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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0019800MMAPlaybackpublic2024-06-27 16:02
Reporterrusty Assigned To 
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version2.0.0 
Target Version2.0.2 
Summary0019800: 'Shuffle all' may not be completely random
DescriptionThere have been numerous complaints in the forums about the fact that shuffling isn't random. Based on the report at I tested this out as follows:

1 Navigate to a playlist of 1000 tracks
2 'Tap Shuffle All'
3 Record the list of tracks that appear in the Playing Queue
Repeat 5x

--> The Shuffle All functionality (in this scenario) is definitely not random! After doing this just 5x, I found that on 3 occasions the first 20 tracks contained multiple tracks (2 tracks, and on one occasion 3 tracks!) from the same album or same Artist. Even stranger, the tracks were _consecutive_!!

Is it possible that there's a non-random element to the algorithm?
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Fixed in build


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