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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0020235MMANow Playingpublic2024-06-27 15:59
Reporterrusty Assigned To 
Status feedbackResolutionopen 
Product Version2.0.0 
Target Version2.0.3 
Summary0020235: Tablet Landscape Playing view [Queue] / [Lyrics]: should display Art on large screens
DescriptionIf MMA is running on a large screen device such as a large tablet or a chromebook, then the Playing [Queue] and Playing [Lyrics] views have a lot of empty space on the right side (see attached image). In such cases, it would be preferable if the right side of the view displayed artwork in a similar manner to how it's normally displayed in Playing [Art] portrait view.

The only questionable aspect of this approach is whether it'll interfere with the slide transitions between Queue/Art/Lyric views. I'm thinking that it might be feasible if the right-side artwork would just fade-in/fade-out (i.e. the right-side layout would remain constant across all three views).
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Fixed in build


related to 0020478 resolvedmartin Tablet mode: menu cannot always be closed 
