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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0021501MMAPlaybackpublic2025-02-22 12:04
Reporterrusty Assigned To 
Status feedbackResolutionreopened 
Product Version2.0.3 
Target Version2.0.4Fixed in Version2.0.4 
Summary0021501: Playback continues silently on some devices
DescriptionThere have been numerous reports of playback continuing silently after a track has played normally in build 1226. All users report that this started occurring on Android 15 devices and that disabling 'Gapless' solves the problem.

Some users report that:
- the issue started with
- enabling 'shuffle mode' solves the problem
- the issue occurs specifically when the phone is locked
- it occurs consistently with certain music files and not others

This is problematic since 'Gapless' is enabled by default.
Additional Information
Ticket 9004, 9058, 9105, 9169, 9174
+ 3 reports of the same in the Play store
TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in build1227


related to 0018630 newmartin Gapless playback does not work correctly on Pixel 6 with Android 12 
related to 0021423 feedbackrusty Google Maps instructions cause MMA playback to stop (regression?) 
related to 0019639 closedmartin Silent playback / Playback stops by itself (regression) 
related to 0021399 feedbackmartin Gap near start of music playback on Android 15 



2025-02-19 21:34

administrator   ~0078307

Last edited: 2025-02-19 21:40

I was unable to replicate the silent playback issue. Tested:
- Lock screen on/off
- All file types
- MM running in background
- Bluetooth on/off

The only issue that I observed a couple of times was that when playing via Bluetooth, an incoming notification would stop playback! Debug log:

So unless there's another bug that I can't replicate (which is possible) I suspect that these reports are related to the changes at 0021423


2025-02-20 10:49

developer   ~0078310

re: 1LH7R96KCI MMA did not pause due to Notification, but because KEYCODE_MEDIA_PAUSE was received. So in this case MMA has correct behavior and the event was handled outside MMA.


2025-02-21 05:58

administrator   ~0078317

I guess the question then is why the Media Pause command is received when there's an incoming notification.

More importantly, the user in ticket 9169 confirmed that the track muting issues is track dependent. i.e. it occurs consistently with certain tracks but not others. Details are in the ticket, but he shared a log: J3AKV9YCHD


2025-02-21 17:23

developer   ~0078320

So the issue on Android 15 was related to 0021399 and had to be fixed together.

Fixed in build


2025-02-21 18:33

administrator   ~0078323

Note: the bug seems to occur in two different ways depending on the files used to replicate it:
Case 1) (with the files I've shared): on transition to Track 2, seekbar moves to the end of track 2 and appears to be playing but playback is stuck
Case 2) (with the files shared at ticket 9169): on transition to Track 2, seekbar continues moving through track 2 but playback is silent

Build 1227 seems to resolve both cases.


2025-02-21 18:59

administrator   ~0078326

Last edited: 2025-02-21 19:21

I spoke to soon. When playing over a half hour, I found that although the original cases are fixed, the issue still occurs occasionally/inconsistently.

1 Initiated playback of Listen to her heart.
2 Moved the seekbar halfware through the track
--> Aileh Varechev began playing
--> Im Telech started playing silently! (as in Case I)

Debug log: 4MI9K3LDMH


2025-02-22 12:04

developer   ~0078333

I can replicate it quite often with tracks from ticket 9169.
It's good that I can replicate it, I'm working on a better solution...