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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021527MMAPlaybackpublic2025-03-05 17:37
Reporterdrakinite Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformAndroidOS-OS Version14
Product Version2.0.4 
Summary0021527: Changes to playback state sometimes take a really long time to take effect
DescriptionI've been experiencing this for the entire time I've used MMA2 (before release) but I've kept forgetting to write this report.

Frequently, randomly (but usually after opening / switching to the app after a long time of inactivity) changing the playback state (e.g. playing a new song or modifying the playing queue) take a long time to take effect. Most common user-facing example is playing a song and it taking 30 seconds for the song to start.
Additional InformationI've sent several logs over multiple MMA versions, but kept forgetting to write out this issue, and I lost track of the other log IDs. Latest logs sent: 4F7IK68I94

Device: OnePlus 6
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build


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