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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021520MMW 5Help / Docs / Localizationpublic2025-03-03 10:41
Reporterrusty Assigned To 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2024.0 
Target Version2024.2Fixed in Version2026 
Summary0021520: 'Buffering on' string is confusing
DescriptionCurrently there's a string 'Buffering on' that is used in two cases:
a) Buffering on <device> (e.g. when casting to a device and the device is not yet ready to play as it is buffering content)
b) Buffering (e.g. when playing locally and CD content or a stream is buffering).

The 'Buffering on' string is problematic because:
- it's not a clean match for the second scenario
- most translations are incorrect for the first scenario since they translate the string as 'Buffering activated' rather than 'Buffering on %s'

Only include a single string for both cases and utilize it slightly differently for each of the cases:
a) Buffering... (%s)
b) Buffering...
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Fixed in build3402



2025-03-03 10:41

developer   ~0078403

Fixed in 2026.3402