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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021167MMW 5Playbackpublic2025-02-11 10:54
Reporterlowlander Assigned To 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2024.0 
Target Version2024.2Fixed in Version2024.2 
Summary0021167: Bookmarking fails to set correct time with Start Time set
DescriptionIf you enable Bookmarking, play a file for 10 seconds, then set a Start Time of 1:00 playback is restarted at 1.10s. This is unexpected. Playback should either restart at:

A. 1.00 as Bookmark is prior to this, but Start Time should be respected
B. 0.10 as the Bookmark should be respected instead
Steps To Reproduce1 Enable Bookmarking
2 Play file for 0.10 and then Stop playback
3 Set Start Time for file to 1:00
4 Start Playback
--> File starts at 1:10, Start Time and Bookmarking are added together
Additional Information
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build3150


related to 0021166 resolvedmichal Removing Start Time does not update Remaining time and Waveform 
related to 0019227 closedmichal Last bit of a song is cut, if bookmarking is enabled. 
related to 0020073 feedbackpeke Seekbar do not follow Start/Stop Time settings 
related to 0020226 closedLudek CUE part fails to cast when auto-conversion is involved 
related to 0021168 resolvedmichal A Bookmark past Stop Time won't allow MediaMonkey to play the file 



2025-02-06 15:13

developer   ~0078161

It will be quite risky change, this behavior was there long time. Postponed to 2024.2. In case I will manage to do good working fix, I could merge it to 2024.1, but currently I am not sure some safe fix is possible.


2025-02-11 10:54

developer   ~0078242

Fixed in build 3150. MM plays from the bookmarked position. As seekbar shows from startTime, it can show negative time in this case (as it plays audio before actual startTime).