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ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0021472 | MMW 5 | Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools) | public | 2025-02-01 23:30 | 2025-02-24 16:42 |
Reporter | lowlander | Assigned To | |||
Priority | urgent | Severity | major | Reproducibility | always |
Status | feedback | Resolution | reopened | ||
Product Version | 5.0.4 | ||||
Target Version | 2024.2 | Fixed in Version | 2024.1 | ||
Summary | 0021472: Auto-Organize of file with accents in filename has MediaMonkey lose access to file | ||||
Description | Not entirely sure what's happening, but using Organize-Files of a file with accent (in this case é) causes MediaMonkey to subsequently lose access to the file. Path in MM seems to be the same as the Path the file is actually located at after MM does Organize Files.. | ||||
Steps To Reproduce | 1 Scan in file. 2 Do some editing (Artist, Actor, Title, Date, Comment, Publisher) some manual, some with Tag from Filename 3 Use Organize Files on the file --> Tag update failed Toast is shown | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
Fixed in build | 3105 | ||||
I can't replicate and from the screenshot I don't see anything bad.. Please share the sample file and debug log.. |
From the log I see that the file has been organized at the same second with tagging, and during tagging the FileExists function returned false, so I wonder: Was the file only temporarily inaccassible? |
Supposing that the file was inaccessible only temporarily (tagging called at the same time with organizing) I tweaked the code to prevent from this situation.. So please re-test in 3105 |
Re-openeing: LowLander is saying that just adding the accent letter (in Properties > File Path) causes the file to be inaccessible permanently, added some new logs to analyze.. |
Test note: The key to repliciate is scan the original file with 2-chars version of é (65CC81) and then open Properties and replace the 2-chars version of é (65CC81) by one char version (C3A9) .. and actually such a file is removed from library due to this SQL: [13868] MM5 [19628](R) DB exec SQL: DELETE FROM Songs WHERE SongPath=':\Temp\logs\Quando - Michael Bubleé & Nelly Furtado | Karaoke Version | KaraFun.mp4' and IdMedia=5 .... [13868] MM5 [19628](R) DB lock took 0 ms : UPDATE Songs Set SongPath=':\Temp\logs\Quando - Michael Bubleé & Nelly Furtado | Karaoke Version | KaraFun.mp4', IdMedia=5 WHERE SongPath=':\Temp\logs\Quando - Michael Bublee´ & Nelly Furtado | Karaoke Version | KaraFun.mp4' and IdMedia=5 .. must be really long standing issue, good catch! Happens in 5.0.4 too |
Fixed in 3105 |
No toast was shown on Organize Files, but in-line editing and opening Properties both showed toast that file was inaccessible after Organize Files. Playback also failed. File remained inaccessible after MM restart. |
It seems the key is that the files are being organize to an existing folder with a variation of the accent. Perhaps File Explorer doesn't see the difference, thus adds it in the existing folder, but MediaMonkey does see a difference, thus can't find the file? |
I am unable to replicate after the fix in 3105... accents are stored correctly also in DB... In your log I see that you are using auto-scanner, so maybe that's the key.. Could you please isolate some exact and consistent steps with screencast video and share the files? The log is useless in this case as I can't see the character variants :-/ And could you please test whether auto-scanner plays a role and if not then disable it to rule it out? Tested also with my NAS (Synology) and I am unable to replicate after the fix in 3105.. But in your debug log I see 'Michael Bubl ' while in my it is either 'Michael Bublé' or 'Michael Buble´' Isolating some consistent steps to reproduce (with empty DB) and attaching the music file , MM5.DB, screenscast and text file with the accents would be really useful here.. |
It seems to require to use a NAS to reproduce. So far I've not been able to reproduce with files on internal drive. It seems Windows handles this weird é differently. The test folder/file copied from internal to NAS also showed no problem, but copying the folder name from the original NAS did reproduce the issue on the new NAS. |
Another screencast/log added. txt was already provided. DB from after this screencast added. All Auto-Scanning was disabled for this test (it's not a factor). |
OK, I tried the exactly same steps as on your last screencast video, created the folder and then auto-organized to that folder, but it created duplicate folder (with different accent) on my Synology NAS and the file was playable without issue, so I would probably need to use your kind of NAS to replicate.. BTW: If you create the folder with different accent manually (as in step 1), it does not create duplicate folder for you ? |
Based on conversation with LL: - The issue occurs only with tracks stored to a NAS (i.e. it's related to differences in file storage on Linux vs Windows) - The issue likely isn't a regression - There's a known workaround of manually editing the folder name to the correct character Considering the above, we may want to consider pushing if we're unable to determine a simple/consistent set of repro steps. LL's hypothesis of when this occurs is that: " somewhere I had some files Organized by MM with a variant of the é character (Ludek already indicated we're dealing with 2 variants). This created a Michael Bublé folder with an alternative é character. So now when I Organize files with the normal é version they end up in that alternative version of Michael Bublé. MM thus can't find the file as it's looking for the specific é variant. So the 'bug' is either: MM doesn't organize to the correct variant of é (however Windows and/or Linux may be the cause of this). MM reads specific variant when it shouldn't (as OS doesn't see diference (like capitalization in Windows)." |