View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021307MMW 5Playlistspublic2024-10-31 01:20
Reporterrusty Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2024.0 
Target Version2024.0Fixed in Version2024.0 
Summary0021307: Moving track from PlaylistX (tracklist) to PlaylistX (edit window) fails
DescriptionIf the user tries to move a track from one position in a playlist to another position by moving it from the tracklist instance of the playlist to the edit window instance of the playlist --> the track is removed from the playlist!
Steps To Reproduce1 Select a playlist in the tree
2 Right click edit
--> Playlist edit window appears to the right of the tracklist (which also displays the playlist)
3 Select a song from the playlist in the tracklist
4 Move (Drag-SHIFT) the song from the tracklist to a new position in the playlist edit window
--> The track is removed from its original position (as expected) but isn't added to the new position in the playlist!

Note: Copying the track to a new position (i.e. Drag without pressing SHIFT) works fine
Additional InformationReported at
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build3068


related to 0018994 assignedLudek Shift + Drag into a playlist view copies instead of moving (with Undock Panels installed) 



2024-10-30 20:16

developer   ~0077417

Fixed in 3068


2024-10-31 01:20

developer   ~0077422

Verified on 3068.