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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021080MMW 5Now Playingpublic2024-07-18 18:42
Reporterrusty Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2024.0 
Target Version2024.0Fixed in Version2024.0 
Summary0021080: Using the context menu via the keyboard triggers playback
DescriptionWhen selecting tracks and performing a contextual action on them via the keyboard, MMW will, when the contextual action is being performed without reselecting the tracks, trigger the contextual action + playback of the selected tracks. This occurs consistently.
Steps To Reproduce1 Initiate playback of Playlist X
2 Navigate to Music > All files
3 Using the keyboard (SHIFT-DOWN ARROW) select tracks A,B,C
4 Using the keyboard, activate the context menu
5 Using the keyboard, navigate to 'Tag from filename..' (or "Organize files...' or presumably any other command that opens a dialog), and press ENTER to activate the command
--> the dialog associated with the command opens
6 Using the keyboard, navigate to the 'Cancel' button and press ENTER to cancel out of the dialog
7 Repeat steps 4 & 5
--> This time, the dialog associated with the command opens AND tracks A, B, C start playing!

Additional InformationA similar bug was fixed earlier in the 5.1 dev cycle but I can't find it.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build3037



2024-07-13 11:27

developer   ~0076277

Seems to be regression, which started cca 1.5yrs ago after migration from Chromium 98 to 109. After this change Enter keydown event sometimes happens in the context menu window and in original window simultaneously for some reason. Assigning to Petr to analyze.


2024-07-17 14:44

developer   ~0076300



2024-07-18 18:42

developer   ~0076333

Verified on 3037.