View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0019122MMW 5Syncpublic2024-07-26 00:29
Reportermartin Assigned To 
PriorityurgentSeveritymajorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
PlatformAndroidOS-OS Version11
Product Version5.0 
Target Version5.0.4Fixed in Version5.0.4 
Summary0019122: Required changes on MM5 side (USB synchronization with Android 11)
DescriptionCheck storageInfo.xml in Android\data\\files\files
if storage is <type>read-write limited</type>
then check whether there is <folder>MediaMonkey</folder>
if yes MMA has access and we can sync via MediaMonkey folder
use AppSpecific (Android\data\\files\files) for sync instead and do not create MediaMonkey folder
Additional InformationExample:
<storages version="1.4" storageGuid="40722583-49d3-3433-b211-d937eca572a7.0.8d13e570-60f2-47d8-a7b5-0e2a71706993">
    <title>Internal storage</title>
    <type>read-write limited</type>
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build2650


related to 0013119 closedLudek MMW v4 Duplicate profiles can occur due to deletion of storageInfo.xml 
related to 0019872 closedLudek MMW 5 Possible AV during sync (when storageInfo file is presented only on Internal storage) 
related to 0019887 resolvedmartin MMA Permission problems when syncing to SD Cards and/or non-standard directory 



2022-05-31 12:38

developer   ~0068348

Fixed in


2022-09-01 14:51

developer   ~0069140

Tested with Android 11 and MM MediaMonkey folder was created by MM5 during USB sync although MMA does not have permission.
I tried sync a video file via sendTo>Galaxy Tab(sync) and the file should be sent to AppSpec folder/Video, but was created on the root of storage where MMA does not have permission.


2022-09-02 10:40

developer   ~0069151

Please generate debug log for me with DbgView started prior to MM5 start.


2022-09-02 15:16

developer   ~0069155

Last edited: 2022-09-02 15:22

As discussed/solved offline with Martin:

1) he can no longer replicate the issue, i.e. it was one time issue related to MTP inaccessibility of
folder where MM5 taken cached data from \MediaMonkey\files\storageInfo.xml.mmw instead

2) I can't replicate too, works fine with son's Samsung A32 phone powered by Android 12 and MMA 2.0.1024

3) MediaMonkey folder is still created by MM5, but it is just for MM5 purposes
a) it needs to preserve copy of original storageInfo.xml there as storageInfo.xml.mmw so that the profile isn't lost after MMA inistall/re-install, it would result in duplicate profile creation , see 0013119 for details
b) it stores own /meta_files/ there including metadata to sync between more MM5 instances (without a need to have MMA installed), i.e. is related to cloud sync and #14105 and #14521


2022-09-03 12:46

developer   ~0069157

Re 3) a) On uninstallation, MMA users can check "Keep Xy MB of app data" and then "storeageInfo.xml" persists also when MMA is uninstalled(since Android 10). So a duplicate profile is not created in this case.

Also for "read-write-limited" storage (primary storage since Android 11) storageInfo.xml.mmw is used only in one case when a user grants permission to MediaMonkey folder.
If the permission is not granted, then a duplicate profile is created even though a backup exists in MediaMonkey folder.

However, for case 3)b) it still makes sense to have MediaMonkey folder.


2024-07-26 00:29

developer   ~0076438

Verified 3040

With Android 14 and had no issues, also reviewed/checked user reports and had not found such related to this bug. Closing as Fixed.