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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021468MMW 5Now Playingpublic2025-02-12 12:12
Reporterrusty Assigned To 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2024.0 
Target Version2024.2Fixed in Version2024.2 
Summary0021468: Shuffle: should have the ability to Shuffle all tracks in the list
DescriptionAs discussed in the forum, some users like the current shuffle implementation which Shuffles tracks subsequent to the clicked track, but others prefer an implementation like in MMW 4/5 in which double-clicking a track initiates playback of that track and shuffles all others added to the list.

The current implementation is consistent with the 'Play now' configuration settings and I wouldn't want the implementation to become inconsistent with these settings (Clear list & play selected + subsequent; Clear list & play selected only; Play selected files only). i.e. we shouldn't just change the behavior without modifying the UI.

The simplest change that could address this might be:
Add a new contextual menu as a workaround: Play now (All - shuffled)
This provides a means of accomplishing what the user is asking, but not via double-click. But it fills up the context menu unnecessarily.

An alternate approach that wouldn't require new strings would be to modify the config ui as follows. As discussed with Michal, this is probably the preferred approach as it's also simpler.
Default 'Play now' action
Shuffle (off): [Clear list & play selected + subsequent] | Clear list & play selected only | Play selected files only
Shuffle (on): [x] Shuffle All (note: this only appears/applies for 'Clear list & play selected & subsequent)

A similar approach but with new strings could be:
Default 'Play now' action
Normally: [Clear list & play selected + subsequent] | Clear list & play selected only | Play selected files only
Shuffle mode: _[Clear list & play all] | [Clear list & play selected + subsequent] | Clear list & play selected only | Play selected files only

- This would have to be implemented for both the default menu and for Collection-specific playback rules.
- This setting should have no effect when the user double-clicks tracks to initiate 'Play Now' in the Playing list
Additional InformationReported at
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build3150


related to 0020277 assignedmichal Re-Shuffle Now Playing when it restarts on repeat all 
related to 0016061 resolvedrusty Playing list (panel): Numerous issues with Randomize List functionality 



2025-01-29 16:40

developer   ~0078080

Just checked and "Shuffle All" will be new string anyway, we cannot use separate "Shuffle" and "All", as it might not work properly in some languages.


2025-01-29 19:53

administrator   ~0078088

Last edited: 2025-02-04 13:38

In which case, a better string might be:
Shuffle (on): [ ] Entire list
'Shuffles all tracks in a list'
[EDIT] --> 'Shuffles all tracks in a list when Shuffle is enabled'


2025-02-04 13:46

administrator   ~0078136

Note: If the user has configured double-click behavior when files are playing as 'Queue next' or 'Queue last' and 'Shuffle' is enabled, then the changes described above would have no effect. It's debatable whether this is the optimal behavior, however, it's the same behavior as in previous versions of MM. And in such cases, the context menu can be used to 'Queue ... (shuffled)' if desired.


2025-02-12 12:12

developer   ~0078249

Fixed in build 3150.