View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0020678 | MMW 5 | Playback | public | 2024-03-04 13:18 | 2025-03-11 20:10 |
Reporter | Ludek | Assigned To | |||
Priority | urgent | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | always |
Status | feedback | Resolution | reopened | ||
Product Version | 5.0 | ||||
Target Version | 2026 | Fixed in Version | 2024.1 | ||
Summary | 0020678: Inform user that player Pop-up display is not shown when focus assist is on | ||||
Description | Recently I debugged why player Pop-up display is not showing for me.. Later I realized that it was because of 0018236 User should be informed that the focus assist is the reason for not showing the Pop-up a) either directly in Options > Player > Pop-up display OR b) via toast message directly in main window Probably a) is preferrable | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
Fixed in build | 3106 | ||||
I agree that it shouldn't appear in a pop-up, however, there won't be much to show in the Options > Player > Pop-up config because if the user is running MM, then presumably Windows is no longer in full-screen mode. Were you thinking about editing the contextual help? OR would it be sufficient to communicate this in the online help? I lean towards the latter. |
If MediaMonkey is aware of Focus Assist, then I'd rather see the Pop-up settings disabled/greyed out in MM with message that Focus Assist needs to disabled. Added note to help about this. |
OK, I hidden the Popup-display settings entirely when focus assist is ON (to eliminate a confusion) => in build 3106 Feel free to re-open to add a message about the need to disable focus assist (with 2026 target) |
Verified, message would definitely be needed. Would it be possible to check Focus Assist setting each time Player is selected in Options: 1. Enable Focus Assist 2. Open Options > Player --> Popup settings hidden 3. Disable Focus Assist 4. Select Hotkeys 5. Select Player again --> Pop-up settings still hidden, despite Focus Assist being disabled. |
Assigned to Rusty for wording suggestion re the message for 2026 |