View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0020788MMW 5Main Panelpublic2024-05-28 21:04
Reporterzvezdan Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionreopened 
Target Version5.1Fixed in Version5.1 
Summary0020788: Artists and Albums in Browser view should have showMore/showLess icons instead of v and >
DescriptionUsing buttons with showMore/showLess icons will make Artists / Albums sections of Browser view more consistent to the Top tracks section. In such case Artists / Albums text in header should not have clickable class.

You should avoid using characters for such things. What the Latin "v" letter has in common with the collapse function? Or the greater symbol (">") with the expand function? We are not using DOS anymore, which needed characters to draw everything.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build3022


related to 0020920 closedLudek Unclicking '>' in the breadcrumb bar doesn't work 



2024-04-22 20:26

developer   ~0075203

Last edited: 2024-04-22 20:27

Could you please specify which Browser view are you referring?
I can't find the >, V icons, the is just '(see all)' appendix..
image.png (377,882 bytes)


2024-04-22 20:56

updater   ~0075204

Last edited: 2024-04-22 21:01

Entire Library > Genres > any genre.

The ">" character is on the end of "Artist (...)" / Album (...) headers. If you click on any of them, they will expand and they will show "v" character on the end.
Any genre - Browser view.png (13,337 bytes)   
Any genre - Browser view.png (13,337 bytes)   


2024-04-22 21:11

updater   ~0075207

Last edited: 2024-04-22 21:15

Reminder sent to: Ludek

I have added a note (I noticed just now the Send a Reminder button).

Edit: Well, it was not what I expected. It seems I cannot request a Feedback.


2024-05-03 14:51

developer   ~0075335

Please just assign the issue to me..


2024-05-03 15:13

updater   ~0075336

Would be so kind and tell me how?


2024-05-03 15:45

developer   ~0075338

Fixed in 3020


2024-05-10 20:01

administrator   ~0075384

Last edited: 2024-05-10 21:01

This is fixed for Genres, although I have mixed feeling about this change: graphically it looks better, but from a usability perspective, it's not totally clear whether the icon represents the intended action or the status. But I suppose we can leave it for now though the following issues remain:
a) the same issue applies to Years > <decade> [Browser view] (Albums there are listed in the 'old' style).
b) In Years > <decade> [Browser view], the button appears for 'Top tracks' but isn't aligned correctly
c) In some views (e.g. Audiobooks > Genres > Blues) two buttons appear without an associated attribute
d) In some views that contain very little content, the buttons appear but do nothing (since there's no content to expand/collapse)

Raised to 'urgent' due to c) / d)


2024-05-10 20:01

administrator   ~0075385

Last edited: 2024-05-10 20:04

Issue c)
image-2.png (262,409 bytes)


2024-05-10 20:05

administrator   ~0075386

Issue d)
image-3.png (331,924 bytes)


2024-05-14 18:39

developer   ~0075424

Fixed in 3021


2024-05-17 17:43

administrator   ~0075448

Tested 2021 and most issues are resolved except that d) still isn't in some cases. e.g.
1 Set the width of the tracklist to display 6 Artists/Albums
2 Navigate to a Music > Genres > GenreName that contains 6 artists and 6 albums
Both Artists and Albums appear with the 'v' button!


2024-05-17 17:43

administrator   ~0075449

image-4.png (694,732 bytes)


2024-05-20 12:30

developer   ~0075462

Fixed in 3022


2024-05-28 21:04

administrator   ~0075611

Verified 3026.