| | 0018057 | | Ctrl+Arrow key triggers hotkey when inline editing | | minor | 5.0.2 | 2500 | 5.0.2 | 2 | lowlander | | closed | 2021-09-22 |
| | 0018097 | | Playlists: List view with Tree (playlists) element Mouse gesture improvements. | | tweak | 5.0.2 | 2500 | 5.0.2 | 2 | peke | | closed | 2021-09-22 |
| | 0018327 | | Playlist export: Playlist Send to M3U fail if Playlist contain subplaylists | | major | 5.0.2 | 2504 | 5.0.2 | 2 | peke | | closed | 2021-09-21 |
| | 0018324 | | Playing node: Switching to 'Artist bio' => crash (regression | | minor | 5.0.2 | 2504 | 5.0.2 | 3 | Ludek | | closed | 2021-09-21 |
| | 0017316 | | Allow customization of Monkey Groove skin highlight color | | feature | 5.1 | 2504 | 5.0.2 | 4 | drakinite | | closed | 2021-09-21 |
| | 0016420 | | Years node: support browsing by original date (rather than just date) | | feature | 5.0.2 | 2500 | 5.0.2 | 2 | rusty | | closed | 2021-09-21 |
| | 0018295 | | Alignment and Spacing in Manage database dialog | | minor | 5.0.2 | 2503 | 5.0.2 | 2 | lowlander | | closed | 2021-09-21 |
| | 0018328 | | Tracklist forEach function does not appear to use the same the same ICefV8Value object | | minor | 5.0.3 | | | | drakinite | | new | 2021-09-21 |
| | 0016235 | | Artwork and Summary are not removable in "List (by Album)" view | | minor | 5.0.2 | 2503 | 5.0.2 | 19 | Ludek | | closed | 2021-09-20 |
| | 0018228 | [MMW 5] Tagging framework / input plugins | Tagging of Comment of large amount of files fails | | major | 5.0.2 | 2503 | 5.0.2 | 6 | lowlander | | closed | 2021-09-20 |
| | 0018163 | [MMW 5] Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools) | Delete emptied folders feature can delete also Desktop folder (when Desktop is empty) | | minor | 5.0.2 | 2500 | 5.0.2 | 2 | Ludek | | closed | 2021-09-20 |
| | 0012817 | | Playback of tracks from Media Servers can fail sometimes | | minor | 4.1.9 | 1754 | 4.1.9 | 2 | Ludek | | closed | 2021-09-20 |
| | 0016471 | | Wi-Fi Sync: Playlists fail to update correctly when select by 'Random (refresh all)' is used | | major | 2.1.0 | 2239 | | 6 | rusty | | feedback | 2021-09-20 |
| | 0018238 | | On mouse Rating preview is lost on status bar refresh | | minor | 5.1 | 2501 | 5.0.2 | 3 | peke | | closed | 2021-09-19 |
| | 0015021 | [MMW 5] Main Panel: Toolbars & Menus | Add support for own Album description, display local genres in MyLibrary mode | | feature | 5.0.2 | | | 1 | michal | | resolved | 2021-09-18 |
| | 0018256 | | Applying Filter in Duplicate Content constantly asks to analyze for duplicates | | major | 5.0.2 | 2503 | 5.0.2 | 2 | lowlander | | closed | 2021-09-17 |
| | 0015176 | | Playing from portable version to a renderer may fail (as portable version doesn't auto-conf firewall) | | minor | 5.0 | 2130 | 5.0 | 2 | Ludek | | closed | 2021-09-17 |
| | 0018274 | [MMW 5] Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools) | Cancelling Tagging can introduce discrepancies | | major | 5.0.2 | 2503 | 5.0.2 | 2 | lowlander | | closed | 2021-09-17 |
| | 0018299 | [MMW 5] Extensions (bundled) | Export all playlists can freeze for large playlists/DBs | | crash | 5.0.2 | 2503 | 5.0.2 | 2 | Ludek | | closed | 2021-09-17 |
| | 0018310 | | Improve configuration/management of MM firewall rules | | feature | 5.1 | | | 1 | peke | | closed | 2021-09-17 |
| | 0017030 | | Close to tray fails to restore | | minor | 5.0 | 2273 | 5.0 | 6 | Ludek | | closed | 2021-09-17 |
| | 0017740 | | System tray Artwork Popup always flashes empty album art | | major | 5.0 | 2334 | 5.0 | 2 | rusty | | closed | 2021-09-17 |
| | 0018176 | [MMW 5] Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters | Searching for semicolon fails | | minor | 5.0.2 | 2500 | 5.0.2 | 7 | Ludek | | closed | 2021-09-17 |
| | 0018218 | | Playback start delay when opening audio from explorer | | minor | | 2500 | 5.0.2 | 2 | petr | | closed | 2021-09-17 |
| | 0018135 | [MMW 5] Burning / Disc Handling | CD Lookup: Better handling connection errors | | major | 5.0.2 | 2500 | 5.0.2 | 3 | peke | | closed | 2021-09-17 |
