModified: 2018-08-15 20:51:22, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Noir Désir - Le Vent Nous Portera.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013032 588.73565674 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Backin' It Up (feat. Cardi B), ID: 28640, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:30, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Pardison Fontaine & - Backin' It Up (feat. Cardi B).mp3, TrackType: 0 00013033 588.73638916 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Blue Tacoma, ID: 28652, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:30, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Russell Dickerson - Blue Tacoma.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013034 588.73736572 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Me and julio down by the schoolyard, ID: 18103, LastModified: 2017-08-24 20:57:09, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Simon and Garfunkel - Me and julio down by the schoolyard.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013035 588.73919678 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: This Feeling, ID: 28646, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:24, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 The Chainsmokers & K - This Feeling.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013036 588.74005127 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Sixteen, ID: 28651, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:30, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Thomas Rhett - Sixteen.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013037 588.74078369 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: SICKO MODE, ID: 28566, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:31, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Travis Scott - SICKO MODE.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013038 588.74151611 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Dip, ID: 28644, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:31, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Tyga & Nicki Minaj - Dip.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013039 588.74224854 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: 65 Elvis Vs JXL A Little Less Conversation, ID: 13533, LastModified: 2018-06-20 15:53:41, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Unknown - 65 Elvis Vs JXL A Little Less Conversation.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013040 588.74298096 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Eurovision 2015 Israel – Golden Boy ?????????? 2015 ?????, ID: 16476, LastModified: 2017-07-13 18:02:15, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Unknown - Eurovision 2015 Israel – Golden Boy ?????????? 2015 ?????.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013041 588.74365234 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Last Christmas, ID: 28607, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:31, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Wham! - Last Christmas.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013042 588.74432373 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: That's On Me, ID: 28631, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:31, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\00 Yella Beezy - That's On Me.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013043 588.74578857 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: 10 Freaky Girls, ID: 28634, LastModified: 2018-12-23 06:01:29, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Unknown\10 Metro Boomin & 21 Sa - 10 Freaky Girls.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013044 588.74652100 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Help Yourself, ID: 11119, LastModified: 2018-11-20 14:18:42, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Up In The Air\32 Matthew Sweet - Help Yourself.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013045 588.74969482 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Can't Fight This Feeling [March 1985], ID: 26281, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:12, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\Wheels Are Turnin'\00 REO Speedwagon - Can't Fight This Feeling [March 1985].mp3, TrackType: 0 00013046 588.75067139 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Don't Bother Me, ID: 1647, LastModified: 2018-10-18 18:54:20, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\With The Beatles\04 The Beatles - Don't Bother Me.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013047 588.75140381 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: You Really Got A Hold On Me, ID: 1653, LastModified: 2018-10-18 19:08:35, Targetpath: \Music\Unknown\With The Beatles\10 The Beatles - You Really Got A Hold On Me.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013048 588.75207520 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Blackbird, ID: 8090, LastModified: 2015-11-10 23:03:38, Targetpath: \Music\Various Artists\I Am Sam\02 Sarah McLachlan - Blackbird.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013049 588.75274658 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: The Greatest Show, ID: 28705, LastModified: 2018-12-23 05:55:48, Targetpath: \Music\Various Artists\U.K Single Charts\00 Panic! At the Disco - The Greatest Show.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013050 588.75341797 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Dance With Me, ID: 26338, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:22, Targetpath: \Music\Various\70 Hits of the 70s\21 Orleans - Dance With Me.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013051 588.75451660 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Cold As Ice, ID: 26342, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:22, Targetpath: \Music\Various\70 Hits of the 70s\25 Foreigner - Cold As Ice.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013052 588.76019287 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) DB lock took 15 ms : SELECT NULL FROM Covers WHERE Covers.IDSong = ? 00013053 588.76617432 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Magic, ID: 26344, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:22, Targetpath: \Music\Various\70 Hits of the 70s\27 Pilot - Magic.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013054 588.76800537 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Everybody Dance (Edit Version), ID: 26347, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:22, Targetpath: \Music\Various\70 Hits of the 70s\30 Chic - Everybody Dance (Edit Version).mp3, TrackType: 0 00013055 588.76879883 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: I'm Gonna Run Away From You, ID: 26359, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:22, Targetpath: \Music\Various\70 Hits of the 70s\42 Tami Lynn - I'm Gonna Run Away From You.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013056 588.76971436 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Breezin', ID: 26362, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:22, Targetpath: \Music\Various\70 Hits of the 70s\45 George Benson - Breezin'.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013057 588.77386475 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: I Hear You Knocking, ID: 26371, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:22, Targetpath: \Music\Various\70 Hits of the 70s\54 Dave Edmunds - I Hear You Knocking.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013058 588.77471924 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Elected, ID: 26374, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:22, Targetpath: \Music\Various\70 Hits of the 70s\57 Alice Cooper - Elected.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013059 588.77545166 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) DB open SQL: SELECT null FROM SynchPlaylist WHERE SynchPlaylist.IDDevice=677 00013060 588.77813721 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00013061 588.78326416 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Like It 00013062 588.78399658 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Ring (feat. Kehlani) 00013063 588.78466797 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Hangin' On 00013064 588.78527832 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Speechless 00013065 588.78588867 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Best Part (feat. H.E.R.) 00013066 588.78649902 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Be Alright 00013067 588.78710938 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Burning Man 00013068 588.78942871 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: In My Feelings 00013069 588.79003906 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Nonstop 00013070 588.79058838 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Good Girl 00013071 588.79107666 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Boo'd Up 00013072 588.79162598 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Trip 00013073 588.79211426 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Wake up in the Sky (You Wont) (Tribute to Gucci Mane & Bruno Mars & Kodak Black) 00013074 588.79260254 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Leave Me Alone 00013075 588.79315186 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: No Stylist 00013076 588.79364014 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Fine China 00013077 588.79418945 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Natural 00013078 588.79461670 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Thunder 00013079 588.79516602 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: You 00013080 588.79583740 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Girl Like You 00013081 588.79644775 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Im Yours 00013082 588.79718018 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Best Shot 00013083 588.79766846 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Armed And Dangerous 00013084 588.79821777 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Lucid Dreams 00013085 588.79870605 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Lose It 00013086 588.79919434 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Love It 00013087 588.79968262 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Last Shot 00013088 588.80023193 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: You Say 00013089 588.80084229 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Close Friends 00013090 588.80151367 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Yes Indeed 00013091 588.80206299 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Drip Too Hard 00013092 588.80267334 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Never Recover 00013093 588.80334473 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Smile (Living My Best Life) 00013094 588.80395508 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Noticed 00013095 588.80645752 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Falling Down (Bonus Track) 00013096 588.80725098 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Uproar 00013097 588.80786133 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: broken 00013098 588.80841064 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: She Got the Best of Me 00013099 588.80895996 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Rich 00013100 588.80987549 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: All I Want for Christmas Is You 00013101 588.81048584 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Girls Like You 00013102 588.81109619 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Happier 00013103 588.81170654 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Dangerous (feat. Jeremih and PnB Rock) 00013104 588.81231689 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Don't Come Out The House 00013105 588.81341553 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Space Cadet 00013106 588.81414795 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Drunk Me 00013107 588.81475830 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas To You) (1999 Digital Remaster) 00013108 588.81536865 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Lie 00013109 588.81597900 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Le Vent Nous Portera 00013110 588.81671143 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: High Hopes 00013111 588.81726074 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Backin' It Up (feat. Cardi B) 00013112 588.81793213 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Better Now 00013113 588.82049561 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Blue Tacoma 00013114 588.82086182 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Lost In Japan (Remix) 00013115 588.82226563 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Lost In Japan (Remix) 00013116 588.82244873 [8248] UPnP Server: Served URI:, ContentType: audio/mpeg, Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Me and julio down by the schoolyard 00013117 588.82440186 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Me and julio down by the schoolyard 00013118 589.35656738 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00013119 589.36450195 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) _BrowseRequest started 00013120 589.36560059 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00013121 589.36608887 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00013122 589.36645508 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013123 589.36676025 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DeviceCollectionConfig WHERE IDDevice=677 00013124 589.37847900 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) TSyncProcess.GetSyncList, served 836 tracks from 1602 00013125 589.37976074 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Bang Bang, ID: 26380, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:22, Targetpath: \Music\Various\70 Hits of the 70s\63 BA Robertson - Bang Bang.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013126 589.38049316 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Journey, ID: 26383, LastModified: 2018-05-29 16:27:22, Targetpath: \Music\Various\70 Hits of the 70s\66 Duncan Browne - Journey.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013127 589.38110352 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Call Me, ID: 11432, LastModified: 2017-09-15 20:55:22, Targetpath: \Music\Various\American Gigolo Soundtrack\01 Blondie - Call Me.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013128 589.38183594 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Upside Down, ID: 11438, LastModified: 2018-11-12 21:52:52, Targetpath: \Music\Various\Billboard Top Hits 1980\02 Diana Ross - Upside Down.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013129 589.38262939 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Talking in Your Sleep, ID: 11450, LastModified: 2015-07-21 15:08:40, Targetpath: \Music\Various\Billboard Top Hits 1984\08 The Romantics - Talking in Your Sleep.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013130 589.38336182 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Walk Like An Egyptian, ID: 11470, LastModified: 2015-08-16 21:48:21, Targetpath: \Music\Various\Billboard Top Hits 1986\01 Bangles - Walk Like An Egyptian.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013131 589.38409424 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Tank Graveyard/Valse De Suzana/Dee-Yed, ID: 8005, LastModified: 2017-08-21 18:01:42, Targetpath: \Music\various\Everything is Illuminated - OST\12 Paul Cantelon - Tank Graveyard-Valse De Suzana-Dee-Yed.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013132 589.38482666 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: The Only Living Boy in New York, ID: 8016, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\Various\Garden State\10 Simon and Garfunkel - The Only Living Boy in New York.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013133 589.38555908 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Misirlou, ID: 2171, LastModified: 2017-08-13 16:59:47, Targetpath: \Music\Various\Pulp Fiction\01 Dick Dale & his Del- - Misirlou.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013134 589.38635254 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Bullwinkle Part II, ID: 2178, LastModified: 2018-01-07 23:09:04, Targetpath: \Music\Various\Pulp Fiction\08 The Centurions - Bullwinkle Part II.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013135 589.38708496 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Disco Science, ID: 8033, LastModified: 2018-06-24 05:11:35, Targetpath: \Music\various\Snatch Soundtrack\11 Mirwais - Disco Science.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013136 589.38787842 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Formation, ID: 16434, LastModified: 2016-06-20 16:23:00, Targetpath: \Music\Various\US Billboard Top 100 Single Charts (25.06.16)\88 Beyonce - Formation.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013137 589.38928223 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Faded, ID: 16438, LastModified: 2016-06-20 16:23:00, Targetpath: \Music\Various\US Billboard Top 100 Single Charts (25.06.16)\92 Alan Walker - Faded.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013138 589.39001465 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Civilian, ID: 14407, LastModified: 2017-06-14 17:09:11, Targetpath: \Music\Wye Oak\Civilian\05 Wye Oak - Civilian.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013139 589.39074707 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: La Noyee, ID: 51, LastModified: 2017-10-30 15:25:21, Targetpath: \Music\Yann Tiersen\Amelie\05 Yann Tiersen - La Noyee.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013140 589.39154053 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: La Valse D'Amelie (Piano Version), ID: 65, LastModified: 2018-11-05 20:01:13, Targetpath: \Music\Yann Tiersen\Amelie\19 Yann Tiersen - La Valse D'Amelie (Piano Version).mp3, TrackType: 0 00013141 589.39227295 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Comptine D'Un Autre Ete (La Demarche), ID: 69, LastModified: 2017-10-20 16:18:34, Targetpath: \Music\Yann Tiersen\Amelie\23 Yann Tiersen - Comptine D'Un Autre Ete (La Demarche).mp3, TrackType: 0 00013142 589.39312744 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: Ruin My Life, ID: 28681, LastModified: 2018-12-23 05:55:46, Targetpath: \Music\Zara Larsson\U.K Single Charts\00 Zara Larsson - Ruin My Life.mp3, TrackType: 0 00013143 589.39385986 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) DB open SQL: SELECT null FROM SynchPlaylist WHERE SynchPlaylist.IDDevice=677 00013144 589.39685059 [8248] MM5 [7392](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00013145 589.39752197 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: No More Heroes (Radio Edit) 00013146 589.39813232 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Bang Bang 00013147 589.39874268 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Brass In Pocket 00013148 589.39947510 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Journey 00013149 589.40002441 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Jesus Was A Cross Maker 00013150 589.40069580 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Call Me 00013151 589.40124512 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Hey Soul Sister 00013152 589.40185547 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Upside Down 00013153 589.40289307 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go 00013154 589.40362549 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Talking in Your Sleep 00013155 589.40515137 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Power Of Love 00013156 589.40588379 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Walk Like An Egyptian 00013157 589.40655518 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Odessa Medley 00013158 589.40728760 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Tank Graveyard/Valse De Suzana/Dee-Yed 00013159 589.40795898 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Lebanese Blonde 00013160 589.40856934 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: The Only Living Boy in New York 00013161 589.40917969 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Everytime We Say Goodbye 00013162 589.40991211 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Misirlou 00013163 589.41082764 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Son Of A Preacher Man 00013164 589.41149902 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Bullwinkle Part II 00013165 589.41210938 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Love on a Real Train 00013166 589.41271973 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Disco Science 00013167 589.41345215 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Might Not 00013168 589.41412354 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Formation 00013169 589.41473389 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Ophelia 00013170 589.41534424 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Faded 00013171 589.41601563 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Careless Whisper 00013172 589.41662598 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Civilian 00013173 589.41729736 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Arms Around You (feat. Maluma & Swae Lee) 00013174 589.41790771 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: La Noyee 00013175 589.41851807 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: La Valse Des Vieux Os 00013176 589.41931152 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: La Valse D'Amelie (Piano Version) 00013177 589.41992188 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: La Valse Des Monstres 00013178 589.42053223 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Comptine D'Un Autre Ete (La Demarche) 00013179 589.42108154 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Rhythm of Love 00013180 589.42156982 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: Ruin My Life 00013181 589.65588379 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28667.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013182 589.65637207 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00013183 589.65673828 [8248] MM5 [5852](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00013184 589.65887451 [8248] MM5 [5852](R) 5852 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00013185 589.66174316 [8248] MM5 [5852](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00013186 589.66412354 [8248] MM5 [6492](R) Going to encode file: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\01. Ariana Grande - thank u, next.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00013187 589.66479492 [8248] MM5 [6492](R) No format plugin can decode the file, try to find another decoder 00013188 589.68688965 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28706.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013189 589.68713379 [8248] MM5 [7348](R) _BrowseRequest started 00013190 589.68743896 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00013191 589.68780518 [8248] MM5 [7348](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00013192 589.68988037 [8248] MM5 [7348](R) 7348 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00013193 589.69567871 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\40. benny blanco & Calvin Harris - I Found You.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00013194 589.70166016 [8248] MM5 [7348](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00013195 589.70709229 [8248] MM5 [11276](R) TBackgroundConverter.CheckFreeSpace: SpaceNeeded 1.0 GB , TempFolder: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\ 00013196 589.70800781 [8248] MM5 [11276](R) Decoder: CreateDecoder() started 00013197 589.71862793 [8248] MM5 [6492](R) WA Decode, Waiting for init. 00013198 589.73724365 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28690.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013199 589.73754883 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013200 589.73803711 [8248] MM5 [12280](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013201 589.73828125 [8248] MM5 [12280](R) 12280 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013202 589.74041748 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\24. Billie Eilish - when the partys over.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28690.MP3 00013203 589.74578857 [8248] MM5 [11276](R) WA Decode, Waiting for init. 00013204 589.78344727 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=2763.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013205 589.78363037 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013206 589.78393555 [8248] MM5 [10072](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013207 589.78424072 [8248] MM5 [10072](R) 10072 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013208 589.78540039 [8248] MM5 [11276](R) WA Decode, decoder started. 00013209 589.78656006 [8248] MM5 [10072](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00013210 589.82031250 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Redirecting winamp message 1024(203292672, 9800) 00013211 589.82147217 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=2766.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013212 589.82244873 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013213 589.82275391 [8248] MM5 [5232](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013214 589.82318115 [8248] MM5 [5232](R) 5232 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013215 589.82543945 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\Billy Burnette\Memphis in Manhattan\15. Billy Burnette - Oh Well.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\2766.MP3 00013216 589.94842529 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=163.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013217 589.94879150 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013218 589.94909668 [8248] MM5 [8184](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013219 589.94940186 [8248] MM5 [8184](R) 8184 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013220 589.95141602 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Blue Rodeo\Five Days In July\08 Blue Rodeo - Head Over Heels.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\163.MP3 00013221 590.00573730 [8248] MM5 [6492](R) WA Decode, decoder started. 00013222 590.03125000 [2784] in_mfaudio: Media source created 00013223 590.03149414 [2784] in_mfaudio: Releasing pSource 00013224 590.03179932 [2784] in_mfaudio: Releasing pAttributes 00013225 590.04931641 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=15280.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013226 590.04962158 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013227 590.04998779 [8248] MM5 [2964](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013228 590.05078125 [8248] MM5 [2964](R) 2964 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013229 590.05249023 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\54 - Bobby Shmurda - Shmurda She Wrote - Hot N_gga.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\15280.MP3 00013230 590.06341553 [2784] in_mfaudio: Detected native type - SampleRate=44100, Channels=2, BPS=16 00013231 590.09277344 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Redirecting winamp message 1024(185991168, 9800) 00013232 590.09356689 [6392] in_mfaudio: Calling MFCreateSourceResolver 00013233 590.09466553 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Redirecting winamp message 1024(185991168, 9801) 00013234 590.09521484 [6392] in_mfaudio: Calling CreateObjectFromByteStream 00013235 590.09552002 [6392] SAStream: seeked to 0 00013236 590.09564209 [8248] MM5 [96](R) _BrowseRequest started 00013237 590.09594727 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00013238 590.09625244 [8248] MM5 [96](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00013239 590.09698486 [8248] MM5 [96](R) 96 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00013240 590.09869385 [8248] MM5 [96](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00013241 590.10260010 [6392] SAStream: Seek(0, 0) 00013242 590.11541748 [6392] SAStream: Seek(8388608, 0) 00013243 590.11694336 [6392] SAStream: Seek(0, 0) 00013244 590.16070557 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=216.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013245 590.16094971 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013246 590.16131592 [8248] MM5 [9892](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013247 590.16156006 [8248] MM5 [9892](R) 9892 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013248 590.18823242 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Bryan Adams\Reckless\06 Summer Of '69.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\216.MP3 00013249 590.23693848 [6392] in_mfaudio: Media source created 00013250 590.23718262 [6392] in_mfaudio: Releasing pSource 00013251 590.23742676 [6392] in_mfaudio: Releasing pAttributes 00013252 590.24957275 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28696.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013253 590.25067139 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013254 590.25103760 [8248] MM5 [3368](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013255 590.25189209 [8248] MM5 [3368](R) 3368 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013256 590.25354004 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\30. Cadet, Deno Driz - Advice.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28696.MP3 00013257 590.26159668 [6392] in_mfaudio: Detected native type - SampleRate=44100, Channels=2, BPS=16 00013258 590.29882813 [8248] MM5 [11276](R) WA Decode, Initialized. 00013259 590.30255127 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=27035.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013260 590.30285645 [8248] MM5 [3272](R) _BrowseRequest started 00013261 590.30328369 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00013262 590.30377197 [8248] MM5 [3272](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00013263 590.31427002 [8248] 00013264 590.31427002 [8248] 00013265 590.31427002 [8248] Lame_enc configuration options: 00013266 590.31445313 [8248] version =1 00013267 590.31463623 [8248] mode = 00013268 590.31494141 [8248] Input sample rate =44.1 kHz 00013269 590.31518555 [8248] bitrate =0 kbps 00013270 590.31542969 [8248] Quality Setting =5 00013271 590.31573486 [8248] Low pass width =-1 00013272 590.31591797 [8248] High pass width =-1 00013273 590.31616211 [8248] Force short blocks =0 00013274 590.31634521 [8248] private flag =0 00013275 590.31646729 [8248] original flag =0 00013276 590.31671143 [8248] Fast mode =enabled 00013277 590.31689453 [8248] Disable Reservoir =0 00013278 590.31707764 [8248] Interchannel masking =0.000000 00013279 590.31732178 [8248] Scale = 1.00 00013280 590.31750488 [8248] vbr_mtrh 00013281 590.31774902 [8248] Vbr Max bitrate =320 kbps 00013282 590.31799316 [8248] VBR Hard min =0 00013283 590.31817627 [8248] ATH short =0 00013284 590.31835938 [8248] ATH type =5 00013285 590.31860352 [8248] ATH aa =-1 00013286 590.31896973 [8248] Experimental nspsytune =24117251 00013287 590.31921387 [8248] Experimental Y =0 00013288 590.45190430 [2784] in_mfaudio: get_576_samples: was reading 1 sample for 141 ms 00013289 590.47821045 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Calvin_Harris_Dua_Lipa_-_One_Kiss.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\27035.MP3 00013290 590.59069824 [6392] in_mfaudio: get_576_samples: no sample for 100 ms 00013291 590.61450195 [6392] in_mfaudio: get_576_samples: was reading 1 sample for 125 ms 00013292 590.61779785 [8248] MM5 [6492](R) Decoder: CreateDecoder() finished successfuly 00013293 590.61895752 [8248] ========================================================== 00013294 590.61926270 [8248] Layer =3 00013295 590.61950684 [8248] Joint-Stereo 00013296 590.61975098 [8248] Output sample rate =44.1 kHz 00013297 590.61993408 [8248] Quality Setting =5 00013298 590.62023926 [8248] Low pass width =-1 00013299 590.62048340 [8248] High pass width =-1 00013300 590.62072754 [8248] Force short blocks =0 00013301 590.62084961 [8248] private flag =0 00013302 590.62115479 [8248] original flag =0 00013303 590.62145996 [8248] Fast mode =enabled 00013304 590.62249756 [8248] Disable Reservoir =0 00013305 590.62280273 [8248] Interchannel masking =0.000000 00013306 590.62310791 [8248] Scale = 1.00 00013307 590.62329102 [8248] vbr_mtrh 00013308 590.62353516 [8248] Vbr Max bitrate =320 kbps 00013309 590.62377930 [8248] VBR Hard min =0 00013310 590.62402344 [8248] ATH short =0 00013311 590.62432861 [8248] ATH type =5 00013312 590.62445068 [2784] SAStream: Seek(393216, 0) 00013313 590.62469482 [8248] ATH aa sensitivity =-3.000000 00013314 590.62493896 [8248] Experimental X =9 00013315 590.62506104 [8248] Experimental Z =0 00013316 590.62640381 [2784] SAStream: Seek(458752, 0) 00013317 590.62677002 [2784] SAStream: Seek(524288, 0) 00013318 590.72760010 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25189.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013319 590.72784424 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013320 590.72814941 [8248] MM5 [6208](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013321 590.72845459 [8248] MM5 [6208](R) 6208 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013322 590.73052979 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Calvin Harris\This Is What You Came For (feat. Rihanna\01 This Is What You Came For (feat..m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\25189.MP3 00013323 590.76074219 [2784] SAStream: Seek(458752, 0) 00013324 590.76104736 [2784] SAStream: Seek(524288, 0) 00013325 590.76129150 [2784] SAStream: Seek(589824, 0) 00013326 590.79797363 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26633.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013327 590.79827881 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013328 590.79864502 [8248] MM5 [10912](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013329 590.79943848 [8248] MM5 [10912](R) 10912 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013330 590.80090332 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\22. Camila Cabello - Havana (feat. Young Thug).mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\26633.MP3 00013331 590.87805176 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28683.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013332 590.87854004 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013333 590.87884521 [8248] MM5 [2156](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013334 590.87921143 [8248] MM5 [2156](R) 2156 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013335 590.91900635 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\17. Charli XCX & Troye Sivan - 1999.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28683.MP3 00013336 590.91992188 [2784] SAStream: Seek(524288, 0) 00013337 590.92022705 [2784] SAStream: Seek(589824, 0) 00013338 590.92047119 [2784] SAStream: Seek(655360, 0) 00013339 590.93298340 [6392] SAStream: Seek(262144, 0) 00013340 590.93322754 [6392] SAStream: Seek(327680, 0) 00013341 590.93353271 [6392] SAStream: Seek(393216, 0) 00013342 591.00921631 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=15260.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013343 591.00958252 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013344 591.00988770 [8248] MM5 [1464](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013345 591.01019287 [8248] MM5 [1464](R) 1464 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013346 591.01202393 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\34 - Charli XCX - The Fault In Our Stars - Boom Clap.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\15260.MP3 00013347 591.03015137 [6392] SAStream: Seek(327680, 0) 00013348 591.03051758 [6392] SAStream: Seek(393216, 0) 00013349 591.03076172 [6392] SAStream: Seek(458752, 0) 00013350 591.06738281 [2784] SAStream: Seek(589824, 0) 00013351 591.06762695 [2784] SAStream: Seek(655360, 0) 00013352 591.06781006 [2784] SAStream: Seek(720896, 0) 00013353 591.09271240 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25190.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013354 591.09301758 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013355 591.09332275 [8248] MM5 [1500](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013356 591.09411621 [8248] MM5 [1500](R) 1500 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013357 591.09613037 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Charlie Puth\Nine Track Mind\01 One Call Away.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\25190.MP3 00013358 591.14288330 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25191.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013359 591.14312744 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013360 591.14355469 [8248] MM5 [8764](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013361 591.14385986 [8248] MM5 [8764](R) 8764 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013362 591.14581299 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Charlie Puth\Nine Track Mind\03 Marvin Gaye (feat. Meghan Trainor.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\25191.MP3 00013363 591.18640137 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25192.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013364 591.18664551 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013365 591.18695068 [8248] MM5 [4196](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013366 591.18725586 [8248] MM5 [4196](R) 4196 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013367 591.18969727 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Charlie Puth\Nine Track Mind\05 We Don_t Talk Anymore (feat. Sele.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\25192.MP3 00013368 591.19793701 [2784] SAStream: Seek(655360, 0) 00013369 591.19818115 [2784] SAStream: Seek(720896, 0) 00013370 591.19836426 [2784] SAStream: Seek(786432, 0) 00013371 591.24023438 [6392] SAStream: Seek(393216, 0) 00013372 591.24053955 [6392] SAStream: Seek(458752, 0) 00013373 591.24078369 [6392] SAStream: Seek(524288, 0) 00013374 591.24328613 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=15303.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013375 591.24365234 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013376 591.24395752 [8248] MM5 [2416](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013377 591.24420166 [8248] MM5 [2416](R) 2416 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013378 591.24725342 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\77 - Chris Brown - X - New Flame.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\15303.MP3 00013379 591.31921387 [2784] SAStream: Seek(720896, 0) 00013380 591.31951904 [2784] SAStream: Seek(786432, 0) 00013381 591.31976318 [2784] SAStream: Seek(851968, 0) 00013382 591.39233398 [6392] SAStream: Seek(458752, 0) 00013383 591.39300537 [6392] SAStream: Seek(524288, 0) 00013384 591.39331055 [6392] SAStream: Seek(589824, 0) 00013385 591.42376709 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=15851.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013386 591.42413330 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013387 591.42456055 [8248] MM5 [10156](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013388 591.42486572 [8248] MM5 [10156](R) 10156 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013389 591.50079346 [8248] MM5 [10156](R) 10156 DB query prepare finished, took 63. 00013390 591.50262451 [8248] MM5 [10156](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00013391 591.55108643 [2784] SAStream: Seek(786432, 0) 00013392 591.56323242 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 786432 00013393 591.56341553 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 851968 00013394 591.56359863 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 917504 00013395 591.59454346 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=15853.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013396 591.59478760 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013397 591.59521484 [8248] MM5 [10068](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013398 591.59552002 [8248] MM5 [10068](R) 10068 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013399 591.59759521 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Coldplay- A Had Full Of Drams (2015)...Freak37\11. Up&Up.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\15853.MP3 00013400 591.61096191 [6392] SAStream: Seek(524288, 0) 00013401 591.61126709 [6392] SAStream: Seek(589824, 0) 00013402 591.61157227 [6392] SAStream: Seek(655360, 0) 00013403 591.67700195 [2784] SAStream: Seek(851968, 0) 00013404 591.67718506 [2784] SAStream: Seek(917504, 0) 00013405 591.67736816 [2784] SAStream: Seek(983040, 0) 00013406 591.71099854 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28673.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013407 591.71124268 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013408 591.71154785 [8248] MM5 [6636](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013409 591.71185303 [8248] MM5 [6636](R) 6636 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013410 591.73175049 [8248] MM5 [6636](R) DB lock took 15 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013411 591.73297119 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\07. Dave & Fredo - Funky Friday.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28673.MP3 00013412 591.74328613 [6392] SAStream: Seek(589824, 0) 00013413 591.74359131 [6392] SAStream: Seek(655360, 0) 00013414 591.74389648 [6392] SAStream: Seek(720896, 0) 00013415 591.80230713 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=15866.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013416 591.80255127 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013417 591.80285645 [8248] MM5 [1492](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013418 591.80413818 [8248] MM5 [1492](R) 1492 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013419 591.80712891 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\David Bowie - Best of Bowie\Disc One\10 - The Jean Genie.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\15866.MP3 00013420 591.87579346 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=3340.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013421 591.87872314 [8248] MM5 [10708](R) _BrowseRequest started 00013422 591.87908936 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00013423 591.87939453 [8248] MM5 [10708](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00013424 591.88024902 [8248] MM5 [10708](R) 10708 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00013425 591.89215088 [2784] SAStream: Seek(917504, 0) 00013426 591.89245605 [2784] SAStream: Seek(983040, 0) 00013427 591.89263916 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1048576, 0) 00013428 591.89379883 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\Depeche Mode\People Are People\3. Depeche Mode - Love In Itself.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\3340.MP3 00013429 591.96765137 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=3382.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013430 591.96807861 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013431 591.96838379 [8248] MM5 [2624](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013432 591.96936035 [8248] MM5 [2624](R) 2624 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013433 591.97137451 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\Dire Straits\Brothers In Arms\5 - Dire Straits - Why Worry.ape -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\3382.MP3 00013434 592.00848389 [6392] SAStream: Seek(720896, 0) 00013435 592.00885010 [6392] SAStream: Seek(786432, 0) 00013436 592.00909424 [6392] SAStream: Seek(851968, 0) 00013437 592.04956055 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=3383.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013438 592.04980469 [8248] MM5 [8788](R) _BrowseRequest started 00013439 592.05010986 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00013440 592.05047607 [8248] MM5 [8788](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00013441 592.05133057 [8248] MM5 [8788](R) 8788 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00013442 592.05303955 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 983040 00013443 592.05334473 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 1048576 00013444 592.05358887 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 1114112 00013445 592.07482910 [8248] MM5 [8788](R) DB lock took 31 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013446 592.07641602 [8248] MM5 [8788](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00013447 592.10137939 [6392] SAStream: Seek(786432, 0) 00013448 592.10162354 [6392] SAStream: Seek(851968, 0) 00013449 592.10180664 [6392] SAStream: Seek(917504, 0) 00013450 592.12115479 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=21946.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013451 592.12152100 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013452 592.12200928 [8248] MM5 [5680](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013453 592.12292480 [8248] MM5 [5680](R) 5680 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013454 592.16790771 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1048576, 0) 00013455 592.16809082 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1114112, 0) 00013456 592.16839600 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1179648, 0) 00013457 592.21685791 [6392] SAStream: Seek(851968, 0) 00013458 592.21704102 [6392] SAStream: Seek(917504, 0) 00013459 592.21722412 [6392] SAStream: Seek(983040, 0) 00013460 592.22979736 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\Disney's Frozen Deluxe Soundtrack (2013) (flac)\Disc 2\01 - Kristen Anderson-Lopez - For the First Time In Forever (Demo).flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\21946.MP3 00013461 592.26861572 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=21932.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013462 592.26904297 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013463 592.26934814 [8248] MM5 [8032](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013464 592.26983643 [8248] MM5 [8032](R) 8032 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013465 592.28002930 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\Disney's Frozen Deluxe Soundtrack (2013) (flac)\Disc 2\07 - Kristen Anderson-Lopez - Life's Too Short (Outtake).flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\21932.MP3 00013466 592.29449463 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1114112, 0) 00013467 592.29473877 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1179648, 0) 00013468 592.29498291 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1245184, 0) 00013469 592.38201904 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=21950.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013470 592.38238525 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013471 592.38275146 [8248] MM5 [10016](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013472 592.38311768 [8248] MM5 [10016](R) 10016 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013473 592.46014404 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\Disney's Frozen Deluxe Soundtrack (2013) (flac)\Disc 2\09 - Robert Lopez - Reindeer(s) Remix (Outtake).flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\21950.MP3 00013474 592.46551514 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1179648, 0) 00013475 592.46569824 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1245184, 0) 00013476 592.46594238 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1310720, 0) 00013477 592.52612305 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=21917.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013478 592.52648926 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013479 592.52685547 [8248] MM5 [5092](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013480 592.52764893 [8248] MM5 [5092](R) 5092 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013481 592.54254150 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\Disney's Frozen Deluxe Soundtrack (2013) (flac)\Disc 1\04 - Kristen Bell and Santino Fontana - Love Is an Open Door.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\21917.MP3 00013482 592.54821777 [6392] SAStream: Seek(983040, 0) 00013483 592.54864502 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1048576, 0) 00013484 592.54888916 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1114112, 0) 00013485 592.59075928 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=21897.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013486 592.59979248 [8248] MM5 [3876](R) _BrowseRequest started 00013487 592.60015869 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00013488 592.60058594 [8248] MM5 [3876](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00013489 592.60131836 [8248] MM5 [3876](R) 3876 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00013490 592.62384033 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1245184, 0) 00013491 592.62402344 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1310720, 0) 00013492 592.62420654 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1376256, 0) 00013493 592.65264893 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1048576, 0) 00013494 592.65283203 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1114112, 0) 00013495 592.65307617 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1179648, 0) 00013496 592.65820313 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\Disney's Frozen Deluxe Soundtrack (2013) (flac)\Disc 1\10 - Demi Lovato - Let It Go (Demi Lovato Version).flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\21897.MP3 00013497 592.71612549 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28685.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013498 592.71636963 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013499 592.71667480 [8248] MM5 [3716](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013500 592.71697998 [8248] MM5 [3716](R) 3716 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013501 592.71887207 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\19. DJ Snake - Taki Taki.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28685.MP3 00013502 592.74041748 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1310720, 0) 00013503 592.74066162 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1376256, 0) 00013504 592.74084473 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1441792, 0) 00013505 592.76849365 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25194.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013506 592.76885986 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013507 592.76922607 [8248] MM5 [1772](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013508 592.76965332 [8248] MM5 [1772](R) 1772 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013509 592.77056885 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1114112, 0) 00013510 592.77081299 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1179648, 0) 00013511 592.77099609 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1245184, 0) 00013512 592.78240967 [8248] MM5 [1772](R) DB lock took 16 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013513 592.78393555 [8248] MM5 [1772](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00013514 592.91589355 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=27036.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013515 592.91650391 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013516 592.91680908 [8248] MM5 [9900](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013517 592.91729736 [8248] MM5 [9900](R) 9900 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013518 592.95019531 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Dua_Lipa_-_Be_The_One.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\27036.MP3 00013519 592.95684814 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1179648, 0) 00013520 592.95721436 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1245184, 0) 00013521 592.95837402 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1310720, 0) 00013522 593.02520752 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=27037.