View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021519MMAPlaybackpublic2025-03-03 20:33
Reportermartin Assigned To 
PriorityimmediateSeveritymajorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
PlatformAndroidOS-OS Versionall
Product Version2.0.4 
Target Version2.0.4Fixed in Version2.0.4 
Summary0021519: Gapless playback no longer works since build 1230 for older Android devices

Due to the fixes for 0021501 and 0021399, required for Android 15, the gapless playback does not work on some older devices.
The newest variant of the patch should be used only for Android 15 and for older Androids the original should be used.
(For clarification, the patch is the same, but called from a different location)
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build1231



2025-02-28 13:30

developer   ~0078391

Fixed in build


2025-03-03 19:30

developer   ~0078408

Last edited: 2025-03-03 20:17

Verified 1231

On A14/A8/A10: Gapless = No gap on track transition (New track is preloded and starts immediately after previous start), NONE = Almost same as Gapless, but it takes aprox 100ms to load and play new track.