View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0020842 | MMW 5 | Now Playing | public | 2024-04-10 18:27 | 2025-02-26 18:45 |
Reporter | lowlander | Assigned To | |||
Priority | urgent | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | random |
Status | assigned | Resolution | reopened | ||
Product Version | 2024.0 | ||||
Target Version | 2024.2 | Fixed in Version | 2024.0 | ||
Summary | 0020842: Playing node can load in random order (no Shuffle enabled) | ||||
Description | The Playing node, set to List can show files in random order while the Playing window shows the correct order, despite no Shuffle being enabled. This is not consistently reproducible, but has been seen multiple times over several recent releases. | ||||
Steps To Reproduce | 1 Switch from some other node (often CD) to Playing node in the Media Tree --> Expect files to show in order (Playing window does), but instead get a randomized list 2 Wait --> Playing automatically switched to correct order (other times I've navigated to another node and back to Playing to fix) | ||||
Additional Information | Possibly related: | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
Fixed in build | 3021 | ||||
The problem can be reproduced rarely on large DB, large NP list and somehow overloaded PC. Repro steps then. 1) place few thousands of tracks to NP list 2) open Playing node, wait for load 3) go to different node, change contents of NP list (e.g. resort, randomize it, etc.) 4) go to Playing node - it displays old list with wrong order and later it refreshes it with new correct list We need copy of the list in Playing node (so temporary resort correctly works then) and it can take some time to do it sometimes. Will try to improve it. |
Fixed in build 3015. I think I have finally found the original problem. It was related to Reverse list and Shuffle actions made before displaying the Playing node. In case you reproduce it again, please try to write what last actions with NP list did you do just before the problem. But I hope it will be ok now, I cannot reproduce it more. |
I do not use Shuffle, nor re-order Playing. I only add and remove Albums. |
I've not seen it in a while, but just saw it twice on 3015. The first it was briefly shown randomized, the second time it took longer to show in the correct order. New log in same place. |
Still see this on 3018. |
Hopefully fixed in build 3021. I have found most probable reason, it caused also 0020923. |
I'm unable to replicate in 3021.. Leaving for Lowlander to confirm/close. |
Just observed on 3024, in this case files were incorrectly sorted within their Album. It fixed itself quickly. New log added. |
See this rarely now, but just happened twice in a row on 3027. Playing is sorted on Title, instead of Playlist order when first selecting the Playing node. It takes a bit to show correct order. |
Seen again on 3029. Playing node did not auto-fix to the correct order till F5 was used. |
I added some debug message. I cannot reproduce, but some changes were made, please test in build 3036 and we will see, whether it still happens. In case it happens, I need debug log, thanks. |
It did happen on 3036 once, unfortunately no debug log. |
Closing as it hasn't been observed in several builds now. |
Just seen seen on 3065, new log added. |
Possibly related: |
I most probably found the cause, finally. It is related to newer handling of sorting and to reproduce it, it needs to be on slower system, very large NP list, and special timing. Assigned to Petr to look at it, we will need to improve handling of our async sorting to avoid this. |