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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0020352MMW 5Otherpublic2024-06-16 22:18
Reporterzvezdan Assigned To 
PriorityurgentSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionreopened 
Product Version5.1 
Target Version5.1Fixed in Version5.1 
Summary0020352: Show dropdown in Addon dialog box doesn't work correctly, i.e. it empties the list
DescriptionIf I choose Configurable or User-installed, the list will be emptied and it will stay empty even if I choose All after that. It will repopulate only if I reopen that dialog box.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build3030


related to 0020685 closedmichal Album art is not alwys displayed for some tracks 
related to 0013908 closedLudek Extensions: Addons Site browsable directly from MMW 
related to 0020940 closedLudek Addons dialog doesn't show anything (b3021) 



2023-12-06 21:44

developer   ~0073732

I am unable to replicate, is this still the case in the latest build?


2023-12-20 22:50

updater   ~0073926

Here it is, still in b2828.

By the way, after several openings of the Addons dialog box, they are displayed without icons, which you could see on the screenshot. Further reopening of that dialog box didn't make them appear, but only restart of the program.


2023-12-27 12:49

updater   ~0073964

It is not resolved in b2829.


2024-01-02 16:16

developer   ~0073984

Last edited: 2024-01-02 16:17

I still can't replicate, but found a code tweak that could cause this..

Fixed in 2830, so please re-test once 2830 is available.


2024-03-25 12:46

developer   ~0074784

Verified 3007

Unable to replicate.


2024-03-25 15:32

updater   ~0074802

It is still happening with 3005. The screencast will follow...


2024-03-25 15:35

updater   ~0074803

Here it is the screencast, with the about dialog box.

By the way, after several openings of the Addons dialog box, they are displayed without icons, which you could see on the screenshot. Further reopening of that dialog box didn't make them appear, but only restart of the program. Yeah, I copied this text. Should I open another issue for this bug?


2024-04-09 15:52

developer   ~0075045

I am still unable to replicate, it looks like MM5 has trouble accessing your filesystem for loading the icons and addons (from HDD or where it is located),
could you please attach also debug log generated using DbgView?

FYI: I added progress circle for the next build 3014..


2024-04-09 16:07

updater   ~0075049

Last edited: 2024-04-09 16:10

I have attached the debug log to one post in another issue report (0020685), which was generated while using this Show option. You didn't answer if you downloaded that file.

I am wondering how 5.0.4 didn't have this problem with my filesystem, as I mentioned in the last post in that other issue.


2024-05-13 14:29

developer   ~0075406

Was most probably the same cause as in 0020685, resolved in 3021, please test again.


2024-05-23 21:37

developer   ~0075500

Verified 3021


2024-05-30 16:07

updater   ~0075640

With b3027, when I choose Configurable or User-installed, the progress circle appears in the top-right corner and nothing is happening, even with the fresh portable installation without any addon added.


2024-05-30 18:26

developer   ~0075645

Last edited: 2024-05-30 18:26

I cannot reproduce, tried new installation too and it simply loads and displays addons. User-installed is empty for fresh installation, as no user addon was installed yet.
If progress circle is still displaying, it means, it still scans folder for existing addons, it can last several seconds.


2024-05-30 18:57

updater   ~0075646

The progress circle is briefly shown when I open that dialog box until it finishes adding items to the list. However, if I choose Configurable or User-installed, the progress circle could stay forever and nothing will change.


2024-05-31 08:50

updater   ~0075653

What happened with this dialog box between and I tried to compare relevant js files and they are mostly unchanged, e.g. dlgAddonConfig.js and dlgExtensions.js. However, when I open that dialog box in these two versions with empty Portable folder, they have different behavior: Show dropdown list has much more items in 5.0.4 and Configurable option works fine. MM5.1.0 had this problem started.

I have also tried to search all js/html files for string "User-installed" and got no result. Where is it stored?
Addons All (35,524 bytes)   
Addons All (35,524 bytes)   
Addons All (41,016 bytes)   
Addons All (41,016 bytes)   


2024-05-31 09:04

developer   ~0075654

Last edited: 2024-05-31 09:04

Configurable and User-installed are default categories, the rest of categories are collected from existing addons. After initial addons scan the dropdown is filled with all found categories (it has now even more categories than in 5.0.4).
I.e. in your case it seems it fails to scan existing Addons for some reason. It seems you are the only one who experiences this.


2024-05-31 09:15

developer   ~0075655

Last edited: 2024-05-31 11:22

Ludek, please look at this. It seems between 5.0.4 and 5.1 there was change in addon handling - you added downloading from web and adjusted addons location handling. Not sure what could block reading of addons this way, but could be related to this new functionality.


2024-05-31 12:41

updater   ~0075656

I have two questions regarding scanning that you are mentioning:
1. the program correctly scans and displays the existing addons every time when I open this dialog box (All); how it scans correctly for all addons, but not for some particular category?
2. after I choose Configurable and its fails to display such addons, if I choose All in the dropdown again, none addon will be displayed (until reopening of dialog); why it is not working correctly with the same condition?


2024-06-04 19:51

developer   ~0075740

I am unable to replicate:
@Zvezdan: please generate DbgView log using build 3027 , there is probably some sort of issue accessing in your environment..


2024-06-04 19:55

updater   ~0075743

What do you mean by accessing http://? My MM has disabled access to Internet.


2024-06-04 20:31

developer   ~0075747

ok, thx, this is the difference..
Now I can also replicate the issue (after disconnecting from the internet)..


2024-06-04 20:59

developer   ~0075750

Hmm, at first I could replicate the same as you (spinning progress circle) and no addons for 30 seconds after disconnecting from the internet, but I can't no longer replicate even if I am disconnected.
It is quite mysterious, but disconnecting from the internet seems an important step to replicate...


2024-06-05 16:30

developer   ~0075780

Alhough I can no longer replicate even with disabled internet connection I have made a tweak that should prevent the issue from happening.

So please re-test in 3029 whether you are still seeing it and in case of an issue generate DbgView log.


2024-06-07 17:43

updater   ~0075832

It still happens in 3029. And after Configurable, if I choose All again, it will not show anything.


2024-06-10 13:27

developer   ~0075857

Fixed in 3030


2024-06-12 15:44

updater   ~0075931



2024-06-16 22:18

developer   ~0076016

Verified 3031