View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0015756 | MMW 5 | Main Panel | public | 2019-06-17 19:51 | 2025-02-18 15:38 |
Reporter | Ludek | Assigned To | |||
Priority | urgent | Severity | major | Reproducibility | always |
Status | resolved | Resolution | reopened | ||
Product Version | 5.0 | ||||
Target Version | 5.0 | Fixed in Version | 5.0 | ||
Summary | 0015756: 'Manage views' functionality seems broken / incomplete | ||||
Description | I configured another order for columns in "My view" : 1) the columns order is unchanged when I switched from 'List view' to 'My view' 2) I cannot define which sub-views should be enabled for "My view"\ Edits by Rusty: 1)b) Column chooser is difficult to use because it's a modal dialog and many of the columns aren't visible. Perhaps change the orientation to vertical OR at least display the columns as compactly as possible 1)c) Sorting should be implemented by a 'Sort by:' option (since the current sorting mechanism is non-intuitive) 1)d) Is there a reason why List views don't have a Group by: option (i.e. it's unclear why there's a special view for 'Albums & tracks'--why can't it just be a List view with a 'Group by' option?) 3) 'Browser' view should have options for what displays within (besides the 'Collection grid'). e.g.: a) Suggested Artists b) Suggested Albums c) Pinned items 4)a) For any Grid view or subview that contains images (e.g. Artist suggestions), image size should be a configurable option b) Ideally, there should be a 'default' image size configured in e.g. Library>Appearance so that users can configure default image size _once_. That way users can leave the 'default' setting in most cases, and only change the setting for specific views. 5) Options > Media Tree should allow the user to configure the views associated with root nodes of the media tree along with the views associated with the Child nodes. This implies: a) If the user configures Collection options for 'Music', there should be an additional tab for Views (immediately following the 'Criteria' tab). It would contain the same content as 'Manage views' for the Music node. b) Change 'Tree nodes' --> 'Sub-nodes & Views' c) It should be possible to edit the Views associated with 'Sub-nodes' by: . . i) clicking an 'Edit' button . . ii) double-clicking the subnode In either case, the 'Manage views...' dialog associated with the subnode should open. d) Change Media Tree --> Collections & Views e) Edit Media Tree --> Edit and configure nodes to display f) Media Tree Item --> Content to display 6) Unless I'm misunderstanding how this is supposed to work, there seems to be a conflict between the Collection config and the Views config--they each respectively give the user the ability to choose what columns to display within a Collection / View, and yet Views are configured independently of Collections. Is this an issue? NOTE: Once 'Manage views...' is correctly implemented, we should probably eliminate the current context-menu based approach as it is quite messy (especially if we add view configuration options that are missing from the context menu). TBD (yet to be evaluated): Other collection-level nodes: Classical, Podcasts, Audiobooks, Music Video, Video, TV, Playlists, Devices & Services, Folders, Pinned Other top level nodes: Years, Publishers, Rating, Classification, Location, Files to Edit Lower level nodes: AlbumName, ArtistName, GenreName, etc. | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
Fixed in build | 2240 | ||||
related to | 0015926 | closed | rusty | Improvements to navigation of Playlist/Folder hierarchy |
related to | 0016391 | resolved | rusty | List views are not configured/saved per-node |
parent of | 0015584 | closed | petr | Views: Subviews should persist on a per-view basis |
related to | 0015112 | closed | michal | Missing features in some views |
related to | 0015712 | closed | rusty | "Art View", "Browser View", "Grid View" - why different names for the same view |
related to | 0015801 | closed | rusty | Playlists: Grid View is not available |
related to | 0014086 | closed | michal | Add 'Column browser'/Filter to more views |
related to | 0016070 | closed | michal | Choose columns dialog crashes when changing columns visibility - regression. |
related to | 0016266 | closed | Ludek | "Grid (by Album)" view is missing from some views |
related to | 0016468 | closed | rusty | 'Manage Views' via Collection Options > Sub-nodes & Views fails |
related to | 0019345 | new | petr | Custom Views are unavailable in Location sub-nodes |
related to | 0018296 | closed | rusty | Track Browser: Artwork and Summary columns are listed out of order |
related to | 0019416 | assigned | rusty | Views: Ability to 'Group by' x |
related to | 0021492 | closed | Ludek | Custom view edit may fail in certain specific situations |
re 1d) i've rather removed Group By option (as there were always just one option). Reason we have 'List' and 'List (by album)' is because this list refrects viewAs options in view handler re 2) based on 0014132 item 5 sub-views are not configurable |
Fixed |
Fixed |
Verified 2218 Left resolved till Rusty confirm. |
