| | 0006026 | | Aeropeek: Alt-tab displays MM incorrectly | | minor | 3.1.2 | 1273 | 3.1.2 | 2 | rusty | | closed | 2009-10-14 |
| | 0003143 | [MMW v4] Properties/Auto-Tools | Write ratings tags in a format that can be read by WMP/MP3 Tag | | feature | | 1209 | 3.1 | 10 | rusty | | closed | 2009-10-13 |
| | 0005955 | [MMW v4] Help / Docs / Localization | Search embedded special characters not ignored | | minor | | | | 2 | user_chrisjj | | resolved | 2009-10-12 |
| | 0005991 | | Updated d_iphone.dll not included with build 1269 (regression) | | crash | | 1270 | 3.1.2 | 3 | stephen_platt | | closed | 2009-10-12 |
| | 0006024 | | Empty podcast entries can be created in some cases | | minor | 3.1.2 | 1272 | 3.1.2 | 4 | Ludek | | closed | 2009-10-10 |
| | 0006027 | | Synchronization can be slow on voice-enabled iPods due to creation of voice files | | minor | | 1272 | 3.1.2 | 2 | jiri | | closed | 2009-10-10 |
| | 0006019 | | Auto-playlist's "Playlist is" feature not working properly (regression) | | minor | | 1272 | 3.1.2 | 3 | stephen_platt | | closed | 2009-10-10 |
| | 0006020 | | Aero peek overlay icon doesn't refresh at end of playlist | | minor | | 1272 | 3.1.2 | 2 | stephen_platt | | closed | 2009-10-10 |
| | 0005784 | | Installation on Windows 7 sometimes ends with "This program may not have installed correctly" | | minor | 3.1.1 | 1265 | 3.1.2 | 3 | stephen_platt | | closed | 2009-10-09 |
| | 0005951 | | Include File Monitor functionality in standard version | | feature | 3.1.2 | 1267 | 3.1.2 | 3 | rusty | | closed | 2009-10-08 |
| | 0006009 | | MediaMonkey can't run in Vista/Win 7 without admin rights | | crash | 3.1.2 | 1271 | 3.1.2 | 2 | petr | | closed | 2009-10-06 |
| | 0006013 | | Regression: Artists and Albums aren't synchronized to iPhone FW 3.x | | major | | 1271 | 3.1.2 | 2 | jiri | | closed | 2009-10-06 |
| | 0005979 | | Windows 7 Shell Integration | | feature | 3.1.2 | 1271 | 3.1.2 | 13 | rusty | | closed | 2009-10-06 |
| | 0006010 | [MMW v4] Main Panel/Toolbars/Menus | Genre Icon bug in 'Find more from same' menu | | minor | 3.1.2 | 1271 | 3.1.2 | 2 | Ludek | | closed | 2009-10-05 |
| | 0004305 | | Shortcuts are Triggered in Edit Mode | | major | | | | 10 | peke | | closed | 2009-10-05 |
| | 0005976 | [MMW v4] Properties/Auto-Tools | Auto-Organize: tracks copied to monitored folder sometimes aren't organized correctly | | major | 3.1.2 | 1268 | 3.1.2 | 2 | petr | | closed | 2009-10-03 |
| | 0005999 | | Failure to save tags | | minor | | | | 1 | user_chrisjj | | new | 2009-10-03 |
| | 0005994 | | Install to Win7: enabling quicklaunch has no effect | | minor | 3.1.2 | 1270 | 3.1.2 | 3 | rusty | | closed | 2009-10-03 |
| | 0005982 | [MMW v4] Help / Docs / Localization | Documentation should deprecate official support for older OSes | | minor | 3.1.2 | 1270 | 3.1.2 | 2 | rusty | | closed | 2009-10-03 |
| | 0006004 | | Party Mode: should disable Aeropeek / Jumplist player functions | | minor | 3.1.2 | 1270 | 3.1.2 | 2 | rusty | | closed | 2009-10-03 |
| | 0005900 | [MMW v4] Burning / Disc Handling | CD ripping doesn't work when a track from the CD is paused in Now Playing | | major | | 1265 | 3.1.2 | 2 | Ludek | | closed | 2009-10-01 |
| | 0005874 | [MMW v4] Help / Docs / Localization | Help doesn't describe how to handle sorting by multiple attributes | | major | 3.1.2 | 1267 | 3.1.2 | 4 | rusty | | closed | 2009-09-28 |
| | 0005939 | | iPhone/Touch 3.1 firmware is incompatible with MediaMonkey | | major | 3.1.2 | 1267 | 3.1.2 | 2 | rusty | | closed | 2009-09-28 |
| | 0005975 | [MMW v4] Properties/Auto-Tools | Properties dialog: Album art can be unintentionally deleted | | minor | | 1268 | 3.1.2 | 2 | stephen_platt | | closed | 2009-09-28 |
