View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0018261MMW 5Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)public2024-07-26 00:35
Reporterlowlander Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version5.0.2 
Target Version5.1Fixed in Version5.0.4 
Summary0018261: Year and Date are available in Auto-Tag, but Year tags date
DescriptionBoth Year and Date can be selected as fields to be tagged in the Auto-Tag settings. This is redundant as both tag the same field in MediaMonkey with the same full date value.

Options are:
1) If user sets Year instead of Date to be tagged that MM takes just year portion of date supplied (if user selects both Date and Year it would tag full date value).

2) Year gets removed from available tag list in Auto-Tag settings as Date covers the same value.
Additional Information
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build2665


related to 0019459 closedpetr Auto-tag: Year fails to replace date 
related to 0018582 assignedpetr Auto-tag: Choose fields dialog doesn't save the field order correctly 
related to 0019477 closedpetr Auto-tag: year field fails to update / can't be edited 



2021-09-08 20:42

developer   ~0064503



2021-09-10 21:06

developer   ~0064531

Verified, looks like Option 2 was implemented and Year is no longer a available as Tag for Auto-Tag.


2022-08-29 17:12

developer   ~0069088

Some users only use Year in their Library and would like to be able to set this as an option for Auto-Tag.


2022-09-13 16:12

administrator   ~0069225

Seems reasonable: users should be able to choose which data is entered into the field (ie. Option 1).


2022-09-20 12:49

developer   ~0069394

Fixed (implemented option 1)


2022-09-22 00:02

developer   ~0069462

a) Date and Year can both be added simultaneously
b) Options also shows both
c) Running Auto-Tag removes Year

Instead of allowing both to be added one should remove the other. So if a user adds Year, Date will be auto-removed and vice versa.


2022-09-22 18:06

developer   ~0069489



2022-09-23 17:37

developer   ~0069504

Last edited: 2022-09-23 17:38

Verified on 2665, Year replaces Date and vice versa on addition when other exists.

Small bug where when adding Year, Date can move to the Year position in the Tags column instead in it's correctly sorted position in Choose Fields. This is fixed when closing out and returning to dialog.


2023-11-07 21:33

administrator   ~0073342

LL, as far as I can see, this issue is fixed.

The problem regarding the fact that the configured tag order in the auto-tag configuration dialog doesn't match the field order in the auto-tag dialog is a separate issue tracked at 0018582.


2024-07-26 00:35

developer   ~0076440

Re verified 3040

Rest is handled in 0018582