| | 0007412 | [MMW v4] Framework: Scripts/Extensions | Script Installation Issues | | crash | | 1351 | 4.0 | 9 | peke | | closed | 2011-03-02 |
| | 0007435 | [MMW v4] Framework: Scripts/Extensions | SDBFileSystem: Tweaks | | tweak | 4.0 | 1351 | 4.0 | 10 | peke | | closed | 2011-03-02 |
| | 0007449 | | in_DSMP2: Installation package to work with both MM3 and MM4 | | tweak | | | | 2 | peke | | closed | 2011-03-02 |
| | 0007398 | | Choose fields dialog: Black artifacts around buttons | | minor | 4.0 | 1350 | 4.0 | 2 | rusty | | closed | 2011-02-27 |
| | 0007144 | | 1343: Dialogs have transparent borders | | minor | 4.0 | 1350 | 4.0 | 2 | lowlander | | closed | 2011-02-27 |
| | 0007394 | | Not all episodes detected of windows phone podcast | | minor | 4.0 | 1350 | 4.0 | 2 | stephen_platt | | closed | 2011-02-27 |
| | 0007416 | | Tabs features | | tweak | 4.0 | 1350 | 4.0 | 2 | petr | | closed | 2011-02-27 |
| | 0007420 | | Tabs Background in Windows XP | | tweak | 4.0 | 1350 | 4.0 | 2 | petr | | closed | 2011-02-27 |
| | 0007423 | | Device Capacity Indicator colors should be skinnable | | feature | 4.0 | 1350 | 4.0 | 2 | rusty | | closed | 2011-02-27 |
| | 0002679 | | Some products warn about keylogging in MM | | major | | | | 1 | jiri | | closed | 2011-02-25 |
| | 0002495 | | Firewall (Zone Alarm) can cause MM to crash and/or not rip tracks correctly | | major | | | | 9 | rusty | | closed | 2011-02-25 |
| | 0000677 | [MMW v4] Properties/Auto-Tools | Better means of configuring handling of illegal characters in filenames | | feature | | | | 2 | rusty | | new | 2011-02-25 |
| | 0007242 | | Cannot delete track(s) from the tracklist of some custom node | | minor | 4.0 | 1346 | 4.0 | 2 | zvezdan | | closed | 2011-02-25 |
| | 0007176 | [MMW v4] Main Panel/Toolbars/Menus | Modal Dialog: Showing Modal Dialogs from Options hides Options dialog (Regression) | | major | | 1350 | 4.0 | 2 | peke | | closed | 2011-02-24 |
| | 0006965 | | Framerate conversions | | feature | 4.0 | 1345 | 4.0 | 2 | jiri | | closed | 2011-02-24 |
| | 0007425 | | Aero issues in Embedded DeviceConfig dialog (skinless mode) | | major | 4.0 | 1350 | 4.0 | 2 | petr | | closed | 2011-02-24 |
| | 0005927 | | Open Candy software recommendation engine | | feature | 4.1 | 1344 | 4.0 | 9 | rusty | | feedback | 2011-02-23 |
| | 0002425 | | New icons | | minor | | | | 1 | rusty | | resolved | 2011-02-23 |
| | 0007440 | | Expand options to tag podcast with data from Podcast feed | | minor | | | | | lowlander | | new | 2011-02-23 |
| | 0007397 | | Playback Mode: Default MM Playback Mode UI in Playback Rules | | feature | 4.1 | | | 2 | peke | | new | 2011-02-22 |
| | 0007027 | | Full screen Video Playback: Playing Issues | | minor | 4.0 | 1350 | 4.0 | 11 | peke | | closed | 2011-02-22 |
| | 0007385 | | Art View: Double-click Album with 1 track --> Nothing happens (regression) | | major | 4.0 | 1350 | 4.0 | 2 | rusty | | closed | 2011-02-22 |
| | 0007415 | | Sync button in tree doesn't work | | major | 4.0 | 1350 | 4.0 | 2 | rusty | | closed | 2011-02-22 |
| | 0007349 | | Send to -> Folder (Copy) doesn't work for URLs | | minor | 4.0 | 1350 | 4.0 | 4 | Ludek | | closed | 2011-02-22 |
| | 0007400 | | MPEG4 (XVID) codec is missing in autoconversion dialogs for MP4 | | minor | 4.0 | 1350 | 4.0 | 2 | michal | | closed | 2011-02-22 |
