View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021372MMW 5Playbackpublic2025-02-07 01:53
Reportermichal Assigned To 
PriorityurgentSeverityminorReproducibilityunable to reproduce
Status feedbackResolutionopen 
Product Version2024.0 
Target Version2024.2 
Summary0021372: Possible memory leaks during nonstop playback of many tracks
DescriptionOne user is playing nonstop tracks and reported, that number of allocated handles and memory very slowly increases, until crash few days later.
It seems to be affected by more external things - playing in vmware virtual machine, setting "Device Default Effects", version of Windows (worst in 24H2, better in 23H2).
He uses WASAPI plugin output plugin.
We should analyze it more, whether we could somehow improve it.
Additional InformationTicket 8006
Ticket 7952
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build


related to 0021320 resolvedmichal Inspect memory leaks during (re-)scanning 



2024-11-20 19:04

developer   ~0077707

Peke please try to test it, details in both tickets. As it is different in each system configuration and affected by many things, we at first need to find out, whether it could be somehow replicated sooner than after a few days of playback and whether it is affected by output plugin or source file formats.


2025-02-07 01:53

developer   ~0078191

Rescheduled to review for 2024.2 because we further improved RAM behavior in 2024.1