View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0020678MMW 5Playbackpublic2025-03-11 20:10
ReporterLudek Assigned To 
Status feedbackResolutionreopened 
Product Version5.0 
Target Version2026Fixed in Version2024.1 
Summary0020678: Inform user that player Pop-up display is not shown when focus assist is on
DescriptionRecently I debugged why player Pop-up display is not showing for me..
Later I realized that it was because of 0018236

User should be informed that the focus assist is the reason for not showing the Pop-up
a) either directly in Options > Player > Pop-up display
b) via toast message directly in main window

Probably a) is preferrable
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build3106


related to 0018236 closedpetr MM5 do not respect Windows Focus Assist settings 
has duplicate 0021043 resolvedpeke Pop-up do not show on pressing next/prev (Regression) 



2025-02-06 19:43

administrator   ~0078175

I agree that it shouldn't appear in a pop-up, however, there won't be much to show in the Options > Player > Pop-up config because if the user is running MM, then presumably Windows is no longer in full-screen mode.

Were you thinking about editing the contextual help? OR would it be sufficient to communicate this in the online help? I lean towards the latter.


2025-02-07 18:16

developer   ~0078221

If MediaMonkey is aware of Focus Assist, then I'd rather see the Pop-up settings disabled/greyed out in MM with message that Focus Assist needs to disabled.

Added note to help about this.


2025-02-09 21:01

developer   ~0078229

Last edited: 2025-02-09 21:04

OK, I hidden the Popup-display settings entirely when focus assist is ON (to eliminate a confusion)
=> in build 3106

Feel free to re-open to add a message about the need to disable focus assist (with 2026 target)


2025-02-10 17:31

developer   ~0078234

Verified, message would definitely be needed.

Would it be possible to check Focus Assist setting each time Player is selected in Options:
1. Enable Focus Assist
2. Open Options > Player
--> Popup settings hidden
3. Disable Focus Assist
4. Select Hotkeys
5. Select Player again
--> Pop-up settings still hidden, despite Focus Assist being disabled.


2025-03-11 20:10

developer   ~0078462

Assigned to Rusty for wording suggestion re the message for 2026