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0011085MMW v4Framework: Scripts/Extensionspublic2013-09-03 12:03
Reporterzvezdan Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0011085: IsntInDB always returns False, SongID and ID always return -1 for files in My Computer
DescriptionI know this is old stuff, since MM2, and maybe it would break many compatibilities in existing scripts if you change their behavior. However, I really don't understand why we have some property named IsntInDB which always returns the same False value, not matter if file is in DB or not. I tried even this:

Dim oSongData
Set oSongData = SDB.NewSongData
oSongData.Path = "c:\blahblah.mp3"
MsgBox oSongData.IsntInDB

and I got the same False value, even when "c:\blahblah.mp3" doesn't exist. What is the point of such property then?

SongID and ID properties are somewhat better, even if they return -1 for all files from My Computer, not matter if some belong to DB or not, but I suppose it would be time consuming to check DB existence for each file using some SQL filtering, so maybe it is better to leave that test to scripters. However, I am wondering why we have two properties that always return the same value, i.e. SongsID is equal to ID for each file that I tried. It is confusing and your Wiki description doesn't clarify that.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build



2013-09-03 12:03

updater   ~0037408

It is strange enough that SongID and ID properties return the real ID value for tracks that are already entered to the Library even when the tracklist displays some node from My Computer if you read them in the OnPlay event handler.

Here is my (shortest) script, "Add to Library on Play", slightly modified:

Option Explicit

Sub OnStartup()
    Script.RegisterEvent SDB, "OnPlay", "OnPlay"
End Sub

Sub OnPlay()
    Dim oSongData

    Set oSongData = SDB.SelectedSongList.Item(0)
' Set oSongData = SDB.Player.CurrentSong
    If oSongData Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
SDB.MessageBox oSongData.ID & vbCr & oSongData.SongID, _
        mtInformation, Array(mbOK)
    If oSongData.IsntInDB Or oSongData.SongID = -1 Then
    End If
End Sub

Steps to reproduce:
- select some node from My Computer;
- select some track in tracklist that is previously entered to the Library;
- choose Play Now -> you will get the message telling the actual track ID.

However, if you try this code:

Option Explicit

Sub OnStartUp
   Dim oMenuItem

   SDB.UI.AddMenuItemSep SDB.UI.Menu_Pop_NP, 1, 1
   Set oMenuItem = SDB.UI.AddMenuItem(SDB.UI.Menu_Pop_NP, 1, 1)
   oMenuItem.IconIndex = 37
   oMenuItem.Caption = "Add to the Library"
   oMenuItem.Enabled = True
   oMenuItem.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
   oMenuItem.OnClickFunc = "AddToLibrary"

   SDB.UI.AddMenuItemSep SDB.UI.Menu_Pop_TrackList, 1, 1
   Set oMenuItem = SDB.UI.AddMenuItem(SDB.UI.Menu_Pop_TrackList, 1, 1)
   oMenuItem.IconIndex = 37
   oMenuItem.Caption = "Add to the Library"
   oMenuItem.Enabled = True
   oMenuItem.UseScript = Script.ScriptPath
   oMenuItem.OnClickFunc = "AddToLibrary"
End Sub

Sub AddToLibrary(oMenu)
    Dim oSonglist
    Dim oSongData
    Dim i

    Set oSonglist = SDB.SelectedSongList
    For i = 0 to oSonglist.Count-1
        Set oSongData = oSonglist.Item(i)
SDB.MessageBox oSongData.ID & vbCr & oSongData.SongID, _
        mtInformation, Array(mbOK)
        If oSongData.IsntInDB Or oSongData.SongID = -1 Then
        End If
End Sub

then with the next steps:
- select some node from My Computer;
- select some track that is previously entered to the Library;
- choose Add to Library from popup menu -> you would get -1 for ID.

By the way, IsntInDB is always False, in both cases.