View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021492MMW 5Main Panelpublic2025-02-19 23:15
ReporterLudek Assigned To 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2024.0 
Target Version2024.1Fixed in Version2024.1 
Summary0021492: Custom view edit may fail in certain specific situations
DescriptionUser from ticket [Ticket # 9070] shared a portable installation in which following fails:

1) Open MM - initial view is a playlist, which uses my custom playlist view. All view elements are visible.
2) Edit the playlist view - uncheck all 6 elements of the view and save.
3) Playlist is now displaying correctly without any of those elements.
4) Switch to the "Entire Library" collection, then switch back to the original playlist.
=> display is now back to as it was before, with all 6 elements showing
Steps To Reproduce1) Create 'Custom playlist' view for playlists with all elements (including 'Column Filter' enabled)
2) Create 'Custom library' view for 'Entire Library' node with 'List (by Album)' and 'Column Filter' element enabled
3) Edit 'Custom playlist' view to disable 'Column Filter' element
4) Switch to 'Entire Library' node
5) Switch back to playlists
=> 'Column FIlter' gets re-enabled!!
Additional Information[Ticket # 9070]
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build3108


related to 0016437 closedpetr Views: refreshing reverts sorting / columns / column order in several cases 
related to 0015756 resolvedrusty 'Manage views' functionality seems broken / incomplete 
related to 0016379 closedpetr Creating custom views causes View corruption / other issues 



2025-02-19 16:06

developer   ~0078301

This bug exists in 5.0.4 too, so it is nothing new..
Appears only when the collection has also a custom view used..

Assigned to Petr as the custom views / Manage Views functionality is his code..


2025-02-19 17:16

developer   ~0078306

Last edited: 2025-02-19 17:30

The issue is more severe than I though as even when "Column Filter" persists after restart then switching to custom library view without "Column Filter" removes "Column FIlter" from the "Custom Playlist" subview permanently

Assigned back to me, I found the reason, I'll fix it later today...


2025-02-19 23:15

developer   ~0078308

Fixed in 3108