| | 0004280 | | Consistency issue: Change 'Filters and Views' to 'Filters & Views' | | minor | | 1185 | 3.1 | 3 | rusty | | closed | 2008-12-04 |
| | 0002999 | [MMW v4] Main Panel/Toolbars/Menus | Album Art - Details View: Enable for Now Playing | | feature | | 1185 | 3.1 | 2 | rusty | | closed | 2008-12-04 |
| | 0004179 | [MMW v4] Properties/Auto-Tools | Properties dialog: CTRL-A doesn't work to select all text in a field | | minor | | 1185 | 3.1 | 2 | rusty | | closed | 2008-12-04 |
| | 0004408 | | Improve Album Art scanning (only add art if all tracks in a dir have similar Album fields) | | minor | | 1191 | 3.1 | 9 | jiri | | resolved | 2008-12-03 |
| | 0004756 | | Sync gapless playback info to iPod for M4A (prevent art corruption) | | minor | | 1185 | 3.1 | 5 | jiri | | resolved | 2008-12-03 |
| | 0004754 | [MMW v4] Main Panel/Toolbars/Menus | Filter config can cause device to appear in tree even if not connected (regression) | | minor | | 1184 | 3.1 | 2 | petr | | closed | 2008-12-03 |
| | 0004932 | | Track transitions during CD Playback triggers endless AVs (regression) | | major | | | 3.1 | 2 | rusty | | closed | 2008-12-03 |
| | 0003668 | [MMW v4] Main Panel/Toolbars/Menus | Vista Taskbar state doesn't adjust in response to MM being Maximized | | minor | | | 3.1 | 6 | user_Morten | | feedback | 2008-12-03 |
| | 0004672 | | Video: Vid4WA plugin no longer works with MM 3.0 | | major | | 1193 | 3.1 | 2 | rusty | | closed | 2008-12-02 |
| | 0004777 | | Podcasts: PubDate field of the PodcastEpisodes table doesn't get populated with the time portion | | minor | | 1185 | 3.1 | 5 | Ludek | | resolved | 2008-12-02 |
| | 0004801 | | Some opml dirs cannot be imported | | minor | | 1185 | 3.1 | 1 | Ludek | | resolved | 2008-12-02 |
| | 0004813 | | Some unicode characters are displayed badly in OPML dirs | | minor | | 1185 | 3.1 | 1 | Ludek | | resolved | 2008-12-02 |
| | 0004848 | | iPod 4G synch problems re. Album Art | | feature | | 1187 | 3.0 | 4 | rusty | | closed | 2008-12-02 |
| | 0004782 | | iPod Touch / iPhone 2.0 update not compatible with MM | | major | | 1188 | 3.0 | 1 | rusty | | closed | 2008-12-02 |
| | 0004886 | | No artwork on iPod Touch 2.0 | | minor | | 1189 | 3.0 | 1 | jiri | | closed | 2008-12-02 |
| | 0004908 | | Tracks synched during the very first session with MM aren't synced properly | | minor | | 1191 | 3.1 | 1 | jiri | | resolved | 2008-12-02 |
| | 0004475 | | Specific corrupted WAV files can freeze MM | | crash | | 1199 | 3.1 | 5 | peke | | resolved | 2008-12-02 |
| | 0004892 | | Some toolbars are missing close buttons and the navigation toolbar is not labeled | | minor | | 1190 | 3.1 | 1 | stephen_platt | | closed | 2008-12-02 |
| | 0004894 | [MMW v4] Main Panel/Toolbars/Menus | Floating toolbars not labelled / mislabelled / and missing buttons | | minor | | 1190 | 3.1 | 2 | rusty | | closed | 2008-12-02 |
| | 0001666 | [MMW v4] Properties/Auto-Tools | Album Art & Auto-Organize: Linked Images are lost | | major | | 1130 | 3.0 | 13 | rusty | | closed | 2008-12-01 |
| | 0004956 | | If Enabled AutoDJ should be also called on TrackEnd event | | tweak | | | | 6 | peke | | resolved | 2008-12-01 |
| | 0004969 | [MMW v4] Burning / Disc Handling | Burning TAO: gaps should be included when calculating overall time | | minor | | 1198 | 3.1 | 1 | Ludek | | resolved | 2008-12-01 |
| | 0004847 | [MMW v4] Properties/Auto-Tools | Auto tag from web / amazon should allow for updating disc # in multiple CD sets | | tweak | | | | 1 | stephen_platt | | closed | 2008-11-28 |
| | 0002918 | [MMW v4] Properties/Auto-Tools | Automated Album Art lookup when playing/ripping CD | | feature | | | | | rusty | | closed | 2008-11-28 |
