View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0017626MMW 5FileMonitor / Find Missingpublic2022-09-14 14:39
Reporterpeke Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version5.0 
Target Version2026 
Summary0017626: Add/Rescan: Services are permanently deleted even user cancels changes
DescriptionIn Add/Rescan Dialog Services are permanently deleted even user cancels changes.

1. Devices and Services -> Add Google drive
2. Select Scan Google drive content to library and Sync GDrive metadata to LIbrary
3. Apply changes
4. Open File -> Add/Rescan
5. Delete Google Drive -> Say no to remove service also
6. Hit Cancel to Add/Remove Dialog
7. Open File -> Add/Rescan -> Google Drive is missing (Expected that GDrive Service scan is not deleted)

Same thing happen with all other services.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build



2021-03-03 19:16

administrator   ~0062225

It's a minor issue, though I agree that Services and Drives should have the same workflow.