View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021055MMW 5Syncpublic2024-06-27 12:51
Reporterpeke Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Target Version2024.0Fixed in Version2024.0 
Summary0021055: Hide unselected not respected when first time enabled
DescriptionHide unselected not respected when first time enabled and once you reselect for playlist node it is respected.
Steps To Reproduce1. Open device and settings in New tab -> select any device
2. Unselect Music
3. Select only few playlists in Playilist bode
4. Apply
5. Close TAB
6. Open device and settings in New tab -> select same device (from step 1)
7. Enable Hide unselected
8. Click on playlist tree
9. all playlists are seen instead of just selected

There is less steps, but these steps replicate always.
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Attached Files
image.png (19,922 bytes)   
image.png (19,922 bytes)   
Fixed in build3034



2024-06-25 20:51

developer   ~0076166

Fixed in 3034


2024-06-27 12:51

developer   ~0076185

Verified 3034