View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0016693MMW 5DB / Backuppublic2022-09-14 14:39
Reporterpeke Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version5.0 
Target Version2026 
Summary0016693: Library: Non Library tracks Tracks Can't be added to collections using Drag and Drop from Track listing and Now playing
DescriptionUser can add Youtube tracks by adding them to playlist or on Right click -> Add To Library. But:

1. If user tries to Drag and drop track (or selection of tracks) to YouTube Tree node (eg. tracks from Music > Albums > AlbumName [Browser|Online Mode] to either:
- Music > Location > YouTube
- Music node
Nothing happens. User would expect tracks to be added to the library.

2. Currently it is possible to drag and drop URL from Browser (eg. you can drag url by click and hold on URL Icon) to MM Music Tree Node (note: Icon is changed).

3. Drag and drop URL from browser to Now Playing also do not work.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build


related to 0016821 closedpetr Cannot add files to the library via drag and drop 



2020-07-09 15:10

developer   ~0058822

Last edited: 2020-07-09 15:10

But this adding to library by drag&drop does not work even for any other track, not only Youtube.


2020-07-17 22:19

developer   ~0059006

Last edited: 2020-07-17 22:23

As @Michal pointed in 0016693:0058822 nothing can't be added to MM5 Library by D&D from within MM5 Track listing and Now Playing.

Now that 0016821 is fixed it is possible to directly add tracks to library by D&D from explorer it is strange that it is not possible within MM UI internally.

Currently it is not possible to do that from Now Playing (even Icon changes to add track on some collections) nor from MM5 own Folders browser.

Steps Now playing:
1. Drag and drop track that is not in MM library from explorer to Now Playing (you can D&D from Our folder browser)
2. Try to drag and drop track from Now Playing to Music Collection -> Disabled Mouse Icon
3. Try to drag it to Audio Books -> Add Icon showing -> Release Mouse button -> Nothing Happens

Steps Folder Browser:
1. Open folder browser and navigate to folder tat contain media not MM5 library
2. Try to D&D one track to Music Music Collection -> Disabled Mouse Icon
3. Try to drag it to Audio Books -> Add Icon showing -> Release Mouse button -> Nothing Happens