| | 0003321 | | Pop-up Display: Hover over tray icon should cause it to appear | | feature | | | | | rusty | | new | 2009-09-23 |
| | 0005942 | [MMW v4] Main Panel/Toolbars/Menus | Tray Icon: Additional Context Options | | minor | | | | | peke | | new | 2009-09-23 |
| | 0005938 | | iTunes 9.0 can cause MediaMonkey 3.1.1 to crash | | crash | 3.1.2 | 1257 | 3.1.2 | 6 | rusty | | closed | 2009-09-23 |
| | 0002361 | | Minor issues with Brushed Monkey | | minor | | | | 2 | rusty | | closed | 2009-09-21 |
| | 0004090 | [MMW v4] Properties/Auto-Tools | Unorganized tracks node could be better optimized | | tweak | | | | 4 | rusty | | closed | 2009-09-21 |
| | 0001543 | [MMW v4] Properties/Auto-Tools | Switch Artist and Title | | feature | | | | 2 | rusty | | closed | 2009-09-21 |
| | 0002004 | | Add audioscrobbler plugin | | minor | | | | 3 | rusty | | closed | 2009-09-21 |
| | 0001940 | | Blue Monkey displays incorrectly at 1600x1200 | | minor | | | | 2 | rusty | | closed | 2009-09-21 |
| | 0002380 | [MMW v4] Help / Docs / Localization | Printable version of documentation | | minor | | | | | rusty | | closed | 2009-09-21 |
| | 0004970 | | Component Updated: New TIEHTTP Release | | feature | | 1201 | | 15 | peke | | closed | 2009-09-19 |
| | 0005946 | [MMW v4] Main Panel/Toolbars/Menus | SEVERE Discrep in Clear Library behaviour | | major | | | | 1 | user_chrisjj | | closed | 2009-09-18 |
| | 0005928 | | Some WMA tracks cannot play from the beginning | | major | | 1266 | 3.1.2 | 5 | peke | | closed | 2009-09-18 |
| | 0005888 | [MMW v4] Help / Docs / Localization | Correction to spelling in 'About' panel | | tweak | 3.1.2 | 1267 | 3.1.2 | 2 | rusty | | closed | 2009-09-18 |
| | 0005929 | [MMW v4] Main Panel/Toolbars/Menus | Drag and drop behaves inconsistenly in Track View and 'Now playing' list | | minor | 3.1.2 | 1267 | 3.1.2 | 2 | peke | | closed | 2009-09-18 |
| | 0005961 | | Auto-Conversion rule can show "-1 kbps" | | minor | | 1267 | 3.1.2 | 2 | user_chrisjj | | closed | 2009-09-18 |
| | 0005789 | | Tracks from iPhone/iTouch cannot be played in MM interface (regression) | | major | | 1267 | 3.1.2 | 8 | Ludek | | closed | 2009-09-18 |
| | 0005905 | | Pasting text into album art tab (properties) fails | | minor | | 1267 | 3.1.2 | 3 | stephen_platt | | closed | 2009-09-18 |
| | 0005877 | [MMW v4] Help / Docs / Localization | "Volume leveling" article has some grammatical mistakes | | minor | 3.1.2 | 1267 | 3.1.2 | 1 | stephen_platt | | closed | 2009-09-18 |
| | 0005891 | [MMW v4] Help / Docs / Localization | Help's "Mask reference" article has typos | | text | 3.1.2 | 1267 | 3.1.2 | 2 | stephen_platt | | closed | 2009-09-18 |
| | 0005944 | [MMW v4] Main Panel/Toolbars/Menus | F2 edit positions cursor at beginning of property rather than end | | minor | | 1267 | 3.1.2 | 2 | stephen_platt | | closed | 2009-09-18 |
| | 0005941 | | No support for ASF streams | | minor | 3.1.2 | 1267 | 3.1.2 | 2 | stephen_platt | | closed | 2009-09-18 |
| | 0005881 | [MMW v4] Framework: Scripts/Extensions | Localization framwork for Scripts/extensions | | feature | | | | 1 | peke | | closed | 2009-09-17 |
| | 0005967 | | WMA lossless silence play position failure | | minor | | | | | user_chrisjj | | new | 2009-09-17 |
| | 0005965 | | Failure of WMA Lossless settings dialog | | minor | | | | 3 | user_chrisjj | | closed | 2009-09-17 |
| | 0005564 | [MMW v4] Help / Docs / Localization | Date information format for WMA files documented incorrectly | | major | 3.1 | 1244 | 3.1 | 7 | rusty | | closed | 2009-09-17 |
| | 0004071 | | Increase security of DB operations | | minor | | 1138 | 3.0 | 5 | jiri | | closed | 2009-09-17 |