View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0019674MMW 5Tracklistpublic2025-02-07 16:49
Reporterpeke Assigned To 
PrioritynoneSeverityminorReproducibilityunable to reproduce
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Target Version2024.1Fixed in Version2024.1 
Summary0019674: Playlists sometimes gets blank after copy/paste tracks
DescriptionUser at Ticket # 5276 have issue that Playlist gets blank after Paste tracks in Playlist.

He supplied Screen cast in Ticket, but I am not able to replicate on my PC and based on supplied video Past is executed normally , but playlist view do not get refreshed correctly for him.
Additional InformationTicket # 5276
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build



2023-01-02 08:46

developer   ~0070778

Last edited: 2023-01-02 08:58

I cannot reproduce too. Based on screencast it is LV display issue, items are generated, scrollbar is moving, but items "think", they are off-screen, and do not render. Maybe related to some display resolution combination or more monitors?


2023-01-02 19:24

developer   ~0070787

Last edited: 2023-01-02 19:29

As we cannot reproduce (tried me, Peke, Luděk and Petr), we need to debug it directly with user and find what is specific in his case. Peke will try to debug it with him, if user allows it. Otherwise I would close it, until somebody finds how to reproduce, it seems to be something very specific to this one user.


2025-02-07 02:01

developer   ~0078194

Retested in 3104


2025-02-07 16:49

developer   ~0078213

Verified 3105 unable to replicate.