View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0019720MMW 5Playlistspublic2025-02-26 00:05
Reporterpeke Assigned To 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2024.0 
Target Version2026Fixed in Version2026 
Summary0019720: Adding NOW PLAYING node to DLNA served content may be useful
DescriptionWe should add NOW PLAYING to DLNA

Some devices (Denon/Onkyo AVR are known to have issues due the lack of HEOS API support) do not support casting or be DLNA renderer and only way to play Selected tracks from Now Playing is to create special static playlist and copy tracks to it or use device interface to recreate Now playing playlist.

Most of such devices are capable to Browse and play from DLNA Server, so if we add "Now Playing" in main list when MM5 server is accessed over DLNA (just list it as last one) it will allow user to easily play tracks and easily continue playback on DLNA device what he/she listened on MM.

1. in study room Play music on MM5 -> populate now playing with music you want to listen for the rest of the evening
2. stop playback and go to living room power on Denon AVR
3. Play music from LAN
4. Select MM5 server -> Now Playing -> Play -> Enjoy

This approach allow users to quickly prepare list of tracks for its current listening mood, without going thru process of creating playlist with tracks and then Search thru them on DLNA Device, but quickly switch from device to device.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build3402


related to 0009045 new MMA Bi-di sync of Now Playing 



2025-02-06 21:39

administrator   ~0078182

Ludek, what do you think? Sounds easy and could be useful to add 'Now Playing (Server)' ... as an item.


2025-02-16 20:44

developer   ~0078282

Last edited: 2025-02-16 20:45

OK, sounds reasonable to add 'Now Playing' as a new item here (unchecked by default):
image.png (32,560 bytes)   
image.png (32,560 bytes)   


2025-02-26 00:05

developer   ~0078369

Last edited: 2025-02-26 00:05

Added 'Playing' node as first (checked by default) in build 3402
image-2.png (27,221 bytes)   
image-2.png (27,221 bytes)