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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000548MMW v4Playlist / Searchpublic2004-01-22 19:19
Reporterrusty Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary0000548: Usecase: comparing/importing/exporting tracks in different lists
DescriptionBelow is an interesting usecase proposed by Peke. Not sure how important it is:

>> 3. Sharing of library (only CD-Rom Type) (I Have few Ideas
>> how it can be done)
RS> Not sure I understand the benefit of this ;-?

Hmmmmm.... I have large collection of MP3 files stored on CDs and when I
give my friends the list of songs I have first I must use other
software (for almost 3 Years I use WhereIsIt!) with similar capability of SDB
and than copy them my library. when they chouse what songs they wanna have
must write me Wanted list so I can Burn a CD, or whatever they need me to do.

Mostly They request for an Audio CDs, which I already have option to write
SDB. For now when I get Wanted List of songs i print it and then search song
song in SDB to make Playlist/CD Tracklist,...

The second issue is when I wanna see what my friend has and I don't have.
When I
see what I need, I wanna make Wanted list of those songs so my friend can
those songs,....

I hope, you understand me what I'm thinking of.
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build



2004-01-22 19:19

administrator   ~0002866

This is kind of similar to the quicksearch functionality that allows the user to search for multiple tracks.

This particular usecase could be met by adding a panel to the Advanced search pane that gives the user the ability to enter cut/paste search terms that are ORed (e.g. user pastes 50 titles to the pane and then clicks search for Artist and if any of the entries in the list equal to artists in the DB then a search result is found).