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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021366MMW 5Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools)public2025-02-28 21:05
Reporterrusty Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionreopened 
Product Version2024.0 
Target Version2024.1Fixed in Version2024.1 
Summary0021366: Cached artwork can't be deleted
DescriptionI'm not sure why this is occurring, but for the tracks on one album, even after I delete them and add them back to the library, cached images appear and there's no way to delete the cached images:
- Artwork lookup is disabled
- The images appear in the Preview window, but not in the Properties dialog (so there's no way to delete it from the Properties dialog)
- The Remove Artwork function in the Preview window has no effect.

Update: on further testing I was able to eliminate the cache by auto-tagging the tracks with the same album metadata/image as was in the cache and then deleting it. This makes me wonder if the state is somehow related to auto-tagging. e.g. perhaps by initiating a lookup with 'Allow Compilations' and then unchecking it.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build3102


related to 0018645 closedmichal Background Metadata Lookup: lyric (and Album art) lookups are repeated after user has deleted poor results 



2024-11-19 11:16

developer   ~0077677

Last edited: 2024-11-19 11:25

Not a regression, I am able to reproduce it in 5.0.5 and even older versions too. Steps:
1) prepare two folders, ONE containing tracks 1-2 from the album, TWO containing track 1-N from the same album.
2) scan folder ONE. Tag with some artwork, if not present in tags.
3) scan folder TWO.
4) find under Location node folder TWO, select all files and delete artwork(s) with "Apply to all selected" checked, but "Apply to all files in the Album/Series" unchecked.
-> now Preview window will display "unsaved" artwork for all files from folder TWO, even though properties of these files will show no artwork.

This is because artwork was deleted for files in folder TWO and database contains flag, that these files do not have artwork (needed for situations, where user wants to delete also suggested "unsaved" artwork). But logic of Preview panel does not look at this flag (should it? In this situation it is very likely, that user wanted to delete artwork also from the other files) and tries to find artwork for selected track, and if none exists, tries to find at least artwork for the album and displays it as unsaved. And in this situation album still has first track with artwork (from folder ONE), so it displays its artwork. In case user wants to really remove artwork from the whole album, he/she shoud check also "Apply to all files in the Album/Series".

Rusty please check, it is also your case - i.e. that album contains also other track(s) not present in the displayed folder under Location node.
I think it could be confusing, but not sure, how to handle it better. In some situations it is fine, that Preview window displays album artwork as unsaved, e.g. in case only some tracks of the album do not have artwork set, MM5 offers album artwork with save icon for them. But the main confusion is caused by the fact, that not all tracks of the album were in fact edited (most probably).


2024-11-19 11:52

developer   ~0077678

To be more clear - the flag "this track does not have artwork" is there to avoid unwanted automatic lookup of the artwork for the track (for situations, where it gives wrong results and user does not have the correct image to tag). But in the preview window above the artwork is not in fact looked up, it is taken from the artwork of the album, from the first track of this album. Only this track is outside the edited location.


2024-11-19 15:46

administrator   ~0077680

So I do have another copy of this album in my library which i guess is how this was triggered. But the behavior seems strange to me--particularly in the Locations/Folders nodes but everywhere else as well.

The Preview window is supposed to show the metadata associated with the selected or Playing track, just as the Properties dialog is supposed to. So they should always be identical.

So if we think that it's a good idea to import cached artwork from another track from the same album when certain actions are carried out, then it should appear in both the Preview and Properties dialog as cached.

Although the current behavior is confusing, there is a workaround (tag the tracks with correct artwork), so unless this is a regression, we should probably defer it.


2024-11-20 15:49

developer   ~0077703

Last edited: 2025-01-20 08:27

Fixed in build 3102. Now it should show the same, in case album has set "no artwork" flag, also Preview window respects this. As it is risky change, not merged to 2024.0 version.


2025-01-20 08:26

developer   ~0078012

Last edited: 2025-01-20 08:27

Fix was already merged to build 2024.1.0.3102


2025-01-27 17:11

developer   ~0078059

THX, Verified 3103