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013523 593.02551270 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013524 593.02581787 [8248] MM5 [5640](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013525 593.02661133 [8248] MM5 [5640](R) 5640 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013526 593.02832031 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Dua_Lipa_-_Blow_Your_Mind_Mwah.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\27037.MP3 00013527 593.04333496 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1441792, 0) 00013528 593.04364014 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1507328, 0) 00013529 593.04394531 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1572864, 0) 00013530 593.08636475 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1245184, 0) 00013531 593.08666992 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1310720, 0) 00013532 593.08697510 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1376256, 0) 00013533 593.14031982 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=21135.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013534 593.14062500 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013535 593.14117432 [8248] MM5 [3604](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013536 593.14147949 [8248] MM5 [3604](R) 3604 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013537 593.15069580 [8248] MM5 [3604](R) 3604 DB query prepare finished, took 16. 00013538 593.15234375 [8248] MM5 [3604](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00013539 593.20660400 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1507328, 0) 00013540 593.20690918 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1572864, 0) 00013541 593.20715332 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1638400, 0) 00013542 593.23626709 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1310720, 0) 00013543 593.23663330 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1376256, 0) 00013544 593.23706055 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1441792, 0) 00013545 593.26928711 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28687.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013546 593.26953125 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013547 593.26983643 [8248] MM5 [3564](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013548 593.27014160 [8248] MM5 [3564](R) 3564 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013549 593.27227783 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\21. Ellie Goulding, Diplo & Swae Lee - Close to Me.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28687.MP3 00013550 593.31292725 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=20466.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013551 593.31317139 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013552 593.31353760 [8248] MM5 [11148](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013553 593.31378174 [8248] MM5 [11148](R) 11148 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013554 593.40930176 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1376256, 0) 00013555 593.40966797 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1441792, 0) 00013556 593.40997314 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1507328, 0) 00013557 593.41314697 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=3591.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013558 593.41345215 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013559 593.41369629 [8248] MM5 [3692](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013560 593.41455078 [8248] MM5 [3692](R) 3692 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013561 593.41650391 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\Elvis Presley\30 #1 Hits\8 - Elvis Presley - Jailhouse Rock.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\3591.MP3 00013562 593.47344971 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=15264.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013563 593.47381592 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013564 593.47412109 [8248] MM5 [10140](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013565 593.47448730 [8248] MM5 [10140](R) 10140 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013566 593.48675537 [8248] MM5 [10140](R) 10140 DB query prepare finished, took 15. 00013567 593.48962402 [8248] MM5 [10140](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00013568 593.49322510 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1638400, 0) 00013569 593.49346924 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1703936, 0) 00013570 593.49365234 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1769472, 0) 00013571 593.49987793 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1441792, 0) 00013572 593.50012207 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1507328, 0) 00013573 593.50030518 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1572864, 0) 00013574 593.53961182 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=278.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013575 593.54016113 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013576 593.54101563 [8248] MM5 [11056](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013577 593.54211426 [8248] MM5 [11056](R) 11056 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00013578 593.54736328 [8248] MM5 [11056](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00013579 593.60186768 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25197.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013580 593.60217285 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013581 593.60247803 [8248] MM5 [4536](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013582 593.60278320 [8248] MM5 [4536](R) 4536 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013583 593.63952637 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1703936, 0) 00013584 593.63977051 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1769472, 0) 00013585 593.64001465 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1835008, 0) 00013586 593.64129639 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Fifth Harmony\7_27 (Deluxe)\02 Work from Home (feat. Ty Dolla $i.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\25197.MP3 00013587 593.67773438 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1507328, 0) 00013588 593.68389893 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1572864, 0) 00013589 593.68420410 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1638400, 0) 00013590 593.70227051 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25198.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013591 593.70257568 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013592 593.70343018 [8248] MM5 [5632](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013593 593.70605469 [8248] MM5 [5632](R) 5632 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013594 593.70855713 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Flo Rida\My House\02 My House.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\25198.MP3 00013595 593.75860596 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1769472, 0) 00013596 593.75897217 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1835008, 0) 00013597 593.75921631 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1900544, 0) 00013598 593.77471924 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28688.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013599 593.77502441 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013600 593.77539063 [8248] MM5 [3284](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013601 593.77581787 [8248] MM5 [3284](R) 3284 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013602 593.79431152 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\22. French Montana - No Stylist (feat. Drake).mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28688.MP3 00013603 593.81463623 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1572864, 0) 00013604 593.81488037 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1638400, 0) 00013605 593.81506348 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1703936, 0) 00013606 593.89996338 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28675.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013607 593.90026855 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013608 593.90057373 [8248] MM5 [10048](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013609 593.90087891 [8248] MM5 [10048](R) 10048 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013610 593.90307617 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\09. Freya Ridings - Lost Without You.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28675.MP3 00013611 593.94024658 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1638400, 0) 00013612 593.94049072 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1703936, 0) 00013613 593.94067383 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1769472, 0) 00013614 593.97442627 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28699.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013615 593.97473145 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013616 593.97509766 [8248] MM5 [3152](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013617 593.97583008 [8248] MM5 [3152](R) 3152 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013618 593.97766113 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\33. George Ezra - Hold My Girl.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28699.MP3 00013619 594.01812744 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28693.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013620 594.01861572 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013621 594.01898193 [8248] MM5 [11460](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013622 594.01934814 [8248] MM5 [11460](R) 11460 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013623 594.04937744 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\27. George Ezra - Shotgun.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28693.MP3 00013624 594.06958008 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1703936, 0) 00013625 594.06988525 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1769472, 0) 00013626 594.07019043 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1835008, 0) 00013627 594.08575439 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1900544, 0) 00013628 594.08593750 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1966080, 0) 00013629 594.08612061 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2031616, 0) 00013630 594.10278320 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25199.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013631 594.10382080 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013632 594.10412598 [8248] MM5 [3324](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013633 594.10522461 [8248] MM5 [3324](R) 3324 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013634 594.10839844 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Hailee Steinfeld\Haiz - EP\01 Love Myself.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\25199.MP3 00013635 594.14746094 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28672.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013636 594.14782715 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013637 594.14819336 [8248] MM5 [7560](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013638 594.14868164 [8248] MM5 [7560](R) 7560 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013639 594.16052246 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\06. Halsey - Without Me.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28672.MP3 00013640 594.17388916 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1769472, 0) 00013641 594.17425537 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1835008, 0) 00013642 594.17449951 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1900544, 0) 00013643 594.20129395 [2784] SAStream: Seek(1966080, 0) 00013644 594.20166016 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2031616, 0) 00013645 594.20190430 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2097152, 0) 00013646 594.22296143 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=24795.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013647 594.22332764 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013648 594.22369385 [8248] MM5 [6836](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013649 594.22528076 [8248] MM5 [6836](R) 6836 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013650 594.22717285 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\06. J. Cole - ATM.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\24795.MP3 00013651 594.29895020 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1835008, 0) 00013652 594.29925537 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1900544, 0) 00013653 594.29949951 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1966080, 0) 00013654 594.31854248 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=24820.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013655 594.31878662 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013656 594.31909180 [8248] MM5 [8196](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013657 594.31939697 [8248] MM5 [8196](R) 8196 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013658 594.40118408 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2031616, 0) 00013659 594.40161133 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2097152, 0) 00013660 594.40185547 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2162688, 0) 00013661 594.41497803 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=24836.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013662 594.41522217 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013663 594.41558838 [8248] MM5 [8104](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013664 594.41589355 [8248] MM5 [8104](R) 8104 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013665 594.41784668 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\46. J. Cole - FRIENDS (feat. kiLL edward).mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\24836.MP3 00013666 594.42864990 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00013667 594.45312500 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=24843.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013668 594.45349121 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013669 594.45385742 [8248] MM5 [6932](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013670 594.45422363 [8248] MM5 [6932](R) 6932 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013671 594.46801758 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\53. J. Cole - Intro.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\24843.MP3 00013672 594.46875000 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1900544, 0) 00013673 594.46923828 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1966080, 0) 00013674 594.46960449 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2031616, 0) 00013675 594.52612305 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2097152, 0) 00013676 594.52648926 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2162688, 0) 00013677 594.52673340 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2228224, 0) 00013678 594.53460693 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=24797.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013679 594.53485107 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013680 594.53515625 [8248] MM5 [11100](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013681 594.53546143 [8248] MM5 [11100](R) 11100 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013682 594.53753662 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\08. J. Cole - Kevin's Heart.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\24797.MP3 00013683 594.63409424 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=24799.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013684 594.63446045 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013685 594.63482666 [8248] MM5 [776](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013686 594.63562012 [8248] MM5 [776](R) 776 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013687 594.63653564 [6392] SAStream: Seek(1966080, 0) 00013688 594.63684082 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2031616, 0) 00013689 594.63708496 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2018 05 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (05.05.2018)\10. J. Cole - KOD.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\24799.MP3 00013690 594.63977051 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2097152, 0) 00013691 594.72058105 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2162688, 0) 00013692 594.72283936 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2228224, 0) 00013693 594.72308350 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2293760, 0) 00013694 594.73303223 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=4210.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013695 594.73345947 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013696 594.73382568 [8248] MM5 [2288](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013697 594.73425293 [8248] MM5 [2288](R) 2288 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013698 594.74859619 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\J.J. Cale - The Very Best Of\08 J.J. Cale - Rock And Roll Records.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\4210.MP3 00013699 594.75610352 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2031616, 0) 00013700 594.75634766 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2097152, 0) 00013701 594.75653076 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2162688, 0) 00013702 594.79321289 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=15317.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013703 594.79345703 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013704 594.79394531 [8248] MM5 [4944](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013705 594.79473877 [8248] MM5 [4944](R) 4944 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013706 594.79650879 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\91 - Jake Owen - Days Of Gold - Beachin'.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\15317.MP3 00013707 594.81982422 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2228224, 0) 00013708 594.82019043 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2293760, 0) 00013709 594.82043457 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2359296, 0) 00013710 594.89251709 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28692.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013711 594.89282227 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013712 594.89312744 [8248] MM5 [7592](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013713 594.89343262 [8248] MM5 [7592](R) 7592 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013714 594.91601563 [8248] MM5 [7592](R) DB lock took 32 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013715 594.91760254 [8248] MM5 [7592](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00013716 594.93469238 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2097152, 0) 00013717 594.93505859 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2162688, 0) 00013718 594.93548584 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2228224, 0) 00013719 594.97003174 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=15231.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013720 594.97027588 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013721 594.97070313 [8248] MM5 [9212](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013722 594.97198486 [8248] MM5 [9212](R) 9212 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013723 594.97454834 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\06 - Jason Derulo - Talk Dirty - Talk Dirty.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\15231.MP3 00013724 595.02630615 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2293760, 0) 00013725 595.02661133 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2359296, 0) 00013726 595.02685547 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2424832, 0) 00013727 595.03149414 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28670.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013728 595.03179932 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013729 595.03222656 [8248] MM5 [11240](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013730 595.03253174 [8248] MM5 [11240](R) 11240 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013731 595.07867432 [8248] MM5 [11240](R) 11240 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00013732 595.08032227 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\04. Jess Glynne - Thursday.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28670.MP3 00013733 595.10632324 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2162688, 0) 00013734 595.10650635 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2228224, 0) 00013735 595.10668945 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2293760, 0) 00013736 595.13916016 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2359296, 0) 00013737 595.13946533 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2424832, 0) 00013738 595.13970947 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2490368, 0) 00013739 595.18023682 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11920.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013740 595.18066406 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013741 595.18103027 [8248] MM5 [2608](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013742 595.18182373 [8248] MM5 [2608](R) 2608 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013743 595.19024658 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\John Klemmer\Cry '78\Intimacy.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11920.MP3 00013744 595.19049072 [8248] MM5 [2608](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00013745 595.25140381 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2228224, 0) 00013746 595.25170898 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2293760, 0) 00013747 595.25201416 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2359296, 0) 00013748 595.28198242 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=21151.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013749 595.28222656 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013750 595.28253174 [8248] MM5 [416](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013751 595.28289795 [8248] MM5 [416](R) 416 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013752 595.30120850 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Big Band\Julie London - A Taste Of Honey.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\21151.MP3 00013753 595.30853271 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2424832, 0) 00013754 595.30895996 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2490368, 0) 00013755 595.30926514 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2555904, 0) 00013756 595.39044189 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=21152.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013757 595.39068604 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013758 595.39105225 [8248] MM5 [2212](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013759 595.39129639 [8248] MM5 [2212](R) 2212 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013760 595.39318848 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Big Band\Julie London - Besame Mucho.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\21152.MP3 00013761 595.47570801 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=21154.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013762 595.47607422 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013763 595.47650146 [8248] MM5 [10264](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013764 595.47680664 [8248] MM5 [10264](R) 10264 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013765 595.48059082 [8248] MM5 [10264](R) 10264 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00013766 595.50610352 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2490368, 0) 00013767 595.50634766 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2555904, 0) 00013768 595.50653076 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2621440, 0) 00013769 595.51104736 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Big Band\Julie London - SWAY.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\21154.MP3 00013770 595.55993652 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2359296, 0) 00013771 595.56024170 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2424832, 0) 00013772 595.56048584 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2490368, 0) 00013773 595.56646729 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25204.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013774 595.56671143 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013775 595.56701660 [8248] MM5 [3772](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013776 595.56732178 [8248] MM5 [3772](R) 3772 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013777 595.56945801 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Justin Bieber\Purpose (Deluxe)\06 Company.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\25204.MP3 00013778 595.67626953 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25205.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013779 595.67663574 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013780 595.67700195 [8248] MM5 [9252](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013781 595.67730713 [8248] MM5 [9252](R) 9252 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013782 595.69561768 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Justin Timberlake\CAN'T STOP THE FEELING! (Original Song F\01 CAN'T STOP THE FEELING! (Original.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\25205.MP3 00013783 595.72711182 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2555904, 0) 00013784 595.72741699 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2621440, 0) 00013785 595.72772217 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2686976, 0) 00013786 595.75677490 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28684.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013787 595.75708008 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013788 595.75744629 [8248] MM5 [996](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013789 595.75823975 [8248] MM5 [996](R) 996 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013790 595.75964355 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\18. Khalid - Better.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28684.MP3 00013791 595.79052734 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2424832, 0) 00013792 595.79077148 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2490368, 0) 00013793 595.79095459 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2555904, 0) 00013794 595.80834961 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28676.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013795 595.80877686 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013796 595.80908203 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013797 595.80944824 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) 9380 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013798 595.91168213 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2621440, 0) 00013799 595.91198730 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2686976, 0) 00013800 595.91229248 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2752512, 0) 00013801 595.92041016 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28669.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013802 595.92291260 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013803 595.92321777 [8248] MM5 [9816](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013804 595.92413330 [8248] MM5 [9816](R) 9816 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013805 595.92596436 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\03. Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper - Shallow.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28669.MP3 00013806 595.99340820 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2490368, 0) 00013807 595.99365234 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2555904, 0) 00013808 595.99383545 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2621440, 0) 00013809 596.01690674 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=15133.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013810 596.01727295 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013811 596.01770020 [8248] MM5 [3376](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013812 596.01800537 [8248] MM5 [3376](R) 3376 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013813 596.04846191 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Lana Del Rey - Discography - 2008-2014\EPs\2013 - Paradise [Mastered for iTunes]\02 American.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\15133.MP3 00013814 596.05743408 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2686976, 0) 00013815 596.05773926 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2752512, 0) 00013816 596.05804443 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2818048, 0) 00013817 596.11486816 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28668.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013818 596.11523438 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013819 596.11560059 [8248] MM5 [10636](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013820 596.11590576 [8248] MM5 [10636](R) 10636 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013821 596.11834717 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\02. Little Mix - Woman Like Me (feat. Nicki Minaj).mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28668.MP3 00013822 596.12908936 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2555904, 0) 00013823 596.12933350 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2621440, 0) 00013824 596.12963867 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2686976, 0) 00013825 596.18151855 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28691.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013826 596.18170166 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013827 596.18212891 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013828 596.18347168 [8248] MM5 [7440](R) 7440 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013829 596.18536377 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\25. Little Mix, Sharaya J - Strip.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28691.MP3 00013830 596.20257568 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2752512, 0) 00013831 596.20288086 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2818048, 0) 00013832 596.20318604 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2883584, 0) 00013833 596.25744629 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28694.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013834 596.25775146 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013835 596.25811768 [8248] MM5 [11200](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013836 596.25891113 [8248] MM5 [11200](R) 11200 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013837 596.29650879 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2621440, 0) 00013838 596.29675293 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2686976, 0) 00013839 596.29693604 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2752512, 0) 00013840 596.30126953 [8248] MM5 [11200](R) 11200 DB query prepare finished, took 32. 00013841 596.30297852 [8248] MM5 [11200](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00013842 596.36816406 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 2818048 00013843 596.36846924 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 2883584 00013844 596.36871338 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 2949120 00013845 596.38287354 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=27038.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013846 596.38311768 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013847 596.38348389 [8248] MM5 [4604](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013848 596.38378906 [8248] MM5 [4604](R) 4604 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013849 596.38586426 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Martin_Garrix_Dua_Lipa_-_Scared_To_Be_Lonely.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\27038.MP3 00013850 596.42498779 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2686976, 0) 00013851 596.42535400 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2752512, 0) 00013852 596.42559814 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2818048, 0) 00013853 596.47833252 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25208.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013854 596.47857666 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013855 596.47888184 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013856 596.47918701 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) 7920 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013857 596.48120117 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Meghan Trainor\Title (Deluxe)\06 Like I'm Gonna Lose You (feat. Jo.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\25208.MP3 00013858 596.50347900 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2883584, 0) 00013859 596.50378418 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2949120, 0) 00013860 596.50402832 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3014656, 0) 00013861 596.51660156 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=12741.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013862 596.51690674 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013863 596.51739502 [8248] MM5 [3516](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013864 596.51770020 [8248] MM5 [3516](R) 3516 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013865 596.53131104 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2752512, 0) 00013866 596.53161621 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2818048, 0) 00013867 596.53186035 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2883584, 0) 00013868 596.57733154 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\Michael Franti & Spearhead - All Rebel Rockers (2008)\05 All I Want Is You.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\12741.MP3 00013869 596.63323975 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2818048, 0) 00013870 596.63354492 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2883584, 0) 00013871 596.63378906 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2949120, 0) 00013872 596.72027588 [2784] SAStream: Seek(2949120, 0) 00013873 596.72058105 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3014656, 0) 00013874 596.72082520 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3080192, 0) 00013875 596.73327637 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=12746.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013876 596.73352051 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013877 596.73382568 [8248] MM5 [9916](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013878 596.73522949 [8248] MM5 [9916](R) 9916 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013879 596.74462891 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\Michael Franti & Spearhead - All Rebel Rockers (2008)\06 Say Hey (I Love You).mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\12746.MP3 00013880 596.80114746 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11335.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013881 596.80145264 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013882 596.80181885 [8248] MM5 [9788](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013883 596.80212402 [8248] MM5 [9788](R) 9788 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013884 596.81817627 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2883584, 0) 00013885 596.81842041 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2949120, 0) 00013886 596.81866455 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3014656, 0) 00013887 596.87011719 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3014656, 0) 00013888 596.87042236 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3080192, 0) 00013889 596.87072754 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3145728, 0) 00013890 596.91070557 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\Michael Franti and Spearhead - The Sound Of Sunshine (2010)\06 - The Only Thing Missing Was You.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11335.MP3 00013891 596.96228027 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11341.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013892 596.96246338 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013893 596.96289063 [8248] MM5 [872](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013894 596.96380615 [8248] MM5 [872](R) 872 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013895 596.97302246 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\Michael Franti and Spearhead - The Sound Of Sunshine (2010)\11 - The Sound Of Sunshine Going Down.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11341.MP3 00013896 597.04455566 [6392] SAStream: Seek(2949120, 0) 00013897 597.04486084 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3014656, 0) 00013898 597.04516602 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3080192, 0) 00013899 597.04681396 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28680.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013900 597.04711914 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013901 597.04742432 [8248] MM5 [10112](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013902 597.04772949 [8248] MM5 [10112](R) 10112 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013903 597.05010986 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\14. MK, Jonas Blue & Becky Hill - Back & Forth.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28680.MP3 00013904 597.05157471 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3080192, 0) 00013905 597.05187988 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3145728, 0) 00013906 597.05218506 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3211264, 0) 00013907 597.11004639 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=15276.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013908 597.11035156 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013909 597.11065674 [8248] MM5 [10060](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013910 597.11096191 [8248] MM5 [10060](R) 10060 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013911 597.11297607 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\50 - MKTO - MKTO - Classic.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\15276.MP3 00013912 597.16748047 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25209.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013913 597.16784668 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013914 597.16815186 [8248] MM5 [3480](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013915 597.16845703 [8248] MM5 [3480](R) 3480 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013916 597.18994141 [8248] MM5 [3480](R) 3480 DB query prepare finished, took 15. 00013917 597.19134521 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Nick Jonas\Last Year Was Complicated\03 Close (feat. Tove Lo).m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\25209.MP3 00013918 597.23712158 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3145728, 0) 00013919 597.23742676 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3211264, 0) 00013920 597.23992920 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3276800, 0) 00013921 597.24993896 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3014656, 0) 00013922 597.25024414 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3080192, 0) 00013923 597.25048828 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3145728, 0) 00013924 597.26361084 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25210.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013925 597.26385498 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013926 597.26416016 [8248] MM5 [10396](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013927 597.26446533 [8248] MM5 [10396](R) 10396 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013928 597.26654053 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Omi\Me 4 U\01 Cheerleader (Felix Jaehn Remix) [.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\25210.MP3 00013929 597.39178467 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25211.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013930 597.39208984 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013931 597.39245605 [8248] MM5 [10556](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013932 597.39282227 [8248] MM5 [10556](R) 10556 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013933 597.43652344 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3080192, 0) 00013934 597.43676758 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3145728, 0) 00013935 597.43695068 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3211264, 0) 00013936 597.44158936 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\One Direction\Drag Me Down - Single\01 Drag Me Down.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\25211.MP3 00013937 597.52783203 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3276800, 0) 00013938 597.52819824 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3342336, 0) 00013939 597.52850342 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3407872, 0) 00013940 597.54351807 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3145728, 0) 00013941 597.54376221 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3211264, 0) 00013942 597.54406738 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3276800, 0) 00013943 597.55200195 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25212.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013944 597.55224609 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013945 597.55255127 [8248] MM5 [10940](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013946 597.55285645 [8248] MM5 [10940](R) 10940 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013947 597.55645752 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\One Direction\Made In The A.M. (Deluxe Edition)\03 Perfect.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\25212.MP3 00013948 597.55657959 [8248] MM5 [10940](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00013949 597.60333252 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28677.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013950 597.60369873 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013951 597.60412598 [8248] MM5 [11528](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013952 597.60455322 [8248] MM5 [11528](R) 11528 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013953 597.61236572 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3342336, 0) 00013954 597.61267090 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 3342336 00013955 597.61291504 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 3407872 00013956 597.61315918 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 3473408 00013957 597.62506104 [8248] MM5 [11528](R) 11528 DB query prepare finished, took 16. 00013958 597.62707520 [8248] MM5 [11528](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00013959 597.68048096 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=15273.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013960 597.68072510 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013961 597.68103027 [8248] MM5 [9312](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013962 597.68133545 [8248] MM5 [9312](R) 9312 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013963 597.68341064 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\47 - Paramore - Paramore - Ain't It Fun.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\15273.MP3 00013964 597.76477051 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=5207.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013965 597.76501465 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013966 597.76531982 [8248] MM5 [924](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013967 597.76568604 [8248] MM5 [924](R) 924 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013968 597.78607178 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3211264, 0) 00013969 597.78625488 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3276800, 0) 00013970 597.78649902 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3342336, 0) 00013971 597.79156494 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\Peter Gabriel\Hit\3 - Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer.mpc -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\5207.MP3 00013972 597.81353760 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3407872, 0) 00013973 597.81378174 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3473408, 0) 00013974 597.81402588 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3538944, 0) 00013975 597.89453125 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=5202.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013976 597.89471436 [8248] MM5 [6564](R) _BrowseRequest started 00013977 597.89495850 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013978 597.89514160 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00013979 597.89538574 [8248] MM5 [6564](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013980 597.89550781 [8248] MM5 [6564](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00013981 597.89575195 [8248] MM5 [6564](R) 6564 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013982 597.89642334 [8248] MM5 [6564](R) 6564 DB query prepare finished, took 16. 00013983 597.89801025 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\Peter Gabriel\Hit\12 - Peter Gabriel - Biko.mpc -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\5202.MP3 00013984 597.95837402 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3276800, 0) 00013985 597.95867920 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3342336, 0) 00013986 597.95898438 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3407872, 0) 00013987 597.97686768 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28701.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013988 597.97711182 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013989 597.97747803 [8248] MM5 [8292](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013990 597.97778320 [8248] MM5 [8292](R) 8292 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013991 597.97991943 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\35. Pinkfong - Baby Shark.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28701.MP3 00013992 598.00097656 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3473408, 0) 00013993 598.00128174 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3538944, 0) 00013994 598.00158691 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3604480, 0) 00013995 598.04034424 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28674.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00013996 598.04064941 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00013997 598.04101563 [8248] MM5 [2868](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00013998 598.04132080 [8248] MM5 [2868](R) 2868 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00013999 598.06390381 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\08. Post Malone & Swae Lee - Sunflower.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28674.MP3 00014000 598.12274170 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3538944, 0) 00014001 598.12304688 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3604480, 0) 00014002 598.12335205 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3670016, 0) 00014003 598.12683105 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3342336, 0) 00014004 598.12707520 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3407872, 0) 00014005 598.12738037 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3473408, 0) 00014006 598.15240479 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=5556.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014007 598.15264893 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014008 598.15295410 [8248] MM5 [10348](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014009 598.15325928 [8248] MM5 [10348](R) 10348 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014010 598.15539551 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\Queen\Queen - Greatest Hits Vol.1-UK Version\10 - Queen - We Will Rock You.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\5556.MP3 00014011 598.22351074 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=23490.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014012 598.22387695 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014013 598.22753906 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014014 598.22802734 [8248] MM5 [12172](R) 12172 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014015 598.25390625 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE - DISCOGRAPHY (1997-13) [CHANNEL NEO]\[2013] ...Like Clockwork\02 - I Sat By The Ocean.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\23490.MP3 00014016 598.26354980 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3407872, 0) 00014017 598.26379395 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3473408, 0) 00014018 598.26409912 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3538944, 0) 00014019 598.29095459 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3604480, 0) 00014020 598.29125977 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3670016, 0) 00014021 598.29150391 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3735552, 0) 00014022 598.30725098 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=23491.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014023 598.30755615 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014024 598.30786133 [8248] MM5 [8860](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014025 598.30816650 [8248] MM5 [8860](R) 8860 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014026 598.31005859 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE - DISCOGRAPHY (1997-13) [CHANNEL NEO]\[2013] ...Like Clockwork\03 - The Vampyre Of Time And Memory.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\23491.MP3 00014027 598.38897705 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=23493.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014028 598.38934326 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014029 598.38970947 [8248] MM5 [9504](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014030 598.39013672 [8248] MM5 [9504](R) 9504 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014031 598.42663574 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE - DISCOGRAPHY (1997-13) [CHANNEL NEO]\[2013] ...Like Clockwork\05 - My God Is The Sun.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\23493.MP3 00014032 598.48229980 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3670016, 0) 00014033 598.48260498 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3735552, 0) 00014034 598.48284912 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3801088, 0) 00014035 598.49761963 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=23494.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014036 598.49792480 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014037 598.49822998 [8248] MM5 [8888](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014038 598.49853516 [8248] MM5 [8888](R) 8888 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014039 598.50042725 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE - DISCOGRAPHY (1997-13) [CHANNEL NEO]\[2013] ...Like Clockwork\06 - Kalopsia.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\23494.MP3 00014040 598.56665039 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3538944, 0) 00014041 598.56701660 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3604480, 0) 00014042 598.56726074 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3670016, 0) 00014043 598.59844971 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25213.