View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0020434MMW 5Main Panelpublic2024-06-15 12:23
Reporterzvezdan Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionreopened 
Product Version5.1 
Target Version5.1Fixed in Version5.1 
Summary0020434: Selecting in Grid (by Album) show duplicate tracks
DescriptionWhen I click on any album in Grid (by Album) I get displayed Selected: 23 files,...) in the status bar, even for a single folder with far less files. The popup list displays files multiplied several times, sometimes just twice, but sometimes even 10 times. These are files/albums not added to the Library, inside the Folders node.

It seems it is working fine with nodes from the collections, i.e. with albums already added to the Library, but I am not using this view, so didn't test it.
Additional InformationReported by several users here as well:
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
Fixed in build3029


related to 0021028 closedLudek Accidental moving of files inside popup causes their physical moving and display of multiple files / D&D is broken (regression) 



2024-06-05 04:57

updater   ~0075767

This is still happening - b3027, although the status bar now shows info correctly.


2024-06-05 17:49

updater   ~0075784

I noticed it only in Grid (by Album) with Folders node. It happens with cleaned Portable folder, with empty db, no files in Library.


2024-06-05 19:52

administrator   ~0075787

Would you mind generating a debug log of this? No one is able to replicate this :-(


2024-06-06 13:21

developer   ~0075798

I can replicate, the key to replicate is not having the tracks in library
image.png (111,088 bytes)   
image.png (111,088 bytes)   


2024-06-06 13:27

administrator   ~0075799

Great! So hopefully this issue isn't too difficult to solve.

Please don't forget the ?related report? in the forum thread in which a similar problem occurs for _library tracks_ in a list view (but it might be a completely different bug).


2024-06-06 15:49

developer   ~0075801

Fixed in 3029


2024-06-07 03:47

administrator   ~0075808

Verified 3029.


2024-06-15 12:00

updater   ~0075988

It happens in 3031, but only in certain situations, as described in the 0021028 issue.


2024-06-15 12:01

updater   ~0075989


2024-06-15 12:21

developer   ~0075990

Last edited: 2024-06-15 12:23

Good catch, so tracking as 0021028