View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0021384 | MMW 5 | General | public | 2024-12-02 22:02 | 2025-01-27 17:02 |
Reporter | Ludek | Assigned To | |||
Priority | urgent | Severity | major | Reproducibility | always |
Status | closed | Resolution | fixed | ||
Product Version | 2024.0 | ||||
Target Version | 2024.1 | Fixed in Version | 2024.1 | ||
Summary | 0021384: HW acceleration option takes no effect (regression?) | ||||
Description | 1) Go to Options > Performance and disable HW acceleration 2) Restart MediaMonkey 3) Go to '3D Album view' and scroll the albums => GPU is still used in Task manager (unexpected) Expected: There should be 0% in the GPU row (like in case of 5.0.4 version) | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
Fixed in build | 3102 | ||||
The old switches like --disable-gpu or --use-gl=swiftshader causes that MM won't start at all.. And the new switches like --gl=egl-angle --angle=swiftshader --disable-gpu-compositing does not take any effect |
Checking now Chrome with and without HW acceleration settings and the only difference is the param --disable-gpu-compositing Nevertheless even with this param the GPU is still used in task manager (unlike in case of --disable-gpu in the past), more about the HW accelerated compositing: |
And here is the explanation why --disable-gpu-compositing does not completely disable GPU: |
So in build 3100 used the same param as Chrome (when 'Use graphics acceleration when available' is OFF) i.e. --disable-gpu-compositing |
Merged to 2024.1.3102 |
I have not found and regression in 3103 using it for past few hours specifically monitoring this issue. |