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014044 598.59875488 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014045 598.59924316 [8248] MM5 [9500](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014046 598.59954834 [8248] MM5 [9500](R) 9500 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014047 598.62878418 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3735552, 0) 00014048 598.62902832 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 3735552 00014049 598.62927246 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 3801088 00014050 598.62951660 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 3866624 00014051 598.63342285 [8248] MM5 [9500](R) 9500 DB query prepare finished, took 46. 00014052 598.63543701 [8248] MM5 [9500](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00014053 598.68084717 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=5593.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014054 598.68121338 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014055 598.68151855 [8248] MM5 [9488](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014056 598.68237305 [8248] MM5 [9488](R) 9488 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014057 598.68438721 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\R.E.M\Automatic for the People\2 - R.E.M. - Try Not to Breathe.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\5593.MP3 00014058 598.70703125 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3604480, 0) 00014059 598.70727539 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3670016, 0) 00014060 598.70751953 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3735552, 0) 00014061 598.73492432 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25214.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014062 598.73522949 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014063 598.73553467 [8248] MM5 [6496](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014064 598.73590088 [8248] MM5 [6496](R) 6496 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014065 598.77740479 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Rihanna\ANTI (Deluxe)\04 Work (feat. Drake).m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\25214.MP3 00014066 598.78173828 [8248] MM5 [6496](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00014067 598.87921143 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25215.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014068 598.87951660 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014069 598.87988281 [8248] MM5 [9164](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014070 598.88018799 [8248] MM5 [9164](R) 9164 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014071 598.88238525 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Rihanna\FourFiveSeconds - Single\01 FourFiveSeconds.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\25215.MP3 00014072 598.93634033 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3670016, 0) 00014073 598.93664551 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3735552, 0) 00014074 598.93701172 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3801088, 0) 00014075 598.95690918 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28671.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014076 598.95721436 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014077 598.95751953 [8248] MM5 [4932](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014078 598.95782471 [8248] MM5 [4932](R) 4932 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014079 598.96844482 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\05. Rita Ora - Let You Love Me.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28671.MP3 00014080 598.98681641 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3866624, 0) 00014081 598.98712158 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3932160, 0) 00014082 598.98736572 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3997696, 0) 00014083 599.01910400 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11351.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014084 599.01940918 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014085 599.01971436 [8248] MM5 [8060](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014086 599.01995850 [8248] MM5 [8060](R) 8060 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014087 599.02758789 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3735552, 0) 00014088 599.02929688 [6392] SAStream: seeked to 3735552 00014089 599.02947998 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3801088, 0) 00014090 599.02978516 [8248] MM5 [8060](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00014091 599.03027344 [6392] SAStream: seeked to 3866624 00014092 599.06915283 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11350.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014093 599.06951904 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014094 599.06982422 [8248] MM5 [9064](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014095 599.07012939 [8248] MM5 [9064](R) 9064 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014096 599.10357666 [8248] MM5 [9064](R) 9064 DB query prepare finished, took 31. 00014097 599.13397217 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3932160, 0) 00014098 599.13421631 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3997696, 0) 00014099 599.13439941 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4063232, 0) 00014100 599.14672852 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\Sam Roberts - Collider 2011 [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\03. Let It In - Sam Roberts.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11350.MP3 00014101 599.14746094 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3801088, 0) 00014102 599.14764404 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3866624, 0) 00014103 599.14788818 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3932160, 0) 00014104 599.24273682 [2784] SAStream: Seek(3997696, 0) 00014105 599.24310303 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4063232, 0) 00014106 599.24334717 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4128768, 0) 00014107 599.25311279 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11352.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014108 599.25335693 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014109 599.25354004 [8248] MM5 [6088](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014110 599.25415039 [8248] MM5 [6088](R) 6088 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014111 599.26635742 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\Sam Roberts - Collider 2011 [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\09. Twist The Knife - Sam Roberts.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11352.MP3 00014112 599.26715088 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3866624, 0) 00014113 599.26745605 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3932160, 0) 00014114 599.26776123 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3997696, 0) 00014115 599.31829834 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11347.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014116 599.31854248 [8248] MM5 [1784](R) _BrowseRequest started 00014117 599.31866455 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014118 599.31890869 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 4128768 00014119 599.31915283 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 4194304 00014120 599.45135498 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\Sam Roberts - Collider 2011 [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\13. Tractor Beam Blues - Sam Roberts.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11347.MP3 00014121 599.46948242 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3932160, 0) 00014122 599.46978760 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3997696, 0) 00014123 599.47003174 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4063232, 0) 00014124 599.50628662 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=12341.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014125 599.50671387 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014126 599.50695801 [8248] MM5 [9372](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014127 599.50781250 [8248] MM5 [9372](R) 9372 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014128 599.51623535 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\Sam Roberts - Discography 2001 - 2008 [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\Sam Roberts - We Were Born In A Flame 2003\03. Brother Down - Sam Roberts.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\12341.MP3 00014129 599.51666260 [8248] MM5 [9372](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00014130 599.52770996 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4128768, 0) 00014131 599.52789307 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4194304, 0) 00014132 599.52807617 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4259840, 0) 00014133 599.61010742 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=15322.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014134 599.61029053 [8248] MM5 [5656](R) _BrowseRequest started 00014135 599.61047363 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014136 599.61059570 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00014137 599.61083984 [8248] MM5 [5656](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014138 599.61108398 [8248] MM5 [5656](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00014139 599.61126709 [8248] MM5 [5656](R) 5656 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014140 599.61187744 [8248] MM5 [5656](R) 5656 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00014141 599.63073730 [6392] SAStream: Seek(3997696, 0) 00014142 599.63092041 [6392] SAStream: seeked to 3997696 00014143 599.63104248 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4063232, 0) 00014144 599.63128662 [6392] SAStream: seeked to 4063232 00014145 599.63134766 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4128768, 0) 00014146 599.63177490 [6392] SAStream: seeked to 4128768 00014147 599.63507080 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\96 - ScHoolboy Q - Oxymoron - Studio.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\15322.MP3 00014148 599.63543701 [8248] MM5 [5656](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00014149 599.67895508 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4194304, 0) 00014150 599.67907715 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 4194304 00014151 599.67938232 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4259840, 0) 00014152 599.67987061 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 4259840 00014153 599.67999268 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4325376, 0) 00014154 599.68017578 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 4325376 00014155 599.69744873 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=27039.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014156 599.69763184 [8248] MM5 [4924](R) _BrowseRequest started 00014157 599.69775391 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014158 599.69787598 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00014159 599.69805908 [8248] MM5 [4924](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014160 599.69818115 [8248] MM5 [4924](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00014161 599.69830322 [8248] MM5 [4924](R) 4924 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014162 599.69891357 [8248] MM5 [4924](R) 4924 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00014163 599.70025635 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Sean_Paul_-_No_Lie_ft._Dua_Lipa.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\27039.MP3 00014164 599.70062256 [8248] MM5 [4924](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00014165 599.77203369 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4063232, 0) 00014166 599.77221680 [6392] SAStream: seeked to 4063232 00014167 599.77239990 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4128768, 0) 00014168 599.77252197 [6392] SAStream: seeked to 4128768 00014169 599.77264404 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4194304, 0) 00014170 599.77282715 [6392] SAStream: seeked to 4194304 00014171 599.77575684 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25217.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014172 599.77587891 [8248] MM5 [10372](R) _BrowseRequest started 00014173 599.77606201 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014174 599.77618408 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00014175 599.77636719 [8248] MM5 [10372](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014176 599.77642822 [8248] MM5 [10372](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00014177 599.77661133 [8248] MM5 [10372](R) 10372 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014178 599.77856445 [8248] MM5 [10372](R) 10372 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00014179 599.77893066 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Selena Gomez\Revival (Deluxe)\03 Hands To Myself.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\25217.MP3 00014180 599.77917480 [8248] MM5 [10372](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00014181 599.89709473 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4259840, 0) 00014182 599.89739990 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4325376, 0) 00014183 599.89764404 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4390912, 0) 00014184 599.90393066 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25218.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014185 599.90496826 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014186 599.90686035 [8248] MM5 [5924](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014187 599.90753174 [8248] MM5 [5924](R) 5924 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014188 599.93713379 [8248] MM5 [5924](R) 5924 DB query prepare finished, took 31. 00014189 599.94250488 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Shakira\Can't Remember To Forget You (feat. Riha\01 Can't Remember To Forget You (fea.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\25218.MP3 00014190 599.94342041 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4128768, 0) 00014191 599.94366455 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4194304, 0) 00014192 599.94396973 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4259840, 0) 00014193 600.02239990 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25219.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014194 600.02252197 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014195 600.02282715 [8248] MM5 [6260](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014196 600.02313232 [8248] MM5 [6260](R) 6260 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014197 600.02514648 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Shawn Mendes\Handwritten (Deluxe)\02 Stitches.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\25219.MP3 00014198 600.09741211 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4325376, 0) 00014199 600.09771729 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4390912, 0) 00014200 600.09802246 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4456448, 0) 00014201 600.11444092 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25220.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014202 600.11480713 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014203 600.11584473 [8248] MM5 [5044](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014204 600.11694336 [8248] MM5 [5044](R) 5044 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014205 600.11871338 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : C:\Users\Russell\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media\Music\Shawn Mendes\I Know What You Did Last Summer - Single\01 I Know What You Did Last Summer.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\25220.MP3 00014206 600.12219238 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4194304, 0) 00014207 600.12249756 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4259840, 0) 00014208 600.12280273 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4325376, 0) 00014209 600.20233154 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4390912, 0) 00014210 600.20263672 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4456448, 0) 00014211 600.20294189 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4521984, 0) 00014212 600.20349121 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28703.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014213 600.20391846 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014214 600.20629883 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00014215 600.20666504 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00014216 600.21331787 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4259840, 0) 00014217 600.21350098 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4325376, 0) 00014218 600.21368408 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4390912, 0) 00014219 600.24401855 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) 11484 DB query prepare finished, took 47. 00014220 600.24584961 [8248] MM5 [11484](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00014221 600.31127930 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=735.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014222 600.31164551 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014223 600.31201172 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014224 600.31280518 [8248] MM5 [5880](R) 5880 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014225 600.31427002 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\Simon & Garfunkel - Greatest Hits\07 Simon & Garfunkel - Scarborough Fair,Canticle.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\735.MP3 00014226 600.37292480 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4390912, 0) 00014227 600.37322998 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4456448, 0) 00014228 600.39416504 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=736.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014229 600.39447021 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014230 600.39477539 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014231 600.39501953 [8248] MM5 [2864](R) 2864 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014232 600.39697266 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Simon And Garfunkel Discography\Simon & Garfunkel - Greatest Hits\08 Simon & Garfunkel - Homeward Bound (Live).mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\736.MP3 00014233 600.44818115 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=1640.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014234 600.44848633 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014235 600.44879150 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014236 600.44909668 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) 12024 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014237 600.47387695 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) DB lock took 16 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014238 600.47552490 [8248] MM5 [12024](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00014239 600.48199463 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4390912, 0) 00014240 600.48217773 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4456448, 0) 00014241 600.48242188 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4521984, 0) 00014242 600.48504639 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4521984, 0) 00014243 600.48535156 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4587520, 0) 00014244 600.48571777 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4653056, 0) 00014245 600.52825928 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=1641.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014246 600.52856445 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014247 600.52893066 [8248] MM5 [8308](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014248 600.52935791 [8248] MM5 [8308](R) 8308 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014249 600.53143311 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Styx\Classics Vol. 15\07 Mr. Roboto.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\1641.MP3 00014250 600.58288574 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11372.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014251 600.58306885 [8248] MM5 [10852](R) _BrowseRequest started 00014252 600.58337402 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00014253 600.58374023 [8248] MM5 [10852](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00014254 600.58471680 [8248] MM5 [10852](R) 10852 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00014255 600.60290527 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4456448, 0) 00014256 600.60321045 [6392] SAStream: seeked to 4456448 00014257 600.60345459 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4521984, 0) 00014258 600.60369873 [6392] SAStream: seeked to 4521984 00014259 600.60461426 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4587520, 0) 00014260 600.60485840 [6392] SAStream: seeked to 4587520 00014261 600.66125488 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\[2009] Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride\08 all that we see.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11372.MP3 00014262 600.67059326 [8248] MM5 [10852](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00014263 600.68334961 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4521984, 0) 00014264 600.68365479 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4587520, 0) 00014265 600.68395996 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4653056, 0) 00014266 600.75775146 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11644.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014267 600.75805664 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014268 600.75836182 [8248] MM5 [2744](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014269 600.75866699 [8248] MM5 [2744](R) 2744 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014270 600.76336670 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4653056, 0) 00014271 600.76361084 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4718592, 0) 00014272 600.76428223 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4784128, 0) 00014273 600.76751709 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\The Cars - Complete Greatest Hits (2002)\20 You Are the Girl.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11644.MP3 00014274 600.76782227 [8248] MM5 [2744](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00014275 600.81988525 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=25222.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014276 600.82025146 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014277 600.82055664 [8248] MM5 [6532](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014278 600.94940186 [8248] MM5 [6532](R) 6532 DB query prepare finished, took 125. 00014279 600.95147705 [8248] MM5 [6532](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00014280 601.04620361 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6536.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014281 601.04650879 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014282 601.04681396 [8248] MM5 [6372](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014283 601.04711914 [8248] MM5 [6372](R) 6372 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014284 601.04913330 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\The doors\The Best Of The Doors CD2\1 - The doors - Hello, I Love You.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\6536.MP3 00014285 601.06042480 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4718592, 0) 00014286 601.06079102 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 4718592 00014287 601.06103516 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 4784128 00014288 601.06127930 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 4849664 00014289 601.07305908 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4653056, 0) 00014290 601.07336426 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4718592, 0) 00014291 601.07366943 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4784128, 0) 00014292 601.09912109 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6647.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014293 601.09948730 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014294 601.09985352 [8248] MM5 [5576](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014295 601.10015869 [8248] MM5 [5576](R) 5576 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014296 601.11706543 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\The Guess Who\The Greatest of the Guess Who\2 - The Guess Who - Laughing.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\6647.MP3 00014297 601.18023682 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6648.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014298 601.18035889 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014299 601.18054199 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00014300 601.18078613 [8248] MM5 [12176](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014301 601.18090820 [8248] MM5 [12176](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00014302 601.18115234 [8248] MM5 [12176](R) 12176 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014303 601.18206787 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 4915200 00014304 601.18395996 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\The Guess Who\The Greatest of the Guess Who\3 - The Guess Who - Undun.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\6648.MP3 00014305 601.20953369 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4718592, 0) 00014306 601.20983887 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4784128, 0) 00014307 601.21008301 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4849664, 0) 00014308 601.26611328 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=19963.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014309 601.26647949 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014310 601.27587891 [8248] MM5 [7364](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014311 601.27618408 [8248] MM5 [7364](R) 7364 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014312 601.30383301 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Hollies-1993 - The Very Best Of The Hollies\09 - Searchin'.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\19963.MP3 00014313 601.30657959 [8248] MM5 [7364](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00014314 601.36126709 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4849664, 0) 00014315 601.36157227 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4915200, 0) 00014316 601.36181641 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4980736, 0) 00014317 601.38421631 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4784128, 0) 00014318 601.38452148 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4849664, 0) 00014319 601.38482666 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4915200, 0) 00014320 601.40545654 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=19964.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014321 601.40594482 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014322 601.40637207 [8248] MM5 [1208](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014323 601.40667725 [8248] MM5 [1208](R) 1208 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014324 601.40899658 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Hollies-1993 - The Very Best Of The Hollies\10 - Stay.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\19964.MP3 00014325 601.46636963 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=1980.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014326 601.46667480 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014327 601.46704102 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014328 601.46777344 [8248] MM5 [7528](R) 7528 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014329 601.46960449 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Loving Spoonful\The Lovin' Spoonful - Greatest Hits (2000) Mp3 320 vtwin88cube\15.(Sittin' Here) Lovin' You.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\1980.MP3 00014330 601.47534180 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4849664, 0) 00014331 601.47546387 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4915200, 0) 00014332 601.47570801 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4980736, 0) 00014333 601.52209473 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6808.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014334 601.52252197 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014335 601.52294922 [8248] MM5 [3948](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014336 601.52331543 [8248] MM5 [3948](R) 3948 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014337 601.52764893 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4915200, 0) 00014338 601.52795410 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4980736, 0) 00014339 601.52819824 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5046272, 0) 00014340 601.53112793 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\The Northern Pikes FLAC Pack (6 Albums) [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\Big Blue Sky 1987\04. The Northern Pikes - Just Another Guy.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\6808.MP3 00014341 601.58038330 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6810.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014342 601.58068848 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014343 601.58099365 [8248] MM5 [11716](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014344 601.58135986 [8248] MM5 [11716](R) 11716 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014345 601.58331299 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\The Northern Pikes FLAC Pack (6 Albums) [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\Big Blue Sky 1987\06. The Northern Pikes - Jackie T.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\6810.MP3 00014346 601.62530518 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6851.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014347 601.62561035 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014348 601.62591553 [8248] MM5 [4016](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014349 601.62622070 [8248] MM5 [4016](R) 4016 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014350 601.62731934 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4915200, 0) 00014351 601.62756348 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4980736, 0) 00014352 601.62774658 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5046272, 0) 00014353 601.63415527 [2784] SAStream: Seek(4980736, 0) 00014354 601.63439941 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5046272, 0) 00014355 601.63458252 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5111808, 0) 00014356 601.64044189 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\The Northern Pikes FLAC Pack (6 Albums) [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\Secrets of the Alabi 1988\01. Northern Pikes, The - Place That's Insane.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\6851.MP3 00014357 601.68438721 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6854.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014358 601.68463135 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014359 601.68493652 [8248] MM5 [1408](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014360 601.68530273 [8248] MM5 [1408](R) 1408 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014361 601.68762207 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\The Northern Pikes FLAC Pack (6 Albums) [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\Secrets of the Alabi 1988\04. Northern Pikes, The - One Good Reason.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\6854.MP3 00014362 601.72479248 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5046272, 0) 00014363 601.72497559 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5111808, 0) 00014364 601.72515869 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5177344, 0) 00014365 601.73333740 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6861.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014366 601.73370361 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014367 601.73406982 [8248] MM5 [2916](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014368 601.73443604 [8248] MM5 [2916](R) 2916 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014369 601.75018311 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\The Northern Pikes FLAC Pack (6 Albums) [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\Secrets of the Alabi 1988\11. Northern Pikes, The - One Good Reason (Extended Mix).flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\6861.MP3 00014370 601.79602051 [6392] SAStream: Seek(4980736, 0) 00014371 601.79632568 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5046272, 0) 00014372 601.79663086 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5111808, 0) 00014373 601.80743408 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6862.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014374 601.80786133 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014375 601.80822754 [8248] MM5 [9332](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014376 601.80871582 [8248] MM5 [9332](R) 9332 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014377 601.81042480 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\The Northern Pikes FLAC Pack (6 Albums) [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\Snow In June 1990\01. The Northern Pikes - Dream Away.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\6862.MP3 00014378 601.89794922 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5111808, 0) 00014379 601.89819336 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5177344, 0) 00014380 601.89837646 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5242880, 0) 00014381 601.91510010 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6868.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014382 601.91693115 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014383 601.91778564 [8248] MM5 [6704](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014384 601.91833496 [8248] MM5 [6704](R) 6704 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014385 601.97521973 [8248] MM5 [6704](R) 6704 DB query prepare finished, took 62. 00014386 601.97698975 [8248] MM5 [6704](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00014387 601.99438477 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5046272, 0) 00014388 601.99468994 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5111808, 0) 00014389 601.99493408 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5177344, 0) 00014390 602.04321289 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=6872.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014391 602.04351807 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014392 602.04382324 [8248] MM5 [11392](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014393 602.04412842 [8248] MM5 [11392](R) 11392 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014394 602.04608154 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\The Northern Pikes FLAC Pack (6 Albums) [FLAC] [h33t] - Kitlope\Snow In June 1990\11. The Northern Pikes - Girl With A Problem.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\6872.MP3 00014395 602.08001709 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=2019.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014396 602.08032227 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014397 602.08050537 [8248] MM5 [12096](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014398 602.08148193 [8248] MM5 [12096](R) 12096 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014399 602.08337402 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Police\Message In A Box (Disc 1)\20 The Police - Bring On The Night.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\2019.MP3 00014400 602.09503174 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5111808, 0) 00014401 602.09533691 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5177344, 0) 00014402 602.09564209 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5242880, 0) 00014403 602.11193848 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5177344, 0) 00014404 602.11218262 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5242880, 0) 00014405 602.11267090 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5308416, 0) 00014406 602.12426758 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=2020.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014407 602.12457275 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014408 602.12487793 [8248] MM5 [11984](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014409 602.12524414 [8248] MM5 [11984](R) 11984 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014410 602.16345215 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Police\Message In A Box (Disc 1)\21 The Police - Deathwish.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\2020.MP3 00014411 602.23187256 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=5498.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014412 602.23217773 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014413 602.23248291 [8248] MM5 [3780](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014414 602.23278809 [8248] MM5 [3780](R) 3780 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014415 602.23474121 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\Police\Message In A Box (Disc 2)\17 - Police - De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\5498.MP3 00014416 602.24877930 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5242880, 0) 00014417 602.24908447 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5308416, 0) 00014418 602.24926758 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5373952, 0) 00014419 602.25622559 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5177344, 0) 00014420 602.25653076 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5242880, 0) 00014421 602.25683594 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5308416, 0) 00014422 602.30731201 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=2061.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014423 602.30749512 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014424 602.30792236 [8248] MM5 [9724](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014425 602.30889893 [8248] MM5 [9724](R) 9724 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014426 602.31042480 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Smiths\Best ... I\03 The Smiths - What Difference Does It Make.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\2061.MP3 00014427 602.41271973 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=2062.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014428 602.41302490 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014429 602.41339111 [8248] MM5 [12128](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014430 602.41369629 [8248] MM5 [12128](R) 12128 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014431 602.45147705 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Smiths\Best ... I\04 The Smiths - Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\2062.MP3 00014432 602.45697021 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5308416, 0) 00014433 602.45721436 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5373952, 0) 00014434 602.45739746 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5439488, 0) 00014435 602.46087646 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5242880, 0) 00014436 602.46105957 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5308416, 0) 00014437 602.46130371 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5373952, 0) 00014438 602.50427246 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=2066.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014439 602.50549316 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014440 602.50598145 [8248] MM5 [2096](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00014441 602.50671387 [8248] MM5 [2096](R) 2096 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00014442 602.50836182 [8248] MM5 [2096](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00014443 602.55731201 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=2069.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014444 602.55761719 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014445 602.55792236 [8248] MM5 [6348](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014446 602.55822754 [8248] MM5 [6348](R) 6348 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014447 602.56018066 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Downloads\The Smiths\Best ... I\11 The Smiths - Sheila Take A Bow.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\2069.MP3 00014448 602.60656738 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=7228.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014449 602.60784912 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014450 602.60815430 [8248] MM5 [4396](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014451 602.60845947 [8248] MM5 [4396](R) 4396 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014452 602.61676025 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5373952, 0) 00014453 602.61712646 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5439488, 0) 00014454 602.61737061 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5505024, 0) 00014455 602.62609863 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5308416, 0) 00014456 602.62640381 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5373952, 0) 00014457 602.62677002 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5439488, 0) 00014458 602.63452148 [6392] SAStream: seeked to 5439488 00014459 602.64105225 [8248] MM5 [4396](R) 4396 DB query prepare finished, took 31. 00014460 602.64257813 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\The Tragically Hip\Trouble At The Henhouse\1 - The Tragically Hip - Gift Shop.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\7228.MP3 00014461 602.70855713 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=7245.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014462 602.70892334 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014463 602.70935059 [8248] MM5 [2348](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014464 602.71026611 [8248] MM5 [2348](R) 2348 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014465 602.71185303 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\The Tragically Hip\Up to Here\4 - The Tragically Hip - 38 Years Old.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\7245.MP3 00014466 602.75067139 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5373952, 0) 00014467 602.75097656 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5439488, 0) 00014468 602.75122070 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5505024, 0) 00014469 602.75372314 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=7582.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014470 602.75408936 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014471 602.75531006 [8248] MM5 [12244](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014472 602.75579834 [8248] MM5 [12244](R) 12244 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014473 602.78466797 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\Tom Cochrane & Red Rider\2. Tom Cochrane & Red Rider - Love Under Fire.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\7582.MP3 00014474 602.78546143 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5439488, 0) 00014475 602.78588867 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5505024, 0) 00014476 602.78625488 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5570560, 0) 00014477 602.89324951 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=2132.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014478 602.89349365 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014479 602.89385986 [8248] MM5 [3192](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014480 602.89410400 [8248] MM5 [3192](R) 3192 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014481 602.90686035 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5505024, 0) 00014482 602.90716553 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5570560, 0) 00014483 602.90747070 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5636096, 0) 00014484 602.91595459 [8248] MM5 [3192](R) 3192 DB query prepare finished, took 32. 00014485 602.91790771 [8248] MM5 [3192](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00014486 603.01391602 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5570560, 0) 00014487 603.01422119 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5636096, 0) 00014488 603.01452637 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5701632, 0) 00014489 603.01879883 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=15315.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014490 603.01904297 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014491 603.01947021 [8248] MM5 [336](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014492 603.01977539 [8248] MM5 [336](R) 336 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014493 603.02294922 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2014 Year End Top Hot 100 Songs Charts\89 - Lil Wayne - Believe Me - Believe Me.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\15315.MP3 00014494 603.06677246 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11589.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014495 603.06701660 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014496 603.06732178 [8248] MM5 [3676](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014497 603.06774902 [8248] MM5 [3676](R) 3676 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014498 603.08349609 [8248] MM5 [3676](R) 3676 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00014499 603.08477783 [6392] SAStream: seeked to 5505024 00014500 603.08502197 [6392] SAStream: seeked to 5570560 00014501 603.08520508 [6392] SAStream: seeked to 5636096 00014502 603.13299561 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\[2005] Singles - New Order 315mb @ 320kbs [only1joe]\Bizarre Love Triangle.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11589.MP3 00014503 603.14508057 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5636096, 0) 00014504 603.14544678 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5701632, 0) 00014505 603.14569092 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5767168, 0) 00014506 603.19860840 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5570560, 0) 00014507 603.19885254 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5636096, 0) 00014508 603.19909668 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5701632, 0) 00014509 603.22705078 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11602.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014510 603.22741699 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014511 603.22772217 [8248] MM5 [2580](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014512 603.22839355 [8248] MM5 [2580](R) 2580 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014513 603.23687744 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\[2005] Singles - New Order 315mb @ 320kbs [only1joe]\Blue Monday '88.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11602.MP3 00014514 603.25366211 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5701632, 0) 00014515 603.25390625 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5767168, 0) 00014516 603.25421143 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5832704, 0) 00014517 603.27856445 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28679.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014518 603.27893066 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014519 603.27935791 [8248] MM5 [10136](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014520 603.28015137 [8248] MM5 [10136](R) 10136 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014521 603.28198242 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\13. Ava Max - Sweet but Psycho.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28679.MP3 00014522 603.30303955 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5636096, 0) 00014523 603.30334473 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5701632, 0) 00014524 603.30364990 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5767168, 0) 00014525 603.37701416 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28695.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014526 603.37731934 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014527 603.37762451 [8248] MM5 [6416](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014528 603.37792969 [8248] MM5 [6416](R) 6416 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014529 603.38012695 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\29. benny blanco, Halsey & Khalid - Eastside.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28695.MP3 00014530 603.44213867 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5767168, 0) 00014531 603.44250488 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5832704, 0) 00014532 603.44274902 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5898240, 0) 00014533 603.47796631 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28689.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014534 603.47833252 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014535 603.47869873 [8248] MM5 [7040](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014536 603.47900391 [8248] MM5 [7040](R) 7040 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014537 603.50598145 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5701632, 0) 00014538 603.50708008 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5767168, 0) 00014539 603.50738525 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5832704, 0) 00014540 603.51208496 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\23. Calvin Harris & Sam Smith - Promises.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28689.MP3 00014541 603.54937744 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5832704, 0) 00014542 603.54998779 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5898240, 0) 00014543 603.55035400 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5963776, 0) 00014544 603.58831787 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28678.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014545 603.58856201 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014546 603.58911133 [8248] MM5 [9140](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014547 603.58990479 [8248] MM5 [9140](R) 9140 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014548 603.59143066 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\12. Jonas Blue, Liam Payne & Lennon Stella - Polaroid.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28678.MP3 00014549 603.64013672 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5898240, 0) 00014550 603.64050293 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5963776, 0) 00014551 603.64074707 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6029312, 0) 00014552 603.68621826 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5767168, 0) 00014553 603.68652344 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5832704, 0) 00014554 603.68682861 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5898240, 0) 00014555 603.69873047 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28704.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014556 603.69927979 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014557 603.69958496 [8248] MM5 [876](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014558 603.69989014 [8248] MM5 [876](R) 876 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014559 603.71136475 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\38. The Plug, Nafe Smallz, M Huncho feat. Gunna - Broken Homes.