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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003283MMW v4Conversion/Levelingpublic2013-01-10 05:57
Reporteruser_DaleAssigned To 
Status newResolutionno change required 
Product Version3.0 
Summary0003283: "send to (copy)" action should give users a chance to auto-organize tracks
DescriptionWhen using “send to”.. it's not possible to have the files auto organise in the directory you choose according to a mask - which is something you often want to do when copying files.

suggested solution 1:
The convert tracks dialogue DOES allow this (Which is also accessible from the "send to" sublist (right click menu). However, an option in the dialogue needs to be added under format called "maintain format" and should be selected as the default when accessed via "Send to".

alternatively, add a similar link to the dialogue from "folder (copy)" instead of doing it through "folder (rip/convert)"
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build



2007-09-21 07:09

updater   ~0010855

to clarify..

"send to" and "convert" should both go to the same dialogue.. except that send to has "maintain format" pre selected.



2007-10-24 06:43

administrator   ~0011501

Unclear what the issue is. Resolving for now...


2007-10-24 10:16

updater   ~0011503

re-opened this issue to explain it better.

new explanation in two parts:

PART 1. - the convert tracks dialog:
At the moment, this dialog has a "Format:" drop down on the right which allows you to choose what format you want to convert to.
I propose that a "do not convert" option is added here.

This would mean that the user can use this dialog to copy tracks to another location and also "ORGANISE THEM USING MASKS" (which isn't possible using "send to"

PART 2. - adjusting the "copy to" option:
At the moment, if you select "copy to", there is no dialog (hence, no ability to use masks to organise).
Therefore, if part 1 is implemented, the copy to dialog could use the same dialog as "convert tracks" - EXCEPT that it would have "do no convert" selected as the format by default.

hope that's clearer.
my thoughts are that at the moment, there is no way to COPY files and organise the copies them using masks. PART 1 solves that with what is hopefully a very easy edit. Part 2 just extends the idea to be easier for the user to find.




2008-11-25 07:09

administrator   ~0015102

Dale, I don't quite understand this.

"Send to (rip convert)" allows the user to configure a mask on the resultant dialog, so auto-organize shouldn't be required. Same holds true for Tools > Convert Tracks.


2008-11-27 19:05

administrator   ~0015202

Further clarification from Dale indicated that the intent is to have a 'Send to (copy)' option that would give users the ability to auto-organize the tracks.

Definitely useful, but not high priority at the moment.