View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0019745 | MMW 5 | Now Playing | public | 2023-01-21 12:41 | 2025-02-06 19:22 |
Reporter | peke | Assigned To | |||
Priority | high | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | always |
Status | feedback | Resolution | open | ||
Target Version | 2024.2 | ||||
Summary | 0019745: File metadata is not predicted on File load and shows blank (Regression) | ||||
Description | If user D&D FLAC file and its metadata is empty then it is shown as blank in Now Playing Expected is that metadata guessed based on Filename/path (if selected) instead of showing empty. NOTE: Even Sample file have deliberate wasted bits it is happening on all FLAC files without VORBIS TAG. | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
Attached Files | |||||
Fixed in build | |||||
Please retest, I cannot reproduce, clean build 2690 shows correctly title "wasted bits" for given file. Maybe something was changed in options? |
You are correct Infer properties is disabled for me. 0. Disable Infer properties in Tools -> Options -> Library 1. Download file from this post (to be sure it is same one you tested) 2. Drag and Drop to Now Playing 3. They Show Empty due the Options Setting Even Disabled infer track properties should fill Title with filename in case no metadata is found in File, just to avoid bunch of empty entries in playlist. |
No, it should not, it would make setting "infer properties" not working and nearly useless. In case user does not want to guess properties from filename, he/she switch this setting off. We cannot guess properties in this case, that would be contrary to this setting. But assigning to Rusty for final decision. |
I agree, problem arises when user ends with 1k+ of empty tracks in Now playing adding Full Filename+extension to title would clearly point that there is no tags and that it needs editing. |
In case user does not want to see this, he/she should simply consider switching infer properties on, as for this purpose it was made... |
Infer track properties are often non working especially on downloaded folders or web stream links which can end corrupting library and correct metadata of files in same folder. |
Then we should somehow improve infer track properties? As if I understand correctly, fixing this issue as suggested would in fact disable the workaround for the mentioned issue by switching infer properties off. |
I guess that adding filename+extension into Title (eg. "queen_-miracle.mp3") will clearly tell user that tags are incorrect especially as Artist will be empty in case infer properties off. Current behavior should be left same for adding to library as as @michal pointed it would break workaround of disabling infer properties and Files to Edit -> Title missing will be incorrect. So this is fix only needs to affect Now Playing |
We should not differentiate between Now Playing and other tracklists and display different titles there, it would be confusing and inconsistent. But you can simply use Playing list layout "List" and display filename there. Or as I said before, resolve issue you have with infer track properties, if possible. |
No, it is not possible as user do not save tags with MM and re-scanning with infer on completely rewrite correct tags for files in library which is not acceptable for him. Changing multiple layouts for playing is not as easy he needs quick way to D&D track to Now Playing and to know which file is which and which actually do not have tags in files. I used MP3 without tags and he mostly have WAV and AIFF. |
I agree with Michal. But Peke, I don't understand why the user can leave infer properties enabled, and set MM to not update tags. Wouldn't that solve all issues? |
Recently one of users asked me if there is a way to prevent MM to write anything to tags as that triggers re uploading them to cloud using limited bandwidth, also many Video files do not have metadata written and that leaves empty info so users can't see which file is which. Simple filename in Title would be enough for user to know which file is which eg. if no readable metadata then add filename to title. Which means Infer track properties is always enabled in such case. Tested Winamp, AIMP and many others just fill filename instead of empty and tehyt do not have Infer metadata reading like MM |