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28704.MP3 00014560 603.75280762 [2784] SAStream: Seek(5963776, 0) 00014561 603.75317383 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6029312, 0) 00014562 603.75341797 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6094848, 0) 00014563 603.80535889 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28577.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014564 603.80572510 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00014565 603.80603027 [8248] MM5 [2672](R) PostponeComputerSleep: SetThreadExecutionState exists 00014566 603.80633545 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) PostponeComputerSleep: SetThreadExecutionState result = $80000001 00014567 603.80664063 [8248] MM5 [2672](R) 2672 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014568 603.80859375 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\012. 5 Seconds Of Summer - Youngblood.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28577.MP3 00014569 603.81530762 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5832704, 0) 00014570 603.81561279 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5898240, 0) 00014571 603.81585693 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5963776, 0) 00014572 603.94201660 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28665.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014573 603.94232178 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014574 603.94262695 [8248] MM5 [10772](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014575 603.94299316 [8248] MM5 [10772](R) 10772 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014576 603.94415283 [8248] MM5 [10772](R) DB lock took 16 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014577 603.94573975 [8248] MM5 [10772](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00014578 603.95697021 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5898240, 0) 00014579 603.95727539 [6392] SAStream: Seek(5963776, 0) 00014580 603.95745850 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6029312, 0) 00014581 603.96807861 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6029312, 0) 00014582 603.96832275 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6094848, 0) 00014583 603.96850586 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6160384, 0) 00014584 604.07489014 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28623.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014585 604.07556152 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014586 604.07611084 [8248] MM5 [6060](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014587 604.07690430 [8248] MM5 [6060](R) 6060 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014588 604.07849121 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\059. 6ix9ine - KIKA (Feat. Tory Lanez).mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28623.MP3 00014589 604.07885742 [8248] MM5 [6060](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00014590 604.07928467 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6029312, 0) 00014591 604.07958984 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6094848, 0) 00014592 604.11212158 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6094848, 0) 00014593 604.11230469 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6160384, 0) 00014594 604.11254883 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6225920, 0) 00014595 604.13635254 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28626.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014596 604.13671875 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014597 604.13708496 [8248] MM5 [2488](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014598 604.13745117 [8248] MM5 [2488](R) 2488 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014599 604.16223145 [8248] MM5 [2488](R) 2488 DB query prepare finished, took 16. 00014600 604.16418457 [8248] MM5 [2488](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00014601 604.20599365 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6029312, 0) 00014602 604.20629883 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6094848, 0) 00014603 604.20654297 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6160384, 0) 00014604 604.22784424 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28635.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014605 604.22821045 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014606 604.22857666 [8248] MM5 [9672](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014607 604.22930908 [8248] MM5 [9672](R) 9672 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014608 604.23114014 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\071. 6ix9ine - WAKA (Feat. A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie).mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28635.MP3 00014609 604.24639893 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6160384, 0) 00014610 604.25793457 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6225920, 0) 00014611 604.25823975 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6291456, 0) 00014612 604.31469727 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6094848, 0) 00014613 604.31506348 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6160384, 0) 00014614 604.31530762 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6225920, 0) 00014615 604.31597900 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28625.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014616 604.31628418 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014617 604.31671143 [8248] MM5 [1264](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014618 604.31701660 [8248] MM5 [1264](R) 1264 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014619 604.36993408 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\061. 6IX9INE & Bobby Shmurda - STOOPID.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28625.MP3 00014620 604.41192627 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28600.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014621 604.41223145 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014622 604.41253662 [8248] MM5 [5152](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014623 604.41284180 [8248] MM5 [5152](R) 5152 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014624 604.41485596 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\036. 6IX9INE & Nicki Minaj & Murda Beatz - FEFE.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28600.MP3 00014625 604.41729736 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6225920, 0) 00014626 604.41760254 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6291456, 0) 00014627 604.41784668 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6356992, 0) 00014628 604.44348145 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6160384, 0) 00014629 604.44372559 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00014630 604.44390869 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Wait for event ID :3, delay :10000, callstack : 00014631 604.44409180 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6291456, 0) 00014632 604.49798584 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28622.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014633 604.49822998 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014634 604.49853516 [8248] MM5 [10180](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014635 604.49890137 [8248] MM5 [10180](R) 10180 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014636 604.52569580 [8248] MM5 [10180](R) DB lock took 31 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014637 604.52703857 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\058. 6ix9ine feat. Nicki Minaj & Kanye West - MAMA.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28622.MP3 00014638 604.53137207 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6291456, 0) 00014639 604.53167725 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6356992, 0) 00014640 604.53198242 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6422528, 0) 00014641 604.57568359 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6225920, 0) 00014642 604.57598877 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6291456, 0) 00014643 604.57623291 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6356992, 0) 00014644 604.57684326 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28586.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014645 604.57708740 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014646 604.57745361 [8248] MM5 [6596](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014647 604.57781982 [8248] MM5 [6596](R) 6596 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014648 604.58135986 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\021. Andy Williams - It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28586.MP3 00014649 604.58215332 [8248] MM5 [6596](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00014650 604.62658691 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6356992, 0) 00014651 604.62689209 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6422528, 0) 00014652 604.62713623 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6488064, 0) 00014653 604.63708496 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28648.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014654 604.63739014 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014655 604.63787842 [8248] MM5 [7600](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014656 604.63824463 [8248] MM5 [7600](R) 7600 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014657 604.67407227 [8248] MM5 [7600](R) 7600 DB query prepare finished, took 32. 00014658 604.67596436 [8248] MM5 [7600](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00014659 604.68170166 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6291456, 0) 00014660 604.68200684 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6356992, 0) 00014661 604.68231201 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6422528, 0) 00014662 604.73052979 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28578.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014663 604.73077393 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014664 604.73107910 [8248] MM5 [2588](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014665 604.73150635 [8248] MM5 [2588](R) 2588 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014666 604.73352051 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\013. Ariana Grande - breathin.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28578.MP3 00014667 604.74468994 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6422528, 0) 00014668 604.74493408 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6488064, 0) 00014669 604.74511719 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6553600, 0) 00014670 604.79449463 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28598.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014671 604.79479980 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014672 604.79516602 [8248] MM5 [5820](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014673 604.79553223 [8248] MM5 [5820](R) 5820 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014674 604.92614746 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6488064, 0) 00014675 604.92639160 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6553600, 0) 00014676 604.92657471 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6619136, 0) 00014677 604.94982910 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28584.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014678 604.95013428 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014679 604.95043945 [8248] MM5 [2940](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014680 604.95068359 [8248] MM5 [2940](R) 2940 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014681 604.95306396 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\019. Bad Bunny & Drake - MIA (feat. Drake).mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28584.MP3 00014682 605.02050781 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28595.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014683 605.02136230 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014684 605.02185059 [8248] MM5 [8696](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014685 605.02233887 [8248] MM5 [8696](R) 8696 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014686 605.03076172 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6422528, 0) 00014687 605.03094482 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6488064, 0) 00014688 605.03118896 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6553600, 0) 00014689 605.05383301 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\030. Bazzi & Camila Cabello - Beautiful (feat. Camila Cabello).mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28595.MP3 00014690 605.06536865 [8248] MM5 [8696](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00014691 605.12365723 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28642.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014692 605.12396240 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014693 605.12432861 [8248] MM5 [10692](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014694 605.12463379 [8248] MM5 [10692](R) 10692 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014695 605.12713623 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\078. Bebe Rexha - I'm a Mess.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28642.MP3 00014696 605.13775635 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6553600, 0) 00014697 605.13806152 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6619136, 0) 00014698 605.14648438 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 6619136 00014699 605.14666748 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 6684672 00014700 605.18371582 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28583.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014701 605.18402100 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014702 605.18524170 [8248] MM5 [8224](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014703 605.18560791 [8248] MM5 [8224](R) 8224 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014704 605.20965576 [8248] MM5 [8224](R) 8224 DB query prepare finished, took 32. 00014705 605.21142578 [8248] MM5 [8224](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00014706 605.24645996 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6488064, 0) 00014707 605.24676514 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6553600, 0) 00014708 605.24700928 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6619136, 0) 00014709 605.26550293 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28633.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014710 605.26574707 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014711 605.26605225 [8248] MM5 [7288](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014712 605.26635742 [8248] MM5 [7288](R) 7288 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014713 605.26843262 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\069. Billie Eilish - come out and play.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28633.MP3 00014714 605.39025879 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6553600, 0) 00014715 605.39056396 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6619136, 0) 00014716 605.39080811 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6684672, 0) 00014717 605.39996338 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28647.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014718 605.40032959 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014719 605.40069580 [8248] MM5 [1432](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014720 605.40106201 [8248] MM5 [1432](R) 1432 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014721 605.42022705 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\083. Billie Eilish & Khalid - lovely.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28647.MP3 00014722 605.45001221 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6684672, 0) 00014723 605.45031738 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6750208, 0) 00014724 605.45062256 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6815744, 0) 00014725 605.48461914 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28664.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014726 605.48492432 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014727 605.48535156 [8248] MM5 [1648](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014728 605.48620605 [8248] MM5 [1648](R) 1648 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014729 605.48645020 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6619136, 0) 00014730 605.48675537 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6684672, 0) 00014731 605.48864746 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6750208, 0) 00014732 605.48907471 [6392] SAStream: seeked to 6750208 00014733 605.51483154 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28588.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014734 605.51513672 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014735 605.51544189 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014736 605.51574707 [8248] MM5 [11032](R) 11032 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014737 605.54138184 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\023. Brenda Lee - Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28588.MP3 00014738 605.58062744 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6750208, 0) 00014739 605.58093262 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6815744, 0) 00014740 605.58123779 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6881280, 0) 00014741 605.59985352 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28591.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014742 605.60101318 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014743 605.60571289 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00014744 605.60595703 [8248] MM5 [10892](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00014745 605.60858154 [8248] MM5 [10892](R) 10892 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00014746 605.60900879 [8248] MM5 [10892](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00014747 605.64312744 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6684672, 0) 00014748 605.64343262 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6750208, 0) 00014749 605.64367676 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6815744, 0) 00014750 605.65899658 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28641.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014751 605.65924072 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014752 605.65954590 [8248] MM5 [4588](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014753 605.65985107 [8248] MM5 [4588](R) 4588 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014754 605.66186523 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\077. Camila Cabello - Consequences (orchestra).mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28641.MP3 00014755 605.71069336 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6815744, 0) 00014756 605.71087646 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 6815744 00014757 605.71118164 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 6881280 00014758 605.71142578 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 6946816 00014759 605.72399902 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28589.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014760 605.72430420 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014761 605.72467041 [8248] MM5 [11332](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014762 605.72515869 [8248] MM5 [11332](R) 11332 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014763 605.72613525 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6750208, 0) 00014764 605.72637939 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6815744, 0) 00014765 605.72772217 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6881280, 0) 00014766 605.75207520 [8248] MM5 [11332](R) DB lock took 16 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014767 605.75598145 [8248] MM5 [11332](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00014768 605.80554199 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28596.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014769 605.80584717 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014770 605.80615234 [8248] MM5 [7876](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014771 605.80651855 [8248] MM5 [7876](R) 7876 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014772 605.80847168 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\031. Cardi B & Bad Bunny & J Balvin - I Like It.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28596.MP3 00014773 605.89587402 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28611.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014774 605.89617920 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014775 605.89660645 [8248] MM5 [12160](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014776 605.89709473 [8248] MM5 [12160](R) 12160 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014777 605.92828369 [8248] MM5 [12160](R) 12160 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00014778 605.92980957 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\047. Cardi B & Kehlani - Ring (feat. Kehlani).mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28611.MP3 00014779 605.98571777 [2784] SAStream: Seek(6946816, 0) 00014780 605.98590088 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7012352, 0) 00014781 605.98608398 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7077888, 0) 00014782 606.01422119 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28643.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014783 606.01446533 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014784 606.01483154 [8248] MM5 [3964](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014785 606.01513672 [8248] MM5 [3964](R) 3964 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014786 606.01715088 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\079. Chris Young - Hangin' On.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28643.MP3 00014787 606.02191162 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6881280, 0) 00014788 606.02215576 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6946816, 0) 00014789 606.02233887 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7012352, 0) 00014790 606.14257813 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28602.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014791 606.14294434 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014792 606.14331055 [8248] MM5 [2292](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014793 606.14367676 [8248] MM5 [2292](R) 2292 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014794 606.20239258 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\038. Dan + Shay - Speechless.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28602.MP3 00014795 606.23706055 [6392] SAStream: Seek(6946816, 0) 00014796 606.23742676 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7012352, 0) 00014797 606.23828125 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7077888, 0) 00014798 606.24377441 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7012352, 0) 00014799 606.24401855 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7077888, 0) 00014800 606.24420166 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7143424, 0) 00014801 606.27801514 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28656.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014802 606.27832031 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014803 606.27862549 [8248] MM5 [2088](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014804 606.27899170 [8248] MM5 [2088](R) 2088 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014805 606.28094482 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\093. Daniel Caesar - Best Part (feat. H.E.R.).mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28656.MP3 00014806 606.38549805 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28638.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014807 606.38580322 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014808 606.38616943 [8248] MM5 [3756](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014809 606.38647461 [8248] MM5 [3756](R) 3756 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014810 606.40319824 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\074. Dierks Bentley & Brothers Osborne - Burning Man.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28638.MP3 00014811 606.40869141 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7012352, 0) 00014812 606.40893555 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7077888, 0) 00014813 606.40911865 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7143424, 0) 00014814 606.46948242 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7077888, 0) 00014815 606.46978760 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7143424, 0) 00014816 606.47003174 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7208960, 0) 00014817 606.49420166 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28601.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014818 606.49444580 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014819 606.49475098 [8248] MM5 [7844](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014820 606.49505615 [8248] MM5 [7844](R) 7844 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014821 606.49707031 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\037. Drake - In My Feelings.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28601.MP3 00014822 606.54956055 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7077888, 0) 00014823 606.54986572 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7143424, 0) 00014824 606.55010986 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7208960, 0) 00014825 606.57843018 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28610.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014826 606.57879639 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014827 606.57916260 [8248] MM5 [10680](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014828 606.57952881 [8248] MM5 [10680](R) 10680 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014829 606.61279297 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\046. Drake - Nonstop.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28610.MP3 00014830 606.62445068 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7143424, 0) 00014831 606.62475586 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7208960, 0) 00014832 606.62500000 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7274496, 0) 00014833 606.67352295 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28645.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014834 606.67376709 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014835 606.67407227 [8248] MM5 [5748](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014836 606.67437744 [8248] MM5 [5748](R) 5748 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014837 606.67645264 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\081. Dustin Lynch - Good Girl.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28645.MP3 00014838 606.69500732 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7143424, 0) 00014839 606.69519043 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7208960, 0) 00014840 606.69543457 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7274496, 0) 00014841 606.72222900 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28614.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014842 606.72259521 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014843 606.72290039 [8248] MM5 [7368](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014844 606.72320557 [8248] MM5 [7368](R) 7368 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014845 606.73651123 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\050. Ella Mai - Boo'd Up.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28614.MP3 00014846 606.76086426 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7208960, 0) 00014847 606.76116943 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7274496, 0) 00014848 606.76141357 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7340032, 0) 00014849 606.77880859 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28581.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014850 606.77911377 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014851 606.77947998 [8248] MM5 [9532](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014852 606.78027344 [8248] MM5 [9532](R) 9532 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014853 606.78198242 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\016. Ella Mai - Trip.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28581.MP3 00014854 606.88201904 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28580.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014855 606.88244629 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014856 606.88275146 [8248] MM5 [4808](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014857 606.88305664 [8248] MM5 [4808](R) 4808 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014858 606.89251709 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\015. Gucci Mane - Wake up in the Sky (Bruno Mars & Kodak Black).mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28580.MP3 00014859 606.96990967 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28592.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014860 606.97070313 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014861 606.97167969 [8248] MM5 [8908](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014862 606.97192383 [8248] MM5 [8908](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00014863 606.97235107 [6392] SAStream: seeked to 7274496 00014864 606.97265625 [6392] SAStream: seeked to 7340032 00014865 606.97283936 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7405568, 0) 00014866 606.97460938 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\027. Flipp Dinero - Leave Me Alone.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28592.MP3 00014867 606.99359131 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7340032, 0) 00014868 606.99389648 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7405568, 0) 00014869 606.99414063 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7471104, 0) 00014870 607.03430176 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28637.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014871 607.03454590 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014872 607.03485107 [8248] MM5 [8656](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014873 607.03521729 [8248] MM5 [8656](R) 8656 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014874 607.05554199 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\073. French Montana & Drake - No Stylist.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28637.MP3 00014875 607.07873535 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7340032, 0) 00014876 607.07904053 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7405568, 0) 00014877 607.07934570 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7471104, 0) 00014878 607.16467285 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28628.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014879 607.16491699 [8248] MM5 [7944](R) _BrowseRequest started 00014880 607.16546631 [8248] MM5 [7944](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014881 607.18310547 [8248] MM5 [7944](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00014882 607.18334961 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 7405568 00014883 607.18359375 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7471104, 0) 00014884 607.18389893 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7536640, 0) 00014885 607.18591309 [8248] MM5 [7944](R) 7944 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00014886 607.18664551 [8248] MM5 [7944](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00014887 607.19244385 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7405568, 0) 00014888 607.19281006 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7471104, 0) 00014889 607.19311523 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7536640, 0) 00014890 607.26806641 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28590.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014891 607.26843262 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014892 607.26879883 [8248] MM5 [7388](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014893 607.26922607 [8248] MM5 [7388](R) 7388 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014894 607.27246094 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\025. Imagine Dragons - Natural.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28590.MP3 00014895 607.29730225 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7471104, 0) 00014896 607.29760742 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7536640, 0) 00014897 607.29785156 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7602176, 0) 00014898 607.37536621 [8248] AdjustArtworkInTagsForDeviceTrack: Dev: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 SongID: 23912 Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2017 11 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (11.11.2017) [Mga Zone Music]\05. Imagine Dragons - Thunder.mp3 00014899 607.37561035 [8248] MM5 [7180](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00014900 607.38275146 [8248] MM5 [7180](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DeviceTracks WHERE IDDevice=677 00014901 607.39550781 [8248] MM5 [7180](R) Device Sync: Checking Artwork D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2017 11 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (11.11.2017) [Mga Zone Music]\05. Imagine Dragons - Thunder.mp3 00014902 607.39886475 [8248] UPnP Server: Serving file D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2017 11 Hot 100\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart (11.11.2017) [Mga Zone Music]\05. Imagine Dragons - Thunder.mp3, ExternalStream = 1, FileLen = -1 00014903 607.42553711 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7471104, 0) 00014904 607.42584229 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7536640, 0) 00014905 607.42614746 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7602176, 0) 00014906 607.42980957 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7536640, 0) 00014907 607.42999268 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 7536640 00014908 607.43023682 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 7602176 00014909 607.43048096 [2784] SAStream: seeked to 7667712 00014910 607.51721191 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7602176, 0) 00014911 607.51751709 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7667712, 0) 00014912 607.51776123 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7733248, 0) 00014913 607.51910400 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28653.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014914 607.51940918 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014915 607.51977539 [8248] MM5 [10192](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014916 607.52069092 [8248] MM5 [10192](R) 10192 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014917 607.52331543 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\090. Jacquees - You.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28653.MP3 00014918 607.61944580 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28657.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014919 607.61968994 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014920 607.61999512 [8248] MM5 [11072](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014921 607.62030029 [8248] MM5 [11072](R) 11072 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014922 607.62207031 [6392] SAStream: seeked to 7536640 00014923 607.62225342 [6392] SAStream: seeked to 7602176 00014924 607.62243652 [6392] SAStream: seeked to 7667712 00014925 607.66400146 [8248] MM5 [11072](R) 11072 DB query prepare finished, took 47. 00014926 607.66650391 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\094. Jason Aldean - Girl Like You.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28657.MP3 00014927 607.67175293 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7667712, 0) 00014928 607.67199707 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7733248, 0) 00014929 607.67236328 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7798784, 0) 00014930 607.75708008 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=24103.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014931 607.75738525 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014932 607.75775146 [8248] MM5 [11052](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014933 607.75805664 [8248] MM5 [11052](R) 11052 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014934 607.76031494 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Big Band\Jason Mraz - Im Yours.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\24103.MP3 00014935 607.76696777 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7733248, 0) 00014936 607.76721191 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7798784, 0) 00014937 607.76739502 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7864320, 0) 00014938 607.81976318 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7602176, 0) 00014939 607.82000732 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7667712, 0) 00014940 607.82031250 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7733248, 0) 00014941 607.92932129 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7798784, 0) 00014942 607.92968750 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7864320, 0) 00014943 607.92993164 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7929856, 0) 00014944 607.94390869 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28619.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014945 607.94421387 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014946 607.94458008 [8248] MM5 [6276](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014947 607.94488525 [8248] MM5 [6276](R) 6276 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014948 607.95092773 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\055. Juice Wrld - Armed And Dangerous.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28619.MP3 00014949 607.98895264 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7667712, 0) 00014950 607.98937988 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7733248, 0) 00014951 607.98974609 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7798784, 0) 00014952 608.01867676 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7864320, 0) 00014953 608.01898193 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7929856, 0) 00014954 608.01922607 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7995392, 0) 00014955 608.03430176 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28575.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014956 608.03460693 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014957 608.03491211 [8248] MM5 [8784](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014958 608.03521729 [8248] MM5 [8784](R) 8784 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014959 608.03723145 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\010. Juice Wrld - Lucid Dreams.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28575.MP3 00014960 608.10058594 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7733248, 0) 00014961 608.10089111 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7798784, 0) 00014962 608.10113525 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7864320, 0) 00014963 608.10882568 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7929856, 0) 00014964 608.10913086 [2784] SAStream: Seek(7956525, 0) 00014965 608.12261963 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28605.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014966 608.12286377 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014967 608.12316895 [8248] MM5 [10732](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014968 608.12347412 [8248] MM5 [10732](R) 10732 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014969 608.14227295 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\041. Kane Brown - Lose It.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28605.MP3 00014970 608.14270020 [8248] MM5 [10732](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00014971 608.16387939 [2784] in_mfaudio: get_576_samples: End of input file 00014972 608.19403076 [2784] in_mfaudio: Stop - calling free(pBuffer) 00014973 608.19458008 [2784] in_mfaudio: Stop - closing outMod 00014974 608.19775391 [2784] in_mfaudio: Stop - releasing last sample 00014975 608.20220947 [2784] in_mfaudio: Stop - releasing pReader 00014976 608.21173096 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28660.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014977 608.21209717 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014978 608.21246338 [8248] MM5 [11228](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014979 608.21307373 [8248] MM5 [11228](R) 11228 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014980 608.21380615 [2784] in_mfaudio: Stop - pReader released 00014981 608.21411133 [2784] SAStream: calling CloseStreamAccess 00014982 608.21447754 [2784] in_mfaudio: Stop - calling SAVSADeInit 00014983 608.21472168 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\097. Kanye West & Lil Pump - I Love It.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28660.MP3 00014984 608.24554443 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7798784, 0) 00014985 608.24584961 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7864320, 0) 00014986 608.24609375 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7929856, 0) 00014987 608.26580811 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28655.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014988 608.26617432 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014989 608.26660156 [8248] MM5 [11972](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00014990 608.26696777 [8248] MM5 [11972](R) 11972 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014991 608.28424072 [8248] MM5 [11972](R) 11972 DB query prepare finished, took 16. 00014992 608.28637695 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\092. Kip Moore - Last Shot.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28655.MP3 00014993 608.41052246 [8248] MM5 [11276](R) WA Decode, Destroying. 00014994 608.41125488 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28627.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00014995 608.41162109 [8248] MM5 [2524](R) _BrowseRequest started 00014996 608.41192627 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00014997 608.41210938 [8248] MM5 [11276](R) 11276 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00014998 608.41265869 [8248] MM5 [11276](R) 11276 DB prepare SQL: SELECT Lyrics, Comment FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00014999 608.41351318 [8248] MM5 [11276](R) MP3: Going to read tag from D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\40. benny blanco & Calvin Harris - I Found You.mp3 00015000 608.42736816 [8248] MM5 [11276](R) MP3: Tag read from D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\40. benny blanco & Calvin Harris - I Found You.mp3 00015001 608.42877197 [8248] MM5 [11276](R) PrepareForTagging: called 00015002 608.43035889 [8248] MM5 [11276](R) MP3: Tag read from C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015003 608.43066406 [8248] MM5 [11276](R) MP3: Writing ID3v2 00015004 608.43853760 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7929856, 0) 00015005 608.43884277 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7995392, 0) 00015006 608.43908691 [6392] SAStream: Seek(8060928, 0) 00015007 608.44024658 [8248] MM5 [2524](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015008 608.44061279 [8248] MM5 [2524](R) 2524 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015009 608.44750977 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\063. Lil Baby - Close Friends.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28627.MP3 00015010 608.50170898 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28608.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015011 608.50219727 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015012 608.50262451 [8248] MM5 [10784](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015013 608.50292969 [8248] MM5 [10784](R) 10784 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015014 608.51647949 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\044. Lil Baby & Drake - Yes Indeed.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28608.MP3 00015015 608.55493164 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28573.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015016 608.55535889 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015017 608.55578613 [8248] MM5 [11688](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015018 608.55627441 [8248] MM5 [11688](R) 11688 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015019 608.55871582 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\008. Lil Baby & Gunna - Drip Too Hard.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28573.MP3 00015020 608.56250000 [6392] SAStream: Seek(7995392, 0) 00015021 608.56280518 [6392] SAStream: Seek(8060928, 0) 00015022 608.56304932 [6392] SAStream: Seek(8126464, 0) 00015023 608.58526611 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28649.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015024 608.58563232 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015025 608.58599854 [8248] MM5 [6500](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015026 608.58636475 [8248] MM5 [6500](R) 6500 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015027 608.60784912 [8248] MM5 [11276](R) MP3: Updated ID3v2 00015028 608.63464355 [8248] MM5 [11276](R) MP3: Updated ID3v1 00015029 608.63482666 [8248] MM5 [11276](R) RestoreFromTagging starting. 00015030 608.63543701 [8248] MM5 [11276](R) Successfuly converted item D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\40. benny blanco & Calvin Harris - I Found You.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015031 608.63604736 [8248] MM5 [11276](R) TBackgroundConverter.CheckFreeSpace: SpaceNeeded 1.0 GB , TempFolder: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\ 00015032 608.63659668 [8248] MM5 [11276](R) Decoder: CreateDecoder() started 00015033 608.64843750 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\085. Lil Baby & Gunna & Drake - Never Recover.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28649.MP3 00015034 608.67907715 [6392] SAStream: Seek(8060928, 0) 00015035 608.67950439 [6392] SAStream: Seek(8126464, 0) 00015036 608.67974854 [6392] SAStream: Seek(8192000, 0) 00015037 608.69403076 [8248] MM5 [11276](R) WA Decode, Waiting for init. 00015038 608.73089600 [6392] SAStream: Seek(8126464, 0) 00015039 608.73120117 [6392] SAStream: Seek(8192000, 0) 00015040 608.73144531 [6392] SAStream: Seek(8257536, 0) 00015041 608.75195313 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28632.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015042 608.75231934 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015043 608.75268555 [8248] MM5 [9324](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015044 608.75292969 [8248] MM5 [9324](R) 9324 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015045 608.75616455 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\068. Lil Duval & Snoop Dogg & Ball Greezy - Smile (Living My Best Life).mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28632.MP3 00015046 608.78887939 [8248] MM5 [11276](R) WA Decode, decoder started. 00015047 608.79846191 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28662.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015048 608.79876709 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015049 608.79925537 [8248] MM5 [3332](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015050 608.79998779 [8248] MM5 [3332](R) 3332 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015051 608.80200195 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\099. Lil Mosey - Noticed.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28662.MP3 00015052 608.90106201 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28661.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015053 608.90142822 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015054 608.90179443 [8248] MM5 [9028](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015055 608.90222168 [8248] MM5 [9028](R) 9028 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015056 608.92669678 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Redirecting winamp message 1024(215154688, 9800) 00015057 608.93334961 [8248] MM5 [9028](R) DB lock took 15 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015058 608.93914795 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\098. Lil Peep & Xxxtentacion - Falling Down (Bonus Track).mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28661.MP3 00015059 608.94543457 [8248] MM5 [9028](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00015060 608.96313477 [6392] SAStream: Seek(8257536, 0) 00015061 608.96392822 [6392] SAStream: Seek(8323072, 0) 00015062 608.96520996 [6392] SAStream: Seek(8388608, 0) 00015063 608.99694824 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Redirecting winamp message 1024(215154688, 9801) 00015064 608.99822998 [1356] in_mfaudio: Opening SA stream 00015065 608.99908447 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Redirecting winamp message 1024(215154688, 9801) 00015066 608.99951172 [1356] in_mfaudio: Calling CreateObjectFromByteStream 00015067 609.00000000 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 0 00015068 609.00939941 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28604.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015069 609.00970459 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015070 609.01007080 [8248] MM5 [5744](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015071 609.01068115 [8248] MM5 [5744](R) 5744 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015072 609.01257324 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\040. Lil Wayne & Swizz Beatz - Uproar.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28604.MP3 00015073 609.01397705 [1356] SAStream: Seek(0, 0) 00015074 609.02716064 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7995392, 0) 00015075 609.02764893 [1356] SAStream: Seek(0, 0) 00015076 609.03228760 [6392] SAStream: Seek(8323072, 0) 00015077 609.03265381 [6392] SAStream: Seek(8388608, 0) 00015078 609.03295898 [6392] SAStream: Seek(8454144, 0) 00015079 609.05987549 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28597.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015080 609.06011963 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015081 609.06042480 [8248] MM5 [11248](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015082 609.06079102 [8248] MM5 [11248](R) 11248 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015083 609.06829834 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\032. lovelytheband - broken.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28597.MP3 00015084 609.09753418 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28606.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015085 609.09777832 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015086 609.09808350 [8248] MM5 [2352](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015087 609.09838867 [8248] MM5 [2352](R) 2352 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015088 609.10034180 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\042. Luke Combs - She Got the Best of Me.