View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0014154MMW 5Podcastspublic2023-08-22 12:46
Reporterrusty Assigned To 
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Target Version2026 
Summary0014154: Ability to subscribe more podcasts at once
DescriptionCurrently, MMW offers the ability to Export subscribed podcasts, however, there's no equivalent capability of importing podcasts--users can import the OPML as a directory (via Import Directory (OPML)), but then they must manually subscribe to each imported podcast individually!

It would be useful if MM5 had the ability to quickly subscribe to a bunch of imported podcasts.

This could be achieved via a function to Import directory/podcasts (OPML), based on the currenly existing functionality. e.g.

Import Podcasts / Directory
Enter link or select an OPML file
[ ] Subscribe to all imported podcasts

Better yet, we can leave the functionality as is, but allow users to mass-select Podcasts and subscribe to multiple podcasts at once (using default settings).
Additional InformationBXJ-970-24546
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build



2017-03-29 09:26

administrator   ~0047666

The option to select multiple Podcasts and subscribe them all sounds good.