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ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0020986 | MMW 5 | Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools) | public | 2024-06-04 19:16 | 2025-03-12 17:22 |
Reporter | peke | Assigned To | |||
Priority | urgent | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | always |
Status | resolved | Resolution | fixed | ||
Product Version | 2024.0 | ||||
Target Version | 2024.2 | Fixed in Version | 2024.2 | ||
Summary | 0020986: Selecting all tracks from same album do not suggest filling missing album artist information in multi edit properties | ||||
Description | Before fixing 0016388 when User had missing Album artist on some tracks from an album Multi Edit properties pre selected fields that had at least one track with missing information, which can lead to accidental wrong tagging. That works in 99.99% of cases except where user wants to multi edit tags to fill that information exept where Artist+Album are same and some tracks are missing Album artist NOTE: Artist and Album Artists columns are not bot enabled in list views by default so it is easy to miss missing Album artists on part of an album. | ||||
Steps To Reproduce | 0. Set MM to List View and make sure that Artist, Album, Album Artists columns are visible 1. Open One Album in MM -> Entire Library -> Folders -> [FULL ONE ALBUM] 2. Select Few Tracks from Album -> Properties -> Delete Album Artist -> OK Which will separate Album to Two albums NOTE: @Ludek noted it in 0020978:0075710 and he is right that FMFS correctly works. 3. If you select tracks that have/have not Album Artist -> Properties it will Show things correctly according to 0016388 eg. not selected 4. After fixing 0016388 If you select all tracks from album both with and without Album artists it will show Properties for multi edit like all tracks have same filled Album Artist and there is no way to tell that user needs to check Album Artist in order to update/correct missing information Expected If Artist+Album(Album value is not Empty) is same for all selected tracks and some selected tracks have same Album artist value (or one have value and others have Album artist empty) then Album Artist Check Box should be Selected as clicking on OK will not trigger non needed tagging or wrong tagging like pointed in 0016388, but would actually fix/fill correct information for Album artist for the whole album. | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
Fixed in build | 3150 | ||||
Expected Behavior in PIC5 would be that Album Artist is pre checked to fill missing information. Otherwise you do not have any feedback that some tracks have missing information and assume it is all ok like in PIC 4 and Albums would be still separated like in PIC1 (which was actually the reason for creating bug 0020978) |
Peke is essentially suggesting that when it comes to 'Album Artist', that MM should special-case them and pre-check the field, on the assumption that users will always multi-select tracks from the same album. This would probably work, but the downsides of this approach are that: a) it doesn't adequately solve the problem of clearly communicating that only some of the tracks are populated with metadata b) could, in rare cases (e.g. if multiple 'Greatest Hits' albums are selected) result in tracks being unintentionally modified incorrectly c) is inconsistent with how other fields operation and with how suggested changes are communicated in other dialogs (i.e. through the use of color and '!' in Auto-tag and Tag from Filename. An alternate solution would be to: - Display an '!' in red whenever there are conflicting values for a field - When all values for a field either equal x or "", display the value in the 'suggested' color (same as used in the Auto-tag dialog, with an ! When hovering over the '!' show something like 'Conflicts with original value:' "" and "<value>" . (this is an existing string). |
ok, so in 0016388 b) Rusty saw a major issue when 1 track has 'album artist' and others tracks have empty 'album artist' that pre-checking the value in mass edits can accidentally cause for all tracks to get non-empty 'album artist', this was fixed and I agree with Rusty that current behaviour is expected and that pre-checking the value does not communicate the problem at all What the best communicates the problem is to enable 'Album Artist' column in filelisting: Seeing that current default columns for music collection are: 'title', 'artist', 'album', 'date', 'genre', 'rating', 'length', 'source', 'path', 'filename' so we could either change them to 'title', 'album', 'albumartist', 'date', 'genre', 'rating', 'length', 'source', 'path', 'filename' or 'title', 'album', 'artist', 'albumartist', 'date', 'genre', 'rating', 'length', 'source', 'path', 'filename' ?? |
I'm in agreement with Ludek regarding including 'Album Artist' in the default Music [List view]. BUT, I also think that it would make sense for the Properties dialog to use similar conventions as the auto-tag dialog. i.e. - Display an '!' in red whenever there are conflicting values for a field . . Optional: When hovering over the '!' show something like 'Conflicts with original value:' "" and "<value>" . (this is an existing string). - When all values for a field either equal x or "", display the value in the 'suggested' color (same as used in the Auto-tag dialog) |
OK, added 'Album Artist' to the default 'Music' and 'Music Video' collection's [ListView] => added in build 3150 As for displaying 'Conflicts with original value:' "" and "<value>" . => This is problematic as in case of multi-select there can be different values for different files so there isn't any 'original value' |