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28606.MP3 00015089 609.10968018 [6392] SAStream: Seek(8388608, 0) 00015090 609.10998535 [6392] SAStream: Seek(8430794, 0) 00015091 609.13269043 [1356] in_mfaudio: Media source created 00015092 609.13311768 [1356] in_mfaudio: Releasing pSource 00015093 609.13708496 [1356] in_mfaudio: Releasing pAttributes 00015094 609.14416504 [6392] in_mfaudio: get_576_samples: End of input file 00015095 609.14544678 [6392] in_mfaudio: Stop - calling free(pBuffer) 00015096 609.14575195 [6392] in_mfaudio: Stop - closing outMod 00015097 609.14611816 [6392] in_mfaudio: Stop - releasing pSource 00015098 609.14685059 [6392] in_mfaudio: Stop - pReader released 00015099 609.14721680 [6392] SAStream: calling CloseStreamAccess 00015100 609.14752197 [6392] in_mfaudio: Stop - calling SAVSADeInit 00015101 609.15740967 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28650.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015102 609.15765381 [1356] in_mfaudio: Detected native type - SampleRate=44100, Channels=2, BPS=16 00015103 609.15789795 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00015104 609.15826416 [8248] MM5 [11096](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00015105 609.15893555 [8248] MM5 [11096](R) 11096 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00015106 609.16064453 [8248] MM5 [11096](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00015107 609.19207764 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28579.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015108 609.19244385 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015109 609.19305420 [8248] MM5 [10040](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015110 609.19360352 [8248] MM5 [10040](R) 10040 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015111 609.20867920 [8248] MM5 [10040](R) 10040 DB query prepare finished, took 16. 00015112 609.21459961 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\014. Mariah Carey - All I Want for Christmas Is You.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28579.MP3 00015113 609.24664307 [8248] MM5 [6492](R) WA Decode, Destroying. 00015114 609.24768066 [8248] MM5 [6492](R) WA Decode, Destroyed. 00015115 609.24957275 [8248] MM5 [6492](R) MP3: Going to read tag from C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015116 609.25170898 [8248] MM5 [6492](R) MP3: Going to write tag to C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015117 609.27331543 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28574.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015118 609.27416992 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015119 609.27459717 [8248] MM5 [2128](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015120 609.27557373 [8248] MM5 [2128](R) 2128 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015121 609.27764893 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\009. Maroon 5 & Cardi B - Girls Like You.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28574.MP3 00015122 609.42718506 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28612.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015123 609.42742920 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015124 609.42773438 [8248] MM5 [10292](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015125 609.42810059 [8248] MM5 [10292](R) 10292 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015126 609.43121338 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\048. Meek Mill & Jeremih & PnB Rock - Dangerous (feat. Jeremih and PnB Rock).mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28612.MP3 00015127 609.43566895 [8248] MM5 [11276](R) WA Decode, Initialized. 00015128 609.44030762 [8248] 00015129 609.44030762 [8248] 00015130 609.44030762 [8248] Lame_enc configuration options: 00015131 609.44049072 [8248] version =1 00015132 609.44073486 [8248] mode = 00015133 609.44091797 [8248] Input sample rate =44.1 kHz 00015134 609.44110107 [8248] bitrate =0 kbps 00015135 609.44134521 [8248] Low pass frequency =18500 00015136 609.44152832 [8248] High pass frequency =0 00015137 609.44171143 [8248] No short blocks =0 00015138 609.44195557 [8248] de-emphasis =0 00015139 609.44213867 [8248] copyright flag =0 00015140 609.44238281 [8248] CRC =off 00015141 609.44256592 [8248] Force mid/side stereo =disabled 00015142 609.44848633 [8248] Allow diff-short =0 00015143 609.44891357 [8248] Strict ISO Encoding =No 00015144 609.44915771 [8248] VBR =enabled, VBR_q =2, VBR method = 00015145 609.45159912 [8248] Vbr Min bitrate =32 kbps 00015146 609.45202637 [8248] Write VBR Header =Yes 00015147 609.45227051 [8248] ATH Only =0 00015148 609.45257568 [8248] ATH no =0 00015149 609.45288086 [8248] ATH lower =3.700000 00015150 609.46185303 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28658.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015151 609.46209717 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015152 609.46240234 [8248] MM5 [3388](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015153 609.46270752 [8248] MM5 [3388](R) 3388 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015154 609.46490479 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\095. Metro Boomin & 21 Savage - Don't Come Out The House.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28658.MP3 00015155 609.46557617 [8248] ATH aa =-1 00015156 609.46594238 [8248] Experimental nspsytune =24117251 00015157 609.46618652 [8248] Experimental Y =0 00015158 609.47607422 [8248] MM5 [6492](R) MP3: Updated ID3v2 00015159 609.49194336 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28654.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015160 609.49218750 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015161 609.49249268 [8248] MM5 [7800](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015162 609.49279785 [8248] MM5 [7800](R) 7800 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015163 609.49481201 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\091. Metro Boomin & Gunna - Space Cadet.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28654.MP3 00015164 609.49530029 [8248] MM5 [7800](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00015165 609.49688721 [8248] MM5 [6492](R) RestoreFromTagging finished. 00015166 609.49755859 [8248] TMediaServer.OnFileConversionCompleted( C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3, success) 00015167 609.49896240 [8248] MM5 [6492](R) Going to encode file: D:\My Documents\My Music\Billy Burnette\Memphis in Manhattan\12. Billy Burnette - Memphis Blues.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\2763.MP3 00015168 609.49951172 [8248] MM5 [6492](R) Going to execute format plug-in constructor. 00015169 609.50036621 [8248] FLAC: Going to create stream decoder. 00015170 609.50085449 [8248] FLAC: Calling FLAC__stream_decoder_init_stream(). 00015171 609.50115967 [8248] FLAC: StreamDecoderMetadataCallback. 00015172 609.50244141 [8248] MM5 [6492](R) Format plug-in constructor finished. 00015173 609.50714111 [8248] 00015174 609.50714111 [8248] 00015175 609.50714111 [8248] Lame_enc configuration options: 00015176 609.50744629 [8248] version =1 00015177 609.50769043 [8248] mode = 00015178 609.50799561 [8248] Input sample rate =96.0 kHz 00015179 609.50823975 [8248] bitrate =0 kbps 00015180 609.50848389 [8248] Low pass frequency =18500 00015181 609.50878906 [8248] High pass frequency =0 00015182 609.50903320 [8248] No short blocks =0 00015183 609.50927734 [8248] de-emphasis =0 00015184 609.50952148 [8248] copyright flag =0 00015185 609.51007080 [8248] CRC =off 00015186 609.51031494 [8248] Force mid/side stereo =disabled 00015187 609.51055908 [8248] Allow diff-short =0 00015188 609.51196289 [8248] Strict ISO Encoding =No 00015189 609.51220703 [8248] VBR =enabled, VBR_q =2, VBR method = 00015190 609.51251221 [8248] Vbr Min bitrate =32 kbps 00015191 609.51330566 [8248] Write VBR Header =Yes 00015192 609.51361084 [8248] ATH Only =0 00015193 609.51385498 [8248] ATH no =0 00015194 609.51403809 [8248] ATH lower =3.700000 00015195 609.51422119 [8248] ATH aa sensitivity =-3.000000 00015196 609.51446533 [8248] Experimental X =9 00015197 609.51470947 [8248] Experimental Z =0 00015198 609.53485107 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28617.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015199 609.53515625 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015200 609.53546143 [8248] MM5 [2692](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015201 609.53576660 [8248] MM5 [2692](R) 2692 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015202 609.56768799 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\053. Mitchell Tenpenny - Drunk Me.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28617.MP3 00015203 609.61975098 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28603.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015204 609.62005615 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015205 609.62036133 [8248] MM5 [11924](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015206 609.62219238 [8248] MM5 [11924](R) 11924 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015207 609.62371826 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\039. Nat King Cole - The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas To You).mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28603.MP3 00015208 609.66448975 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28615.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015209 609.66485596 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015210 609.66522217 [8248] MM5 [3648](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015211 609.66558838 [8248] MM5 [3648](R) 3648 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015212 609.68267822 [1356] SAStream: Seek(131072, 0) 00015213 609.68292236 [1356] SAStream: Seek(196608, 0) 00015214 609.68316650 [1356] SAStream: Seek(262144, 0) 00015215 609.68511963 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\051. NF - Lie.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28615.MP3 00015216 609.75427246 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=21048.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015217 609.75640869 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015218 609.75683594 [8248] MM5 [2900](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015219 609.75714111 [8248] MM5 [2900](R) 2900 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015220 609.75915527 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Noir Désir - Le Vent Nous Portera.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\21048.MP3 00015221 609.80187988 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28570.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015222 609.80218506 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015223 609.80267334 [8248] MM5 [744](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015224 609.97497559 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28640.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015225 609.97521973 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015226 609.97552490 [8248] MM5 [10924](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015227 609.97583008 [8248] MM5 [10924](R) 10924 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015228 609.97784424 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\076. Pardison Fontaine & Cardi B - Backin' It Up (feat. Cardi B).mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28640.MP3 00015229 610.04687500 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28576.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015230 610.04724121 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015231 610.04760742 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015232 610.04797363 [8248] MM5 [10296](R) 10296 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015233 610.08514404 [1356] SAStream: Seek(262144, 0) 00015234 610.08538818 [1356] SAStream: Seek(327680, 0) 00015235 610.08563232 [1356] SAStream: Seek(393216, 0) 00015236 610.08673096 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\011. Post Malone - Better Now.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28576.MP3 00015237 610.14514160 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28652.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015238 610.14544678 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015239 610.14581299 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015240 610.14660645 [8248] MM5 [6584](R) 6584 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015241 610.14837646 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\089. Russell Dickerson - Blue Tacoma.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28652.MP3 00015242 610.20666504 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28620.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015243 610.20697021 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015244 610.20727539 [8248] MM5 [10660](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015245 610.20758057 [8248] MM5 [10660](R) 10660 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015246 610.21478271 [1356] SAStream: Seek(327680, 0) 00015247 610.21502686 [1356] SAStream: Seek(393216, 0) 00015248 610.21520996 [1356] SAStream: Seek(458752, 0) 00015249 610.22247314 [8248] MM5 [10660](R) DB lock took 16 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015250 610.22412109 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\056. Shawn Mendes & ZEDD - Lost In Japan (Remix).mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28620.MP3 00015251 610.47570801 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=24070.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015252 610.47595215 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015253 610.47631836 [8248] MM5 [3264](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015254 610.47662354 [8248] MM5 [3264](R) 3264 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015255 610.47857666 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Big Band\The Devil Went Down to Georgia - The Charlie Daniels Band.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\24070.MP3 00015256 610.54547119 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28651.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015257 610.54589844 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015258 610.54742432 [8248] MM5 [812](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015259 610.54779053 [8248] MM5 [812](R) 812 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015260 610.56915283 [1356] SAStream: Seek(458752, 0) 00015261 610.56939697 [1356] SAStream: Seek(524288, 0) 00015262 610.56964111 [1356] SAStream: Seek(589824, 0) 00015263 610.57568359 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\088. Thomas Rhett - Sixteen.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28651.MP3 00015264 610.62817383 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28639.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015265 610.62841797 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015266 610.62872314 [8248] MM5 [5428](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015267 610.62902832 [8248] MM5 [5428](R) 5428 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015268 610.63098145 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\075. Tory Lanez & Rich The Kid - TAlk tO Me.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28639.MP3 00015269 610.69134521 [1356] SAStream: Seek(524288, 0) 00015270 610.69146729 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 524288 00015271 610.69165039 [1356] SAStream: Seek(589824, 0) 00015272 610.69177246 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 589824 00015273 610.69195557 [1356] SAStream: Seek(655360, 0) 00015274 610.69201660 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 655360 00015275 610.75195313 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28566.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015276 610.75207520 [8248] MM5 [10960](R) _BrowseRequest started 00015277 610.75219727 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015278 610.75238037 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00015279 610.75250244 [8248] MM5 [10960](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015280 610.75268555 [8248] MM5 [10960](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00015281 610.75280762 [8248] MM5 [10960](R) 10960 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015282 610.75335693 [8248] MM5 [10960](R) 10960 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00015283 610.78363037 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\001. Travis Scott - SICKO MODE.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28566.MP3 00015284 610.78393555 [8248] MM5 [10960](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00015285 610.81280518 [1356] SAStream: Seek(589824, 0) 00015286 610.81292725 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 589824 00015287 610.81311035 [1356] SAStream: Seek(655360, 0) 00015288 610.81311035 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 655360 00015289 610.81329346 [1356] SAStream: Seek(720896, 0) 00015290 610.81335449 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 720896 00015291 610.86206055 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28630.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015292 610.86309814 [8248] MM5 [9376](R) _BrowseRequest started 00015293 610.86334229 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015294 610.86352539 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00015295 610.86376953 [8248] MM5 [9376](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015296 610.86395264 [8248] MM5 [9376](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00015297 610.86413574 [8248] MM5 [9376](R) 9376 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015298 610.86468506 [8248] MM5 [9376](R) 9376 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00015299 610.86621094 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\066. Trippie Redd - Topanga.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28630.MP3 00015300 610.86657715 [8248] MM5 [9376](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00015301 610.92749023 [1356] SAStream: Seek(655360, 0) 00015302 610.92761230 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 655360 00015303 610.92779541 [1356] SAStream: Seek(720896, 0) 00015304 610.92791748 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 720896 00015305 610.92810059 [1356] SAStream: Seek(786432, 0) 00015306 610.92822266 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 786432 00015307 610.92987061 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28644.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015308 610.93005371 [8248] MM5 [4048](R) _BrowseRequest started 00015309 610.93023682 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015310 610.93035889 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00015311 610.93060303 [8248] MM5 [4048](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015312 610.93078613 [8248] MM5 [4048](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00015313 610.93096924 [8248] MM5 [4048](R) 4048 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015314 610.93170166 [8248] MM5 [4048](R) 4048 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00015315 610.95239258 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\080. Tyga & Nicki Minaj - Dip.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28644.MP3 00015316 610.95281982 [8248] MM5 [4048](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00015317 611.02850342 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28599.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015318 611.02856445 [8248] MM5 [1804](R) _BrowseRequest started 00015319 611.02874756 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015320 611.02911377 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00015321 611.02917480 [8248] MM5 [1804](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015322 611.02935791 [8248] MM5 [1804](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00015323 611.02947998 [8248] MM5 [1804](R) 1804 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015324 611.03039551 [8248] MM5 [1804](R) 1804 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00015325 611.03179932 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\035. Tyga & Offset - Taste.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28599.MP3 00015326 611.03216553 [8248] MM5 [1804](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00015327 611.04107666 [1356] SAStream: Seek(720896, 0) 00015328 611.04119873 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 720896 00015329 611.04125977 [1356] SAStream: Seek(786432, 0) 00015330 611.04138184 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 786432 00015331 611.04150391 [1356] SAStream: Seek(851968, 0) 00015332 611.04156494 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 851968 00015333 611.07568359 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=13533.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015334 611.07586670 [8248] MM5 [1012](R) _BrowseRequest started 00015335 611.07604980 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015336 611.07617188 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00015337 611.07647705 [8248] MM5 [1012](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015338 611.07659912 [8248] MM5 [1012](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00015339 611.07684326 [8248] MM5 [1012](R) 1012 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015340 611.08044434 [8248] MM5 [1012](R) 1012 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00015341 611.09649658 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard 2000-2010 Top 100\65 Elvis Vs JXL A Little Less Conversation.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\13533.MP3 00015342 611.15740967 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=20387.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015343 611.15765381 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015344 611.15802002 [8248] MM5 [7960](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015345 611.15826416 [8248] MM5 [7960](R) 7960 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015346 611.16027832 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Adam Sandler Chanukah Song_2012.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\20387.MP3 00015347 611.16601563 [1356] SAStream: Seek(786432, 0) 00015348 611.16632080 [1356] SAStream: Seek(851968, 0) 00015349 611.16656494 [1356] SAStream: Seek(917504, 0) 00015350 611.22418213 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28607.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015351 611.22448730 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015352 611.22717285 [8248] MM5 [10860](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015353 611.22753906 [8248] MM5 [10860](R) 10860 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015354 611.25878906 [1356] SAStream: Seek(851968, 0) 00015355 611.25909424 [1356] SAStream: Seek(917504, 0) 00015356 611.25933838 [1356] SAStream: Seek(983040, 0) 00015357 611.26531982 [8248] MM5 [10860](R) 10860 DB query prepare finished, took 31. 00015358 611.26690674 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\043. Wham! - Last Christmas.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28607.MP3 00015359 611.31188965 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28618.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015360 611.31213379 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015361 611.31243896 [8248] MM5 [11192](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015362 611.31274414 [8248] MM5 [11192](R) 11192 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015363 611.31469727 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\054. Xxxtentacion - BAD!.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28618.MP3 00015364 611.49145508 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28631.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015365 611.49163818 [8248] MM5 [9624](R) _BrowseRequest started 00015366 611.49200439 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00015367 611.49237061 [8248] MM5 [9624](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00015368 611.49310303 [8248] MM5 [9624](R) 9624 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00015369 611.50958252 [1356] SAStream: Seek(917504, 0) 00015370 611.50982666 [1356] SAStream: Seek(983040, 0) 00015371 611.51000977 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1048576, 0) 00015372 611.51495361 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\067. Yella Beezy - That's On Me.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28631.MP3 00015373 611.58190918 [1356] SAStream: Seek(983040, 0) 00015374 611.58221436 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1048576, 0) 00015375 611.58245850 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1114112, 0) 00015376 611.60418701 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=21077.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015377 611.60449219 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015378 611.60479736 [8248] MM5 [10420](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015379 611.60510254 [8248] MM5 [10420](R) 10420 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015380 611.60711670 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\??????- ???? ~ (Yonina- Ahava (Love.m4a -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\21077.MP3 00015381 611.67425537 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28634.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015382 611.67449951 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015383 611.67480469 [8248] MM5 [5144](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015384 611.67510986 [8248] MM5 [5144](R) 5144 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015385 611.69067383 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart, 08 December 2018\070. Metro Boomin & 21 Savage - 10 Freaky Girls.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28634.MP3 00015386 611.69769287 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1048576, 0) 00015387 611.69799805 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1114112, 0) 00015388 611.69824219 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1179648, 0) 00015389 611.77429199 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28636.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015390 611.77441406 [8248] MM5 [9836](R) _BrowseRequest started 00015391 611.77471924 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00015392 611.77502441 [8248] MM5 [9836](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00015393 611.77575684 [8248] MM5 [9836](R) 9836 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00015394 611.77752686 [8248] MM5 [9836](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00015395 611.80535889 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1114112, 0) 00015396 611.80572510 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1179648, 0) 00015397 611.80596924 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1245184, 0) 00015398 611.86669922 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11119.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015399 611.86706543 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015400 611.86743164 [8248] MM5 [4704](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015401 611.86779785 [8248] MM5 [4704](R) 4704 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015402 611.89892578 [8248] MM5 [4704](R) 4704 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00015403 611.93188477 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\Sad Brad Smith - Love Is Not What You Need\06. Sad Brad Smith - Help Yourself.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11119.MP3 00015404 611.94366455 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1179648, 0) 00015405 611.94396973 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1245184, 0) 00015406 611.94433594 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1310720, 0) 00015407 611.97125244 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28682.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015408 611.97155762 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015409 611.97186279 [8248] MM5 [3640](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015410 611.97216797 [8248] MM5 [3640](R) 3640 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015411 611.97430420 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\16. James Arthur, Anne-Marie - Rewrite The Stars.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28682.MP3 00015412 612.02355957 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1245184, 0) 00015413 612.02386475 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1310720, 0) 00015414 612.02416992 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1376256, 0) 00015415 612.12762451 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28705.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015416 612.12799072 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015417 612.12841797 [8248] MM5 [7484](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015418 612.12878418 [8248] MM5 [7484](R) 7484 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015419 612.13281250 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1310720, 0) 00015420 612.13305664 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1376256, 0) 00015421 612.13336182 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1441792, 0) 00015422 612.15960693 [8248] MM5 [7484](R) 7484 DB query prepare finished, took 31. 00015423 612.16162109 [8248] MM5 [7484](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00015424 612.22003174 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1376256, 0) 00015425 612.22039795 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1441792, 0) 00015426 612.22064209 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1507328, 0) 00015427 612.22180176 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26323.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015428 612.22210693 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015429 612.22235107 [8248] MM5 [10032](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015430 612.22320557 [8248] MM5 [10032](R) 10032 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015431 612.22546387 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\06. Disco Inferno (Single Edit) - The Trammps.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\26323.MP3 00015432 612.30603027 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26338.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015433 612.30627441 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015434 612.30657959 [8248] MM5 [7840](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015435 612.30688477 [8248] MM5 [7840](R) 7840 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015436 612.31781006 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\21. Dance With Me - Orleans.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\26338.MP3 00015437 612.36334229 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1441792, 0) 00015438 612.36358643 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1507328, 0) 00015439 612.36376953 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1572864, 0) 00015440 612.43322754 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26340.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015441 612.43463135 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015442 612.43511963 [8248] MM5 [8188](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015443 612.43579102 [8248] MM5 [8188](R) 8188 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015444 612.44116211 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\23. If You Could Read My Mind - Gordon Lightfoot.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\26340.MP3 00015445 612.46124268 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1507328, 0) 00015446 612.46154785 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1572864, 0) 00015447 612.46185303 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1638400, 0) 00015448 612.54321289 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26342.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015449 612.54351807 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015450 612.54382324 [8248] MM5 [2440](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015451 612.54412842 [8248] MM5 [2440](R) 2440 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015452 612.54638672 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\25. Cold As Ice - Foreigner.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\26342.MP3 00015453 612.58776855 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26344.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015454 612.58911133 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015455 612.58947754 [8248] MM5 [860](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015456 612.58972168 [8248] MM5 [860](R) 860 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015457 612.60986328 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\27. Magic - Pilot.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\26344.MP3 00015458 612.61035156 [8248] MM5 [860](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00015459 612.65911865 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26345.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015460 612.65942383 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015461 612.65972900 [8248] MM5 [8016](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015462 612.66021729 [8248] MM5 [8016](R) 8016 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015463 612.66217041 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\28. December, 1963 (Oh What A Night!) - Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\26345.MP3 00015464 612.66888428 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1572864, 0) 00015465 612.66918945 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1638400, 0) 00015466 612.66937256 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1703936, 0) 00015467 612.71057129 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26347.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015468 612.71093750 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015469 612.71124268 [8248] MM5 [6908](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015470 612.71154785 [8248] MM5 [6908](R) 6908 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015471 612.74975586 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\30. Everybody Dance (Edit Version) - Chic.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\26347.MP3 00015472 612.77325439 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1638400, 0) 00015473 612.77349854 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1703936, 0) 00015474 612.77368164 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1769472, 0) 00015475 612.80969238 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26356.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015476 612.80993652 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015477 612.81024170 [8248] MM5 [6572](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015478 612.81054688 [8248] MM5 [6572](R) 6572 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015479 612.81262207 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\39. Ghetto Child - Spinners.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\26356.MP3 00015480 612.88348389 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26359.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015481 612.88378906 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015482 612.88409424 [8248] MM5 [9752](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015483 612.88439941 [8248] MM5 [9752](R) 9752 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015484 612.91680908 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\42. I'm Gonna Run Away From You - Tami Lynn.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\26359.MP3 00015485 612.95355225 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26361.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015486 612.95416260 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015487 612.95465088 [8248] MM5 [6708](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015488 612.95489502 [8248] MM5 [6708](R) 6708 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015489 612.95690918 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\44. Midnight At The Oasis - Maria Muldaur.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\26361.MP3 00015490 612.95776367 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1703936, 0) 00015491 612.95794678 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1769472, 0) 00015492 612.95812988 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1835008, 0) 00015493 613.00610352 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26362.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015494 613.00634766 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015495 613.00671387 [8248] MM5 [8320](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015496 613.00695801 [8248] MM5 [8320](R) 8320 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015497 613.01245117 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\45. Breezin' - George Benson.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\26362.MP3 00015498 613.07244873 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26368.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015499 613.07269287 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015500 613.07299805 [8248] MM5 [12200](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015501 613.07330322 [8248] MM5 [12200](R) 12200 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015502 613.07531738 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\51. Cindy Incidentally - Faces.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\26368.MP3 00015503 613.07611084 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1769472, 0) 00015504 613.07635498 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1835008, 0) 00015505 613.07653809 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1900544, 0) 00015506 613.12463379 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26371.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015507 613.12493896 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015508 613.12530518 [8248] MM5 [11384](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015509 613.12591553 [8248] MM5 [11384](R) 11384 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015510 613.12786865 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\54. I Hear You Knocking - Dave Edmunds.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\26371.MP3 00015511 613.17504883 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26372.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015512 613.17529297 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015513 613.17559814 [8248] MM5 [5312](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015514 613.17590332 [8248] MM5 [5312](R) 5312 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015515 613.17828369 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\55. Doctor Doctor (Edit) - UFO.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\26372.MP3 00015516 613.20629883 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1835008, 0) 00015517 613.20654297 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1900544, 0) 00015518 613.20678711 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1966080, 0) 00015519 613.28210449 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26374.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015520 613.28234863 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015521 613.28265381 [8248] MM5 [8304](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015522 613.28308105 [8248] MM5 [8304](R) 8304 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015523 613.29974365 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1900544, 0) 00015524 613.30004883 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1966080, 0) 00015525 613.30035400 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2031616, 0) 00015526 613.30981445 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\57. Elected - Alice Cooper.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\26374.MP3 00015527 613.40075684 [1356] SAStream: Seek(1966080, 0) 00015528 613.40106201 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2031616, 0) 00015529 613.40130615 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2097152, 0) 00015530 613.42614746 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26375.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015531 613.42657471 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015532 613.42700195 [8248] MM5 [11448](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015533 613.42773438 [8248] MM5 [11448](R) 11448 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015534 613.42968750 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\58. No More Heroes (Radio Edit) - The Stranglers.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\26375.MP3 00015535 613.51702881 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26380.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015536 613.51727295 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015537 613.51770020 [8248] MM5 [10868](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015538 613.51800537 [8248] MM5 [10868](R) 10868 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015539 613.54156494 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\63. Bang Bang - BA Robertson.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\26380.MP3 00015540 613.58972168 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2031616, 0) 00015541 613.58990479 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2097152, 0) 00015542 613.59008789 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2162688, 0) 00015543 613.60919189 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26381.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015544 613.60943604 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015545 613.60974121 [8248] MM5 [5128](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015546 613.61004639 [8248] MM5 [5128](R) 5128 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015547 613.61206055 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\64. Brass In Pocket - Pretenders.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\26381.MP3 00015548 613.67639160 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26383.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015549 613.67663574 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015550 613.67694092 [8248] MM5 [10036](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015551 613.67724609 [8248] MM5 [10036](R) 10036 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015552 613.67919922 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\66. Journey - Duncan Browne.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\26383.MP3 00015553 613.76696777 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2097152, 0) 00015554 613.76721191 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2162688, 0) 00015555 613.76739502 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2228224, 0) 00015556 613.76934814 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=26384.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015557 613.76965332 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015558 613.76995850 [8248] MM5 [9196](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015559 613.77111816 [8248] MM5 [9196](R) 9196 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015560 613.80456543 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - 70 Hits of the 70s (2016) 320\67. Jesus Was A Cross Maker - Judee Sill.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\26384.MP3 00015561 613.87048340 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11432.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015562 613.87268066 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015563 613.87316895 [8248] MM5 [8008](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015564 613.87347412 [8248] MM5 [8008](R) 8008 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015565 613.88311768 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\Billboards Top Hits (1980 - 1989)\Billboard Top Hits 1980\01 - Blondie - Call Me.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11432.MP3 00015566 613.92370605 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11450.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015567 613.92401123 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015568 613.92443848 [8248] MM5 [7404](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015569 613.92474365 [8248] MM5 [7404](R) 7404 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015570 613.92559814 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 2162688 00015571 613.92578125 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 2228224 00015572 613.92596436 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 2293760 00015573 613.94885254 [8248] MM5 [7404](R) 7404 DB query prepare finished, took 31. 00015574 613.97717285 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\Billboards Top Hits (1980 - 1989)\Billboard Top Hits 1984\08 - The Romantics - Talking in Your Sleep.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11450.MP3 00015575 614.01147461 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2228224, 0) 00015576 614.01177979 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2293760, 0) 00015577 614.01208496 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2359296, 0) 00015578 614.06097412 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=11470.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015579 614.06127930 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015580 614.06158447 [8248] MM5 [7780](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015581 614.06188965 [8248] MM5 [7780](R) 7780 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015582 614.07116699 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\Billboards Top Hits (1980 - 1989)\Billboard Top Hits 1986\01 - Bangles - Walk Like An Egyptian.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\11470.MP3 00015583 614.09643555 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2293760, 0) 00015584 614.09661865 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2359296, 0) 00015585 614.09686279 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2424832, 0) 00015586 614.13012695 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=8002.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015587 614.13037109 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015588 614.13067627 [8248] MM5 [11880](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015589 614.13098145 [8248] MM5 [11880](R) 11880 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015590 614.14373779 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Music\Various\Everything is Illuminated - OST\1 - Paul Cantelon - Odessa Medley.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\8002.MP3 00015591 614.18487549 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2359296, 0) 00015592 614.18505859 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2424832, 0) 00015593 614.18524170 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2490368, 0) 00015594 614.24066162 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=13770.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015595 614.24090576 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015596 614.24121094 [8248] MM5 [2708](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015597 614.24151611 [8248] MM5 [2708](R) 2708 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015598 614.24359131 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\John Coltrane\1961 - My Favorite Things (HDTracks 24 192 2013) FLAC\02-Everytime We Say Goodbye.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\13770.MP3 00015599 614.28295898 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2424832, 0) 00015600 614.28326416 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2490368, 0) 00015601 614.28350830 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2555904, 0) 00015602 614.29608154 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=2171.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015603 614.29638672 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015604 614.29675293 [8248] MM5 [5392](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015605 614.29724121 [8248] MM5 [5392](R) 5392 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015606 614.42657471 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2490368, 0) 00015607 614.42681885 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2555904, 0) 00015608 614.42706299 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2621440, 0) 00015609 614.46008301 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00015610 614.46887207 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=2177.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015611 614.46911621 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015612 614.46942139 [8248] MM5 [5252](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015613 614.46972656 [8248] MM5 [5252](R) 5252 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015614 614.47259521 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Various\Pulp Fiction\07. Various - Dusty Springfield - Son Of A Preacher Man.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\2177.MP3 00015615 614.55920410 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=2178.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015616 614.55944824 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015617 614.55975342 [8248] MM5 [10304](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015618 614.56018066 [8248] MM5 [10304](R) 10304 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015619 614.59100342 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Various\Pulp Fiction\08. Various - Centurions - Bullwinkle Part II.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\2178.MP3 00015620 614.59387207 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2555904, 0) 00015621 614.59417725 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2621440, 0) 00015622 614.59448242 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2686976, 0) 00015623 614.63385010 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=16430.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015624 614.63409424 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015625 614.63446045 [8248] MM5 [9808](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015626 614.63470459 [8248] MM5 [9808](R) 9808 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015627 614.63690186 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\084. Belly feat. The Weeknd - Might Not.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\16430.MP3 00015628 614.69146729 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=16434.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015629 614.69183350 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015630 614.69226074 [8248] MM5 [7748](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015631 614.69256592 [8248] MM5 [7748](R) 7748 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015632 614.72412109 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2621440, 0) 00015633 614.72430420 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2686976, 0) 00015634 614.72460938 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2752512, 0) 00015635 614.72827148 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\088. Beyonce - Formation.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\16434.MP3 00015636 614.72875977 [8248] MM5 [7748](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00015637 614.80096436 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=16436.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015638 614.80120850 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015639 614.80157471 [8248] MM5 [2988](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015640 614.80194092 [8248] MM5 [2988](R) 2988 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015641 614.80291748 [8248] MM5 [2988](R) DB lock took 15 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015642 614.80541992 [8248] MM5 [2988](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00015643 614.88031006 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=12778.