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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0013223MMW 5Generalpublic2022-09-14 14:39
Reporterrusty Assigned To 
Status feedbackResolutionopen 
Product Version5.0 
Target Version2026 
Summary0013223: Means of browsing tree content even if the tree is collapsed
DescriptionMM5 is designed to be able to work well even when the tree is collapsed, however, this capability is somewhat limited for the My Computer and Playlist nodes, as tree functionality is inaccessible if those nodes are collapsed. This results in:
- The user is forced to navigate large icons down through a tree hierarchy which takes a lot of time and will annoy power users
- It's not possible to drag and drop between nodes

Possible solutions:
a) Implement a tree/listview in the right-hand panel for navigation that functions similar to the tree in Windows Explorer
b) Jiri proposed adoption of a master-detail view that allows for > 1 level of hierarchy to display:
"Maybe we could make the tree appearance related to the selected view, i.e. for views that don't present the full hierarchy, the tree would allow user to browser to complete hierarchy, but when user switches to the 'master-detail' view, which already contains the tree, the main tree would become simplified (or collapse?), i.e. My Computer would no longer have any sub-nodes. Makes sense? Isn't too complicated?"

We may decide to push this depending on feedback/experience considering that the users still have the option of expanding the tree to workaround this limitation.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build


related to 0017810 closedLudek User is not aware how to enable power scroll on Media Tree (like in MM4) 



2016-04-13 08:59

administrator   ~0044437

Decreasing priority for now, let's review further based on feedback.


2020-07-10 00:34

developer   ~0058845

I am not sure if this is still relevant at all?

As pointed in 0013222:0058844 user now can control how he browse. Especially in browser views wher user can fully remove tree nodes while Address bar can be used for browsing.