| | 0007075 | | Focus on file in tracklist is lost after stopping Video | | major | 4.0 | 1350 | 4.0 | 4 | rusty | | closed | 2011-02-22 |
| | 0006898 | [MMW v4] Help / Docs / Localization | No Tooltip for + Menu button | | trivial | 4.0 | 1350 | 4.0 | 3 | peke | | closed | 2011-02-22 |
| | 0006899 | [MMW v4] Main Panel/Toolbars/Menus | Change 'Collapse the tree' default behaviour | | tweak | 4.0 | 1350 | 4.0 | 4 | rusty | | closed | 2011-02-22 |
| | 0007409 | | Options > Edit Collection edits the wrong collection | | major | 4.0 | 1350 | 4.0 | 2 | rusty | | closed | 2011-02-22 |
| | 0007194 | | Copyright notice needs to be updated to 2011 | | minor | 4.0 | 1350 | 4.0 | 4 | lowlander | | closed | 2011-02-22 |
| | 0007392 | | Work with multiple database files needed | | feature | 4.1 | | | | zvezdan | | new | 2011-02-21 |
| | 0007417 | | Speex audio support | | feature | 4.1 | | | 1 | rusty | | new | 2011-02-20 |
| | 0006214 | | out_MMDS: OnPropertyChange Dialog each time I insert Headphones in front Audio Jack. | | minor | | | | 5 | peke | | closed | 2011-02-19 |
| | 0006333 | | M4B: Audio books larger than 500MB are not played by MM | | major | | | | 5 | peke | | closed | 2011-02-19 |
| | 0007165 | | Hide self-defined media server(s) | | minor | 4.0 | 1344 | 4.0 | 6 | Ludek | | closed | 2011-02-18 |
| | 0007382 | | MediaMonkey fails to play videos with WM file extension | | minor | 4.0 | 1349 | 4.0 | 2 | Ludek | | closed | 2011-02-17 |
| | 0006716 | [MMW v4] Framework: Scripts/Extensions | ISDBApplicationEvents::OnTracklistModified event needed | | feature | 4.0 | 1345 | 4.0 | 2 | zvezdan | | closed | 2011-02-17 |
| | 0006939 | | Scripting: Dialogs are resizable (regression) | | minor | 4.0 | 1345 | 4.0 | 2 | jiri | | closed | 2011-02-16 |
| | 0007173 | [MMW v4] Framework: Scripts/Extensions | Error because VarType(SDBSongData.FileLength) = 20 while it should be = 3 as before | | minor | 4.0 | 1345 | 4.0 | 9 | zvezdan | | closed | 2011-02-16 |
| | 0006976 | | Video playback UI improvements | | feature | 4.0 | 1345 | 4.0 | 8 | jiri | | closed | 2011-02-16 |
| | 0007175 | [MMW v4] Framework: Scripts/Extensions | Property SDB.MainTree.Node_XXX.Expanded = True/False doesn't work (regression) | | major | 4.0 | 1344 | 4.0 | 2 | zvezdan | | closed | 2011-02-16 |
| | 0007334 | | Art Browser: Display of Art is delayed | | major | 4.0 | 1348 | 4.0 | 2 | rusty | | closed | 2011-02-16 |
| | 0007318 | | 1346: Edit of Artist or Actor in Explorer Tree results in Jump to another node | | minor | | 1349 | 4.0 | 4 | lowlander | | closed | 2011-02-16 |
| | 0007339 | | Media Sharing settings: root Collections checkbox doesn't work | | minor | 4.0 | 1349 | 4.0 | 2 | Ludek | | closed | 2011-02-16 |
| | 0007344 | | Scanned Video Podcasts don't appear in the library as expected (regression) | | major | 4.0 | 1349 | 4.0 | 4 | rusty | | closed | 2011-02-16 |
| | 0007361 | | Fix Auto-conversion settings in Disk Burning Wizard | | minor | | 1349 | 4.0 | 2 | michal | | closed | 2011-02-16 |
| | 0003150 | | Undo tag and file changes | | feature | | | | 1 | user_steegy | | closed | 2011-02-16 |
| | 0006340 | | Add synchronization support for the iPad | | minor | | | | 1 | lowlander | | closed | 2011-02-16 |
| | 0003164 | | Add support for external encoders | | feature | | | | 1 | user_steegy | | closed | 2011-02-16 |
| | 0003158 | | Support for tabbed track views | | feature | | | | 1 | user_steegy | | closed | 2011-02-16 |