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015644 614.88067627 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015645 614.88098145 [8248] MM5 [3372](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015646 614.88128662 [8248] MM5 [3372](R) 3372 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015647 614.89062500 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : \\\Qdownload\music\Wham! - Make it Big (1984) [EAC-FLAC] [RePoPo]\08.- Wham! - Careless Whisper.flac -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\12778.MP3 00015648 614.89093018 [8248] MM5 [3372](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00015649 614.93377686 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=14407.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015650 614.93402100 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015651 614.93432617 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015652 614.93463135 [8248] MM5 [9396](R) 9396 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015653 614.95196533 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\Wye Oak - Civilian (2011)\05 Civilian.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\14407.MP3 00015654 614.95330811 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2686976, 0) 00015655 614.95355225 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2752512, 0) 00015656 614.95379639 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2818048, 0) 00015657 615.00708008 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28686.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015658 615.00738525 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015659 615.00775146 [8248] MM5 [3200](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015660 615.00805664 [8248] MM5 [3200](R) 3200 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015661 615.01013184 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\20. XXXTENTACION & Lil Pump - Arms Around You (feat. Maluma & Swae Lee).mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28686.MP3 00015662 615.05639648 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2752512, 0) 00015663 615.05676270 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2818048, 0) 00015664 615.05700684 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2883584, 0) 00015665 615.07244873 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=51.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015666 615.07281494 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015667 615.07318115 [8248] MM5 [844](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015668 615.07354736 [8248] MM5 [844](R) 844 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015669 615.09533691 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Amelie\05 - La Noyee.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\51.MP3 00015670 615.14257813 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=58.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015671 615.14288330 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015672 615.14324951 [8248] MM5 [12240](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015673 615.14404297 [8248] MM5 [12240](R) 12240 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015674 615.14587402 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Amelie\12 - La Valse Des Vieux Os.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\58.MP3 00015675 615.18994141 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=65.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015676 615.19024658 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015677 615.19061279 [8248] MM5 [7428](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015678 615.19097900 [8248] MM5 [7428](R) 7428 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015679 615.20233154 [8248] MM5 [7428](R) 7428 DB query prepare finished, took 16. 00015680 615.20397949 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Amelie\19 - La Valse D'Amelie (Piano Version).mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\65.MP3 00015681 615.20495605 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2818048, 0) 00015682 615.20526123 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2883584, 0) 00015683 615.20562744 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2949120, 0) 00015684 615.24487305 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=66.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015685 615.24517822 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015686 615.24554443 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015687 615.24627686 [8248] MM5 [10100](R) 10100 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015688 615.24822998 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\My Downloads\Amelie\20 - La Valse Des Monstres.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\66.MP3 00015689 615.28155518 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2883584, 0) 00015690 615.28186035 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2949120, 0) 00015691 615.28210449 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3014656, 0) 00015692 615.29711914 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=69.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015693 615.29736328 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015694 615.29779053 [8248] MM5 [2512](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015695 615.29815674 [8248] MM5 [2512](R) 2512 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015696 615.43023682 [1356] SAStream: Seek(2949120, 0) 00015697 615.43048096 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3014656, 0) 00015698 615.43066406 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3080192, 0) 00015699 615.44348145 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28681.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015700 615.44372559 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015701 615.44403076 [8248] MM5 [1856](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015702 615.44433594 [8248] MM5 [1856](R) 1856 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015703 615.44647217 [8248] TMediaServer.ServeMediaFile: File need to be converted : D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\15. Zara Larsson - Ruin My Life.mp3 -> C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28681.MP3 00015704 615.49993896 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3014656, 0) 00015705 615.50012207 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3080192, 0) 00015706 615.50036621 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3145728, 0) 00015707 615.50543213 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00015708 615.51354980 [8248] MM5 [196](R) _BrowseRequest started 00015709 615.51428223 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00015710 615.51464844 [8248] MM5 [196](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00015711 615.51812744 [8248] MM5 [196](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015712 615.51916504 [8248] MM5 [196](R) TBackgroundConverter.IsConverting: TRUE Threads.Count = 2 00015713 615.58245850 [8248] MM5 [196](R) 196 DB prepare SQL: SELECT NULL FROM Covers WHERE Covers.IDSong = ? 00015714 615.58319092 [8248] WiFi Sync, File: Title: I Found You, ID: 28706, LastModified: 2018-12-23 05:55:48, Targetpath: \Music\benny blanco & Calvin Harris\U.K Single Charts\00 benny blanco & Calvi - I Found You.mp3, TrackType: 0 00015715 615.58386230 [8248] MM5 [196](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00015716 615.58447266 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: I Found You 00015717 615.58514404 [8248] UPnP Server: Served item: Class: object.item.audioItem.musicTrack, Title: thank u, next 00015718 615.66052246 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3080192, 0) 00015719 615.66082764 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3145728, 0) 00015720 615.66113281 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3211264, 0) 00015721 615.71899414 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3145728, 0) 00015722 615.71936035 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3211264, 0) 00015723 615.71960449 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3276800, 0) 00015724 615.73156738 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28706.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015725 615.73181152 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015726 615.73211670 [8248] MM5 [11492](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015727 615.73535156 [8248] MM5 [11492](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00015728 615.73608398 [8248] MM5 [11492](R) 11492 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00015729 615.73858643 [8248] MM5 [11492](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015730 615.78521729 [8248] MM5 [11492](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DeviceTracks WHERE IDDevice=677 00015731 615.79766846 [8248] MM5 [11492](R) Device Sync: Checking Artwork C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015732 615.80120850 [8248] MM5 [11492](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00015733 615.80163574 [8248] UPnP Server: Creating HTTP entity 00015734 615.80499268 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 65536, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.01, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015735 615.80792236 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 131072, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.03, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015736 615.88000488 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3211264, 0) 00015737 615.88031006 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3276800, 0) 00015738 615.88055420 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3342336, 0) 00015739 615.95678711 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 196608, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.04, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015740 615.97027588 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3276800, 0) 00015741 615.97045898 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3342336, 0) 00015742 615.97064209 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3407872, 0) 00015743 615.97497559 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 262144, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.06, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015744 616.04217529 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 393216, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.08, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015745 616.06182861 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 524288, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.11, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015746 616.07580566 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 589824, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.12, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015747 616.10552979 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3342336, 0) 00015748 616.10577393 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3407872, 0) 00015749 616.10595703 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3473408, 0) 00015750 616.13171387 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 655360, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.14, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015751 616.13464355 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 720896, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.15, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015752 616.16412354 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 786432, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.17, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015753 616.16497803 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 851968, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.18, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015754 616.19299316 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3407872, 0) 00015755 616.19329834 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3473408, 0) 00015756 616.19354248 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3538944, 0) 00015757 616.24865723 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 917504, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.19, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015758 616.24957275 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 983040, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.21, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015759 616.27832031 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3473408, 0) 00015760 616.27850342 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3538944, 0) 00015761 616.27874756 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3604480, 0) 00015762 616.29888916 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1048576, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.22, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015763 616.30676270 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1114112, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.23, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015764 616.32067871 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1179648, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.25, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015765 616.38342285 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3538944, 0) 00015766 616.38366699 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3604480, 0) 00015767 616.38397217 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3670016, 0) 00015768 616.40167236 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1376256, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.29, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015769 616.42755127 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1507328, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.32, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015770 616.45141602 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3604480, 0) 00015771 616.45166016 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3670016, 0) 00015772 616.45196533 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3735552, 0) 00015773 616.47357178 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1572864, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.33, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015774 616.49255371 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1638400, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.34, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015775 616.51354980 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1703936, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.36, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015776 616.51855469 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1769472, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.37, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015777 616.55889893 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3670016, 0) 00015778 616.55908203 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3735552, 0) 00015779 616.55932617 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3801088, 0) 00015780 616.57818604 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1835008, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.39, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015781 616.59387207 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1900544, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.40, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015782 616.60174561 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1966080, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.41, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015783 616.66735840 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2097152, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.44, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015784 616.68328857 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3735552, 0) 00015785 616.68371582 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3801088, 0) 00015786 616.68414307 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3866624, 0) 00015787 616.73645020 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2228224, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.47, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015788 616.77539063 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2293760, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.48, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015789 616.77624512 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2359296, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.50, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015790 616.80072021 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3801088, 0) 00015791 616.80090332 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3866624, 0) 00015792 616.80114746 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3932160, 0) 00015793 616.85510254 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2555904, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.54, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015794 616.86535645 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2621440, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.55, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015795 616.88818359 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2686976, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.57, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015796 616.88824463 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2752512, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.58, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015797 616.89495850 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3866624, 0) 00015798 616.89532471 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3932160, 0) 00015799 616.89562988 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3997696, 0) 00015800 616.89904785 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2818048, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.59, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015801 616.91143799 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2883584, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.61, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015802 616.91778564 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2949120, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.62, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015803 616.95825195 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3014656, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.63, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015804 616.98547363 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3145728, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.66, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015805 616.98822021 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3211264, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.68, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015806 617.00762939 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3276800, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.69, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015807 617.03332520 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3407872, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.72, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015808 617.04394531 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3932160, 0) 00015809 617.04425049 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3997696, 0) 00015810 617.04443359 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4063232, 0) 00015811 617.04821777 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3538944, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.75, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015812 617.07220459 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3604480, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.76, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015813 617.07312012 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3670016, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.77, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015814 617.09527588 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3735552, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.79, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015815 617.09710693 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3801088, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.80, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015816 617.11645508 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3866624, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.81, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015817 617.14422607 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3997696, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.84, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015818 617.14514160 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4063232, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.86, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015819 617.16052246 [1356] SAStream: Seek(3997696, 0) 00015820 617.16082764 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4063232, 0) 00015821 617.16113281 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4128768, 0) 00015822 617.17114258 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4128768, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.87, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015823 617.17291260 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4194304, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.88, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015824 617.20111084 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4259840, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.90, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015825 617.20135498 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015826 617.20202637 [8248] ReadExternalStream: SongID: 28706, DeviceID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015827 617.20233154 [8248] MM5 [11492](R) DB: BEGIN EXCLUSIVE transaction 00015828 617.20422363 [8248] MM5 [11492](R) DB lock took 0 ms : BEGIN EXCLUSIVE 00015829 617.20471191 [8248] MM5 [11492](R) 11492 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00015830 617.20501709 [8248] MM5 [11492](R) DB lock took 0 ms : DELETE FROM DeviceTracks WHERE DevicePath = ? AND IDDevice = ? 00015831 617.20544434 [8248] MM5 [11492](R) 11492 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00015832 617.20745850 [8248] MM5 [11492](R) DB lock took 0 ms : INSERT INTO DeviceTracks (IDDevice,IDTrack,DevicePath,SyncID,SourceInfo,Rating,ACSettHash,Bitrate,IsVBR,SampleRate,PlayCount,UploadTime,Converted,PreModified,Status) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) 00015833 617.23712158 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4390912, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.92, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015834 617.26208496 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4521984, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.95, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015835 617.26300049 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4587520, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.97, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015836 617.28350830 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4063232, 0) 00015837 617.28381348 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4128768, 0) 00015838 617.28411865 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4194304, 0) 00015839 617.28509521 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4653056, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.98, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015840 617.30566406 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 30848, Offset = 4718592, Size = 4749440, Portion = 0.99, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28706.MP3 00015841 617.32067871 [8248] BytesTransfered: 4749440, EndOffset: 0, result: SUCCESS 00015842 617.42926025 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4128768, 0) 00015843 617.42950439 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4194304, 0) 00015844 617.42968750 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4259840, 0) 00015845 617.46844482 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28667.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00015846 617.46868896 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015847 617.46899414 [8248] MM5 [2892](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015848 617.46936035 [8248] MM5 [2892](R) 2892 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00015849 617.51251221 [8248] AdjustArtworkInTagsForDeviceTrack: Dev: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 SongID: 28667 Path: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015850 617.51287842 [8248] MM5 [2892](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00015851 617.51806641 [8248] MM5 [2892](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DeviceTracks WHERE IDDevice=677 00015852 617.52923584 [8248] MM5 [2892](R) Device Sync: Checking Artwork C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015853 617.53253174 [8248] MM5 [2892](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00015854 617.53289795 [8248] UPnP Server: Creating HTTP entity 00015855 617.53417969 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 65536, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.01, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015856 617.53875732 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 131072, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.03, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015857 617.56512451 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 196608, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.04, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015858 617.57995605 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4194304, 0) 00015859 617.58013916 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4259840, 0) 00015860 617.58032227 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4325376, 0) 00015861 617.58935547 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 262144, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.05, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015862 617.61108398 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 327680, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.07, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015863 617.62829590 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 393216, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.08, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015864 617.66229248 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 524288, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.11, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015865 617.66241455 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 589824, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.12, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015866 617.68988037 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 655360, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.13, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015867 617.69055176 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 720896, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.15, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015868 617.71081543 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 786432, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.16, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015869 617.71679688 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 851968, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.17, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015870 617.73211670 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 917504, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.19, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015871 617.75195313 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 983040, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.20, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015872 617.75201416 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1048576, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.21, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015873 617.78082275 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1114112, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.23, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015874 617.79589844 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1245184, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.25, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015875 617.79931641 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1310720, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.27, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015876 617.81353760 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4259840, 0) 00015877 617.81384277 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4325376, 0) 00015878 617.81457520 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4390912, 0) 00015879 617.81695557 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1376256, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.28, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015880 617.87976074 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1769472, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.36, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015881 617.91070557 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1900544, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.39, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015882 617.91143799 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1966080, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.40, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015883 617.93487549 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2031616, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.42, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015884 617.93579102 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2097152, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.43, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015885 617.95495605 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2162688, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.44, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015886 617.97271729 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2293760, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.47, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015887 617.97296143 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2359296, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.48, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015888 618.00506592 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2424832, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.50, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015889 618.02502441 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2555904, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.52, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015890 618.03460693 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4325376, 0) 00015891 618.04797363 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 4325376 00015892 618.04895020 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2752512, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.56, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015893 618.04925537 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 4390912 00015894 618.04949951 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 4456448 00015895 618.07086182 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2818048, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.58, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015896 618.09265137 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2949120, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.60, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015897 618.11865234 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3080192, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.63, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015898 618.14105225 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3211264, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.66, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015899 618.15222168 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3342336, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.68, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015900 618.16772461 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3407872, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.70, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015901 618.19000244 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3538944, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.72, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015902 618.20166016 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3670016, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.75, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015903 618.21130371 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4390912, 0) 00015904 618.21154785 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4456448, 0) 00015905 618.21173096 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4521984, 0) 00015906 618.21569824 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3735552, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.76, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015907 618.22338867 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3801088, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.78, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015908 618.24871826 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3866624, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.79, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015909 618.24884033 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3932160, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.80, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015910 618.26458740 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3997696, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.82, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015911 618.27850342 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4128768, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.84, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015912 618.29077148 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4194304, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.86, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015913 618.32104492 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4259840, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.87, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015914 618.36450195 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4390912, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.90, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015915 618.36474609 [8248] MM5 [2892](R) ReadExternalStream: 90 percent, URI: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=28667.mp3, ServerUDN: f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca 00015916 618.36474609 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015917 618.36492920 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00015918 618.36523438 [8248] ReadExternalStream: SongID: 28667, DeviceID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015919 618.36541748 [8248] TLastSynchronization.TrackUploaded( DevID: 677, Path: \Music\Ariana Grande\U.K Single Charts\00 Ariana Grande - thank u, next.mp3, Status: 1 00015920 618.36560059 [8248] MM5 [2892](R) 2892 DB prepare SQL: DELETE FROM DeviceTracks WHERE DevicePath = ? AND IDDevice = ? 00015921 618.36596680 [8248] MM5 [2892](R) 2892 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00015922 618.36608887 [8248] MM5 [2892](R) DB exec SQL: DELETE FROM DeviceTracks WHERE DevicePath = ? AND IDDevice = ? 00015923 618.36633301 [8248] MM5 [2892](R) DB lock took 0 ms : DELETE FROM DeviceTracks WHERE DevicePath = ? AND IDDevice = ? 00015924 618.36639404 [8248] MM5 [2892](R) 2892 DB prepare SQL: INSERT INTO DeviceTracks (IDDevice,IDTrack,DevicePath,SyncID,SourceInfo,Rating,ACSettHash,Bitrate,IsVBR,SampleRate,PlayCount,UploadTime,Converted,PreModified,Status) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) 00015925 618.36669922 [8248] MM5 [2892](R) 2892 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00015926 618.36706543 [8248] MM5 [2892](R) DB exec SQL: INSERT INTO DeviceTracks (IDDevice,IDTrack,DevicePath,SyncID,SourceInfo,Rating,ACSettHash,Bitrate,IsVBR,SampleRate,PlayCount,UploadTime,Converted,PreModified,Status) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) 00015927 618.36730957 [8248] MM5 [2892](R) DB lock took 0 ms : INSERT INTO DeviceTracks (IDDevice,IDTrack,DevicePath,SyncID,SourceInfo,Rating,ACSettHash,Bitrate,IsVBR,SampleRate,PlayCount,UploadTime,Converted,PreModified,Status) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) 00015928 618.36816406 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4456448, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.91, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015929 618.38244629 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4521984, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.93, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015930 618.38983154 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4456448, 0) 00015931 618.39013672 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4521984, 0) 00015932 618.39038086 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4587520, 0) 00015933 618.40045166 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4587520, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.94, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015934 618.42828369 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4718592, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.97, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015935 618.42895508 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4784128, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.98, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015936 618.43975830 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 36992, Offset = 4849664, Size = 4886656, Portion = 0.99, File: C:\Users\Russell\AppData\Local\Temp\Transcoded_Media_Files\Device_710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482\28667.MP3 00015937 618.45611572 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4521984, 0) 00015938 618.45642090 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4587520, 0) 00015939 618.45672607 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4653056, 0) 00015940 618.46600342 [8248] BytesTransfered: 4886656, EndOffset: 0, result: SUCCESS 00015941 618.54699707 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /100028667.jpg , Range: < -1, -1> 00015942 618.54730225 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00015943 618.54779053 [8248] MM5 [9404](R) DB exec SQL: INSERT INTO MediaConnections ( IDServer, IP, MAC, UserAgent, MediaFile, Date, Denied) VALUES ( 1, '', '10-F1-F2-83-62-0C', 'Apache-HttpClient/UNAVAILABLE (java 1.5)', '/100028667.jpg', 43457.192215428, 0) 00015944 618.54846191 [8248] MM5 [9404](R) DB exec SQL: UPDATE RemoteClients SET LastAccessTime = 43457.192215440 WHERE MAC = '10-F1-F2-83-62-0C' 00015945 618.55322266 [8248] MM5 [9404](R) DB lock took 15 ms : UPDATE RemoteClients SET LastAccessTime = 43457.192215440 WHERE MAC = '10-F1-F2-83-62-0C' 00015946 618.58386230 [8248] MM5 [9404](R) DB lock took 16 ms : SELECT Count(*), MAX(ID) FROM MediaConnections 00015947 618.58477783 [8248] MM5 [9404](R) 9404 DB query prepare finished, took 16. 00015948 618.58605957 [8248] MM5 [9404](R) Cached thumb file does not exists, we need to load cover list and cache it 00015949 618.58758545 [8248] MM5 [9404](R) MP3: Going to read tag from D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\01. Ariana Grande - thank u, next.mp3 00015950 618.59729004 [8248] MM5 [9404](R) MP3: Tag read from D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018) Mp3 (320kbps) [Hunter]\The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart (23.11.2018)\01. Ariana Grande - thank u, next.mp3 00015951 618.59924316 [8248] MM5 [9404](R) DB exec SQL: UPDATE Covers SET PictureDataHash = 'JB48CEV7IMIFWQ69' WHERE ID = 231159 00015952 618.60009766 [8248] MM5 [9404](R) Caching cover: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\Thumbs\8C\JB48CEV7IMIFWQ69.jpg 00015953 618.63464355 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4587520, 0) 00015954 618.63488770 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4653056, 0) 00015955 618.63513184 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4718592, 0) 00015956 618.96978760 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4653056, 0) 00015957 618.97015381 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4718592, 0) 00015958 618.97149658 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4784128, 0) 00015959 619.34814453 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4718592, 0) 00015960 619.34844971 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4784128, 0) 00015961 619.34881592 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4849664, 0) 00015962 619.56799316 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4784128, 0) 00015963 619.56817627 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4849664, 0) 00015964 619.56835938 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4915200, 0) 00015965 619.57763672 [8248] MM5 [9404](R) Thumb file is D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\Thumbs\8C\JB48CEV7IMIFWQ69.jpg 00015966 619.57824707 [8248] UPnP Server: Serving file D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Temp\Thumbs\8C\JB48CEV7IMIFWQ69.jpg, ExternalStream = 0, FileLen = 181220 00015967 619.70812988 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4849664, 0) 00015968 619.70935059 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4915200, 0) 00015969 619.70977783 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4980736, 0) 00015970 619.86926270 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4915200, 0) 00015971 619.87500000 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 4915200 00015972 619.87530518 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 4980736 00015973 619.87579346 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 5046272 00015974 619.94647217 [1356] SAStream: Seek(4980736, 0) 00015975 619.94940186 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5046272, 0) 00015976 619.94970703 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5111808, 0) 00015977 620.12347412 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5046272, 0) 00015978 620.12371826 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5111808, 0) 00015979 620.12396240 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5177344, 0) 00015980 620.12597656 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) DB: COMMIT transaction 00015981 620.13275146 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00015982 620.14160156 [8248] MM5 [196](R) _BrowseRequest started 00015983 620.14190674 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00015984 620.14233398 [8248] MM5 [196](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00015985 620.14270020 [8248] MM5 [196](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00015986 620.14318848 [8248] MM5 [196](R) TBackgroundConverter.IsConverting: TRUE Threads.Count = 2 00015987 620.22265625 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) DB lock took 94 ms : COMMIT 00015988 620.35827637 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5111808, 0) 00015989 620.35864258 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5177344, 0) 00015990 620.35888672 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5242880, 0) 00015991 620.36968994 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Device Sync: Checking Artwork D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00015992 620.37017822 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) 3960 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00015993 620.37512207 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00015994 620.37567139 [8248] UPnP Server: Creating HTTP entity 00015995 620.37689209 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 65536, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.01, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00015996 620.38281250 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 131072, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.03, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00015997 620.40509033 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 196608, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.04, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00015998 620.47308350 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 262144, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.06, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00015999 620.47717285 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 327680, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.07, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016000 620.49047852 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 393216, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.09, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016001 620.50854492 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5177344, 0) 00016002 620.50885010 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5242880, 0) 00016003 620.50909424 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5308416, 0) 00016004 620.54632568 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 458752, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.10, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016005 620.55554199 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 524288, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.11, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016006 620.57885742 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 589824, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.13, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016007 620.62512207 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 655360, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.14, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016008 620.65136719 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 720896, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.16, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016009 620.65155029 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 786432, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.17, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016010 620.66955566 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 851968, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.18, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016011 620.73175049 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 983040, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.21, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016012 620.73193359 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1048576, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.23, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016013 620.75830078 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1114112, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.24, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016014 620.75842285 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1179648, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.26, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016015 620.77728271 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1245184, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.27, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016016 620.78533936 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5242880, 0) 00016017 620.78564453 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5308416, 0) 00016018 620.78594971 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5373952, 0) 00016019 620.79418945 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1310720, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.28, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016020 620.79425049 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1376256, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.30, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016021 620.80914307 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1441792, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.31, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016022 620.81988525 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1507328, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.33, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016023 620.87615967 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1966080, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.43, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016024 620.88488770 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2031616, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.44, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016025 620.89611816 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2097152, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.46, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016026 620.91687012 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2228224, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.48, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016027 620.93286133 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2359296, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.51, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016028 620.94073486 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2424832, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.53, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016029 620.95391846 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2490368, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.54, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016030 620.96160889 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5308416, 0) 00016031 620.96191406 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5373952, 0) 00016032 620.96209717 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5439488, 0) 00016033 620.97686768 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2621440, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.57, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016034 620.98803711 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2752512, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.60, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016035 621.00286865 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2818048, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.61, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016036 621.02392578 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2949120, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.64, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016037 621.02478027 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3014656, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.65, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016038 621.04382324 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3080192, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.67, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016039 621.04486084 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3145728, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.68, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016040 621.05371094 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3211264, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.70, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016041 621.06719971 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3276800, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.71, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016042 621.08892822 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3342336, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.73, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016043 621.09246826 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5373952, 0) 00016044 621.09277344 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5439488, 0) 00016045 621.09301758 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5505024, 0) 00016046 621.11004639 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3473408, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.75, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016047 621.16369629 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3604480, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.78, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016048 621.16766357 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3670016, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.80, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016049 621.20440674 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3735552, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.81, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016050 621.21466064 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3866624, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.84, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016051 621.23168945 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3932160, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.85, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016052 621.26763916 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4063232, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.88, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016053 621.26824951 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4128768, Size = 4605952, Portion = 0.90, File: D:\My Documents\My Music\Yes\Big Generator\1 - Yes - Rhythm of Love.mp3 00016054 621.26855469 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00016055 621.27038574 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016056 621.27178955 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016057 621.28454590 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5439488, 0) 00016058 621.28485107 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5505024, 0) 00016059 621.28521729 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5570560, 0) 00016060 621.29882813 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016061 621.30639648 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00016062 621.36450195 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00016063 621.44396973 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016064 621.44439697 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016065 621.46685791 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016066 621.46728516 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016067 621.47192383 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5505024, 0) 00016068 621.47247314 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5570560, 0) 00016069 621.47290039 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5636096, 0) 00016070 621.50054932 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016071 621.50085449 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016072 621.54278564 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016073 621.54339600 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016074 621.54907227 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5570560, 0) 00016075 621.54931641 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5636096, 0) 00016076 621.54962158 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5701632, 0) 00016077 621.58264160 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016078 621.58325195 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016079 621.61932373 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016080 621.61975098 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016081 621.68310547 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016082 621.68347168 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016083 621.70953369 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016084 621.70983887 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016085 621.75195313 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016086 621.75250244 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016087 621.76342773 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5636096, 0) 00016088 621.76367188 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5701632, 0) 00016089 621.76397705 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5767168, 0) 00016090 621.77874756 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016091 621.77929688 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016092 621.86938477 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016093 621.87066650 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016094 621.87255859 [8248] MM5 [5268](R) DB open SQL: SELECT PodcastEpisodes.