Bug 1576 2) Subview configuration: Image size is configurable for view types in which they don't appear (e.g. Type: List) 7) Layout issues: A) In the 'Configure View' dialog, 'Preset name' should be changed to 'Name'. B) 'Image size' shouldn't be a button and shouldn't be aligned with the OK/Cancel buttons since it's an attribute, and should be visually associated with all other attributes. 8) When the user adds a new view, the cursor is initially in the Preset Name field, but typing has no effect! 9) New views don't work right away: 1 Music > All tracks 2 Manage views > Add new 3 Create 'Test view'. Remove a few columns (file/path), change the sort order (rating a..z), and enable subview:column filter. Click OK 2x. --> A) 'List' view appears (instead of 'Test view' which was selected when the user clicked OK at step 3)! --> B) 'List' view has the column/sort settings of 'Test view', but without the subview! 4 Click the Views dropdown button --> C) 'Test view' isn't shown as an option! 5 Click 'Manage Views' and select 'Test view' --> 'Test view' appears correctly (with the expected subview unlike B) 6 Switch to 'List' view --> 'List' view displays correctly (unlike A) 10) Deleted views don't update right away: 0 Switch to 'List view' 1 Manage views > Select 'Test view' and press DELETE, and click OK 2 Click the Views dropdown button --> 'Test view' is still listed as an available option! 3 Switch to a different view and click the Views dropdown --> 'Test view' is now removed. 11) This is a variant of 8, in which deleting the active view --> crash 0 Switch to 'Test view' 1 Manage views > Select 'Test view' and press DELETE, and click OK 2 Click the Views dropdown button --> 'Test view' is still listed as an available option! 3 Switch to a different view and click the Views dropdown --> 'Test view' remains. --> MM crashes: Crash log ID: A04C6FA4 Preumably, what should happen is that if the user attempts to delete the active view, then MM should switch to e.g. the First view in the list. 12) After making an edit to a view, clicking the View switcher doesn't work. i.e. 1 Click Manage views > Browser 2 Check all 4 options, click OK 2x 3 Click the view switcher (not the down button) --> Nothing happens! 4 Click the 'down' combo box view switcher --> User can switch views! 13) In Music [Browser], MM5 shows the Collection Browser, Suggested Artists, and Suggested Albums, BUT 1 Click Manage Views > Browser --> Only Collection Browser is checked off! i.e. there's a disconnect between the config and what is actually displayed. 14) Re. options for Music [Grid view]: A) In view configuration for Grid view allows the user to enable the Collection Browser, Suggested Artists, Suggested Albums, Pinned list (even though none of these are relevant to the Grid view (see attached image) B) Would it make sense to allow the user to enable the Collection browser (this is useful if for Music [Grid], since it's a root node and should allow for switching to other subnodes. Note: this applies to all views at the root node level (i.e. Music [List], Music [List by album]) 15) After making edits in Music [Browser], and Music > All views, then when switching from Music to Music > All --> views are corrupted: and display a combination of all views applicable to both nodes! See attached. I'm stopping testing at this point since I'm no longer sure what is a bug and what is due to corruption in the views. |
Aside from the above there are several reports that this functionality is broken in 2219 and creates duplicities in the View menu: |
Image size works globally as CSS/LESS constant so it could be tricky to make it configurable per view. |
Image size is constant in LESS, and after changing it we need to regenerate whole CSS from LESS, because also several other LESS constants and many styles depend on this constant (text size, line spacing, paddings, margins, positions, etc). So every view would need its own CSS then. |
Fixed |
I have not yet verified previous fixes, but there are several other user-reported issues that I can replicate: 16) In List views (e.g. Music > All Tracks), Manage Views for List views fails to persist any changes re. Column settings (i.e. Add/Remove/Re-order columns has no effect). Reported at: 17) Strangely, adding/removing/re-ordering columns within the view or using the Choose Columns functionality works (Barry reported that the changes didn't persist, but I didn't notice that problem. I would however, suggest that 'Choose Columns' dialog be eliminated and that instead it should open the 'Manage views' function for the current view (since that has the Choose Columns functionality as well). 18) Creating a custom view of the same View Type as a default view fails to independently persist View elements. e.g. in Music > Genres > Acoustic Rock [Grid (by album)], create a new custom view of View type 'Grid (by album)', but enable the 'Column Filter' element --> the Column Filter is also enabled for the 'Grid (by album)' view! |
Holding off on this until we decide on 0016391. |
Note that 2) was reverted based on conclusion in 0016391:0057171 Based on this I would also suggest to change wording 'Manage views...' -> 'Customize views...' |
19) (in 2232) custom view columns/sort will apply to [List] view |
Fixed |
Tested build 2239 up to issue 8) and found the following thus far: 0016504, 0016468, 0016503 20) Tools > Options > Collections and Views > Podcasts > Sub-nodes & Views Tab > Double-click 'Podcast Directories' --> Crashlog A04CACF7, C4917761 |
20) fixed |
Tagging as resolved to trigger testing. |
Verified 20) in 2240. Leaving 'resolved' to test all remaining items. |
Verified all issues in 2247 except: Open issue: 14a) If Pinned List is enabled in any Collection's Root [Browser] view (other than Entire Library [Browser] ), the pinned items don't appear. I suppose that for now, the Global pinned items should appear, and in the future, we may have different pinned items per Collection? Open issues tracked elsewhere: 17) Better access to sort settings opened as 0016515 + related tweak 0016614 18) Variants of this view corruption re-opened at: 0016379 21) Grid views flash when switching between custom grid views: 0016616 Will not be implemented: 5) Collections no longer integrates View configuration. 1d) Group by functionality can't be configured. e.g. no way to choose List (by Artist) for music or List (by Composer) for Classical. Though I expect that we'll revisit this in the future. |
14a) fixed |
1d) i think we need to completely revise classical support in MM5 |
Resolved for testing 14a, the others issues either tracked elsewhere (17, 18, 21) or won't be implemented (5, 1d) EDIT: issues 8-16, 19 should be tested. |