View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021387MMW 5DB / Backuppublic2024-12-04 18:12
Reporterlowlander Assigned To 
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version2024.0 
Target Version2026 
Summary0021387: Add replace database? to 'database image is malformed' error
DescriptionWhen the database image is malformed error is shown, MediaMonkey should include the option to:
- Ignore, current database keeps being used
- Replace, current database gets renamed, new one gets created
- Use Backup (if there are backups offer them)

The key is that the user can attempt to resolve this issue within the dialog, instead having to get support as to why this is shown. A less technical message would also be helpful.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build


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