* FROM PodcastEpisodes WHERE idPodcast = 40 AND ViewStatus = 0 00016095 621.87255859 [8248] ORDER BY PubDate DESC, id ASC 00016096 621.88940430 [8248] MM5 [5268](R) DB lock took 15 ms : SELECT PodcastEpisodes.* FROM PodcastEpisodes WHERE idPodcast = 40 AND ViewStatus = 0 00016097 621.88940430 [8248] ORDER BY PubDate DESC, id ASC 00016098 621.89306641 [8248] MM5 [5268](R) DB open SQL: SELECT PodcastName FROM Podcasts WHERE id = 40 00016099 621.89404297 [8248] MM5 [5268](R) 5268 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00016100 621.89685059 [8248] MM5 [5268](R) DB lock took 16 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00016101 621.92187500 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016102 621.92218018 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016103 621.96441650 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5701632, 0) 00016104 621.96459961 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5767168, 0) 00016105 621.96478271 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5832704, 0) 00016106 621.96936035 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016107 621.96960449 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016108 621.97192383 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Currently running 4 threads of 10 00016109 621.98931885 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016110 621.98962402 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016111 622.00036621 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016112 622.00067139 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016113 622.03240967 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Currently running 5 threads of 10 00016114 622.03607178 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016115 622.03643799 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016116 622.04107666 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5767168, 0) 00016117 622.04138184 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5832704, 0) 00016118 622.04162598 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5898240, 0) 00016119 622.05407715 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016120 622.05566406 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016121 622.05975342 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Currently running 6 threads of 10 00016122 622.08508301 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016123 622.08532715 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016124 622.09240723 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 6 tasks in low priority queue. 00016125 622.09259033 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Currently running 7 threads of 10 00016126 622.09655762 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016127 622.09686279 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016128 622.11712646 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016129 622.11755371 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016130 622.13360596 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 7 tasks in low priority queue. 00016131 622.13507080 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 8 tasks in low priority queue. 00016132 622.14355469 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016133 622.14392090 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016134 622.15447998 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016135 622.15484619 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016136 622.18054199 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5832704, 0) 00016137 622.18078613 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5898240, 0) 00016138 622.18096924 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016139 622.18115234 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00016140 622.18139648 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016141 622.20007324 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016142 622.20037842 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016143 622.20629883 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 9 tasks in low priority queue. 00016144 622.21990967 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 10 tasks in low priority queue. 00016145 622.25384521 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016146 622.25415039 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016147 622.26373291 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 11 tasks in low priority queue. 00016148 622.26660156 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016149 622.26690674 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016150 622.27996826 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016151 622.28039551 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016152 622.30639648 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5898240, 0) 00016153 622.30664063 [1356] SAStream: Seek(5963776, 0) 00016154 622.30682373 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6029312, 0) 00016155 622.31427002 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016156 622.31451416 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016157 622.38543701 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016158 622.38604736 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016159 622.42272949 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016160 622.42303467 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016161 622.42346191 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 5963776 00016162 622.42364502 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 6029312 00016163 622.42388916 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 6094848 00016164 622.43103027 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 12 tasks in low priority queue. 00016165 622.45251465 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016166 622.45281982 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016167 622.46899414 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016168 622.46948242 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016169 622.47650146 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 13 tasks in low priority queue. 00016170 622.47918701 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016171 622.47949219 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016172 622.52691650 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016173 622.52722168 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016174 622.52801514 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Currently running 10 threads of 10 00016175 622.52832031 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Currently running 10 threads of 10 00016176 622.53295898 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016177 622.53332520 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016178 622.55383301 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016179 622.55413818 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016180 622.55865479 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 16 tasks in low priority queue. 00016181 622.55902100 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 17 tasks in low priority queue. 00016182 622.57421875 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016183 622.57452393 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016184 622.57489014 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 6029312 00016185 622.57519531 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 6094848 00016186 622.57550049 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 6160384 00016187 622.59234619 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016188 622.59283447 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016189 622.61077881 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 18 tasks in low priority queue. 00016190 622.61108398 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 19 tasks in low priority queue. 00016191 622.61437988 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016192 622.61474609 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016193 622.65765381 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016194 622.65802002 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016195 622.65838623 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 6094848 00016196 622.65869141 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 6160384 00016197 622.65893555 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 6225920 00016198 622.66162109 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Currently running 10 threads of 10 00016199 622.66204834 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Currently running 10 threads of 10 00016200 622.66229248 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Currently running 10 threads of 10 00016201 622.69647217 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016202 622.69677734 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016203 622.71221924 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 23 tasks in low priority queue. 00016204 622.71258545 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 24 tasks in low priority queue. 00016205 622.72894287 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016206 622.72937012 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016207 622.73846436 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016208 622.73876953 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016209 622.75616455 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) COM - calling event TSDBApplication.DoTrackPropertiesEvent 00016210 622.76495361 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 25 tasks in low priority queue. 00016211 622.77642822 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 26 tasks in low priority queue. 00016212 622.79498291 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 27 tasks in low priority queue. 00016213 622.81402588 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6160384, 0) 00016214 622.81420898 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6225920, 0) 00016215 622.81439209 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6291456, 0) 00016216 622.91998291 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 29 tasks in low priority queue. 00016217 622.92138672 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Currently running 10 threads of 10 00016218 622.96728516 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 30 tasks in low priority queue. 00016219 622.96759033 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 31 tasks in low priority queue. 00016220 623.00524902 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 32 tasks in low priority queue. 00016221 623.00561523 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 33 tasks in low priority queue. 00016222 623.05615234 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 34 tasks in low priority queue. 00016223 623.05645752 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 35 tasks in low priority queue. 00016224 623.05682373 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 36 tasks in low priority queue. 00016225 623.06805420 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6225920, 0) 00016226 623.07489014 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6291456, 0) 00016227 623.07519531 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6356992, 0) 00016228 623.11248779 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 37 tasks in low priority queue. 00016229 623.11279297 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 38 tasks in low priority queue. 00016230 623.11309814 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 39 tasks in low priority queue. 00016231 623.18011475 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6291456, 0) 00016232 623.18041992 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6356992, 0) 00016233 623.18072510 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6422528, 0) 00016234 623.20239258 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 40 tasks in low priority queue. 00016235 623.20275879 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 41 tasks in low priority queue. 00016236 623.25921631 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 42 tasks in low priority queue. 00016237 623.25952148 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 43 tasks in low priority queue. 00016238 623.25982666 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 44 tasks in low priority queue. 00016239 623.26019287 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 45 tasks in low priority queue. 00016240 623.26049805 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 46 tasks in low priority queue. 00016241 623.26098633 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 47 tasks in low priority queue. 00016242 623.26129150 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 48 tasks in low priority queue. 00016243 623.26153564 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 49 tasks in low priority queue. 00016244 623.26177979 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 50 tasks in low priority queue. 00016245 623.26208496 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 51 tasks in low priority queue. 00016246 623.26239014 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 52 tasks in low priority queue. 00016247 623.26269531 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 53 tasks in low priority queue. 00016248 623.26306152 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 54 tasks in low priority queue. 00016249 623.26336670 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 55 tasks in low priority queue. 00016250 623.26367188 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 56 tasks in low priority queue. 00016251 623.26403809 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 57 tasks in low priority queue. 00016252 623.26434326 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 58 tasks in low priority queue. 00016253 623.26458740 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 59 tasks in low priority queue. 00016254 623.26501465 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 60 tasks in low priority queue. 00016255 623.26525879 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 61 tasks in low priority queue. 00016256 623.26556396 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 62 tasks in low priority queue. 00016257 623.26580811 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 63 tasks in low priority queue. 00016258 623.26611328 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 64 tasks in low priority queue. 00016259 623.26635742 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 65 tasks in low priority queue. 00016260 623.26660156 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 66 tasks in low priority queue. 00016261 623.26684570 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 67 tasks in low priority queue. 00016262 623.26715088 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 68 tasks in low priority queue. 00016263 623.26739502 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 69 tasks in low priority queue. 00016264 623.26757813 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 70 tasks in low priority queue. 00016265 623.26782227 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 71 tasks in low priority queue. 00016266 623.26806641 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 72 tasks in low priority queue. 00016267 623.26837158 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 73 tasks in low priority queue. 00016268 623.26861572 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 74 tasks in low priority queue. 00016269 623.26885986 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 75 tasks in low priority queue. 00016270 623.26910400 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 76 tasks in low priority queue. 00016271 623.26934814 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 77 tasks in low priority queue. 00016272 623.26965332 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 78 tasks in low priority queue. 00016273 623.26989746 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 79 tasks in low priority queue. 00016274 623.27008057 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 80 tasks in low priority queue. 00016275 623.27032471 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 81 tasks in low priority queue. 00016276 623.27062988 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 82 tasks in low priority queue. 00016277 623.27160645 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 83 tasks in low priority queue. 00016278 623.27197266 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 84 tasks in low priority queue. 00016279 623.27233887 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 85 tasks in low priority queue. 00016280 623.27258301 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 86 tasks in low priority queue. 00016281 623.27282715 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 87 tasks in low priority queue. 00016282 623.27313232 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 88 tasks in low priority queue. 00016283 623.27337646 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 89 tasks in low priority queue. 00016284 623.27362061 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 90 tasks in low priority queue. 00016285 623.27386475 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 91 tasks in low priority queue. 00016286 623.27410889 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 92 tasks in low priority queue. 00016287 623.27441406 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 93 tasks in low priority queue. 00016288 623.27465820 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 94 tasks in low priority queue. 00016289 623.27496338 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 95 tasks in low priority queue. 00016290 623.27526855 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 96 tasks in low priority queue. 00016291 623.27557373 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 97 tasks in low priority queue. 00016292 623.27587891 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 98 tasks in low priority queue. 00016293 623.27618408 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 99 tasks in low priority queue. 00016294 623.27648926 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 100 tasks in low priority queue. 00016295 623.27685547 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 101 tasks in low priority queue. 00016296 623.27716064 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 102 tasks in low priority queue. 00016297 623.27746582 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 103 tasks in low priority queue. 00016298 623.27777100 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 104 tasks in low priority queue. 00016299 623.27807617 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 105 tasks in low priority queue. 00016300 623.27838135 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 106 tasks in low priority queue. 00016301 623.27874756 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 107 tasks in low priority queue. 00016302 623.27911377 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 108 tasks in low priority queue. 00016303 623.27935791 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 109 tasks in low priority queue. 00016304 623.27966309 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 110 tasks in low priority queue. 00016305 623.28002930 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 111 tasks in low priority queue. 00016306 623.28033447 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 112 tasks in low priority queue. 00016307 623.28063965 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 113 tasks in low priority queue. 00016308 623.28094482 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 114 tasks in low priority queue. 00016309 623.28125000 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 115 tasks in low priority queue. 00016310 623.28155518 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 116 tasks in low priority queue. 00016311 623.28186035 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 117 tasks in low priority queue. 00016312 623.28216553 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 118 tasks in low priority queue. 00016313 623.28247070 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 119 tasks in low priority queue. 00016314 623.28277588 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 120 tasks in low priority queue. 00016315 623.28308105 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 121 tasks in low priority queue. 00016316 623.28332520 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 122 tasks in low priority queue. 00016317 623.28363037 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 123 tasks in low priority queue. 00016318 623.28399658 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 124 tasks in low priority queue. 00016319 623.28430176 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 125 tasks in low priority queue. 00016320 623.28460693 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 126 tasks in low priority queue. 00016321 623.28491211 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 127 tasks in low priority queue. 00016322 623.28521729 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 128 tasks in low priority queue. 00016323 623.28552246 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 129 tasks in low priority queue. 00016324 623.28588867 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 130 tasks in low priority queue. 00016325 623.28619385 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 131 tasks in low priority queue. 00016326 623.28643799 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 132 tasks in low priority queue. 00016327 623.28686523 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 133 tasks in low priority queue. 00016328 623.28717041 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 134 tasks in low priority queue. 00016329 623.28747559 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 135 tasks in low priority queue. 00016330 623.28869629 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 136 tasks in low priority queue. 00016331 623.28900146 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 137 tasks in low priority queue. 00016332 623.28918457 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 138 tasks in low priority queue. 00016333 623.28942871 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 139 tasks in low priority queue. 00016334 623.28967285 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 140 tasks in low priority queue. 00016335 623.28997803 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 141 tasks in low priority queue. 00016336 623.29022217 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 142 tasks in low priority queue. 00016337 623.29046631 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 143 tasks in low priority queue. 00016338 623.29071045 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 144 tasks in low priority queue. 00016339 623.29095459 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 145 tasks in low priority queue. 00016340 623.29138184 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 146 tasks in low priority queue. 00016341 623.29168701 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 147 tasks in low priority queue. 00016342 623.29199219 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 148 tasks in low priority queue. 00016343 623.29241943 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 149 tasks in low priority queue. 00016344 623.29272461 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 150 tasks in low priority queue. 00016345 623.29302979 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 151 tasks in low priority queue. 00016346 623.29333496 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 152 tasks in low priority queue. 00016347 623.29357910 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 153 tasks in low priority queue. 00016348 623.29388428 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 154 tasks in low priority queue. 00016349 623.29418945 [8248] MM5 [5540](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 155 tasks in low priority queue. 00016350 623.60998535 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6422528, 0) 00016351 623.61010742 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 6422528 00016352 623.61029053 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6488064, 0) 00016353 623.61047363 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 6488064 00016354 623.61059570 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6553600, 0) 00016355 623.61071777 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 6553600 00016356 623.75866699 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6488064, 0) 00016357 623.75878906 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 6488064 00016358 623.75897217 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6553600, 0) 00016359 623.75903320 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 6553600 00016360 623.75921631 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6619136, 0) 00016361 623.75933838 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 6619136 00016362 623.88073730 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6553600, 0) 00016363 623.88104248 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 6553600 00016364 623.88122559 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6619136, 0) 00016365 623.88134766 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 6619136 00016366 623.88159180 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6684672, 0) 00016367 623.88165283 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 6684672 00016368 624.09960938 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6619136, 0) 00016369 624.09979248 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 6619136 00016370 624.09991455 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6684672, 0) 00016371 624.10009766 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 6684672 00016372 624.10021973 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6750208, 0) 00016373 624.10034180 [1356] SAStream: seeked to 6750208 00016374 624.12658691 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 156 tasks in low priority queue. 00016375 624.22229004 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6684672, 0) 00016376 624.22259521 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6750208, 0) 00016377 624.22283936 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6815744, 0) 00016378 624.36492920 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6750208, 0) 00016379 624.36529541 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6815744, 0) 00016380 624.36553955 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6881280, 0) 00016381 624.47546387 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00016382 624.61242676 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6815744, 0) 00016383 624.61260986 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6881280, 0) 00016384 624.61279297 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6946816, 0) 00016385 624.73986816 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6881280, 0) 00016386 624.74017334 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6946816, 0) 00016387 624.74047852 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7012352, 0) 00016388 624.98675537 [1356] SAStream: Seek(6946816, 0) 00016389 624.98870850 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7012352, 0) 00016390 624.98907471 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7077888, 0) 00016391 625.09820557 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7012352, 0) 00016392 625.09851074 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7077888, 0) 00016393 625.09881592 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7143424, 0) 00016394 625.22943115 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7077888, 0) 00016395 625.23040771 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7143424, 0) 00016396 625.23455811 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7208960, 0) 00016397 625.40002441 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7143424, 0) 00016398 625.40045166 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7208960, 0) 00016399 625.40747070 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7274496, 0) 00016400 625.54718018 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7208960, 0) 00016401 625.54974365 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7274496, 0) 00016402 625.55792236 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7340032, 0) 00016403 625.69268799 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7274496, 0) 00016404 625.69293213 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7340032, 0) 00016405 625.69311523 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7405568, 0) 00016406 625.84759521 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7340032, 0) 00016407 625.84777832 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7405568, 0) 00016408 625.84802246 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7471104, 0) 00016409 626.09942627 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7405568, 0) 00016410 626.09979248 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7471104, 0) 00016411 626.10003662 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7536640, 0) 00016412 626.15600586 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 157 tasks in low priority queue. 00016413 626.35260010 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7471104, 0) 00016414 626.35278320 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7536640, 0) 00016415 626.35302734 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7602176, 0) 00016416 626.48870850 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7536640, 0) 00016417 626.48901367 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7602176, 0) 00016418 626.48931885 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7667712, 0) 00016419 626.62322998 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7602176, 0) 00016420 626.62353516 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7667712, 0) 00016421 626.62377930 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7733248, 0) 00016422 626.74713135 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7667712, 0) 00016423 626.74737549 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7733248, 0) 00016424 626.74761963 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7798784, 0) 00016425 626.90679932 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7733248, 0) 00016426 626.90716553 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7798784, 0) 00016427 626.90740967 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7864320, 0) 00016428 627.07238770 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7798784, 0) 00016429 627.07257080 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7864320, 0) 00016430 627.07275391 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7929856, 0) 00016431 627.27740479 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7864320, 0) 00016432 627.27795410 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7929856, 0) 00016433 627.27825928 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7995392, 0) 00016434 627.37091064 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7929856, 0) 00016435 627.37170410 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7995392, 0) 00016436 627.37200928 [1356] SAStream: Seek(8060928, 0) 00016437 627.68688965 [8248] MM5 [5268](R) DB lock took 5781 ms : SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00016438 627.68780518 [8248] MM5 [5024](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Count(*) FROM Songs 00016439 627.68811035 [8248] MM5 [3816](R) DB open SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') 00016440 627.68841553 [8248] MM5 [3960](R) 3960 DB prepare SQL: SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.IDMedia=? AND Songs.SongPath=? 00016441 627.69482422 [8248] MM5 [3816](R) DB lock took 16 ms : SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') 00016442 627.70196533 [1356] SAStream: Seek(7995392, 0) 00016443 627.70227051 [1356] SAStream: Seek(8008482, 0) 00016444 627.76812744 [1356] in_mfaudio: get_576_samples: End of input file 00016445 627.83441162 [1356] in_mfaudio: get_576_samples: End of input file 00016446 627.83593750 [1356] in_mfaudio: Stop - calling free(pReadBuffer) 00016447 627.83624268 [1356] in_mfaudio: Stop - releasing last sample 00016448 627.83685303 [1356] in_mfaudio: Stop - releasing pReader 00016449 627.83850098 [1356] in_mfaudio: Stop - releasing saStream 00016450 627.83886719 [1356] SAStream: CloseStreamAccess finished 00016451 627.83923340 [1356] in_mfaudio: Stop - finished 00016452 628.02777100 [8248] MM5 [11276](R) WA Decode, Destroying. 00016453 628.03051758 [8248] MM5 [11276](R) WA Decode, Going unmap memory file. 00016454 628.12652588 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 153 tasks in low priority queue. 00016455 629.44110107 [8248] MM5 [11496](R) DB lock took 1750 ms : SELECT Count(*) FROM Songs WHERE ( Songs.TrackType in (0,4,3) ) 00016456 630.12451172 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 154 tasks in low priority queue. 00016457 631.32568359 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00016458 631.33581543 [8248] MM5 [196](R) _BrowseRequest started 00016459 631.33618164 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00016460 631.33746338 [8248] MM5 [196](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00016461 631.33801270 [8248] MM5 [196](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00016462 631.33856201 [8248] MM5 [196](R) TBackgroundConverter.IsConverting: TRUE Threads.Count = 2 00016463 631.46423340 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=16438.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00016464 631.46453857 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00016465 631.46490479 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00016466 631.46569824 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) 12184 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00016467 631.46673584 [8248] AdjustArtworkInTagsForDeviceTrack: Dev: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 SongID: 16438 Path: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016468 631.46954346 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00016469 631.47467041 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) DB open SQL: SELECT * FROM DeviceTracks WHERE IDDevice=677 00016470 631.53143311 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Device Sync: Checking Artwork D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016471 631.53192139 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) 12184 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00016472 631.54486084 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00016473 631.54534912 [8248] UPnP Server: Creating HTTP entity 00016474 631.59716797 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 0, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.00, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016475 631.59997559 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 131072, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.02, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016476 631.65270996 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 196608, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.03, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016477 631.66735840 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 262144, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.04, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016478 631.67315674 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 327680, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.05, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016479 631.69104004 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 393216, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.06, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016480 631.69366455 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 458752, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.07, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016481 631.71673584 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 524288, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.08, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016482 631.74157715 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 589824, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.09, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016483 631.75134277 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 655360, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.10, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016484 631.75451660 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 720896, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.11, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016485 631.77239990 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ControlCache: DeviceConfig | uniqueID_962 removed, controls.count = 0 00016486 631.78198242 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 786432, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.12, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016487 631.81402588 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 851968, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.13, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016488 631.85864258 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 983040, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.15, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016489 631.88183594 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1114112, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.16, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016490 631.88745117 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1179648, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.17, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016491 631.90472412 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1245184, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.18, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016492 631.91406250 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1310720, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.19, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016493 631.91766357 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1376256, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.20, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016494 631.94042969 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1441792, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.21, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016495 631.96112061 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1572864, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.23, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016496 631.96228027 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1638400, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.24, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016497 631.97790527 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1703936, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.25, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016498 631.99737549 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1769472, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.26, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016499 631.99865723 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1835008, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.27, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016500 632.01190186 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1900544, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.28, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016501 632.01489258 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 1966080, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.29, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016502 632.03747559 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2031616, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.30, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016503 632.03924561 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2097152, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.31, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016504 632.05859375 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2162688, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.32, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016505 632.06829834 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2228224, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.33, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016506 632.09057617 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2359296, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.35, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016507 632.11376953 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2424832, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.36, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016508 632.12579346 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2555904, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.38, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016509 632.13488770 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 155 tasks in low priority queue. 00016510 632.14135742 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2621440, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.39, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016511 632.15777588 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2752512, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.41, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016512 632.16314697 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2818048, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.42, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016513 632.17395020 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2883584, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.43, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016514 632.23291016 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 2949120, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.44, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016515 632.25592041 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3014656, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.45, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016516 632.32312012 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3080192, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.46, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016517 632.40582275 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3211264, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.48, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016518 632.43072510 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3276800, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.48, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016519 632.49353027 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3342336, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.49, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016520 632.52392578 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3407872, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.50, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016521 632.58319092 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3473408, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.51, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016522 632.61126709 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3538944, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.52, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016523 632.70703125 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3604480, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.53, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016524 632.73956299 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3670016, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.54, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016525 632.76153564 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3735552, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.55, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016526 632.78906250 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3866624, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.57, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016527 632.84509277 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 3997696, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.59, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016528 632.84539795 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) PostponeComputerSleep: SetThreadExecutionState exists 00016529 632.84564209 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) PostponeComputerSleep: SetThreadExecutionState result = $80000001 00016530 632.88336182 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4063232, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.60, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016531 632.91375732 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4128768, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.61, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016532 632.94061279 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4194304, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.62, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016533 632.96429443 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4325376, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.64, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016534 633.05102539 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4456448, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.66, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016535 633.05645752 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4521984, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.67, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016536 633.11334229 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4587520, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.68, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016537 633.11791992 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4653056, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.69, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016538 633.14477539 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4718592, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.70, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016539 633.21655273 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4849664, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.72, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016540 633.21704102 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4915200, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.73, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016541 633.24761963 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 4980736, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.74, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016542 633.26605225 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 5111808, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.76, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016543 633.28424072 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 5177344, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.77, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016544 633.29321289 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 5308416, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.79, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016545 633.31359863 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 5373952, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.80, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016546 633.36199951 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 5701632, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.84, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016547 633.37414551 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 5767168, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.85, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016548 633.38171387 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 5832704, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.86, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016549 633.39080811 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 5898240, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.87, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016550 633.39691162 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 5963776, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.88, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016551 633.40594482 [8248] ReadExternalStream: Read = 65536, Offset = 6029312, Size = 6758652, Portion = 0.89, File: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016552 633.40612793 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) ReadExternalStream: 90 percent, URI: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=16438.mp3, ServerUDN: f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca 00016553 633.40618896 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00016554 633.40637207 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00016555 633.40808105 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016556 633.40838623 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00016557 633.40850830 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016558 633.46655273 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016559 633.47113037 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00016560 633.51715088 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016561 633.51745605 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016562 633.54547119 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016563 633.54589844 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016564 633.58123779 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016565 633.58160400 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016566 633.60821533 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016567 633.60864258 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016568 633.62823486 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016569 633.62860107 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016570 633.64617920 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016571 633.64660645 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016572 633.69195557 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016573 633.69238281 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016574 633.70257568 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016575 633.70385742 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016576 633.73419189 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016577 633.73455811 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016578 633.74328613 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016579 633.74389648 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016580 633.76745605 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 156 tasks in low priority queue. 