View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021130MMW 5Tracklistpublic2024-08-05 21:36
Reporterrusty Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2024.0 
Target Version2024.0Fixed in Version2024.0 
Summary0021130: Contextual search causes focus to be lost from nodes
DescriptionIf the user uses UP / DOWN arrow keys to navigate between nodes it normally works correctly, except in the case where the user navigates from a node that has had a contextual search performed. In that case, focus switches to the tracklist.
Steps To Reproduce1 Click Music > All files [List]
2 Use DOWN ARROW to navigate to Music > Albums [Grid]
3 Use DOWN ARROW to navigate to Music > Genres [Grid]
4 Press UP ARROW 2x to navigate back to Music > All filest [List]
--> in all cases, the UP/DOWN arrow functions as expected
5 In Music > All files [List], type 'Blues' and press ENTER
--> view updates as expected
6 Press SHIFT-TAB 2x in order to move focus back to the Music > All files node
7 Use DOWN ARROW to navigate to Music > Albums [Grid]
--> Focus switches to the tracklist making it impossible to continue navigating the tree using the UP / DOWN arrows!
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build3042


related to 0019575 closedLudek Pressing Enter in the search bar should move focus to the resulted items 



2024-08-03 22:29

developer   ~0076572

Fixed in 3042


2024-08-05 21:36

developer   ~0076587

Verified on 3042.