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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021375MMW 5Playbackpublic2024-11-29 03:01
Reporterpeke Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
Target Version2024.0Fixed in Version2024.0 
Summary0021375: Playback leveling do not work
DescriptionPlayback leveling do not work on some tracks.

Sample tracks uploaded to FTP

EDIT: Looks like wrong Leveling actually degrade quality of track volume if MM is used to convert track with leveling by more than 2db and gain index of converted track is 8.84 where original one had 6.83
Steps To Reproduce1. Set Volume leveling to pic Below
2. Set Wave Bar seek bar.
3. Load 045 and 053
4. Play 045 and 053 listen 053 plays much lower eg. not normalized
5. Load 053 Normalized.mp3 as that is the normalized track according to 6 gain index and it sounds same as 045
6. Load 053 MM Normalized.mp3 and you will see that MM leveled track have worse index, which is now 8.84
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build3082


duplicate of 0012050 assignedrusty MMW v4 Track fails to level 
related to 0021325 assignedmichal MMW 5 Some tracks Play clipped When Re Analyzed 



2024-11-22 07:22

developer   ~0077709

What exactly? The tracks have high peaks, in case clipping prevention is on, it cannot increase volume more, as it would be clipped.


2024-11-22 14:13

developer   ~0077711

Last edited: 2024-11-22 14:24

I do not see any High Peaks in track as was compressed with -6db [Image 1] and here is how it looks with applied gain [Image 2] there is no clipping and only clean gain applied to track.

I uploaded normalized track too and if you check it is the same as one that is not compressed to -6db [Image 3]

Point here is MM algorithm do not apply gain in these situations eg. Most likely when Peak RMS index is > -15db and Gain index (against red book standard of 89db) > -4db

It is something that we should look at because maybe it is the cause for some user problems. This also affect Convert format+Volume Leveling which end in track with lower Volume than original one with (+8 gain index) [Image 4] even there is Gain
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image-2.png (159,335 bytes)   
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image-4.png (101,995 bytes)   


2024-11-22 14:15

developer   ~0077712

image-3.png (236,832 bytes)   
image-3.png (236,832 bytes)   


2024-11-22 15:18

developer   ~0077713

Leveling settings in 3081
image-5.png (7,965 bytes)   
image-5.png (7,965 bytes)   


2024-11-28 14:21

developer   ~0077732

It is regression caused by fixing 0021325. I need to find better fix, so both work.


2024-11-28 17:24

developer   ~0077733

Fixed in build 3082. I reverted fix of 0021325, as it caused this regression.


2024-11-29 03:01

developer   ~0077737

Verified 3082