00016581 633.76788330 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00016582 633.76959229 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Item instance thread from index 0 finished 00016583 633.77630615 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016584 633.77667236 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016585 633.79724121 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016586 633.79791260 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016587 633.86968994 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016588 633.87072754 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016589 633.89916992 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016590 633.89947510 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016591 633.93896484 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016592 633.93939209 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016593 633.94976807 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016594 633.95013428 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016595 633.99169922 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016596 633.99206543 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016597 634.01318359 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016598 634.01354980 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016599 634.02294922 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016600 634.02331543 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016601 634.06988525 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016602 634.07031250 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016603 634.10656738 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016604 634.10687256 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016605 634.12176514 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016606 634.12219238 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016607 634.15112305 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016608 634.15155029 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016609 634.17547607 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016610 634.17578125 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016611 634.21728516 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016612 634.21765137 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016613 634.23468018 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016614 634.23504639 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016615 634.24267578 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016616 634.24291992 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016617 634.24749756 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016618 634.24786377 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016619 634.25799561 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016620 634.25830078 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016621 634.26464844 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016622 634.26489258 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016623 634.27215576 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016624 634.27258301 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016625 634.28814697 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016626 634.28845215 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016627 634.29956055 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016628 634.29992676 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016629 634.30383301 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016630 634.30426025 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016631 634.31072998 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016632 634.31103516 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016633 634.31713867 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016634 634.31762695 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016635 634.40319824 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016636 634.40386963 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016637 634.42657471 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016638 634.42687988 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016639 634.44018555 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016640 634.44067383 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016641 634.44873047 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016642 634.44915771 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016643 634.45623779 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Running item instance thread from index 0 00016644 634.45648193 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) All item instance threads were finished 00016645 634.46179199 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) COM - calling event TSDBApplication.DoTrackPropertiesEvent 00016646 634.46374512 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) GetFileInfo: D:\My Documents\Temp\dl\VA - Billboard Top 100 Single Charts JUNE 25, 2016 Mp3 VBR Kbps [MyFOM]\092. Alan Walker - Faded.mp3 00016647 634.46453857 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) 12184 DB query prepare finished, took 0. 00016648 634.46606445 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00016649 634.46630859 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) COM - calling event TSDBApplication.DoTrackPropertiesEvent 00016650 634.46679688 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00016651 634.46716309 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00016652 634.46759033 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00016653 634.46795654 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00016654 634.46844482 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00016655 634.46997070 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00016656 634.47033691 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00016657 634.47082520 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00016658 634.47119141 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00016659 634.47161865 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00016660 634.47192383 [8248] MM5 [12184](R) Performance warning: doOnChange is called too often, consider using beginUpdate/endUpdate 00016661 634.47241211 [8248] ReadExternalStream: SongID: 16438, DeviceID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00016662 634.47357178 [8248] TLastSynchronization.TrackUploaded( DevID: 677, Path: \Music\Various\US Billboard Top 100 Single Charts (25.06.16)\92 Alan Walker - Faded.mp3, Status: 1 00016663 634.49176025 [8248] MM5 [3816](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00016664 634.49206543 [8248] MM5 [3816](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 6797ms for 51 00016665 634.49438477 [8248] MM5 [10272](R) DB lock took 6813 ms : SELECT Songs.* FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID IN (SELECT rowid FROM SongsText WHERE SongsText MATCH ' mpc* ') 00016666 634.49670410 [8248] MM5 [10272](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00016667 634.49694824 [8248] MM5 [10272](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 0ms for 51 00016668 634.51116943 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy starting 00016669 634.54290771 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) ***** StandardSongQueryCopy main loop finishing... isTaskTerminated: false 00016670 634.54327393 [8248] MM5 [2384](R) ***** total tracklist loading time 32ms for 51 00016671 634.55609131 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00016672 636.12268066 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 154 tasks in low priority queue. 00016673 638.13098145 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 155 tasks in low priority queue. 00016674 640.14282227 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 156 tasks in low priority queue. 00016675 642.11694336 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 157 tasks in low priority queue. 00016676 643.46105957 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00016677 643.46105957 [8248] UPnP Server: Directory to browse: SyncConverted:DeviceID:710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482, Start: 0, Count: 500, Sort: 00016678 643.46942139 [8248] MM5 [196](R) _BrowseRequest started 00016679 643.46960449 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00016680 643.46984863 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00016681 643.46997070 [8248] MM5 [196](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00016682 643.47015381 [8248] MM5 [196](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00016683 643.47052002 [8248] GetDeviceLibraryIDForDevice: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00016684 643.47265625 [8248] MM5 [196](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00016685 643.47302246 [8248] MM5 [196](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00016686 643.47326660 [8248] MM5 [196](R) TBackgroundConverter.IsConverting: TRUE Threads.Count = 2 00016687 643.47363281 [8248] MM5 [196](R) _BrowseRequest finished 00016688 643.59155273 [8248] UPNP Server: File Request: /DeviceID=710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482_ItemID=8033.mp3 , Range: < -1, -1> 00016689 643.59173584 [8248] MM5 [11152](R) _BrowseRequest started 00016690 643.59185791 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca) 00016691 643.59204102 [8248] TMediaServer.Get(f7ce954b-1e0d-4835-b27a-4d4cce700bca): found: MediaMonkey Library 00016692 643.59240723 [8248] MM5 [11152](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00016693 643.59252930 [8248] MM5 [11152](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00016694 643.62628174 [8248] MM5 [11152](R) 11152 DB prepare SQL: SELECT * FROM Songs WHERE Songs.ID=? 00016695 644.12091064 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 158 tasks in low priority queue. 00016696 644.47454834 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 159 tasks in low priority queue. 00016697 644.61456299 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00016698 646.11627197 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 160 tasks in low priority queue. 00016699 647.68554688 [8248] MM5 [6492](R) Going to execute format plug-in destructor. 00016700 647.68652344 [8248] MM5 [6492](R) 6492 DB prepare SQL: SELECT PreviewStartTime, PreviewLength, CacheName, PreviewName, PreGap, PostGap, TotalSamples, GaplessBytes, SignType, SignPart1, SignPart2, SignPart3, SignPart4, ContainerType, StreamCount, StreamInfo, WebCommercial, WebCopyright, WebFilepage, WebArtist, WebRadio, WebPayment, WebPublisher, WebUser FROM Songs WHERE ID=? 00016701 648.10784912 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 161 tasks in low priority queue. 00016702 650.10772705 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 162 tasks in low priority queue. 00016703 652.10760498 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 163 tasks in low priority queue. 00016704 653.58734131 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00016705 654.11230469 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 164 tasks in low priority queue. 00016706 654.62176514 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00016707 654.62744141 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Wait for event ID :3, delay :10000, callstack : 00016708 656.11132813 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 165 tasks in low priority queue. 00016709 658.10711670 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 166 tasks in low priority queue. 00016710 660.11358643 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 167 tasks in low priority queue. 00016711 662.16131592 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 168 tasks in low priority queue. 00016712 662.97576904 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) PostponeComputerSleep: Enabled = 0 00016713 662.97668457 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) PostponeComputerSleep: SetThreadExecutionState result = $80000001 00016714 664.12762451 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 169 tasks in low priority queue. 00016715 664.67004395 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00016716 666.11779785 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 170 tasks in low priority queue. 00016717 668.12567139 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 171 tasks in low priority queue. 00016718 670.11480713 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 172 tasks in low priority queue. 00016719 672.11102295 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 173 tasks in low priority queue. 00016720 672.62145996 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00016721 674.13299561 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 174 tasks in low priority queue. 00016722 682.10742188 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 178 tasks in low priority queue. 00016723 684.12628174 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 179 tasks in low priority queue. 00016724 685.74298096 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00016725 686.11206055 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 180 tasks in low priority queue. 00016726 688.11273193 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 181 tasks in low priority queue. 00016727 690.11444092 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 182 tasks in low priority queue. 00016728 691.83367920 [8248] UPnP: _UploadRequest: Header: --gGTzhtolOxV62k89Vj68mip2TiJLXK 00016729 691.83367920 [8248] Content-Disposition: form-data; name="SyncSummary:DeviceID:710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482" 00016730 691.83367920 [8248] 00016731 691.83367920 [8248] 00016732 691.83367920 [8248] --gGTzhtolOxV62k89Vj68mip2TiJLXK-- 00016733 691.83386230 [8248] MM5 [8268](R) GetDeviceLibrary: ID: 710KPLC0179008.0.24256ada-b622-4e7f-a2b3-5733e0d8f482 00016734 691.83398438 [8248] MM5 [8268](R) GetDeviceLibrary: found by id 00016735 692.11364746 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 183 tasks in low priority queue. 00016736 694.12493896 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 184 tasks in low priority queue. 00016737 695.85052490 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00016738 696.11584473 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 185 tasks in low priority queue. 00016739 698.13598633 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 186 tasks in low priority queue. 00016740 700.11108398 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 187 tasks in low priority queue. 00016741 701.89300537 [8248] UPnP Server: OnAction: Browse 00016742 702.10827637 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 188 tasks in low priority queue. 00016743 704.11437988 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 189 tasks in low priority queue. 00016744 705.89801025 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00016745 706.12677002 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 190 tasks in low priority queue. 00016746 708.12420654 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 191 tasks in low priority queue. 00016747 710.12969971 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 192 tasks in low priority queue. 00016748 712.13195801 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 193 tasks in low priority queue. 00016749 714.12426758 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 194 tasks in low priority queue. 00016750 715.91302490 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00016751 715.91314697 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Wait for event ID :3, delay :10000, callstack : 00016752 716.10961914 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 195 tasks in low priority queue. 00016753 718.11535645 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 196 tasks in low priority queue. 00016754 720.10784912 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 197 tasks in low priority queue. 00016755 722.12298584 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 198 tasks in low priority queue. 00016756 724.11669922 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 199 tasks in low priority queue. 00016757 725.92834473 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00016758 725.92852783 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Wait for event ID :3, delay :10000, callstack : 00016759 726.10931396 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 200 tasks in low priority queue. 00016760 728.10864258 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 201 tasks in low priority queue. 00016761 730.11437988 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 202 tasks in low priority queue. 00016762 732.11236572 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 203 tasks in low priority queue. 00016763 734.11169434 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 204 tasks in low priority queue. 00016764 736.11492920 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 205 tasks in low priority queue. 00016765 736.92797852 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00016766 736.92816162 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Wait for event ID :3, delay :10000, callstack : 00016767 738.11041260 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 206 tasks in low priority queue. 00016768 740.12707520 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 207 tasks in low priority queue. 00016769 742.12072754 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 208 tasks in low priority queue. 00016770 744.12536621 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 209 tasks in low priority queue. 00016771 746.11279297 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 210 tasks in low priority queue. 00016772 746.98089600 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00016773 747.00921631 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Wait for event ID :3, delay :10000, callstack : 00016774 748.11517334 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 211 tasks in low priority queue. 00016775 750.11175537 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 212 tasks in low priority queue. 00016776 752.12231445 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 213 tasks in low priority queue. 00016777 754.10833740 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 214 tasks in low priority queue. 00016778 786.14996338 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 230 tasks in low priority queue. 00016779 787.99084473 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00016780 788.14575195 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 231 tasks in low priority queue. 00016781 790.11151123 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 232 tasks in low priority queue. 00016782 830.15502930 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 252 tasks in low priority queue. 00016783 832.14923096 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 253 tasks in low priority queue. 00016784 833.01007080 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is minimized and not hidden 00016785 833.01196289 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00016786 833.01214600 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00016787 833.01226807 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Plugins Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\ 00016788 833.12512207 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00016789 833.12524414 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Wait for event ID :3, delay :10000, callstack : 00016790 833.53198242 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00016791 833.53289795 [9848] TCoolTrayIcon.NotifySystem: Mode = 0 00016792 833.53308105 [9848] TCoolTrayIcon.NotifySystem: Finished 00016793 833.55010986 [9848] LastError: Unspecified error 00016794 834.13061523 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 254 tasks in low priority queue. 00016795 836.22039795 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 255 tasks in low priority queue. 00016796 838.12011719 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 256 tasks in low priority queue. 00016797 839.59490967 [8248] MM5 [2624](R) Current User Scripts Folder: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Portable\Scripts\ 00016798 839.59667969 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ******** currentMD5=AE1D4F99B32175A08CB9AFF27B62E14A, precompiledLessMD5=AE1D4F99B32175A08CB9AFF27B62E14A, currentTimestamp=0, precompiledLessTimestamp=0 00016799 839.61920166 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/windowtitle.js 00016800 839.62365723 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/windowtitle.js" 00016801 839.63726807 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) AnimationTime set to 0.3s 00016802 839.64355469 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///controls/windowtitle.html to controls/windowtitle.html 00016803 839.64404297 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/windowtitle.html" 00016804 839.66064453 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/scroller.js 00016805 839.66540527 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/scroller.js" 00016806 839.67700195 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/buttons.js 00016807 839.68121338 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/buttons.js" 00016808 839.69018555 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/button.js 00016809 839.69555664 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/button.js" 00016810 839.70086670 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/menuButton.js 00016811 839.70745850 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/menuButton.js" 00016812 839.71386719 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/iconbutton.js 00016813 839.72082520 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/iconbutton.js" 00016814 839.72656250 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///controls/toolbutton.js 00016815 839.73046875 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\controls/toolbutton.js" 00016816 839.74603271 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 256 tasks in low priority queue. 00016817 839.74688721 [8248] MM5 [5680](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg to skin/icon/mediamonkey.svg 00016818 839.74865723 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 256 tasks in low priority queue. 00016819 839.75067139 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 256 tasks in low priority queue. 00016820 839.75421143 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 256 tasks in low priority queue. 00016821 839.76562500 [8248] MM5 [5680](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/mainMenu.svg to skin/icon/mainMenu.svg 00016822 839.76702881 [8248] MM5 [5680](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/mainMenu.svg" 00016823 839.77087402 [8248] MM5 [5680](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/mainMenu_add.svg to skin/icon/mainMenu_add.svg 00016824 839.77343750 [8248] MM5 [5680](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/minimize.svg 00016825 839.77740479 [8248] MM5 [5680](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/minimize.svg to skin/icon/minimize.svg 00016826 839.77783203 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Placed to display 00016827 839.77886963 [8248] MM5 [5680](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/minimize_add.svg to skin/icon/minimize_add.svg 00016828 839.78283691 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf to skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf 00016829 839.79492188 [8248] MM5 [2624](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/maximize.svg 00016830 839.88977051 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Retrieving file file:///dialogs/about.html 00016831 839.94750977 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf" 00016832 839.95007324 [8248] MM5 [2624](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/maximize.svg to skin/icon/maximize.svg 00016833 839.95416260 [8248] MM5 [5680](R) Retrieving file file:///skin/icon/restore.svg 00016834 839.95715332 [8248] MM5 [2624](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/maximize.svg" 00016835 839.96118164 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/about.html to dialogs/about.html 00016836 839.96484375 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\dialogs/about.html" 00016837 839.98089600 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///dialogs/about_add.html to dialogs/about_add.html 00016838 839.98901367 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00016839 840.03607178 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) Retrieving file file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf 00016840 840.06030273 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf to skin/fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf 00016841 840.09625244 [9848] MM5 [10144](B) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf" 00016842 840.14538574 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ready event call 20 00016843 840.72174072 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and not hidden 00016844 840.76477051 [8248] MM5 [5680](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/restore.svg to skin/icon/restore.svg 00016845 840.79125977 [8248] MM5 [5680](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/restore.svg" 00016846 840.85754395 [8248] MM5 [2624](R) buildPathFromUrl from file:///skin/icon/windowclose.svg to skin/icon/windowclose.svg 00016847 840.90789795 [8248] MM5 [2624](R) TFilesHandlerFile.getFileContent - opening file "D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\skins\Material Design\skin/icon/windowclose.svg" 00016848 842.11016846 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 258 tasks in low priority queue. 00016849 843.13653564 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00016850 843.74279785 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow start 00016851 843.76745605 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow end 00016852 843.79650879 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00016853 843.79681396 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 20 00016854 843.79718018 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE beforeClose for identifier 20 00016855 843.80285645 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00016856 843.80322266 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE notify close for identifier 20 00016857 843.80352783 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE closeBrowserCall for identifier 20 00016858 843.82751465 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00016859 843.89282227 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00016860 844.24029541 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 259 tasks in low priority queue. 00016861 844.43157959 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00016862 844.43206787 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE canClose for identifier 20 00016863 844.43792725 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY end 00016864 844.45819092 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00016865 844.47955322 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00016866 844.49438477 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00016867 844.52093506 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnContextReleased 20 00016868 844.52166748 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) OnContextReleased end. 00016869 844.53997803 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserDestroyed 20 00016870 846.11785889 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 260 tasks in low priority queue. 00016871 848.12780762 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 261 tasks in low priority queue. 00016872 848.83831787 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 261 tasks in low priority queue. 00016873 848.83929443 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TCloseToken: took: 0 | Callstack: 00016874 848.84484863 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) New thread starting 1 00016875 850.24310303 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 262 tasks in low priority queue. 00016876 852.18115234 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 263 tasks in low priority queue. 00016877 853.30932617 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00016878 853.30950928 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Wait for event ID :3, delay :10000, callstack : 00016879 854.14202881 [8248] MM5 [5140](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 264 tasks in low priority queue. 00016880 854.49151611 [8248] MM5 [5680](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 5656ms. 00016881 854.49151611 [8248] Task callstack : 00016882 854.49517822 [8248] MM5 [5680](R) Previous tasks : 00016883 854.49548340 [8248] MM5 [5680](R) Running at 152168734 00016884 854.49548340 [8248] ============================================= 00016885 854.49621582 [8248] MM5 [5680](R) Running at 152168546 00016886 854.49621582 [8248] ============================================= 00016887 854.49658203 [8248] MM5 [5680](R) Running at 152168531 00016888 854.49658203 [8248] ============================================= 00016889 854.49688721 [8248] MM5 [5680](R) Running at 152141718 00016890 854.49688721 [8248] ============================================= 00016891 854.49719238 [8248] MM5 [5680](R) Running at 151913359 00016892 854.49719238 [8248] ============================================= 00016893 854.49749756 [8248] MM5 [5680](R) Running at 151900421 00016894 854.49749756 [8248] ============================================= 00016895 854.49786377 [8248] MM5 [5680](R) Running at 151892062 00016896 854.49786377 [8248] ============================================= 00016897 854.49822998 [8248] MM5 [5680](R) _Stop: started 00016898 854.49853516 [8248] MM5 [5680](R) SynchronizingAfterTagging finished 00016899 854.50250244 [8248] MM5 [5680](R) Going to stop playback in dll: D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\in_mpc.dll 00016900 854.51452637 [8248] MMDS: Close starts 00016901 854.51556396 [8248] MMDS: Buffer.Close() starting. 00016902 854.51593018 [8248] MMDS: Stopped 00016903 854.51690674 [8248] MM5 [5680](R) TWAPluginEngine.Stop - input plugin stopped 00016904 854.51776123 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Redirecting winamp message 1024(2, 603) 00016905 854.51824951 [8248] MM5 [5680](R) _Stop: finished 00016906 854.52893066 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Player - new state: stop 00016907 854.54571533 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) TCloseToken: took: 5687 | Callstack: Callstack: Script: file:///maincontent.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 51 ; Col: 27 00016908 854.54571533 [8248] Script: file:///controls/windowtitle.js ; Func: undefined ; Row: 35 ; Col: 20 00016909 854.56536865 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00016910 854.56671143 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE beforeClose for identifier 1 00016911 854.57666016 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00016912 854.58593750 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00016913 854.58715820 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00016914 854.58911133 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE query called for identifier 3 00016915 854.58972168 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 2 00016916 854.59326172 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00016917 854.59442139 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE query called for identifier 3 00016918 854.59600830 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 2 00016919 854.67327881 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00016920 854.67395020 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Main window is not minimized and hidden 00016921 854.69073486 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00016922 854.69140625 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE beforeClose for identifier 3 00016923 854.69158936 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE closeBrowserCall for identifier 3 00016924 854.69189453 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00016925 854.69207764 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00016926 854.69226074 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 2 00016927 854.69238281 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE beforeClose for identifier 2 00016928 854.69262695 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE closeBrowserCall for identifier 2 00016929 854.69293213 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00016930 854.69311523 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00016931 854.69329834 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 3 00016932 854.69342041 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE beforeClose for identifier 3 00016933 854.69360352 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE closeBrowserCall for identifier 3 00016934 854.69390869 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00016935 854.69403076 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00016936 854.69427490 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 2 00016937 854.69439697 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE beforeClose for identifier 2 00016938 854.69458008 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE closeBrowserCall for identifier 2 00016939 854.69464111 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00016940 854.77307129 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00016941 854.77368164 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE canClose for identifier 3 00016942 854.77685547 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY end 00016943 854.87683105 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY end 00016944 854.87957764 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) Activating window file:///mainwindow.html 00016945 854.88079834 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) OnContextReleased end. 00016946 854.88281250 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE end 00016947 854.88305664 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_CLOSE begin 00016948 854.88330078 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE for identifier 2 00016949 854.88360596 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE canClose for identifier 2 00016950 854.88372803 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00016951 854.88378906 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY end 00016952 855.08697510 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserDestroyed 3 00016953 855.09075928 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) WM_DESTROY begin 00016954 855.09423828 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnContextReleased 2 00016955 855.09777832 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) OnContextReleased end. 00016956 855.09869385 [9848] MM5 [7636](B) ****** CLOSE notify close for identifier 1 00016957 855.09954834 [9848] TCoolTrayIcon.NotifySystem: Finished 00016958 855.23193359 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ********** OnBrowserDestroyed 2 00016959 855.77087402 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow start 00016960 856.04077148 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ControlCache: DevicesView | uniqueID_1054 added, controls.count = 1 00016961 856.07830811 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ControlCache: cleaned up, controls.count = 1 --> 0 00016962 856.15966797 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) ControlCache: cleaned up, controls.count = 0 --> 0 00016963 856.24334717 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) closewindow end 00016964 856.24359131 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) DownloadManager appClose begin 00016965 856.24444580 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) SharedWindows appClose begin 00016966 856.25305176 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 264 tasks in low priority queue. 00016967 856.25463867 [8248] UPnP appClose begin 00016968 856.25500488 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 264 tasks in low priority queue. 00016969 856.25653076 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) Hotkeys.Finalize begin 00016970 856.25689697 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 264 tasks in low priority queue. 00016971 856.28283691 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) New thread starting 1 00016972 857.08880615 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 264 tasks in low priority queue. 00016973 857.59570313 [8248] MM5 [9816](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 1344ms. 00016974 857.59570313 [8248] Task callstack : 00016975 857.59808350 [8248] MM5 [9816](R) Running at 152185031 00016976 857.59808350 [8248] ============================================= 00016977 857.59979248 [8248] MM5 [9816](R) Running at 152183281 00016978 857.59979248 [8248] ============================================= 00016979 857.60217285 [8248] MM5 [9816](R) Running at 152168734 00016980 857.60217285 [8248] ============================================= 00016981 857.65368652 [8248] MM5 [9816](R) Running at 152168562 00016982 857.65368652 [8248] ============================================= 00016983 857.65740967 [8248] MM5 [9816](R) Running at 152168546 00016984 857.65740967 [8248] ============================================= 00016985 857.66003418 [8248] MM5 [9816](R) Running at 152168546 00016986 857.66003418 [8248] ============================================= 00016987 857.66662598 [8248] MM5 [9816](R) Running at 152168531 00016988 857.66662598 [8248] ============================================= 00016989 857.66693115 [8248] MM5 [9816](R) Running at 152141718 00016990 857.66693115 [8248] ============================================= 00016991 857.67230225 [8248] MM5 [9816](R) Running at 152136156 00016992 857.67230225 [8248] ============================================= 00016993 857.67370605 [8248] MM5 [9816](R) Running at 151913328 00016994 857.67370605 [8248] ============================================= 00016995 857.73370361 [8248] MM5 [9816](R) Running at 151900421 00016996 857.73370361 [8248] ============================================= 00016997 857.73742676 [8248] MM5 [9816](R) TCloseToken: took: 1484 | Callstack: Origin: SharedWindowsCleanUpOnAppClose. No callstack (MEMECHECKING disabled) 00016998 857.74169922 [8248] MM5 [9816](R) SharedWindows appClose end 00016999 858.33172607 [8248] MM5 [9816](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 2078ms. 00017000 858.33172607 [8248] Task callstack : 00017001 858.33203125 [8248] MM5 [9816](R) Running at 152186375 00017002 858.33203125 [8248] ============================================= 00017003 858.33496094 [8248] MM5 [9816](R) Running at 152185031 00017004 858.33496094 [8248] ============================================= 00017005 858.33532715 [8248] MM5 [9816](R) Running at 152168750 00017006 858.33532715 [8248] ============================================= 00017007 858.33563232 [8248] MM5 [9816](R) Running at 152168562 00017008 858.33563232 [8248] ============================================= 00017009 858.39428711 [8248] MM5 [9816](R) Running at 152168546 00017010 858.39428711 [8248] ============================================= 00017011 858.39471436 [8248] MM5 [9816](R) Running at 152168531 00017012 858.39471436 [8248] ============================================= 00017013 858.39501953 [8248] MM5 [9816](R) Running at 152141718 00017014 858.39501953 [8248] ============================================= 00017015 858.44757080 [8248] MM5 [9816](R) Running at 152136156 00017016 858.44757080 [8248] ============================================= 00017017 858.45428467 [8248] MM5 [9816](R) Running at 151913359 00017018 858.45428467 [8248] ============================================= 00017019 858.54473877 [8248] MM5 [9816](R) Running at 151913328 00017020 858.54473877 [8248] ============================================= 00017021 858.55401611 [8248] UPnP: Stop UPnP Device 00017022 858.64843750 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 2375ms. 00017023 858.64843750 [8248] Task callstack : 00017024 858.64971924 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Running at 152187109 00017025 858.64971924 [8248] ============================================= 00017026 858.65008545 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Running at 152185031 00017027 858.65008545 [8248] ============================================= 00017028 858.65234375 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Running at 152168750 00017029 858.65234375 [8248] ============================================= 00017030 858.65905762 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Running at 152168734 00017031 858.65905762 [8248] ============================================= 00017032 858.65942383 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Running at 152168546 00017033 858.65942383 [8248] ============================================= 00017034 858.66442871 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Running at 152168531 00017035 858.66442871 [8248] ============================================= 00017036 858.67053223 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Running at 152141718 00017037 858.67053223 [8248] ============================================= 00017038 858.67724609 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Running at 152136156 00017039 858.67724609 [8248] ============================================= 00017040 858.68438721 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Running at 151913359 00017041 858.68438721 [8248] ============================================= 00017042 858.68475342 [8248] Devices: Terminating D:\PortableApps\MediaMonkey 5\Plugins\d_iPhone.dll 00017043 858.68988037 [8248] iPod: Disconnected 00017044 858.75836182 [8248] Devices: fQuit called 00017045 858.75878906 [8248] iPod: UpdateDeviceState 00017046 858.75933838 [8248] Devices: fQuit called 00017047 858.76257324 [8248] WMDM: Closing WMDM 00017048 858.76788330 [8248] WMDM: Queueing action id:0 00017049 858.76824951 [8248] WMDM: Removing Device: TOSHIBA EXT, 0:20150716010891F!USB@\\?\swd#wpdbusenum#{db9d2e4a-7780-11e8-bf71-70188bce550c}#0000000000100000#{f33fdc04-d1ac-4e8e-9a30-19bbd4b108ae}$0 00017050 858.76849365 [8248] MM5 [10684](R) BQ: Currently running 10 threads of 10 00017051 858.76910400 [8248] WMDM: Closing Notifications 2 00017052 858.76934814 [8248] WMDM: Closing Dev manager 00017053 858.77465820 [8248] WMDM: All is terminated 00017054 859.96380615 [8248] WMDM: All is finished 00017055 860.00958252 [8248] Devices: fQuit called 00017056 860.00988770 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 2921ms. 00017057 860.00988770 [8248] Task callstack : 00017058 860.01745605 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Previous tasks : 00017059 860.19622803 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Running at 152187421 00017060 860.19622803 [8248] ============================================= 00017061 860.21716309 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Running at 152187109 00017062 860.21716309 [8248] ============================================= 00017063 860.21752930 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Running at 152185031 00017064 860.21752930 [8248] ============================================= 00017065 860.43231201 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Running at 152183281 00017066 860.43231201 [8248] ============================================= 00017067 860.43267822 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Running at 152168734 00017068 860.43267822 [8248] ============================================= 00017069 860.45611572 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Running at 152168546 00017070 860.45611572 [8248] ============================================= 00017071 860.45642090 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Running at 152168531 00017072 860.45642090 [8248] ============================================= 00017073 860.47253418 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Running at 152152812 00017074 860.47253418 [8248] ============================================= 00017075 860.47296143 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Running at 152136156 00017076 860.47296143 [8248] ============================================= 00017077 860.49475098 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 1719ms. 00017078 860.49475098 [8248] Task callstack : 00017079 860.51727295 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Previous tasks : 00017080 860.51757813 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Running at 152187421 00017081 860.51757813 [8248] ============================================= 00017082 860.51800537 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Running at 152186375 00017083 860.51800537 [8248] ============================================= 00017084 860.52557373 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Running at 152185031 00017085 860.52557373 [8248] ============================================= 00017086 860.52600098 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Running at 152168750 00017087 860.52600098 [8248] ============================================= 00017088 860.53143311 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Running at 152168562 00017089 860.53143311 [8248] ============================================= 00017090 860.53405762 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Running at 152168546 00017091 860.53405762 [8248] ============================================= 00017092 860.53436279 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Running at 152168531 00017093 860.53436279 [8248] ============================================= 00017094 860.53466797 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Running at 152141718 00017095 860.53466797 [8248] ============================================= 00017096 860.53967285 [8248] MM5 [9380](R) Running at 152136156 00017097 860.53967285 [8248] ============================================= 00017098 863.34912109 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00017099 867.89849854 [8248] MM5 [3376](R) Exception!! - Not all close events are finished !! took: 11250 | callstack: Origin: UPnP.CloseUPnP. No callstack (MEMECHECKING disabled) (D:\Delphi\MediaMonkeyClean\HTML5Monkey\MediaMonkeyApp.pas, line 3114). 00017100 867.94207764 [9848] TCoolTrayIcon.NotifySystem: Mode = 0 00017101 867.94281006 [9848] TCoolTrayIcon.NotifySystem: Finished 00017102 868.04809570 [8248] MM5 [10872](R) BQ: Added new task. Currently 264 tasks in low priority queue. 00017103 875.86608887 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00017104 875.86621094 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Wait for event ID :3, delay :10000, callstack : 00017105 881.71887207 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Task did not run within defined time. Is going to run after 12468ms. 00017106 881.71887207 [8248] Task callstack : 00017107 881.71978760 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running at 152189265 00017108 881.71978760 [8248] ============================================= 00017109 882.35174561 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running at 152187421 00017110 882.35174561 [8248] ============================================= 00017111 882.45361328 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running at 152186375 00017112 882.45361328 [8248] ============================================= 00017113 889.25830078 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running at 152185031 00017114 889.25830078 [8248] ============================================= 00017115 889.35412598 [8248] MM5 [6976](R) Still waiting for event (callstacks) : 00017116 889.56958008 [8248] MM5 [7920](R) Running at 152183281 00017117 889.56958008 [8248] =============================================