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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021166MMW 5Playbackpublic2025-02-11 14:14
Reporterlowlander Assigned To 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2024.0 
Target Version2024.2Fixed in Version2024.2 
Summary0021166: Removing Start Time does not update Remaining time and Waveform
DescriptionWhen you play a file with a set Start time, the Player will show a cut Waveform from that Start Time. When you Stop playback, remove Start Time, start Playback, the Waveform is not updated to show full file. Time remaining is also based on previous cut playback time.

1 Waveform needs to be updated for current file in Player if Start/Stop time is modified,
2 Time remaining needs to be updated

A better solution (would be for 5.2) is to show the full Waveform (or Seek bar), but visually indicated (greyed out) the parts of the file reserved for Start Time/Stop Time. This would solve part of the above issue. It would add the benefit that a user can manually seek outside of the limits set by Start/Stop which are currently unavailable to the user.
Steps To Reproduce1 Set a Start Time of 1:00 on file
2 Play file 30s, then Stop playback
3 Set Start Time to 0:00
4 Start Playback
--> Waveform and Time Remaining work of previously set Start Time.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build3150


related to 0020073 feedbackpeke Seekbar do not follow Start/Stop Time settings 
related to 0021167 resolvedmichal Bookmarking fails to set correct time with Start Time set 
related to 0021168 resolvedmichal A Bookmark past Stop Time won't allow MediaMonkey to play the file 



2025-02-11 14:14

developer   ~0078246

Fixed in build 3150. "Better solution" not implemented yet, not sure if this is desirable, it could significantly reduce active part of seekbar (e.g. if user selected by startTime/stopTime only one chapter of 10-chapters audiobook, 9/10 of the seekbar will be greyed out... )