| | 0018143 | | Command line: Command line executed before MM is fully loaded | | major | 5.0.2 | 2500 | 5.0.2 | 2 | peke | | closed | 2021-09-17 |
| | 0018092 | | Possible AV on closing when device config has unsaved changes to apply | | minor | 5.0.2 | 2500 | 5.0.2 | 2 | Ludek | | closed | 2021-09-17 |
| | 0018087 | | If playback is stopped, NEXT does not start Playback of Next file | | tweak | 5.0.2 | 2500 | 5.0.2 | 2 | lowlander | | closed | 2021-09-17 |
| | 0018224 | [MMW 5] FileMonitor / Find Missing | Optimize code for importing playlists from iTunes | | minor | 5.0.2 | 2500 | 5.0.2 | 2 | Ludek | | closed | 2021-09-17 |
| | 0018185 | [MMW 5] Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters | F3 Shortcut to start Search not implemented | | tweak | 5.0.2 | 2500 | 5.0.2 | 2 | lowlander | | closed | 2021-09-17 |
| | 0018175 | | Can't delete Classifications in Media Tree | | minor | 5.0.2 | 2500 | 5.0.2 | 2 | lowlander | | closed | 2021-09-17 |
| | 0017837 | | Track Info popup causes most full-screen games to minimize | | minor | 5.0.2 | 2501 | 5.0.2 | 8 | drakinite | | closed | 2021-09-17 |
| | 0018068 | [MMW 5] Burning / Disc Handling | Auto Number mask does not work in the Rip CD (once the dialog is already started with that mask) | | minor | 5.0.2 | 2500 | 5.0.2 | 2 | Ludek | | closed | 2021-09-17 |
| | 0018091 | | Remove "Show warning when file to be played is not accessible" option | | minor | 5.0.2 | 2500 | 5.0.2 | 5 | michal | | closed | 2021-09-17 |
| | 0018071 | | Play now Double Click Action is slower comparing to MM4 | | tweak | 5.0.2 | 2500 | 5.0.2 | 6 | peke | | closed | 2021-09-17 |
| | 0016842 | | WASAPI Output: Devices that do not support exclusive access throw error | | major | 5.0.2 | 2500 | 5.0.2 | 3 | peke | | closed | 2021-09-17 |
| | 0018242 | | Non-downloaded tracks cannot be sent to iPod | | minor | 5.0.2 | 2501 | 5.0.2 | 2 | Ludek | | closed | 2021-09-17 |
| | 0018085 | | Column filter's columns are not (re)stored for custom views | | major | 5.0.2 | 2501 | 5.0.2 | 2 | Ludek | | closed | 2021-09-17 |
| | 0013261 | | MediaServer: Some Components are still blocked by firewall | | major | 4.1.18 | 1845 | 4.1.18 | 34 | peke | | resolved | 2021-09-17 |
| | 0017239 | | Installing debug build over non-debug build leaves data.zip | | trivial | 5.0.2 | 2502 | 5.0.2 | 2 | drakinite | | closed | 2021-09-16 |
| | 0018244 | | Possible infinite background activity after visiting "DB / Tag mismatches" node | | major | 5.0.2 | 2501 | 5.0.2 | 2 | Ludek | | closed | 2021-09-16 |
| | 0018211 | [MMW 5] Burning / Disc Handling | Some ripped tracks are missing date added | | minor | 5.0.2 | 2501 | 5.0.2 | 3 | Ludek | | closed | 2021-09-16 |
| | 0018258 | | Artwork not displayed correctly in Playing node | | major | 5.0.2 | 2501 | 5.0.2 | 4 | lowlander | | closed | 2021-09-16 |
| | 0018273 | [MMW 5] Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools) | Auto-tag status is incorrect / processes unselected tracks (regression) | | major | 5.0.2 | 2502 | 5.0.2 | 3 | rusty | | closed | 2021-09-16 |
| | 0018284 | [MMW 5] Tagging / organizing (properties / auto-tools) | Auto-tag: column headers aren't aligned with column content (regression) | | minor | 5.0.2 | 2502 | 5.0.2 | 2 | rusty | | closed | 2021-09-16 |
| | 0017806 | [MMW 5] Casting (Google Cast / UPnP) | Certain transcoded tracks loops end of song while Google casting | | minor | 5.0.1 | 2502 | 5.0.2 | 5 | Ludek | | closed | 2021-09-15 |
| | 0018268 | | Popup menu sometimes causes crash with error A14A022A | | crash | 5.0.2 | 2502 | 5.0.2 | 2 | michal | | closed | 2021-09-15 |
| | 0016930 | | Backups can take up huge amount of space without the user realizing | | feature | 5.0.2 | 2502 | 5.0.2 | 8 | rusty | | closed | 2021-09-14 |
| | 0018297 | [MMW 5] Playlists (Auto) / Search / Filters | Export All Playlists uses custom folder dialog instead of Windows folder dialog | | minor | 5.0.2 | | | 1 | lowlander | | closed | 2021-09-14 |
| | 0016283 | [MMW 5] Extensions (bundled) | Missing 4.x Extensions | | feature | 5.0 | 2243 | 5.0 | 7 | rusty | | closed | 2021-09-14 |