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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021509MMAPlaybackpublic2025-02-25 20:05
Reporterrusty Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionreopened 
Product Version2.0.4 
Target Version2.0.4Fixed in Version2.0.4 
Summary0021509: Casting: 'Next' breaks playback status (regression)
DescriptionIn Pressing 'Next' always causes playback status to display incorrectly:
1 Cast tracks to Track A, Track B (this issue occurs with any tracks)
2 Click next partway through Track A
--> MMA's 'Pause' button changes to a Play button (even though Playback of Track B continues)
--> The seekbar stops advancing (as if playback has been paused at the beginning of Track B)

This occurs on multiple devices / android versions when casting to a Google Audio Cast device:
S10/Android 12
Debug log: GGGZ6BKS8J

Pixel 7/Android 15
Debug log: NV8UECAGGE
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build1230


related to 0019129 closedmartin Once a crash occurs, seekbar stops working while chromecasting (regression) 
related to 0021514 newmartin UPnP Casting/Android Auto: moving seekbar to end doesn't work 



2025-02-24 13:59

administrator   ~0078349

On further testing:
- the bug occurs consistently with a Chromecast audio device, but only occurs every few tracks with a Chromecast mini
- the bug is most likely to occur the _first_ time the user presses Next after initiating casting
- The bug also causes the play/pause button to completely stop working:
1 cast music
2 Press next --> bug is triggered
3 Press play --> it doesn't work (occasionally it'll cause a crash--similar to 0019129)
4 Press pause --> it doesn't work
The only way to get play/pause to work is to tap Next
5 Press play


2025-02-24 16:33

developer   ~0078353

Fixed in build


2025-02-24 20:23

developer   ~0078358

Verified 1229

Tested on Moto Edge 40 (A14) and Moto X4 (Lineage 22 [A15])


2025-02-24 20:33

administrator   ~0078360

Tested 1229 on A14 and A15 devices and was only able to replicate a variant of the bug once. I consider the issue resolved, but am re-opening the bug for you to determine whether the case I observed is a new bug or a variant of the same one.

1 Google cast numerous tracks with 'Continuous' enabled
2 After playback looped to the last-displayed track in the playing queue (not the last track in the Playing queue), unlocked the device and clicked NEXT
--> Playing queue adjusted position (since the next track was off-display) and stopped playing
Debug log: BRLTPJ2MQN casting stopped when clicking next


2025-02-25 10:56

developer   ~0078361

1) What do you mean by "cast numerous tracks with 'Continuous' enabled"? What 'Continuous'?
2) last-displayed track in the playing queue is not the last track in the Playing queue? What do you mean? Where is the last track displayed, which is not the last track in the playing queue? Can you provide a screenshot to clarify?
Based on your log and database "Under the Dome" was the last track in your Now playing list and the tracked stopped or did not start to play from unknown reason. This is different from the original issue.

Anyway, I have one scenario when the original issue still occurs so I would like to create another build.

Btw. None of these issues are regression, just the behavior of Chromecast devices changed a bit.
Further testing will be needed with the latest library in the next BETA. So except for the original issue, I would push everything to the next BETA.


2025-02-25 12:45

developer   ~0078363

To replicate the remaining issue, follow these steps:
1) play a track and start cast to Chromecast
2) seek to the end of the track and wait until playback transmits to the next track
3) The next track starts to play on the Chromecast device, but on the phone is playback in STOP state!

Fixed in build


2025-02-25 16:08

administrator   ~0078365

Last edited: 2025-02-25 17:18

Re-verified playback on Android 12, 14, 15. To bluetooth, Google Cast, UPnP, Android Auto.

Note that variants of the issue described at 0021509:0078363 still occur when casting over UPnP or playing using Android Auto. These are minor, though and distinct. Opening them in a separate bug.