View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0020108MMAAction barpublic2025-01-29 11:01
Reporterrusty Assigned To 
Status resolvedResolutionreopened 
Product Version2.0.0 
Target Version2.0.3Fixed in Version2.0.3 
Summary0020108: Play shuffled FAB can be positioned a bit to the left to obscure less metadata
DescriptionOne user suggested moving it a bit to the left so that it obscures less metadata re. ratings and track time.

It's a minor issue, and it'll still obscure metadata in other views, but I agree that it probably makes sense to move it a bit to the left to obsure less (centered on the border between ratings and track title--pretty much directly above the Play button in the miniplayer).
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build1227



2025-01-10 14:50

developer   ~0077925

Fixed in build


2025-01-17 03:08

administrator   ~0077967

This is from build 1226--is it displaying as you'd intended?
MMA_fab_button.jpg (125,109 bytes)   
MMA_fab_button.jpg (125,109 bytes)   


2025-01-17 09:27

developer   ~0077970

The change was not merged from the trunk to the 2.0.3 branch.
So the change will be included in the next beta.