View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021145MMW 5Syncpublic2025-01-07 18:31
ReporterLudek Assigned To 
PriorityurgentSeveritymajorReproducibilityunable to reproduce
Status resolvedResolutionnot fixable 
Product Version5.0 
Target Version2024.1 
Summary0021145: iOS 17.6: Playlists won't sync when 'Apple Music' is enabled and 'Sync Library' is enabled
DescriptionWhenever 'Apply Music' is enabled then files from MediaMonkey will sync, but not the playlists..

EDIT: The key factor to replicate is to have 'Sync Library' enabled in Music settings

Fixed in build



2024-08-19 13:23

developer   ~0076684

Last edited: 2024-08-19 13:27

OK, I found that a key to repliacte is to enable 'Sync Library' :

i.e. on your iPhone:
1) Open the Settings app.
2) Tap Music
3) Turn on Sync Library

i.e. after Turning off 'Sync Library' and restarting iPhone the new playlists from MediaMonkey synces correctly..
Turning on Sync Library again deletes the playlists previously synced from MediaMonkey


2024-08-19 16:53

developer   ~0076687

Last edited: 2024-08-23 15:30

I've done kind of reverse engineering, but haven't found a way how to prevent the 'Sync Library' feature stop removing MM playlists..

So the only workaround for now is to turn off the 'Sync Library' feature, i.e.
1) Open the Settings app.
2) Tap Music
3) Turn off 'Sync Library'

Added todoc flag ..


2024-08-28 11:35

developer   ~0076754

Note that the same issue has iMazing (also the newest version 3)
creating/deleting playlists in iMazing fails when 'Apple Music' with 'Sync Library' are enabled..

iMazing shows that the operation to create/delete playlist was successful, but it silenly fails (same as with MediaMonkey)