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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021456MMW 5DB / Backuppublic2025-01-22 07:02
Reporterlowlander Assigned To 
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version2024.1 
Target Version2024.1 
Summary0021456: Database backup can be run and scheduled without anything selected to be backed up
DescriptionUser can run a Backup and set a Backup schedule without any of the 3 items to be backed up selected. This just creates an empty ZIP file.
1) MediaMonkey should warn a user when running a manual backup without any selected to be backed up.

2) When using Save or OK Manage database dialog, MediaMonkey should warn user that nothing is selected to be backed up.
A) An option to Cancel schedule or return to select items to be backed up should be offered, or
B) A simple warning that schedule was not enabled as nothing was selected to be backed up
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build


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