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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021531MMW 5Casting (Google Cast / UPnP)public2025-03-06 23:35
Reporterrusty Assigned To 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2024.0 
Target Version2024.2Fixed in Version2024.2 
Summary0021531: UPnP Casting can become muted on player switching
DescriptionWhen casting over UPnP, MMA playback sometimes becomes muted. e.g.

1 Play track locally
2 Switch to cast to UPnP device
--> Playback restarts
3 Switch back to Internal (local) playback
--> Playback continues
4 Switch back to UPnP device
--> Playback restarts, but this time it's silent (Kodi shows that it's become muted)
--> There doesn't appear to be a way to unmute the volume (the volume control in MMW is _not_ muted).

TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build3150


related to 0021532 resolvedLudek Casting is inconsistent/buggy when initiated partway through a playing track 



2025-03-06 22:17

administrator   ~0078451

Last edited: 2025-03-06 22:23

Further testing shows that this isn't a regression--a variant of this bug occurs with 2024.0.

Given that the bug always occurs at step 4 rather than at step 2, I suspect that something is going wrong at step 3 (when switching back to internal playback) that causes the bug to occur at step 4.


2025-03-06 22:31

developer   ~0078453

aha, got it! Really the step 4 is important, even with the foobar as player.. So I guess it is longstanding issue, but because mostly users are switching to another player just once (step 2) then it hasn't been noticed yet..


2025-03-06 23:35

developer   ~0078454

Fixed in 2024.2.0.3150