View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021386MM5 Codec PackGeneralpublic2025-02-05 09:54
Reporterrusty Assigned To 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Fixed in Version3.0.10 
Summary0021386: MediaMonkey Codec Pack 3.0.8 for MMW 2024
DescriptionPer Martin's feedback: A new version of the codec pack is required since 3.0.7 is called the 'MediaMonkey 5 Codec Pack'.

The new codec pack should:
a) Include 0021341
b) should be named 'MediaMonkey Codec Pack' and should be compatible with 5.0 to 2024.9
c) trigger an upgrade from 3.0.7 (is this even possible if the 3.0.7 codec pack has a different name)?
TagsNo tags attached.



2024-12-04 18:58

developer   ~0077760

New builds uploaded to FTP. You can publish them after basic testing.


2024-12-04 23:17

developer   ~0077762

Verified 3.0.8 against 3082 and no issues on upgrading, ad clean install of 3.0.8 both trial and Full version.


2024-12-06 17:30

developer   ~0077781

d) License.txt copyright needs to be updated to 2004-2024.
e) Should install dir just be \MMCodecPack\ instead of \MM5CodecPack\


2024-12-06 17:57

developer   ~0077782

Last edited: 2024-12-06 17:58

e) it has to be installed to MM5CodecPack, so it is backward compatible, we did not change the ID of the addon (=folder name), so it can be automatically upgraded.


2025-02-04 22:42

developer   ~0078141

d) is not fixed as licence.txt state "Copyright (c) 2003-2021 Ventis Media, Inc."


2025-02-05 09:54

developer   ~0078146

License file updated for codec packs 3.0.10 on FTP.