| | 0003982 | | Sleep timer expiry: Volume doesn't reset back to normal | | minor | | 1196 | 3.1 | 3 | rusty | | closed | 2008-11-28 |
| | 0004974 | | Regression: Searching in 'Current Selection' mode can be slow | | minor | | 1196 | 3.1 | 3 | Ludek | | closed | 2008-11-28 |
| | 0004151 | | Debug Log (via dbgview) should log correct / full version number | | minor | | 1195 | 3.1 | 2 | rusty | | closed | 2008-11-28 |
| | 0004810 | [MMW v4] Properties/Auto-Tools | Disk#/Track# do not support Negative Values | | trivial | | | | 8 | peke | | resolved | 2008-11-28 |
| | 0003942 | | Installation Script for various Devices and its Settings | | feature | | | | 3 | peke | | assigned | 2008-11-28 |
| | 0003276 | | skinning could use an "unfocused rollover" state for generic window buttons | | trivial | | | | 1 | user_Dale | | assigned | 2008-11-28 |
| | 0004944 | [MMW v4] Framework: Scripts/Extensions | Artists.Count returns incorrect number | | minor | | | | 1 | user_Dale | | resolved | 2008-11-28 |
| | 0004975 | [MMW v4] Properties/Auto-Tools | Support for Subtitle field | | feature | | | | | rusty | | new | 2008-11-27 |
| | 0004966 | | Add vid4wa plugin back to the addons pages | | minor | | | | | rusty | | assigned | 2008-11-27 |
| | 0004776 | | Regression: Playcounter is not updated before TrackEnd Event | | trivial | | 1185 | 3.1 | 3 | peke | | closed | 2008-11-27 |
| | 0002954 | [MMW v4] Properties/Auto-Tools | FLAC: some fields aren't saved to tags / saved incorrectly | | major | | 1050 | 3.0 | 15 | rusty | | closed | 2008-11-27 |
| | 0003269 | | portable player db builds don't take into account multiple field values | | minor | | | | 1 | user_Dale | | closed | 2008-11-27 |
| | 0003625 | | Update to newest codecs for 3.1 | | minor | | | | 1 | jiri | | closed | 2008-11-27 |
| | 0004518 | [MMW v4] Framework: Scripts/Extensions | Last.fm Extensions: uninstall doesn't work correctly | | major | | 1186 | | 7 | rusty | | closed | 2008-11-27 |
| | 0003754 | | Search bar: Configureable search mode on a per root node basis | | feature | | | 3.1 | 4 | rusty | | closed | 2008-11-27 |
| | 0002991 | | Playlist: dragging from Now Playing to a playlist doesn't work correctly | | minor | | 1187 | 3.1 | 4 | rusty | | closed | 2008-11-26 |
| | 0004795 | | Internal: Some DUNIT query tests fail. | | minor | | | 3.1 | 1 | jiri | | closed | 2008-11-26 |
| | 0003222 | | "more from same" as a hotkey doesn't work | | minor | | 1050 | | 4 | user_Dale | | closed | 2008-11-26 |
| | 0003187 | | html panels do not translate the first click to flash | | minor | | | | | user_Dale | | new | 2008-11-26 |
| | 0004110 | | Fine-grained searches via the Search bar (e.g. Artist: feat.) | | feature | | | | 1 | peke | | assigned | 2008-11-26 |
| | 0004964 | [MMW v4] Properties/Auto-Tools | Memory Leak re. in place editing of Arist field | | minor | | | | | rusty | | assigned | 2008-11-26 |
| | 0004717 | [MMW v4] Properties/Auto-Tools | Auto-organize doesn't adjust the case of folder names when that is the only change | | major | | | | 2 | rusty | | resolved | 2008-11-26 |
| | 0004781 | | Multiple instances of MM can trigger Error dialog. | | minor | | | | 2 | peke | | resolved | 2008-11-26 |
| | 0003292 | | double clicking blank area in now playing restarts song | | minor | | | | 3 | user_Dale | | assigned | 2008-11-26 |
| | 0004171 | | Party mode password dialog pops up behind Main Panel sometimes | | major | | | | 4 | rusty | | feedback | 2008-11-26 |
| | 0001958 | | The Application sometimes stay topmost after switching from party mode fullscreen back | | minor | | | | | Ludek | | assigned | 2008-11-26 |